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Dane Wigington

"Meteorologist Warns of 'Weather Wars' Between Countries". That new headline from Newsweek continues with this, "The Dubai floods act as a stark warning of the unintended consequences we can unleash when we use such technology to alter the weather". As soon as reports like the Newsweek headline began to circulate, matrix media immediately initiated a denial campaign that was a complete reversal of the initial publications on what happened in Dubai and why. The controllers absolutely don't want the public to comprehend the connection between climate engineering operations and weather catastrophes. Geoengineering programs are wreaking havoc all over the world, but one US state has now officially pushed back with a newly passed law banning such operations, Tennessee. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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52 Responses

  1. It is difficult to carry the badge of honor and truth, my Sister sent me this quote: 

    So you are having a spiritual awakening? You have lost all your "friends"? You can no longer work a "regular" job and your family thinks you are crazy?

    Congratulations! You have escaped the matrix!

    1. Robert,so profound. Do you know who originally said that? Thanks

    2. Not sure, but she's follows Joseph Campbell (Experience the Power of Myth) he's on FaceBook. Good thoughts to you.

    1. A ja Wam Amerykanie współczuję z powodu waszego szatańskiego tzw głębokiego państwa.

      Pragnę tylko tego ,by wasze okupacyjne wojsko raz na zawsze opuściło mój kRAJ Lechicką Ziemię … Polskę.

  2. I made a comment here that was posted here several days ago about me lamenting that fact that our political leaders weren't like Scoop Jackson, Magnuson and Tom Mcall. I posted this same similar comment and I received a response from someone calling Scoop Jackson senator Boeing. It got me thinking, not to go down a conspiratorial rabbit hole but what if all our leaders in the past were secretly Hudson Bay senators Ect..

  3. From the BBC:


    I wonder why thiey are mentioning this…?

    In re a book that I mentioned above, its companion volume:

    "Herbicides in War  – The Long-Term Ecological and Human Consequences"  Edited by Arthur H. Westing published by SIPRI* 1984

    SIPRI = Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

    The technology has 'improved'  beyond belief since the '80s – but it is wise to be aware of the 'foundations' of the jerry-built 'house' we live in…

    NB Also try and read;: "Six-Legged Soldiers" – I will try and find the book in my library and forward details…

    Meanwhile our millionaire-run government is raising war spending by 2.5%… (BBC 23 April 2024 – meanwhile a war donation of 2.7 £Billion has been made…) Meanwhile our farmers are (at last) following the mass European protests over the alleged state destruction of farming…

    We all must start saying 'enough is enough – this far but no further' – and acting on it!' Else our children's and gran-grand children's and the wild ones futures are lost…..





  4. Imagine the authorities requiring everyone to have some sort of BCI in or on them for "public security" reasons. Think this isn't going to happen? Better think again! Everything that is happening is pushing ALL to accept this in one form or another. Twas foretold would happen long ago!

  5. The tribal elders have come to me with some overwhelming concerns recently. All of nature has become silent and looking to the skies. They appear to be expecting something that will alter their lives (and ours) forever, and it looks as though it will come from the heavens in the very near future. Their native brothers who trade us wild caught salmon for our crop harvests are saying the same thing. They are witnessing whales, dolphins and fish that stay at the surface of the water and look up at the sky as well. Mostly in the hours before sunrise and after sunset.

    While at the same time, the elders and healers all have visions and dreams of the sky being set on fire. Then black smoke replaces the clouds, as the ground at their feet begins to shake.

    They do not know exactly what is going to happen, but they wanted me to know that it is like some sort of prophecy is being awakened. The end of the fifth world as we know it possibly. Nuclear War, Yellowstone Eruption, Massive Ring of Fire Eruptions, the Largest Mega Wildfire in the history of humanity, and even a Supernova Explosion all come to mind.

    But one thing is for sure. Nature has always been the most reliable source for warning us of coming cataclysms and apocalyptic events, and to be honest, I have also noticed the subtle changes in nature as well. I have been feeling it in my bones now for several months, and I believe that Mother Earth is trying to send some of us a very important message. The eagles and the wolves are also quiet and still. Which is not a good sign at all. If they could move to a safer place, they would, and they aren’t. That tells me the whole world will be impacted by this event, and we don’t have years to get prepared for whatever is coming. Maybe months, so try to be at peace with yourselves and make the most of your time with family and friends.

