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The mercury continues to rice all over the globe, there will be no hiding the meltdown for much longer. In the meantime, the completely insane and out of control climate engineering programs continue to make an already extremely bad situation far worse still Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org

The NOAA map below shows sea surface temperature anomalies above 8 degrees Celsius in the Arctic Ocean.

These anomalies are very high, considering that it is now June and the melting season has only just begun.

Partly causing these high temperatures in the Arctic Ocean is water flowing into the Arctic Ocean from rivers. As the map below shows, a number of large rivers flowing through Siberia end in the Arctic Ocean.

map from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rs-map.png

The Naval Research Laboratory image below shows waters with very low salinity levels (top white rectangles) where warm water from rivers in Siberia enters the Arctic Ocean.

Source: Arctic News

One Response

  1. What is frozen in the soil above the arctic circle? What is frozen in the depths of the arctic ocean?

    Methane clathrate. Massive amounts of methane will be released abruptly into the atmosphere of Earth. It’s not a question of if, only of when. Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than C02.

    The Permian extinction, 252 million years ago, wiped out upwards of 90 percent of marine species and 70 percent of land vertebrates. It was by far the worst known extinction event in Earth’s history. Sudden release of methane into the atmosphere was probably the primary cause.

    We downsize and deindustrialise now or face near term extinction.

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