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Dane Wigington

"NOAA gets dire warning about geoengineering" (E&E News), "the hot controversy surrounding solar geoengineering" (Politico), "why this risky climate fix lacks red tape" (The Week Magazine), global climate intervention operations are finally being forced out into the open. What happens when populations all over the world find out what their governments have done to them without their knowledge or consent? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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24 Responses

  1. The widely read ski conditions thread" Unofficial Alpine" on the April 5 th post mocked me on the 2 nd sentence in about Climate Engineering,and heavily censored my attempted response in the comments section. His article even mentions all the dead trees on the slopes tagged for removal, but appears baffled as to why. Thanks in advance for any of your comments on their comment section.

  2. The idea that humanities science, technology, engineering and mathematics can be developed to the point where humanity can be empowered by the innovations created in order to heal and help humanity illustrates the human "independent" way of thinking. Those who think this way are perpetually doomed to have to create their own future! Why? Because they reject God's "divine order"! They, and you if you think this way, do not understand the contempt God has toward "earthly greatness", nor the favor God shows toward the "humble"! 

  3. Regarding the "Spring Blizzard" earthquakes, the USGS is now showing there were two "quakes" near New York, not one. News reports from people on the ground in the area state they heard an "explosion" at the time of the "quakes". Endothermic? With all the hype about the coming total eclipse one could say there might be something made to happen that coincides with this? By the way, notice anything strange going on with your computers files? 

  4. More Earthquake Weather

    A significant M4.8 quake was reported this morning in New Jersey. Perhaps largest in that area in over 150 years?  Tremors were felt widely across the Northeast and comes just as a freak ENGINEERED nor'easter sweeps northward dumping much snow.

    Meanwhile here in CA a similar ENGINEERED spring blizzard sweeps thru.  Temps a full 25 degrees BELOW NORM.  M4.4 quake reported in Sierras yesterday as storm arrived that area.

    I just viewed USGS Earthquake Map and only 2 significant quakes past 24 hrs – both associated with Spring Blizzards.

    1. According to the USGS there were two earthquakes in CA yesterday as the "Spring Blizzard" blew over. Both were over 4.0 and occurred NW of Buck's Lake near the North Fork Feather River and NE of Paradise where so many perished in a major fire some years ago now. Nothing "natural" about any of this, however, messing with energies powerful enough to cause the earth to shake has unintended consequences.

  5. Given what is going on with regard to the advanced sciences and technologies being used in modern warfare will the future envisioned by "many" be a future anyone will want to live in? I tend to think not so much! 

  6. Aerosol "operations" all over Arizona as the geoengineered "storm" moves down along the southern CA coastline. THEY AREN'T GOING TO STOP DOING THIS!

  7. I am still chipping away at contacting Minnesota legislature.  There are 3 reps and 5 senators sponsoring bills in step with the Tennessee bill to exercise 10th amendment states' rights to stop climate engineering.  Will do mailings this afternoon.

    I met two sponsors yesterday & gave them website card & letter with March 16th image box photo of Global Alert News- & website.  Also a rep. at committee meeting questioned the director of MN pollution control agency about Canada fires.  After meeting I met with her handed her web card- urging 'engineered wildfires' search.  She and assistant were receptive.  However, reality check . . .the rep. was under the contrails belief.  It was hard to zip my lips and respectfully end dialogue!

  8. As Dane pointed out. I have never seen so many matrix media news sources (95% government sponsored mind you) boisterously using the stigmatic term "chemtrails" to describe legislation in seven states now. States that are feverishly trying to stop ongoing (and future) geoengineering operations in their skies. Even though that word does not appear anywhere in the context of the bills being brought up for vote.

    But now, they are even trying to make it a red against blue issue in hopes of trying to make those republican representatives and senators that draft up those bills, out to look like vote vampires. Claiming that they are using conspiracy theories to win over voters who don't trust the government any more.

    To me that is a sign of sheer desperation by those who control the weather, and they feel the pressure of a world wide awakening that is about to crash down on their heads and rain on their parade. No pun intended.

    In some cases, the articles don't even use the word geoengineering at all, but rather "spraying chemicals into the atmosphere" to replace that word, so as to conjure up even more conspiracy. 

