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Dane Wigington

Tennessee's bill to ban geoengineering has now successfully passed the House in addition to previously passing the Senate, now only Governor Bill Lee's signature is needed for the proposed legislation to become law. Though any ban on climate engineering will be difficult to enforce, it is critically needed public awareness of the issue that is the most important factor in this equation. Many are finally waking up to core components of climate engineering like chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding, extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios occurring around the world are now the norm. From climate catastrophes to earthquakes and the coming eclipse, what aren't we being told? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Yet another new GeoengineeringWatch.org billboard goes up near Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Our deepest gratitude to Patrick Hagan for making this billboard happen.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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55 Responses

    1. Wife and I are staying in an old RV park in Las Vegas right now! Wind is definitely whipping around. Breaking limbs and fronds out of trees. As for pollen, blew my nose and there was a lot of black "stuff" in the tissues! There's a lot of dust here but there's a lot of pollution in the air from many sources here and that blows in from other activities. 

  1. California Coast Salmon Fishing Shut Down for Second Year Due to Population Decline (msn.com)

    Salmon populations way down from what they were in the 1990's. POLLUTION in the WATER has caused this! Even if humans were no longer putting tons of pollutants into the environment, which we still are, there is no way to undo what has been done! Human "scientists" are trying to come up with innovations to attempt to do so, but its not going to happen. In fact, their solutions are adding to the problem, not the other way around!  

  2. The water supply situation in the SW US is in BIG trouble! Not enough snow in the mountains that feeds the Colorado River drainage. Problem with the Glen Canyon dam valves that release water into lower river? Are they holding it back on purpose? 



    The flooding of UK farmland: links to the BBC:





    Besides 'Weather Warfare" much of this damage is due to modern 'Agribusiness' where the living land is treated as a mere industry commodity and all the old ways and practices of farming where every yard is utilised, with the consequent destruction of hedgerows, drainage ditches, reans,  meandering streams, waterways and water meadows – and not least, the straightening of rivers, destruction of riverine trees and catch-pools; natural  reed habitats and inappropriate crops in inappropriate soil and land ecologies, has resulted in chaos and destruction… Much farming now is on barren chemical-laden subsoil as the topsoil has either been destroyed by wind erosion or taken for sale to so-called garden centers or building developments, golf courses etc…

    To USA folk; try and read the books of H.J. Massingham and C. Henry Warren – you will find them a tragic yet wonderful revelation of what was once,  yet still could have been… The desecration of the Natural World comes at a terminal cost… But add to that geoengineering and…

    I remember once the breathtaking beauty of  our old beloved Somerset with the sun rising through the mists of the thousands of apple trees in blossom, seen across the nestling miles of the glory of the dawn with the song of thousands of echoing birds surrounding  Glastonbury Tor… Once 'The Isle of Apples' so it was –  now it is lost… True Love comes rarely, -of ones True Love and of the once surging and so beautifully abundant  Land  – that gives us with open arms our breath and our very LIFE… 

    Geoff Hanham

    1. That the "natural world" has been destroyed because of man's "activities", because of man's desire to make this world their world, which it isn't, is obvious to very few. 

  4. The narratives called the news are starting to show some concern over ongoing environmental problems. Not going to matter soon.

  5. From the BBC in England: Storm causes "Red Water"…


    Actually, much of Somerset is very dark brown to black peat land – also much of the coast up to Portishead is black alluvial soil – wonderful for vegetables and fruit growing…  But mudstone?

    When I was young from boyhood to an adult, the North and North-West Somerset coast had force eight gales as a matter of routine – and I have never seen a 'red' sea with such mild waves as illustrated… "Somethin girt odd goin on there, me luvver" as we would say!

    Geoff Hanham

  6. Well, now we know that THEY are not going to stop, don't we! The "scientific community" believe THEY can come up with answers to the unfolding chaos. At best they are "buying time", but time is running out, isn't it!   

