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Dane Wigington

"UN chief warns climate chaos and food crises threaten global peace: ‘Empty bellies fuel unrest' ", that new headline is from AP news. Now let's add this, from the Wall Street Journal, "Scientists Resort to Once-Unthinkable Solutions to Cool the Planet". The WSJ report is, of course, referring to spraying Earth's skies with sun blocking particles. We must deal with the biggest hole in the bottom of the boat, climate intervention operations, or the boat goes down, game over. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

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31 Responses

  1. Greens powder, containing cilantro, and chorella!!!! are a must, as you need BOTH cilantro to pull out heavy metals, it even crosses the bbb, and chorella to bind and eliminate!

  2. This is a bit of damage assessment, yes, but it brings up many questions about where we have been; and more questions about where we are going.

    The USA started atmospheric atomic bomb testing in the Pacific in 1946, and in Nevada in 1951.  The Soviets launched the first satellite Sputnik 1 on October 4,1957.  The US launched the Explorer 2 satellite and discovered the lower Van Allen belt.  The US Pioneer 1 satellite discovered the outer Van Allen belt in December 1958.  The Soviet were separately making their own discoveries of these same systems.

    The atomic bomb tests on the surface of our planet is a long tragic story.  In 1958, however, with rising levels of fission products poisoning life on earth, (and we are still living with old bomb fallout), it was time to take the bomb tests into outer space.

    Between August and September 1958, the US Navy exploded Three Fission-type nuclear bombs 300 miles above the South Atlantic ocean.  The bombs were launched from a ship, and for a riveting account of this remarkable feat read the book by Mark Wolverton, Burning the Sky.

    During this time, two 3.8 megatons hydrogen bombs were detonated over Johnston Island in the Pacific.

    This was all a grand experiment named Project Argus, designed by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and Department of Defense.  It was carried out with as much secrecy as possible.

      The three nuclear bomb explosions created new radiation belts, and injected electrons and other energetic particles into the ionosphere, that caused worldwide effects.  The electrons traveled along the magnetic force lines, and escaping electrons and energetic particles striking the gases of the earth's atmosphere caused artificial auroras near the North Pole.

    Thirty years later in 1988, Dr. Rosalie Bertell with an interpreter visited the Inuit people of Baker Lake near Hudson Bay in Canada's Northwest Territory.  The Inuit explained that they were "newcomers", and had only lived there for thirty years.  Bertell writes, "During the winter of 1957-58, the caribou that the Inuit depend upon for food, clothing and shelter, had failed to migrate across the Northern tundra — something that apparently never happened before in the 3,000 year oral history of their people.  One of the women elders, whose leathery skin spoke of many years of hardship said something to me Inuktituk.  My interpreter looked at me: 'she says the death came from the sky.' The Inuit people had seen the unnatural aurora borealis, and some had made a connection between this and the fact that the caribou had failed them for the first time.

    Qiayug one of the survivors who belonged to the Ahiamuit tribe– literally the 'people who live apart'—told Canada's Globe and Mail that although the Inuit had sometimes suffered deprivation over the centuries, 'that winter was the very worst hunger they could remember'.  Many starved to death.

    The Canadian government gathered up survivors and moved them to settlements, and told them they could not return to live on the land.  The prefabricated houses were foreign to the people and considered by them to be much colder than their icehouses, which had warm fires and floors of caribou skin.  Many Inuit now build icehouses around their front doors to protect them from wind, snow and cold.  Even after all these years they still feel alienated in these artificial villages.

    Rosalie Bertell: "Experiments on the ionosphere began almost immediately after the Van Allen belts were discovered—before we even knew the role they played in protecting the Earth."


    1. I have recently read some stuff 

      @ the bomb that indicates that the US was working on it as early as 1936.

      They were just looking 4 an excuse to use it

      Very sad


    2. "Trinity And Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie" narrated by William Shatner will give you pause to think about the malevolence of the criminally insane war profiteers Dwight Eisenhower warned us about. Dane has referenced this documentary before, very heartbreaking to watch.  

