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Extreme UV Radiation Is Killing Our Trees

Trees and whole forests around the globe are in steep decline. So much of the population has completely given up any connection to the natural world and thus they do not notice how rapidly tree health has deteriorated in almost all locations. All over the world formerly healthy forests are now in very poor condition. The condition of the trees has gone from bad to worse and few take note of this, let alone show any concern. The ongoing global climate engineering programs have decimated the ozone layer. Ozone layer destruction has long since been a known and recognized consequence of introducing particulates into the atmosphere. Atmospheric spraying of nano particles is a primary aspect of solar radiation management (SRM). In short, geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer. Levels of UVB are now often up to 1000% higher than official agencies are disclosing, these are extremely dangerous levels. How do we know levels are this high? Because we can and are metering UV radiation. We are now even detecting UVC radiation at the surface, UVC is the last band of UV radiation before x-ray radiation. We are told by all "official" monitoring agencies that UVC is stopped 100,000 feet up in the atmosphere, this is also a lie. Back to the trees, what is all this radiation doing to them? The 2 minute video below illustrates one example of the harm being done. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

1/3/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Meeting with the U.S. Forestry Service. Sea Lions nowhere to be found. Trees dying and tipping over. Polar vortex designed to confuse and divide the U.S. population. Water temperatures above normal on California coast. RT TV news not being honest about climate engineering. Al Sharpton causing division on Ferguson. Corexit banned throughout the world was still used in the Gulf of Mexico. Some people insist on remaining asleep. How to get involved.

12/27/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Short-term artificial cool-down coming. Record warm ocean temperatures. Trees not losing their leaves. The public must face reality. Taking personal responsibility. The power structure is counting on us to act selfishly. Science community is delusional. How to get involved.

12/20/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Constant cloud cover everywhere. Mainstream media preparing for a false flag event. Very small elite control everything. Wolf Blitzer former APAC member conflict of interest? Weather channel has no weather reporting anymore. Small directed storms in California put public back to sleep. 1,000 jet tankers per day necessary to accomplish David Keith’s geoengineering goal. Denial as a defense mechanism and responsibility avoidance. Arctic Methane Emergency Group claims spraying is not happening now. Using EMF to open cell walls and break the blood-brain barrier. How to get involved.

Geoengineering Dangers Discussed By Officials, Agency Scientists And Other Experts

On November 21st, 2014, a diverse panel of experts was assembled in Northern California to discuss the profound environmental and human health dangers posed by the ongoing global climate engineering programs. Northern California media completely blacklisted this important event and gave it no coverage whatsoever even though they were notified in advance. There were nearly 500 concerned citizens in attendance from locations throughout the state, and from locations as far away as Alaska. Some of those present in the audience also included city officials, county officials, and other public agency personnel. Why did mainstream media totally ignore this major gathering which presented hard science data on the dire issue of climate engineering? Because corporate media's job is to block credible data from reaching the public. All are needed to help sound the alarm on the lethal geoenginering programs. Mainstream media will not help us in this critical battle, it's up to us. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

12/13/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Mainstream media debating, is torture legal? What about U.S. killing hundreds of thousands overseas. Mainstream media journalists targeting Dane and lying about goengineering programs. Northern California monster storm not a monster storm; mainstream media lies again. New artificially nucleated snow smells like model glue. Commercial air traffic flies at different altitudes east than west, so why are sky-grids at the same altitude?. How to get involved.


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