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Dane Wigington

"Fierce hail that caused major damage described as hell on Earth", from Fox News. "Massive hail storms keep hitting the U.S.", from The Washington Post. "Texas town deploys snow plows after 50-degree temperature swing and 2 feet of hail". "Residents of a southwest Texas town reported a dramatic temperature drop on Wednesday and hail so deep they had to deploy snow plows to clear the streets". "The temperature in Marathon, Texas, fell more than 50 degrees on Wednesday afternoon as thermometers tumbled from around 105 degrees to the mid-50s in about an hour". All from ABC News. From The Weather Channel: "DVD-Size Hailstones Fall in Texas". Record heat and record ice falling from the skies. Do these weather scenarios make sense meteorologically speaking? Welcome to patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding. What else will the coming weeks and months bring? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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44 Responses

  1. ORSK

    June 6, 2022

    Dimitry Medvedev, Russian National Security Advisor said:

    "World War Three has already started and the world is racing towards nuclear war.  This is not a forecast.  This is what is actually happening."

    I consider Medvedev to be a serious person, so I started to track the Ukraine war.  I found that his statement was correct.  I will skip to the latest development.

    We have been attacking Russia with long-range missiles.  On May 26, 2024 we attacked the Orsk radar station near the city of Orsk in the Orenburg region and close to the border of Kazakhstan.  The drone traveled 930 miles from Ukraine to the attack site in Russia.  The Voronezh-M radar at Orsk is one of the early warning system radars that Russia uses to monitor, and protect Russia from a nuclear strike from the USA.  In the USA, we have our own early warning system of radars to detect a nuclear strike coming from Russia.

    This attack on Orsk radar has nothing to do with the ground war in Ukraine.  Our actions justify a retaliation strike from Russia according to the nuclear deterrence structure between USA and Russia. 

    June 2, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said, "We will not allow Ukraine to be used as a direct threat to our security."  A NATO compound near the Polish border holding 300 or 400 Nato and Ukrainian officers was hit by a Russian supersonic missile killing 100 or more.  Col. Douglas MacGregor on the Judging Freedom program said this was a message from Russia with a "target chosen on purpose", that the Russians know where we are and are letting us know that they can take us out.  A quote from Lavrov played, " We do not rule out additional steps in the sphere of nuclear deterrence, because our command centers and their locations of our nuclear forces will be in range of American forward-based missiles."

    Col. MacGregor said the situation is "extremely dangerous", and other sane people are saying that as well.  He explained that the signal we are sending to the Russians is that an attack on their homeland is imminent.

    I am grateful that the Russians have been reacting with restraint to all the provocations.  I have been tuning in the Judging Freedom show because Judge Napolitano has good people on, like MacGregor, Jeffery Sachs — and Larry Johnson who is articulate, straight -shooter, X-CIA.—and dang, if Larry Johnson didn't show up over in Russia and give us a report from his hotel room.  He met with Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergey Ryabkov and they had a good talk.  Larry said Lavrov reiterated his deputy's warnings, so maybe he saw Lavrov too?  This is how dysfunctional our government is.  Larry Johnson made an appeal to Americans to call Congress, WHouse. 

    Col. MacGregor likes to say, "the fools in Wasington". 


    1. The works of Tesla were developed in the 1990's to create advanced weapons systems that have been used and are being used. The world is in a state of "perpetual war" as stated by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after the "events" that took place on 9/11 which was used to justify waging war on 7 nations in the Middle East as former General Wesley Clark openly stated on PBS years ago.

    2. Crystal:  You forgot to menton Scott Ritter who is more or less a regular on the Judge Napolitano's newscast.  Very much worth watching.  Besides covering Russia, he is quite adept at covering other nations, especially in the Near East and Iraq, Iran, etc.  His prior USA assignments in those areas and the knowledge he has accumulated make him extremely credible. Too credible as we have just witnessed in the 'passport confiscation' stunt pulled by the Dept. of State.  

    3. Lance, Thank you for your reference to NicolaTesla, one of the greatest, if not the greatest futurist, inventor and genius in the world.  He sought, through his inventions, to make this world better for all of us.  His goals would have been achieved had he the support, financially and otherwise, from those in power who looked askance, for instance. to a world with FREE electricity – Big wigs like Edison, Westinghouse, General Electric and the USA government, who kept a close watch on this genius regarding the technological potentials.

