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Dane Wigington

"South Florida compared to scenes from a "zombie movie" as widespread flooding triggers rare warning" from CBS News. "Unstable systems: Why geoengineering will solve neither climate change nor climate geopolitics" from ELN (European Leadership Network). The ELN report continues with this, "Even more so than resource competition, this could trigger interstate conflict up to war, which, under the circumstances of great power competition and climate change, would be a threat to humanity’s very survival." Where does that leave us? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

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66 Responses

  1. Global ocean heat has hit a new record every single day for the last year

    By Laura Paddison, CNN

    T, Mon March 18, 2024

    The world’s oceans have now experienced an entire year of unprecedented heat, with a new temperature record broken every day, new data shows.

    Global ocean surface temperatures started breaking daily records in mid-March last year, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, fueling concerns for marine life and extreme weather across the planet.

    “The amplitude by which previous sea surface temperature records were beaten in 2023, and now again in 2024, is remarkable,” said Joel Hirschi, associate head of marine systems modeling at the National Oceanography Centre in the UK.


    Global ocean heat has been at record levels every single day for the last year | CNN


    Nothing can be hidden anymore–Climate Engineering , Geoengineering needs to be discussed by main stream media

  2. One new study shows that the deadly heat will be relentless. According to The Guardian, “The deadly heatwave that scorched large swaths of Mexico, Central America, and the southern US in recent weeks was made 35 times more likely due to human-induced global heating, according to research by leading climate scientists from World Weather Attribution (WWA).”

    The 1st commandment on the Georgia Guidestones states: 

    Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. 

    In other words, massively reduce (kill off) the earth's human populations in order to create harmony with "Mother Earth"! Of course, they blame this on human activities and on the activities of "Mother Nature"!  


  3. For those who are new to this website, I want to give two examples of just how hot things are getting. Because of the degrading ozone layer. I see a lot of patients who are diabetic, and some of them have neuropathy in their feet and cannot feel pain the way that they should be able to. Who was at a barbecue and she was simply sitting outside and She was apparently barefooted or maybe had sandals on and one of her feet was sticking out from under a table or something in the hot sun. She never felt any pain but developed a third degree burn on the top of her foot. Within a matter of just a few minutes. It took months to heal the wound. Today I saw someone, also diabetic and neuropathic, who went to the beach over the weekend and at one point walked briefly and I mean just a few steps on a wooden boardwalk at the North Carolina Coast. She burned approximately 80% of the skin off of the bottom of her feet. Just from a few steps on those boards. I handed her and her daughter scannable business cards with the QR code for the documentary and a double-sided flyer to her and begged them to watch the documentary. I explained that because of human interference, the ozone layer is breaking down allowing ultraviolet C to now hit the Earth's surface. And that that is why it is so hot. She did not seem to fully connect with what I was saying, but I did my best. I just want to use those two examples to explain to people who may be new to this information. Just how incredibly dangerous ultraviolet C radiation is.

  4. Animals are animals. The animating force or spirit in them is why they act the way they do. They are governed by their basic instincts, the main one being to survive. Humans are governed by the animating force or spirit and the same basic instincts, the main one being to survive. Humans, when facing a life ending "existential" situation that threatens their survival, will do unbelievable things to other humans in order to survive! Look around! The "animal" spirit that dwells in the heart of human beings is not God's Holy Spirit. Only one "Way" to change this, but tragically the majority of humanity rejects it, thus they are doomed.

    1. Sorry to disagree Lance: Animals have not created war. They have not compromised and trashed our planet. If we were to be as animals we would not be so dangerous. We humans have the knowledge of Good and Evil. We have free will to choose between either. Unless an animal or it's young are threatened or become rogue mad,  they go about their own business. Even if that business is preying upon other animals for their natural sustenance. We as humans are clearly another created life.form. Humans can be loving and kind. Conversely they can be thoroughly malicious, thoughtlessly without remorse, self serving and indulgent. We simply have an hourglass behavior flipping from good to bad. We have done much good for each other. We have done much damage to each other. We have thrived with nature. We have also trashed nature. There are those psychopaths and sociopaths  among our ranks who are the most dangerous. They seem to move about unchecked and they plot against and destroy anything they encounter in their way. They seem to go about their malicious business and seem to be untouchable. This is where we are so much different than any other animal.

      If Your premise is correct, that we are merely animals. I will consider that notion. Yes, there is an animal spirit. Yet there is also "The Holy Spirit " that is available to mankind as a choice. Bad choices bring about bad results.

    2. William O. Douglas speaks to this in Of Men and Mountains—–

      "The mountains are harsh and cruel.  But unlike man, they are not revengeful.  Their anger comes in a great flash flood or an avalanche that roars off the mountain on wheels of death.  But then it is gone and over with.  It does not linger on like man's anger, which festers and grows in his heart and then gushes out in a great Hitlerian burst of premeditated and planned destruction.  Buck deer may lock horns and fight to the death for domination over the herd.  Yet they do not plan wars or plot programs to dominate the forest.  These beastly quarrels are short-lived and very much to the point of self-preservation.  Only man has feuds, and plots the destruction of his neighbor or an entire race.

  5. In this day and age where information is supposed to be instantly available why is it when trying to find out about events like wildfires the media posts information hours old, not current. Tryied to get information on the Sites Fire burning in Colusa County in CA right now that has exploded to over 16,000 acres and the most recent info is 7 hours old! Very little up to the minute info on this fire for some reason.

  6. Aerosol aircraft up over the Sites Fire west of Colusa, CA, that has grown to over 16,000 acres. Thick aerosol drops going on over this area and Central CA. Clearly visible on the Nighttime Microphysics Imagery Of Central CA on C.O.D. website.

  7. forgot to say

    have you heard of the effects of the melting of the arctic and antarctic

    because the ice is melting the cold water is being pulled towards the equator by the world turning effect

    and because there is more water at the equator it is slowing down the earth turning

    how will that effect the 3 small tectonic plates caught at the equator between the north and south plates

    is it no coincidence that the arabian plate – being twisted every which way by the bigger plates adjacent to it – has humans destroying the very crust they stand on

    what kind of mad human behaviour is going on on the caribbean and philipino little plates

    as above – so below – so the bible says!?

    isn't it so hard to understand being a human at this time?

    1. The phrase "As above, so below" was used by occult followers of Satan. It is found in the "Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus", not the Holy Bible.

