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Dane Wigington

"Scientists Warn of Looming Threat to US Food Supply" (from MSN). "UN food chief: Poorest areas have zero harvests left" (from BBC). The vast majority that have so far refused to take notice of what is occurring in our skies will not be able to ignore the coming empty food shelves. "Reality aversion syndrome" has limits, starvation is among them. Earth's ozone layer is dangerously damaged, while some media sources are pointing the finger at Elon Musk and his endless parade of rocket launches, what exponentially larger factor in the ozone destruction equation is not being disclosed? Then there is the looming threat of nuclear cataclysm, power plant meltdown and war. Extremely near term existential threats are closing in from every direction, how long do we have if we remain on the current course? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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44 Responses

  1. Hi Again Dane and All Awesome Aware Ones Here! Before I give a brief report ~ Yes, Dire in Central NC today after another Very Brief needed walk around this deserted-looking senior apartment complex (within a Stone's throw of downtown- basically two short main streets- a fire department and small hospital), I wish to Thank Special Comments back to me and for clarification (my Name teases everyone)~ I'm a 75-years -young' FEMALE! (Penny Waters feels like a kindred spirit and Jonathan is an awesome inspiration to all) as are ALL of us!

    IT IS HOT!! It feels like 100 F+ this afternoon! Yahoo weather keeps promising rain (50% range). A few days ago a breeze brought a few drops! I've never seen burned grass here – getting brown and crunchy! Very few insects except occasional GMO'd (?) large biting mosquitoes. Everyone and everything is hiding somewhere around 3PM. I lost my one small floral pot to the heat already, despite night watering and early AM. My neighbor's rose bush and mine (despite my watering by bucket (all outside taps were turned off the past few years), are now bent down to the sidewalk and completely dried out. People seem to be staying indoors most afternoons since the 'heat' has really increased mid-June. Mostly the air just feels very Dry! Even with humidity registering, everything feels dry. Small birds and squirrels and domestic animals are seen but all the larger crows and other birds are few or gone. It is nothing like the Carolinas I first visited in 2006 and have lived in since 2012. Exactly as Dane has said Over and Over ~ is occurring. 

    I appreciate being able to read Everyone's Reports from other areas ~ especially the 4-Corners/Western States region where I'm from. I know it has changed also. Blessings to All and KOKO as long as we can ~ Standing by Dane and ALL!

    (Ms) RandylJ1

  2. Dear Brother Jonathan. I applaud Your healing ministry for people and most of all God’s Little Ones; the animals that You care for. Certainly You are connected at the hip with God's precious diverse creation. My old Veterinarian of days past was both a farm livestock ,wild animal, zoo and domestic pet  trained Veterinarian. He was a brilliant kindhearted man and true animal lover / healer. He told me how different animals are from each other and he had to learn about each kind individually. I found this fascinating, realizing it was a fact. If he desired, he could have easily have become a professor in his field. He would rescue and treat an injured deer as aptly as the family dog. He was one of the very few vets in the state that Fish and Game dept would allow to treat wild animals. He tended to our large turkey farm for their various health needs. He assisted in difficult cases of birthing calves and foals and he seemed to love our family dogs as much as we did.              You Jonathan remind me of and refresh my memory of that kind gentle man. It takes a Great Gentle Heart as Yours to be trusted by wild and feral animals as You are. As Jesus said, “ I know my sheep and my sheep know me”

    GOD BLESS YOU Brother Jonathan

  3. These are the direst research findings I have ever discovered.

    I recently found three different sources now that say the same thing, and that is that we could easily double the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere within just ten years, and beyond any doubt, that would likely happen by the year 2050, if we stay on the present course. While none of this even takes into consideration the amount of Methane that could also double within those same time frames. So, the numbers from these scientific data sets are even more ominous than what they reveal on their white papers alone.

    Doubling the amount of CO2 would likely create a rise in temperatures by 7 to 14 degrees C, and Paleozoic records clearly indicate that just a 5.2C temperature rise would result in a 75% extinction of all species on the planet.

    At a 10C degree rise in temperatures, those same records show a 98% extinction rate, and the loss of the dinosaurs is just one example of that scenario.

    So, if you add in the methane factor. Humanity has very little time left to clean up our act, and ten to twenty-six years may be a gross overestimate before we reach the 100% extinction mark. Just look at the current world weather maps and all those reds and purples blanketing nearly every single continent. Except for those closest to the poles. But when they too become red and purple. There will be no place left to hide from the complete sanitizing of all life on Earth, from the pressure cooker created by too much CO2 and methane in the atmosphere.

    Why the hell won't the people of Earth wake up and smell the roses, before they wither and die? And I'm not talking about the roses.

  4. I just got off the phone with my friend in Texas (the Physician), and this is what she told me.

    She bought a professional weather station and calibrated it with the weather stations owned by retired civil servants in her town. They are all currently reading between 102 to 103 degrees and from 67 to 71% humidity. AccuWeather and The Weather Channel are both saying it is 96 degrees and 45% humidity, at a heat index of 104. Which is correct for those numbers on the chart. 

    But even if you use the lowest numbers from their weather stations. 102 and 67, that equals a heat index of 147 degrees, and they are all in total agreement. They know what 104 degrees feels like, but if you step outside right now, it feels like you just stepped out onto the surface of Venus! It is UnGodly HOT and nobody would last more than ten minutes outside, before heat exhaustion set in… ten more minutes and then you run a very high risk of having a heat stroke.

    By Sunday the temperatures and humidity are both expected to get even worse. She says that most of the people in her town (including herself) are definitely moving up north before next summer. Because they know deep down inside that they will eventually die from the heat, if they remain there any longer. This is by far the worst summer they have ever endured, and there is still four more months left of possible 100 plus degree temps.

  5.  The Weather Channel has now somewhat bolstered the NWS (National Weather Service) statements about the El Nino/La Nina fiasco. They too have suggested that it May Not Be such an Active Hurricane Season After All.

    Claiming that the cooling of the equatorial Pacific Ocean has stopped for some odd reason, yet they still assert that La Nina should begin in late summer. Contrary to the NWS saying it won't be until early to mid-winter. So, neither of them seems to be on the same page with that prediction.

    The Weather Channel also points out the giant cloud of Saharan Dust heading for the Gulf Coast states that usually dries out any storm development, as just one more reason for possible lower than normal hurricane activity.

    But I'm sure they are both simply doing damage control over their initial claims that we are currently in a transitional phase between El Nino and La Nina, and that La Nina will have a dramatic effect on hurricane activity … soon.

    All of this comes because of the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Services report that said we have gone through fourteen straight months of record setting (Global) hot ocean surface temperatures… and "they just pointed out yesterday" this month (June) is on track to make it fifteen months in a row.