  3. The three most disturbing things I ever heard Dane say:


    1. "Billions" in his recent conversation with Mike Adams

    2. "23%" average amount of ozone layer left

    3. Finally, when the ocean currents break down and the poles lose the majority of their ice, I think he caused out a blue ocean event, " We will lose the air conditioner of the planet." (This is when the heating goes exponential like we cannot even imagine)

    All of of our elected officials, firefighters, law enforcement, Kevin college professors, clergy, school teachers, in short, anyone who has any influence over anybody, needs to be aware of these things as soon as possible.

    The Creator designed the biosphere of this planet and all interrelated ecosystems to permit life within a very narrow range of temperature and other conditions. Think of that narrow range of parameters being about as wide as the edge of a razor blade.

    Perhaps that will bring home to some of the newer members of the audience. Just how fragile and precarious The balance of Life truly is.

    I would encourage everybody to be emailing all the people and others referenced above and every opportunity.

    And still, even some of my friends still (!) cannot look up from the world of politics or professional sports, or sports bars, or nice restaurant meals, to really see what's going on around them.

    There is a fork in the star road…

  4. Great Lakes ice coverage reaches historic low

    FEBRUARY 13, 2024

    NOAA researchers at NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) report that they’ve seen a steady decrease in ice coverage across the Great Lakes, which has  reached a historic low. 

    Together, Great Lakes ice coverage was measured at 2.7 % on February 11, 2024. 

    Coverage on each of the lakes was measured as follows:

    Lake Superior 1.7 %

    Lake Michigan 2.6 %

    Lake Huron 5.9 %

    Lake Erie 0.05 %

    Lake Ontario 1.7 %


    Great Lakes ice coverage reaches historic low – NOAA Research


    Dane thank you for bringing this up in  this broadcast.

    1. This should be shocking to everybody comp, particularly people who are not familiar with this type of information. People used to drive cars on Lake Erie in the winter time. When I was there, Cleveland, roughly 20 odd years ago, we went down to one of the beaches on Lake Erie in the middle of winter one day. That in itself was a feat…. anyway, the waves at the Beach were frozen…. in the shape of waves! For the Great Lakes to have this little freezing is very alarming.

  5. I saw a patient this morning who does the same type of work with forest management and wildfire prevention that Dane used to do. I asked her if they are seeing a spike in wildfires, to which she replied, "YES." She also mentioned the alarming honeybee dieoff. 

    She was elated to receive a double-sided flier and some scannable business cards to share with her colleagues.

    1. Jonathan — are you a Doctor?

      –everything you write is right on point.  I wish there were more people like you.

  6. news.climate.columbia.edu/2024/01/08/bottled-water-can-contain-hundreds-of-thousands-of-previously-uncounted-tiny-plastic-bits-study-finds/


    Here you go, exactly One of the things that Dane has been talking about. Microplastics in everything.

  7. I would like to share a short story to back up what Dane is saying about the ice or rather the lack thereof at the Great Lakes.

    When I was in school in Cleveland, Ohio around 25 or 26 years ago, I was talking one day with my physiology professor. I believe that she was from Cleveland or at least had lived there a long time.

    She told me one day that back in the 1970s, somebody once drove a Volkswagen beetle across Lake Erie from Cleveland into Canada. That's how thick the ice used to be on the Great lakes in the winter time.



  8. Poland is winterless. The beginning of February ("luty" in Polish, which means "cruel/severe") saw pigeons mating and trees' buds sprouting. All those after 10 days of snow covering dump and warm soil (from record warm December)

  9. On January 19th, 2024, Chile asked for an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to look into possible crimes. Then two weeks later, February 4th, Chile suffered it's most devastating fires ever. Coincidence?

  10. Big Sky Country is about to become big carbon sucking country. Carbon Capture is in the process of building Project Bison in Wyoming. It is the latest way to tackle the bothersome CO2 problem.

    CEO Adrian Corless says that Project Bison will be the largest of its kind. It consists of shipping  size containers with reactors in them. The reactors sense the carbon and filter 75% of the carbon out of the air. The carbon is then stuffed, excuse me, stored 12,000 feet underground in sweet water aquifers.