    2. would love to read the "emerald tablet of hermes trismegistus"

      and who is hermes – seems a familiar name from my childhood reading in our local library – where i read everything, boys books, girls books, encyclapedias – but not many story books or crime

      what language is that book in? where does it come from?

      i have not read all of the bible i cannot disagree with you lance that it does not exist there – as above, so below

      but lance, which bible are you writing about – which translation – king james bible?

      i do not understand the idea that there is a "god" that is separate from all else

      i have become much more anthropological and ecological in my outlook as i have got older – how about:-

      human reality is essentially chaotic and incomprehensible with all rational order deriving from the way in which the human mind focuses its attention on certain aspects of reality and organises the resulting perceptions

      or how about miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to that which is known to us in nature – st augustine

      surely it just makes no common sense to hurt others cos its saying that hurting is okay 

      and as we all hurt – physically, emotionally, intellectually,- why would we think its okay to hurt ourselves or others

      and as far as i understood it everything is energy or spirit – looking deeper it seems not to be "energy" but movement or vibration

      i have observed "energy" – it is written about in ancient hindu knowledge and in fact if you look at the medical symbol – used by the west – the 2 "snakes" around a central rod – the caduceus – it is actually a western ignorant bastardisation of the 2 bursts of energy we get – one at puberty to link the pituitary to the pineal gland which ignites through our third ventricle; and the other we gain more slowly, as we gain insight into the relationship of our body to our intrinsic knowledge

      the "chakras" (hindu names) are named for energetic places on the body and as we grow and become knowledgeable about being a human and the struggles to retain some sense of the best we can be and do (the sacred) so the energy rises up the body and leaves the "crown" for us to interact with the universe and follow our proper path

      all matter is energy 

      e =mc2     so….   e=mxc2

      energy equals matter x by the speed of light x by itself   or….

      divide matter by the speed of light x by the speed of light and it becomes energy   or….

      if you throw matter fast enough it becomes energy and if you slow energy down by squidging it together it becomes matter

      people are sad creatures – like nature full of beauty or horror

      i feel so blessed that i have never done such bad things that i cannot sleep at night

      i love that i can see beauty and horror and see it all as an illusion

      i am 74 and clasp my hands together in thanks that i will not be here one day to experience that beauty and the horror cos i have big feelings that overwhelm me and i wish it to be all beautiful all the time – like a child

      but that's daft and unrealistic

      with our awareness we have to watch the horror- and intervene if we can – but we cannot always do so which gives me pain – but i am no god – just a puny, puny human, here for a little while and then gone again

      how conscious are we – the more conscious – the more pain

      it seems people who not what i would call conscious – people obsessed with gentalia, or blame, or drugs of one sort or another, women with sink plunger lips, men with muscles to extreme, celebrities, royalty – we are strange creatures

      i am an english peasant – at the bottom of the pyramid that is human society, tis easy to look up and see all the idiots above me, standing on the shoulders of others 

      blimey, where did all that come from hahahaha crazy woman from essex

      love to you all

  8. hallo wide awake people and thank you dane and family for still being here

    tis penny from essex and i have been a little crazy after curries (big electric maker of computers) dropped this here magic box and broke it, tried to give it back to me broken – have spent weeks trying to maintain my sanity amongst the real crazies who haven't helped me with their damage of my computer

    shan't go into the time and effort i have put in to make sense of the nonsense and lack of responsibility of such a large organisation

    it is so plain to me, having read quickly through this site's emails, and having felt i have "come home" that this debacle over my computer has been reflected in the bigger problems that we all face in the world at large

    am so pleased you are all still out there going "what the .uck is going on" in our human world and what spills over into the rest of nature

    so many people in the world rushing about into other countries where the environment is destroyed by the people already living there!

    we had a "trooping of the colour" with the royal self indulgent numpties where all the different battalians and guardsmen on horseback had their faces pixilated so they can't be identified 

    we have the greek people keeping the illegal immigrants from their shores at gun point from across the shores in africa (i loved greece and its people when i visited 50yrs ago – such a culture!!)

    we have car manufacturers in this country selling cars that can attain over 100miles an hour, and more, whereas our speed limit is 70m.p.h

    we have an election coming up where the power is to be given to people who appear to be brain dead – with no ideas, no courage, no backbone, and where too many of them seem to be obsessed with human genitalia

    apart from that – i can't get into the old shed that is falling down 'cos a huge number of bumble bees have made a home in one of the walls, right in the middle of the shed

    it is a wonderful to hear – their humming – if i make too much noise walking about in there – so i am staying away to give them peace whilst they live out their year humming about the garden – which is so green at present

    tis a tangle and am still trying to keep the paths clear so i can move about and pick my free food

    the rain is beginning to ease off this year, and at a guess, will stop very soon whilst the burning sun will dry everything up

    when there is some rain it comes in short bursts of big, big drops or ice – tis the same pattern as each year but the rain gets less each year and the sun gets hotter – the sky – i have never seen it so blue – paler blue

    and as i have thought, a tiny shrew has made its way into this tiny hovel to run around and clear the woodlice and spiders for me – each year one makes this its home – tis a joy that nature still keeps me company

    have had to visit hospitals – dear god in heaven – how they have changed into a global chaos – we have no matrons – so no strong women to control the cold hearted men who would rather practise their surgical skills of cutting, than treating the human body with a functional reverence

    i could go on but you will get tired of my poor brain that has had to try to survive without your input of sense and concern for this poor old world we live on

    much love to you all – how i have missed you



  9. 2023: A historic year of U.S. billion-dollar weather and climate disasters

    The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has released the final update to its 2023 Billion-dollar disaster report, confirming a historic year in the number of costly disasters and extremes throughout much of the country. There were 28 weather and climate disasters in 2023, surpassing the previous record of 22 in 2020, tallying a price tag of at least $92.9 billion. This total annual cost may rise by several billion when we’ve fully accounted for the costs of the December 16-18 East Coast storm and flooding event that impacted states from Florida to Maine.

    Over the last seven years (2017-2023), 137 separate billion-dollar disasters have killed at least 5,500 people and cost >$1 trillion in damage. One of the drivers of this cost is that the U.S. has been impacted by landfalling Category 4 or 5 hurricanes in five of the last seven years, including Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, Michael, Laura, Ida, and Ian. The U.S. was spared a major hurricane impacting a major metropolitan area in 2023, as Category 3 Hurricane Idalia made landfall in the less populated Big Bend region of Florida.



    1. This, what we now experience, is climate- "engineering" is a euphemism for climate – TERRORISM. 

      Anyone sanctioning this so-called engineering, any pilate flying the planes the MIC is literally making a killing off of, is committing crimes against humanity. Any government ordering SAI, Solar Radiation Management, or any other program implemented to artificially control our atmosphere and weather deliberately compromising our health, food and water supply, without our permission as they demand our tax dollars WITHOUT representation, has turned against its own citizens. 

      In his Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln sums government up as America was founded, "of the people, by the people, for the people."

      What this government is doing to us with their HAARP and all the rest of their trumped up climate crisis is criminal. The tyrants sanctioning this horror see us, we the people, as competition and a threat to the sovereign authority they demand — so we have this. What better way to gain absolute control over the citizenry than to destroy the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, while they laugh all the way to the bank off of our tax dollars. What kind of evil could surpass this? 

  10. SUPERSTORM ZAPS GLOBAL ELECTRIC CIRCUIT: The geomagnetic superstorm of May 10, 2024, did more than spark some of the best auroras in 500 years. It also electrified our planet.

    "Our sensors measured a significant change in atmospheric electricity," reports Gang Li, a space physicist at the University of Alabama. "Earth's entire global electrical circuit was affected by the storm." (spaceweather.com)

  11. Everyone here may remember that after Dane's GAN broadcast last week, I left comments saying that I am completely baffled as to how NOAA and the NWS could possibly say that the Pacific Ocean is beginning to go through a La Nina phase. Where the surface water temperatures are becoming cooler than average and will lead to dramatic impacts in the climate patterns here in the United States.

    When just today the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Services announced that we've now had twelve consecutive months of record-breaking "global" warm temperatures, and fourteen months in a row of record breaking "global" warm sea surface temperatures. (Their words, not mine.)

    I also said that the American people are being fooled into believing that the Pacific Ocean is currently becoming cooler than normal, while the rest of the world knows that it is getting hotter with each passing month. And the report put out by the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Services proves that to be the case. Because they completely contradict what NOAA, and the NWS are telling everyone here in America.

