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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 14, 2015

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Of the countless sources of anthropogenic damage to our once thriving planet, climate engineering is at the top of the list. As the biosphere collapses, industrialized civilization and society will follow, there is no other possibility. The global power structure is preparing for the coming collapse as rapidly as it  can, while at the same time fueling the process. Global unrest is accelerating by the day, the "terror attacks" strategy of control by fear should be expected from the power structure. Will WWlll be the the next card played by those in power as they run out of options? The global economy is free falling into total collapse. Not only is every form of US freight screeching to a halt, the global dry freight index (BDI) is at all time record low levels (the BDI is the most untarnished economic barometer on the planet). The same story holds true for China's container freight which is also plummeting. What happens to the deteriorating glut of global container ships (photo below)? They are consumed by the industrial cancer in massive coastal salvage operations. The unused and obsolete vessels are torn apart under extremely dangerous conditions by a work force that amounts to slave labor. This image is a fitting metaphor to depict industrialized/militarized civilization consuming itself. The rapidly unraveling climate system is already wreaking havoc on harvests, marine ecosystems, marine fisheries, and fresh water fisheries. Many of the globe's megacities are facing certain inundation from the rapidly rising sea levels.The damage to the planet is much more severe and advanced than any official sources are disclosing. Finally, some of the longstanding cover-up of this damage is being exposed as the Exxon-Mobil investigation continues to unfold. Too little, too late, we are through the guardrail and heading to the bottom of the canyon. The walls are closing in which means the power structure will utilize all available options they have to distract populations from the bigger picture (like the toxic spraying going on above their heads) and to galvanize public support for increased government control. The "terrorist attack" card was to be expected and now we have it in France. The power structure chess pieces are being put into place. As we brace for impact on many fronts, we should all continue to sound the alarm to the best of our ability given our individual circumstances. If we combine our efforts, we could still change the flavor of what we face. We may still be able to salvage what is left of the Earth's live support systems, but only if we all pull together by being active, committed, and effective in the fight for the greater good. Below is the latest installment of Global Alert News. DW

Common Core And NASA, Partners In The Crime Of Poisoning The Perceptions Of Our Children

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org There are members of society that are so totally despicable that words cannot fully describe them. The criminal behavior of countless agencies and organizations is a reflection of the epidemic moral depravity that runs through their ranks. So many have long since sold their honor for a paycheck and a pension. Our will and our morality is all that any of us truly owns, the rest can be taken. If these sacred values are sold or sacrificed, there is nothing left to stand on as the gathering storm gains momentum. Those who have sold out are willing to do or say anything, including the attempt to completely poison the perspectives of our children for a profit. A little girl takes a photo of the toxic skies above Lhasa, Tibet. Source: dailymail.co.uk We who are awake and aware must make every effort to expose the people and agencies that are engaging in the mental corruption and conditioning of our children. In the short 5 minute video below, deplorable material from Common Core and NASA is addressed, and the documents in question are shown. Inexcusable transgressions like those just outlined in the video cannot be overlooked. The public email contacts of responsible parties should be posted and displayed everywhere possible. Such people must be placed on notice that we, the populations of the world, are NOT OK with their behavior. They should also be put on notice that at some point in the near future the public will likely hold them legally and morally accountable as accomplices in the climate engineering assault by helping to cover the tracks of the perpetrators. In the meantime, protecting and properly educating our children is up to us. Do we inform them about what is occurring above their heads? Yes. Do we make clear to them that we are fighting for their future? Yes. Do we do everything in our power to provide them hope and the chance to be a child without an excessive burden? Yes. My own children's voices are in a video addressing the ongoing climate engineering insanity. They have hope for a future because they know we are fully committed to them. Our children need to know that our lives belong to them. We must all work together toward sounding the alarm, there is not a day to spare. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 7, 2015

