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For years, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has looked for ways to control hurricanes with geoengineering aerosols due to the proven effectiveness of aerosols at modifying the weather.

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By Harold Saive theintelhub.com February 12, 2013

Note: The claims in the report below are the opinion of the author of this article and have not been independently investigated by theintelhub.com although the source material provided does seem to indicate some sort of manipulation.

In 2008, the DHS received $64 million to test the effect of aerosol geoengineering on hurricanes.

In Oct, 2012, Infowars writer, Mellissa Melton wrote:

“Citing Hurricane Katrina as the basis for the project, the Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program (HAMP) worked with Project Stormfury veteran Joe Golden and a panel of other experts “to test the effects of aerosols on the structure and intensity of hurricanes.”  (Source)

New research from Glaciologist, Jason Box has identified soot (black carbon), emitted from wildfires, as a major cause of polar ice melts.

In his paper:  “Bounding the role of black carbon in the climate system“, Box concludes soot from wildfires can melt Greenland’s ice cap faster than methane.(Source)

The DHS final report contains many questionable strategies but the most disturbing is the deployment of black carbon aerosols to intensify hurricanes.

Two references on deployment of black carbon are found in the report:

This quantification indicates that strongly absorbing aerosols such as black carbon have invigoration effects on hurricanes.

The observational and simulation effects are consistent with each other, and provide strong support to the hypothesis of aerosols impacts on hurricanes – Page 30

Because the recent statistical studies by Clavner, an MS student under the supervision of Rosenfeld, suggest that black carbon aerosols intensify hurricanes in contrast to Professor Gray’s hypothesis, we also plan to investigate how black carbon aerosols introduced at low levels in a hurricane environment can impact TC intensity.

We will also investigate how black carbon aerosols introduced above the anvils and over a large area extending beyond the storm impact its intensity.

We anticipate that at the conclusion of this research we can state with some confidence how hurricane intensity is modulated both by hygroscopic aerosols and by light-absorbing black carbon aerosols. Page 51-52

In the case of the NEMO blizzard it appears the low level introduction of black carbon aerosols were used to intensify the humid low pressure system as it moved north beneath the front.

The unusual track of the low appeared to avoid being pushed out to sea by advancing beneath the strongest advancing winds of the front to successfully target the vulnerable coastal states with tropical moisture at hurricane level winds of up to 90 MPH.

Climate Terrorism:  The evidence is too strong that Frankenstorm Sandy and now the NEMO Bizzardcane were created by DHS as deliberate weapons of mass destruction and climate terrorism.

This all comes to soften up the gullible electorate as the globalist carbon tax and climate change agenda comes up for a vote.


Satellite images: Aerosols and Gravity waves confirm geoengineering

Terra 2/9 http://hsaive.minus.com/l0qsrydRTGTPB

Aqua 2/9 http://hsaive.minus.com/lblClrH9MS1vTO

Terra 2/8 http://hsaive.minus.com/luTjEwpR8LnDw

Aqua 2/8 http://hsaive.minus.com/lb1R5FaQrlkItb

Increasing the Accuracy of Forecasts by Creating the Weather in Advance


“Because dust and pollution redistribute the latent heating through precipitation processes in a way that weakens tropical cyclones, incorporating these effects in models may improve prediction of storm intensities.”


Selected NEMO Youtube Uploads From Affected Area

NEMO Juiced (Charlotte) – Great video showing development of geoengineering, chemtrails and gravity waves.


Weatherman uses term “Gravity Waves” to describe atmospheric conditions during  NEMO


February 7,2013:  Geoengineering Ahead of Winter Storm blizzard NEMO


Weird Snow Flakes the Size of Baseballs


Boston – Scalar Waves


Frankenstorm Sandy

At the 2010 American Meteorological Association meeting it was revealed that aerosol geoengineering was applied to Hurricane Katrina to modify the intensity of the storm.