      His life was dedicated for the good and his vast amount of discoveries, renderings, methods, etc. were all stored by him in four or five huge warehouses in N.Y. City.  All of these inventions and ideas were confiscated the minute Nicola Tesla died by the US Government, in secret and for nefarious purposes.  The government agent in charge of these works and their confiscation was none other than Dr. John Trump, Donald's uncle. It is a long story and one affecting all of us this day in many aspects, as Lance mentions, although much earlier than 1990. One interesting statement by Dr. Trump should be read and I cite here:  "It is my considered opinion that there exists among Dr. Tesla's papers and possessions no scientific notes, descriptions of  hitherto unrevealed methods or devices of actual apparatus which could be of significant value to this country or which would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands. I can therefore see no technical or military reason why further custody of the property should be retained."  Unquote.  This, of course, was a bunch of B.S. from agent Trump. Not only had Tesla stored a vast amount of his works in all those warehouses, but even in the basement of the N.Y city flat where he resided.  Dr. Tesla's works, so numerous, so pertinent to what is being used today by our military and scientific and commercial groups as to be unbelievable by the common man – while none of Tesla's works are being used for the good of mankind as was his vision — this brilliant mind, this Croatian immigrant died in his tiny flat in New York…broken both financially and mentally by those in power to this day. He died alone and still being criticized  by those  who feared his genius and saw the enormous possibilities for  their future dominance over the world.

      As a footnote. Dr. Tesla's relatives in Croatia brought suit against the USA for return of all of his works. Many years of litigation. 

      If anyone is interested in a well-written (1981) introductory biography of Dr. Tesla, there is Margaret Cheney's (no, no relation) entitled:  "Tesla, Man Out of Time". Not overly technical, interesting.  I'm sure some here have read it or other many books about the genius.

      Thank you, Lance.




    4. Many believe that Tesla "technology" may or might save humanity and this world. Not going to happen. Tesla was messing around with the "power of the air". Who is the "prince of the power of the air"?

  2. Yesterday, I went to the supermarket around noon. I had my usual small umbrella to shield myself form the intense sun. As I was walking out of the store a little while later, I was getting my umbrella out and heard a guy making snarky comments at me. We were walking out at the same time. I took the opportunity and replied that I had had skin cancer before. He quickly changed his tune. I then went on to explain what Dane has reported about the thinning ozone layer and the increasing UVC radiation and handed him a business card for "The Dimming." I hope he takes the time to watch it. 

    Also yesterday, I (yet again) emailed my NC State District Representative and Senator pictures f the chemical streaks across the morning sky over eastern NC. Again, I received no reply.

    Please reach out to your elected State reps and see if any of them have the courage to address geoengineering as the State of Tennessee recently did. Also, I encourage everyone to not only take care of themselves but to also be prepared to share information with others at any time.


  3. I saw another great interview with Dane on an OAN (One Americas News) Broadcast last week! Very exciting to see Dane's message appearing on more different platforms. WAY to GO- You were great as usual Dane- and I was overjoyed to think of how many new listeners from a different audience you may have reached with that interview!!

  4. The only reason why scientists and the UN are claiming that we haven't passed the 1.5C mark, is because chemical ice nucleation operations are desperately being used to keep the average temperatures appear lower than they really are.

    If you remove those chemical cool-down events from the equation, then we have undoubtedly passed a mark that's closer to 3.5C, and even that number could be extremely conservative.

    The Military Cult of Conflict is performing a "Slight of Hand" magic trick that is fooling the entire world. With only a very small minority like us, being the exception to that rule. 

    My tractor is being repaired and I am taking this down time to do as much research as possible, to add what I can to Dane's GAN broadcast report. I will also be traveling to Montana tomorrow to speak with tribal elders who want to help us get the message out there to the rest of the world. I will be presenting "The Dimming" to them (with a translator if need be) and then documenting their reactions. 

  5. The UN came out today with yet another "Soon To Be Climate Hell" warning. While also sticking with the official narrative that Earth has yet to pass the 1.5C threshold, and also saying that we need to have cut back on fossil fuel emissions by at least 30%, by the year 2030. If we hope to stay below that 1.5C goal.