    Matter of fact, there is absolutely nothing in any meteorological reports by any other nation, including Canada and Central America about La Nina and a cooling Pacific Ocean (other than inserted quotes by NOAA and the NWS which they refute). Every country that should also be impacted by La Nina, besides just the United States, doesn't even discuss that term and how it might affect their weather.

    You will only hear that lie being told here, to cover up for the artificial cooling and heat dome climate engineering operations that are scheduled for this summer and beyond.

    But that is what truly baffles me so much, is that nobody even does the research to learn the truth for themselves. They just swallow every word of the NOAA and NWS lie, hook line and sinker. Even when the evidence for such a huge lie is staring at them right in the face.

    Just like the geoengineering elephant in the sky that craps on them every day and every night but continues to remain invisible to the "evidently" clueless masses.

    El Nino, La Nina… what? Sorry, but the truth is more like manufactured weather that suits their agendas, depending on which term they choose to use at the time. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

  12.  WATCHER senses danger.  #460 post, poking the sleeping bear was well said, and watcher was not off the topic.  We can expect that the Ukraine enterprise is using geoengineering.

    Here is a side note to ORSK where Russia's early warning system was attacked:

    Flood Disaster —- Thousands Evacuated   April 6, 2024

    Widespread floods in recent days in the Urals region, City of Orsk pop. 230,000, Orenburg region of Russia, parts of Kasakhstan,  Kazakh president, Kassym – Jomart Tokayev said, may be the country's worst natural disaster for 80 years.  Flood was caused by a breach in an earthen dam. (photo of a big hole in the dam).  BBC blames high water from melting ice in the Ural River.

    Okay, here is a question:  Did somebody steer an atmospheric river over the Southern Urals Mountains and dump water in the form of snow or rain?  Did somebody with a directed energy weapon take a shot at the earthen dam?  If any of that is true, that is classified secret information.  Or it could be a natural event.

    Thank you watcher, keep your senses sharp. Your friend Crystal

    1. Thank You Crystal: Dear one I am nothing of my own, I am merely one of God's Children as You are. I feel God has gifted me with discernment and a very inquisitive mind. Quite likely I merely just pay attention as any who would take the time to do so. I feel You do the same as well, as most do here.                                                           It is high time for us all to "Partner Up" with God and Pray for Peace and Mercy. Thinking of this I really still do have Hope.


  13. Matrix Media Brainwashing the Youth of America

    Surgeon General calls for warning label on social media platforms. Because social media is associated with "Significant" mental health harms for Adolescents. 

    Really? And I guess adults must be immune to those same mental health harms. So, just keep on vegging out folks. Because this world needs all the sheeple it can get. 

    The Department of Defense has been given orders by the Pentagon to roll out hundreds of nuclear weapons that were deactivated and mothballed (scheduled to be disassembled) and reactivate them as they will get placed on standby. Meaning that they could be launched within seconds of getting a green light. The last time this happened was just days before the Cuban Missile Crisis was first announced in the newspapers. (these details are covered by various sources)

    Putin is storing thousands of emergency meals and filling his emergency water storage tanks at a deep underground bunker, below a mansion in the mountains at a secret location. (same here, already in the news)

    Congress is going through secret drills that involve rushing to their secret nuclear bunker once a week, and they are also being stocked up and supplied with thousands of "new" meals and water. (this is in the news in other countries like the UK, and Germany… but not America) "Wouldn't want to alarm U.S. citizens now would we."

    As of January 2023 the number of nuclear warheads worldwide was guestimated to be over 12,500. With 90% of them belonging to the United States and Russia.

    My question is… Why would our military be pulling hundreds of nuclear weapons out of storage and arming them, when we already have thousands of them to begin with? There are enough weapons in this country alone to destroy the entire world "twenty times over again". How are a few hundred more going to make any difference at all?

    Unless there has been a significant event happen recently that we aren't being told about, and they are preparing for the war to end all wars.

    Maybe they secretly decided at the G-7 Summit that it is finally time to usher in a nuclear winter, to end runaway global warming once and for all. Why else would they go with nuclear weapons OVERKILL?

    Hey, at least that would give North Korea the chance to join in on the biggest Omnicide Party in our solar system.

    Several recent studies have shown that over 50% of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 are stocking up their own underground nuclear bunkers with emergency rations, and that's why suppliers are out of stock right now. According to the studies, they believe that nuclear war is eminent if Trump gets elected for a second term. And I thought that baby boomers were considered to be the real doomsday-ers in America.



    In war, nuclear power plants for domestic use are potential targets.

    We have been attacking Russian nuclear power plant stations:

    Newsweek – May 26, 2023  Ukrainian forces attack with at least 5 Kamikaze drones and one S-200 missile — target Kurchatov Nuclear Power Plant — shot down by Russian Air Defense, but falling debris damaged a substation.  Nuke plant is 40 k west of the city of Kursk and aprox. 110 k from Ukraine border. (Moscow Times – 4th time nuclear plant targeted)  I found what I think was Putin's response but video would not play – censored

    Military Summary – March 13, 2024  title– Ukraine Crosses The Red Line. Russian Nuclear Facilities Are Under Attack.  Russia was able to shoot down 58 drones in a night attack aimed at six areas inside Russia.  An oil refinery was hit. One of the targets was the Rostov Nuclear Power Station (volgodonsk)  Rostov is a large station with 6 reactors.  This was a scant report — showed a snip of video of explosion in the night.

    Reuters – March 14, 2024 Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant reports shelling by Ukraine army.

    At the start of the Ukraine conflict, Chernobyl was an issue — accusations and counter-accusations — shelling at Chernobyl, and Ukraine saying Russia was planting explosives in the plant, —and a device was put there, very sketchy, but could refer to a Stuxnet sort of thing, (STUXNET was the device US/Israel made to target Iran)  IAEA was called in to inspect and could not find explosives.

    Zaporizhzhia has been an ongoing issue, and Ukraine shelling the plant and transmission lines.  One attack caused damage but reactors reported okay.

    A past issue with Zaporizhzhia — The gist of it– After the 2014 coup, USA insisted that Ukraine buy fuel from US company instead of Russian fuel.  US fuel was incompatible and crapped-up a reactor.  Ukraine went back to the Russian fuel, and the US company was saying they would re-engineer their fuel to work.

    The interference of politics in these technical matters is dangerous.


    Two Major Issues:

    Number One  If the west manages to cause a meltdown, the radioactive gases released carries the risk of pushing our already badly damaged atmosphere over the brink.

    Number Two   Russia has left Ukraine power facilities alone— Until this summer 2024 offensive when Russia took out energy plants, and it was 'lights out' for Ukraine.  Russia DID NOT target nuclear plants.  Russia targeted non-nuclear facilities like dams-hydro & gas.  All the evidence I see is that Russia does not want radiological contamination in her territory or in her region.  And again, recently, Russia asked IAEA to step in to inspect issues at Zaporizhzhia.

    What happens if Russian Air Defense fails, and a serious reactor event happens?  Or the shelling causes a nuclear catastrophe?

    Russia has been very clear, that the retaliation will be against "the nations responsible" —- "those supplying the weapons"

    Thinking about methods of retaliation Russia could use— With bunkers and tunnels the people in Washington think they are safe.  But they are not.  And we, collateral damage will suffer and die as well.