  7. Am staying at an RV host house near Kingman, AZ. Can see high altitude wide aerosol particulate stuff flowing overhead and to the north flowing to the ESE. Doesn't look like they're going to stop doing this anytime soon.

  8. Now that eclipse is over,the Woke will no longer look up and clap like trained seals. Nothing to see overhead worthwhile anyway.

  9. To all who live in northern Sacramento CA there is a mass of toxic aerosol "stuff" that has been and continues to be released out off the west coast. All of it is moving to the ENE. Very heavy and wide streams visible on nighttime microphysics and troposphere satellite images.  

  10. I have been a Master Gardener for about 30 years. I have about 10 acres of actual native gardens. While working and weeding for the past week, the dearth of ALL insects (aside from ticks~) has been MOST alarming! Of course, the weather is so screwed up, so much flowering flora is about a month ahead of past timings, so that MAY be some of the issue. Another thing, I live between one and 5 miles from 6 of the largest horizontal fracking waste injection wells in the state of Ohio. Recent averages are 2,000,000 gallons EVERY DAY of poisonous, radioactive frack waste. That also probably has something to do with insect decline in addition to the "trails" I see every day over my home. I really don't mean to get off the geoengineering subject, but here is just one article. And THIS injection site, the K and H wells, is the one that is about a mile from me. 

    https://insideclimatenews.org › news › 13092023 › ohio-injection-wells-suspended-over-imminent-danger-to-drinking-water

    Ohio Injection Wells Suspended Over 'Imminent Danger' to Drinking Water …

    Sep 13, 2023Environmental groups have called for a suspension of all Class II wells injecting into the Ohio shale for over a decade, describing the shale as "holier than a Swiss cheese.". By Dani Kington …

    I have been listening to you, Dane, for years! And thank you for your tireless efforts!

  11. US Indo-Pacific Commander 'very, very concerned' about Chinese aggression in South China Sea (msn.com)

    Have been seeing a lot of narratives, excuse me, news worded this way. The fact of the matter is global degrading environmental issues, as Dane has correctly detailed, are causing nations to do whatever is necessary to SURVIVE! I read a Pentagon report published online years ago in which it was stated that "conflicts" (politically correct term for wars) would be fought over control of RESOURCES needed to keep the "enterprise" going!     

  12. Here from Florida.  My mother and I drove on I-95 coming home from visiting friends in TN.  My mother said "those clouds look strange."  There were two layers – one in the upper atmosphere and one very low.  The lower layer had clouds that were spinning around in circles. In between these two layers I saw jets delivering their payload.  I saw the exit that said Cape Canaveral and thought "that figures". A few   (< 10) "spits" of rain fell on my windshield and then nothing.  As we were driving under this, I suddenly developed a strange taste.  My mother had dozed off so I couldn't ask her.  I drank some water trying to get rid of it.  A short time after passing from under these "clouds", the taste disappeared and I felt better. 

    I doubt FL will ban chemtrails or other weather modification strategies since NASA is in this state. 

  13. Analytics: Geoengineering is resource heavy. It requires substantial materials supply and production facilities for all aspects. The logistics are thus very large scale, regular and timeous.  The dispersal operations will affect all aspects of aviation. Such large-scale operations cannot be carried out without 'leakage'. Logistic depots are observable. Airfields are observable.  Aircraft loadings are observable. Refuelling is trackable from many aspects. Flight movements and patterns are observable. Radar records must be kept for a statuary period. The number of personnel required in all aspects are substantial. Then there are purchase and supply records. Patents exist. Where do these A/C take off and where do they land? Fuel and chemical logistics are trackable/traceable etc. etc. 

    My apologies for giving a 'penny lecture' of what most of you already know… I am an old bloke and rather sad.' Agent Orange' and 'Popeye' were outrageous and bad enough for my generation – but as in so many things in life, so few would listen to so many warnings and (accurate) predictions… Dane will sadly confirm this tragic fact… NB With the current depth and spread of 'spraying' there will inevitably be a 'prang' – if this has not happened already (?) There are private 'chat rooms' for professional pilots… A few have a conscience … A potential source of data, folks…?

