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GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 20th, 2014

The unbelievable swings in temperatures will continue to increase as the climate engineers put ever more pressure on the biosphere’s life support systems. In the last week some regions in the US went from 80 degrees, to the high teens with record snow, and back to the 90s. The climate forcing, coupled with the ever increasing contamination from these programs, are threats that we must face and bring to a halt. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Undeniable Footage Of Jet Aircraft Spraying

The extremely compelling footage in this 3 minute video should be yet another powerful tool to be used in the battle to awaken the sleeping masses to what is occurring over their heads day in and day out. The sprayed disbursements that are clearly occurring behind this jet tanker can not be rationally denied. All of us must help with the challenge of bringing awareness to this dire issue. My most sincere thanks to Tom Anderson and Anubis 420 for catching this very valuable film footage. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Aerosol Spraying Jet Nearly Collides With Oncoming Aircraft

My thanks to activist Raymond Black for adding a very compelling video to our library of aircraft spraying films. The more that activists and citizens dedicate themselves to filming and recording the aerosol crimes in our skies, the faster the public will be awakened to the dire threat of climate engineering. Global geoengineering is the most critical untold story on the planet, we must all work together in the battle to bring this issue to light. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

9/13/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Artificial snow now, heat next week. Disinformation news articles exposed. There is no more natural weather. “Ozone Recovery” articles designed to quell public concern. Media reporting temps lower than actual. Trolls impersonating Dane, Russ, and Max on Facebook. Mainstream media and Meteorologists lying about the spraying. Groves in California dead, being removed now.

GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 13th, 2014

The engineered snow storms are being pushed to ever greater extremes. The unprecedented fluctuations in weather and temperatures should be a huge red flag as to the degree to which the climate engineers are forcing Earth’s life support systems. Half the US is baking, the other half continues to get completely engineered cool-downs. How long can this continue before the biosphere is damaged beyond any chance of recovery? Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Massive Spraying Shows Up On Normally Filtered Satellite Loop Images

Once in a while the normally computer filtered satellite loop films do not filter out the blatantly obvious aerosol spraying trails that are being fed into upper level wind currents. My sincere thanks to “The HAARP Report” for capturing (and narrating) this unfiltered, compelling and alarming video that shows all too clearly the degree of toxic spraying that is constantly being dumped on us all. There is much more to the aerosol programs than just the horizon to horizon trails on an otherwise clear day. The spraying is constant around the globe. The skies above us are almost constantly filled with the drifting toxic brew of the climate engineers. The 4 minute video below gives us yet another powerful tool to prove that geoengineering programs are real and ongoing. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

On And Off Spraying From Geoengineering Jet Is Beyond Dispute

The ongoing and lethal atmospheric experiments appear to be in a constant state of flux. As more and more people wake up to the climate engineering insanity, less obvious methods of particulate spraying for artificial cloud creation will likely be utilized. Skies are now often filled with cob web like aerosol clouds or even just silvery white in hue, such skies are still the result of aircraft sprayed reflective aerosols. My gratitude yet again to Tom Anderson and Anubis 420 for this latest 3 minute addition to our ever increasing library of climate engineering video evidence. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Confronting a US Congressman About Climate Engineering

Our elected officials have so far not been of any use in the battle to expose and halt the climate engineering nightmare. In this 4 minute video US Congressman Doug LaMalfa acts as if he has no knowledge of the geoengineering issue. This is even more troubling as I had met him and spoken to him in another meeting only a week earlier. We must all sound the alarm at a grass roots level with every individual and organization we possibly can. Elected officials will likely be of little to no help in this desperate battle. This fact should not deter our efforts, rather it should make us even more driven to raise awareness on our own till we reach critical mass. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

9/6/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Unprecedented drought catastrophe in California, Wild weather, Animal and plant die-offs at reccord highs, Insects and tree frogs virtually non-existent in some areas, Planet Earth in catastrophic freefall, Historic U.S. eugenics, Jet turbines do not produce trails.

GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 6th, 2014

Though heat waves are still unfolding around the planet, the climate engineers are hard at the effort to whip up the first chemically nucleated artificial snow storms of the season. In late August while temperatures were pushing 110 degrees in Northern California, it snowed in Montana. All must remember, there is NO natural weather at this point, none. This short weather update video will shine more light on the ever increasing all out assault on planet Earth by the climate engineers. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  


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