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Posted by C.E. Carnicom on behalf of the author

 Mr. Carnicom:

I read the email you received from the anonymous mechanic and felt compelled to respond to it. I, too, work for an airline, though I work in upper management levels. I will not say which airline, what city I am located, nor what office I work for, for obvious reasons. I wish I could document everything I am about to relate to you, but to do so is next to impossible and would result in possible physical harm to me.

The email from the anonymous mechanic rings true. Airline companies in America have been participating in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. The earliest date anyone remembers being briefed on it is 1998. I was briefed on it in 1999. The few airline employees who were briefed on Project Cloverleaf were all made to undergo background checks, and before we were briefed on it we were made to sign non-disclosure agreements, which basically state that if we tell anyone what we know we could be imprisoned.

About twenty employees in our office were briefed along with my by two officials from some government agency. They didn’t tell us which one. They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren’t cleared for it. They then went on to state that the chemicals were harmless, but the program was of such importance that it needed to be done at all costs. When we asked them why didn’t they just rig military aircraft to spray these chemicals, they stated that there weren’t enough military aircraft available to release chemicals on such a large basis as needs to be done. That’s why Project Cloverleaf was initiated, to allow commercial airlines to assist in releasing these chemicals into the atmosphere. Then someone asked why all the secrecy was needed. The government reps then stated that if the general public knew that the aircraft they were flying on were releasing chemicals into the air, environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop. Someone asked one of the G-men then if the chemicals are harmless, why not tell the public what the chemicals are and why we are spraying them? He seemed perturbed at this question and told us in a tone of authority that the public doesn’t need to know what’s going on, but that this program is in their best interests. He also stated that we should not tell anyone, nor ask any more questions about it. With that, the briefing was over.

All documents in our office pertaining to Project Cloverleaf are kept in locked safes. Nobody is allowed to take these documents out of the office. Very few employees are allowed access to these documents, and they remain tight-lipped about what the documents say.

Mr. Carnicom, I am no fool. I know there’s something going on. And frankly, I am scared. I feel a high level of guilt that I have been aware of this kind of operation but unable to tell anyone. It’s been eating away at me, knowing that the company I work for may be poisoning the American people. I hope this letter will open some eyes to what’s happening.

Again, I wish I could give you documented information, but you have to understand why I must remain totally anonymous.

Thank you. Open (or download) PDF version of this page

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13 Responses

  1. You do realize that this is an illegal operation against the public, with no congressional authorization and as such any signed non-disclosure statement is null and void, you can't be prosecuted by the government since they are doing something illegal and they would never risk taking that to court. They are just playing a mind game of intimidation. If you have any information you should send it to Wikileaks.

  2. I have an old friend who is ex military and I show every article I can find about chemtrails and he insists it is all lies…How can I if at all convince him? I mean it would take a pilot from the Air force or come military to convince him, can you steer me in the right direction?

    1. Hello Kellie, there is no cure for denial, your friend must resolve that on his own. I would suggest you move on to others that are willing to wake up. Every day matters in this battle, thank you for your help with sounding the alarm.

  3. Just learned about chemtrails last week. Today have seen 12 trails. It leaves the sky with light white clouds. This in lake Charles la. Is there some kind of pattern they use?

  4. “It’s been eating away at me, knowing that the company I work for may be poisoning the American people”

    You are NOT the only people in the world don’t you know ?!
    The US are also poisoning every other people of the world, and not only with your chemtrails !
    If it was me, I would had the courage to tell them “GO TO HELL” before the end of that briefing just to keep shaving in a mirror.

  5. On this very day, did I first ever hear the word, CHEMTRAILS. I AM APPALLED. SCARRED, AND, AM LEFT IN THE NOT KNOWING. THISVIS INSANE.
    WHY??? WHY??? WHY???

  6. I this article is to be believed its got to be promising just for the fact that they are recruiting civil airlines.

    After reading this article yesterday, here in Cornwall UK we had brief periods of sun followed by emergency spraying as blue bits kept appearing. I would love to say mother earth was fighting back but I don’t think so. I think it may be that whoever is spraying are running out of planes/jets to carry out the spraying as it can get worse, the more they spray the more they have to spray.

    However, today we had clouds dissolving and opening up to blue sky with real fluffy clouds drifting along. I did see in the distance early this morning bands of spraying which has made the blue not as deep as it should be but powdery, but hey, it’s blue with distant fluffy clouds just like is used to be or should i say it should be.

    1. But what say if this is a ploy, they won’t admit spraying is being carried out already, only that we should think about it.
    2. They need to convince the world population it’s got to be done to cover the mess they have caused so they may, in fact, be running out of planes/jets and would be using civilian planes.
    3. If by spraying it is making things worse every day they will need more planes/jets. In fact, they may reach a point where they simply can’t keep up.
    4. I have yet to see a jet spraying out the blue and its gone 1 pm.
    5. It is also possible that they want to convince us that they need to spraying and take action by letting us see that its too warm for this time of year.

    IMO Hell no! Leave it be and lets see what happens. I am sitting here wondering what’s happened to the planes/jets. Maybe we are having some effect that they have decided to change their agenda. Or maybe they are too busy somewhere else to come over where I live and spray the blue away. Either way I doubt it will last long but I do wonder what is happening here in the UK.

  7. I would think that there’s a difference between revealing NSA spying activities, all of which were legal although controversial, and revealing a completely illegal mass poisoning conspiracy.

  8. ” If you were telling the truth, you would be able to blow the lid off one of the biggest criminal conspiracies ever, and be a national hero because of it..”

    Edward Snowden revealed that all U.S. citizens are being spied upon by the NSA CIA and FBI. He was the smart one. He left for another country before they could jail him.
    Bradley Manning. Jailed. Revealed the killings of Reuter’s reporters and also three children in Irag by U.S. forces.
    Julian Assange. As of 4/8/14 he is still allowed to remain at at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He was/is the founder of WikiLeaks and is directly connected to Manning regarding the war crimes in Iraq that were revealed around the world.

    No. Its not a good idea to whistle blow on any U.S. government branch and reveal who you are. Ever.

  9. “I wish I could give you documented information, but you have to understand why I must remain totally anonymous”. No, I don’t understand why you must remain totally anonymous. If you were telling the truth, you would be able to blow the lid off one of the biggest criminal conspiracies ever, and be a national hero because of it. Since you won’t, I can only assume that you’re making all this up.

  10. My heart is broken that at 85 I no longer have the blue skies and fat clouds of my childhood. I have sent letters to so many environmentalists and others and have not gotten one reply. I have gotten into one way discussions with so-called Environmental orgs.and “scientists” who talk of geoengineering as a ‘possible future next step” and get really rattled if I catch them at their University desks. Last week I got on Thom Hartmann’s show and was once again horrified that he too blew the subject off, told me my credibiity was jeopardized, and hung up! I fee l like diogenese seeking one honest man. Thank you all who are speaking out.

  11. I have been studying the skies here in Roquebrune – Cap Martin France many times a day since June 2013 when I became aware of these long white unmarked jets going up and down east to west west to east north to south south to north. These jets are leaving persistant chemical trails that slowly whiten out the sky.
    The other thing I have found is that if I leave perfectly clean hair brushes outside they collect nano particles which I can see using a jeweller’s loupe. Also my hairbrushes are collecting nano particles from my hair.
    I have friends in Australia one in Perth and one in Melbourne and the hair samples they sent me also presented with the same kind of nano particles.
    I am trying to continue my research to find out more. June Gibson

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