    I can think of three words right off the top of my head that clarifies the UN's response to the Already Existing "Climate Hell" we are experiencing.

    Big Oil Puppets

    They had strong words for the fossil fuel industry and even suggested that everyone stop advertising for them. But if they were truly serious about trying to avert a near term extinction event. Why lie about the 1.5C mark that they know for a fact has already been surpassed? And why say that we still have until 2030 to turn things around?

    If we continue on this sharp upward tick in temperatures, it is likely that billions will have already died from heat related conditions by the year 2030. Then, it is even more likely that just five years beyond that date, Earth will become completely inhospitable for for any life at all to exist. Well, that is except for the bacteria that is still in suspended animation, deep below melting permafrost. 

    Three more words… Absurdity, Insanity and Incompetent. I used to have at least a small inkling of respect for the UN. But now they are just another clown act in the Omnicidal Circus Sideshow.

  6. I listened to a recent interview that Jimmy Dore had with journalist Scott Ritter on the probability of a nuclear exchange (annihilation of mankind) with Russia. Ritter mentioned the Doomsday clock and it being set at 90 seconds, realistically he said it is set in milliseconds! So, not only do we have a Doomsday clock being set in the Sky, we have to deal with the psychosis of the terminally insane rulers of the world and their destruction of God's gift to mankind, Mother earth. Beam me up Scotty!


    O.K. I will attempt to keep an open mind and reach out to commentator's here to help educate me.

    In the past I seemed to think Co2 was a necessary gas. At least in a naturally occurring process nature has provided. It seems that we as ever large populace have created a greater abundance of this gas. If we are to make our case with people to stop Climate Engineering / Weather Modification, we should realize the importance of this gas and deal with it’s reduction by which a healthy planet and inhabitants levels can be realized.

    Here are examples of what we do to increase levels of this gas. Human activity produced Co2 from anthropogenic activities of burning coal, oil, natural gas, and wood,industry, manufacturing, pollution and non sustainable agribusiness and many other human born activities.

    Consider information here in these links and send me more to in order to help me evaluate my opinion.

    Carbon Dioxide Benefits the World


    Waste heat: the dominating root cause of current global warming


    How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming?


    Carbon Dioxide


       More and more we as humanity refuses to live simply as in a natural way in harmony with our planet and animal counterparts. The modern ways we cling to ever so, with such abandon. We need our comforts, our things, our machinery and so many more wasteful practices than we have experienced prior to the past 3 centuries. It seems to me that PROGRESS is the real culprit in the name of development and comfort for our species. Extreme pollution is a terminal illness to our once healthy planet.                                    Wild life has not progressed as we through the past 300 years other than being displaced and endangered. It remains virtually the same other than their health and numbers are in decline. Domestic animals displacing them, however have increased due to increased demand for meat and dairy consumption. In the past animal husbandry, equine and other transportation was a staple for our  survival. That itself was a form of progress, going back further into past centuries.

          O.K. I’ll cut to the chase scene. If we are to refute, protest and cease this so called science of Climate Engineering / Weather Modification; we do need an alternative to present to our populace so as to attempt to heal our planet naturally. Population control by eugenics, wars and genocide: seems to be another answer that is always being considered by the leaders. THIS WILL NEVER BE an ethical alternative. However our shear numbers in population do have to be considered. Some sectors of mankind populations are on the decline. It seems prudent that we intentionally become aware of our great numbers, for a start. Considering this fact, the continuation of exponential progress technological or otherwise as in play now is totally unacceptable.

    I ask You All here. What will be our recipe for success?

    My thoughts are to create a intentional movement to forsake progress, make great sacrifices and revert back to is to our previous more primitive lifestyle.

    The Garden of Eden was destroyed by knowledge. We have come too far with knowledge and science. Ultimately it may be we are at a point of no return and we may perish as other great civilizations have in the past. All we have now is Prayers of Love and Hope for a healthy planet. Awareness and Action do count for something and they are a modest start.

    1. Dear Wishful Thinker,

      I don't have time to look up your links right now, but thank you for them.  I'm busy on WW Three, I misspelled "Washington" in my post, sorry.

