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Captured On Radar, Geoengineered Winter Weather Over Atlantic City

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Geoengineering Watch has again captured radar animations that prove geoengineering operations are manufacturing “winter weather” over specific regions. The increasingly desperate and destructive operations being carried out by the weather-makers is far beyond alarming. Engineering “winter weather" events are one of the primary missions of the climate engineers as the abrupt climate collapse scenario continues to unfold on planet Earth (a scenario being further fueled overall by climate engineering itself). Patented processes of chemical ice nucleation are a primary means of carrying out the engineered winter events. Why aren't so called weather experts willing to acknowledge the massive climate engineering operations and their impacts? Because their paychecks and pensions depend on their denial, the illegal federal gag order on all National Weather Service (NWS) and all National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) employees is a case in point. The 5 minute video below exposes the impacts of ongoing engineered winter scenarios. It is imperative that populations be awakened to the climate engineering operations. It is just as important that the full scope and scale of these programs are understood. There can be no valid discussion of the climate without addressing the climate engineering issue. Equally true, there can be no legitimate discussion of climate engineering without addressing chemical ice nucleation processes and the engineered winter events these processes help to create. All of us are needed in the essential effort to raise and reach a critical mass of awareness. Share credible data from a credible source, make every day count. DW May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Former Presidential Candidate Gives Exclusive Interview To Geoengineering Watch

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Dr. Chuck Baldwin has a very long and impressive resume (also covered in Wikipedia), including being the 2008 presidential candidate for the Constitutional Party. In a world where preconception, ideology and bias increasingly rule the day, Dr. Baldwin has long since been a courageous outspoken voice of reason and fact based conclusions. Dr. Baldwin's unyielding regard and respect for the unvarnished truth, no matter how much blowback he has had to endure for his outspokenness, is truly inspiring. In this candid and revealing 45 minute interview, conducted by Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org, Dr. Baldwin passionately elaborates on his personal journey of investigation and discovery that shattered the foundations of what he and so much of our society had been taught as fact. Our most sincere apologies for an equipment malfunction (mute button failure) that caused some background noise during the interview. In our increasingly Orwellian world, now, more than ever, voices like Chuck Baldwin’s need to be heard. If a larger percentage of society is not able to rise above their programming in order to honestly examine the front-line facts, we will have no chance of altering our current course of near term planetary omnicide. We must all make our voices heard in the critical battle to sound the alarm, the sand in the hourglass is rapidly running out. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 1, 2018, #173

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Each passing day on our planet is increasingly best described as groundhog day in a global asylum. The more ominous the horizon becomes, the deeper into denial the majority of the population goes. Will a turning point come? Will unfolding conditions soon become so horrific that a forced wake-up in the population is triggered? Will the US continue to pour the majority of its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) into making weapons of mass destruction? Even as the biosphere implodes from all directions? Is it already too late? Or is there still time to salvage some part of Earth’s remaining life support systems? The latest issue of Global Alert News is below. As the warning alarms increasingly go off around the world, how many are willing to put all the effort and energy they can spare into the fight for the greater good? No matter what others do or don’t do, each of us are only responsible for ourselves and what we do with our own free will. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is unfolding, we must make every day count.  DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 24, 2018, #172

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Civilization is sinking in a rapidly rising sea of lies, deception and criminality. How many are fully focused on holiday dinners, parades and football games, even as the great unraveling of our paradigm accelerates exponentially? Many science sources are now finally acknowledging that they have greatly underestimated the severity of what is unfolding on the biosphere and climate front. Some mainstream media sources have again posted headlines covering the geoengineering issue but are still pushing the lie that climate intervention programs are only a "proposal". Other mainstream sources are increasingly acknowledging the threat climate collapse poses to the country. How bad is it? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. No matter how daunting the challenges are that we collectively face, giving up is never an option. Our combined efforts can make a difference even at this late hour, waking the masses is the first and most critical leap in the right direction. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count. DW Geoengineered skies over Las Vegas, Nevada (two 20 second video clips). Video footage credit: April Lee This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Monterey County Fairgrounds, Monterey, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 17, 2018, #171

