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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 18, 2019, #197

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org So much in our world is changing, and so quickly. How many are still trying to convince themselves that all is normal and sustainable? How many still believe that the government, our government, has our best interest in mind? Scientists working with Geoengineering Watch have now analyzed samples we recently collected in high altitude flights. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Fighting against the growing tide of insanity is a daunting task, but not impossible. If we stand together, and if we collectively keep a correct compass heading, we can yet make a difference in this all important battle for the greater good. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count. DW Our thanks to Mike Torrence for continuing with his efforts to raise awareness at the Tonasket farmer's market in Washington State (5/18/19). This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 11, 2019, #196

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org What price has the planet paid for the “American Dream”? The unsustainability of modern industrialized militarized society will become rapidly more evident as 2019 progresses. The changes and challenges that are unfolding are happening at unimaginable speed. How desperate will those in power become in their attempts to maintain the status quo? Will the climate engineering assault continue to be expanded? Can our collective efforts alter the equation in the correct direction before we run out of options? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Though the horizon continues to darken, an awakening is beginning to unfold on many fronts and in many circles. Stoking the growing fires of awareness with credible data from a credible source is essential. All whom are already awake and aware are needed to help sound the alarm, reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward. DW Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to the dedicated activists that ran our climate engineering awareness booth at the Earth Day Festival in Santa Barbara, California, on April 27-28, 2019.  This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Climate Change Advocates Ignore Geoengineering

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Collective efforts are essential If we are to have any chance of exposing and halting global climate engineering operations in time to salvage what yet remains of Earth’s life support systems. All are needed in the battle to sound the alarm on the critical issue of climate engineering. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 4, 2019, #195

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Are more now beginning to comprehend the destruction being created from industrialized militarized societies? Will a significant percentage of the population wake up in time to alter the outcome of what we will soon collectively face on the current course? Though the West Coast received adequate rain in many locations during winter, the climate engineers are now drying out the Western US at a rapid pace. Does another record wildfire season await the West Coast? What despotic US ally nation is buying US farms and water rights? What is poisoning countless aquifers across the US? Will our own government push us into global conflict as their last resort? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The future that is closing in on us all won’t seem real to most, until it is. If we have any chance of altering our current course, all who are awake and aware are needed to rise to occasion. All those that are awake and aware are needed to help sound the alarm. Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. DW A "Hacking the Planet" Film Screening and a Live Q&A  discussion was carried out at the Scottsdale Community College (Scottsdale, AZ) on Earth Day (Monday, April, 22, 2019). GeoengineeringWatch.org wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to the Sustainability Action Council, for hosting this event. GeoengineeringWatch.org wishes to thank Ben Cehic and other activists for hosting a Geoengineering Watch booth on Earth Day in Springfield, Illinois, at the Old State capitol building (4/22/19). Our most sincere thanks to Irene and Christina Parousis for trying to raise climate engineering awareness with other activists on Earth Day, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (4/22/19).  Geoengineering Watch wishes to thank Laura Kozicki for her help with raising climate engineering awareness by placing a booth in front of her home on Earth Day (4/22/19) Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Maciej Kocialkowski for his tireless work toward raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering. The geoengineering awareness booth in the photos below was set up at the Mid County Library in Port Charlotte, Florida (4/27/19). Maciej has also translated GeoengineeringWatch.org flyers into Polish and personally distributed them in his homeland of Poland. This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Scottish Rite center, Sacramento, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 27, 2019, #194

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org As government criminality is increasingly coming to light, truth is increasingly becoming the target of power structure suppression. How is the medical industrial complex being used to compromise the health of the population? More and more warnings are being sounded about our increasingly toxic air, but the single greatest contributing cause continues to go unmentioned. Record hail storms are killing crops and people, why? Nearly 10 million acres of pristine rain forest was cut down in 2018, how long can humans survive without habitat? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The battle to alter the current self-destructive course of the human race has been long and arduous. To the many dedicated activists and individuals who continue to give their all to this effort, I wish to express my deepest and most sincere gratitude. It is our combined efforts that can yet make a difference at this late hour. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Time is not on our side. DW This is what the meteorologists call "partly cloudy”. Does this look normal to you? The 1 minute video below was captured in Henderson, Nevada, April 1st, 2019. Video credit: Byron Kacheris On April 20th, 2019, a Geoengineering Watch informational booth was set up at the Earth Day event in Redding California. The event was productive until an anomalous deluge drenched us and shut down the event in the mid afternoon. My deepest gratitude to all that assisted with the booth, and to all that attended the event. This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Scottish Rite Event Center, San Diego, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 20, 2019, #193

