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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 18, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The power structure is fracturing and losing ground on every front. This includes the medical/industrial complex that has been the source of immeasurable and irreparable suffering for far too long. Thanks to the film VAXXED, the lethal dangers of vaccinations are finally being exposed. A major VAXXED screening event is now scheduled for Northern California on August 5th that will include the VAXXED film producers, pediatricias, and climate engineering presentation from geoengineeringwatch.org (more details coming on this event). There is also a 1 week showing of VAXXED at the Valley 11 cinemas in Anderson California (near Redding) beginning on June 24th.  On the wider front, May, 2016, broke yet another all time climate heat record. It was the 13th consecutive month of record breaking global temperatures. We are already descending into a runaway greenhouse event with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire. Record heat, record floods, record droughts, and unprecedented weather whiplash is now the norm. The Florida terrorist attack is playing perfectly into the hands of the power brokers and their corporate media weapons of mass distraction. With the biosphere implosion accelerating, corporations like Shell Oil use private mercenary armies to police their pillaging of countries like Nigeria. Shell Oil and other multinational corporations have plundered countries like Nigeria for decades. All the while elements of our government do all they can to protect the military/carbon fuel/ industrial complex and to hide their crimes. The Australian government is doing all they can to hide the fact that much of the barrier reef just died in the geological blink of an eye. The Saudi dictatorship is helping to fund the Clinton presidential campaign, while using US made cluster bombs to kill innocent men, women and children in Yemen. We are told by FOX news that "ISIS may take over the world", but what countries are actually part of the overall ISIS support system? The USA, Turkey, and Israel are three. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. How can we remain sane and focused through the gathering storm? It is imperative for us all to examine our believes, our perspectives, and our philosophies. Solace lies in an unyielding commitment to the greater good, make your voice heard. DW

The “Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative” And The Environmental Organizations Who Are Involved With It