    We are all hoping that it is nothing more than nerves on the edge, over how man is changing our world for the worst. But I don’t think the elders would confide in me their deepest thoughts and visions, if it were simply just a rattling of the nerves.

    1. This is really scary about the animals looking up. I wonder if it has anything to do with the dwindling ozone layer protection. Perhaps they feel the burn of excessive radiation and the now strange bright whiteness of the skies and sun? But if they are spotted most often before sunrise and after sunset- could that be because looking up during the daylight burns their eyes?.. or is it something worse? Thank you for sharing this knowledge and insight of Native wisdom from the elders. The few still having a connection to Mother Earth. God help us all.

  6.  No matter how much they try to downplay the Dubai rain anomaly, it has already become a subject of discussion around the world, and people are beginning to whisper to themselves and each other, "Could this have been a result of weather control technology?"

    This one single event has metaphorically opened a "Pandora's Box", and there is no going back to the confines of matrix norms ever again. At least not within the shadowy subconscious stirrings of the conspiracy realm that is gaining momentum in all societies that question their government's hand in controlling the masses. And for just exactly what those agendas are, is now a forethought in those same whispering underbelly movements.

    Even those who have serious doubts that geoengineering is a reality, and not just some proposed equations on a university chalkboard somewhere, are beginning to question just exactly what they are seeing in the sky now. Because they too have witnessed supposed thousand-year floods turning their lives totally upside down. And not just once or twice in their lifetime. But repeatedly, virtually year after year.

    The never-ending California flooding and massive floods in those same countries time and time again, who question U.S. policies that undermine their own governments. Lakes forming in Death Valley, and tornadoes striking in places that have never experienced their devastation since records have been kept. An active hurricane season followed by virtually no season at all that still somehow managed to fuel a tropical storm into becoming a category five hurricane in less than twelve hours’ time.

    Not to mention very powerful hurricanes that loop around to strike the same states and not diminish in strength, or wildfires that grow to be as large as states and seem to have a mind of their own.

    With Dubai becoming a trigger point for some to awaken from their matrix induced coma, and state legislatures passing bills to ban geoengineering in their skies. Questions have arisen that begs humanity to take a closer look at those who try to marginalize and dehumanize a movement intended to expose the government's obsession with weather control, by using a single word that is meant to stir controversy… "Chemtrails".  Or a term that implies Nature is the culprit for these weather oddities… "Climate Change".

    Neither of which is what you would expect to come from an intellectually sound and rational body of news reporters seeking to find and expose the truth, by questioning “Everything”. But rather coming from those who are only interested in expressing their opinions and conforming to the official narrative with their close-minded editorials. Towing the line for their government manipulators who offer them a little treat, every time that they perform a trick that emboldens their agendas.

    Most of the media and news sources are the Ringmasters of the Political Circus, and they direct everyone’s attention away from the government con men who are pickpocketing the mesmerized crowd of humanity. While the circus itself is meant to keep the masses in a trance, compelling them to think or act in a way that blinds them to the path of salvation.

    While all of us here in this family still follow that path, because we refuse to relinquish our Free Will to those who want you to believe that Geoengineering will save us all and the planet.

  7. One last thing before bed. Today was "Earth Day". The earth is a dying planet. The evidence to prove this has been presented on this website over and over and over. The natural systems that were setup to sustain life have been severely damaged or destroyed. The industrial revolutions of mankind have polluted the earth. Efforts to engineer artificial systems to replace the natural systems and deal with all the pollution are what the "scientific community" is attempting to do. Hows that going so far? As Dane oft says, "Not so good". Nighty-night.

  8. Talked to my brother who lives in Roseburg, OR, today and he said that planes were spaying "stuff" all day long over the area. Looked on C.O.D. website and they are still spraying "stuff"! He also told me that they've already had a couple small forest fires, but they were quickly contained.

