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Dane Wigington

"Injecting Sulfur Into The Atmosphere Could Pose Dangerous Risks", new from Science Alert. But is it just sulfur? Hundreds of precipitation tests reveal numerous other elements coming down through our breathable air column. Elements like aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, polymer fibers, surfactants and graphene. What could go wrong? Now let's add this headline from Yahoo News, "World's population to fall for the first time since the Black Death". Though official sources would never acknowledge it, are these two headlines actually inseparable? What other elements might the geoengineers be "injecting" into our skies? How exponential might this equation become? And how soon? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

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19 Responses

  1. I live in South Africa. We rarely get thunder storms in my part of the country. Last week sunday we had one that came and went throughout the night into monday morning. Lightning followed by sometimes heavy thunder and then in bursts the rain came down, at times heavy. It was not a continuous storm at all. It was very weird and concerning.

  2. For those who haven't thought about it, you might consider leaving a light on outside near some plants or shrubbery to attract some insects around your house, which will then in turn attract frogs and toads and perhaps even bats and some other animals.

  3. Brother Jonathan Thank You For Your Heartfelt Healing Words. I have great love and admiration for what you do for God’s little ones animal friends by caring for and feeding them. I too have been visited with dearly departed loved ones friends family and pets. How could I tell all: the visions and revelations i have experienced in my 73 years. I started as young as two years old having visions of Jesus. For I was much purer of heart back then. The spirit world has been present to me to this day. That is to say, i see / perceive the relationship these forces have on people and recognize their presence. It has been a scary gift to be disseminating. I realize i am not alone in experiencing different dimensions. What grieves me the most however: is that there are many people are without love, sensitivity, empathy and compassion save that of their own family or clan. Having this gift , i would somehow love to have shallow minded people be blessed with gifts of Love,Unity and all that is Good Will to one another. The roots of jealousy and hatred run deep in mankind. Free will is a concept , i question God about often. There are souls: people who do not choose goodness, recognize it or are, in any way of union with it. Those lost soul people choose to only practice what is pure evil along with their spiritual benefactors.                            Those other souls, are people for whom I pray most often for are on the fence so to say. They are not necessarily, malevolent or wicked minded. Somehow in nature they are self absorbed, asleep, duped, consumers; indoctrinated without much empathy. These people are more innocent than i because i know better and i have been entrusted with gifts to share. They have no real discernment or perception other than the three senses to avail themselves with greater gifts to share. I truly believe these people are redeemable and able to grow out of this condition, by our prayers somehow earnestly seeking God.                                                                             We who are reverent, empathetic. loving and visionary, have great responsibility to help those on the fence choose the right and along with us who earnestly work and pray for Kingdom Come.                 Dane I tell You now; that You and Your GREAT work are so important to this world. You bring awareness in a real physical and emotional way. It is clearly evident Dane that You have Great Love for our planet and it's innocent inhabitants. We who come here also do a great work as well by Your example. Individually we are sensitive to our planet’s health and creatures therein. We all are gifted; each of us in many diverse ways.These gifts we are blessed with, we share with each other to edify and build a better spiritual and mindful character within ourselves. Because of our love and respect for one another, our planet; it's inhabitants and universe, we make a difference and please our God . When we Pray, Sorrow and Mourn for Peace and Justice, God becomes the closest to us.

    1. Brother Watcher, Thank you for sharing those beautiful words and sentiments. You are clearly one of those more enlightened. You are one of those who is sensitive to life. Many here are. I enjoy the nature stories by Geoff here, and now Lance is feeding his precious hummingbirds. 

      You Sir are walking What the Lakota people call the Red Road, What Jesus called The Way.

      And one of the things that most has gotten my attention among the many things Dane has taught over the years is that we are working for those who have no voice but ours. Thank you my friend.

    2. Of course it is planting time here. I was out in the garden over the weekend, weeding and planting things and so forth. When suddenly I saw a tiny little creature moving in the garden on the soil, a little crab, spider, pale in color, no bigger than the head of a pen. I stopped everything and gently scooped it up and moved it to a safe place before I continued gardening. 

      This is an example of how we can be sensitive to life, and let our every act be a prayer to our Creator.

    3. Thank you for you words. They mean a lot to me for several reasons. I try to remember to pray for those who are doing so much damage to to life on this planet. I wish I had answers to our problems.

      I don't want to but sometimes I wish they had good intent but I've seen too much now and know better. Yes, I am probably on the fence at times. I have always wanted to see the good in people but have been badly hurt from the time I can remember. I'm not very smart, possibly from brain damage I've suffered at different times in my life. I hope I wasn't born this way!