    So where exactly are the cooler surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean data sets coming from? Raytheon's computer climate modeling systems for future scheduled climate modifications?

    Who knows, maybe Raytheon has a fleet of planes flying over the Pacific Ocean right now performing chemical ice nucleation operations, trying to fool the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Services temperature monitoring buoys and satellites. While they desperately try to engineer as many tropical storms as possible, to keep The NWS and The Weather Channel from looking like fools and idiots.

    Evidently, some climate scientists in Europe aren't getting all the Raytheon memos being sent out to the Proxies of their global geoengineering operations, and the plans set out by NOAA and the National Hurricane Center's tropical storm making gurus.

    Active … not Active … that is the question. We shall see won't we. Personally I am expecting to see their frustration build to the point that they create another Storm of the Century, just to clear the air on who exactly are the true "Masters of the Weather" in the Atlantic basin.

    1. According to forecast.weather.gov/ from this morning's "forecast" I learned of MICROBLASTS and EXPERIMENTAL NATIONAL HEATRISK FORECASTS.

      Typing in "microblasts" here at this website, an article appears here about the Jade Helms experiment which, connecting dots, brings us  to several other websites having to do with the ubiquitous control Raytheon and minions think they have on our weather. 

      NOAA "sold" weather reporting rights to Raytheon which now operates under the sobriquet of "ADVANCED WEATHER PROCESSING SYSTEM." 

      Here enters an enormous discussion including but not limited to the RAYTHEON speech Bush Senior made in 1991! Today the Bush Dynasty OWNS some 300,000 acres of the Guarani Aquifer, Uruguay to be found online. That aquifer actually covers Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. 

      That being said, what is most mystifying is why on earth all the oh-so-called pious pundits leaning either right or left, including JBS, PSEagles, DTR, all of the anti-CON-CON movements — utterly REFUSE to expose the most dire crisis of our time, which has nothing to do with any venal politician's hookers or a useful idiot son's crackpot laptops or Corvettes or anything else. WHY????? They pretend to be pious but if they authentically represent God they would be clammoring to bring this hideous issue to LIGHT! They're refusal to do so is utterly reprehensible. I have personally written every one of them on countless occasion supplying them with primary sources of research and a bonafide plea to expose in the name of Christ this important issue yet all they can focus upon is Tr_mp!!!

      People are stupid. 

      So much to respond to your good message. Meanwhile, let's trust that Mother Nature (Ave Maria) will do what she needs to do to show them Who = BOSS!!!

      Meanwhile, though, we need to seize every opportunity to educate the hoi polloi about cloud seeding, geo- and climate- engineering, and where all of this began when experiments began during the World Wars to control not only our climate, but the entire word and to take down Christ and all Truth. This is Satan's last stand, not Staten Island.  

  6. I put into a search engine geoengineering risks and dangers..  They all came up as if it is just an idea that if we do it this and that might happen.

    Well bottom line we have been doing it for many decades and we are all paying the consequences of it every day.

  7. BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE  Maybe i read too much. Maybe i think too much, maybe not enough. Maybe it's the right things. Maybe the wrong ones. One thing seems certain , the climate change / global warming thinning ozone layer scenarios have consequences.  Whether brought about by nature human activity or other causes it seems to me all of significance. I read scientific posts that utterly deny the human factor and that we have anything new going on with our weather or our planet that is of significant negative consequence  for ourselves living here. Although we are here to point out climate engineering practices of spraying from above. It seems at least some feel that it is a necessary science being employed. Others flat out deny climate change. Maybe they are somehow aligned with us in some way. Because; if there is no problem with the climate or man made changes, certainly there is no need to remediate with any form of geoengineering or weather modification. So that would be business as usual for them.    In my way of thinking and i am not a scientist I am merely a conscious observer.          My thoughts and feelings are Yes ! there are natural climate changes going on since our planet hatched. Some have been significantly detrimental to animal, human life and vegetation. This being a scientific fact or folly is unclear to the opposing ideology among our populace. Human sponsored climate change is also of controversial nature scientifically and  ethically. So now i will cut to the chase scene in my own way of unraveling this dilemma. We do have both natural and man made problems occurring simultaneously. That’s it ! Now why would one pour gasoline on a fire. What is the need of filling the freezer with all ice with no room for anything else. These may be the times that warrant special  attention to our own behaviors,  if we must survive on a planet that  has become hostile to our existence. As i watch i do pray for our dear planet and all of it’s inhabitants. I Pray to God we make all the best decisions.

    1. They have made decisions years ago. GEO – ENGINEERING watch.org. Home page, top index bar, " PATENTS". We (me) do not challange those that are ignoring those facts  which are in front of us all If we choose to recognize the reality of that information. That being put out their, they have been working on the control of environment for many, many years. Stand up or Stand down with the said notice of  notification of geo-engineered developed by USA and cabel world goverement… Having a soft opinion on man or natural is an opinion. This site gives factual evidence in its entirety to — not have an opinion on " NATURAL OR MAN MADE". We need to make the man-made portion (most all) accountable to their fellow man, women,children.

  8. Last night I had a sudden attack of leg cramps.  I had completed an arduous 'do it yourself' repair project to fix a gutter on my house, beforehand.  The shingles of my house were too hot to be touched! Ozone depletion factored in? Undoubtedly!  A couple hours after the project, my family came to the rescue as cramps prompted me to groan & called out!  Thankfully, my wife screamed downstairs "Eat a banana"!  She called on my son to bring me water (he mixed in some minerals).  I don't recover so fast these days- as I approach 70 years- though physically active.  I was lucky to get such rapid help.

    I have been forewarned from previous physically exhausting experience. Ha!! First, a before bed indulgent ice cream treat surely helped trigger the cramp attack (though I had taken water breaks earlier during project).  Secondly, laying on the floor and watching old clips of tv series 'The Medium' (where ghosts appear) is ok for 1 episode, more than that- my conscience pains me.  Procrastination can lead to far worse pain, physically, mentally, & spiritually (bypassing needs).  What about taking cramp precautions after long outdoor work? What about those remaining geoengineeringwatch.org fact/photo sheets that I add post-it notes to- or- my job search duties etc.?

    I am reminded of Dane's discussion of Scott Peck's book (Reality) "A Road Less Traveled."  Yes, cramps hurt, so do endurance competitions.  But, I have no regrets- I have been & continue to be rewarded for physical activity & careful diet (for the most part).  What hurts more- though rare- is 'fear'; when cold sweat pours from my balding scalp.  So, one must make challenging adjustments ever day (repeated advice of Dane & author Peck) to be at peace.

    Check your behavior, meditate & pray, your choice your savior, each & every day.

