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The truth, ………… and nothing but ……………………………… the truth –

The global geoengineering, weather control, and weather warfare industry is slowly being wrenched into the light from the dark cloak of secrecy. Certain advocates are attempting to deny the many geoengineering programs of the last 60 or 70 years, and to justify and expand these programs indefinitely.

Statements and interviews from geoengineering advocates like David Keith, stretch the limits of credibility beyond the informed person’s wildest imagination.

Here are a half-dozen principles for an open and honest advocacy for geoengineering, weather control, and weather warfare.*

1. The basis for all successful advocacy is the truth.

2. The key to credibility is accurate information.

3. An advocate cannot afford to make mistakes.

4. It is the understatement that succeeds best.

5. The message must be credible to your critics and the public – not to yourselves.

6. The successful advocate is the person who seeks to educate.

* These principles are a formulation of the late David Comey, based on a lecture by R.H.S. Crossman, senior British officer in charge of Allied propaganda during World War II.

The first three principles are so self-evident that they barely deserve comment, except to note that the public, once properly informed, develops a long-term attitude of disbelief toward media and advocates who feed them mis-information.

One mistake can undercut years of credible advocacy. Making sure that the public and critics get all of the story, including the opposing side of it, is the best way to become a credible source.

We are now in an age of universal surveillance, with every detail of our daily and business lives recorded, correlated, and archived by numerous government organizations, including the NSA. Geoengineers, you not exempt from this data collection. Your secrecy, falsehoods, cover-ups, and organized dis-information programs are recorded in detail and will be revealed , by forces unknown, timed to maximize their impact upon you.

Principle 4 is a reminder to claim nothing that you cannot prove. When people discover you can prove more than you claim, they will grant you more credibility than you deserve.

Concerning principle 5, the geoengineering industry advocates appear unconcerned about the credibility of their message to their critics. Their apparent goal is to convey a very simple and disingenuous message to the mainstream media and to the public.

Principle 6, “to educate”, is a pariah for the geoengineers, as evidenced by the wall of secrecy surrounding global geoengineering.

If you, David Keith, and your geoengineering associates wish to become credible, you ought to start telling the truth. You should:

The truth and nothing but the truth – summed up by Solzhenitsyn’s question in the Gulag Archipelago:

If the first tiny droplet of truth has exploded like a psychological bomb, what will happen in our country when the waterfalls of truth come crashing down?

If a full and frank discussion of these issues results in the termination of all geoengineering programs, so be it. Then perhaps the global climate will somehow avoid its present rapid descent into total catastrophe.

This essay was adapted from a work (Advice to the Nuclear Power Industry) by the late David Comey, a reasoned critic of the nuclear power industry, and a being who Diogenes would surely recognize.

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