    They totally focus everything they print and publish on describing mentally deranged politicians trying to ban chemtrails, and not geoengineering. While they avoid the fact that those politicians are simply listening to the people they represent, and the people are saying, "Please pass legislation to stop GEOENGINEERING"!

    I said I would never rant about politics and I stick to that promise. Because even if it were Democrats that were introducing such bills, it would still be the same old circus of lies and conspiracies.

    I can usually count the use of the word chemtrails in news stories about once a week. But recently that number is now closer to Ten Times a DAY.

    The matrix panic button has officially been triggered, and Dane never even had to use the word chemtrails. Not EVER, in all the years that he has been trying to expose and halt geoengineering.

    The government, military and matrix media cronies are all being childish. But after all, what is the definition of insanity? If not the temper tantrums of a child-like mentality. 


  9. Are members of the Deep State trying to dissipate moisture ahead of the eclipse? Why would they want that? Not for everyone's pleasure. To create a false flag at a gathering? To keep DOJ employees busy?

  10. My uncle served for 35 years in the Air Force and some ten years before his passing he made these statements at a huge family gathering, where we were celebrating his 65th wedding anniversary.

    I clearly remember what he said, and my cousins remember his bold statements, which stuck with us and profoundly changed our lives from that day forward. But we didn't know that my aunt had inadvertently captured him spilling his guts in a VHS tape of that ceremony… which we all watched together just after I arrived here in South Dakota. I thought it would be so fitting to tell everyone this story, considering this week's broadcast by Dane.

    Here is what he said: "He retired as a Brigadier General, and I lived with him and his family for three years while in my youth.".

    "I have something that I would like to get off my chest, while I have my whole family here with me, for possibly the last time in my life. These confessions are not easy for me to make, as I was involved with secret programs within the military that I never once approved of, but my oath compelled me to never condemn them or disclose them, for if I did, I would have spent years in prison and never retired with such a high regard for my fellow brothers and sisters in arms. Who all served with dignity and honor, but possibly made these same confessions to their families, when they felt it was finally time for them to "Need to Know.

    There hasn't been a single conflict since WW-II where the U.S. military did not use some form of weather control or manipulation to gain an advantage over the enemy, or even decimate them into capitulation. These covert operations were always disguised as just a fluke of nature, and most of them had their origin right here in the skies of America.

    Up until the day I retired they were still perfecting their weather control capabilities, by experimenting with the weather from New York to Los Angeles and all points in between, including the populations of other states north and south of those megalithic metropolis'. Unsuspecting citizens of this country and Canada have been subjected to extremely harmful chemicals for at least sixty years now.

    But it's not just weather control that they are playing with, and this is where I have the most difficulty in telling you that they use these operations to conduct forms of germ warfare, by spraying pathogens into the sky and documenting their effects on the populations below. Livestock herds and wildlife communities were their first objective, but when I discovered that they had moved on to infecting people.

    I literally became ill and asked them WHY?

    Naturally, my superiors never gave me a viable reason for gassing the people we took an oath to protect, because they had all lost their way and chose medals and ribbons over morals and ethics.

    Not me though. I immediately resigned my commission and chose to closet my whole military career in a chest that only collects dust now. Placed within the darkest realms of my memories but never forgotten, and never able to shake from my conscience.

    I just wanted everyone to know that I am not that proud general from my past, even though I performed my duties to the best of my abilities, and saved countless lives in the three conflicts that I served in through the years. I could not stop what they have made of this world, and for that, I am truly sorry for what our children and grandchildren must witness… as we have left them with a broken Earth, and a fractured humanity."

    As the video tape reminded us of that day, when it became deafly silent before everyone began to clap and show their gratitude for his compelling truths. We all broke down in tears, just as we had done all those years ago, and we are still very proud of his choice to choose dignity over disgrace. When he retired for all the right reasons.

    1. Thanks for sharing — you bring alot to this blog. 

      Therefore everyone is afraid to come out and tell all of us the truth. In the end almost everyone is brainwashed it seems to me.

      All these so called environmental groups  deny geoengineering  is going on.   They say it is only a proposal that should never happen.

      The military is one of the biggest polluters  on the planet.

  11. This garbage was in the guardian,

    An attack of the vapours: Tennessee bill endorses chemtrails conspiracy theory

    Legislation targeting baseless concept to keep state’s skies clear essentially futile given politicians cannot control sky and win

      Does anyone do their home work. ?