      Every once in awhile I've said things that sometimes get people thinking as some have done for me. I'm grateful to God for what he has given me. He gave us this beautiful place to live. I'm still not certain how or why things have gone so terribly wrong. I don't want to be or do wrong but I know I still am/do. It's hard and embarrassing to say that too.

      I've never cried so much in my life as I have for the past 10 or so years. The 'incidents' are getting closer and closer now. People are not sticking together as they should, we are so divided and the 'others' want this to be so. We must stand together as a country.

      I have learned as much from Dane as I am able to. I have little short term memory. They took away the medicine that helped with this. I do the best I can with what little I have. 

      Today I was able to help someone who needed boxes. The funny part is that I was getting ready to break them down for recycling and now they will be put to further use instead.

      Anyway, thank you again for your response.

  4. Major aerosol ops way out over the Pacific Ocean off the coast of northern CA/OR/WA/B.C. heading to the NNW. Can be seen on the Nighttime Microphysics Imagery For the Northwest Pac. Coast  on C.O.D. website right now! Tell me this isn't reality, please.

  5. As we look around us with "ore eyes open" we can readily see the poisons been purposefully sprayed into our sky's. Dane Wigington continually reminds us that among the spraying are nonoparticles (the really dangerous type) of allluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, sulfur  and polymer fibers. What we can also readily see is that we are being Inundated with advertisements for memory treatments that are popping up like mushrooms and include senior residential establishments that include memory care facilities.

    According to world renowned aluminum research scientist Christopher Exley, ther exists a direct link between this metal and problem issue that affect he brain such as Alsheimer's and Autism. Unfortunately, Bill Gates was involved in usurping this scientist's prominent position at Keele University in the UK. This apparently happened because Mr. Gates is more interested in money and power than his false projections as a philanthropist. When will the world wake up to the horrific affects of geoengineering and the globalist plot to control the world at any cost?

    1. Regarding nanoparticles the American "scientific community" has been instrumental in developing nano-technology. The toxicity "problem" has plagued the development of this technology from the start. The extremely small size of nanoparticles allows them to pass through the "BBB", the Blood Brain Barrier. This is why they get into the brain! They cause mental problems as you've pointed out. Their "solution" to this "problem"? Develop "special" nanoparticles that get into the brain contained in "memory treatments" to attempt to restore mental functions! They create the "problem", watch the "reaction", then offer their "solution"!  

  6. Thanks Dane for disclosing how sitting on assets or fatten bank, SEP , etc  will have very little meaning in the collapse of it all.   Very sorry to hear of selling assets to make it another day in this battle. I have pulled what little  monies left OUT of bank, until cash is worthless. The outages  can wipe out a bank balance . Then , the  other lossof some friends and family  has been an ongoing pattern by their own denial  and out casting – wave us out to the corn field. Limiting phone calls  (if they even  answer the phone)  Topics of : Geo-e , the vax, 5G, etc just is too much for some. (True, we are NoT the hit of  any parties ) Too real.  We are too honest.  My circle of confidants  is slimmer. Hard part is financial stress in orchestrated inflation Bidenomics  AND the increased DEATHS of family – friends that took the bio weapon jab. Added stress load  to navigate multiple deaths. No stopping  the tsunami of loss-death, all while we try to maintain economically.  Again, appreciate  your honesty  re the tighten the belt aspect as much ruin has been on purpose to depopulate – destroy  on a fast track.  THIS site is a salvation refuge  for like minded .Yes,  stay strong,heads up, and we will  be  together  through many new storms.WE will help each other until it is as Dane states  "Game over" and meet the Maker . 

    1. Certain words used in certain narratives are used to attempt to blame a specific individual for what is going on in the world. The term "Bidenomics" is one such word. This "man" is told what to say and do! He reads from a "script", either written down, on computer screen, or displayed on a teleprompter! Any time he deviates from the "script" his handlers stop him one way or another! Far as we know the images we see of this "man" in some situations aren't even REAL! Same can be said about a lot of "images" we see and hear displayed on these electronic devices we all use! Dane has gone into some detail about "perception management", or as he put it, "deception management".  

  7. Like Mexico City, Bogota Colombia now has a water problem. It is estimated that in 54 days water for everyday use will be gone. This is a major city of about 10 million people.

    70% of their water comes from the Chingaza Reservoir. It is now at 16% capacity. Record breaking temperatures and long droughts brought on by El Nino are the  reported culprits. Wildfires have been a problem.

     Mayor Carlos Galan ordered water rationing which  is now in effect. There are 24 hour cuts every 10 days depending which sector one lives. 

    Mayor Galan also said, "If you are not going to leave your house on Sunday or any other day of the week, take advantage of it and do not take a bath." Every little bit helps!

