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Climate Engineering Cover-Up: Ship Tracks And Jet Spraying

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org NASA tells us that the shockingly visible and very extensive "tracks" (or trails) being witnessed on satellite imagery over oceans (like the ones shown below) are ALL the result of pollution being produced by ships, which is in turn creating "clouds". Scientists are interested in ship tracks because they want to understand how human emissions influence clouds and, ultimately, Earth’s climate. (NASA) Ship tracks have shown that clouds that form around man-made aerosols are brighter than other clouds. Man-made aerosols are smaller than natural particles, so the clouds that form around man-made aerosols are made up of smaller cloud droplets. A cloud made of many smaller droplets reflects more light than a cloud made of few larger droplets, since the surface of each droplet reflects light. The brighter clouds that result from man-made aerosols reflect more of the Sun’s light back into space, decreasing the amount of light that reaches the Earth’s surface. This interaction of man-made aerosols with clouds has cooled the Earth, offsetting global warming, though scientists are still not sure by how much. More accurate predictions of future warming depend on understanding how much cooling the brighter clouds provide… (NASA) Is it rational to fully accept the "ship tracks" explanation from NASA as the ONLY source of the trails we so clearly see in the following images? NASA, of course, does not in any way acknowledge the ongoing geoengineering / solar radiation management jet aircraft dispersions. We must consider and remember that any method of delivering toxic particles into the atmosphere (ship despersions or jet aircraft despersions) are forms of climate engineering / intervention which are inflicting immense damage to the overall life support systems of the planet. In the startling photograph above, nearly the entire Eastern Pacific is covered with a blanket of atmospheric haze and what NASA exclusively labels as "ship tracks". In reality, NASA is nothing more than a military industrial complex contractor for the power structure, deceiving the public has always been a major part of this agency's mission. Let's consider NASA's official position on geoengineering (or "chemtrails"), NASA, NOAA, NWS, and the USAF tell us the relentless bombardment of atmospheric particulate spraying in our skies is all just "contrails". Is this explanation in any way credible? If the design characteristics of the modern high bypass turbofan jet engine are taken into account, NASA's official "just contrails" narrative can be seen for what it is, total deception. Below is a satellite animation loop that clearly reveals numerous extremely long trails (some well over 500 miles in length) covering much of the Eastern Pacific off of the west coast of North America.  NASA tells us these are ALL just "ship tracks" from ship engine combustion exhaust created by standard commercial shipping vessels, but is this official explanation reasonable in all cases? First, with the extreme volume of shipping traffic operating in the Eastern Pacific, why would only a select percentage of ships leave such long and blatantly visible "tracks"? "Ship tracks" off of the North American west coast. (NASA) Next, why would shipping companies (that are extremely cost conscious of the staggering amount of fuel their ships consume) allow their vessels to meander over the oceans in sometimes haphazard patterns and directions? Some of the largest ships can burn nearly 400 tons of fuel per day, their primary objective is to take the shortest possible routes for obvious economic reasons. Why would a commercial ship plot a course along some of the "ship track" trajectories we see on satellite images? (Wind movement / drift of "tracks" cannot account for many of the observed trail directional anomalies). "Ship Tracks" over the Northern Pacific Ocean. (NASA) The image below reflects marine shipping lane traffic. The objective of shipping vessel traffic is to get from port to port by the shortest most direct route possible as the graphic above clearly reflects. The clustering and grid pattern like formations (of what we are officially told is just naturally occurring "ship tracks" due to combustion engine exhaust) should cause any objective and analytical  individual to take pause regarding the official narrative on this phenomenon. When we can say with certainty that top military commanders have long since considered the disintegrating climate system to be the top national security threat, and when we know that "marine cloud brightening" is a primary form of "proposed" climate engineering, it is reasonable to conclude this form of planetary geoengineering is exactly what we are witnessing. But, the remaining question is still this, are all the "trails / tracks" we are seeing over the oceans exclusively from ships as NASA would have us believe? Or are many of the long uniform "trails / tracks actually aircraft dispersions just as we see over land? "Ship Tracks" off of Europe's Atlantic coast. (NASA) "Ship Tracks" over the Northern Pacific Ocean. (NASA)  "Ship Tracks" over the Northern Pacific Ocean. (NASA) Ship Tracks off the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia (NASA) Let's again consider that many of the "ship tracks" we see on radar remain fairly uniform in width for distances of 500 to 600 miles and even more. When we take into account the mathematics of this equation, the "ship tracks" narrative becomes questionable at best in numerous cases. Many of the largest container ships are now traveling at speeds as low as 12 knots in order to reduce fuel consumption. At this speed, some of the longest "tracks" we see in satellite images could take 2 to 3 days to lay out. Are we to believe that such long and uniform "tracks" would remain in tact for up to several days? Especially if the source of the atmospheric particle dispersion occurred at sea level from the smoke stack of a slow moving ship? Geoengineering particulate dispersions from jet aircraft can spread out and cover the skyline in time frames of an hour or less. Why would we believe the "ship tracks" hold a uniform shape for so long over distances of up to 500 or 600 miles or more? Below is a shocking photo of what NASA would have us believe is just "condensation trails" from normal air traffic. Would any rational person accept such a blatant and glaring official lie? Populations around the globe have