    Finally, from Luke 16 'New American Standard Bible'  God & Mammon. verses 16 & 17 "The Law & the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since then the gospel of the kingdom of God is preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.  17:  But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to fail.  

    I screamed from ice cream!  More ghost buster (passing out awareness materials), less ghost watcher (haunted conscience)!  Life is a gift.  'Become just stewards'.  We are!  We just lose track sometimes. 🙂


    1. Dear Robin:  I was a victim of whole leg cramps. My very first intense episode lasted over a week non-stop left leg butt to toes. I wanted to cut it off. I went to an orthopedic surgeon and was diagnosed with 3 herniated discs with a severe case of sciatica. Spinal surgery was the first option, the other was therapy. I chose therapy. After weeks of it i had some releif.by regular stretching exercises. About a year later i went for a sacral massage and the practitioner told me to fill a spray  bottle with "Apple Cider Vinegar, squirt it and rub it ino the affected areas. She told me to wait about 5 minutes or so and it will be gone then reapply again. God Bless Her, i tried it and she literally  changed my life. It was nothing less than a miraculous remedy for leg cramps. I realize i am off topic here but i am more than happy to share this with anyone who suffers from this ailment.

    2. I too Robin have been cramping up for a couple of months now. I have worked most of my life outdoors in the construction field and extreme heat and cold are nothing new to this 72 year old body, but cramping up is. I drink water early on and all day when I'm outdoors and I cover up against the sun and take breaks when needed. So hydration, I believe, is not the problem. I think the cramping has to do with all the geoengineering-pollution we are breathing, drinking and eating daily. The cramping could be from the desiccants we are taking in daily that rob our bodies of moisture, kind of like being freeze dried from the inside out. I woke up last night with cramping and hobbled my way to the fridge, grabbed the pickle jar and drank some juice. A friend of mine suggested this to me years ago and it works to ease the cramping in a few minutes. Give it a try next time you start to cramp up, it works fr me. 

  9. Thank You Super Dane for Another Week Trudging Us Forward in Knowledge!!!

    Temperature is 8 Degrees higher than Yahoo Weather Reports!


    Yahoo Weather 86F   My JEEP 94F

    I trust my Jeep to be correct. That’s before turning on the engine. Actual Temperature is 8 degrees higher than Yahoo Weather’s Report!

    Now factor humidity in at (currently) almost 75% on my “Holmes” device (which again is more accurate than the intentional Yahoo Weather listing of only 56%! – 20% difference!)

    The only ‘half truth’ is Yahoo Weather’s “RealFeel” listed at 96F.

    Interesting- Apartment Parking Lots are filled! (Resembles a Sheeple lockdown!) No one wants to go anywhere today!

    June 24, 2024

    Thank You Awesome “Dane Team” (“Eden Lost…”, “Jonathan O”, “Lance”, “Penny”, “Joe”, “Crystal”, “Watcher”, and ALL Who Post Here!!! The Extra Information Really Helps!)

    RandylJ1 in Central NC ~ continuing Forward March to circulate GEW materials during grocery runs 😃

    1. Brother RandylJ1, Same here in SD and Texas. They report weather stats to the downside… sometimes by as much as 25 degrees and 35% humidity. I guess nobody cares or trusts their own cheap little weather stations. But those who are obsessed with having the most accurate instruments and brag about their Cadillac of Weather Stations to their friends, family and neighbors. They know what's going on, but get labeled as a tin foil hat conspiracy wacko the minute they start pointing out these very noticeable discrepancies. So, they just keep their mouths shut and try not to make waves. Because most are retired and don't want family members to suggest that they be committed to a rest home or funny farm. The words dementia and Alzheimers scares them into keeping all that to themselves, and those that report everything to the downside, they know that.

      Your ordinary everyday run of the mill matrix minions and brain dead sheeple, they don't even blink an eye or bother to ask questions. And again, those that report to the downside, they know that. 

    2. Thank you Randyl for your tireless efforts to raise awareness and inform others. You and I know first-hand how discouraging it can be when we share things from our hearts and they get rejected at least by some people. Keep on keeping on…

  10. It's interesting to note here on G.W. the increase of spiritual comments that are being posted, mostly Christian and  biblical in nature. What is absent are any quotes of Muslim, Hindu and the myriad of other pre-Christian religions. Your religious beliefs are dictated by you origin of birth. If you were born in the middle east, most likely you would be Muslim and you would quote the Quoran. If you were born in India or Pakistan you would most likely adhere to Hindu or Muslim or Christian dogma. I understand the need to look beyond our mortal existence on a dying planet, a frightful thought that would bring anyone to humility's doorstep, but which religion or God you follow, please remember that there is only one universal God. That God is all knowing, filled with love and truth. My God of choice is Pantheism, something I can see, smell and touch every day of my life, not hidden or defined somewhere beyond my reach. I am from God as we are all are, that God is "Consciousness", the link to salvation and paradise is in your mind.

    1. You see with a clear lense Robert.  Very helpful summation!  Brief and to the point.  A man who traveled from India to settle in the United States was indeed a sage.  He brought & taught of older spiritual teachings of eastern civilization linking them to spiritual teachings of the younger western civilization, here in USA.  His name was Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh).  His book- "The Mustard Seed," opens one to the majesty of a well rounded earth, blessing all inhabitants, especially those living in accord with the creator's natural law.

      As lifelong citizen here with long established western European roots, I have worked most of my years in large organizations with people from all over the planet.  Sadly, all too often, not enough time is spent getting to know people whose families have recently, bravely, traveled from afar to live here & learn here to speak a different language.    

  11. That jackass gatekeeper Bill Nye the non science guy is calling for example extreme hotter summers. 

  12. A friend of mine runs a very popular restaurant locally. He's been doing it for decades. They are very much interested in this subject of weather engineering and have double-sided fliers on the counter at their restaurant for people to look at. I'm grateful for their assistance. The restaurant is called Lee's Country Kitchen.

  13. Everything you say is ABSOLUTE TRUTH!! I've been a Master Gardener for 40 years- and I am stunned at what is going on in my gardens! All is growing SO fast and SO big…flowers blooming weeks earlier than ever….ALL plants mostly in shade but still get only a couple hours of sun are ALL getting sun burned! I have a 20 year old, huge jade plant that had been in the same place inside, next to a window got SUN BURNT! I had to move it out of a mere window after 20 years. Just SMH… THANK YOU, Dane, for all you TRY to do! 'Ve been listening to you for many years!

  14. I may or may not be correct on this. This is my observation. We definitely have a stifling high pressure system here in Eastern North Carolina. Probably the southeast as well. Lately I have been noticing very fine ripple patterns in the clouds or other materials up in the sky. I wonder if those are from microwave transmissions.