    The sacred skies should have been left to the swallows and sparrows and their once myriad and wonderful kindred… There is a wonderful short passage in chapter 3 of Harold Penrose's  'Airymouse' – (a part autobiography) about a pair of buzzards and their destruction: "Lords of the Air"… I once loved flying, for even as a babe in a pram I used to watch the summer swallows – once so common – and long to be with them… Yet I now regard every human flight as a sacrilege and desecration…

    Geoff Hanham 




  14. Planes depart from Florida spray the state of Georgia and land in Chattanooga and Nashville. It happens all day long. 

    What needs to happen is any plane equipment to spray that lands in the state needs to be grounded indefinitely.


    FEBRUARY 28, 2023

    2 MIN READ

    Solar Geoengineering 

    Should Be Regulated, 

    U.N. Report Says

    A panel of independent experts 

    urged international leaders to set

     rules for the stratosphere and solar geoengineering

    But the field of study, also known as 

    solar geoengineering, remains

     controversial because it doesn't address the primary cause of climate change — 

    the burning of fossil fuels — and could

     lead to unintended consequences.

     Releasing aerosols into the

     stratosphere, for instance, could 

    damage the ozone layer, which protects people and the planet from the sun's 

    cancer-causing ultraviolent rays.


      This is my input here — we have been doing it

     for many decades already and things are only 

    getting worse .  


      Look UP —




    Click on the link and the picture of what they 

    show  -is what everyone sees in the sky alot of the time


    Solar Geoengineering Should Be Regulated, U.N. Report Says | Scientific American

    1. joe, i think there are 2 main reasons for climate change 

      1) we have cut down most of the trees on the planet and what we haven't cut down are now disappearing in wild fires – and russias mountain snow is melting and flooding their land – they have cut down their trees in the name of BUSINESS

      2) too many people and the glorification of motherhood – sick to death of seeing women with their bodies on show, made up to the nines, thinking that catching a man and having babies is their answer to life

      women need to stick a cork in it and men need to tie a knot in it

      too many women under the control of men who think that having babies give them credibility

      and too many cultures that encourage men to have many babies which gives them credibility in their society

      some cultures produce men whose credibility is shown by how many baby mothers they have

      there is no room for anything else, which for me hurts my heart

      i have walked with a mole, i have been eyeball to eyeball with a dragonfly, i have always loved worms (?), i have seen a fly that is so tiny i needed a magnifying glass to see it flex its wings, i have met with hedgehogs and had big molehills in the garden where moles have their babies, last week the warblers came back here to sing to me when i get up in the morning, i have seen a pentangle in the sky formed by rooks as they played with the wind up, up and away till i could see them no more, i have had robins sing to me – one so close i could touch it, have seen their courtship breast to breast beaks pointing to the sky and as they sang they danced back and forth in step along a branch, or the 7 wrens forming a pentagram, outside my kitchen window on the magnolia tree, twisting around and back, and around and back, with beaks in the air singing their song with a sound so pure – a whole family of wrens come to sing to me

      what else do i need?

  16. Some days I get up early, like today. I flip open my laptop, look at the weather reports, and then peruse the narratives, err, I mean news. That the news is slanted in favor of reliance upon "STEM" to attempt resolve all human problems and keep the "Enterprise" afloat is obvious. Mankind is now moving into reliance upon "Quantum Computing" and "AI" to find solutions and create innovations to keep the party on the deck of the sinking ship going. Truth is quantum computing and the use of artificial intelligence has been going on for at least 15 years before both went "public"! That a majority of humanity is putting their "faith" in both to SAVE them and this WORLD is now quite obvious. Those who won't put their "faith" in either are "few"!     

  17. The aerosol operations out over the Pacific Ocean off the northwest US coast are continuing RIGHT NOW! You can look on the College of DuPage or NOAA weather websites satellite nighttime RGB or Infrared images and clearly see them! There's no way all these lines of "stuff" are coming from commercial aircraft! Major military activities ongoing? Aerosol "chaff" made of metalic nanoparticles creates a cloud to block thermal-spectrum sensors used by aircraft, drones, or missiles.

