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Sheila Zilinsky and Dr. Tim Ball from Weekend Vigilante talk with former BC premier the man who killed the HST, Bill Vander Zalm about why he is taking on the Chem Trail issue.

14 Responses

  1. Not wishing to be a prophet of doom here, but with NATO countries on the verge of initiating WW 3 we have an additional threat. Chem trails are the perfect delivery vehicle for biowarfare agents, to cull targeted populations, and reduce dissent. Mind control aersolized agents, and deadily viruses and bacteria, can be sprayed on unsuspecting populations for which the elite and their minions will have available antidotes. I can visualize a variety of scenarios on how this could be implemented. Is this part of the Master Plan?

    1. John,
      Yes, that is very much within the scope of their capabilities, although, of course, there’s not telling what they plan to do. I know, it’s quite disturbing to learn about all the different aspects of what is going on. Personally, I am quite sure there is a master plan of sorts, yes. I read somewhere that there was evidence of different groups among these ‘elitists’, and that it appears there is some infighting among them, but I can’t lay hold of where I read that right now. Maybe someone else has read something about that and can send a link?

  2. Hi
    HAARP is not down according to theweatherspace. They are still getting normal readings and able to forecast chemtrails. They are making a documentary on how they forecast chemtrails via HAARP.

  3. Hello from Russia,

    I have been very worried about the chemtrails that have started to appear in our area for about the last couple of years. I figured I know some people who live in the town near that airfield from where those `charter` flights are done and I was amused to what they told me: don`t worry, son, chemtrails do not exist, it is just the special kerosine additive that leaves the trail – nothing to worry about….. Well, I don`t think I want that new special kerosine additive fall on me from the skies….

  4. Besides the chemtrails we have the “Plume Gate” from Fukushima, Japan, which is killing the planet, oceans and all life forms also. I just can’t believe all of this is going on right in “your face”. All grovenments are aware of this and kept all data a secret. I so discussed with the whole scenario.

    ‘AIHE TOHORA PAIKEA WANANGA’ (‘The Knowledge and Wisdom of Whales and Dolphins’)

    “America’s ‘War on Terrorism’: The Truth Will Prevail”, Dr. Michael Chossudovsky

    ‘Full-Spectrum Dominance and the Regime Change Project” Richard K. Moore

    William Engdahl


    The work of the late Dr. Rosalie Bertell is also essential for a complete understanding of these technologies and the new paradigm of covert ‘geo-terrorism’
    Finally, the brilliant work of Dr. Claudia von Werlhof is critical as she is carrying the torch of Rosalie Bertell. Thanks Claudia


  5. You know you can go to the US Patent and Trademark website and read about HAARP and all the Aluminium and barium they need in the atomosphere for it to work and what HARRP can do…which isn’t too good. I had no chemtrails until a big tower went up 1500 feet from my house. It’s not just a phone tower. It’s constantly being “modified”. The planes come from the NWest where there is no major airport…but there is an airforce base.

    1. There are 3 major scenarios that play out on “spray-days” here in the Southwest– 1)Full Military Assault which always fans outward from what appears to me either Edwards or Nellis AFB; 2) Airliner assault which can be verified with websites like “planefinder.net”. 3)A combination of military and commercial jets. There is a 4th scenario that I have proven exists but occurs less frequently– chemtrails left by private jets. I got the N-number from one jet that was registered to “Starbucks”. There’s probably very good money offered to allow a minor modification to their jet(s). I’m also certain that the commercial jets are made to spray from a remote command center. Sometimes they leave persistent plumes just over our small town– read–area of highest population. These are some evil people doing the work of the globalists and their satanic agenda’s– kill kill kill.

    2. Hi D, can you post a link to US Patent and Trademark website about HAARP, you talkink about. Thanks Al

  6. Bill, I’ll be following your research into chem trails or whatever they are, with great interest.
    I was very involved with the HST campaign in Vancouver BC and your comment about the reward of that involvement is true for me too. Every time I think of it I feel great. Every time someone says “Naw! What can one person do to make political changes” I laugh and tell them to look up the HST experience in BC.
    Now I’m here in Toronto Ontario and looking for a clone of Bill Vande Zalm to join forces with:)
    Thanks Bill

  7. Mr. Bill Vander Zalm’s information requests to his BC government must be, at a minimum, be repeated by all Canadians in their respective provincial, territorial, and municipal governments, including the federal government. But more so, all political offices must be called and direct answers demanded. Tim Ball seems confused, despite his lengthly meterorological experience, he still does not understand the difference between a con trail and a chem trail. He must know, just like Canada’s Chief Meteorologist, Dave Phillips, must know, but they prevaricate. Who is controlling their agendas? We dont have time for stonewalling and ‘it’s out of my jurisdiction’, this matter is too urgent.

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