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Dane Wigington

"Hurricane winds from nowhere? Storm-tossed Houston prays for a break", from the Houston Chronicle. "Central Texas Hit With Softball-Sized Hail" from Amarillo Country Radio. "Will northern lights be seen in Texas again?", that new headline is from the "Statesman" (a Texas publication). Was there more to the entire northern lights story than the public was told? All over the country and around the world extreme weather is off the charts, what massive piece of the puzzle continues to be officially denied? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

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44 Responses

  1. 5 killed in Acapulco grocery store days after 10 bodies found in city (msn.com)

    "Spiraling criminal violence has seen more than 450,000 people murdered in the country since the government of then-president Felipe Calderon launched a military offensive against drug cartels in 2006."

    "The city is also still struggling to recover after being hit by Category 5 Hurricane Otis in October. Otis left at least 52 dead and destroyed or damaged most hotels."

    Time of trouble?

  2. The new B-21 bomber is the very first one to ever have a completely "WHITE" exterior skin. No other bomber in history has been white, and it will blend in so perfectly with these engineered white skies. Only a few Navy Attack fighter/bombers were white, but they weren't nearly as invisible with the blue skies of old.

    So, if the military "evidently" knew beforehand that the skies would become whiter and whiter by the year 2025. How are they not implicated in the constant geoengineering aerosol spraying that's phasing out the blue? Especially with their bold claim of owning the weather by 2025.

    Just our luck, the B-21 fleet will be stationed at Ellsworth AFB here in South Dakota. Sending it to the top of the strike list for Russian, Chinese and North Korean nuclear missiles.

    It's time to move our farm to another parcel of land, next to another reservation, many more miles away from ground zero. We will be discussing that possibility during our Sunday gathering. Because we will also be negatively affected by the new activity and exercises of the B-21 squadrons.

    Who knows, with the military cult of conflict, they could even turn the land next to our farm and reservation… into their new bombing range. Governor Noem has been discussing such issues with the Air Force over the last several months as it is. Because she loves the Indigenous people of America so much that she wants to share the WMD fireworks with us, and turn nature's beautiful prairies into bombed out wastelands.

    I thought I had escaped the military's eminent domain nightmare when I left Texas. But it could be coming back to haunt me again, if they seize the public lands surrounding our farm. The Elders know I didn't bring such a curse with me, because this is happening all across America as the military empire grows with the number of new and even more deadly nuclear weapons that are being manufactured.

    The nuclear proliferation insanity is coming to a fever pitch all over again. Just like when I was a chid and they erased Kennedy to keep their plans for war alive, to feed the genocidal addiction of those in power.

    When I ponder what humanity is in philosophical terms, I always end up with visions of war. Why is that, and why does it have to be that way? Peace equals life, and war equals "No More Earth!"  It's a no brainer, but insanity rules and life simply becomes collateral damage with increasing mental devolution.

    We're told that technology will save us. Well, how is that going so far?

    1. Thank you Eden for your great input on this site.  I guess there really is no where to go to escape weather warfare.   Mother nature will do just fine without mankind messing with it.   Besides nuclear weapons there are nuclear power plants too.   

      Plutonium is used in both and is one of  the most deadliest element known to mankind.

    2. Lance, the one that's been flying here these last few weeks is bright white. So, I took it for granted they would all be white. I have seen the light gray bomber used in the Air Force PR videos and this one being tested here in South Dakota looks a bit different. I guess the gray one is the original prototype and the rest will be like this one here. I can tell you it is very hard to see when it climbs to operational altitude. Leaves no condensate trail either.

      I was told that the windows are made from a new technology based aluminum glass and are as strong as diamond. Nothing can break them or penetrate through them. It also has the radar signature of a hummingbird! Another wards, no missiles can lock on to it and no enemy radar can detect it.Which sounds more like an alien ship than a plane.

  3. Earlier today I heard a meteorologist from the NWS openly admit in an interview about the tornado outbreaks, that the DOD (Department of Defense) runs the entire weather radar network system across America. (They also constructed them using subcontractors working directly with defense contractors like Raytheon "to enhance weather forecasting and emergency notification abilities" they say.)

