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Smoking Gun Proof Of Atmospheric Spraying

How do we know our skies are being sprayed? Because we have film footage of the crime, of jets spraying at altitude. This is the logical end of any argument or dispute on this issue. Climate engineering is not speculation, it is not theory, it is a verified fact confirmed by film footage. Those that deny what they can see with their own eyes are simply not ready to wake up. A film of the crime occurring (in this case atmospheric spraying of aerosols from jet aircraft) cannot be rationally disputed. This being said, there is also an enormous amount of additional proof to fully confirm the reality of global geoenginering (lab tests of atmospheric fall out, climate engineering patents, global governance documents, congressional documents, etc), and more proof is added to the existing mountain of data every day. It's up to all of us to confidently stand our ground when attempting to wake others up to the climate engineering crimes, we absolutely have the proof to confirm the reality of global geoengineering. All of us need to join together in this critical fight. My sincere gratitude to "IT'S the 11th Hour and It is Urgent" for capturing and forwarding the film footage in this video. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org    

Undeniable Footage Of Jet Aircraft Spraying

The extremely compelling footage in this 3 minute video should be yet another powerful tool to be used in the battle to awaken the sleeping masses to what is occurring over their heads day in and day out. The sprayed disbursements that are clearly occurring behind this jet tanker can not be rationally denied. All of us must help with the challenge of bringing awareness to this dire issue. My most sincere thanks to Tom Anderson and Anubis 420 for catching this very valuable film footage. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Aerosol Spraying Jet Nearly Collides With Oncoming Aircraft

My thanks to activist Raymond Black for adding a very compelling video to our library of aircraft spraying films. The more that activists and citizens dedicate themselves to filming and recording the aerosol crimes in our skies, the faster the public will be awakened to the dire threat of climate engineering. Global geoengineering is the most critical untold story on the planet, we must all work together in the battle to bring this issue to light. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

On And Off Spraying From Geoengineering Jet Is Beyond Dispute

The ongoing and lethal atmospheric experiments appear to be in a constant state of flux. As more and more people wake up to the climate engineering insanity, less obvious methods of particulate spraying for artificial cloud creation will likely be utilized. Skies are now often filled with cob web like aerosol clouds or even just silvery white in hue, such skies are still the result of aircraft sprayed reflective aerosols. My gratitude yet again to Tom Anderson and Anubis 420 for this latest 3 minute addition to our ever increasing library of climate engineering video evidence. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Profound Sky Spraying Experiments

Experiments of insanity have been going on in our skies for so very long. Consider that if such a small aircraft can produce such a large feature with a sprayed aerosol release, what technology is available now? How far has the power structure pushed the envelope? Geoengineering experiments on a significant scale were occurring by the late 1940’s. There appear to have been strong climate forcing effects from the beginning of these programs, even at lower levels of deployment. Though we do know what some of the elements are which the climate engineers are raining down on us, there is much that cannot be known. Biological experimentation is in all likelihood a consistent part of the aerosol operations. The danger we all face from the ongoing fully deployed geoengineering experiments are immense. There is clearly no sanity within the current power structure. It is up to all of us to educate the masses and wake them up now, tomorrow is too late. Climate engineering must be halted, completely. The 90 second video below is well worth the time to view. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Weather Warfare Against Innocent Populations Of The World

Was weather warfare waged against the people who attended the famous Woodstock event so many years ago? Was the completely freak snow storm (that completely perplexed meteorologists)  in NY over the Occupy Wall Street protesters also an engineered event? Why would we think otherwise? The technology has been in place for decades and the geoengineering programs have been fully deployed for just as long, why in the world would we not believe that those in power would wreak weather havoc over all that oppose them? It is a matter of historical fact that weather warfare has been waged against countries that resist the global power cabal, we would be very naive to think the same tactics would not be used against civilian populations that don't want to conform to the global elite. People are waking up fast to the climate engineering insanity, we are getting ever closer to critical mass. Those in power are becoming much more desperate and dangerous. All of us need stand together in the fight to expose their crimes and bring the insanity to a halt. This is an excellent 5 minute video compilation. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Caught In The Act

This short video (43 seconds) is yet one more great tool which proves what we are seeing in our skies is absolutely aircraft spraying, and absolutely not “condensation trails”. Those that refuse to believe what they see with their own eyes will not believe any level of proof you show them, time to move on in such a case. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Circles Of Insanity, The Blatant Chemical Spraying Of Our Skies

How is it possible that anyone could deny the atmospheric spraying so very visible in our skies? How can we explain why some are willing to face reality and so many others are not? Human denial knows no bounds. Though many are still silent on the most critical issue of the aerosol/chemical spraying going on around the world, this will soon enough change as the implosion of our paradigm unfolds. For those of us that are not afraid to see, and not afraid to speak out, we must sound the alarm with every bit of effort and effectiveness we can muster. Every day matters in the fight to expose and stop climate engineering. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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