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The annual Earth Day celebration has come again, how much additional damage has been inflicted to our environment in the last year? How much longer can the wholesale plunder of our planet continue before the consequences become total? Our soils, water and air are all toxic to various degrees, and the pace of contamination continues to escalate. What will it take to expose the climate engineering component in the planetary contamination equation. Weather catastrophes also continue to accelerate rapidly. Again, climate engineering operations are inarguably connected. Can the current course of the human race be altered in time to avoid total near term extinction? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Many in first world nations are metaphorically whistling through the graveyard and ignoring the wider horizon. This equation must change. If the full focus of populations is not very soon concentrated on the fight to save our collapsing planet, our time here will soon be over. Rapidly unfolding events and related headline reports will help to wake ever larger segments of society. Our collective efforts can yet make a difference if we do not yield to the gathering storm. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count. DW It is encouraging to see the younger generation waking up to the critical climate engineering issue at the International Honeybee Festival in Palisade, Colorado, on April 13th, 2019. This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 13, 2019, #192

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org As the saying goes, sometimes it must get worse before it gets better. We would do well to consider this premise as climate intervention operations accelerate and the horizon continues to grow darker. Truth-tellers are marginalized  by the power structure controlled mainstream media and punished by official agencies, while criminal insiders go free. Carefully scripted political theater continues to distract, divide and polarize populations, while biosphere collapse accelerates exponentially. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.  Regarding Earth’s climate and life support systems, we have long since past the tipping point. If power structure continues to systematically derail the climate system with climate engineering (on top of all the other forms of anthropogenic damage to the biosphere), our remaining days on this planet will be numbered. If we have any chance of changing course, the effort will take all of us. Make your voice heard, share credible data from a credible source, every day counts. DW Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Maciej Kocialkowski for his tireless work toward raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering. The geoengineering awareness booth in the photo below was set up at the Historical Train Depot, Punta Gorda, Florida (4/13/19). Maciej has also translated GeoengineeringWatch.org flyers into Polish and personally distributed them in his homeland of Poland. Our deepest thanks to anti-geoengineering activist Brian N. for his latest Geoengineering Watch informational table at the Semi Valley library and City Hall, Semi Valley (4/8/19), shown in the photos below. Four GeoengineeringWatch.org billboards were put up in Washington state on March 17th, 2019. Our most sincere gratitude to Larry and Kathy Burns for making it happen. The billboards are located in the cities of Federal Way (Pacific HWY / 344th st), Renton (Renton ave / 76th ave), Burien (1st ave / 154th st) and White Center (15th ave / SW Roxbury st).  To view our other billboards, see the attached link: https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/geoengineering/billboards/

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 6, 2019, #191

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org How much effort is the power structure applying in the attempt to keep the US population pacified and complacent on countless fronts? From keeping US food stores stocked with imported supplies produced by starving countries to engineering constant cool-down zones in the US, a sense of “normalcy bias” is being fed and sustained. When the rate and extent of biosphere collapse is considered, how long can the current paradigm be maintained? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Can populations be convinced to re-prioritize their time, efforts and energies, if they become convinced that their very lives depend on it? Should fighting for the future of our children, and the web of life on which their futures depend, be a top priority? Does such a question even need to be asked or answered? Our combined efforts could yet make a difference, but we must rise to the occasion now, not later. We must reach a critical mass of awareness with the population in regard to what is unfolding, this is the first and most critical leap in the right direction. Share credible data from a credible source, make every day count. DW Geoengineering Watch wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to Maciej Kocialkowski for his tireless work toward raising awareness on the critical issue of climate engineering. The geoengineering awareness booth in the photo below was set up at the Mid County Library in Port Charlotte, Florida (4/6/19). Maciej has also translated GeoengineeringWatch.org flyers into Polish and personally distributed them in his homeland of Poland.  Geoengineering Watch wishes to thank Rich Saporito for his help with raising climate engineering awareness by placing a sign in front of his home. This week's GeoengineeringWatch.org outreach booth is at the Lane County Events Center, Eugene, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A geoengineeringwatch.org booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.  

Climate Engineering, Microwave Transmissions, And The April Nor’easter

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Extremely powerful ground based microwave transmission facilities are being used in conjunction with the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying operations to completely manipulate Earth’s climate systems. The planet’s former weather equilibrium has long since been completely derailed, natural weather is no more. The 2 + minute video below clearly reveals extreme microwave transmission manipulation of the “Nor'easter” that just produced the latest engineered cool-down of the Eastern US. The ongoing official denial of global climate engineering operations is beyond criminal. Exposing and halting the climate engineering insanity is the great imperative of our time. All of us are needed in this battle, share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article author with a hyperlink back to the original story.


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