Hurricane SANDY 10-28-2012 Intellicast Geoengineering Update for DHSOperation HAMP

The 2010 American Meteorological Society (AMS) meeting presented details of aerosol geoengineering program run by the Department of Homeland Security.

The program included discussion of how aerosols were effective at decreasing and increasing the intensity of Hurricane Katrina.

The current aerosol geoengineering of Hurricane Sandy is a continuation of the Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program (HAMP).

Potential Law Suits to be Filed – Chemtrail Geoengineering Lawsuit

The Department of Homeland Security in the matter of operation HAMPcould have their immunity from liability and prosecution tested in class-action law suit.

The confirmed aerosol geoengineering, deliberate manipulation and potential intensification of Hurricane Sandy under the DHS H.A.M.P. operation, could be prosecuted as criminal act when the consequence cannot be distinguished from a Weapon of Mass Destruction to be inflicted on the lives and property of citizens of the United Sates by DHS’s deliberate and covert experimental modification.


American Meteorological Society – 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology – May 10, 2010 H.A.M.P. DHS HURRICANE AEROSOL AND MICROPHYSICS PROGRAM By J. Golden, W. Woodley, W. Cotton, D. Rosenfeld, A. Khain, and I. Ginis

“…this means that seeding the full depth of the marine boundary layer with 0.1 mm hygroscopic particles at concentrations of several thousands particles cm-3 can be done by dispersing hygroscopic smoke from 5 to 10 cargo airplanes flying in the boundary layer just outside the typhoon spiral cloud bands so that the particles would be drawn into the storm by the low level convergence after having sufficient time to mix well in the boundary layer.” More

AMS Program, 2012 re: HAMP

Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program (HAMP): Improving Hurricane Forecasts by Evaluating the Effects of Aerosols on Hurricane Intensity FINAL REPORT October 2010 – Submitted by: Dr. William L. Woodley, President

Joe Golden (BIO) visited with HRD scientists to coordinate desired WP3 aircraft flight tracks, and to discuss collaboration on development of a new small unmanned aircraft system (UAS) with Dr. Joe Cione, HRD. (Up to the final draft of this report, we have been unable to achieve scheduling of the desired P3 flight tracks into suitable Atlantic TCs with decision-makers at HRD and AOC.) Dr. Golden has also visited NHC (National Hurricane Center) to coordinate HAMP research on hurricane intensity change forecasting.

WASHINGTON POST – Posted at 10:45 AM ET, 05/19/2009 – DHS Rebuffed by NOAA on Hurricane Modification – By Steve Tracton – Critics of experimental Hurricane modification argue that:

“…it may never be possible to distinguish between manmade and natural changes in a storm’s behavior, or to predict with high confidence the outcome of modification attempts, given the complexity and chaotic nature of atmospheric processes. The latter could lead to liability issues related to unintended consequences, critics say, such as storm damage in an area that might have been impacted less severely had a storm not been modified, or less rain in an area suffering from drought.” MORE

Assessing A New Approach to Tropical Cyclone Modification by Hygroscopic Smoke

In Krall and Cotton’s simulations, however, when pollution aerosols were swept into the storm core the storm actually intensified. Subsequently, as aerosol were scavenged before reaching the storm core, only convection in the outer rainbands were intensified, and the storm weakened, consistent with the working hypothesis. More

Memorandum: William Laska Program Manager, Department of Homeland Security FROM: Richard W. S p i ~ a dP,h .D., CMarSci Assistant Administrator SUBJECT: Response to Statement of Work – Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program More – More

Thank you for the opportunity to review the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Statement of work for the Hurricane Aerosol and Microphysics Program (HAMP). Research scientists and managers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) met in April to discuss research collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security @HS) on hurricane modification. OAR firmly agrees that hurricanes pose a significant risk to our nation’s security through the cost of human life and economic property damage.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System

NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., is leading a project designed to help integrate unmanned air vehicles into the world around us. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System project, or UAS in the NAS, will contribute capabilities designed to reduce technical barriers related to safety and operational challenges associated with enabling routine UAS access to the NAS. More



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