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Decorated War Veteran Adam Kokesh Addresses Climate Engineering And Catastrophic Methane Release

Adam Kokesh is completely dedicated to the fight for the common good. He is a former marine and a decorated war veteran. Adam has given his all to exposing the power structure and its ongoing crimes against humanity. This short interview addresses the dire issue of global climate engineering and the unfolding cataclysms geoengineering programs are fueling. So many of the unfolding global environmental cataclysms can in one way or another be directly linked to climate engineering as a causal factor. The entire climate system has been completely derailed, the ozone layer is decimated, the life support systems of the planet are breaking down. Exposing and halting climate engineering is not an option, it is an absolute necessity if life on Earth is to survive. Though this interview was done a while ago, it slipped through the cracks and never got posted at geoengineeringwatch. The information it contains is completely accurate and relevant today, this is confirmation of previous research and conclusions.  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

“Anonymous” Covers Climate Engineering Threat

The group "Anonymous" is constantly and actively working toward exposing tyranny in countless arenas around the globe. The video below addresses the most critical issue of global climate engineering, it was assembled by Anonymous and just forwarded to me. The gravity and immediacy of the total destruction being inflicted on our planet and our health from the ongoing geoengineering programs is immense. The threat posed by the constant toxic atmospheric spraying and radio frequency bombardments cannot be overstated.  My most sincere gratitude to Anonymous for their help with sounding the alarm on the climate engineering insanity. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

6/23/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Many battles about resources. Elevated atmospheric CO2 results in higher plant nitrogen levels. Congressional aids now turning against geoengineering truth. Don't run from the issues. Face it head-on. Calfornia approaching 120 degrees. The reality we have known is over, but don't be adverse to it. How to get involved.

Up Up In The Sky

Kate Magdalena Willens is releasing her new song "Up Up In The Sky" (download the MP3) which she wrote to awaken and inform others of the geoengineering occurring in our skies. Kate first became aware of chemical aerosols in 2011 when she began to observe the white linear aerosols left by planes, forming a haze which obscured the beauty of the natural deep blue skies of Northern California where she lives. She is aware of people's hesitancy to consider the notion that toxic materials are being sprayed upon our lands without our knowledge or consent. She realizes that this truth is literally unbelievable. However her research, as well as her sensitivity to the natural world, have led to her conviction that this spraying of aerosols is indeed occurring, and not only in the United States, but in many countries across the globe. In addition to her work as a chaplain and musician, Kate volunteers as an Associate at Carnicom Institute, where she helps to provide the public with honest and reliable scientific information. Kate has been singing all her life, and now she turns her talents to protest against the covert operations "Up Up In The Sky." The song has been well-received on her SoundCloud site where she posted the first recording, featuring her singing with guitar. Her track features the song accompanied by acclaimed guitarist Nina Gerber. Kate's voice has been described as pure, clear, and angelic.

6/16/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Things are going to start happening fast and furious. Why are there no hurricanes? Gulf oil well still leaking; media not talking. Whistleblower says aircraft used for spraying can be taken out if pilot defects. Pilots told, "You talk, you die!" Whistleblowers put in prison; Why? How to get involved.

“Look Up”, A Doctor’s Plea To Awaken The Masses To Geoengineering

Thankfully members of the medical community are now throwing their weight behind the effort to expose and halt climate engineering. Dr. Billy DeMoss, D.C., has given a great deal of his time and energy to raise awareness on critical issues for the good of the whole. Dr. DeMoss is marching with us in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, thankfully he clearly recognizes the gravity and immediacy of the threat the ongoing atmospheric spraying poses to each and every breath we take. He has made exposing the spraying a priority issue. Billy was the organizer for the "California Jam" event which brought together doctors and concerned citizens from around the globe. I feel fortunate to call Billy my friend and fortunate to march with him in the fight to awaken the masses to the climate engineering assault. In the 3 minute video below Dr. DeMoss speaks to the Cal Jam audience about the critical geoengineering issue as he introduces the presentation on the subject. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

6/9/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Artificial weather manipulation continues. Public officials continue to lie to the public. Some people feel the situation is hopeless. Using common law to battle tyranny. How much longer do we have? How to get involved.

6/2/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Weather anomalies continue around the globe. Weather temperature reports are absolute lies. Spraying to cool areas off temporarily. People delude themselves hoping the madness will all go away. Hail and crazy weather continues. Using common law to stop assaults against the people. How to get involved.

Spotted Sky Over the US: Why is it Being Kept a Secret?

Awareness of global climate engineering programs is growing rapidly thanks to credible media hosts like Josh Tolley. Josh has a big following, his assistance with bringing the geoengineering issue to light is greatly appreciated and extremely valuable. The consequences we all face from the continuously expanding geoengineering insanity are far more dire and immediate than almost any yet comprehend. The biosphere disintegration equation is not linear, but rather exponential. It is happening at blinding speed and climate engineering is helping to fuel the fire. My most sincere gratitude to Josh for helping us to sound the alarm on geoengineering and for putting together the youtube presentation below. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

5/26/2015 – Geoengineering Watch Radio

Big wheels are turning. Important allies are becoming involved in the fight. Heat in India melting road surfaces. Flooding in Texas is related to climate engineering. Today's technology can determine virtually any weather condition. Mainstream media is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. How to get involved.


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