  18. As of 2:20pm PST – Massive aerosol spraying operations out over the Pacific Ocean off the west coasts of northern CA, OR, WA, and B.C. visible on GOES 10 RGB Nighttime Microphysics and Troposphere images. Entire mess of aerosolized particulate streams are hundreds of miles long and can be seen above the "storm" clouds moving to the ESE. Some streams of material are even visible on the infrared images! This ahead of an "atmospheric river" heading into the Pacific Northwest.

    1. dear lance 

      noticed a reply from you on a previous chat where you said, i think, that we know about the masons

      how old are you? 

      what you see is their public face – and am not sure that even the public face would know what went on behind the scenes – its called the boys club and is usually made up of the viking descendants that own all the land in this country

      do you really believe there is no more behind it?

      i have lived 74 years and my dad told me when i was small "read between the lines" and he wasn't just talking about writing!

      he came from hoxton in london when london was a much smaller place and the line of command that existed then allowed us peasants  to really see and know what goes on behind the scenes

      my nanny worked as a cleaner in buck house – wish i had talked to her more – but she was very old when i was young

      there is an old buddhist saying

      pay attention – believe nothing – and don't take it personal

      much love 

  19. I have been suffering from an overpowering taste of metal in my mouth for about seven years now, and I have no metal fillings, caps or implants. Some days it is much stronger than others (especially when there is extremely heavy spraying in the skies), and I do not have inconsistencies in my diet. Nor do I take any kind of iron or other metal based supplements. Nose constantly itches so much that I rub it red on a daily basis, and not just in the nasal passages either. My entire face itches constantly, but is worse with any kind of sun exposure.

    Between the radioactive solar rays and caustic chemical aerosols floating down from the atmosphere. I honestly feel like I am risking my life every time I step outside of the house any more. The tractor I use here on the farm has a sealed and climate controlled cab, with a thick galvanized roof and heavily tinted windows. Thank God.

    You almost need a NASA space suit to protect yourself if you are a migrant farm worker, or part of an industrial construction crew. I really feel for all of them and hope they beat the (exposure related) cancer odds somehow. But studies suggest that they have the highest rate of cancer, and those numbers are now skyrocketing. Not to mention some of the highest cardiovascular and respiratory illness rates as well.

    Fifty years ago those numbers would have been completely insignificant. Other than body and emotional stress related issues that come with doing hard labor.

  20. I sent this email to Evan today. Of course I attached a picture that I took not long ago of those horrible chemical trails all across the sky over where I live, like giant claw marks. You could contact him as well and share your own ideas and links. 



    Dear Evan,


    Re: your recent comments that were apparently designed to divert attention from the geoengineering issue and further the movement likening it to "conspiracy theories"


    Please look closely at this attached picture, which I took at my home in ________. Nature does not typically operate in straight lines.


    Please also look at the link below. Pay particular attention to what Dr. Russell Blaylock has to say about this issue. He's a neurosurgeon and knows what he is talking about.




    Several years ago, I obtained a fresh rainwater sample from rain falling at my house. I sent it to Waters Agricultural Labs In Georgia to have it tested for heavy metals. It came back positive for aluminum, barium and strontium. Aluminum is a potent neurotoxin, among other things.


    If somebody looks up the term, " chemtrails, " They will be directed online to multiple websites that label it a conspiracy theory and are designed to keep people from knowing the truth.


    If, however, they look up the actual science terms like geoengineering, solar radiation management and stratospheric aerosol injection, they will find _credible_ information from credible science sources that document this technology clearly.


    I will give you the benefit of the doubt and presume that you did not know this. I urge you to use the correct science terms, Evan, and there are several of them. Dane Wigington's website geoengineeringwatch.org has much more information about this subject.