    Russia has been very patient and tolerant so far.  Every American should ask?  If Russia was in Canada targeting our nuclear power plants, what would we do?  We have been warned.  Russia tends to be consistent and methodical.  Taking out the NATO bunker on the border with Poland was a low-key retaliation for our strike at their early-warning radar,

    What scares me is that we don't have an American government right now.  We don't have civilian control of the military –we have COG.  The Executive branch is reckless, incompetent, and living in delusion.  The Legislative branch is 'missing in action', not coming to our defense –Yeah, send 100 ACATM's, I'll vote for that (No thinking involved).

    Col. Douglas Macgregor said it, .."decisions based on prejudice, stupidity, bad assumptions, emotion, hostility by this small elite who is in charge" … "egos are too large"…"I hate to say it, but apparently, not enough Ukrainian troops have died for Washington."

    And life on the planet held in a horrifying threat of escalation, when we should be dedicated to cherishing the forests, the air, animals, birds.  What a waste war is.

    Because of censorship, I think most Americans do not have a clue about how World War Three is progressing.

    1. Old Saying:  "DON"T POKE THE SLEEPING BEAR"                          Russia is that Bear and is now fully awake and not so easily restrained. The illicit playground we had in Cuba under Batista was replaced by a U.S.S.R. installed Castro on our doorstep. This was  not a great outcome for either side. Now we have another illicit playground  moved to Ukraine. Under it's corrupt cocky self serving leader, it’s populace and his military are used as cannon fodder, while he enriches himself with the worlds money. Surely he should be audited to find out what real investment in his people and country has occurred .Naturally Russia will retaliate and surely repeat a “Bay of Pigs” situation, somewhere all over again. All of this has been prophesied and will come to pass sooner than we expect.

  15. Jonathan, I read of burnt grass drought in North Carolina.  How tragic!  It was the same here in Minnesota- June 2020.  A month later I went weak with the Delta variant COVID19.   Today the wet cool trend toward record precip. for June continues; better said- "probably artificial precipitation/cool downs for the most part (aerosols witnessed)."  Whiplash of the Maddening Max!  I see slugs on the lilies & root rot taking out the ginger.

    Thank you, among others doing their best, for all you have done and continue to do to awaken people, including politicians(!), while protecting  voiceless nonhuman populations.  I included these three quotes below in my letter to MN legislators RE: SF 4630 to ban climate engineering in MN.  The flip side had credible info & graphic image provided from Dane's website [3/16/2024 GAN].  As follows:

    "How can we bridge the political gap to Stop the Dim & Restore Nature's Brim."  I wrote this phrase in reference to the successful bipartisan passage- in 1986- of conservation bill- Reinvest in Minnesota [RIM].  Campaign slogan: Fill it to the Brim with RIM!!  What fun was had with that campaign!

    "Are we a nation of the brave and free?  Or, an empire enslaved by greed?  A nation of many states?  Or, an empire spreading hate?"

    From writer- Ursula Le Guin [1929-2018] paraphrased:  In regard to health issues of climate engineering, I linked parts of her quote:  "An [unprecedented ] growth imperative [coexisting] with an 'interdependence and limits imperative' . . . . nor can any society founded on that myth hope to survive." 

    Being an old gold bug (squashed years ago), I still glance at editorials.  Here is one that may not just consist of wishful thinking- in regard to what states can do.  http://gold-eagle.com by  Lawrence Reed  "Is it Time to Hold a Convention of the States to Address the Debt Bomb?"  In short, this Article V step would not be a 'constitutional convention' to alter its original intent but, simply an 'amendment convention' to keep the original intent of the constitution in tact; adding amendment(s) will improve it.  

    Obviously,  climate engineering quashed would be a first and foremost amendment to get progress rolling.  Reed says at present 28 states likely favor- just 6 short of 34 needed- for convention to occur (regardless of objections by any or all three branches of federal government).

    How about this amendment title.  "Disowning the Weather by 2025."

    Be healed, keep healing, all you healers out there!

  16. Hey Dane, speaking of Zombie Movies.

    We now have Zombie Deer, Zombie Fires and Zombie Viruses (frozen in the arctic ice)

    What's next? Zombie Wars? Where they learn how to reanimate dead soldiers? They did make a movie about that, starring the late John Carradine. You never know though, on such an insane world.

    Remember all of the Zombie Training by police forces across the country, about ten years back or so? Could all of this be leading up to something even more bizarre, yet to come?

    Zombie Birds that attack people around the world by the millions? Maybe Alfred Hitchcock was really on to something after all, and the huge amount of ammunition purchased by Homeland Security was stockpiled in case of any future zombie attacks.

    Just saying. Sure is a lot of zombie crap out there right now. What about Zombie Hail, or Zombie Hurricanes? Hey, don't laugh. Those could easily be the next terms used by weather forecasters.

  17. When it comes to trying to explain that the weather is NOT natural anymore few in my immediate family will entertain the idea. They don't want to hear "bad news" that messes with their self indulgent reality. Sad. 

    1. Mark Twain said "It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled".

  18. SNOW? In Colorado? In the middle of June?

    Oh, but there couldn't possibly be any weather modification technology being used to create such a freakish event. Just ask the average Joe. He'll tell you it's just climate change.

    They have seen Derechos, tornadoes, massive hail storms, record hot temps, and now SNOW. And that has all been just in the last two months. Can you say, "Climate Engineering Guinea Pigs?"

    Temps expected to drop into the upper 20s and low 30s. Then it will likely go right back to record highs, drought and fires. That tends to be the preferred cycle of events by those who are now controlling the weather.

  19. Yes, Hello to Jonathan and to all, I have noticed in the past couple of summers the small above ground swimming pool we maintain evaporates water incredibly fast. We are having to top it off every week or so. That was never the case previously and we've had the pool for at least 5 or 6 years now. Even the small 20 gal. aquarium I've had in the house for 30 years seems to require more frequent filling, sometimes becoming 6 or 8 quarts low in the span of only a few weeks. I chalk it up to the dessicants in the air because of the toxic climate meddling practices we are now enduring. Thank you Jonathan for your kindness towards the baby birds. Every life is worth saving. Also worth mentioning: Back in 2013 or so my neighbor said to me she was seeing types of bugs she had never seen before. Since she mentioned it I have noticed this also. Strange colored bugs that I've not seen when growing up. Brightly colored ones, some odd looking. I've seen some and then not seen them again in subsequent years. An odd brown & orange one just jumped on the window screen- then jumped away- bringing this to mind. Has anyone else observed this? It seems to me as a child we always had the same kinds of bugs inhabiting the area year after year. Strange days indeed…

    1. Yeah, like tropical species of fish showing up in the Oregon ocean, salmon looking for a new stream to spawn.  Species out of their range, not normal.  Somewhere I have an eloquent little quote from a scientist about species on the move, and it ends with species that can't move fast enough just have to stay and die.  Sorry that's a downer.  But they have taken away the fragrance of the soil, fragrance of the forest.  They have taken away the seasons of the year —one "winter" there was a freak warm streak and the bitterbrush started to make flowers thinking it was spring.  Or daffodils bloom and get hammered by the cold.  Or it's too warm for bear to hibernate.