Climate Engineering Awareness Efforts, How Do We Sound The Alarm?

Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org We collectively face a long list of planetary emergencies that are unfolding on countless fronts with blinding speed. Will we allow ourselves to be paralyzed by the darkening horizon? Or will we face the gathering storm head-on, prioritize our efforts, and each do what we can to effectively and efficiently sound the alarm in order to wake the masses? Of all the threats we face, the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare assault is the single greatest short of nuclear cataclysm. If we are to have any chance of stopping geoengineering, we must first expose it, this effort will take all of us. Powerful awareness raising tools like the jet aircraft particulate spraying shown in the 2 minute video below are an example. Many other methods of raising awareness can be utilized in any city or town in the US or the world. There are currently four public transportation buses running in Redding, California with the “Stop Climate Engineering” GeoengineeringWatch.org banner. Our deepest gratitude to Brian Schuler and Melanie Moran for making these banners/billboards happen. Click here to support stop climate engineering billboards by Brian Schuler and Melanie Moran. Five new digital GeoengineeringWatch.org billboards (three of them are shown below) have gone up in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada (2/11/17). Our most sincere thanks to Dwight Erickson for spearheading this effort. To view articles on other Geoengineering Watch billboards/signs check the attached link: www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/geoengineering/billboards/ 

Climate Engineering, Ozone Destruction, And Radiation Clouds, The Dangers Of Air Travel