    I urge you to play your part in this very short cosmic play that we call Life with honor and spread truth."


    1. Update on letter to Evan. No reply. Crickets. That speaks volumes regarding his character.

    1. god and nature are one and the same – sacred

      business is behind all governments – human ignorance

  21. Sounds like great news, if not only a measure to shed light on the "darkrkness" that has been maintained by the world power mongers. Finally a government body appears to Have grown a pair in doing what is right for its citizens. It's taken many years, since the Rhode Island Geoengineering Act of 2014, for a state to not only propose such legislation, but to successfully follow it through to law.

    This milestone is shared by the recent bill passed unanimously by the Louisiana senate to prohibit global entities of the UN, WHO and WEF from exercising any power in their state. Hopefully this legislation will be enacted into law.

    Thanks Dane and all wo support his efforts for your dedication and hard work in trying to bring sanity to our topsy-turvy world where, as you've said in the past, the inmates are running the asylum. 


    1. Meanwhile, I watched on satellite images today a major aerosol operation going on out over the Pacific Ocean off the US northwest coast. Who's behind this, the UN, WHO, WEF? These are large military aircraft or government contracted aircraft with transponders turned off flying around out there!

  22. Based on the news feed I see and hear, minus the lies used to mislead the masses of which you have explained in your bad news report, war and fighting (warfighting) is increasing. I could list many news reports that deal with the activities of war or the preparations for war ongoing right now! Based on my understanding this is due in large part to what you have documented and explained. There is, however, a basic mental reason why this is happening. This has everything to do with the basic instincts that govern the "independent" human way of thinking. The entire human "Enterprise" is built upon satisfying these basic instincts, also known as the "passions". Self preservation is at the top of the list! Many insist that these instincts are "God given", but there is a BIG problem with this line of thought which is yet another lie! Within the human subconscious, wherein the basic instincts reside, there hides a "beast", a fallen "spirit" that opposes and exalts "its" self! It's desires are contrary to God's desires! It's been around since the beginning, since the establishment of the "divine order". It caused the "Fall of Man" as detailed in The First Book of Moses commonly called Genesis, RSV, 1952. It is the "father of lies" of which Jesus, the one and only Christ, referred to long ago! Humanity has struggled to tame this "beast" through their developments in science, technology, education, and mathematics yet through their efforts they are causing it to rise up from the depths of the subconscious. It is the "Destroyer" of humanity, not the "Savior" of humanity! I realize this will not be acceptable to those who're unware of the reality of the situation. They will continue on right up until the end when the divine Creator steps in to put a stop to the insanity! 

    1. Lance: These things You speak of and more are yet things to be aware of. They are keys to the demise of civilization that has been going on for eon's . People should pay attention to this part of our times we are experiencing.  The Bible and other ancient  manuscripts, have many parallels even if they are of an opposite nature. All offer clues which the student / researcher can avail themselves to. The ancient war over the creator and the created is a very common theme.Gods / Angels / Extraterrestrials and such creations are also a common theme. So with this bible Quote: I will surmise it.  (Ephesians 6:12)  " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."  So it is here; with reckless abandon, corrupted leaders and scientists weave a web of traps to sicken to destroy mankind and our planet with their machinations. Geoengineeing is certainly one of these machinations among so many others used against mankind.. All the conscious, well intentioned and kind hearted human must do is connect the dots of their own personal discoveries. It is important to watch, pay attention and practice discernment. Our Brains are TOO small to take in the Universe. But they are certainly large enough to discern and evaluate that which does not seem True or Right . This is called Survival. Even in nature our fellow counterparts in  the animal kingdom , including all creatures practice survival skills. It is we humans that entrust our survival to other humans. Unfortunately by this practice we are constantly DUPED.. Here by pointing out a gray sky, a long spreading plume observation to one who is a denier, seems futile. By remaining open minded and paying attention they too may realize the truth. One by one revelation, we can discover we have given over our power to the nemesis of the Verse (Ephesians 6:12)