    Nearly every single military base and installations like NORAD have their own defense radar network. Yet they still operate all weather (and FAA) radar facilities. According to this veteran meteorologist at the NWS. "Why are they allowed absolute control over all radar facilities? Is that because they operate with (secret NEX-Rad) technologies that they don't want exposed to or known by the public?"

    As Gomer Pile would say, "Surprise, surprise, surprise." I did not know that until today. No wonder they are able to send out some of the most powerful radar beams on the planet. 

  4. I watched an "un-aired" extended version of a storm tracker video where they were giving chase to a massive tornado in Iowa that swept through a wind farm. Throwing turbine blades, generators and stacks around like they were made of paper Mache.

    But what really blew me away was the tornado itself. The video clearly showed nine or more tornadoes swirling around a gigantic wedge tornado at the center.

    It was literally like something out of a movie and looked as if it was a "green screen" CGI special effect, and not something you would encounter in real life. I have never seen anything like that in my life, and this, coming from someone who survived several direct hits by tornadoes since I was just a little baby.

    I have witnessed firsthand possibly thirty-five tornadoes in my lifetime, up close and personal, and this one blew them all away. No pun intended.

    If that was not an EF-5 tornado then there is no scientific scale out there to categorize such an ominous monster of a cyclonic nightmare. Every single house and barn it hit simply vaporized, and even the concrete foundations were ripped up out of the ground. Turning them into lethal gravel sized projectiles. Hundred-year-old trees were shredded to a point that it only left toothpick like spires of splinters, left standing in their place.

    Wind speeds in that behemoth had to have topped out over 300 mph! But I guarantee the NWS will refuse to rate it at an EF-5. Because it would alert the world to what nightmares await all of humanity.

    And speaking of nightmares. There was an international airline flight somewhere over America (they didn’t give departure or destination info in the video) that hit such enormous turbulence, the plane shook violently and dropped several hundred feet without warning. Inflicting life-threatening injuries to numerous passengers and flight attendants. It looked like a war zone inside the plane with blood everywhere, carry-on bags, personal items, meals and trays, and even overhead cargo bins scattered throughout the cabin. They had to set up a medical triage to treat the severely injured before making an emergency landing.

    And all of this is just the tip of the melting iceberg. The worst is yet to come, I’m sure.  

    1. Watched a video of this tornado yesterday online. Incredible. Have seen older videos of tornado's like this and they are very destructive. It was an EF-5 in my estimation. Reports online today that in Mexico a massive hailstorm dropped feet of hail on Puebla amid the heat wave going on down there. People were shown shoveling the hail! 

  5. For those of you who track catastrophic events of 'nature' or otherwise, I suggest you keep an eye on Ireland, Spain and Norway.  Today, these three countries recognized the State of Palestine.  

  6. I'm planting a seed with a good friend of 45 years. He's intelligent. I know it will grow.

  7. Accuweather announced that Earth is experiencing a brand-new phenomenon called, "Ring of Fire Thunderstorms".

    These are severe storms that form around the perimeter of Heat Domes, and in many cases, they produce dangerous flash floods, tornadoes, very large hail and even Derechos (storms that produce straight force winds as strong as an EF-0 to EF-2 tornado.). 

    This new revelation comes almost one year after Accuweather introduced its new Heat Wave Counter and Severity Index. Which is nothing more than a simple chart of documented heat waves to hit America over the last 152 years. They say it will help people to better understand heatwaves and how best to prepare for them.

    Really? Knowing just how bad they were going back to the days of Old West Settlers is going to better prepare people for even more horrific "heat dome (blast furnace) heat waves"? How exactly is that going to help the modern world to deal with living on a now boiling planet?

    What people can take away from that chart, however, is that during such years as 1981, 1982, 1988, 1989, 1991, 2002, 2003, 2013 and 2014, there were no heat waves at all in America.

    But over the last ten years there have been (heat dome) heat waves every single year, and they just keep getting hotter and longer.

    The only real and logical preparation for dealing with heat waves is what's called a Mass Exodus! Migrating to the few remaining countries that aren't boiling as much. But the ring of fire thunderstorms suddenly become the next big threat, once you have managed to find a place to live that is outside of those places most often encapsulated by heat domes.

