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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 5, 2015

Corporate media continues to distract populations with completely irrelevant dramas while the power structure maneuvers to secure their stranglehold on the population while the biosphere implodes. The former US military chief of staff becomes a banker for the top banking cartel one week after retiring from the military. Who is making money from the ever increasing climate catastrophes? The weather trading derivatives gambling casino is run by those that are directly involved with climate modification, no surprise. New studies prove neurological disease and mortality are going off the charts and the studies state conclusively the increase can only be from "environmental factors" that are unknown (or unacknowledged). The highly toxic fallout from climate engineering programs is contaminating the entire web of life. The ship is going down, all are needed to help sound the alarm. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 29, 2015

This week on Global Alert News, yet more blatant censorship from Northern California's "Record Searchlight" newspaper. The planetary burn-down continues as does the global stock market propping up, it is all a grand illusion on Wall Street. As the biosphere implodes, the global economic house of cards will follow. Mainstream media downplays the severity of what we face while the climate engineers continue suppressing Atlantic hurricanes. Did you know there has not been a major hurricane landfall in the US for a record shattering 10 years? Sea levels already up a foot and rising 10 times faster than previously predicted, where was mainstream media's coverage of that one? Time for the masses to wake, we are through the guardrail and heading to the bottom of the canyon. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Radio Show: Climate Engineering – A Clear Danger

Broadcast on 2015/08/22 (AZ Time) Source: Mrs. Green's World Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch I haven’t met Dane Wigington but I can promise you this. This man has a passion for what he is doing. Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR.) Trust me when I say I’ve got hours to go before I sleep doing the research on this one. Dane and his organization are creating controversy worldwide and I like that. We will find out what chemtrailing is, what is involved with carbon dioxide removal, and hear some answers to what GeoEngineering Watch is all about and why or if we should care. Please join me. This show made possible through the generous support of The Fairfax Companies.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 22, 2015

Mainstream media decides what we are informed about and what not. A major climate engineering awareness event took place on August 14th in Redding, California. There were approximately 1000 in attendance with people coming from as far away as Ohio and Alaska. There were former government scientists, former defense industry personnel, former military, and a CEO for one of the largest environmental and engineering consulting firms in the world. So why didn't the primary newspaper in the area not say a single word about this event? In this episode I also cover the impact the collapsing biosphere is having on global economies, this is the descent into a total paradigm shift. Fires are scorching the planet and methane is thawing and releasing into the atmosphere. We face converging catastrophes from countless directions, the sooner we face reality, the better our odds will be. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 25, 2015

Below is the 2nd installment of a new Northern California commercial free news hour being aired Saturday mornings from 6 am to 7 am on KQMS 1400 AM and 99.3 FM (the first show aired is here). By covering climate engineering and critical global events, the information that will be presented on "Global Alert News" is a radical departure from what the North State's primary radio broadcaster has historically presented from sources like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. Though some of the KQMS listeners may be initially shocked by the information they will be exposed to on this straightforward presentation of information, reality will prevail as events that are unfolding around us all become impossible to hide. This episode initially covers the fact that all of us are test subjects in the lethal and ongoing climate engineering operations. The discussion then moves on to focus on the fact that US civilians and US military personnel have routinely been exposed to lethal dangers and testing without their knowledge or consent. This is business as usual for our government of criminals and tyrants.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Planet Killers, Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP. Who’s controlling it?

Source: The Crazz Files This hour and a half interview with Dane Wigington is Jam Packed with a plethora of information. Listen to the verifiable evidence that uncovers the horrific side effects linked to geo-engineering, climate modification, or what many call chemtrails. Barium, Copper, Manganese, Ecoli and Fluoride are just a few of the rouge elements found, being dispersed amongst the population disguised as contrails. Dane discusses how Defense contractor Raytheon does the weather modeling for the national weather service and NOAA and Lockheed Martin handles weather modeling for the FAA. And Much More.

Decorated War Veteran Adam Kokesh Addresses Climate Engineering And Catastrophic Methane Release

Adam Kokesh is completely dedicated to the fight for the common good. He is a former marine and a decorated war veteran. Adam has given his all to exposing the power structure and its ongoing crimes against humanity. This short interview addresses the dire issue of global climate engineering and the unfolding cataclysms geoengineering programs are fueling. So many of the unfolding global environmental cataclysms can in one way or another be directly linked to climate engineering as a causal factor. The entire climate system has been completely derailed, the ozone layer is decimated, the life support systems of the planet are breaking down. Exposing and halting climate engineering is not an option, it is an absolute necessity if life on Earth is to survive. Though this interview was done a while ago, it slipped through the cracks and never got posted at geoengineeringwatch. The information it contains is completely accurate and relevant today, this is confirmation of previous research and conclusions.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  


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