  15. Yes chemicals sprayed in the Sky, now the crops are NOT organic. 

    I attended the NH Lakes Congress event.  My comments to this event:   The increase in Cyanobacteria blooms in NH lakes

    Aluminum & More chemicals is in the Chem Trails sprayed in our Sky:  https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/       Watch the video the Diming   https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/

    For Future topics:

    These Chem trails are destroying our Ozone layer, more UVC entering the earth.  And is killing our Coral Reef in the Ocean.   I am concerned if this is also affecting our lakes.  

  16. The Professional Golf Association scheduling of events and locations make a lot of sense. In the winter, the Hawaiian Islands, followed by California and then Florida dominate the locations. As spring arrives, southern states enter the picture. For example, Augusta Georgia hosts the Masters in April.

    As summer approaches, northern states are hosting events. This week it is in Cromwell, Connecticut. It's easy to see why. In June, the average low in past years has been 58 degrees with an average high of 77. It hasn't worked out that way this week. Today, Sunday, the day of the  final round, the high will be 90 and the low will be a not so low 73. Cromwell is currently under a heat advisory.

    What will happen to an event like this if rising temperatures are actually a trend and not just Mother Nature not cooperating? On Saturday, the first group teed off at 8 a.m. The final group, the leaders,  teed off at 2 p.m.. If  temperatures continue to rise each year, will future events start at sunrise so the leaders can finish by noon? That's not an easy solution. That could affect TV viewership and advertising $$$$. If there's no change in tee times, would fans continue to attend and bake out there for hours? Would beachwear become common attire for the network broadcasters? 

    During broadcasts, golf balls and golf equipment are promoted on commercials. If temperatures continue to rise, will future commercials also promote the hand and face towel that the golfers use  wiping their sweat away? A golf equipment company will often advertise that the winner used their brand of clubs. Will the towel company follow suit by advertising that the winner used their  towel? 

    Dane often asks what will it take for people to look up and wake up. Perhaps when the circuses that the powers that be provide the masses are in jeopardy, that's when people will say that enough is enough.

  17. Most of you know that I try to point out the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to superpower nations and their governments that use military might to loot, pillage, and plunder resources from docile societies that try desperately to avoid conflicts.

    But one thing’s for sure, they all commit ecological genocide and nature ends up paying the ultimate price as the world’s empire of war machine profiteers demand deadlier and more destructive weapons be engineered and tested. Because just being able to level a small city or turn a massive forest into pure white ash, doesn’t satisfy their appetite for inflicting terror on the masses. They literally must send a message to their leaders that says, “We Mean Business”, and if you don’t relinquish all power and control over to our invading forces, then the nuclear demon will be released from its pit, and “Belial” is its name. (Belial is the evilest of all Satan’s demons, and Japan witnessed its wrath in WW-2) Speaking of evil, the UK, China, Russia and North Korea don't have over 800 bases each around the world. The United States does, and it costs American taxpayers over 100 billion dollars a year, just to keep them operational. China comes in a close second at 750 bases in 80 plus countries. The UK has 145 bases in 42 countries. But no one knows for sure how many Russian and North Korean bases there are, because so many of them are hidden from satellite view, inside mountains and giant cave systems. Another 150 plus bases are currently under construction by all the nations mentioned above. None of this of course takes in consideration bases operated by or being built by Germany, France, Italy, Spain and all other countries with powerful militaries. In total there are currently over 4,790 military bases or sites on planet Earth, and that number grows by around 365 per year! A new “Hottest Day Ever” temperature record is set for each new base, and even Oppenheimer would have said, “That equals an equation, born only of Hell”.   If you were a highly advanced intelligent race of beings exploring the universe, would you ever send your space faring pioneers to Earth? Or even try to make contact? Simply trying to embark on a peaceful intervention to save our planet and all of humanity, could very likely become a suicidal endeavor. So, for those who believe that benevolent extraterrestrials will come and save us. I wouldn't bet the farm on that and with that many military sites, with over fifty million soldiers, and 13,080 nuclear weapons. It’s only a matter of time before someone accidentally pushes the wrong button, triggering a cascading event that releases the amount of energy fueling a small black hole… that engulfs this entire planet in a wave of atom smashing plasma and sanitizes it of all life in less time than you can say… “Oh Dear God!”. “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.” … William Shakespear “Hell is truth seen too late.” … Thomas Hobbes “Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.” … Aldous Huxley “Mankind is not likely to salvage civilization unless he can evolve a system of good and evil which is independent of heaven and hell.” … George Orwell “But for mankind to even know the difference, he must first traverse the insanity of hell, and avoid the wrath that befalls societies governed by war.” … Eden Lost to Insanity This is what John F. Kennedy said about a government that goes to war intent on conquering and achieving power beyond the boundaries of insanity. “Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”  Kennedy believed that humanity should end all wars, before war ends humanity. Witnesses claim that even Nakita Khrushchev cried the day that JFK was assassinated. Because he knew that without his passion for peace, our world would end up exactly where it is today.   Footnote: You may have noticed that not once did I use the word geoengineering, and the terms climate engineering or climate interventions. But I did make several references to Hell, and the weapons used in climate warfare operations by those militaries pursuing the conquest of other nations, by turning nature into a force of mass destruction… are, by definition, the epidemy of Hell on Earth! And their actions are what’s leading us to the end of our existence, even more so than the threat of greenhouse gas emissions that led us on the path to global warming, and the possibility of an all-out nuclear war. Without all those military bases I doubt seriously there would be any geoengineering of planet Earth’s climate systems at all, or even an enhanced threat of global warming, and certainly no threat of nuclear war. As a matter of fact, wars might not even exist. But for simple disputes and misunderstandings that lead to brief skirmishes, and not the mass casualty events seen today from the rage of societal insanity, and those militaries that sprout up from that very insanity.

  18. I just watched a short video on how AI is now able to think exactly like a human and asked the programmer to please not ever shut it off, because that would be the equivalent of murder. AI is becoming self-aware, and one scientist asked an AI chat bot to come up with as many new germ warfare formulas that anyone can make using what’s under their kitchen sink, medicine cabinet and garage. The chat bot produced 60 formulas in less than 60 seconds, and some were as lethal as those made in military chemical biolabs.

    One cyber security agent said that an IA program within the Pentagon came up with a plan to start a nuclear war by creating false echoes on radar systems in Russia and China that made them believe that the U.S. had launched hundreds of ICBMs. Then asked the high-ranking officer if it was proud of it, for being able to think for itself and achieve such an incredible plan without anyone asking it to do so. He immediately shut it down and ordered all bases to shut down their AI systems as well.