    Ring of Fire Thunderstorms sounds more like a movie plot theme, but it describes exactly what you might expect if we had the technology to create heat domes and keep them stationary over one region of a land mass, for a very long extended period.

    So, if we don't have that technology. Then why are heat domes only forming over heavily populated countries and island nations? Where aerosols are being sprayed by military aircraft, and not out over the open sea and oceans? Where the skies are free of aerosol plane trails "for the most part".

    Well, that is until an oceanic atmospheric river is being manipulated by spraying aerosols to have it flow over a specific land mass and create deadly flooding. Then it is right back to the formation of a heat dome, and the cycle continues until it is time to activate chemical ice nucleation for the creation of named winter storms.

    I wonder what would happen if they used chemical ice nucleation on a heat dome? Would that possibly create a ring of fire thunderstorm pattern around that heat dome? 

    They are now passing laws to keep anyone from blaming these new weather phenomena on climate change. What’s left? Climate Engineering?


  8. The NWS aired a video report just hours ago saying that their long range computer modeling indicates the record shattering Heat Dome that has caused a city in Mexico to reach 124 degrees yesterday, is likely to remain parked directly over central America for several months Now! (keeping Atlantic hurricanes isolated to the gulf zones only, and Pacific hurricanes far west of the Yucatan Peninsula.)

    It is also expected to bring record heat to south and west Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, western Oklahoma and Kansas, eastern Nevada, and the southern tip of California.

    Hundreds of thousands of monkeys and millions of other forms of wildlife have already died in Mexico and Central America from the heat so far. Plus, that 124 degree record in Mexico blew away the old heat index "world record" in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia back in 2003. But the meteorologists ignored that fact and never even mentioned it in the video.

    The humidity that is accompanying the heat dome is like something from another planet, and the wildlife can't find ways to cool down. Those that try to stay in the cooler waters of rivers are being eaten in massive numbers by predators who live in those waterways. And, not only that. Those that survive predators are still dying, because they have to keep their heads above water, and they are all suffering fatal heat stroke brain seizures. The water predators are also dying though, from super-heated portions of the rivers that can't hold oxygen any more. Lake fish are also dying in record numbers.

    Those who are witnessing this apocalyptic event are being traumatized by the staggering number of deaths (everywhere), and they know that the number of human deaths will likely surpass anything they have ever experienced over countless generations.

    The Venus Syndrome is now rearing its ugly head, and humanity is in for a huge wake up call this summer. I hope. Otherwise, billions will be erased from this planet in the next three to five years alone.


  9. Jesus came near and said to them, All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

    1. What is happening is truly of Biblical proportion; the Bible is the only map we have to find our way out of this horror. The devil and his minions are out to destroy anything innocent, anything beautiful, but we know his days are numbered. 

  10. Earlier today, a full halo CME billowed away from the sun. The movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) shows the storm cloud completely surrounding the solar disk. 




    WHERE IS THIS CME GOING? Earlier today, a full halo CME billowed away from the sun. This movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) shows the storm cloud completely surrounding the solar disk:

    The question is, where is it going? A NASA model of the CME suggests it is a farside event–heading directly away from Earth. On the other hand, NOAA analysts think it might be linked to a C6.7-flare from sunspot AR3683–heading directly toward Earth. 


  11. The National Weather Service made a bold statement today. 

    "EF-5 Tornado Drought Reaches 11 Years, Longest in History"

    But they also admitted that only EF-5 strength tornadoes have the power to destroy the instruments that help them to determine their intensity rating. So, that's when they leave it to experts who investigate the damage and make an educated guess as to the tornado's strength.

    Does anyone else see a problem with these statements?

    Because, if their instruments are destroyed or simply vanish. Shouldn't that automatically classify the tornado as an EF-5?

    From my research into the 2024 outbreaks, I found that there were at least seventeen times that their instruments were destroyed or sent flying into another dimension. Yet the experts ruled that they were only EF-4 in strength.

    So, what are EF-4s the new EF-5 now? And what about those areas where the tornadoes struck in open fields or where there were no structures or people? Those same places where the experts never even investigated or places where there were no instruments anchored to the ground at a weather reporting station.