      I like the way your mind works—you bring up the important things.  The paramount effort in my view is to salvage what we can of evolutionary DNA, that is nature.  That can only happen in intact ecological systems, which are rapidly being destroyed.

      We are in a race with a power and control structure that is in the grip of insanity and suicide.  I think the current effort needs to be to stop the poisoning of the planet and the killing of life. 

      Good luck to us all, and keep thinking!

  8. You must wonder why no government or even independent agency has taken on studies of how much radiation airline passengers and flight crews are being exposed to, when they reach very high altitudes. (at least not recently)

    Especially since scientists around the world, who have no government affiliation, recently discovered that the Earth's gravitational fields are getting weaker every year and have been doing so for the last five to ten years.

    If their estimates are correct and those fields are only at between 50% and 75% of what they were prior to the industrial revolution. Then the doses of Cosmic radiation (X-rays) must be approaching extremely dangerous levels.

    More so even for those frequent flier types who can literally rack up several hundred thousand miles per year.

    Could it be possible that most cancer-related deaths come from that specific group of people? Because the Air Force has admitted that over 50% of all their fighter pilots have been diagnosed with higher stages of cancer, and they are having a very hard time recruiting new pilots. Which is one reason why the DOD is working on creating several squadrons of autonomous fighter jets that have no human pilots. And what about those pilots who fly the geoengineering aerosol spraying tankers? (Just how many of them get cancer, have cancer or have died from cancer?)

    Is the airline industry purposely avoiding any research into the new radiation dangers, because they know that people would stop flying if they thought it could lead to getting terminal cancer?

    Just like those who question if what they are seeing in the sky is something as nefarious as climate engineering, and simply being told… "Nope. Not happening. Get a life and stop paying so much attention to conspiracy theorists. Get over it and let us get back to business as usual. Because there is nothing to see here, and nothing to be alarmed about."

    Elon Musk has admitted that any pioneering astronauts that he sends to colonize Mars, will all be exposed to lethal doses of cosmic rays and UV radiation. So, for the first few waves of space pioneers. They must know that they are sacrificing their lives to construct habitat structures, to protect those who arrive later. He considered using robots to do that work, but it would take more than ten years, and even he knows that humanity doesn’t have long before Earth becomes uninhabitable.

    When someone gets diagnosed with cancer, they don’t suddenly ask themselves, “I wonder if exposure to cosmic rays and UV-C radiation had anything to do with this?” But just maybe they should and then warn others to protect themselves against these new threats. It’s difficult to get someone to recognize these invisible threats, if governments and the matrix media continue to censor and suppress those scientists who know it to be a real and present danger to all life on Earth.

  9. Ozone Layer Collapse, A Former NASA Contract Engineer Warns Of Planetary Omnicide » Ozone Layer Collapse, A Former NASA Contract Engineer Warns Of Planetary Omnicide | Geoengineering Watch


    Link is from November 2017.

      I just purchased a very good sun hat that covers my entire neck.  I notice that the sun feels alot stronger now than even a few years ago.  ]

    Dane i know you interviewed the nasa scientist after this date–if you can find it please post again. Thank you.

  10. Obtaining enough decent food and clean drinking water will soon be the number one problem of the great majority of the human race. It already is the number one problem in Third World countries. Some McDonald's combo meals already cost more than 15 dollars in some states. Fifteen bucks for a happy crappy meal ! So I have recently cut out all fast food. And I feel a lot better for doing it. I am a senior living mostly on Social (In)Security, so I have to cut back. But looking further down the road, there will soon be a time when you can't get food and water at any price. How many people have really thought about what will happen when ATM machines stop working and the store shelves are empty. What Dane calls Mad Max scenario will soon follow. Comedian George Carlin once did a skit in which a disaster spiraled out of control. It was funny when I first saw it in 2005,but it is not funny to me anymore. But Carlin correctly points out that in a true world wide emergency, if you call the police, they will not respond. They will be home protecting their own families. Need an ambulance or a fire fighter. Forget about it. They won't come either. So I feel that now is the time to have a plan in place about what you are going to do when things get worse and later much worse. 