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org We are all living in an Orwellian nightmare in countless respects. The most stunning example of all is the official denial of the ongoing global climate engineering assault that is clearly and verifiably occurring in skies all over the globe. And yet, "environmental" agencies around the globe (who are actually "partners" in the "Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative") aggressively deny the climate engineering reality. What is the SRMGI mission statement? The success of SRMGI has been built on its relationships with partner organizations around the world. In the first phase of its work, SRMGI worked with a range of ‘stakeholder partner’ organizations, whose input was invaluable for shaping the original 2011 SRMGI conference and the SRMGI report. Below is a List of SRMGI Partners ORGANIZATION LOCATION AFFILIATION African Academy of Sciences Kenya Local meeting partner African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) Kenya Stakeholder partner Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) Bangladesh Stakeholder partner Beahre Environmental Leadership Program USA Local meeting partner Carbon War Room UK Stakeholder partner Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) India Stakeholder partner Centre for the International Governance Innovations (CIGI) Canada Stakeholder partner China Association of Science and Technology China Local meeting partner Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) China Stakeholder partner Climate Network Africa Kenya Stakeholder partner Climate Response Fund USA Stakeholder partner Council on Energy, Environment, and Water (CEEW) India Stakeholder and local meeting partner EcoLogic Germany Stakeholder partner Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) USA Convening partner Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment USA Stakeholder partner Forum for Environment Ethiopia Stakeholder partner Geographical Society of China China Local meeting partner Globe International UK Stakeholder partner Greenpeace Netherlands Stakeholder partner InterAcademy Panel Italy Stakeholder partner International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) Austria Stakeholder partner International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) Switzerland Stakeholder partner National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) Uganda Stakeholder partner National Commission on Energy Policy (NCEP) USA Stakeholder partner Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre Switzerland Stakeholder partner RSIS Centre for Non-traditional Security Studies Singapore Singapore Local meeting partner Senegalese Academy of Sciences Senegal Local meeting partner Stockholm Environment Institute Sweden Stakeholder partner Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) Pakistan Stakeholder and local meeting partner Swedish Science Academy Sweden Stakeholder partner The Royal Society UK Convening partner The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Italy Convening partner World Academy of Arts and Sciences Global Stakeholder partner WWF UK UK Stakeholder partner Given that Greenpeace is one of the organizations named in the "partners" list above for SRMGI, what does Greenpeace's top scientist have to say about geoengineering? In the national radio show interview below, "Go Green" radio show host, Jill Buck, interviews Greenpeace's senior scientist, David Santillo, along with anti-geoengineering film producer George Barnes, and myself (Dane Wigington, geoengineeringwatch.org). The first half of this show on geoengineering is with the Greenpeace senior scientist, at the half way point, George Barnes and I join in the conversation to hold the Greenpeace scientist accountable.   All of us who are already awake are needed in the ongoing critical effort to publicly expose organizations (like those shown earlier in this article) that are participating in the geoengineering assault (while at the same time denying the reality of existing climate engineering). The public contacts for any and every individual within these organization should be exposed in every possible way along with relevant and verifiable climate engineering articles/data to make clear what their organizations are involved with. Reaching a critical mass of awareness with the general population is the only way forward, please help us with this essential effort to sound the alarm. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 11, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Forests all over the globe are dying, Yosemite, California is no exception. I have just returned from a trip to this natural wonder and am still in a state of shock from witnessing the catastrophic tree die-off that is unfolding and accelerating there. I made the trip in order to connect with one of the world's most well known rock climbers, Ron Kauk, who is fully committed to exposing and halting the climate engineering/weather warfare assault. Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Ron Kauk Yosemite National Park, California. Photo credit: Ron Kauk On other fronts, the power structures preparation for WWlll continues to be implemented, as the looming biosphere collapse is now fully forcing their position. The military industrial juggernaut will do anything in their power to maintain and expand control, regardless of the consequences to the planet's life support systems. An unfortunately high percentage of populations around the globe are still committed to keeping the insanity of industrialized/militarized society (and mass material/resource consumption) going. We are immersed in the zenith of human caused decimation to planet Earth. The last days of the Anthropocene epoch, the age of man. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Many who are already aware of the converging catastrophes we face are still standing idly on the sidelines, this must change. All who are aware of the truth have a burden to bear, a role to fulfill. An army of the awakened is desperately needed to help raise the consciousness of the "order followers" who are currently carrying out the bidding of the global power elite. Please help us in the desperate effort to effectively and efficiently sound the alarm. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 4, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The criminal corporate media and the order followers that fill its ranks continue their campaign of total deception. Though the majority of the population is still committed to their denial on many fronts, there is a rippling of the coming forced awakening. The VAXXED documentary is triggering a justifiable outrage among those who have had the courage to face the truth and view the film. How much more rage will global populations feel when they completely realize the full extent of harm that has been inflicted on them by their governments (who are all participating either passively or actively in the ongoing global climate engineering assault). The death rate in the US has suddenly and unexpectedly spiked. Where is the corporate media coverage of this fact? Societal implosion and chaos continues to unfold in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, and many more. Venezuelan police fire tear gas and plastic bullets at protesters in Altamira, Caracas.  As the global economic house of cards crumbles, the most destructive and dangerous corporations like Bayer and Monsanto will try to merge in an effort to stay afloat. DuPont and Dow Chemical are also merging. Populations around the globe must be awakened to what is coming, starting with the issue of the climate engineering atrocities. From record droughts, to record fires, to record floods, anthropogenic activity and climate engineering are taking their toll on what is left of the planet's life support systems. The most important step in this direction is to efficiently, effectively, and publicly expose all the media personnel, meteorologists and others that are actively or passively toeing the narrative of deception for those in power.  