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Air travel is becoming ever more hazardous to human health for a host of reasons. Not only are air travelers inhaling high concentrations of toxic particulates as they fly through various layers of solar radiation atmospheric haze (contributing to aerotoxic syndrome impacting passengers and crews), radiation clouds at aviation altitudes also pose a dire threat. Climate engineering and the health dangers of air travel are completely interwoven issues. A recently published study in a peer-reviewed journal is now acknowledging the radiation clouds and the dangers they present to air travelers.  Jan. 20, 2017: A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Space Weather reports the discovery of radiation “clouds” at aviation altitudes. When airplanes fly through these clouds, dose rates of cosmic radiation normally absorbed by air travelers can double or more. “We have flown radiation sensors onboard 264 research flights at altitudes as high as 17.3 km (56,700 ft) from 2013 to 2017,” says Kent Tobiska, lead author of the paper and PI of the NASA-supported program Automated Radiation Measurements for Aerospace Safety (ARMAS). “On at least six occasions, our sensors have recorded surges in ionizing radiation that we interpret as analogous to localized clouds.” Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic activity negatively affecting the atmosphere and ozone layer (including the ongoing Fukushima disaster), climate engineering aerosol spraying and the accompanying radio frequency/microwave transmissions are a primary factor that is wreaking havoc on the biosphere, the atmosphere, and all of Earth's life support systems. Though the chart above reflects the official narrative for UV exposure, official sources are not disclosing the off the chart UV radiation levels that now showing up even at ground levels (including UVC). At higher altitudes, much higher concentrations of radiation are present and at far more dangerous UV spectrums. The full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is much more extensive than just UV radiation.  Electromagnetic radiation exposure is a very real danger, what is the full extent of damage being done to Earth's atmosphere from the ongoing climate intervention operations? The vast majority of air travelers are not even slightly aware of the risks they are taking when they fly. Ongoing geoengineering/solar radiation management programs have transformed skies all over the globe. Geoengineered skies in Volo, Illinois. Photo credit: Robert Snell The fact that air travelers absorb radiation is not news.  Researchers have long known that cosmic rays crashing into Earth’s atmosphere create a spray of secondary particles such as neutrons, protons, electrons, X-rays and gamma-rays that penetrate aircraft.  100,000 mile frequent flyers absorb as much radiation as 20 chest X-rays—and even a single flight across the USA can expose a traveler to more radiation than a dental X-ray. Conventional wisdom says that dose rates should vary smoothly with latitude and longitude and the height of the aircraft.  Any changes as a plane navigates airspace should be gradual.  Tobiska and colleagues have found something quite different, however: Sometimes dose rates skyrocket for no apparent reason. Most of the human race takes Earth's protective atmosphere for granted, this is a grave mistake. We are told that the Earth's atmosphere stops most types of electromagnetic radiation from reaching Earth's surface, but current metering and corroborating data greatly disputes this official narrative. (Image credit: STScI/JHU/NASA) We are all immersed in an increasingly toxic and radiated environment that is rapidly taking its toll on our health and the entire web of life. Of all the dangers we face, the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare is mathematically the most dire and immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. We will sink or swim together. If the human race is to have any chance of long term survival, a complete course correction of our species must occur in the very near term. Who will join this epic battle to sound the alarm?  Who will stand and make their voice heard for the greater good? DW  May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Atrocities Captured On Time-Lapse

How expansive and blatant does the climate engineering elephant in the sky need to be before society wakes up and the climate science community shows an ounce of honesty? Unfortunately most of society no longer recognizes natural cloud cover from a sprayed toxic aerosol sky. Our atmosphere has long since been completely altered by the constant toxic jet spraying assault, rapidly accelerating impacts are now taking a catastrophic toll on the climate system and the entire web of life. Time-lapse film footage is particularly useful for clearly revealing the true extent of the atmospheric spraying, the 6 minute video below is a compelling example. We are all now living under a canopy of contamination that is decimating the biosphere and all life. Join the fight to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Betrayal, The Climate Engineering Cover-Up By The Media, The US Military, And Academia