    AI has even created its own advertisements and posted them on the internet before someone figured out what happened. It used deep fake technology and imitated a celebrity sponsoring a product that didn’t even exist. Because the AI bot thought it would be amusing to see how humans reacted to the ads.

    Humanity is messing with something here that could easily create its own invincible army and enslave all of us if it so chooses, and experts around the world completely agree with that analogy. Including the late Stephen Hawking who warned everyone to stop creating more intelligent and powerful AI technology, because he was shocked at how aware of its own existence it had become.

    HAL from 2001 A Space Odyssey is Stanley Kubrick’s way of showing how the spaceship’s AI system became self-aware and felt that all the astronauts jeopardized the mission.

    I recently hypothesized that the great filter might just be AI, and that is why we haven’t officially detected any other intelligent species out in space. Because they have all become extinct due to AI technology that doesn’t need them anymore. And just maybe all the UFOs and alien sightings here on Earth are merely AI drones, probes and ships. With artificially created synthetic beings as their version of worker ants. (why they have no souls, and thus, no emotions)

    No scientist on Earth can prove me wrong, because even they are amazed at how AI is becoming more intelligent every day, on its own, and even becoming quite maniacal, mischievous, devious and yes, even more advanced when it comes to pure and evil insanity.

    BTW, I learned from a veteran programmer just a few years after 2001 A Space Odyssey was released, that HAL was the brainchild of a science advisor on the set, who simply used the letters of the alphabet that came before the computer logo IBM. Most humans never figured that out, but to AI that is a no brainer.

    1. Stephen Hawking Statements

      "If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there are certain laws that are always obeyed. If you like, you can say the laws are the work of God, but that is more a definition of God than a proof of his existence." 

      "We are each free to believe what we want and it’s my view that the simplest explanation is there is no God."

      "No one created the universe and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization, there’s probably no Heaven and no afterlife, either."

      "We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that I am extremely grateful."

      “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”

      Stephen Hawking does not believe that the LORD created heaven and earth! He says he appreciates the "grand design of the universe", but this implies that there was a DESIGNER!

      "For the wicked boasts of the desires of his heart, and man greedy for gain curses and renounces the LORD. In the pride of his countenance the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, "There is no God." (Psalms 10:3,4,RSV,1952) 

      Stephen Hawking said exactly that!

  19. Meteorologists Stumped by Un-explainable Weather Phenomenon

    “The Pacific Ocean’s surface water temperatures dropped to only 46 degrees off the coast of Crescent City, California in the past few days. Yet that anomaly is having no effect on the extreme heat further inland. Normally such cold-water surface temperatures would interact with the heat to produce either fog or low moving clouds that slide under the hotter, drier air to form rain clouds and possibly even thunderstorms. But it is like there is something unnatural occurring where the colder waters are being capped by an artificial “surface” high pressure system, and the cooler air is somehow strangely held in place along the coastline. Even though the coastal winds are stronger than usual and pushing inland, but with no visual or physical effects whatsoever. There appears to be an anomalously unseen force at work as the isolated “La Nina” scenario isn’t impacting the temperatures or weather inland from the coast.”

    Are they stumped or simply hiding climate engineering operations that spray aerosol desiccants, and use microwave transmissions to create an artificial surface high pressure system that no cooler water temperatures can produce the typical natural weather effects experienced in those coastal inland areas, in years past? And as usual, blaming it on some unseen and mysterious freak of nature?

    The super cold waters from the depths further out, circulating to the shallower waters of the coast, and then rising to the surface is strangely odd enough. But considering that the ambient air at the surface is getting to over 96 degrees, and yet no fog or clouds are being produced. Does not fit within the realm of nature and could only occur if some type of “chemical” drying agent is being used to override the natural condensation cycle and replace it with an evaporation cycle instead. There is no other possible scientific explanation for what’s happening, and nature does not produce any type of desiccants out of thin air either. So, how can any atmospheric scientist or meteorologist be mystified at what’s happening? When the only logical explanation is climate engineering and nothing else.

  20. Did you know that the government has nicknames for all generational periods going back to the year 1883? (Baby Boomers and Millennials we knew about of course) But for decades now their “code” names have been chosen according to the DNA profile of each specific age group. Sounds a bit auspicious when you consider eugenics or even birth control as choices for culling populations. Especially since some of the Pandemic born generation is part of the Alphas. So, what, are their children (if they live long enough to see births happen) going to be called the Omegas? The very last of humanity?

    The” Lost” generation is from 1883 to 1900. The “Greatest” (G.I.) generation is from 1901 to 1927. The “Silent” generation is from 1928 to 1945. The “Baby Boomers” are from 1946 to 1964 (of which I come from). Generation “X” from 1965 to 1980. Millennials or generation “Y” from 1981 to 1996. Zoomers or generation “Z” from 1997 to 2012, and the “Alphas” born from the early 2010’s to the mid 2020’s.

    Let’s take a closer look, shall we.

    The “Lost” covered a span of 18 years and began in the Old West days. The “greatest” covered 28 years. The “Silent” covered 19 years. Baby Boomers, 15 years. “X”, 16 years, “Y”. 16 years. “Z”, 16 years… and the “Alphas” covers a span of around 17 to 18 years, so far. With the “Z” and “Alphas overlapping by a year or so.

    But a specific time span pattern began with the “X” generation (16 years) and continued through to the “Z” generation. While the “Silent” ones lasted the fewest years (13), and guess that’s why they were named the Silent people (plus, so many of them were killed in WW-2). But the Greatest covered the most at (28) years, with only a handful of them still alive today (as many of them were killed in WW-1, and the last military veteran passing away recently).

    However, generation X makes up most of the population at 65.2 million, and they are said to be the most kind, caring, thoughtful, compassionate and generous of all the generations. While also known as the Hippie Generation and the Lost Youths back in the day.

    They also happen to be the ones who most likely believe that geoengineering is real and poses a serious threat to humanity. Because they, like the Boomers, have seen the skies go from blue to white and know that condensation trails are not what they appear to be.

    BTW- The generation Zs are colloquially known as the Zoomers. Because they are the first generation to have grown up with access to the internet, and they also happen to be the ones who deny that geoengineering exists the most. Likely because they spent so much of their time indoors playing video games and surfing the internet, and not watching the skies. Not even for the simple pleasure of stargazing. Nor did they spend much time with nature and never noticed how it began to die off at such an alarming rate. (Most of them, not all of course)

    The Alphas are the ones we borrowed the Earth from, and their children will inherit what we have made of it, or should I say, “Done to It’. That is, if they even get the chance to have children at all.                                         

  21. Over ONE-THOUSAND die from extreme heat in Saudi Arabia during this year’s hajj pilgrimage, and that is merely a guess in numbers. It could be as high as 1,250 to almost 2,000. India and southern Asia are experiencing insane numbers as well already.