      Meteorology is suppose to be a science.  I keep waiting for one of those guys to do a science paper on the oscillations in temperatures now as compared to 100 years ago.  I like to say we have lost nature's moderating influence, the way the thermometer slams up and down sometimes.  Seems like there should be a paper—maybe there is one.  Oh, I forgot,  They are fudging the temperatures,  So now there is no way to get an accurate historical record.  I wonder, maybe they are keeping two sets of books.  I hope so.



    2. So glad you mentioned the weird bugs that were not here when we were growing up.  I have been reluctant to bring them up since most here have lamented having a lack of bugs.  I don't!  And the ones I see are creepy, odd, and destructive.  They do their best to get into the house like the filthy (so called) lady bugs every fall that come in droves and seem to pass right through solid walls.  What about stink bugs?  What do they want in your house? 

      In the garden being attacked by buzzing, flying, menacing things like the huge florescent colored beetle like creepys that attack both you and your plants.  Ugh!

      So could they be genetically formulated nasties that can also be dropped with their chemical death soup to further our misery, and despair at gardening forcing us to eat from their Monsanto/Gates hog troph? 

      Like our Dane says many times "you decide".

    3. Update on the three mockingbird babies. They are doing a fantastic. Their eyes are starting to open just a little bit. Due to the extreme heat and heat index out here and the bone dry error from all the desiccant particles everywhere, I have been feeding them a 50/50 mixture of egg, white and water by dropper several times a day in between feedings by their parents. They Heather proved remarkably. They are grabbing a strength every day, and I expect that they will be given the opportunity to fulfill their destiny by living the lives they were meant to have. Their feathers are starting to grow in just a little bit. Maybe 4 to 5 mm. Their neck muscles are getting stronger. That's just one example, of course, among countless ones that we hear in this community can share. The principle is a deeper principle of love to all living things; and isn't an interesting , how sometimes people are the hardest to love. Thanks for all you do and thank you Robin for contacting representatives in Minnesota. 

      As Dane says, they are not gods, and we are not helpless.

  20. They've been laying down the chemtrails heavy again today, like last week. Trapped heat furnace style then the squeeze of the E M frequency waves and the pulsating vibration. Then came the rain and all became tolerable after the 100 day ushered drought. Second year like this. As a 69 year old life long Floridian this is now what they are geoengineering in the name of manmade climate change. It is manmade by the deepstate alphabets using our humanity, our very existence ,  as a cause

  21. Yesterday morning here in OR where I'm now living it rained when rain was not forecast. Heavy cloud cover and cumulus clouds formed over the area after the previous days aerosol ops. It was quite humid too. After the rain stopped and it started to dry up went out to my black Chevy SLT truck. The water on the hood and bed top evaporated leaving a dull gray fine powdery residue. Where did this "stuff" come from? The answer is obvious…to some.

    1. What you describe is exactly what happened here in Western Massachusetts. The water evaporates leaving a weird film on not just cars, but the salt used for the cloud seeding is causing paint to peel from metal roofing. That's just some of it.

      Over the past 24 hours or so, we had a pocket of beautiful weather but this morning around 11:00 a.m. the jets started coming over spewing their chemicals into the sky. By now the sun is obliterated, the humidity has increased yet it is weirdly chilly, and the sun is trying to shine through Bill Gate's calcium carbonate that profiteers special interests. 

      It is interesting to try to find information about whether or not geoengineering is allowed over the Guarani Aquifer, Uruguay, which the Bush family dynasty purchased back around 2015.

      After all, our water, soil, and food supply are being deliberately contaminated while we are sold food containing bioengineered ingredients. Our water supply is next. 


    2. Its not "salt" that is being used to make the clouds form. The "stuff" that showed up on the surface of my truck is composed of something else. Likely its composed of the micro/nano sized toxic elements that Dane has mentioned such as aluminum, barium, strontium, graphene, etc.. Today here in OR where I'm now staying there are low light gray clouds overhead covering the area. Question: what's in the water vapor that makes clouds possible? The answer is obvious if you've been paying attention to what Dane has discussed many times. The air, the water, and the soils are highly contaminated with various toxic elements. Every time you inhale they are getting into your lungs which enable your blood to be oxygenated. Nanoparticles are able to penetrate the "Blood Brain Barrier" (BBB), thus they get into your blood and brain. They cause diseases that affect both the body and the brain and this is documented "scientific" fact! Even if they stopped the aerosol ops right now it wouldn't stop what's already happening, nor what's coming!

    3. Welcome to Oregon Lance. A few days ago here in eastern Oregon the weather was in the mid eighties and the sky was absent of any visible chemical manipulation for two days. When I asked my wife what the upcoming forecast was, she said that it was to get cooler with possible rain coming in for the next three days. I responded that the planes would be back laying out their poison, and guess what, that's exactly what happened, "Look Ma, I'm a fake weather forecaster." And when the un-awakened run their cool downs, I notice I start to get a runny nose and I develop cramping in my legs and hands for no apparent reason. I asked friends and family if they were experiencing the same and a some were. It also seems that you can't shake the chill either, is this internal?  As the truth becomes clearer and clearer, it gives me strength and clarity as to my purpose in this fight for the planet. My hope now is for a shift in consciousness that will realign our way back to love and sanity, one can only hope. Dane, I'm running out of superlatives to describe you and your commitment to save the planet. Thank you for your sacrifice and to all the other fellow truth seekers that contribute here, we will be rewarded for our actions to end geoengineering. Stay strong, stay united. 

    4. Dear Hazel,

      Thank you for sharing about the Bush family and the aquifer. Most people don't know this. They have a compound there that conveniently happens to be right beside a US military base. Rules for thee and not for me seems to be the case for the parasite class.

  22. United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, May 14, 2014Defense Subcommittee (Chairman Durbin)

    Testimony by David Walker – Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force in 2014.


    From the video:

    [3:00] “We're moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do — is to inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed. ……… this (HAARP) is not an area that we have any need for in the future and don't see that it would be a good use of Air Force S&T funds in the future.”

    This Congressional testimony begs several un-asked questions:

    – Is David Walker telling the truth – or engaging in the military tactic of deception – when stating that HAARP is no longer needed by the US Air Force? If not needed, who is actually still operating the facility and for what purpose(s)?

    – Exactly what are these “other ways” of managing the ionosphere'? Does it trouble you that he admits to “controlling the ionosphere”? Why? For what ultimate purpose? Weather control?

    -Who gave the US Air Force permission to control any aspect of Earth’s vital life support systems – in this case the ionosphere? How many other military and/or political entities on planet Earth are also fully involved in this “control” of the ionosphere?

    -What are the many inevitable and devastating adverse consequences of controlling the ionosphere?

    Do we have here a question of human morality – or something more fundamental? Tucker Carlson in a recent interview made the following offhand comment: “It appears that evil has been normalized”. Have we seen many examples in the Middle East of profoundly Evil acts being publicly flaunted and celebrated?

    In my humble opinion – “Climate Engineering” – better described as Weather Warfare against all life on planet Earth – is not just misguided, immoral, or insane – but profoundly Evil – Evil that is so dark that it is beyond human comprehension.

    1. Hi Ben,

      Very interesting. Because I remember having a debate with three young men in a small Texas town about HAARP and it was I think, in 2012 or maybe 13. (all three were college students)

      I was trying to explain to them how HAARP could be used by the military to control the Ionosphere, for the purpose of weather modification.

      But all three of them kept saying, "Dude, you're talking fantasy bullsh*t!"… "HAARP is a university science project designed to advance communication capabilities at much greater distances, by bouncing radio waves off of the upper atmosphere. And yes, it would drastically improve communications between military bases on land, and their submarines running at serious depths in the ocean. But that's as far as any military aspect goes with the use of HAARP."