  9. Aerosol operations all morning today over the LA basin and points north. All the "stuff" being released certainly was not cloud seeding material! The long trails were horizon to horizon and spread out miles wide as they drifted over my location to the NE. A few aircraft were commercial flights but the high altitude ones were all white. No tail colors visible. Air quality is so bad over the LA basin its amazing anyone can breathe at all!

  10. Remember when talking to people who are new to this subject, as much as you can, to speak on the level, even in the language- of your target audience. This morning, I had a nice talk with a patient, who is a pastor of a local church. I explained my concerns about how mankind has been damaging the world God gave us, to which he was of course in agreement. I then handed him a QR Code card for "The Dimming" and a booklet to read on this subject by Dane. 

    I asked him to please, if he feels led, to share information about this documentary with his congregation, perhaps to even arrange for a showing of this film to his congregation. He agreed to consider it all.

    One person at a time… 

    1. Concentrated effort on a single individual  does over time more often than not eventually work. Hope he wasn't pushing the jibity jab on his parish like so many were during convid-

  11. South Carolina H5390 Air Quality Bill Introduced

    April 10, 2024 | 

     House Bill 5390 was introduced today in South Carolina, one of many USA States taking legislative action this session pursuant to the Tenth Amendment to prohibit atmospheric experimentation.  The legislation states: 

    “It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, negligently or willfully, to discharge any air contaminant or other substance in the ambient air that shall cause an undesirable level.

           (2) The intentional injection, release, dispersion, or other emission, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, apparatus, or other air contaminants within the borders of this State with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.”


    H5390 was referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs. South Carolina residents can contact committee members HERE to urge their support for H5390.


    State policymakers in Kentucky, Minnesota, South Dakota, Illinois,  New Hampshire, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Connecticut have introduced legislation to prohibit weather modification and other weather engineering activities involving the intentional polluting of our sky.

  12. The "scientific community" is a global community linked together by advanced electrical and electronics technologies. The list of these technologies can be found on the IEEE website. Among the capabilities of these technologies is the ability to model and modulate the earth's systems, i.e., the weather, for example. But their capabilities are much more pervasive and invasive than most are aware of. I'll leave it up to you to come to your own conclusions.

  13. Fact file: Cloud seeding


    Environment Canada senior climatologist Dave Phillips is quoted here as saying “Pea-sized hail does very little damage, whereas golf ball or baseball-sized hail can be lots of damage,” says Phillips. “They’re trying to take the amount of water vapour in the air and spread it around to more nuclei.”

    So, poisoning the population is your solution to changing the weather?



    A Transformational Approach to Winter Orographic Weather Modification Research: The SNOWIE Project


    More proof of the criminal things going on in our skies everywhere…

    I sure hope this is stopped before it is too late!

  14. censorship:

    Geoengineering is not a word according  to Merriam-Webster.

    search all geo … words there's many.

  15. In case you don't know, Dane, there are many "trails" of "stuff" visible moving from W to E over northern CA and southern OR. They haven't stopped doing this since this morning!

  16. Here in Grass Valley, CA, we are getting this shiny sticky stuff on everything the last several days. Tiny drops that sparkle in the sun on plants, our deck and outdoor furniture. It looks like someone sprayed WD-40 on everything, yet it sparkles. It's not frost, because it's sticky, and it's too warm for frost here now anyways. Thank you so much for your reports and information on geoengineering watch!

    1. Exactly- the wet stuff(not rain exactly) has a viscuous slick quality to it. Even if you watch it slide down a window pane it slithers !

      We are so very very tired at being sprayed every day. If the sky has a modicum of sunshine, the winds must be blown up to whipping proportions, every day between noon and 1:00 pm. It is so bold and blatant. Our spring flowers are being battered before they can even bloom (we are Zone 5, upper peninsula of Michigan). We have been up here 30 years, and actually have photos of how the skies used to be , much more clear blue instead of the milky wispy swirls we have now. Our bird populations are exhibiting anomalies, some birds who have been reliable are confused and are not migrating, while others arrive too early and are so dependent on our supplemental feeding .It is so difficult to have faith and keep  hope for our earth, today on Earth Day, of all days. Thank you for being the brave voice in the wilderness, Dane. 