    La Calera residents are now receiving tanker trucks with water. Clara Escobar got a couple of buckets. She said, "We shower less and we  wash the clothes [only] when necessary"

    Should the attack on the earth's life support systems continue, devastating droughts and/or catastrophic flooding along with higher than normal temperatures will  continue.  At that point, not getting a daily bath will be the least of any of our problems.

  8. A report from Baker City, eastern Oregon. It seems, through my observations, that the criminals are ramping up their efforts to destroy us and the planet.

    Here in Baker City (population 10 thousand) the skies have been increasingly lined out of late. I witnessed for the first time last week four high altitude tankers flying wing tip to wing tip as they unloaded overhead. They left a trail from horizon to horizon, east to west. It was so obvious what they were doing, and that was just one pass followed by many other singular planes unloading above us. The enormity of these operations is unbelievable, and this is only one small  town as an example, imagine what the rest of the world sees. I know these criminals are playing whack a mole at a furious pace now, not a good sign looking forward. Thanks again Dane and all here trying to end the madness, carry on and stay strong.

  9. Hello All                                                                                       

    When I was Young 60+ years ago i could find snakes in places where they usually lived under rocks. At this time in my life i had an uncanny sense of where creatures resided. I knew what kind of logs when turned over would reveal Spotted Salamanders beautiful creatures up to 7" long Black with Yellow spots. I even found some larger ones with blue dots. Many small other Salamanders and Newts i also found. I treated them with respect and learned not to handle them after finding them as pets that would soon die. So i made a game to find them and  be satisfied to carefully roll the log back onto them. Tree frogs were everywhere as well. Toads, and Frogs were plentiful..None of this is no longer a reality. A friend taught me how to fish with frogs hooked on the lips.I realize now this was animal cruelty, i guess but frogs were so plentiful. Ten feet of shoreline would harbor several frogs all around their typical habitat. By the time i caught one i missed ten. Being Franco American & Native American heritage, it was our lore to hunt Bullfrogs to harvest for food frog legs . Fishing of native species was very productive. Small game was very abundant. Looking back I am ashamed of these practices. These” Precious Creature” are so rare now and I feel guilty about any of those practices. In my defense; if any, in my area of New Hampshire 40 years ago and back, we did not think of the rarity. Many Birds species have also disappeared that i can remember. I never hear whippoorwills any more. Some summer nights they were so many and loud that it was hard to fall asleep. Wild flowers and fruit are also much less in abundance  On and on my heart aches of what we humans have done. I would rather give up my human existence and entertain thoughts of a world without humankind. We are so selfish warlike and downright evil with our practices. None of us are innocent. Yes! some are more innocent than others. Yet we all consume something of nature and geology and are at least culpable of participation in our worlds destruction in some degree. Deep down in my soul, i can imagine a world without people that would be far healthier. Maybe this is "Gods Will" that we fall so far; that once we recover, we will not be of a selfish destructive hateful nature ever again. Time will tell All things. I fear for our future. I mourn for the days of my youth.                                                  GOD HELP SAVE US  from ourselves.

    1. Brother, do not have regrets about things that you did or did not do that you would have preferred had been otherwise. You were only responsible for what you know. Again, you are only responsible for what you know. Life is a classroom, and each of us is on our own learning path. Every one of us has things that we would have done differently if we could be in those same circumstances today. Fortunately, the wise learn from these things and become wiser. Let us all endeavor to learn from the past without dragged down by it. Imagine yourself sitting on the bank of a river, watching the flotsam and so forth drifting by down river. Acknowledge each of those things, which can be said to represent events from our past. Past. Acknowledge them and bless them and then let them go, taking with you the lessons with you as you go. 

      I'm around 10 years younger. Than you. Yet, as a child, I spent most of my time out in nature, and like you, I developed quite a knack for finding different kinds of animals as well as edible plants and fruits. And like you, I have not heard a whip-poor-will in many years. I have noticed significant reductions in animals. I'm having to put out much more bird seed and food for the wild creatures than ever before. They know that they are safe here with me and many of them come to me for food, and they are my friends. Everything from small insects to wolves. They are safe here and no one hurts. Anybody here. They all know that they have a place here and are content. And I have prayed to the Creator , affirming that I will continue to care for the living creatures here to the best of my ability for as long as I'm allowed. This may sound unusual, yet I promise it is true. I have had many many experiences over many years in which dearly departed loved ones, especially animals, have made their presence known to me.Just I literally saw one of my beloved dogs, even though she passed on, or walked on as some would say, several years ago. I hear them, feel them brush against me, occasionally see them. This is the true reality, like the true Narnia in the book by CS Lewis. Is every bit as real as you and I. Remember that in the spiritual realms, everything that you do that is based in love and kindness, will have everlasting ripples throughout space and time and the universe itself. 