    I have been closely following the course of the war in Ukraine for the past two years. I have several excellent sources and I know what I am talking about. You won't hear about this in the matrix media, but recently the Russian Foreign Minister summoned the ambassadors of France and the UK to his office and gave them a stern warning. Macron in France and government officials in the UK have been talking publicly about sending long range missiles to Ukraine that can strike targets deep inside Russia. The Russian Foreign Minister made it clear that this is a red line Russia will not tolerate. He went on to say that if long range missiles are used against targets in Russia, then Russia will feel free to strike French and British military assets anywhere in the world. HE MEANS IT. These warmongers are insane. They WILL start World War Three if they are not stopped. 


    1. NEVER POKE THE SLEEPING BEAR,                                    

      Without Russia victory in WWII would not have been so likely to occur. They had been our allies "Hessian's" since English colonialism when we fought for our independence. The USSR aspect was not a good move for the Russian peoples or any of Eastern Europe. It basically crippled and enslaved them. Russia under Putin is no angel. Russia wants to remain a sovereign nation. The fact is they do not want NATO on their doorstep. Neither should we be part of this corrupt organization who itself deems itself a government that would impose it's mandates on the rest of the world. As for Ukraine it is a bed if iniquity presided over by a divisive, kinky leader who only wants lots of the free world's money. He is using his people cannon fodder for his own aggrandizement so he can run his crooked bed of inequity. sex traffic and money laundering. In the end, just like our own civil, war. brother against brother is fought  over a border that had been recently established during ther lifetime. In War s it is always the young in battle and civilian collateral damage that bear the brunt of carnage. While the leaders sit in their cushy staterooms playing "The War Game". There seems never a good outcome. only more division and hatred for the other.

    2. Correction Please! In my Last statement reply to Gary Morrow.

      I mentioned NATO on Russia's doorstep.  I meant The U.N. feel free not to post the response because it is is out of context with Geoengineering..There is a level of anger that I have these days with the onslaught with All we face as a humanity ready ro unfold as a doomsday unfolding upon us All. Sorry for not controlling some of these feelings sometimes.


    3. Watcher:   Never apologize for your self-described feelings of anger seemingly 'uncontrolled' as you refer to one of your comments. It is under those circumstances that some of the most  truthful and educative writings are born.  How on earth, in the face of what our world has become, can most of us not be angry and frustrated, especially because of our inability to control the destructive forces occurring with more rapidity, cruelty and complete disregard for humanity.  Continue your comments with pride that you are describing what most of us are thinking – speaking truth.

      Best wishes.

  11. The "heat dome" over the US west isn't being caused by "climate change". Geophysical and environmental warfare are ongoing using advanced "Tesla" technologies. All these technologies are described in the book "Angels Don't Play This HAARP". The title of the book is 100% correct!

    1. Some have suggested that NEXRAD radars are actually similar to HAARP in that they can broadcast beams of energy only they're a lot smaller. Watched the NEXRAD loop tonight on the COD website and the radar site located in western NV blasted out quite an intense beam of energy earlier this evening directly east.

    2. Lance I read that book in the 90's but did not know about geoengineering at that time.

    3. Lance we have a Nexrad radar next to GSP airport. Everytime a storm comes though they issue a warning about ground lighting strikes within 5 miles of airport.


  13. I was talking with a patients father this morning. He has an outdoors job and has upcoming surgery for skin cancer. I took the opportunity to have him a 20-page booklet on Geoengineering and a QR code card for "THE DIMMING." He seemed eager to learn more and said he knew something wasn't right up in the skies. I told him about the estimated 23-30% of normal ozone layer remnant and warned hi mof the UVC radiation. The Dermatologists around here are extremely busy. 

    On another note- I am finding many opportunities to help local animals of many kinds, wild and domestic, who are in need of help. I do everything I can for them. Some of those contacts are brief, and, the animals receiving what the need, they move on to the next stage of their travels and journeys. others return again and again for more help. 

    Whether you find yourself helping people, plants or animals, you wil likely find yourself increasingly busy in the future. We must take are of ourselves and others during this season we have been given here.

