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Covering The Truth in 2013

Russ Tanner interviews video creator John Massaria about the intimidation he experienced, which eventually persuaded him to take down his video of an interview with Russ Tanner and Dane Wigington, titled; “the most important topic for 2013”

Climatologist Files Suit Against Secret and Illegal Military Weather Modification Using Chemical Aerosols

After graduating from the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium in Bonn (1992), Brandt founded www.donnerwetter.de and is one of the first private weather service sites in Germany.  After studying business administration at the University of Hagen (Diploma in Business Administration, 2001) as well as the history, politics and economics (Master’s degree, 2004)  In 2007 Brandt  earned a PhD in Climatology at the University of Duisburg-Essen.  In his writings, Brandt challenges Global Warming as a  failed climate policy.  He argues that solar activity, ocean currents and other features play a far greater role in changing the climate compared to CO2.


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