    It's like the old saying, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it. Does it even make a sound?" 

    They are basically saying. "If no one was around to see or hear the tornado, then it doesn't even deserve to be documented or investigated."

    In the 2024 outbreaks so far, there have been so many tornadoes that were classified as only an EF-0, even though the damage and destruction looked identical to EF-1 and EF-2 tornadoes.

    Is the NWS now reporting tornadoes to the downside? Just like they do with the temperature and humidity in places that break the heat index record.

    It's amazing how government agencies downplay catastrophes and weather-related tragedies. While at the same time, they take advantage of them to bolster their agendas and ensure their ability to take control of the people affected by them. If anyone from the general population did that, they would be in federal prison right now. To me, that's the same thing as Insurance Fraud or Racketeering.

    Case in point.

    The East Palestine, Ohio train derailment, and how the EPA handled (botched) that entire caustic event. Innocent men, women and children (and pets and wildlife) are now victims of long-term exposure to lethal chemicals, and this tragedy was completely avoidable.

    The crime being committed here is that the NWS and NOAA are trying to make people believe that EF-5 tornadoes are now a thing of the past. Just like they are saying geoengineering is simply an option to be used soon, if no other viable solution can be found to address the rising temperatures.

    Even though the solution is staring humanity right in the face. STOP drilling for oil and gas and mining for coal (and Lithium)! What makes us choose to go down with the ship, rather than escaping in a lifeboat or reaching for the life preserver? Brainwashing by the he Matrix Military/Government Cult of Insanity!

  12. Tallahassee, FL was hit by three tornadoes on May 10, 2024.  This did not receive much national media attention.  Two tornadoes were rated EF-2 and one was rated EF-1, causing 2 fatalities, numerous homes were damaged by falling trees, and over 100,000 customers lost power.  The main tornado season here (other than from hurricanes) is November-March.  It is unusual to have such severe and long-lived tornadoes at this time of the year.

    Three tornadoes confirmed in Leon County after Friday’s storms (wctv.tv)

    1. Weather satellite video on C.O.D. website showed a strange particulate cloud "formation" moving SW over the Sierra's along the CA/NV border south of Lake Tahoe. Its heading for the areas named in the above red flag warning. Particulate trails let out by aircraft are clearly visible in the "formation" in the video. Waiting to see what happens late this evening.

  13. It has been 10 years since the People's Global Climate March took place.

    I was there in NYC and handed out hundreds of Geoengineering Watch materials.  The purpose for mentioning it is things are so much worse now than back then,.

    Although based in New York, the event was global in scope and implication, with "companion demonstrations" worldwide.  Organizers intended the march to be "the largest single event on climate that has been organized to date… one so large and diverse that it cannot be ignored.

    Florida will eliminate climate change as a priority in making energy policy decisions, despite the threats it faces from powerful hurricanes, extreme heat and worsening toxic algae blooms.

    On Wednesday, the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, signed the legislation, which is set to go into effect on July 1. The measure also removes most references to climate change in state law, bans offshore wind turbines in state waters and weakens regulations on natural gas pipelines.  

  14. From 2001 to 2021 NASA (and NOAA) both published studies that concluded charged particles flung directly at Earth from X-class solar flares transformed into positively charged protons as they passed through the magnetosphere. Upon reaching the outermost layers of the atmosphere a chemical change occurred with the nitrogen and oxygen atoms, and this chemical reaction with the protons is what’s drastically destroying the molecules that make up Earth’s ozone layers within the lower mesosphere. Throughout the stratosphere and the uppermost layer of the troposphere.

    Their studies during that time also concluded that the magnetosphere is gradually weakening due to Earth going through a pole flip, which it does every 200,000 to 300,000 years, and it has been about 780,000 years since the last flip. (as far as they knew “supposedly”)

    However, both government agencies are now saying in studies published since 2021 that the ozone levels are almost back to normal again and those layers in the atmosphere continue to heal daily. Even though solar storms are becoming more numerous and more powerful with each passing year. And they are claiming that their science concludes the magnetosphere is stronger than it has been in over 100,000 years.

