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10/4/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

California is dying. Geoengineering is causing warming, warming used by geoengineers to justify geoengineering. ISIS created by U.S. The Ebola card being played to scare public. Activists afraid to be active. How to get involved.

Dr. Rima Laibow And General Bert Stubblebine Cover Climate Engineering Threat With Guest Dane Wigington

Dr. Rima Laibow and General Bert Stubblebine discuss the global threat posed by the malignant technologies: GeoEngineering, GMOs, Weaponized Diseases and Vaccines, and Environmental Toxins with Dane Wigington, lead researcher from geoengineeringwatch.org. Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. She is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right every American to choose a personal health path that is free of government or corporate interference. General Albert Stubblebine graduated from the United States Military Academy and received a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering from Columbia University.[2] His active duty career spanned 32 years, and he is credited with redesigning the U.S. Army intelligence architecture during his command of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984.  

GLOBAL CLIMATE GEOENGINEERING: The Assault Against All Life On Earth

My most sincere gratitude to Sean and the SGT Report for helping to shine the light on the critical issue of global climate engineering. Sean is an extremely articulate and informed host which is so very helpful for getting out an effective message to listeners. If we all work together in the effort to expose the geoengineering insanity, we will then have a chance at stopping the incredibly dangerous atmospheric spraying programs. There is no other choice, this battle must be won. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

911 Architects and Engineers For Truth Joins GeoengineeringWatch Radio

It is a great honor to feature an interview with Richard Gage on GeoengineeringWatch Radio. Richard is the head of the 911 Architects and Engineers for truth movement. This group is over 2200 strong and growing. The evidence they present about the true realities of what happened on 911 are truly shocking and beyond any reasonable doubt. The crimes of 911 changed the course of the world. The US government used this event to fully unleash the military industrial juggernaut of insanity upon the world. 911 was also the license for clamping down on civil liberties. The two issues that could most change the world if fully exposed are the true events of 911 and the global climate engineering insanity. Each of these issues helps to expose the other by shattering people’s delusion about what the government really is, and what our government is capable of. The hour long interview with Richard Gage is enlightening and alarming. Let’s all make our voices heard while we can, we must all help to sound the alarm. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

GeoengineeringWatch Weather Update, September 27th, 2014

Temperatures in the low 20s in early September and now pushing 100 near the end of the month? What is wrong with this picture? Not only is most of the population not yet able to recognize the all too obvious spraying of our skies on a nearly constant basis, but even the unprecedented fluctuations in the weather are going unacknowledged by most. So long as the “experts” say is all just “normal”, the public goes back to sleep. Conditions will soon be too extreme to ignore and the waking up will not be a choice any longer. The faster we reach critical mass of accurate awareness, the better our odds. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Deadly Rain

“Deadly Rain” is now what falls on us all. This is also the title of the excellent 3 minute music video below by Alias Clay. The state of the world is what it is because until now the vast majority have chosen to ignore the gathering dark clouds in order to pursue their personal pleasures or to hide from uncomfortable truths. Now the storm is upon us, ignoring this reality will only guarantee our collective demise. Every one of us must strive to be the pebble that triggers the landslide of awakening. All of us are essential to the whole at this most critical time. All of us are needed in the desperate battle to expose and stop the collective insanity that is running the world. This is our time, this is our mission, this is our choice. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

9/20/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

The current war against California. How to tell the difference between artificial and natural rain. Black Ice; The great meltdown. Ecosystem in freefall. Making a difference. How to get involved.


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