  17. Exceptional comments this week as well! As I get on in years, and I must say fortunately so, especially these days. I remember psst comments along my journey such as "if we didn't stop Hitler, we'd all be speaking German now." In this vein I refer to Dane's comment about World War III that is not just a possibility, but a present reality.  The old sayings at this juncture would have to be changed to "if this war is won by the controllers, we won't be speaking any language that conveys free speach.

    1. How many German scientists were evacuated out of Germany and brought to America prior to the fall of the Third Reich made possible by the Third Industrial Revolution? Warner Vaughn Braun ring a bell? 

    2. Lance: Wernher von Braun – Superb genius who is responsible for advancing our space program.  


    3. Yes Lance & Virginia, And let's not forget the Dulles Brothers, John Foster and Allan who were put upon a pedestal, even naming an airport after them- and William Donovan (alias 'wild bill'), nazi's who set up the national spy agency in America after WW2 that has morphed into the current cia. The Bush family. Facts not conjecture: Listen to the Mae Brussell archives from the 70's & 80's & hear her solid research on this.. If you can still find it. Yes, Operation Paperclip is responsible for much of the ills we are suffering today. This is what you get when you put war criminals in charge of things and then sit on your ass and do nothing for 70 years.

  18. Am staying at an RV park north of Santa Clarita, CA. Getting warm early this morning. Right now its 72F and its not even 9:30am. 85F forecast for high. Unusually warm outside. 

  19. Anyone who doubts that aerosol operations are not going on or are not real needs to be directed to the Nighttime Microphysics Imagery on the C.O.D. website right now and take a look at the crazy number of nanoparticulate trails visible over eastern OR! They are not condensation trails! This truly is insane! Take note of all the other lines of particulates out over the Pacific Ocean too!

  20. Thanks Dane  for yet another amazing broadcast. I am very proud of my Tennessee neighbor who saw their quest for truth and freedom through to it's valuable conclusion. I have been following you since shortly after my relocation to SC and your announcement of the RI geoengineering Act of 2014 that unfortunately was not able to reach the finish line of law. But after all these years of your selfless passion to inform us of the devastation of climate engineeringl, the brave Tennessee legislature has implemented a beacon of truth that will hopefully set a standard for other stares that is truly rooted in the wellbeing of their citizens at the expense of the greedy, power-crazed controllers.

    When I attempt to spread the word I'm sometimes told that people don't want to hear our message because they are so afraid of what's unfortunately happening in our world and it's affects on their children forward. I respond by saying that is precisely why our quest is so important. I'm also often told that we shouldn't fret over these things because there is nothing that we can do about them. Thanks again Tennessee for debunking that falsehood. And thanks again and again to Dane and all others who influenced my neighbor's victory. God bless all who stand for truth and justice and the preservation of life, health and the entirety of God's creation.

  21. If you can find a copy: "Environmental Warfare:  A Technical, Legal & Policy Appraisal " edited by Arthur H. Westing  ( SIPRI 1984 – so hardly 'conspiracy theorist' ) is rather revealing, (especially as there is no mention of the then 'modern' geo-warfare technology). There are copious and still pertinent period references.

    Of  'chilling' interest is the mention of the even then unstable Byrd glacier… With the current melting rate of the Ross Ice Shelf and should it collapse,  the glacier (Byrd) would flow out to sea catastrophically – resulting in a rapid planetary rise in sea level of around 5M… (Hughes & Fastook 1981)… Good bye (riddance?) to not only New York and London, but also all coastal nuclear power plants… You cannot comprehend the present without understanding the past… Most politicians and militarists cannot remember (or choose to forget) yesterday morning… It is more than disturbing just how many important books and publications from the 1970s onwards seem to be being quietly 'removed' or priced out of reach of even professional people…

    If you erase the past you cannot comprehend the present… Ray Bradbury's "Farenheit 451" was loosely based on the "Samizdat" resistance…