    Remember, "all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

    1. Gave that same booklet to my now former doctor, said afterwards he didn't believe in the " entrails in the sky", mocking me in a medical sort of way. Same fool was pushing the experimental  jibity jab and masks  during the plandemic, and was  fear mongering about the elevated cases diagnosed locally with the PCR test,but didn't know what cycle threshold they were run at.. Hope your "busy" colleagues are exploring the other possible reasons for this  uptick in cancer,and what insurance actuaries are reporting as an alarming rise in all cause mortality –

  14. Reflections of a dislocated worker:  My health is back!  Good bye 50+ hour work weeks!  Sadly, a similar COVID like malady that slammed into my life- during peak stress [8/2020]- attacked my wife & son, both working full-time- over-stressed [5/2024].  But, this hiatus has left me too long on the waver, so elegantly expressed by Dane.  

    I became discouraged when my quest to reach out to Minnesota state legislators went from an assurance that an amendment to ban climate engineering- would at least be heard on the floor of the senate.  No hearing took place.  However, no regrets for my effort to spread awareness to state politicians.  I thank my blogger companions on this website for sharing there struggles & 'never give up' attitudes.      

    Serving two masters?  I find that quote after the 'Parable of the Unjust Steward'.  Indeed, all of us struggle with this dilemma.  So, back to the 'here & now' mode of living.  I find guidance in getting into the right course of action in these quotes from 'Osho' written in the Book 'The Mustard Seed' (pgs 291-316).    

    'Time is postponement, and you would like to postpone for a million reasons . . . the very nature of desire is to remain unfulfilled . . . 'when you drop the future, your past is dropped immediately . . . This is why the whole modern trend is for speed. . . Desire has no bottom, that's why it cant be fulfilled.  The universe cares about you, it helps you.  Not only are you in search of God, God is in search of you. 

    'And Jesus says, "everybody is the son." — Not only Jesus alone, but Christianity cannot exist if everybody is the son, because then there is nothing unique in Jesus.  This attitude is false.  Everybody is the son, and still Jesus is unique, because he has recognized it and you are still in search'. (pg 312) 

  15. Anyone with half a brain will know that something is really wrong w the weather all around the world. 

    There really is no place to hide. Food prices are a reflection of the weather too— If farms are hit w extreme weather it effects the price we see in the store.

       Climate engineering, GEOENGINEERING  for one needs to stop and let  mother nature take over. 

    Anyone coming to this website needs to get more educated  on this one issue which main stream media and environmental groups say it is only a proposal.

    To start Watch the Movie   THE DIMMING-  


    Then order fact materials from this website to help share  


  16. Alumiciided

    The white sheen around the sun recently is so intense now as seen from pinetop arizona that you can barely make out the outline of the sun. Truly a new saturation level has been achieved of great concern. It's never been this bad or consistent as of late. But no one seems to notice.

    Can't hold my breath much longer!

  17. Remember that Klaatu said this, "…if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burnt-out cinder."

    That much is true as our planet's version of Gort (the Military Industrial Cult of Conflict) will see to it that a nuclear war turns our world to ashes, if we ever turn to mass violent protests against all wars and conflict profits made by the elites.

    But if we don't act soon (peacefully and logically using science fact based proof) to stop climate engineering, the same results befalls humanity. So, what have we got to lose by exposing the geoengineering elephant in the sky. The absolute weapon of choice by all super-power military cults. Being used in every conflict and war around the world.

    Even Ukraine saw record setting rain and cold temperatures after the start of the war. And you can still see the climate engineering planes and their trails in the background of news reports in the field. I saw one the other day that had circle after circle of aerosol trails over the towns that were turned to rubble, and the camera man even panned up (and zoomed in) to show them. Was that an unspoken message to those who know the truth about climate warfare?

  18. You can literally find over two dozen various film documentaries about the nuclear bomb tests around the world. Most of which were detonated by our own government and military. But they all focused primarily on nuclear explosions from a few thousand feet below ground or water, to just below and above the surface, and upwards of a few thousand feet above sea level elevations.

    But no film producer or panel of scientists has provided any meaningful details about the nuclear detonations that took place in the upper layers of the atmosphere, or those explosions that were set off in space, and even the rumored thermonuclear blasts that were scheduled to be detonated on or above the surface of the far side of the moon.

    I can understand how the top-secret profile of those military nuclear tests would handicap the film industry and members of academia, from having that research available to them for their documentaries and peer reviewed studies. But I still have one profound question that has bothered me for most of my life.