  23.  This April 2-5 After almost one month of bare ground in NH,  we had concrete snow. Styrofoam like beads beginning as sleet and continuing as balls then back to sleet about 14" in our Monadnock region. This stuff was heavy as concrete. The shovel even if immersed halfway down, brought up snow at least 6" wide unsupported by the shovel all around it.  The snow had to be cut into blocks to reduce it's abnormally heavy weight. At 73 this was quite a workout. I would bet some heart attacks resulted with some folks who over did it. It took me 2 days Apr. 3rd. & 4th. to remove enough to move our car. It was impossible to snowblow then 2" more  came on the 5th. Oh My Aching back !  But the backs of the trees suffered far more. The emerging Spring birds and other animals must have shared my plight. This was one of the worst snow storms i can remember. While being outside i noticed snow burning my eyes while dripping down into them. Thank God we didn't get the marble hail you spoke of Dane. On another note  i've had a constant runny nose and watery eyes since 2020. What you say about the weird smells and tastes now makes much more sense now. I really do hope NH legislation goes as far as in Tennessee. I will attempt to meet with my own state Rep. to get his stance and try to garner his support. However, I am sure even if banned here in NH our small state will be inundated with the gray soup skies  coming from Vt. Ma. and Me.  HAARP does a pretty good job spreading and dispersing this Toxic JUNK around. I guess this is a good start that individual states become aware and attempt their own anti Geoengineering  legislation. The fines levied may only be only a slap on the wrist. I feel the U.N. has a large part in these practices and they have very deep pockets. Who knows; they may actually now own ALL of our Country. All of this exasperates me greatly, once believing we are in a sovereign country. While we have many other battlefronts we face here, i can only Pray Jesus returns quickly to save us. Yet i am afraid to say that in prophesy things will get a lot worse before that.  Quotes from Jung you give Dane are spot on. As we Pray, we must also prepare and rid ourselves of personal hatreds  which are pre-planned byproducts of what we are experiencing in these times.                                                                                            Thank You Dane and all of You who are concerned and working hard to end these abominable practices we ALL face.

  24. Dane,  I have been a strong supporter of you and the geoengineering issue for many years and am simply in awe at all that you do!  Lately, I have noticed that you keep mentioning the ASTEROID which is not needed to finally destroy the planet in the very end, because we are doing a very good job at self-destruction all by ourselves.  Yes, true, yet the asteroid has another purpose: a If you will consider that the most evil ones will be here until the bitter end, seeing the asteroid approach will provide a last chance to wake up and reconsider…that THERE IS A GOD, and that they were not in charge at all.  This final decision is important for their SOULS.  Lilo Bauer-Freitag, Author of "VIVIT:  A Timely Message from God."

  25. Just consider the following: the upper atmosphere is saturated with electro-magnetically sensitive nano and micro-particles… HAARP is 'old hat' to use an old English term… A swarm of ICBMs are launched… The apropriate 'layer' is energised by 'sons of HAARP'… 

    Hypersonic warheads have a somewhat different effect…

    I note that for what appears prima-facie to be  some odd reason, a book about Sefton Delmer is produced… As always, read the original two volumes (or at leas "Black Boomerang"… Never, ever read someones "book about"  but read every original from the source in the original un-got-at editions!

    In my many decades, I have never encountered such a depth of 'nudging' / propaganda / MK / psi-ops / MK / mass herd manipulation and outright barefaced lies… It is sad to hear the BBC quoted: there are dozens and dozens of serious books upon this allegedly notorious organisation… Please read them before believing a word that 'they' say… Sefton Delmer was a BBC 'staffer'… And have you heard about the BBC and Jimmy Saville?  To use an old Somerset expression: "There do be they that do hunt with the hounds and run with yur hare – but also some that do hunt with the hare and do run with yur hounds… But some b…..s, do both – an them 'me luvvers' are the ones to most wary of!