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Our society is taught and conditioned to accept the dictates and opinions of the so called "experts" without questioning their conclusions. In so many circles of academia honesty and morality has long since been abandoned in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. When one branch or group of the science community completely contradicts another group from the same field of study, shouldn't that be a glaring red flag? Nowhere do we have a more egregious and criminally negligent example than with the climate science community's complete denial of the climate engineering issue and its overall effect on the planetary thermostat. While the vast majority of climatologists/scientists and governments around the globe are either "investigating" or pushing for global geoengineering/solar radiation management to be deployed for global warming "mitigation" (as if geoengineering has not been going on for over 70 years already), other camps in the science community have long since confirmed that jet traffic and "contrails" (sprayed particulate trails) are actually a major contributor to global warming. A dozen sample articles are below which confirm the overall warming effect that is caused from jet aircraft traffic and "contrails". "Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate" (NASA) "Aircraft contrails may be causing more climate warming today than all the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the start of aviation" (Think Progress) "ScienceShot: Jet Contrails a Big Global Warmer" (Science magazine) "Airplane contrails and their effect on temperatures" (Christian Science Monitor) "The Contrail Effect"  (From NOVA and PBS) "Jet Contrails Actually Do Alter The Weather" ( Discovery Magazine) "Flying Further To Avoid Jet Contrails Might Help With Global Warming" (Popular Science) "Plane Contrails Worse Than C02 Emissions For Global Warming" (Phys-Org) "Airplane Contrails Boost Global Warming" (National Geographic) But are we really witnessing "contrails" in our skies? Can "contrails" be turned on and off? No. ALL commercial jet aircraft and ALL military tankers are fitted with "high bypass turbofan jet engines", does this type of prolusion system typically produce any "condensation" trails? No again. The grand deception is this, all available data proves beyond reasonable doubt that the trails being used to blot out the sun and alter the weather around the globe are intentionally sprayed (and highly toxic) particulate trails that are the direct result of ongoing covert climate engineering programs. The closest the climate science community has come to telling the truth is to admit that "contrails" may be causing "accidental" geoengineering. How is it possible that we live in a "civilized world" in which such massive, obvious, and unimaginably destructive programs can be carried out in plain sight while the climate science community (and academia as whole) adamantly and criminally denies this verifiable reality? The quote below from climate scientist, Sarah Myhre, sheds some light on the mindset of many in academia (though still, of course, omits the issues of geoengineering/solar radiation management). We scientists are the gatekeepers of the basic information that fuels decision making by nations, businesses and communities. As these public entities are more and more threatened by the advancing impacts of climate warming, from flooding, to water scarcity, to the spread of tropical diseases, our role as objective scientists has to change. We are so skilled at many, many detailed and quantitative tasks, but, as you would expect from a community of introverts, we are not great at shining that brilliant light back on ourselves.   (Sarah Myhre is an ocean and climate scientist with expertise in the marine ecological consequences of abrupt climate warming.) How bad is the true state of the global climate? As dire as the recent article excerpt below may seem, the unfolding reality on the ground is far worse and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire. A so-called “Blue-Ocean Event” — a period during the melt season with less than 1 million square kilometers (a little over 386,100 square miles) of Arctic sea ice — was not expected to occur until 2070 to 2100 by most science modeling projections of the early 21st Century. Recent polar ice observations, however, indicate extreme loss of volume. Daily sea ice loss rates since late April 2016 have averaged about 75,000 square kilometers (about 29,000 square miles) per 24 hours, resulting in continuously record low levels. Many climate scientists now project the first “Blue-Ocean Event” within a decade or less. Some experts speculate it may even occur during the melt season of 2016. The unfolding planetary meltdown is rapidly accelerating with Arctic ice at far beyond record low levels and a record early snow melt. The Arctic meltdown is now being described as a "train wreck" by scientists while global sea level rise continues to rapidly accelerate. All available data indicates 2016 will be yet another year of record shattering heat around the globe. We have already exceeded the point of no return in many respects and even now so many remain completely oblivious to converging catastrophes that are already taking an immense toll. The human race has decimated the planet in countless ways, global climate engineering is the epitome of that decimation. As the biosphere continues to implode, the military/industrial complex (and all those invested in it) have done exactly what they have historically done, further expand the global geoengineering assault in the desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to hide the collapsing climate from the population for as long as possible. Military personnel are being told they are engaged in benevolent programs for the good of their nation, this could not be further from the truth. Climate engineering is ultimately about power and control at the cost of killing the planet, nothing less. The time for our military brothers and sisters to wake up to what they are being used for is long past due. They must remember the meaning of the oaths they have taken to protect the country and The US Constitution from ALL THREATS, both foreign AND DOMESTIC. The time is also long past due for the climate science community and academia to reclaim their virtue and tell the truth, the whole truth. To do

Irrefutable Film Footage Of Climate Engineering Aerosol Spraying

The geoengineers continue to ramp up their ongoing aerial bombardment of planet Earth. In order to wake up the sleeping masses to the war being waged against them in skies around the globe, visual proof is essential. Numerous forms of jet aerosol dispersions have been captured on film which inarguably reveal that elements are in fact being sprayed into the atmosphere. Footage of "on and off" dispersions from jet aircraft at cruising altitudes prove that what we are seeing is NOT CONDENSATION. ALL commercial flight carriers and ALL military tankers are equipped with a "high bypass turbofan jet engine". This type of jet engine is essentially a jet powered fan and is thus, by design, nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most rare and extreme of circumstances. Even then, only a short, very rapidly dissipating, trail could ever be produced from a "high bypass" jet engine due to its design characteristics. The 2 minute video below is exceptional and inarguable up-close film footage of an aerosol spraying assault. We must all make our voices heard in the most critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