    All these articles just plain LIE.


    They use chemtrail term instead of Climate Engineering and Geoengeering.  People need to wake up .



    An attack of the vapours: Tennessee bill endorses chemtrails conspiracy theory | Tennessee | The Guardian

  12. After 50 years in business, The Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers Mill, the last sugar mill in Texas has announced that it is closing. 2 years of crushing drought has contributed to this tragedy.

    Tudor Uhlkorn is the the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers. It is comprised of 100 farms in the region. He said that "This year nobody's had any water so everyone's trying to figure out what to do." .

    According to Uhlkorn, farmers are now down to 5% of their original allotted water amount. The sugar mill contributed $100 million to the state's economy and about 500 jobs. 

    The Texas Farm Bureau blames Mexico for being part of the problem. Brian Jones, farmer and Bureau member says Mexico has been ignoring the 1944 Water Treaty regarding use of the Colorado River and the lower Rio Grande. Mexico has built 8 dams since the treaty cutting of much needed water to Texas.

    Jones said " The sugar industry is lost, the sugar industry will never come back to Texas or southern Texas." With Mexico fighting its own drought crisis, water wars can be added to the problems of living near the Texas – Mexico border. 


  13. dear all

    have an email regularly sent to me called nature briefing where they report stuff from the magazine Nature

    laugh or cry – you decide – think i am too old to do either for a reaction to us stupid humans – feel like i am just watching it all come to pass! – maybe its my age of 74!!

    there are 2 articles in nature:-

    firstly is the one about the melting ice caps – as the water melts it is drawn to the equator and is slowing the earth!! cry?

    the second one is about geoengineering – it says about the particulates being put into the sky!!!!!!  and how its not working well!!!!!!and harvard have cancelled the idea of their "solar  geoengineering project" as artificially cooling the planet can have unintended consequences"    laugh?                                 

    and also have heard that macdonalds are using gm potatoes for their chips – how wonderful for growing children – aaaaahhhhhh

    also we are destroying any part of the earth that we can sell to someone – what about the mountains that china are reducing to the ground to get at the matter that they can use for batteries

    surely the world keeps rotating in a particular place because there is a balance in the earth's mass that keeps it on track so it doesn't go off spinning into the void of space

    sometimes i wish i didn't know so much – but then would life be interesting??

    life only got interesting when i started looking at nature – at us and our surroundings and realizing what a horror show it all is

    if i lived in a tribe living off my surroundings i would be more content, maybe?

    i try to live off my surroundings but i am alone in my knowledge

    tried to engage with a man jules pretty, who is a big shot in the environmental movement here – head of the uni of essex and so much more – finger in every environmental group here – including friends of the earth – we have so many environmental groups, most of whom want money from me??? 

    tried to tell him that if we ate weeds – native food and medicine – from our back gardens we could reduce so much of our devastation on our planet!!

    he delighted in telling me how he visited japan and eat about 46 of their native plants as food and secondly how he had cycled there!!!!

    but wasn't interested in me talking to the students in essex about eating native food and medicine – for no money but for the planet

    i looked him up on the internet and found a brief reference he made about how he was born in africa

    and like so many others – you can't find out about him and my friend said that the people you can't find stuff about, are "masons"

    the secret society – so out in the open that us ordinary peasants know about them but – DO WE???

    so we have a man who doesn't come from this country running what we do with our environment with actual little knowledge of the earth apart from the books he writes and makes money from

    what a c.ck – pretentious and arrogant

    sad – cry or mad laugh?

    love to the wide awake club

    1. The people you "…can't find out about…"? The "mason's"? One can find out a lot about THEIR history if one cares to investigate. THEY were instrumental in creating the governing documents of the first 13 states of the United States of America.

  14. Geoengineering is NOT just about controlling the weather. Better look into the "IoBT" the "Internet of Battlefield Things" and "NetWar"! Involves Cloud, Mist and Edge computing using artificial intelligence!

  15. The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge.  Only fools despise wisdom and discipline.  (Proverbs 1:7)  And he said to man:  "Look!  The fear of Jehovah–that is wisdom, and to turn away from bad is understanding."  (Job 28:28)  The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom, And knowledge of the Most Holy One is understanding.  (Proverbs 9:10)

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