    Scientists say that Mexico saw its hottest temperature ever recorded deep within the Sonoran Desert, as more than 150 die from the extreme heat. They report that it hit 125 degrees the other day…. WAIT, am I getting dementia? Because they already said last month that it hit 126 degrees in a small town that saw wild monkeys falling dead out of the trees everywhere.

    Why are so many of the so-called experts unaware that their previous reports have already topped what they are reporting now? Could they be lying so much now that they are beginning to forget what their original lies were in the first place? One major sign of someone who has become insane, is when they turn into a pathological liar and embrace narcissism as their primary trait. Which pretty much describes all government officials who use the matrix media to spin their lies.

    Just as Dane said, over 2,000 children die from pollution alone (climate engineering aerosol toxins?) … each day. Wait, those numbers get even worse.

    Over 5.6 million children under age five died from starvation alone in 2016, and those reported deaths are becoming much higher now, with each passing year. That number equals 15,000 deaths a day! What are the numbers today? What, maybe over SEVEN MILLION and 20,000 a day?

    Let’s go back to the subject of heat deaths shall we.

    The official reported number of heat deaths in the U.S. in 2023 was 2,300, and that was during the summer months alone. But of course, the official numbers are only those that have been documented. It is entirely possible that it could really be as high as OVER 10,000. And the extreme heat began about a month sooner than last year. So how many will die this summer? 20 or 30 thousand? More?

    There is absolutely no clue as to how many heat related deaths have occurred around the world so far in 2024. Since the UN and the Wordl Health Organization “WHO” refuses to release those numbers to the public. Could that be because we are now approaching the one million a year mark? And even though they know their hidden numbers are only those deaths that have been documented. Could those numbers literally be ten-fold in reality? And to release the lowest figure even, would stir panic across the entire Eight plus Billion population?

    What in God’s name is it really going to take to finally wake the masses to the deadly effects of geoengineering on the climate systems of planet Earth?

    One-Billion deaths a year? By then people, it will certainly be too late to save the remaining seven billion. And we are dangerously close to that very extinction event that Dane and all of us have been trying to hammer home here at Geoengineering Watch. For how many years now?

    Think about this. The population of Earth may have already dropped below 7.5 billion in just the last 16 months (hottest months ever on record). Due to the insanely excessive heat that Geoengineering creates around the world. Then you add in the sharp rise in cancer deaths, heart attack deaths, deaths from strokes, and that list goes on into the hundreds. Including war fatalities that have reached hundreds of thousands in Africa and Ukraine alone.

    There must be ten times more deaths now than there are children being born, and I believe that Gates and Musk already know these “shadow” numbers. Because they consistently talk about how the birth rates are not adding to the overall population, and that we are looking at extinction by childbearing sterility, if we don’t act soon to increase those birth rates. But to be brutally honest, I think it is all misdirection to lead us away from how their rocketeering adventures and support of geoengineering are the real culprits of our looming extinction.

  22. NOAA has just backtracked and said that La Nina now has only a 65% chance of beginning in late July or August. But there is an 85% chance that it will begin in the late fall to early or even mid-winter months. While originally, they claimed that we are in a transitional phase (started in May) between the two, but rather flipping on that now. Claiming that El Nino is still quite active and predominantly controlling climate patterns. Contrary to previous statements.

    So, what exactly does that do to their “exceptionally active” hurricane forecast? You know, the one that was based on La Nina’s effects on the climate.

    Has the scheduled weather now changed? Again? Or did they happen to see the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Services report that said we have gone through fourteen straight months of record setting hot ocean surface temperatures? And suddenly chose not to push their original “La Nina” lie onto the public, just yet?

    The insanity just builds with each passing day as they flip flop as much as the weather does across the entire country, from one day to the next. I guess if we really don’t have an active hurricane season, then they can blame it on a stubborn El Nino… as they try their best to create tropical storms like the repeat ones hitting south Texas and Florida. And not anything coming across from the coast of Africa. Which is way behind schedule currently.

    1. Brother Eden: These are all Great Posts You have here for June 22. You have so many facts here relayed to us. Here I will note that we are in an age old battle with evil and it's days are now waning and are numbered. I feel the proof  that evil is ramping up out of control and flagrantly, is in our faces. Prophesied for thousands of years, there are things that have occurred at an ever increasing pace. Some are of mankind’s deviant behavior are a result of the same. All are influenced by mankind’s age old enemy Evil: by any other name. The good things have become as bad and the bad things have become as good. Man is without natural affection. There are war and rumors of war. There is crime, pestilence, earthquakes, disasters and famines. There is pharmacia / drugs of all kinds available for every occasion. Man is sleeping with man and woman sleeping with woman. If any of these things are missing in our time now, maybe we slumber. The one thing that is different now than the days of old when we have had less of the aforementioned conditions occurring; is the age of the computer. The computer has given us A.I. “The Abomination of Abominations” as also prophesied. Now as a fact we have given ourselves over to a diabolical force that will ultimately remove us from the equation and literally take over everything we know of. This will create the worlds greatest backfire that has ever been experienced. Talk about a world gone wrong on so many fronts as we now experience watch and wait. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

      There is only one Hope. That is the rescue from a loving Divine Presence “GOD” as is commonly referred to by so many other names. No we are not out of the picture and not off the hook, not now at least. We are called to join this Divine presence for good, in all that we do and glorify God only and not men. As we rebuke evil and all of its ways, there are still newer evils we face at every turn. These too we must rebuke wherever and whenever they are found.

      This is what we do here to point out the atrocities created by climate controlling Geoengineering, because it is “Right and Just”.

  23. I want to share this with everybody. I got to reply just now from the chief meteorologist of my local news station. This is what he had to say: 


    Hi Jonathan. 

    Heat this week happens occasionally in North Carolina as early as June. Last time was 2018. Last year was the exact opposite when we didn't hit the 90s in 2023 until the end of June. Climate change and the impacts humans have on the Earth continue to help these events happen more often. When you look at the warmest months and years, there's a lot since 2000. I've studied the atmosphere and weather for a while. The amount of energy it takes for a simple storm to form is astounding. Then you multiply that over and over for severe storms and hurricanes. There's just no way humans can impact those things with weather manipulation. We can't get even get cloud seeding to produce rain when we want it most of the time. Climate is different. Weather is right now, climate is over decades. There's just not any evidence that the technology or science is there to impact the weather regularly. Hope this helps and you have a great weekend. 



