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Toxic Skies, Call For Action

We only need to put a crack in the dam of silence and secrecy on the climate engineering issue, then the whole dam will finally break. This 30 second time-lapse film clip is yet another tool to help wake people up. We must all make everyday count in this battle. My sincere gratitude to David Weiss for making this excellent and revealing video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Engineering Winter Storms

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org How is it there are such anomalous cold events on an ever rapidly warming planet? Welcome to climate engineering and "artificial ice nucleation for weather modification". The geoengineers were able to manipulate some weather headlines and produce a few cold records in the Eastern US  just before the end of October, 2014, with what they labeled as the "polar blast"(the constant record heat in so many parts of the planet are generally ignored by mainstream media). Engineered snow storms are a major part of the ongoing climate engineering assault on our biosphere. Massive fluctuations of temperatures and conditions accompany such unnatural events. There is no longer any "natural" weather, none. Surreal photos from Slovenia's Worst Ice Storm In History (though mainstream media tried to make it seem as if such an event had happened before by saying it was the worst "in living memory", statistically it was an unprecedented event). I was contacted by people from Slovenia who made it completely clear that they believed this ice cataclysm was the result of weather warfare, punishment for resistance to outside political pressures.

Selling Climate Engineering While Denying It, Meet Professor Clive Hamilton.

Meet  professor Clive Hamilton, a member of the Australian Board of Climate Change Authority. In this short, just released video interview below (8 minutes), Professor Hamilton does admit to the fact that many extremely powerful and corrupt governments, corporations, agencies, and individuals are completely focused on geoengineering, but then Hamilton expects us to believe that climate engineering is not already going on. Does Clive also expect us to believe that the global power structure would ask our permission before they decided to implement such atmospheric spraying programs? Power that is completely out of control never asks permission, and this case is no exception. Clive Hamilton’s denial of the blatantly visible climate engineering going on in our skies every day should be considered criminal. Hamilton is in fact helping the military industrial complex to hide in plain site their all out assault against all life on Earth. Such “expert” deniers should be held publicly accountable. Professor Hamilton’s public contact is here send him a message and let him know what you think of him helping to hide greatest crime ever carried out in the history of the human race. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Geoengineering, What Do Our Children Have To Say About It?

We fight to save a future for our children, we owe our lives to them. Too many in our society have rationalized their own personal pursuits of pleasure while claiming to love their children. To truly show our love for the children of the world, we must fight for them with every breath we take, with every fiber of our being. It is this that drives me forward in this battle. The video below is particularly close to my heart, two of the voices in this video are from my son and my daughter. Our reality and theirs is changing and darkening by the day. Our collective challenges are growing at a pace that cannot be truly comprehended. Will we go silently into the night? Or will we join hands and struggle against the fading of the light? It is time for all to stand and join this fight for our very survival, and the survival of our children. There is only now, make your voice heard in this all important battle to expose and stop the greatest of all human assaults against life on Earth, global climate engineering. My sincere gratitude to Mauro Oliveira for producing this video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Aerosol Skies

Unfortunately much of the population cannot seem to recall what natural clouds look like, they mistake sprayed toxic aerosol clouds as “normal”. It’s up to each and every one of us to bring the horribly engineered skies to the attention of others. Let’s all prompt those around us to “look up” and take notice of the criminal activity in our skies. The attached 3 minute video below is a message on this point. My sincere thanks to Anwaar Ali for capturing and forwarding this great footage to geoengineeringwatch.org. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Dane Wigington And Josefina Martin Of Skyguards Discuss Geoengineering

This discussion of climate engineering and relating global threats took place just after a major presentation given to Shasta County Supervisors on geoengineering by numerous experts with hundreds of Northern California citizens in attendance. Josefina Martin of “Skyguards” came all the way from Spain to attend the Shasta County event. The Skyguards group is working with the EU in the effort to expose climate engineering. My thanks to Deborah Whitman of “Environmental Voices” for filming this discussion. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Undeniable Footage Of Jet Aircraft Spraying

The extremely compelling footage in this 3 minute video should be yet another powerful tool to be used in the battle to awaken the sleeping masses to what is occurring over their heads day in and day out. The sprayed disbursements that are clearly occurring behind this jet tanker can not be rationally denied. All of us must help with the challenge of bringing awareness to this dire issue. My most sincere thanks to Tom Anderson and Anubis 420 for catching this very valuable film footage. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Aerosol Spraying Jet Nearly Collides With Oncoming Aircraft

My thanks to activist Raymond Black for adding a very compelling video to our library of aircraft spraying films. The more that activists and citizens dedicate themselves to filming and recording the aerosol crimes in our skies, the faster the public will be awakened to the dire threat of climate engineering. Global geoengineering is the most critical untold story on the planet, we must all work together in the battle to bring this issue to light. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Massive Spraying Shows Up On Normally Filtered Satellite Loop Images

Once in a while the normally computer filtered satellite loop films do not filter out the blatantly obvious aerosol spraying trails that are being fed into upper level wind currents. My sincere thanks to “The HAARP Report” for capturing (and narrating) this unfiltered, compelling and alarming video that shows all too clearly the degree of toxic spraying that is constantly being dumped on us all. There is much more to the aerosol programs than just the horizon to horizon trails on an otherwise clear day. The spraying is constant around the globe. The skies above us are almost constantly filled with the drifting toxic brew of the climate engineers. The 4 minute video below gives us yet another powerful tool to prove that geoengineering programs are real and ongoing. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

On And Off Spraying From Geoengineering Jet Is Beyond Dispute

The ongoing and lethal atmospheric experiments appear to be in a constant state of flux. As more and more people wake up to the climate engineering insanity, less obvious methods of particulate spraying for artificial cloud creation will likely be utilized. Skies are now often filled with cob web like aerosol clouds or even just silvery white in hue, such skies are still the result of aircraft sprayed reflective aerosols. My gratitude yet again to Tom Anderson and Anubis 420 for this latest 3 minute addition to our ever increasing library of climate engineering video evidence. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  


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