    "WHY?" For what insane reason would you ever explode nuclear weapons at the farthest reaches of Earth's atmosphere, or anywhere in space whatsoever? Not to mention the moon or any other natural satellite that could break apart and rain “Hell” down on every living thing in existence.

    Thermonuclear atomic and hydrogen (fusion or fission) explosions are by design weapons of mass destruction and intended to cause mass casualties (societal collapse) resulting from their unimaginable destructive force, and clouds of radioactive fallout. Why would any nation ever want to test that destructive power in Earth’s atmosphere or in space.

    Supposedly the U.S. and Soviet militaries were trying to determine if it could be a means of destroying entire constellations of hostile satellites or even low Earth orbiting space platforms equipped with weapons of war.

    Not knowing if such explosions would affect the Earth’s climate systems, space weather itself, or produce disastrous consequences to the entire web of life.

    They didn’t even know for sure if it could possibly trigger a mass extinction event, yet they still detonated God knows how many nuclear weapons in the Heavens. The U.S. military never revealed how many tests they performed, but the Soviets performed four tests in all.

    As far as we all know, these tests were conducted between 1958 and 1962. With some of them being given names like “Hardtack Teak”, “Starfish Prime”, operations “Argus and Fishbowl”, and “Bluegill Triple Prime”. Government reporters who were given permission to observe the explosions described them as “Rainbow” bombs, because they were such a beautiful sight to behold.

    Some documented effects on humans and wildlife included burning of the retinas, leading to blindness in those military personnel that were “instructed not to wear protective goggles” (because they were told it would be perfectly safe). Nausea, convulsions, seizures and even death from the intense gamma rays produced with these detonations. Billions of fish and other marine life dying and floating to the surface of the oceans and lakes. Untold number of birds that died and fell out of the sky. Not to mention massive numbers of other wildlife dying on the land surfaces below these tests.

    There were intense electrical currents measured in the atmosphere and at ground level. EMP pulses that disabled everything that was electrical in nature. And there were even artificial Aurora lights generated in the northern hemisphere that lasted for weeks on end. Not to mention a drastic but temporary weakening of Earth’s gravitational fields.

    They never asked for anyone’s permission to perform these tests, who were living beneath them, and they didn’t even evacuate people or livestock, as they were mostly done in secret with no advance warnings being issued.

    Hundreds of thousands died from aggressive cancers, while just as many suffered long term illnesses and health issues. Many more had even become sterile and were unable to have children.

    Radioactive isotopes and electrified ions still float within the layers of the atmosphere to this day from those tests, and the ozone layers were degraded as well. Leading to a spike of millions more cancer cases being reported worldwide, within the five to ten years following the atmospheric explosions.

    There is a theory that these tests were also meant to send a signal to any alien race observing our planet from afar and warn them not to come to Earth. Should they be met with unimaginable forces of destruction by the military industrial war empires. Even if their intentions were peaceful in nature. They were not being welcomed by the powers that hold all life in a death grip now, with their obsession over controlling the weather and thusly controlling the populations.

    Governments and their militaries reserve the sole right to conquer this planet and hoard all the natural resources for themselves, to maintain that control over the people of Earth. Any outside interference “or intervention” will not be tolerated and it is expected that the U.S. and or Russian military will simply shoot down their crafts to back engineer their technology. To further their dominance and power over the people.

    The entire time that I was doing research into this subject and writing this report, I was thoroughly disgusted with what I was able to find, and it reaffirms what Johnson said all those years ago.

    “To control the weather. And ultimately to control the world!” Even if that meant it’s complete destruction in the process. We are all merely collateral damage in their insane madness to conquer everything that we hold dear to our survival as a species.

    They simply Do Not Care.

    That infamous warning that Klaatu gave to the people of this planet as he was leaving, in the Day the Earth Stood Still was meant to be taken literally as a sign of Hope for Peace. It was meant to be a “Wake Up Call” for all of humanity. That message was warning the population of 2.5 billion to act now, and take control away from the warmongers, before it is too late to stop them.

    This is the true meaning of his message.