    My old paternal grandmother (my maternal gran was killed in the Great War) was a keeper of the old family Gloucestershire and Somersetshire history and folklore;  going far, far back to the Plantagenet kings… None of our young folk are interested – entrained by their 4G dumbphones and the latest vacuous 'celebrity' and 'royal' scandal… I was blessed as a child having a relation with one of the very last North Somerset mixed farms – a place teeming with woodlands, myriad wildlife and quiet beauty midst the dawn birdsong… Every season had untrammelled beauty inconceivable in this terrible age… Even in my beloved home city of (old) Bristol, as a child, there was amidst the terrible Blitz destruction a smallholding still worked near a place called Stokes Croft… And where I lived in a suburb called Bistopston in a lovely Victorian district built upon a farm, the farms orchards were left and many parks built… The dawn chorus only three miles from the centre of Bristol was a wonder to a young child and behind our house was an old apple orchard ('Beauty of Bath') and a sacred spring… The trees were still 'Wassailed' in their season and children went, unsupervised from door-to-door at Christmastide singing the old carols… But it is the birdsong and the quiet beauty of that small spring and its tree and shrine that lives in my heart…

    Too much has been lost – but what for?

    Geoff Hanham

  22. Yesterday the House of Representitives signed on for a $95 billion "aid package" to be sent to: Ukraine – $61 billion, Israel – $26 billion, Taiwan $8 – billion. 

    Perhaps someone is wondering how how a country trillions of $$$ in debt can fund other countries. "All Wars Are Banker Wars" by Michael Rivero is a tremendous work helpful in this area.

    "It's not a matter of whether the war is not real or if it is. Victory is not possible. The war was not meant to be won, it was meant to be continuous." George Orwell

    Unlike the war George Orwell spoke of, we do intend to win. We  can be continuous in our fight to expose the temple money changers of today as they wage weather warfare without our consent.

  23. I have been researching how the UAE (United Arab Emirates) has been using the latest technologies to create rain in such an arid environment, and they began this quest in earnest back in 1998 with scientists performing localized field tests. Which later transitioned over to full scale atmospheric experimental operations beginning in 2002.

    Yes, they use cloud seeding (on a massive scale of course, as Dane points out) and the media is harping on the fact that even if they did use (small scale) cloud seeding, it would not produce the kind of storms and deluge that happened in Dubai. Not alone or by itself that is, and since geoengineering (aka Climate Engineering) doesn't exist. Then it must be climate change that is creating such weather oddities.

    But what the media is purposely avoiding and choosing not to talk about, is the fact that the UAE has been experimenting with cloud seeding, augmented by drones that charge the atmosphere (clouds in general) with electricity and by using specific microwave frequencies from ground transmitters as well.

    They’ve taken weather warfare technologies to the next level and been very successful at creating thunderstorms on demand, over the last three years specifically.

    They create the same (feathery cirrus-like) clouds we see all the time by first spraying aerosols into the atmosphere. Just as we observe the sky turning from blue to white from geoengineering aerosols. Then they seed those clouds with salts and nitrates, to use the aerosols as a binder for water vapor droplets to form and those fake aerosol particulate clouds slowly turn into cumulus and nimbus clouds. A precursor to rain.

    It's all very simple and basic science that can be used anywhere around the world to create rainfall from an already cloudless sky, and the U.S. military industrial cult of conflict has been doing it since even before project Popeye. When it was still in its infancy and not augmented by drones and microwaves. They had to use more crude and rudimentary tools at their disposal to enhance the rainfall over the Ho Chi Minh Trail for instance, with black project technologies of that period.

    The Dubai rain makers, however, have had years to perfect their techniques and once the perfect clouds have been primed, they send up the drones and fire up the microwave transmitters.

    The (thousands of) drones (using autonomous satellite imagery-based GPS programmed flights) charge the clouds with electricity and increase the amount of positive and negative ions, which help the water vapor droplets to mass in clumps and become official rain drops. Then the microwaves vibrate those rain drops at a specific frequency, and they begin to grow even more until they become too heavy and fall out of the clouds in the form of precipitous rainfall.

    The massive increase in charged ions mixed with the ever-growing rain droplets triggers lightning, and that electrical stimulus just fuels the whole process of creating even more rain, until you finally have a torrential downpour.

    (They can sometimes lose hundreds of drones to the super-active lightning, before they return to the site where they were launched. But that is expected, and they are easily replaced by the time that the next operation is scheduled.)