      Then one of them said, "What planet are you living on? Dude, nobody has the ability to control the ionosphere, and you need to crawl back into your little conspiracy theory rabbit hole."

      I hope they all watched the YouTube video that you referenced, and paid attention to everything said by David Walker – Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force. Because, just maybe, they would come to realize that it was "they" who were living on a different planet back then… and not ME.

    1. Therese,

      In Texas fossil fuels produce a little over 53% of the electricity for their entire grid system. And they are constantly on the verge of collapsing when it gets supper cold or hot. When it was closer to 89% they never had any issues. I know that doesn't bode well for trying to switch over to other sources of energy, but that is the same power grid issue in other states or countries that try to supplement their fossil fuel sources as well. And since there really is no such thing as green energy or 100% renewable energy. I honestly don't know how we can resolve the whole fossil fuel issue without going all nuclear.

      And that scares the bejesus out of me. Presently, nuclear power contributes about 7.5% to the Texas grid. But they are hoping to increase that number up to over 50%, with all of the new reactors under construction.

      I don't know the statistics here in South Dakota, yet. However I do know that virtually every state is building more nuclear power plants, and that has to be the most Omnicidal venture in the history of the human race.

      Should an asteroid strike the Earth tomorrow and wipe out four billion lives, the other four billion will be glowing in the dark in just a couple of month's time.

  23. The Baby White Buffalo (written only in reference to information I received from tribal elders.)

    The Sioux Nation in South Dakota is led by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, and he has met with elders from the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota Oyate tribes regarding the white Bison Buffalo calf that was photographed by a visitor to Yellowstone Park. They caution that it has not been confirmed by park authorities or local tribal ranchers, and until the birth of this calf has been officially documented we can only pray that the herd is protecting it from coyotes, wolves and humans alike.

    They have decided to hold a naming ceremony on the 26th. That way the native spirits can offer divine protection for safe journeys in life and connect it to the prophecies that it represents. This will also help the herd to accept it as a special being within the fold, and not cast it out for any reason or challenge its rights as a future Alpha Bison.

    Chief Looking Horse has compared the birth of this calf to the second coming of Christ, as it is that significant in respect to being such a sacred and deeply spiritual event. Fulfilling an ancient prophetic story of the white buffalo calf woman.

    The white buffalo represents hope, and its birth favors a change for good. It is also a blessing of bounty and that usually means that crops will yield steady harvests feeding many for years to come. But it’s also a symbol of harmony which means that we must treat each other and all of nature with kindness, respect and generosity. Warning us to become better stewards, lest we lose the life-giving miracles that nature provides.

    The last white buffalo calf was born in Wisconsin back in 1994 and was given the name Miracle. Which is exactly what this world needs right now in these dark and troubling times.

    1. Brother Eden ,This miraculous event of the White Buffalo is a harbinger of hope for "The People". I do Pray for this calf to survive. thrive and Bless us, with a good outcome. It seems that the time is drawing nigh. Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, disasters and men without natural affection. More and more signs are becoming prevalent in our time; culminating into a seeming apocalypse. We as a thoughtful loving remnant of humanity need Faith, Love and Hope to restore our weary souls. Pray for Peace and the health and well being of this Sacred Calf in Christ's name . Let us Pray for the Healing to begin A.S.A.P.

  24. The entire world needs to know what THEY are doing. Because this has gone on for far too long!

    My doctor friend in Texas has told me that the NWS and AccuWeather are both lying through their teeth about true wet bulb and heat index temperatures, as the Mexican heat dome continues to bake their town. Their local forecast details claimed the heat index value was at 100 degrees. Which is nothing drastically alarming to residents of Texas.

    She has had six patients call her at home (so far) and make emergency visits to her office, including three more that went to the hospital in dire condition. All suffering from heat exhaustion or heat stroke and it’s all because the THEY said that their location had recorded one specific temperature, at a certain amount of relative humidity.


    They reported the temperature was 92 degrees and the relative humidity at 52%. So, her patients did not take any precautions and went about their daily routines. But according to five different weather stations owned by retired civil servants in the area. They were all reporting the temperature to be around 98 degrees and the humidity was at a stifling 88%! (Because it has rained virtually every single morning, even when it’s not in the forecast. The flooding there has still not subsided either.)

    Thursday night I watched a special report video put out by the NWS and NOAA and it was focused on wet bulb and heat index issues that are now posing a threat to people's health and well-being around the world. One expert from the NWS said this: "Thank God we haven't reached such high numbers here in America like they have in other parts of the world, like Iran where the heat index hit a life threatening 152 degrees."

    What a load of matrix horse manure!

    Let's do the math shall we. 98 degrees and 88% humidity equal a heat index of 160 degrees! And that number is moderate compared to so many other heat index records that have been SHATTERED across this country over the last seven to eight years now.

    Evidently, meteorologists that are covered by the all-encompassing gag order in America are being forced to skew the numbers, to never officially record temps and humidity that go above the heat index records in other countries.

    What else could it possibly be? To have them report all the numbers at such an extreme downside serves no other purpose. Other than to fool the entire population of the United States into believing that it doesn't get as hot here. Why?

    Because FEMA (federal) and all other (state, city, local) climate emergency services do not officially recognize heat as a reason for any sort of disaster declaration (Even though governors and mayors have tried). Meaning that no government agency will render aid or monetary relief during a mass casualty event caused by the heat, and they don't want to start doing so anytime soon.

    That would alert the entire population that the Earth will indeed become too hot for humanity to survive on, if we don't find alternative energy sources… NOW. And stop all activities that are increasing global warming temperatures, like GEOENGINEERING!

    Where I lived in the hill country of Texas, we went off the heat index chart (dramatically) at least a dozen times through the last five summers, and the official government chart tops out at 182 degrees.

    If Americans knew how and why they are lying to us about the true heat index numbers, there would be hundreds of thousands of lawsuits filed against the NWS, NOAA, (Raytheon, Lockheed should be included) and the Federal government. Because it is entirely possible that their loved ones who died from heat related illnesses, might just still be alive today if they knew how hot it really was outside (Or were warned ahead of time by health agencies.).

    Just to give clarity to this entire situation. My doctor friend and the local hospital have only on rare occasions, had to treat someone for a heat related health issue when the temperature was in the low nineties, and the humidity was just north of 50%. But the hospital reported 38 cases on just that one day alone. Humans haven't changed, but the weather reporting has. They are risking people's lives by lying about the real wet bulb and heat index numbers and are more of a threat to us than the heat itself.

    A dear friend of mine died from heat stroke in 2020, because he didn't think it was really that hot outside (He was only 29 and in great physical shape). He thought it was simply his own body somehow not being able to acclimate itself to the "normal" heat. So, he drank some water, put on some sweat bands and labored through the work he was doing outside anyway. But then later he collapsed and began having seizures, before going into cardiac arrest in the ambulance. That same scenario is occurring across America and in many cases it’s because their job requires them to work in brutally hot and humid conditions that can easily result in heat stroke and or death. Look at the number of high school athletes dying of heat stroke on the field or track. That number increases dramatically each consecutive year.