    In operation now, it currently captures 10,000 metric tons of CO2 a year. By 2030 it will capture 5 million tons and store it underground. Carbon Capture got a huge shot of validation when  Microsoft announced would be purchasing  carbon removal credits from Carbon Capture. This will help Microsoft achieve its lofty goal of  being "carbon negative" by 2030. 

    Our efforts do not make the headlines like Project Bison. We are fighting for places like Big Sky Country without the fanfare. As we continue to alert others to the reality of climate collapse, our reward is a quiet personal satisfaction of doing what is right.

  11. This is Eden signing out, as I begin my next mission in life. I start my journey in Dakȟóta itókaga (South Dakota) in a few days and we all held a last vigil remembrance ceremony at the church last night. Each of us signed the altar with messages for both the government and the military (Raytheon in particular). Just to let them know exactly how we feel about their overreaching war empire, and the complete lack of respect they have for the legacy of our family’s history in this community. Our written words will speak for all the generations that came before us, and the children who are being forced to leave behind the properties they were heirs to, and the very land that was meant to be their forever homes.

    We chose to leave more than six weeks ahead of our eviction deadline, because their harassment and torture campaign would have led to many more health and welfare emergencies. The death and destruction of all the wildlife, our beloved pets and livestock they were accomplices to has scarred us forever, and we documented everything for those who think our government and military leaders are such heroic Godsends to those weak and helpless populations under threat of war. They are not.  They covertly start those wars and exploit them to serve wealth gaining agendas.

    They only know carnage and mayhem, and how best to increase casualty numbers. We should all remember what they did here to our peaceful and humble community, because they are also the ones who run the entire geoengineering show of horrors.

    “Some day the earth will weep, she will beg for her life, she will cry with tears of blood. You will make a choice, if you will help her or let her die, and when she dies, you too will die.

    John Hollow Horn, Oglala Lakota, 1932”


    “When the last tree on Earth is burned to ashes or dies from toxic soils and withered roots. The last river has been poisoned and oceans stripped of their oxygen, killing the very last of the fish. The crops fail to yield even one final harvest. Only then will the elites discover that they cannot eat their hoarded money, and there is no more breath of life to be found. Their epitaph will read as follows…

    They chose to conquer and not co-exist. They obsessed over wealth and did not strive for salvation. They ignored the signs and persisted on doing business as usual. They partied as if there was not a tomorrow and found out the hard way… that there really wasn’t. Their goals were to achieve personal gains, bathe in the lap of luxury, and live to excess off the blood of wars. Their actions led to the end of an entire civilization, the genocide of nature, and God’s gift of a miraculous Eden… all Lost to Insanity.”

    I leave you my extended family and spiritual blood brothers and sisters with the Sioux Nation’s Twelve Lakota Virtues.

    1. Unsiiciyapi (Humility)

    2. Wowacintanka (Perseverance)

    3. Wawoohola (Respect)

    4. Wayuonihan (Honor)

    5. Cantognake (Love)

    6. Icicupi (Sacrifice)

    7. Wowicake (Truth)

    8. Waunsilapi (Compassion)

    9. Woohitike (Bravery)

    10. Cantewasake (Fortitude)

    11. Canteyuke (Generosity)

    12. Woksape (Wisdom)

    1. Dear Eden:  We are sorry and saddened by your leaving we/us in Texas.  But with your necessary/imposed departure from this mayhem and assault upon ALL Life, we wish you well in all that you encounter.  And wherever you go, there will certainly be more light and kindness in your being there.

    2. Farewell friend Eden and well wishes for you in your new ancestral home. May you find safety and happiness there. Please keep checking in with us here at GeoWatch and keep up your fight for all life and for planet Earth. You are our brother. I hate that your Texas community has been driven from that once lovely place and worse, the evil tactics used to do so. I'm glad you left the comments for the morons coming to finish destroying the area completely with the lunacy of the 'space force' campus takeover. Thank you for sharing your heart and  wisdom with us and also your experiences. I hope you will continue to post here when you can. Good Luck in your new home.  

    3. Wishing you a safe trip. 

      You bring alot of positive energy to this website .

      Thank you for sharing the  Sioux Nation’s Twelve Lakota Virtues.