The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Make fighting to expose the whole truth your top priority. Make the fight for the greater good your mission, time is not on our side. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 28, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org We are all swimming in a sea of lies and the depth of the deception is rising by the day in lockstep with the desperation of those in power. So called "science" sources are still pretending global climate engineering is only a "proposal" while anyone with functional eyes and a still working sense of reason can and should acknowledge the weather warfare assault has long since been an inarguable reality. Take a quick look at the latest NOAA "forecast" (scheduled weather) maps below, if these maps don't shock you, they should. The map above shows "departure from normal high temperatures". Each color shade represents a 2-3 degree "departure" from "normal" toward warmer or cooler than average, depending on the color of the shading (blue are below normal, oranges and reds are above normal). What we see represented in this map is alarming, unnatural, and historically unprecedented. A possible record low bullseye may occur in Texas for the period from June 1st through June 5th, while record warmth will likely occur in many other parts of the country, including Alaska. For the period from June 3rd to June 10th, the engineered cool-down zone will again be focused on the most populated Eastern US, this is no accident and is certainly not a natural phenomenon. The engineered cooling of the US East, while the US West is fried and dried out, this has all too often been the norm in recent years. Half the country is scheduled to bake and burn while the other half will bear the brunt of the latest scheduled geoengineering/solar radiation management assault. The US precipitation "forecast" (schedule) is below. This map covers the same period as the NOAA map above. Note that the "prediction" is for far below normal rainfall in the west and north (the regions that will be frying under record high temperatures), while an excess of moisture continues in the same regions that are to experience below normal temperatures in a record warm world. The geoengineers need the moisture for their toxic chemically engineered cool-downs, when will the sleeping masses awaken to the ongoing weather warfare atrocities? The climate engineers now decide where it will rain, how much, and how toxic the rain will be. About the rest of the headlines, there are many, and they are dire. Global economic collapse continues to progress, the Canadian government is hiding something at the Fort McMurray fire site, Al Qaeda leaders freely visit the US, CIA officers caught commanding Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabian publications are now stating 911 was an inside job, and the US government's war against  the whistleblowers continues to accelerate. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The sand in the hourglass is running out, what will you do to help in the fight for the greater good? And when do you plan to take assertive (but peaceful) action to help expose the truth and wake the masses? No matter how dark the horizon looks, giving up can never be an option, ever. The only way we can know what good we can yet accomplish at this late hour is to fully focus on making a difference for the better each and every day. DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 21, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Nature is unimaginably resilient, but when the breaking point is reached, collapse comes at blinding speed. The human race has already pushed the planet past the point of no return in countless ways, we are truly in uncharted territory. Is there any effort whatsoever on the part of those in power to slow the destruction of the biosphere? None. The race for resources and total control is worse than ever before, lines in the sand are being drawn all over the globe. Canada, India, and other regions around the world continue to incinerate. Oceans, reefs, kelp, and fish, continue to die. Coastal cities are pumping out from rising sea levels with sewage now filling the waters off Miami. Miami is now pumping out rising sea levels on a constant basis, the city is already on borrowed time. Brazil has just joined the list of democratically elected governments that have been ousted by western powers and interests in pursuit of more power and resources. There are yet more front-line signs of the coming crash of industrialized civilization, Caterpillar (the world's largest equipment manufacturer) has just past the 41st consecutive month of declining sales. This is the real economy, the stock market is an illusion that will soon be shattered. Venezuela is still free-falling into total chaos while Americans remain largely asleep at the wheel. Even with the global climate disintegrating, how many are actually taking action? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. What would happen if every single one of us put all our available effort and energy into the fight for the greater good? The most dire and potentially uniting issue on the planet is the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering assault, let's all renew our efforts to sound the alarm.  DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 7, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org The  all out assault against the planet being waged by the human race continues to expand and intensify. Catastrophic forest fires connected directly to the effercts of climate engineering are raging completely out of control from Fort McMurry, Canada, to Manitoba, to the Himalayas. The global burn-down has been accelerating around the globe in recent years and will continue to spiral ever further out of control. The expanding fire catastrophe occurring in Fort McMurry, Canada. Deadly radiation spewing from the Fukushima nuclear volcano is contributing to the countless other sources of anthropogenic contamination which are rapidly poisoning our formerly thriving planet. Is the Fukushima fallout the greatest source radiation danger to the US West Coast? Or is there an even greater radiation threat that is largely unknown to the US public and that is being aggressively hidden by those in power? The massive nuclear nightmare in Hanford, Washington is just such a threat.  The lack of concern our government has shown to the care and maintenance of this sign is a direct reflection of their attitude toward protecting Americans from real and immediate dangers to their health and their lives. The power structure, the "public protection" agencies they control, and the corporate media that represents them all, are constantly and actively engaged in the effort to hide the severity of the converging catastrophes from the population for as long as possible. Will the masses finally turn their eyes to the horizon and wake up in time to make a difference? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Yes, the horizon is dark indeed, but does that fact exempt any of us from our obligation to press on in the battle to sound the alarm until we reach a critical mass of awareness? No. Make your voice heard efficiently and effectively by passing on credible data to those that are still unaware of the rapidly gathering storm on many fronts and the climate engineering insanity in our skies. Make every day count in the all important battle to sound the alarm.  DW