    If the government and weather reporting agencies would just fess up to the REAL NUMBERS, then alerts and advisories could be sent out like Amber Alerts on people’s phones. Businesses, schools and state or national parks could implement policy changes to protect their athletes, visitors, and employees. And everyday citizens could alter their daily schedules and routines, to avoid being out and about in such deadly heat. Governor Ron DeSantis is a prime example of the lying involved with covering up real heat index temperatures. Because he recently passed a bill that bans governments from requiring heat and water breaks for outdoor workers. (I can just see all the lawsuits being filed now)

    1. Just a question. Don´t these people have its own sense of temperature in their body? don´t they felt that the sun or the humidity was excessive for them? or they just get out to play in the fields with the security that a so called "weather service" told the temperature and humidity was about right?

      Where are their internal warning sensors and common sense? in the TV, in the radio, in the internet web sites?  Alas, poor people.

    2. I wonder if any of these young people have been "Vaxxed to the max? "  ( one of the "effects of the JAB )

    3. Hello Pedro, Thank you for your contribution to these discussions and welcome to the website. Your questions are exactly what so many others are wondering as well. But we are talking about a state (Texas) where the temperatures exceed 100 degrees regularly, and most people living there do have an internal sense of the heat and humidity. However (and I will try to explain this the best way that I can), when the wet bulb or heat index reaches a certain value, the human body simply responds with sweating even more profusely, and for a brief period it doesn't feel as hot as it really is, and that's because you get a tingling sensation on your skin that makes you feel slightly cooler. As some of your body's excess heat is transferred to the moisture that your sweat glands just created. (temporarily)

      But even if there is a breeze or a fan close by running at high speed, that heat can't evaporate away from the body (because the humidity is so high that nothing evaporates), and it is like when you are ill and have a fever. Most people don't even know that they have a fever until they place a thermometer under their tongue.

      Your body's heat sensors begin to shut down as the excess heat that starts to accumulate forces the blood to start flowing more to the organs, rather than the skin. Which is the body's natural way of protecting the organs in a "flee or fight" response. (unfortunate yes, but that is how the body responds)

      That is exactly why, when you find someone that has passed out from the heat, their skin feels cool and clammy. And if you don't place them in an ice bath within a few minutes time, their internal organs begin to shut down. Not from the heat per-say at that time, but from the dramatically increased blood flow that is overwhelming them. And since there is increased blood flow to the internal organs, your brain begins to lose blood flow. Leading to a stroke and maybe even seizures.

      The process of the brain beginning to lose blood flow is also what fools you into believing that your body isn’t overheating, and you aren’t making rational decisions anymore. Like getting out of the heat and going indoors to cool off in the air conditioning as quickly as possible. (Loss of Common Sense)

      If you are dehydrated then the extreme heat and humidity can make everything, I just described happen much faster, and you will pass out even sooner than most if you don’t cool off in a timely manner.

      The only reason I know all of this is because I have experienced heat stroke twice in my lifetime and still have scar tissue on my kidneys from the excess blood flow that caused them to swell. I experience severe pain at times if I don’t drink enough water and I always warn others of these dangers, because I don’t want them to go through what I have endured.

      The poor are ten times more likely to have a heat stroke because they usually don’t have any air condition or there are no cooling stations around for them to escape the heat. People living on the streets and those living in shabby structures, like in most third world countries, will likely make up the first mass casualty events when the wet bulb and heat index values reach deadly levels in nearly all heavily populated areas around the world.

      Most hospitals in America are forced to under report the numbers of people admitted for heat related issues, because the government doesn’t want to create a panic situation. Forcing them to take immediate action in reducing fossil fuel emissions, to avoid mass protests and revolts by people who learn that their lives may be in danger. They are trying to avoid the Mad Max scenario for as long as possible. Because without fossil fuels running most of the power grids, there would be no air conditioning anywhere, and all hell would break loose anyway.

      If we could just get them to stop with their climate engineering insanity, it might give us more time to find ways of slowing the heat buildup, feedback loop process, and avert a total extinction of all life on planet Earth. And that’s why we need people like you Pedro, to help us reach more people and wake them to the geoengineering elephant in the sky.

      If you can’t tell by now, we here are very passionate about this cause and you can sense that by the frustration in Dane’s voice and words. And by the urgency that becomes so clear and obvious when you watch “The Dimming”. I still feel as though his documentary should be required viewing in public/private schools and universities, if we want to reach out and awaken all generations of people. In my book it is truly worthy of the Peabody Award.

    4. What I forgot to mention is that when the body's flee or fight reaction to the extreme heat on the skin begins to redirect blood flow to the core (internal organs and not the skin or extremities), it is doing so to protect against "bleeding out". Should that heat be something like a flame burning away layers of skin, exposing the blood vessels to severe bleeding.

      That particular body's response is what leads to a person having a stroke during exposure to high wet bulb or heat index temperatures. Thus, the medical term "Heat Stroke" is used to describe that particular trauma. 

    5. Those of us dependent on such info might consider obtaining their own accurate weather station. Media lies are a feature not a bug.

  25. Here is something drastically damaging Earth’s ecosystems that environmentalists don’t appear to be concerned about at all but is chaffing at the U.S. Military Cult of Conflict, and some fossil fuel-based industries that rely on these water ways to transport their crude oil and natural gas. Not to mention international commercial fishing fleets. Affecting the Philippine’s and Taiwanese commercial fishing industries more so than any other and altering climate patterns around all the Island nations in that part of the Ocean.

    The South China Sea is being turned into a massive “Sludge Pit” with three and one-half acres of artificial islands being created by the People’s Republic of China daily. It’s titled as (you guessed it) “Geoengineering”.

    They dredge the "shallow" ocean floor destroying coral reefs and kelp fields at astounding rates, while killing or displacing hundreds of other marine life species in the process. It is considered an ecological disaster of epic proportions and China simply doesn’t care, because it serves to strengthen their own military cult of conflict.

    Over five thousand acres of new land masses have been built up so far and hundreds of square miles of once thriving aquatic based and marine communities are annihilated, while turning everything into a barren undersea wasteland. All in the name of becoming the world’s greatest superpower nation.

    China's advanced artificial island making technologies are having a distinct effect on the climate in that region. Not only that, but they also use climate engineering to steer tropical storms and cyclones away from those new islands, just as the U.S. military steers them away from the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Nature pays the price when the “war machine” empire decides to expand and consume everything that sustains a thriving web of life on planet Earth, and eventually it will completely sanitize this entire planet of all life. That’s not conjecture, a conspiracy theory, a wild guess, or some kind of doomsday alarmism. That’s merely an obvious and inevitable outcome if we stay on this present course.

    A new study out today claims that less than 45% of Americans believe that we are currently in a climate emergency, and they place the possibility of our extinction at the bottom of their worries list. Even below their worries about what social influencers might post in reply to their blog comments. Another wards, most Americans think that climate change is a hoax or scam, and global warming doesn’t exist.

    The matrix is gathering (dooming) more comatose sheeple by the day, and our work is truly not appreciated. But I still refuse to surrender and join the cult of deniers. Because I believe that Earth and humanity are worth saving, even if people don’t believe that they need saving.

  26. I ran across a weather forecast for Houston, Texas that had this UV warning in bold red letters, “The UV index will be at its highest level of 10 this afternoon, and caution should be taken if you plan to spend any length of time in direct sunlight. A severe sunburn could occur within just ten to fifteen minutes of exposure.”