    Any sign of aggression towards the powers that control this world, in hopes of bringing about a lasting peace. Means that the penalty for provoking such actions by the military industrial war machine is too terrible to risk. The use of the phrase “…to pursue more profitable enterprises.” Only applies to the elites who control governments, who control militaries, who control the populations. And if you try to stop them, you risk the wrath of Gort! “The threat of nuclear annihilation by the military war machine”.

    Which is exactly where we stand today. Because they did not act in the 1950s. But we still have hope, if we open our eyes and minds, and take Klaatu’s message to heart. The work that Dane and all of us do here is just one domino near to the end of the line. But if we hold firm and don’t let it fall. Then we stand a chance of breaking that cycle of power and dominance, which leads to a war to end all wars, and the end of the entire human race as we know it. Ukraine and Haiti are triggers for Gort’s wrath and if we don’t learn from those conflicts, then wars will devour us like a cancer.

  19. For anyone still struggling to understand government's incentive to murder their elderly citizens, a U.S. government website shows the increase in government spending for Medicare and Medicaid since their inception in 1970.  Medicare spending has increased by 100x, or 10,000%.  Medicaid spending has increased by 200x, or 20,000%, and this is in addition to unfunded liabilities like pensions, largely funded by those still working today.

  20. Spot on again Dane,thank you.I really resonate with the quotes you share,here is one you may find truth in,

    "You can control a man for a period with brute violence.But you can not truly OWN a man unless he thinks your word is law,and that he must obey,and is virtuous for doing so."

    Mr Smith  (The Jones Plantation Movie)

    Much respect for you here.


    1. Jeff,  the 2 nd part  must be working ,with all the virtue signaling  "only just contrails" and sleeve rollers out there-

  21. Excessive Heat Warning for the entire west of the US starting when? June 4th! The faux weather news is making it appear as if this is what happens "this time of year". ITS NOT!

  22. Boston based ag-biotech startup ArkeaBio recently raised $26.5 million in a Series A financing round to help with their contribution to the problem of climate change. Leading the financing round for ArkeaBio was Breakthrough Energy Ventures, founded by Bill Gates.

    ArkeaBio will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions via the development of a methane vaccine. The company stated that "ArkeaBio's vaccine will provide an innovative, cost effective and scalable solution to reduce the world's livestock methane emissions, which currently generate the equivalent of 3 billion tonnes of CO2 annually and represents 6% of annual greenhouse emissions." 

    ArkeaBio CEO Colin South added that, "Climate Change is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. It is the race for our lives."

    Meanwhile, livestock are currently in survival mode looking for tree shade as they face intense heat as a result of the depleting ozone layer. Perhaps someone can come up with a vaccine that  protects livestock from the increasing uv rays they are subject to  due to solar radiation management. 


    1. Is this a vaxx that Gates plans to give livestock, presumably cattle as they are blamed for their digestive tracts putting 'too much methane' in the environment?! (have a laugh) Except that we have no idea what concoction of toxic mrna presumably will be in these shots given to innocent unsuspecting livestock which will then presumably be eaten by unsuspecting human beings. This has to be halted before it is allowed to begin. Who knows how these kooks will now be editing the dna of animals now. Gates and his ilk are a real menace to all life on Earth and should be stopped immediately.

  23. X-FLARE AFTER X-FLARE AFTER X-FLARE: Exploding like popcorn, sunspot AR3664 (a.k.a. AR3697) produced three X-flares on May 31st and June 1st. The third, a long-duration X1-class event, hurled a halo CME almost directly toward Earth. (spaceweather.com)

    GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G3): A CME hurled into space by yesterday's fusillade of X-flares will strike Earth early next week, probably on June 4th. Its impact could spark a strong G3-class geomagnetic storm with auroras at mid-latitudes. (spaceweather.com)

    Got up early today. Odd that starting on June 4th a high pressure "heat dome" is forecast to form over the Pacific Northwest.  

  24. O Jehovah, you will hear my voice in the morning; For you are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; You will destroy those who speak lies.  Jehovah detests violent and deceptive people.  For nothing they say can be trusted; Their own schemes will cause their downfall.  But all those who take refuge in you will rejoice;  For you will bless anyone righteous, O Jehovah; you wil surround them with approval as with a large shield.  (Psalm 5:3-12)

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