While environmental groups and spiritual institutions continue to look the other way in regard to the ongoing atrocities in our skies, the all out weather/ biological warfare assault continues. Is it the fear of losing their "non-profit" status that keeps them silent? All the while the mainstream media weapons of mass distraction are taking their toll on the general populations ability to connect the dots, or even to care at all about what is unfolding around them. Who is behind the atmospheric spraying? Why is it being done? Why aren't we being told about it? The perspectives on these questions are discussed in this episode, and are imperative to consider. The power structure orchestrates the cooperation of those that carry out the climate engineering insanity by convincing them that it is for the greater good, this could not be further from the truth. Climate engineering is decimating our biosphere. On a geologic time scale the horrific damage already inflicted on our planet and atmosphere has occurred in the blink of an eye. Those who believe they will survive if the onslaught continues are not looking through a clear lens. Industrialized/militarized society and the human race has two options, a complete course correction, or near term extinction. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 31, 2015

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The geoengineering atrocities are wreaking so much havoc around the globe that even the power structure owned and controlled media outlets are now unable to avoid the climate engineering discussion. The cover of the November 2015 issue of National Geographic is focused on the "proposal" of global geoengineering. This is the feature article within the issue. "Popular Mechanics" has also just addressed the geoengineering and its "potential" utilization for suppressing hurricanes. Historical records prove beyond doubt that climate engineering has been fully deployed on a substantial scale for over 65 years (hurricane suppression for over 53 years), so why do major publications continue to lie about this blatant reality? Because that is what they are paid to do. Once global populations fully grasp the gravity of the biosphere collapse that is rapidly unfolding around them (further exacerbated by geoengineering), our paradigm will overturn. The power structure is trying desperately to hide reality for as long as possible. Unfortunately, most environmental groups and organizations are major participants in geoengineering denial. I and several other activists just attended a global warming presentation with standing room only, we made sure that the geoengineering subject was not omitted from this event. The weekly news update below covers the issues just mentioned in addition to the latest aspects of our disintegrating planet and the power structure's ongoing attempts to hide reality until the last moments.  Regarding the  October 28th Northern California college conference I attended on climate change, astoundingly, during the entire presentation of videos and speakers (which lasted nearly 2 hours), the subjects of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management were not even mentioned by the presenters, not once. In the Q and A session one audience member was allowed to mention the issue which seemed to cause great discomfort to the program presenters. In the final moments of the event I stood and announced a few key points like the recent gag orders placed on NWS and NOAA employees, massive congressional reports on geoengineering,  and the fact that geoengineering must be included in any legitimate discussion on climate change. I informed the audience that free informational DVDs and flyers would be available in the hallway outside the event (we were told we were not allowed to distribute within the auditorium). I was able to corner and converse with several of the event organizers  in the hallway as they left. I have known them for years although they have long since distanced themselves from me and the geoengineering issue. On this night, they were not able to omit the geoengineering reality, or, in the end, to hide it from their audience. It is a profound paradox that many of the people who claim to care most about the environment are all too often the ones that are most unwilling to face the greatest environmental and human health threat of all, the global climate engineering assault. My most sincere thanks to all the anti-geoengineering activists that attended this event including Lori Bridgeford and Daphne Free who are pictured below. I am very grateful for every activists help with attending this event and distributing materials.  It will take all of us to change the course of certain demise that we are currently on, help us to sound the alarm. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 26, 2015

Weather warfare is ramping up around the globe as the climate continues to disintegrate. NASA states on the record that "Earth is running out of water" but they will never mention the climate engineering insanity that is the core cause of expanding global drought conditions. The ongoing fracking insanity is poisoning much of our remaining ground water. Damage control measures are being implemented by an ever more desperate power structure that wants to hide reality for as long as possible. The recent "gag orders" placed on all National Weather Service employees and all National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees are a glaring sign of this desperation. Those that agreed to accept the criminal cabal's oath of silence will be dealt with in the harshest imaginable fashion by agencies like the CIA and Homeland Security if they choose to tell the truth. Converging Catastrophes are closing in on us all. Who will continue to hide in the shadows? Who will stand and make their voice heard for the greater good? What will you do? Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 17, 2015