    I’m sorry, but I have never gotten a deep blistering and painful sunburn in such a short amount of time… ever. Even when using one of those old “hot as hell” infrared tanning lamps in my youth.

    I guess that’s their way of warning people about the new UV-C wavelength radiation and increased Infrared spectrum threat, without actually having to admit that they have both suddenly become very dangerous and or possibly even deadly.

  27. Hello All,

    I am not complaining; I do, however, want to speak briefly to those who are new to this subject. 

    In Eastern NC, it is incredibly bone-dry here. I have never seen it drier. It is a struggle to keep the garden, plants and trees watered. I had to re-hydrate a baby mockingbird and its two siblings yesterday, about 2-3 days old. One could barely move. I did so again today, and they are now doing well, thankfully. The parents are doing all they can as well. I've never had to do this before, though.

    Dane repeatedly discusses the desiccant properties of the aerosolized chemicals being sprayed in our skies. They bind to tiny water molecules and prevent many of them from coalescing into larger water droplets that are heavy enough to fall from the sky as rain. The grass, or what used to be grass, crunches under my feet as I walk in the yard. The animals are having a hard time getting enough water- I make multiple trips outside each day to fill up water bowls, bird baths, etc.

    Please, do all you can to raise public awareness of this issue and work to encourage your elected officials to do the same. I mailed GeoWatch materials to one political candidate this week. I email my NC legislature members frequently. Alas, no concrete action on their part, yet. Still, I keep at it.

    Be extra kind to the people, plants and animals within your sphere of influence- many of them are in desperate need of your help in so many ways.

    This is but one plane of existence. However, we are here, and we are here, NOW. Therefore, this time in history is important, and you are each here for a reason. 

    Make it count. Look the storm in the eye.


    1. Keep up the good work,but I hope your colleagues and hospital aren't still pushing the " safe and effective"

    2. I teach my coworkers and niece and friends about the abnormal clouds manmade not natural. Trying to zoom in on the drones/ planes putting out the varying nanoparticles. I hate the fake sun color of L E D not a golden color of my youth. I will die ringing the bell. This and the coup against our republic. 

    3. Jonathan, They are stealing your rain to keep the upper NE one-fourth of the country cooler and wetter. Now, the heat dome is moving over that region and they will eventually push that heat down on you… and steal even more rain. Looks like you are in for a hot, dry ride this summer and I truly feel for you brother. Been there, done that.

    4. Jonathan,

      It is bone dry here, deep persistent drought, and I think about how crazy to have desiccants like barium too,

      Yesterday, I went out the front door and there was a lizard sitting on the little stone wall that goes around the patio.  We have always had door lizards, native cute little guys, and that's where they like to sit.  This one looked a little skinny, maybe old, in general they don't seem to be as fat as they used to be.  Doing chores, I picked up a piece of wood that was decayed and had bugs under it, so I took it over and laid it on the cement.  Little lizard came right down and started to picnic. A minute later, I was 10 feet away watering plants on the wall dipping water from a bucket with a cottage cheese carton.  To my astonishment, the little guy had run over, climbs the back of the window box so he just pops up right where my hand is and sticks his head right to the little stream of water I'm pouring and takes a great big drink.  We have had the door lizards and plants for years, always the same routine, and I have never had a lizard do that.  They usually are not quite that tame.  When animals need help they can get more tame.

      Last night I got out of bed for a drink of water.  It is really dry here, maybe they are doing a taxonomy experiment on us. (that's a joke)

      I will never get tired of your spider story, All the best, Crystal


    5. SOI, 

      No, they are not pushing them currently. In 2001, I hired a Federal Employment Law Atty and helped others to hire the same firm, and they quickly waved the white flag. 

    6. Dear Crystal, it seems to me that you are one of those, as many of us are here, who are " sensitive to life." Not everybody is. And it is true that there are many stories that we could share of animals who were in need, who set aside their natural fear of people, if that's even natural, and with them to seek help. Like the kangaroos who literally went knocking at the windows of a house in Australia not long ago beckoning the homeowner to come outside and then they led the man to a place where there was a crack in the ground and one of their babies had fallen in and could not get out. He scooped up a little baby and rescued it and handed it back to the kangaroos, some of whom were as tall as he was. And yet they were absolutely gentle with him. And afterwards, the rescued baby and its extended family would join the man daily when he would take his little dog out for a walk. 

      I will never forget that little jumping spider. I had never seen anything quite like that. It took that little fly delicately and gently out of my fingers and then resumed its meal. I apologized of course to the spider since I did not know at first that I had interrupted its meal. It forgave me and went right on eating. Once I handed the fly back to it. It took its two front legs and gently took the fly out of my fingers. And for all their beauty, jumping spiders can be a little feisty. Anyone who's ever been bitten by one like I have can vouch for that. And yet it was so gentle. 

      The That I feed, including red foxes and their larger cousins, are all at peace with each other, and never bother us. I've been outside walking dogs before and seen them run right through the yard and the surrounding fields. There are dogs who unfortunately live somewhere in this neighborhood who are not always very well taken care of, and on occasion they come here to the house and find me. I don't know who told them other than the creator. They have various needs, and I do for them. Whatever needs to be done. One of them had been badly abused and the past and has its left front leg broken into places. It can put just a little bit of weight on the left front leg but not much and because of the lack of normal walking on that paw. The claws were very long like eagle talons and they were curled and one of them at least was poking into its paw which must have been very painful. For weeks. When I got to meet this little dog, it would tuck its tail and run for me if I watched near it. Over time it began to trust me to the point that from time and time, she will now come up to the house when she needs something and she'll come right up to me and eat out of my hands. She has been dewormed and given Benadryl and had her tummy rubbed with hydrocortisone cream due to all the bug bites. She eats very well when I see her, and she drinks well. And the other day she even laid down and let me clip her claws on that one paw. And this is a dog that is essentially a stray for all practical purposes. I think she may have somewhat of a home in the neighborhood but not a very good one. I told her if she's always welcome to come here, and whatever she comes up to the house or one of her little friends, our dogs, particularly the shepherd. Greta, since that she's coming before she's even walked into the yard to where she can be seen. They just know. Just like with your precious lizards. They just know when you're helping them. I think that animals are a lot like young children. They are uncorrupted and pure of heart and much more. In touch with the spiritual realms than a lot of adults have been socialized to believe. There was a veterinarian who worked at a national park in India. One of the completely wild elephants had been attacked by a larger and aggressive male elephant and had a nasty gash on her side. She literally came to the veterinarian asking for help and then laid down on her side patiently while he cleaned the wound and sutured it back together. And she was completely wild. Not tame. And yet she set aside all of her natural instincts and put her faith completely in this beloved man who was serving the creator in his particular sphere of influence. 

      That story about your lizard is so precious. Also consider that the provisions had already been made for that encounter, which was not a chance encounter. And the precious little animal had been already prepared to trust you and to know that it would be able to drink. Here. Lately I have had a number of times when the adult mocking birds saw me in the yard near the nest but allowed it. They too know that I'm helping to care for their babies. Who told them that I'm trustworthy? This is a spiritual thing. They just know. 

      I'm going to share something very brief here that touches on the spiritual connection that young people have and I believe that animals naturally have. This was written Long ago by William Wordsworth. 

      " Our birth Is but asleep and a forgetting: The soul that rises with us, our life's star, hath had elsewhere its setting and cometh from afar: Not in entire forgetfulness, and not in utter nakedness, but trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home"

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