    Meanwhile the psychological preparation for Conscription is awash in both Europe and this very dis-United Kingdom… As a well-known Bronx trends forecaster put it a long time ago: "When all else fails, THEY take you to war!"  Too many faces are turned to the proverbial wall and too many hearts are willingly turned to stone – to many 'love' to hate…  My beloved late wife and I were warning about all these coming events back in the 1970s (we were both what can best be described as 'technical analysts')… Dane, hardly anyone will listen… They are 'saturated' withunadulterated  psychological warfare from lnfant school (in our day) onwards… Now it is allegedly rom 'pre-school' and any 2/3/4/'G' phone in the domestic environment (especially baby/child-targetted tablets and 'phones). I am old, ill (thanks to our appallingly dysfunction NHS that allegedly killed my wife) – all I can do is to feed and try to care for the dwindling number of wild birds that come (most are killed by the 'explosion' of domestic cats generated by the 'Lockdown') and for our so-loved Amazon that we rescued from a shelter many decades ago… When I think of what has and is still being done to her kind in the Amazon, it is not easy to maintain sanity – and I need not mention 'events' in a Middle-Eastern land of sorrow beyond sorrow…

    Thank you Dane for your courage and endurance… We must do what we can in whatever way we can… These times are predicted in  many cultures – as you know so well in your Nation and cousin peoples and My wife and I from our Celtic lore…

    Love is All…

    Geoff Hanham

  26. It's exciting to be a Tennessean today as the effort to ban geoengineering in our state moves forward.  My wife Dottie and I escaped, excuse me, moved from NJ to TN in 2015 with our son Sam.

    When we moved here, I wondered what strategy would work best in an effort to wake up the TN masses. I half – heartedly decided to submit letters to the editor of local newspapers. I was pleasantly surprised to find much success. 

    Can this work in where you live? I don't know. You will need to find privately owned newspapers. They still exist. With E – editions delivered to your inbox , you can even subscribe to a neighboring city. I've had articles posted in Sam's college town that's 45 miles away.

    There will be benefits to you personally should you decide to go this route. If you're like me, you'll be shocked at how challenging it is to communicate clearly in writing. Typos? Grammar? I had no idea! You will be challenged to adhere to word limits imposed. You will have to learn to write to the level of the audience.

    Open doors to write will be plenteous. I often respond to what the newspaper has published, like a political cartoon. Another opening could be what another subscriber has written.  Just last week my response to a letter was published. It was a viewpoint that I'm sure was not mainstream!

    Not everything I've submitted has been published. Some nuts are harder to crack than others. To this day letters  to alert folks to solar radiation management and impending climate collapse have ended up in the dustbins of history. However, someone at the newspaper had to read it. A seed had been planted:

    1 Corinthians 3:6 "I [Paul] have planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase."

    Never look at the immediate result of your effort. What seed you planted  in your state may have blossomed in TN. What seed I planted in TN may have blossomed in your state.

    1 Corinthians 3:9 "For we are God's coworkers, ye are God's husbandry, God's building."

    We are not alone in this fight. We do our best and God does the rest. What a day and time to be involved in such a noble cause. 

  27. Can we sign a petition to the governor to support the legislation in to law?  This is a big deal.  If Tennessee does it, more states will follow.

  28. Thank you Dane for bringing to our attention. The four clowns and mealy mouth nbc morons they have done us a great service.  Their ignorance is stunning i hope they never hear the end of this pathetic play . Anyone with half a brain cell can see through these mindless morons clown show.  Thank You Sir .

    1. I agree with you Dan. Not only nbc, the every single one of them, including the weather channel.  They must all be getting paid off to tell these lies every single day.  Totally mindless, evil, demonic, morons for sure.  Our whole nation has become a clown show and the rest of the worlds so called leaders are laughing.  Still getting the Deer in the Headlight look when I point to the sky spraying.  They have Eyes, but they Do Not See and Ears, but they Do Not Heart, just like the Lord said.

      God Bless Dan for his hard work all these years!!!

    2. Dan,maybe if we all wear masks and boost up to just go along to get along things will improve (That worked during the last psyop.)

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