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Dane Wigington

"Should We Tweak The Atmosphere"? That is the question from New Scientist magazine. From Technology Times: "Study Raises Concerns About Solar Geoengineering’s Unpredictability", which is a gross understatement. Are climate engineering operations already a planetary catastrophe that is growing worse with each passing day? Is the saga of the human race entering the final chapter? A boom / bust cycle that may take the entire web of life down with us? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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20 Responses

  1. Based on what I'm reading, seeing, and hearing in "scientific" news there is an accelerated movement by the "scientific community" to find ways to deal with (or escape?) the increased heating of earth being caused by earth's weakened geomagnetic shield and the increasing activity of the sun. The solar maximum peaks in July 2025. Many involved in climate studies point to this date as a "deadline".   

  2. From May 3 through May 9, 2024, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SD) observed 82 high voltage solar flares. The flares came mainly from two active regions on the sun,  AR 3663 and AR 3664. Many of these flares were Magnitude 5 with nine categorized as X-class solar flares. The solar maximum is to peak late in 2025. Its going to get hot.  

  3. I am hoping to hear why alleged Northern Lights were visible in North Carolina last night!  What Geoengineered phenomena created that false illusion? Thank you Dane for continuing the fight. 

  4. G5 (Extreme) Geomagnetic Storm Impacts

    Power systems: Widespread voltage control problems and protective system problems can occur, some grid systems may experience complete collapse or blackouts. Transformers may experience damage. Spacecraft operations: May experience extensive surface charging, problems with orientation, uplink/downlink and tracking satellites. Other systems: Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps, HF (high frequency) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one to two days, satellite navigation may be degraded for days, low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours, and aurora has been seen as low as Florida and southern Texas (typically 40° geomagnetic lat.).

    1. Reports this morning coming from the mainstream info channels say the extreme geomagnetic storm that lasted for 6 hours late yesterday is now subsiding but more are on the way. The fire in the sky everyone thinks is so "beautiful" and "amazing" is extremely hot high voltage plasma! Without the electromagnetic shield that surrounds that planet it would be scorched earth in short order!

  5. Weather Reports are so inaccurate.
    They call for rain several consecutive days. It is merely soupy milky cloudy. The call for fair weather and it rains.
    They report that will be 70 deg f. and it does not rise above 50 deg f,
    The wind is over the top and sometimes greater than when hurricanes are predicted.
    The Bottom Line is : that they as You say DANE                             " "They are reporting the Scheduled Weather" .
    Well ! these Controllers really cannot manipulate the weather as they plan. WHY? because our atmosphere is totally in flux because they cannot accurately predict or create what they have planned. Much of it backfires and delivers very unnatural weather patterns. They have a broken key to Pandora’s Box. Years ago real weathermen, who actually studied Meteorology / Weather were at least 80% mostly accurate. These a days they merely parrot the weather narrative. They call it progress this so called (Artificial Intelligence) . I call it real insane stupidity pseudo science at best. We cannot control the universe We cannot play God. All we can do is muck up things with our imbecile machinations
    The TRUTH is: There is not any real truth being reported on Main Stream News.
    It is merely  mindless A.I.  Parroting.


  6. Update on Michigan State Bill (similar to Tennessee bill just passed) to outlaw Geoengineering within the borders of the  state of Michigan: I have been working with the representative for my district (Bruce Township) in the state of Michigan to pen a bill to make it illegal to carry out geoengineering operations within the borders of the state of Michigan. My representative is Josh Schriver. To give the highest likelihood of passing, Josh is going to have Smit (R) as the primary sponsor and Josh as the cosponsor. They have started a draft of the bill and it is moving foward. I have provided Josh with Geoengineering Primer packages consisting of material obtained from the geoengineeringwatch.org website to distribute to his fellow legislators. I tried working with Lisa McClain's (Federal Rep.) environmentalist (Eva) but I was ignored for nearly 1 year. The Federal Government is captured and in my opinion a complete waist of time. The Feds no longer work for their constituents, don't waist your time with this criminal organization.

  7. Started spraying yesterday afternoon in Connecticut and it went well into the evening! I even heard the stupid planes after dark.  So we have a gloomy Sunday and its going to rain all night. I have noticed as well a toxic smell in the mornings. Incredibly frustrating, I have to keep reminding myself "the gates of hell will not prevail"





  8. Hello Dane and all you good guys. As we are hit from every angle, WIII rages on, though few shots are fired, at least so far. I share our message on several sites, despite that fact that they often mysteriously disappear before they are posted. Appears that this AI thing is pretty nifty. I'm now trying to camouflage the word g-e-o-e-n-g-i-n-e-e-r-i-n-g in several ways to deal with AI censorship. Then explain to remove the dashes and their purpose. It's getting rougher in the trenches, but Dane's inspiration helps me to try to be tougher. Disappointing thing though is the seemingly intelligent, knowledgeable, motivated people who still don't buy this highly dangerous and effective tenicle of globalism.