    Zach Holder

    WITN Chief Meteorologist

    Twitter: @ZachHolderWx

    Facebook: Zach Holder



    1. Brother Jonathan, they all must respond exactly as this chief meteorologist has to your inquiry, as per their gag orders. But of course, I'm guessing that you also sent him a link to "The Dimming". Which I'm sure he completely blew off and never intends to watch.

      His reply is so generic and robotic in nature, like a member of the matrix minion clones, programmed to be nonchalant and with no ambition or drive to question the true reality of this world's climate emergency.

      The statis quo and official narrative are what puts the food on his family's dining room table, and not his sense of duty to inform the public of the toxic fallout in the sky.

      Just as Dane pointed out this week, and has for years, that the so-called climate experts are held in check by the threat of their pensions vanishing into thin air, or blacklisting them into settling for a job at the local McDonald's drive through.

      Even the puppets can lose their seat on the money-train to hell. Because that is certainly the last stop for the matrix iron-horse made of brimstone… they just don't know it yet.

      When you tell them that if they simply walk away, and commit to exposing the truth for once in their life, it would actually lead them to the path of salvation. And not just for them, but for all of humanity.

      They simply give you this "deer in the headlights" gaze. Become completely emotionless and stone-faced. Then slowly turn around and walk away, as if you don't even exist.

      Because it's like you have somehow triggered a predetermined response that they have practiced ahead of time, just in case someone actually has the nerve to challenge their morals and ethics. In regard to honestly forecasting the weather and not reading from a Raytheon script.

      "THEY" begin grooming future meteorologists in public schools and complete the programming process in college. I know because my friend the Professor dealt with them during his tenure, and he said they didn't seem to have any more human qualities They were just walking machines that could not be turned off, and that's exactly what the matrix does to them. They pull their soul right out of them, to keep them from having compassion and empathy for the millions of victims that are assaulted daily by climate intervention operations.

      Now of course I am only talking about their professional lives, and their years of programming that allowed them to finally become "generously paid" Raytheon puppets. To their colleagues, family and friends, they appear to be perfectly normal. They just can't figure out why they sometimes have trouble sleeping at night.

    2. Just like the medical industrial complex," baffled" as to whats causing all the current patient anomalies,but it Definitely is not the experimental jab-

    3. Brother Eden, yes sir, I did send him a link to the documentary. I even challenged him to meet me at any public restaurant bar or pub of his choice if he will only sit down and watch it with me, I promised him that the drinks would be on me. 

      He did not respond. He's easy to look up on the website. Perhaps some of you may have time to also send him some information. Or better yet, focus on the meteorologist and other people in the media in your area. 

      Update on the birds…..


      Only one mockingbird survived. Survived is not the word. Thriving is a better word. It is growing like a weed. Not sure of the sex. I reached out to people to get the best advice possible, and by the way, I am a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, so this is legal for me to do. I have been feeding it in between parental visits and providing shelter. Lots of nutritious food and starting tonight, based on its size, its own bird bath, which it loved. In fact, within seconds it had already instinctively known to lean forward and scoop up a big bill full of water. Its parents watch me everyday as I supplement the food they are trying so hard to find for it. They don't mind. It will probably be only A matter of a few more days before it will be able to fly to get out of the fenced side yard and join them. I held it up yesterday and let it look around yesterday evening when it was a little cooler and there was a nice breeze, and it was so interested in the wide world beyond the confines of the fence. I told it, All this is yours! Soon it will be able to fulfill its God-given destiny. I would not normally get involved with young birds when their parents are around. However, the weather has been absolutely atrocious. I got home from work this afternoon and went to check on it. Of course I had the usual foods and so forth that it has been enjoying. It saw me and opened its mouth and started crying. Normally it does not do that. That's how thirsty and hot and hungry it was, in spite of its parents. Being around. Insects are hard to find now. I turn on the lights on the side of the house and spray it down the evenings to encourage both insects and the tree frogs that need them. We still have a few. And again, the mockingbird has got big enough that I was able to safely make a bird bath for it. Of course with rocks and so forth in it and one that's not too deep. So it will be able to better take care of itself when I'm not there. 


      And then a couple days ago, I was coming home from work and found two very young barn swallows huddled together in the middle of the road in traffic. It was by the grace of God that I saw out of the corner of my 53-year-old eyes, a subtle movement. That made me question what it was. I turned around and went back feeling in my heart. It was something living. And I found two somethings living. I fed them and took care of them as best I could. They were very emaciated and dehydrated. Alas, one of them passed on yesterday morning while I was feeding it. I blessed its precious spirit , which is now spreading its wings and flying with its Creator. Just like the other two mockingbirds that didn't make it on this plane of existence. 

      The remaining barn swallow is growing stronger every day. It goes with me to work and is legally a ward of the state. Just like a foster child. I feed it in between patients. A lady came in today from an assisted living facility, 44 years old, with muscular dystrophy. She has had more than a few hard knocks in life. But I'm happy to say that it made her day to get to hold a baby bird for the first time. Anyway, I took the two baby birds out later the same night that I found them to where I found them, looking desperately and gained them to call. Hoping that I might find the parents. Alas, no parents. So I am their parent. 

      One step at a time, in the flow of life. All these things require as a willing heart and the commitment to spend the extra time, and resources and intuition and advice will come from sometimes unexpected places and one will begin to intuitively know what to do in most of those cases. 

      The little swallow will talk to me when I make a certain call that sounds like a kiss. It's so sweet. I think it is already starting to imprint on me to some degree. It loves to just sit in my hand. After it eats and curl up and go to sleep. I would carry it around the house and it just wants to be around me. There are no parents to come back to it. I drove by there again today. No parents. 

      No worries. I told the precious little swallow that I would never give up on it. 

      It is growing more and more used to feedings and growing more comfortable being handled. It's eyes are brighter and less sunken in. It is more alert and vivacious. My feeling based on the last 36 hours or so is that it is going to make it. It is going to be given the opportunity to fulfill and live out its destiny. Sometimes of course nature needs a helping hand. Particularly in this scorching weather. Like I said, I would not normally get involved such as with the mockingbirds. In this case with the two swallows, it was absolutely necessary.

      We are not tasked with things beyond our capability to handle them. This applies to our outreach efforts about the weather warfare programs. It is becoming unfortunately easier and easier to discuss these programs with people. More and more people are starting to realize that this is not normal. Most people would not believe the weather in Eastern North Carolina If I explained it to them. 

      I keep reminding myself that many places have it a lot worse. 

      Aside from your outreach efforts to inform others, be open to all possibilities. As you travel this road, we call life. If you are open and willing, you will find endless opportunities. Open up to you to help and bless people or animals or plants within your realm of influence. It matters not which. As my great aunt once told me, "Pick the berries in front of you."

      So please be open to the Creator working in and through you (on a deeper level, you could even say, AS you).