    But many independent studies published since 2021, by very reputable and distinguished scientists conclude that the ozone layers have been so degraded by more and more powerful X-class solar storms, that it is likely down to only about 30% of what it was prior to the industrial revolution and diminishing very rapidly still from the addition of CFCs and polluting aerosols. Not to mention rocket engines and thrusters adding to that equation.

    These independent studies also claim that their findings indicate our magnetosphere is diminishing by around 5% per decade now and has been for the last five to ten years. Meaning that it is now down to only about 50% to 75% of what it was prior to the industrial revolution, and they don’t know exactly why this is happening. Because during a pole flip it can take hundreds or even thousands of years for it to weaken to its current level, and this time it is happening in the blink of an eye on a geological time scale.

    A new theory emerged just days ago suggesting that modern technology having developed affordable space travel, and a “sending of satellites into orbit” revolution, has littered the space weather surrounding Earth with vaporized magnetic metals. Especially when they fall back to Earth and burn up in the atmosphere.

    These vaporized (magnetic and magnetized) metals have created another artificial magnetosphere that is causing the natural one to weaken, and the space junk magnetic layers do not block solar winds. So more and more Cosmic and X-ray radiation is now reaching the surface of the planet. Plus, the remaining solar flare protons are increasing so much that the aurora lights are more widespread. Making them visible to observers ever closer to the equator, with each new powerful X-class flare and storm. (HAARP operations notwithstanding.)

    There is one independent study that analyzed ancient New Zealand kauri trees that had been preserved in peat bogs and other sediments for over 40,000 years. The growth rings in those trees revealed a prolonged spike in radiocarbons caused by the collapse of the Earth’s magnetosphere as the poles switched. That one study was monumental and proved that Earth went through its last pole flip approximately 42,000 years ago, and our planet isn’t scheduled for another one in several hundred thousand more years. (Why is the matrix media lying about an impending pole flip? I don’t think we will ever truly know the answer.)

    But that study is not accepted by NASA or NOAA, even though they rebuked previous claims of a weakening magnetosphere with an updated study showing that it is stronger than it has been in over 100,000 years. Pretty much verifying the first part of that New Zealand study, claiming that Earth is NOT going through a pole swap. However, it still leaves us with these questions… “Why is it losing 5% per decade, if there is no pole flip? And “Why would NASA and NOAA lie about the magnetosphere strength, when so many independent studies raise that same question of (why now suddenly), if it isn’t related to any pole swap?”

    No, those aren’t the real reasons why NASA and NOAA refuse to acknowledge the study’s findings. Even though this brand-new theory points the finger at NASA for allowing so many rockets to diminish the ozone, and so much space junk to weaken the magnetosphere.

    No, they refused it because that same monumental study discovered that the tree ring data proved a weaker magnetosphere led to a major environmental upheaval across the planet. Placing their 42,000 years ago time scale, right in the middle of the last Great Ice Age that began around 110,000 years ago and ended around 12,500 years ago. The tree rings showed that increased radiocarbons from solar storms penetrating through a weak magnetosphere was very likely the cause of the Great Ice Age! (Volcanoes didn’t erupt in mass until after the ice age began. Ruling out that widely accepted theory as the possible trigger.)

    But then you must ask yourself. Why is the planet not going through yet another ice age event, if the magnetosphere is only 50 to 75% of it’s normal strength? Wouldn’t that offset anthropogenetic pollution of greenhouse gas emissions, and keep the planet from heating up as fast as it is right now? Because those same tree rings showed slightly elevated levels of greenhouse gases coming from volcanoes that erupted, as continents froze and fractured at the various fault lines, from underground tectonic lava flows. (Conflicting with the super cold air above ground.)

    Make what you will and form your own theories and opinions regarding these independent and government studies. But if powerful solar storms can create massive chemical changes in the atmosphere as the magnetosphere weakens. Atmospheric changes that allow natural polar vortex patterns to create and push blizzards closer and closer to the tropics, as the magnetosphere continues to weaken. Then what could possibly drive the greenhouse gas emission’s effect on Earth’s atmosphere to boil the planet hundreds of times faster than it would even if the magnetosphere was as strong as ever?