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The true character of governments is becoming ever more visible as the walls begin to crumble on all sides. The climate engineering continues unabated and unacknowledged. Record drought and record wildfires on the West coast, record flooding and engineered winter in the US East. Will California get rain soon? Only the geoengineers know what will be scheduled. The November 17th installment of Global Alert News is below. Even with the proverbial tidal wave of converging catastrophes looming over our collective heads, so many continue to double down on denial and apathy. How long can such behavior be maintained? We will soon enough find out. In the meantime, each and every one of us are desperately needed to do our part in the critical battle to wake the masses. Sharing credible data from a credible source is essential, make your voice heard. DW This 30 second time-lapse video captures massive climate engineering operations spraying over California's smoke filled skies. It was filmed on November 14th from our mountaintop home in Shasta County. We are not only breathing highly toxic smoke, we are also inhaling untold amounts of highly toxic climate engineering fallout.  Geoengineeringwatch.org wishes to express our deepest gratitude to Australian activists for all their work toward raising climate engineering awareness in Australia (11/11/18). This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 10, 2018, #170

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The “Camp Fire” is now officially the most destructive wildfire in California history. This is a tragic fact following an entire summer of extreme fire destruction in the US west. The official narrative from Washington is that the extreme fires are due to a lack of forest management, this is a blatant lie. Fire season is now a year round threat in so many parts of the world, while constant deluge is occurring elsewhere. So much that once was, now is no more. Though many are still unaware or willfully blind, the changes that are unfolding are already impacting us all. The wheels that are turning will continue to accelerate with many factors already far past the breaking point. There are countless issues that cannot be hidden for much longer. The November 10th installment of Global Alert News is below. Many have long since given up on any efforts toward the greater good. Yet, even at this late hour, others have resolved themselves to unyieldingly stand against the gathering storm. All of us are needed to help sound the alarm, all of us. Sharing credible data from a credible source is key, make every day count. DW Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Maciej Kocialkowski for his tireless work toward raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering. The geoengineering awareness booth in the photos below was set up at the Historical Train Depot farmers market in Punta Gorda, Florida (11/10/18). Maciej has also translated GeoengineeringWatch.org flyers into Polish and personally distributed them in his homeland of Poland. Our thanks to Mike Torrence for continuing with his efforts to raise awareness at the Tonasket farmer's market in Washington State (11/8/18). This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Washington State Fair Events Center, Puyallup, Washington, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Yet again forests in the Western US are incinerating as the US east coast is anomalously wet and cool. All official sources are blaming the rapidly increasing extreme and deadly wildfire behavior on global warming alone, but is that the full truth? What factors are “official sources” not informing us of in regard to the increasingly destructive wildfires? The NASA satellite image above reveals massive climate engineering operations being carried out over vast expanses the Pacific ocean off of the US west coast. The geoengineering / solar radiation management operations completely disrupt the hydrological cycle and thus fuel drought and fires (a scenario which has been ongoing). The image was captured on Saturday, July 28th, 2018. This happened to be the day that a long planned climate engineering awareness and call to action event had to be canceled in Redding, California, due to the Carr fire. Smoke from the Carr fire is clearly visible on the NASA satellite image. Though there are countless forms of human activity damaging the climate and biosphere, illegal global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations are a primary causal factor fueling catastrophic wildfires all over the globe (which official sources are not disclosing). Climate engineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, triggering increasing dry lightning, destroying the ozone layer, contaminating soils, and covering everything at ground level with an incendiary dust (due to the fallout from atmosphere spraying programs). The 10 minute video below elaborates on the direct effect geoengineering operations are having on forest fires, their behavior and their frequency. Geoengineering is nothing less than weather warfare. The Carr Fire in Redding, California, my hometown, is one of the latest catastrophic infernos to erupt. A fully engulfed structure along HWY 299 near Redding California. Photo credit: AP/Noah Berger Other recent western infernos also confirm the impact of climate intervention operations. The satellite animation below was recorded on October 11th, 2017, it is important to examine carefully. Anomalous, counter-directional and extreme wind patterns over the core wildfire region was a major contributing factor in the firestorm cataclysm that occurred in the Santa Rosa region of California . All official sources continue to ignore and omit any discussion of the ongoing illegal climate engineering operations. The climate engineering atrocities are a primary factor in the equation of exponentially increasing forest fires and fire intensity. Forest fire, US West Coast. Photo credit: Rebecca Boatman How is wildfire smoke being utilized by the climate engineers? The video report below provides alarming data. All around the world forests are incinerating at an ever more rapid rate being further fueled by the climate engineering assault. If the current trajectory of biosphere collapse continues, these forests are not coming back. All of us must work together in the effort to fully expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault. How? By circulating credible data from a credible source. Make your voice heard in this all important battle.  DW The commentary below was added to this "Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes" post in response to many sensationalized claims, narratives and conclusions that are being circulated about the creation and / or causes of the recent and ongoing catastrophic California firestorms. How do we most effectively expose and halt the catastrophic global climate engineering assault?  We must stand on solid verifiable ground in regard to the data and conclusions we share, or we will lose all credibility in this most important battle for the greater good. Any propagation of implausible sensationalized factually unsupportable speculation (that by its very nature provokes disbelief) only undermines credibility as we attempt to expose the very real and terrible climate engineering crimes being perpetrated against our dying planet. Are recent and current California fires behaving in unprecedented ways and burning at exceptionally high temperatures? Yes. Are there reasons to believe the public is not being informed of key core issues that are directly related to the exponential increase in global forest fires? Yes. Does available data make clear that climate engineering in countless ways set the stage for the firestorm nightmares? Without question.  All this being said, in regard to the recent and ongoing California firestorms there are a great many claims circulating on the internet that should cause us all to take immediate pause. These narratives include claims that everything from laser beams to military incendiary bombs were used to cause/create recent and ongoing catastrophic fires. Though laser and directed energy weapons do exist in some forms (https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2016/06/25/air-force-has-directed-energy-weapons-now-comes-the-hard-part/), there is no documentation whatsoever to confirm any sky to ground laser / directed energy platform is even remotely capable of causing massive and instant vaporization of countless structures over vast expanses. If such instant and extreme destruction were to occur (from massive laser / energy beams, spiraling down from the sky in the middle of the night), they would certainly have been seen and documented by countless individuals. If such instant destruction technology does exist, and was used, why is there so much film footage of extreme wind and heat driven flames during the fires that caused structures to burn for hours? If “directed energy” weapons of this caliber and strength existed, and were used, CAL FIRE and thousands of residents would have to be a part of such a cover-up (which is completely implausible).  Again, though available data indicates that current laser technology could facilitate the ignition of ground fires from an airborne platform (any arsonist could do the same), there is no acknowledged technology that an airborne platform could completely and instantly "vaporize" structures in an instant flash of immense heat. There is absolutely no documentation of structures being instantly incinerated. Powerful lasers are ground based in massive facilities that require immense amounts of power, components, and personnel. Something to consider, many are claiming that standing trees next to completely burned to the slab structures is proof of  "DEW" weapons. Why? It is claimed that highly flammable structures that have burned to the ground should not leave adjacent living trees that didn't burn to the ground. Is this accurate? First, lets examine and consider the historical photos below from the 1923  "Berkeley Fire". These images reveal exactly the same "standing trees next to burned to the slab homes" scenario that so many claim is proof of "directed energy weapons",

