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Dane Wigington

The climate engineers are contaminating and cutting off the life giving flow of rain to forests all over the world. Trees are dying and incinerating, wildlife is disappearing. I knew I had to do something to turn the tide for my forest friends. Now, against all odds, and in spite of the ever worsening weather warfare over the region, a miraculous outcome is taking place. This installment of "Into The Wild" provides an uplifting chapter in an ever darkening world.  

For the previous episodes, click here: Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

13 Responses

  1. Dane, you are a true humanitarian.  If there is life in your dying forest you will save them.  We had the worst drought on record this past spring and summer with terrible wildfires. Nothing was growing even though they were being watered daily.  There was not a weed to be found anywhere.  Then the rains came and eventually put out the wildfires, and  with the rains came flowers in my bed that I thought I had lost.  Weeds were growing everywhere, but we did not mind because it was a good source of food for many of the wildlife.  And then, like a miracle, this little tiny rose bush appeared between the lilac bushes at the clubhouse where there was once a large rose bush that had died.  Only inches in diameter this tiny rose bush bloomed a singular rose, which made me believe all hope is not lost.  When I have birds all around me singing and  hummingbirds fighting for the feeders and bees all over my Russian Sage bushes I  want to believe we will somehow survive.

  2. From Nova Scotia Canada; Thank you Dane for preserving these beautiful creatures. Frogs are such an incredible part of our ecosystem. For they say "if we lose the frogs we know our environment is in trouble". I salute you and your magnificent work. I just keep trying to spread the word here. Bravo Zulu Dane. 

  3. In and around Dover Delaware we are fried..No substantial rain in Idk how many months..My flowers have died and a hearty flowering bush called a weigala..has died..That rarely happens to them when they are 15 years old..and have a history of  being..a very easy flowering bush to grow. My well is turning on and off and I have no idea why..because people are saying wow.it can't do that you have aquifers..Well if the aquafer is dry what then???..I worry about the birds and my rabbit friends..that get a lot of their moisture from grass and plants..So sad to see innocent creatures struggling because of the ignorance of humanity. Even my daughter says..Look…clouds everywhere but no rain?..We live near the Dover Air Force Base where they spray all the time..It looks like they are spraying to no avail..Maybe they have reached the point where their solution has become the problem..It is absolutely the saddest thing I have ever seen..

  4. A lovely video.  Takes me back to my childhood.  Times spent watching the tadpoles grow into frogs at the Lickey hills.  I had some fond memories of times spent up there with members of my family and friends. The videos don't work a lot of the time on here for me so I listen on you tube and am careful now not to make extended comments.  I class people with deep truthful spiritual beliefs as my brothers and sisters and worldly institutions, corporations etc have abused their power for far too long.  You for the halting of abuses of power have to rely on the cooperation of all those in one of those institutions as that is only option.  We're living in end times and you have  bravely exposed what's going on.  God has his purpose and it will be fulfilled.  I look forward to a time when there are no institutions etc but for some of us that won't be in our lifetime.  Quite a few people in the church are very decent people and aren't activists by nature and their full reliance us on God and at the end of the day everyone will answer to God.

  5. Thanks Dane — for this great video. 

    Animals and insects can't talk — if they could your bull frog friends would  send out many thank yous to you for what you have done for them.

  6. Hi Dane:  Thanks for the encouraging words from your pond.  It's great to see that there are things we can do right where we are to create "pocket oases" of survival for our wild friends.  I've been watering the lantana lately because they looked shriveled and I don't think it's fair to let the bullies force us to dehydrate everything to death (that's what they do to dying patients at the end of their lives, which I think is really cruel, it must be awful to die of thirst…), so the lantana started greening up again and lo and behold, I have flowers again, and the flowers have loads of Monarch butterflies on them.  I'm in Marin County, CA. Many friends are fleeing the state for places like Michigan, Ohio and New Hampshire, where the politics are better and, as my dear friend who's visiting there right now says, the air's clear and clean, at least in the resort area around Mt. Washington. She reports her skin's cleared up and she wants to buy a condo there…

    1. Dear Dennie,

      You are correct, they DO withhold water (and food as well) from people who are dying in the hospital!  What does that say about our medical system and our society as a whole?  Thank you for bringing this up.

      They did that to my husband, and I didn't realize what was happening until it was too late.  I am still horrified.  (And it was a better hospital than many others.)

  7. I love the Into The Wild video series-survival stories are much appreciated right now

    I've been crying all over my keyboard tonight over at:






    Great articles, great comments, too many memories, still in shock

    The hotter the battle, the sweeter the victory

  8. That is wonderful and encouraging Amigo. Thank you. We need all the encouragement we can get, so it is important to share good news whenever we have good news to share. Here in eastern North Carolina the weather modification has created extreme damage to the natural habitat of the Flora and Fauna here. And we still have a severe drought in much of this part of the state. With that said, I planted more of a garden than I needed and did not spray any chemicals on it this year, nor do I ever spray chemicals on it. I let the weeds grow up in it however they want and l Harvest what I can and leave the rest for the animals and the insects. You would not believe how many insects we have in the garden. But then you go 40 ft away across the property line into the commercial Agriculture fields, and there is nothing living except genetically modified heavily sprayed frankenfood plants. No life. At least no natural life.

    We had a line of privacy screen Green Giant trees on two sides of the property. A third of them have died. They look terrible. However, I took a strip of the back of the property about a hundred feet by approximately 10 or 12 ft deep and turned it into a meadow where no plants are mowed ever again. I frequently put out table scraps for the different animals and this is close to where I feed the wild foxes and red wolves. Tonight in addition to the regular food I put out nightly for the foxes and wolves I also put out honeydew rind. And guess what we now have back in the meadow? Rabbits. What a nice surprise. And I've been planting wildflower seeds back there and some of them are starting to come up. We also have beautiful Morning Glory flowers back there now. I planted some live oak trees which are pretty hearty and drought tolerant. With a little luck they will come up and get bigger and provide more shade in that area. I have a couple of pear trees back there and I put most of the pears back there for the animals. There is water out there everyday and fresh food not to mention bird seed in other areas where we feed the birds. It's a step in the right direction. I encourage everybody to do the same. I know Penny is doing this with her gardens. What we do shall echo through eternity. Make it all count!

  9. The bullfrogs are beautiful creatures, delightful to watch.

    The first of the big trees in my yard is dying this summer. I feel sadness every time I look at it, helpless because I can't keep it going. The poor tree. So many are dead and dying in my area.

    In the mornings  I toss out birdseed and start the day watching finches, doves, squirrels and a chipmunk come to eat. It's a joy to watch the wildlife that is left. I wish they could all be safe and well-fed.

    Blessings to you for making a space for these creatures to thrive.

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