    None of this makes any sense whatsoever. Unless you add geoengineering to the equation. Because the ozone is diminishing from CME proton chemical changes in the atmosphere (and climate engineering aerosols too of course). But the other chemical changes that drives arctic air southward, for 12 months of the year, year after year… isn’t happening!

    The only cold air being produced is from the human intervention of chemical ice nucleation, and that is like placing a band aid on a deep gash wound that is bleeding profusely. The way I see it is, if geoengineering operations had never started pumping the atmosphere full of toxic aerosols, and chemical ice nucleation had never been used. The growing amount of space trash metallic vapors that is weakening the magnetosphere would have inadvertently allowed proton influenced chemical changes to occur and polar vortex incursions would have kept the planet from becoming as hot as it is now.

    So, in theory. I guess we truly do have geoengineering to blame for Earth’s rapid warming, and that explains why NASA and NOAA will never answer the important questions raised by these independent studies.

    Maybe geoengineering was a brainstorm thought of during WW-II and has been used for over seventy-five years to counter the solar storm ice age possibility. Why? But of course, to thaw the polar caps and gain access to gold, oil, gas, diamonds, lithium, and other rare earth minerals. Then the elites could use that added wealth to keep their children and grandchildren in positions of power, and literally transform them into Gods. It’s just a theory, but it’s the only one I have that seems to make any sense.

    They’re killing the planet to make a better world for their offspring. Because drinking Piña Coladas on the beach is way more pleasant than hiding out in an igloo. Or at least that’s how the insane reason their actions.

  15. Thank you for mentioning the auroras and HAARP.  My intuition said that HAARP had something to do with that after all these years listening to your weekly broadcast, and when I just the other day read some headline in the lying MSM about that being a "conspiracy theory" that made me realize it was indeed another weaponized weather phenomenon and not just my suspicious nature going into overdrive.  Whenever the MSM tries too hard to get out in front of a narrative and push the crazy talk idea, we know they're lying.  The terrifying part is that most people still believe a lot of the MSM even though they too know we've been lied to about almost everything.

  16. In regard to the northern lights aurora- solar storm of May 15, what a view!  Our family of four took a serendipitous route ending at Square Lake in Minnesota.  I chose a nearby location due to the sparse settlements within a half hour of the Twin Cities metro area.  I intended a route to farm fields near the lake.  My son, instead, drove to that wooded lakeside park.  Low and behold- a long dock/boardwalk had been constructed out into Square Lake.  Since this small lake is considered the clearest and very deep, divers use an underwater platform under the dock.  We weren't alone, but the crowd dwindled by 2am.

    A most unusual and alarming observation came about durning 2 hours of observation in the moonless night of glowing skies.  Unlike my past views of the brilliant color shifting 'Aurora', there was a distinct focal point directly above us.  Indeed, lack of ozone and HAARP came to mind.  My family had only seen pale 'auroras' if any at all.  So, I didn't find it appropriate to be a spoiler at that cherished moment of reunion.  I will now share the evidence that backs my thoughts! 

    Thank You, Dane & company.

    1. What you share, Robin, is a reminder of the following;

      "The first and most notable aurora sightings that were reported in Switzerland on January 25th, 1938, were followed by several additional episodes (see below). According to Speer, Hitler witnessed the displays of the Northern Lights not in 1938 but on August 23rd, 1939 and the invasion of Poland followed one week later, beginning Sept 1st, 1939, the official start of WWII.

      Not only did the thirst for blood around the world again go hand in hand with extraordinary aurorae and high solar activity but the dramatic visual effect must have raised particularly strong satanic sentiments of occultist Hitler and his cronies. It is disputed whether Hitler himself was a member of the racist, anti-Semitic Thule Society, who’s members founded the precursor of the NSDAP. Eric Kurlander of Yale University explains:

      “The Thule adopted an elaborate array of esoteric traditions, including Ariosophic racism and esoteric symbols like the Indo-Aryan Swastika. But its main purpose was to unite all ‘social-national’ elements in creating a Greater Germany devoid of Jews, freemasons, and communists. Within weeks of Germany’s defeat in November 1918 the Thule Society members Anton Drexler and Karl Harrer created the German Workers Party (DAP), which Hitler joined nine months later, changing its name to the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP).”"