What isn't the power structure controlled western media propaganda machine telling you? Did the US corporate media ever mention that the plans to topple Iraq and a half dozen other Middle Eastern countries was in place just over a week after the 911 catastrophe? Was this Zbigniew Brzezinski's "grand chessboard" strategy being carried out? Is it just a coincidence that all of these countries were subjected to catastrophic drought leading up to their destabilization? Was this intended weather warfare? A 750 page congressional report confirming US involvement in massive climate modification programs has just been located and posted. Why did the US government supply ISIS their fleets of Toyota trucks through a third party? Why did the US just airdrop 50 tons of ammunition and weapons into Syrian rebel territory which will most certainly also end up in the hands of ISIS? Is ISIS actually an orchestrated tool for the power elite who are pursuing the "full spectrum dominance" of our planet? Is the US government/military industrial complex lashing out at Russia's attacks on ISIS due to all the factors just cited? Are they demonizing Russia because their military is actually trying to stop ISIS expansion? How did Saudi Arabia (the beheading capital of the world) just get appointed to lead the UN human rights council? Oil, power, and control, these factors are the bottom line for the criminal cancer that currently rules the world. The noose is being tightened around our collective necks, events around the globe are all connected. From the catastrophic climate modification assault occurring over our heads to the US government funding of terrorists, the backlash is building on all sides. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Troubled Skies: The Environmental And Health Dangers Of Geoengineering With Dane Wigington

Source: Global Freedom Movement Media | (Episode 56, GFM Media) Attention: the skies, the soil, and the waters are being poisoned from above, and we are bringing you the leading authority on this “geoengineering” disaster: powerhouse researcher and educator Dane Wigington. What in the world are they spraying? Why in the world are they spraying? Who in the world (or from off it) is behind this? What is the long-range agenda? Why are “they” destroying the very ecology that we ALL need to survive? Why are soils acidifying for no apparent reason? Why are animals vacating significant tracts of land for no reason connected to nature? Why are “we” microwaving parts of the ionosphere? What are the effects of the above actions? Will we wake up in time to stop this madness?

US Navy Offensive Biological Warfare “Training” Video Is Beyond Shocking

Those that doubt the twisted and psychotic nature of our own military need to consider long and hard the contents of the newly declassified 14 minute video below from 1952. The entire composition of this military "training" film is far beyond disturbing and alarming. The criminal cabal that currently rules the world are well aware of the fact that populations are beginning to wake up to their ongoing global atmospheric spraying programs of total decimation and omnicide. After viewing the attached video, would any sane person doubt the fact that those in power would not hesitate to use biological weapons against their own populations in order to retain their grip on power? It is not just a possibility, but has long been a lethal reality that is clearly visible to any who bother to look up, do some objective research, and then put their sense of deductive reasoning to use. Climate engineering is weather warfare and biological warfare. There is no separating these components, they are all one and the same. We are all under direct assault, as is the entire biosphere. This is not alarmism, theory, conjecture, or speculation, it is verifiable fact. Check your priorities, if you are not focused on the critical battle to expose and halt the toxic spraying of our skies being carried out under the global climate modification/solar radiation management umbrella, then you are missing the point. These programs of aerosol spraying are the most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. Make your voice heard in the fight for the common good while there is yet something worth fighting for. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 10, 2015

The US Department of Homeland "Security" has purchased BILLIONS of bullets in the last few years. Much or all of this ammunition was "hollow point" rounds (illegal under international law even under warfare conditions). In 2010 the US Census Bureau went to the unprecedented effort to record the GPS location of every single residence in the country, why? In recent years drone bases are being actively and aggressively set up across the country. If you don't find this chain of factors alarming, then it is time to wake up. Countless factors which hold the current paradigm together are fraying apart, this leaves the reality we have all known hanging by various threads. While the mainstream media continues to spew out a constant stream of idiocy, the world is unraveling. Could the ongoing atmospheric spraying be the final lynch pin for us all? What haven't you been told?  Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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