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The cloud chart from NASA is being used in public schools to teach your children that artificial chemical clouds (chemtrails) are safe and natural.

Source—>Global Skywatch

More Information About Chemtrail Disinformation

Chemtrails in Animated Movies: “Over the Hedge” http://urlbam.com/ha/M002Z

Chemtrails in Animated Movies: “Cars” http://urlbam.com/ha/M003a

Disinformation At An All-Time High http://urlbam.com/ha/M0048

The Methods Used To Keep You In The Dark http://urlbam.com/ha/M003v

COINTELPRO: An Acronym for FBI Counterintelligence Programs http://urlbam.com/ha/M003u

Other Interesting Information

Chemtrails in the Bible http://urlbam.com/ha/M003Z

“…for by your medication were all the nations deceived.”—BIBLE http://urlbam.com/ha/Y

More Chemtrail Disinformation Documents Used in Schools Today

See the 2 documents below the following picture.

Attachments Children looking at chart.jpg

atmo_ds_clouds1.pdf (4 downloads) atmo_ds_clouds7.pdf (1 downloads) Contrail Type.jpg


One Response

  1. My son and I just came in after taking some very strange cloud and chemtrail pics. I came in and watched this video. I sure am glad my son is old enough to know what real clouds are supposed to look like!

    We did a lot hiking and just sitting around in the mountains looking at the sky when he was growing up. We know these clouds are not natural. You can see they are man made.

    Today is 2/21/2013. We live in the Pacific Northwest. The skies were totally unreal looking today. There were so many excellent shots we had to stop ourselves to come in to make dinner.

    This is insane!

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