  9. In Soush Carolina they seem more brazen by spraying all times of day. Seems that here they don't need to try to hide it because my neighbors are so adept at hiding it from themselves

  10. Uh – oh. Don't look now, but in April, World Health Organization Chief Scientist Dr. Jeremy Farrar expressed concern about the bird flu, H5N1. The bird flu was detected in 2020 and found its way to the U.S. in 2022. He referred to it as a "significant public health concern."

    The bird flu has gone from chickens to ducks to animals. The concern is that it evolves to humans next and human to human transfers.  My concern would be the solution offered to to us to stop a bird flu pandemic.

    Dr. Farrar stated that "there is a huge concern and I think we have to make sure that if H5N1 did come across to humans with human to  human  transmission, that  we were in a position to respond with access equitably to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics." I thought so.

     The CDC believes that a Texas dairy farmer recently contacted the bird flu from a cow. The bad news piles on as this lines up with what America's top bird flu expert,  Dr. Vivian Dugan stated  before this infection was  announced. She  said that she believes the bird flu is one step closer  to spreading to  humans. Like I said, uh – oh.


  11. Every single pilot, man or woman, taking part in this zoecide, knows what they are doing – there is no  no excuse. They are committing more than just a "Crime Against Humanity" but against All Life on this planet. they are being paid "blood money" for the murder of Life Itself.  I try so hard to understand how they can rationalise what they do – how they can live with themselves… Pilots are not stupid people – even as an amateur pilot you need a good set of technical knowledge and understandings – also a very fine-tuned survival-instinct…

    I am starting to believe that a significant percentage of the human population is affected by a 'manufactured' psychosis: the "don't-want-to-knowers"- the 'narrative' followers – the "nothing but's" – "it's tall in  big-handers" – and worse of all – the "willingly and knowingly and cunningly  compliant"…

    The beautiful roan tree that came to our back yard is now over twelve feet high and covered with buds about to blossom… But as yet, only one solitary bumble bee… No moths… No butterflys… But a few days ago during brief sunshine on the front path a tiny irridescent green beetle… The first I have seen (of any kind) in this barren town… Joy oft comes when unexpected – as does tragedy…

    When we first had found each other, it was the height of the Cold War and obliteration could have come at any second – day or night… We lived life the only way love can: "Each day as if it is our last – Each day as if we  will live forever"…  On our last day together, we walked down to our favourite  'Green Shop' hand-in-hand, amused our friends there by doing a quick 'Goon Show' "Henry & Min" sketch –  and back to our house arm in arm… We knew it would be our last…

    The Earth, Oceans and Skies; this Terrible, wonderful, Beautiful World once so teeming with Life…  Never, ever, take a second of it for granted and do whatever is in your means and ability… This "Dying of the Light" must be fought for above all – even to say NO! to the coming darkness with every part of your being, brings a candle – even though guttering…

    1. Geoff, did they wear a mask for no reason and line up for an experimental " safe and effective"?  You may want to re evaluate them. Course,they could just be among the growing ranks of psychopaths ( no empathy)….


  12. Well , the new gig here in northern New York state up here on the Canadian border is to start spraying at dusk . Just went outside to the familiar sound of the low flying sound of the chemical jet  , looked up and their is a fresh trail of who knows what floating up there . These evil pilots will burn in hell for what they are doing for the love of evil money .

    1. Harry….Same here in NC. They start about 11 pm and then I heard them at 4:40 am, spraying lower.  The sky never looks the same after that. The air quality has a toxic smell to it in the morning.  They ruined our normal blue sky for sure. God will destroy those who destroy His earth. 

    2. Same here in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts. Lately there is actually an odor difficult to describe after the planes come through. Because we are on ledge outcropping the ground is constantly sodden now. Who is ordering the cloud seeding, where do the planes take off from and land? Salt and sulphur dioxide are used to aerosol- inject our atmosphere. The cedar posts supporting the guard rails along the roadside that have been there for 25 years are suddenly rotting right off. Yellow deposits of sulphur are appearing in the rocks and concrete. People are having trouble with their concrete foundations. The insurance companies will only cover anything that happens under a "named storm." Meanwhile, legislators,, even when confronted about climate engineering and the obvious repercussions, still proceed to appropriate millions of tax payer dollars to respond to "emergency preparedness" — the flooding that follows extensive, out-of-control episodes of cloud seeding inducing torrential rain fall. Thankfully, Tennessee just passed a bill banning geoengineering but like all else, the truth is immediately silenced by the favorite weapon of the story-tellers disguised as journalists: CONSPIRACY!!!

      WHO flies these planes? Where are they taking off from and where are they landing and who is really profiteering by all of this evil insanity? 

      Since when is a body of ambitious student scientists angling for good grades, political influence, and high paying positions given carte blanche to experiment with our atmosphere?

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