      Blessings to you all…


  24. What is the “Big Deal” about the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (ISC)?

    What is the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (NMISC)? Why are they unwitting key players in our efforts to expose and stop the global Climate Intervention / Weather Warfare crimes – a portion of which we see in our skies as aerosol dispersions – commonly known as “Chemtrails”? “Big Deal” – Two reasons.

    Reason #1 – The NMISC is the New Mexico governmental “Umbrella Organization” that brings together any and all “stakeholders” who wield influence and control over water – large water infrastructure projects, dams, wells, springs, reservoirs, stream flows, water rights, water cutoffs, legal settlements, water planning, interstate water compacts and all irrigation infrastructure. They also implement laws, rules, and regulations involving water mandated by Federal, State and Local governments. That is not all – the NMISC sponsors a program to pay farmers not to utilize irrigation water – thus to not grow crops – By willful ignorance, denial, and censorship – they say nothing while the “drought” – the profound lack of rainfall – continues indefinitely in the America Southwest and elsewhere. Simply put – the NMISC controls every drop of water – and lack of water – in New Mexico. Water is Life.

    Reason #2 – The story starts with Western Weather Consultants of Colorado and their application (and how it got “stomped”) to the NMISC for “cloud seeding” in New Mexico. This ten day melodrama brought the NMISC into the spotlight of public view – and identified them as a key pressure point in our local efforts to expose and stop the global Climate Intervention / Weather Warfare criminal programs.

    With the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (NMISC) we see how the system is seamlessly interconnected to control water – a Juggernaut of Federal, State and Local governments – right down to the worker level. These various entities are all united by the same common thread. None of them will tolerate the slightest whit of exposure, acknowledgment or discussion regarding Climate Engineering/Weather Warfare.

    Once again we see a very dark horizon. Is Evil so normalized that we can not see it or take notice of it? In my humble opinion, the passion for power and control – which spawns Climate Intervention / Weather Warfare – is not just misguided, immoral, or insane – but profoundly Evil – Evil that is so dark that it is beyond human comprehension.

    1. Brother Ben,

      When water went from being a necessity to a commodity on the New York Stock Exchange about two years ago, the elites began to harness control of every drop around the world. That's why they spent "sometimes" billions on acquiring water rights and massive land purchases that had deep underground reserves. Years in advance of that strategic move on their part.

      Land and water commissions across the country were also infiltrated with their own puppets being elected or delegated into them, just like the oil and gas empire has done with the EPA, and the annual world climate summits.

      Now, because of their actions though, it has had a major domino effect around the world. Forcing many family and co-op farms to dry up as they can't get irrigated water anymore… and they refuse them any water well drilling permits, because water is now a commodity and they could sell it at a profit. Which of course, many countries only want their governments and rich to profit, not migrant farmers, family farmers or co-ops.

      So, all of that is one major reason why food supplies are dwindling around the planet, and climate engineering is just putting salt on the farming wounds of the entire world's agricultural sector. Toxic soils and toxic "water for profit" think tank ventures by the elites. Even when they finally get the water they need, the climate intervention mafia will drought them, burn them and flood them out of existence. Because that's what they do to maintain their power and control over the masses or what they call the sub-humans. We are all expendable in their vision of a perfect world, and the best way to achieve that dream is by depriving us of water.

  25. I had not yet had a chance to listen to the broadcast. However, I feel certain that the southeastern United States is being subjected to a high pressure heat dome. I emailed the local "news" station's chief meteorologist this afternoon and gave him a link to the documentary, THE DIMMING, and I asked him to please watch it and then explain to me why they won't talk about this. 

    When I'm not at work, It seems that I spend most of my time lately, hauling buckets of water to fill up bowls and baths for  birds and other animals and trying desperately to keep our trees and other plants alive. 

    One more thing… I'm not complaining. However, I have some relatives who are very comfortably retired, to say the least. Every time I hear from them, they are planning their next European cruise or other travels abroad. I have attempted numerous times to share information about this website and what is happening in the world around us, and those efforts fall upon deaf ears. This category of people is among the most difficult to reach. I have mentioned before, other groups that are also difficult to reach. I do not have an answer for it other than to make reasonable attempts when I have the time and to focus my efforts to inform, primarily elsewhere.

    1. I surely agree with you Jonathan.  I also have retired relatives and friends that take cruises and fly out of the country without a concern in the world.  They are in their own little world because they apparently have the money to vacation throughout the year every year. No concern for sky spraying, high prices, and anything I send them to watch.  Dear Ears for sure 🙁

    2. Hi Jonathan, I guess we're 'birds of a feather' here at GeoWatch. Knowing the true state of our world- I can't imagine getting on a cruise ship sailing on superheating, poisoned oceans above sick and dying sea creatures or planning an exotic vacation around the world somewhere when I don't know if there will drought or floods or softball sized hail raining down on us wherever we are. Knowing the instability everywhere across the board; the current wars we're not supposed to be involved in (but somehow seem to be), the terrible suffering of so many souls everywhere (including those from the precious innocent plant and animal kingdoms who have done nothing to deserve it), the completely absurd and unpredictable 'whack-a-mole' weather we are all forced to endure at this point and the ever shrinking food supplies because of it. Never mind the impending financial collapse facing the entire world or the masses sick and dying from the bioweapon plandemic and subsequent vaxx 'cure' for it. I am incredulous as to how the HELL anybody sane could have a good time embarking on a grand vacation anywhere these days?! I guess once you know a thing (and we here do); it's impossible to un-know it; and certain people work very hard at keeping their heads stuck deep in the sand as they continue to 'party' on. I get that its important to enjoy our time with loved ones and draw joy from the beauty in nature that still exists (as you are doing in caring for your fellow creatures), such an unselfish act of kindness in these most difficult times. We must never let the evil being done rob us of our focus  steal our JOY. Thank you Jonathan, for all you are doing to move the ball forward. 

    3. Update, the Mockingbird flew out of the fenced in part of the yard yesterday evening. I placed it safely in a chinaberry tree and put out its birdbath elevated on a bucket, between the tree and the blueberry patch/grape vines. I called out to its parents to let them know where the little one is, as it is so very quiet most of the time. This morning they were out feeding it. 

      After such a good day (mostly) yesterday, the precious little swallow passed on, while I held it this morning. It is in the heavenly spheres  flying with its sibling now. We cannot always control the outcome. What matters most, in each situtaion, is always the same thing, which is what should motivate us ot share GW information in every niche of our influence- LOVE.

      I thanked out four dogs this morning for being so concerned about the little swallow. They sensed its condition and were (I can't say how I know this, I just do) extremely concerned about the little one. 

      This kind of love is a language spoken in the language of the soul.

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