      These things that Dane is asking us to be a part of, Faye affect an altar not only the course of things in this three-dimensional experience, but also within a much broader context rippling through all the dimensions like ripples on a pond after you toss a pebble in the water. These things, these spiritual things, are the real reality in back of all appearances. Although the things that we are striving for have profound consequences in the here and now, it is the spiritual realms in which the long-lasting effects will be seen. That may sound a little abstract. But I hope that this is encouraging to you and to all those who read this. 

      Let me offer an example to backup my assertion that the spiritual realms are real. About a year ago we had to Have one of our beloved pug dogs put down. We knew about when This was going to be necessary. A couple nights before that happened, I laid down with her on the sofa One evening is I was putting her to bed. Our beloved Missy. I then spoke to, as I often do, a couple of our other beloved pug dogs who had passed on in the two years previous to that. For what it was worth, I asked them if they were able, if they would please be with her that night because I told them , Abigail and China, that I thought it would be comforting to Missy. No sooner had I said that, and I set it out loud to them, I heard and felt paw prints on the sofa cushions walking all around. 

      So I share this to touch people's hearts and encourage them and understanding. There is a spiritual reality in back of all appearances, and that is love on which we are really operating when we do things to help Dane in this remarkable work with which he has been tasked. We are caring for so many sentient beings of all kinds, not just people, and I can assure you they do not forget.

      And Lance, May the Creator bless you for being sensitive to life and putting up a hummingbird feeder to help. Bless the little ones within your sphere of influence. 

      However each of you is led , be sensitive to that spiritual tug on your heart and use your God-given discernment day by day in each moment is you go through this time that you are each given. The Creator's Love will flow through you, and you will be an instrument through which that love flows as it extends to all living things within your sphere of influence. And while you're tending to the needs with which you are presented, do all you can to share information and help those who are less enlightened. We cannot drop down to their level. We can however pull them up to our level.

    2. I apologize for the typos with my dumb phone. It was I believe two weekends ago that I saw very clearly one of my dogs, for just a split second or two. She had been lying down on the sofa, and when I walked in the room she sat up. I could even see in that split second the sunlight from the open window sparkling in her fur. And then she disappeared from view. She passed on several years ago but still comes back to visit. Again, I'm sorry for the typos with my phone.

  10. Yesterday I was talking with a patient about current events. It became apparent that she had somewhat superficial understanding at best. So, having a good rapport with her, I told her about some things that were happening that she had not been directly aware of. She then confided that she had an idea that things were different than what is actually presented on TV. I handed her some of Dane's geoengineering materials, for which she was grateful. 

    There are many people out there who, through no fault of their own, have been somewhat misled and confused about the state of this world. Many people out there are truly seeking information and are grateful to receive it. Look for opportunities to help people to see things on a deeper level, and always remember to be kind when you share information. Information. Most people are receptive to information, even if it's not always very comfortable to hear about, as long as they understand that you are sharing it out of genuine concern and kindness.


    A different note, many many fewer insects, toads and frogs here in this part of North Carolina. Significant reductions over the last two to three years. This is my personal experience. This may not be everybody's experience. I dare say that most people who are sensitive to nature and aware of it will find a similar trend. 

    We are most definitely here for a reason, and that reason is not to operate within our comfort zone. 

    Still not one word from the North Carolina State legislature. It has been many weeks since I emailed every one of them information about Dane's website, work, and documentary. Crickets. I'm grateful for the states that are, however, working on enacting legislation to address what is happening in our skies. 

    Many of you will find many opportunities in the next few years to help both people and animals who are lacking things that they need and suffering. Empathy is called for. Be prepared to the best of your ability to help those around you, and look the storm in the eye.

    1. Bought a humming bird feeder. It has suction cups on it that make it possible to stick it to the outside of a window. Put it on a big window in our travel trailer. Very soon after doing so these amazing creatures started showing up to feed. They are incredible to watch as they sit there and suck up the sweet water. They don't worry about where they get the food they eat. They rely on what has been created! Then they zip away to carry on living as best they can. Did you know they cannot walk? They have to fly in order to get anywhere! Human industrial activities have caused the death of a lot of the natural sources of food they need in order to survive, so we have to provide it. Sorry to say they are declining in numbers just like all the creature's God created are, including all of US!

    2. Since you seemed to have her attention,hope you had her check the site howbadismybatch.com. If she was a sleeve roller maybe she got a hot lot#, that certainly wouldn't help her decifer the current goings on, coupled with all that is being sprayed overhead 

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