      From "Hitler's omen and the beginning of WWII" by Sacho Dobler, September 1, 2019. abruptearthchanges.com


  17. Extreme heat is building over much of South Asia. According to the Weather Channel a long stretch of 120 degree plus days is forecast to begin in Jacobabad Pakistan this  Wednesday. I once read an article about Jacobabad that said that the only way that the poor people of the city that don't have air conditioning can sleep at night is to go to bed in soaking wet clothes. 

  18. The book entitled, "The Lorax" by Doctor Seuss, written in 1989. Was banned recently in the United States. Because it offends the Logging Industry by describing the destruction of an imagined forest.

    Other books that were also banned include, "The Diary of Anne Frank."; "Little Red Riding Hood"; "Hansel and Gretel"; "Where's Waldo"; The "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespear; "Charlotte's Web"; and the "Harry Potter Series" banned in Catholic schools.

    In a world filled with insanity these books are now deemed offensive, insulting and a bad influence on children. But books written about war, the political circus, and government's control of populations by forcing world dominance are not. God help us all.

    1. Hi Eden, I believe Dr. Seuss book 'The Lorax' was written earlier than 1989 as I have a vivid memory of watching a cartoon based on the story as a small child in the 1960's. I remember being struck to the core as the Lorax ran about trying to warn everyone of the danger of destroying the trees and the natural world in order to manufacture 'things'. He would say, "I am the Lorax I speak for the trees!" To this day I remember the slogan of big business in the cartoon, 'You Need  Thneed"! Even then I saw that what the Lorax was desperately trying to warn of was already happening and it struck terror in that small child's heart. Thank you for bringing up that most fortelling tale. It should be played again and again now on prime time tv for both children and adults. We here at GeoWatch are now all 'The Lorax'. Most especially Dane- who has cried out for his beloved Trees in the Forest without ceasing- and inspired us all to have the courage to do the same. Love and blessings to all here.

    2. Earth Angel, I don't think the original 1960's version was banned. Just the one re-written and republished in 1889 (that's why I included the date). I haven't read that newest one, so I don't know why it was banned. I'm a huge Dr. Seuss fan as well. I also love Charles Schulz' Peanuts books (great insight into human philosophy). I have one of the most complete collections of Snoopy books on the planet and I began collecting them at the age of five. Nearly all are first editions and over fifty are signed by Schulz himself. Priceless I'm sure. But they are now on display at a local Lakota reservation library. 

  19. That sick bastard Caldeira talks about the killing of huge numbers of people as if he was reading the contents of a cereal box. 

    1. Ever since Ken Caldeira teamed up with Bill Gates he has kept a very tight lip, and barely comes out of his laboratory (dungeon) anymore. He is the quintessential Mad Scientists and his BFF is still David Keith, who is like the mentally challenged hunchback that assists him in his devious geoengineering schemes.

      Keith only weighs about 93 pounds now and resembles a tootsie roll pop. But they have become even more insane through the years, if that is even possible. They speak pure gibberish during interviews and even have a diabolical laugh now. Seriously… no joke.

      I literally get nauseous any time I happen upon one of their lectures or pod casts.

  20. Chile saw temperatures drop to below freezing and gave them the coldest day in May, in the last 74 years. Brazil seeded the clouds to get them to release all of the rain, before they reached the areas hit by deadly record flooding days earlier. Snowstorms are impacting areas that saw record high temperatures only days prior.

    What is wrong with this picture? Is nature being forced to surrender its powers to those who aspire to become Gods?


    According to an report on greenbuildingelements.com, due to "climate change" homes in 15 cities are now at high risk of wildfires.

    15. Edwards, CO
    14. Bend, OR
    13. Redding, CA
    12. Salinas, CA
    11. Santa Rosa, CA
    10. Colorado Springs, CO
    9.  Truckee, CA
    8.  Denver, CO
    7.  Austin, TX
    6.  Oxnard, CA
    5.  San Francisco, CA
    4.  Sacramento, CA
    3.  San Diego, CA
    2.  Riverside, CA
    1.  Los Angeles, CA

    1. Wonder where they will " start" their mitigating backfires first?

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