    The UAE will never fully admit to using all these tools at their disposal for creating the massive rainfall that just took place in Dubai, Pakistan and other regionally connected areas of the middle east. Because that would prove that geoengineering and climate modification technologies really do exist, and the Tennessee bill that was recently passed is then justified in voting such laws into existence, to protect the average American citizen from these weather warfare technologies.

    The people of Dubai who were interviewed by CNN news reporters all said the same thing.

    “I have never seen such dark clouds form in such a short period of time, and the lightning was continuous. I mean it never stopped, not even for one second!” (Maybe all the people who gave witness accounts to the reporters from CNN will be shocked to find out that the government is planning to arrest them and fine them in the coming days. Especially those who mentioned any reference to cloud seeding.)

    Which sounds exactly like the kind of storms we have been experiencing here in America now, for at least the last five years running. Even in places like Death Valley and Phoenix, Arizona.

    But it’s all just climate change. Isn’t it?

    1. In NE Ohio @ the solstice, I never seen clouds so dark. It freaked me out. We also had slippery weird snow at 43 F a week thereafter.

  24. A study of internet statistics indicates that Kidney, Liver and Brain cancers are currently spiking globally. That couldn’t possibly be associated with microplastics, could it? Thunderstorm Asthma is on the rise too. Not to mention severe allergies in children, and record numbers of pets being diagnosed with cancer. We just lost our beloved three-year-old Blue Healer to cancer here on the farm yesterday. He seemed perfectly healthy one day, then got really sick the next day. Was diagnosed by a vet and just three days later, he was gone. This is happening across the country and age appears to be no factor. Livestock and wildlife are also seeing record numbers of cancer mortality rates.

    I tend to believe that microplastic terminality is finally upon us, and populations around the world will begin to plummet as we barrel towards the reality of our extinction.

    1. I had a blue heeler 25 odd yrs. ago and he lived to about 14 yrs. old. They are incredibly hardy dogs. For one to die of cancer at 3 yrs. is incredulous to me. 'Rocky' was once kicked by a horse and knocked unconscious ( I feared he was dead but 10 min. later -while I was frantic on the phone with the vet- he came walking back down the trail to the house & that night he crunched up a couple of rib bones off the 'barby'.) His getting kicked was actually my fault, thankfully he suffered no bad consequences from it. Some years later he got out of the farm fence, was hit by a car, spent 10 days resting at the vets with a fractured pelvis and recovered perfectly. I'd tell people, "Queensland Blues- you can't hardly kill 'em!" Those dogs are loyal, game, lightening fast, brave & should be tough as nails. I'm sorry to hear of your tragic loss of one so young. Clearly due to the abnormal circumstances facing us in this world today.

  25. I have learned that by September, or even October of this year, it will be against the law to post images of storm clouds on the internet here in America as well, with any reference to them being made, using cloud seeding or geoengineering technologies (Including blizzard, hurricane, tornado, wildfire, flood and drought references.). As a matter of fact, the UN is pushing to make it so in every nation on the planet, and this year’s Fall climate summit will clarify what these new laws will entail. They claim it is necessary to stop disinformation being spread about geoengineering, as they plan to implement full scale operations by Christmas. (More like, already started on Christmas day of 1947.) You probably won’t be arrested or fined in America for spreading what they claim is disinformation, or conspiracy theories that negatively impact how the public perceives geoengineering. But according to the most recent UN reports and White House press releases. You could have your website, YouTube channel, Facebook and Twitter accounts deleted. You could also be banned from posting any more comments on various blogs and discussion forums.

    We all knew that this day was coming, and they plan to even ban the sales of any books that paint a negative picture of geoengineering, or the government’s decision to use it as a band aid for global warming. Rumor has it that it will also impact your credit score, suspend any government aid or Social Security retirement benefits. Including Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Employment could be forcefully terminated by the federal government, and state laws that ban geoengineering could also be overturned by Supreme Court rulings.

    People may doubt everything I just mentioned. But there was a UN report released by the 2023 Climate Conference that detailed how they plan on voting these new laws into becoming official by every nation’s representative at the UN Assembly. Shortly after the 2024 Climate Conference Summit adjourns later this year.