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 30, 2016

The all out anthropogenic assault against planet Earth continues to decimate the entire web of life. From the ongoing climate engineering insanity to the completely out of control military "exercises" that are killing countless life forms in what is yet left of our once thriving oceans, collapse will come soon on the current course. Global temperatures are skyrocketing and shattering all former records. Deadly heat and record drought in India are wreaking havoc on the population and it is only April, the hottest months of the year are yet to come. Climate engineering is nothing less than weather warfare, and it is playing a massive part in the unfolding climate chaos (though there are countless other contributing anthropogenic factors). Why is such a large percentage of the population so willing to completely ignore the insanity? Because they are in one way or another invested in the very companies helping to create it. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. True solace can only exist in facing reality head-on. It can only exist in fully embracing one's responsibility to the whole, to our children, and to the greater good. We must all stand together and make our voices heard, we can yet alter the outcome of what is unfolding. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Below are some photos from the GeoengineeringWatch.org booth at the Northern California Earth Day event in Redding, California. My most sincere gratitude to the extremely dedicated activists that helped with this effort.

Fade To Black Radio Covers Climate Engineering

Source: Fade To Black Radio From host Jimmy Church: Dane Wigington, who heads up Geoengineeringwatch.org is our guest and we cover every aspect of chemtrails, spraying and the geo-engineering of our weather on planet Earth. We discuss the military, private industry and the money trail…as well as what is going on in our oceans and what can and must be done.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 23, 2016

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Has "science" been an overall benefit to the human race? Or has complete corruption of the science community already helped to push us past the point of no return? As 2016 continues to unfold, the manifestations of human activity are turning into a tidal wave of global decimation and destruction. From Florida, to Vietnam, to South America, the massive sea life die-offs continue to escalate.  Thousands of dead squid wash ashore in Chile Volcanic and seismic activity are also spiraling upward. Some may consider such events completely natural, but is that truly the case? The equation is much more complicated. With the planet now warming at blinding speed due to anthropogenic activity, thermal expansion has become a factor relating to geologic and seismic events. Ice is melting so fast over land masses like Greenland and Antarctica that "glacial rebound" must also be considered. Finally (and perhaps most importantly) what part may the military/industrial complex controlled global ionosphere heaters be playing in the increasingly catastrophic geological activity?   The HAARP ionosphere heater facility in Alaska is only one of many in the global network of ionosphere installations  Earth's atmosphere has long since been completely saturated with electrically conductive heavy metal nano-particles from the constant geoengineering jet spraying dispersions. The constant microwaving of the atmosphere by the ionosphere heater installations can only add to the overall runaway warming and destruction of our biosphere. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. The critical fight for the greater good is in desperate need of objective and assertive activists, not just passive observers. What part will you play in this all important battle? Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference. DW


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