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 3, 2018, #169

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org What is the state of affairs within the ranks of industrialized / militarized societies? It is a rapidly unfolding Orwellian nightmare come true. Up is down, day is night, black is white, and all the while the web of life is being looted, plundered, and pillaged into total collapse. The so called “experts” have betrayed us all and, unfortunately, the majority of the population have been all too willing to go along. What is unfolding on the wider horizon? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Have those in power now successfully broken down the will of the population to even face reality? Or will rapidly deteriorating conditions finally fortify a driving sense of purpose which will awaken the masses at this late hour? All of us are needed in this critical battle to effectively and efficiently sound the alarm. DW This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Lane County Events Center, Eugene, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire. Last week's Geoengineering Watch informational booth in Santa Rosa, California.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 27, 2018, #168

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The power structure's effort to shield the US population from unfolding global realities for as long as possible is relentless. Though the level of biosphere implosion that has already occurred should have long ago pushed populations into a state of panic, mainstream narratives of pacification and distraction have so far kept the herd calm. The burden of attempting to wake the masses has so far been borne by only a few, but that equation is finally beginning to change. On October 20th, the Geoengineering Watch Northern California awareness event drew a full house of extremely dedicated activists and individuals. Many traveled great distances coming from as far away as Australia, British Columbia, and numerous states all over the US. Connections were made, informational materials were distributed, awareness was raised. Where do we go from here? So much is so far past the breaking point already, when can we expect the breakdown the current paradigm to radically accelerate? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The clock is ticking, public apathy and denial must be broken down as quickly as possible. All of us have a part to play in this most critical effort to sound the alarm, sharing credible data is key. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference. DW On behalf of GeoengineeringWatch.org, I wish to express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to each and every individual who made this very important climate engineering awareness event a success. I wish to thank every volunteer at the event and every individual that took the time and effort to attend. It is our combined efforts that can yet make a difference, one day at a time. For those that were not able to join us at the event, the presentation and the Q & A session were professionally filmed and will soon be posted.


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