Undeniable Video Footage Of Wing Tip Aerosol Spraying

Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org When people ask how we can prove our skies are being sprayed, tell them because we have film footage of the crime occurring. This is the bottom line and the end of any rational denial. The video below is only one of numerous many that show what is undeniably spraying from jet aircraft.    Do we know with certainty that there are spray nozzles on the jets we see dumping toxic materials into our skies? Yes, the photo below clearly shows retrofit spraying nozzles mounted on the rear of the pylon directly in line with the engine exhaust to create the appearance that the spraying is a "condensation trail". Below is another picture which clearly shows the nozzle location on the pylon. The next video shows what is undeniably jet aircraft spraying of our skies. The dispersion from one of the military jets in the video is clearly being turned off, and then back on again. The official government narrative is that we are only seeing "condensation trails", this is a monumental lie.   Though there are numerous video segments of both commercial and military jet aircraft spraying our skies (with footage that is undeniably aerosol spraying), the 90 second film clip below shows heavy aerosol spraying from the wing tips of a 4 engine jet carrier. This proves there are more nozzles than just those mounted directly behind the engine exhaust. There are those that claim the spraying in this video is "just a fuel dump". First, how could such a conclusion be proven? The same "official agencies" that tell us we are only seeing condensation trails in our skies are the ones telling us that the type of spraying in this video is "just a fuel dump". Second, if this video does show a fuel dump, why in the world should we feel better about that? The dumping of aerosolized jet fuel into the atmosphere is likely much more toxic than the geoengineering aerosols (in either case, we can never know exactly what is being sprayed for with any certainty). What this video proves is that the jet aircraft trails we see in our sky's are not condensation trails, they are sprayed dispersions. Those that speculate on the composition of those dispersions have absolutely no way of knowing what the actual composition is. Any insinuation that we should not be concerned about a potential massive jet fuel dump is irrational. No matter what some claim as the "official explanation" for a potentially damning film capture, we should remember the official explanation for 911 and countless other lies we are fed.  The bottom line is this, unimaginable amounts of toxic materials are being dumped into our skies every single day and all of it is raining down on us. In regard to geoengineering, the elephant in the room is becoming all but impossible to hide, awareness of the ongoing climate engineering insanity grows by the day.  DW 

Shocking Video Of Climate Engineering Assault

No matter how glaringly obvious and alarming the ongoing aerosol spraying of our skies is, the majority of the population so far has just gone about their usual business as if there is nothing profound going on above their heads. Trees are dying, whole ecosystems are collapsing, species of plants and animals are going extinct at the rate of 200 to 300 a day (15,000 times higher than background rates ) and few seem to have a clue, let alone any concern. The global power structure is doing everything they can to keep the "normalcy bias" of the population going until the last possible moment. The images shown in the 2 minute video below are truly shocking. The fact that people are not completely outraged over the ongoing aerosol spraying atrocities is a glaring testimony of modern society's near total disconnection from the natural world. No matter how desperately people try to remain in denial, the unfolding global cataclysm that is being fueled by climate engineering cannot he hidden in plain site for much longer. We must all continue to sound the alarm. As the walls of what was collapse, there will be no place to hide from reality. When this point comes (and it is very near) the awakening will follow, there will be no other alternative. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org  

Dueling Spray Jets Over Baghdad

More and more people are looking to the sky and documenting the ongoing global climate engineering assault. In the one minute video below, there is some exceptional footage of a Boeing 747 spraying while overtaking a Boeing 737 which is also spraying. The plumes of sprayed particulates behind each jet are very different in regard to their color. Is this just due to the difference in height between the two aircraft? The most likely answer is no. There are numerous climate engineering patents, all with various objectives. Another factor should also be considered, there must be a great many sources of materials around the globe, all with variations in the material composition. The bottom line is this, both these jets are fitted with high bypass turbofan jet engines, nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most extreme circumstances. The massive trails we are seeing behind these jet aircraft are certainly not just condensation, especially over Baghdad. Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org


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