    They not only plan to increase geoengineering operations worldwide. But they are going to shove it down our throats, whether we like it or not. Even though they claim that it will be regulated by the UN, to keep it from being used by any one nation, as a weapon of war against other nations. How’s that been going so far?  

    1. Thanks for your comments in re books, 'Eden' – most folk will not be aware of this – I am aware of what seems to be the disappearance of many professional books on atmospheric physics over the past five years or so that are still scientifically valid – I wonder why… But as to anti/contra books on 'geoengineering' better  buy them right now before they are lost… Those with the courage and knowledge will have to adopt the old Russian 'Samizdat' system that subverted the Soviet propaganda and lies… Meanwhile in the UK, it is surprising how many of the 'Royal' family, including allegedly the late queen (source BBC) who have died or afflicted with cancer… I would not even begin to speculate why as my field is or rather was, analysis… (though I cannot see what is wrong with 'conspiracy theory' as rather weird speculations in re quantum 'theory' and at the other end of a rather dubious and mucky pole is so-called 'game theory' (and thus 'game theorists') – but no doubt it will soon be a crime to even mention 'geoengineering'… Meanwhile we live in a 'Theater of the Absurd' with a name like 'Quantum mechanics' being coined! Mechanics applies to our old wonderful Citroen 2CV and not the looking-glass world with its Cheshire cat's smirk fading away…

      But UK and European agriculture is certainly being targeted – I have farmers in my family and friends – some in France and Germany – and all at their wits end… H.J. Massingham wrote "Prophesy of a Famine" way back at the end of WW2 – and that was in a world less insane than the current… He would be crying his heart out if he could see the devastation that has been done to the natural world and the wild ones and the old ways of harmony…

      We all as best we can must become 'Lantern Bearers' for the world is growing terribly dark… As the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas once sang: "…Do not go gently into that 'Good Night' – but rage, Rage against the Dying of the Light!"  Time for the Lanterns to be lit folks!

      My late wife's Clan motto is: "There is no joy without Clan Donald" … I echo that as without her, joy has fled – but not my love for her and the wild ones she loved and who came to her, and the gift she gave me of love for the high wild places where the skylarks once sang and are now also bereft of joy…

      Thank you Dane – for you are a true 'Bearer of Light' in so many ways…

      Geoff Hanham



    2. Thanks Eden for your incredible addition to Dane's invaluable reports. We must all continue to spread this information before the flame of truth is extinguished. God bless you and all who stand for the sancity of truth.


    3. There is already a law in the United Arab Emirates that calls for a fine of the equivalent of 272,000 dollars for spreading fake news about the weather in the UAE. Presumably this includes posting pictures of the bizarre cloud formations over the UAE during the recent deluge Of course it is the same government that caused the flooding that gets to decide what is fake news.

    4. They may try and vote these things in as laws at the UN but ultimately if enough of the PEOPLE of the WORLD WAKE UP!! and REJECT these plans UNEQUIVOCALLY, there will be no way for them to implement their rules. I must believe this will be the case. No one can police every single person on Earth against their WILLS, even with the current plans for death and genocides that are being implemented by these nuts. And especially with 'order followers' waking up and NOT enforcing these sick and twisted plans. The people of the world MUST REJECT ANY and ALL attempts at this kind of control.

  26. Was just outside a little while ago. Checking the lights on the side of the house for insects and tree frogs as well as for toads in the area. 

    It was eerily quiet. Two toads, one tree frog, and a few insects, very few. A few insects flying by the lights out by the driveway. No bats. Very few crickets and other insects making their normal nighttime noises. 

    We cannot wake up our elected "leaders" quickly enough. Nor other people. 

    I would urge everybody to contact their state legislatures and tell them about Tennessee. 


    1. A ja tam i z powrotem unicestwiam tu i teraz Watykan, Londyn i Waszyngton, trzy szatańskie ośrodki ZŁA na tej Przepięknej Planecie Ziemi.🪓🪓💥

  27. Widely followed wind sport forecaster/ guru (mgodseywf@gmail.com) mentioned recently that current wind patterns on the West Coast are frustratingly more Summer like than Spring ,due to" Climate Change". Non responsive to my questioning this,maybe some of you will have better luck…..Thanks in advance.

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