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Mike Adams interviews Dane Wigington on Infowars. Interview begins at minute 2:00.

8 Responses

  1. The Big Bad wolf ate Mother Nature. The Criminals of the world are attacking us from every angle and the planet is not immune from their assault on the very essence of life of this planet. Nothing is pristene anymore. We can’t even consider organic to be organic if it isn’t grown indoors with filtered air. And as for us unless we are wearing a full hazmat suit and breathing apparatus we are already terminally poisoned
    so the worse the health your in the sooner it will grab you the healthier will take a little longer. Its mass incremental extermination of the planet and us. There is no future if we don’t stop these criminals in five thousand dollar suits.

  2. hi dane…just wondering why the transhumanist agenda ( kurzwell’s ‘singularity’ ) isn’t included in all this..morgellons being the tip-off…we’re being microchipped with every breath we take…also,has come to my attention that oxygen levels have dropped significantly recently…cheers, edgy

  3. To Admin:

    What kinds of tests can be done to show proof of the heavy metal contamination? We’d like to get some done.

  4. never ever go after some dead in law government corporate employees…only go after private men and women privately liable for their actions..government tax dollars cannot pay for private litigation…roncarelli v dupelessis 1959 Canada Supreme Court ruling///Wake up!!

  5. I’m taking wheat grass during the day and Calcium Betonite Clay at night. I’m thinking of taking Chlorella in the afternoon. It looks strange up in the sky. I am getting really scared. Is there anything else I can take? Please let me know. I live in Michigan.

  6. they cut that interview off on purpose. notice how they cut right when dane begins to talk about venus syndrome and global warming, which is in direct contradiction with alex jones’ narrative about global warming being an complete hoax. i listen to jones everyday, and i just know in my gut that it was the reason why they cut off.

  7. It’s too bad the interview was so brief. Although, it’s good that you have been getting more interviews through the internet. Geoengineering is going on right before everyone’s eyes. It’s hard to believe more people don’t react to what they are seeing.

  8. Hi, I live in rural Idaho and every time a storm comes our way, the chemtrails show
    up and we get nothing. No rain, no snow, no nothing. YOu try to talk to people about it and they either don’t believe you or they’re on a witch hunt to take law abiding citizens guns away. Is there some thing I can say that will get them really curious about this so they’ll at least take a look?
    I listened to Mike Adams yesterday and you guys as well and it really hit a cord with me when you brought up fighting gmo’s won’t even matter if the world is reduced to waste land. I cried for our planet.

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