    4. Eden Lost to Insanity,  Your spiritual way has touched many, self included.  It is one thing to be aware, another to act on that awareness.  Thank you for sharing your active journey in this spiritual battle.  I know the people in South Dakota will welcome your arrival.  

      Such power in your words, Dane's words & bloggers/Youtube audience & beyond.  You mentioned 'Cult of Conflict'.  That phrase provided clarity for me as I search for ways to shorten my words so as not to overwhelm people when I attempt to open the topic of climate engineering.  The less words, the more openings.  The less barrage of facts, the more questions to create dialogue & move on.

      I am chomping at the bit to make more time beyond family obligations to revisit the Minnesota Legislature.  My first visit was by zoom. I had previously mailed materials to members (photo facts/booklets & letter).  Simply put, no expectations other than to follow the example of New Hampshire, which brought national attention to shed light on the best step forward to salvaging life on earth.  Now I can make arrangements to attend in person.  There is so much more I would like to share here, but I'll skip to one item worthy of sharing to all who view this website (including Youtube).

      Lost Worlds:  Untold Story- History of the Manhattan Project.  (History Channel logo)

      One can visually see from actual photos & graphic imagery, the scope and scale of this project.  A project with no cost limits (money printers' military/industrial dream) converted into massive media campaign to join the secret war effort, a scale to construction projects that left those of past centuries- small in comparison.  At Oak Ridge Tennessee- Two- largest ever- half mile buildings, joined at source, were made to manufacture just 100 pounds of bomb grade uranium.  This valley enclosed by mountain ridges had been an agricultural community which was almost instantly pushed out by the war effort.  Then, on to Los Alamos, New Mexico where plutonium was tested & used to make another nuclear bomb.

      It is simply mind blowing to see what I have heard about for decades.  Such short decades ago- the vast amount of sweat labor, cement, metals, and chemicals scraped, heated, and shaped out of earth.  Archaeologists in this documentary step through thickets of tree/brush overgrowth of project ruins piecing together the massive scale of this Manhattan Project.   Truly- best described as 'Eden Lost to Insanity'.


    5. My brother Eden,

      May the Creator bless you and yours, all-ways.

      I trust that in time you will be able to rejoin this community. You have provided so much good information. I hope that the people who are new to this information into this community will read carefully through your comments over The time you have shared your experiences with everybody.

      If not sooner, I will see you on the other side brother.

      Mitakuye Oyasin





    6. Brother EDEN: We hope that this is not the end of Your offerings here on this Site. You have taught us much with Your insights and gentle soul. Considering history such as in the slaughter at Wounded Knee, the Cherokee Trail of Tears or the plight of the Cayuga people; my ancestors and mostly all North American indigenous tribes these events are an embarrassment to mankind.. Also consider the travails of the Mormons having to constantly move until they find their seat at Salt Lake Utah painfully walking across our country with all possessions on hand carts. Presently there are practices of repurposing of barren native reservations because of uranium, oil and other mining ultimately leaving natives in harms way without even removing them. This goes on also in presently in Central and South America and their last indigenous free natives. There are counterparts in Africa, Asia, Australia and elsewhere where mineral and resources plunder abuses assault it’s native inhabitants. They are usually enslaved, forcefully assimilated plundered or murdered.  My point is that: historically there are so many more Exodus examples to enumerate and mention. All have suffered the genocide and relocation tactic. There are many unpublicized ones such as You are facing. Ancestral living practices whether family farming, indigenous native life and simple living practices, will be as Gypsies; (another example) of wanderers and rejected and displaced from one place after another.  Much of our past was Nomadic. This was due to harvest conditions weather and conflict between competing indigenous tribes and so called civilized  populace. This is a very old story Eden, as an avid reader You may agree. People have jumped out of the frying pan, just to merely immerse themselves into the fire. Humanity has not left any without the scars of domination and destruction.

      Here on this site, we are learning of and witnessing weather modification practices, NO ONE can ultimately wander or run from. Because insane weather modification and pollution is far reaching and not possible to isolate ourselves from, any of us. We may sooner or later be in a wasteland where nothing or no one thrives or possibly will ever again. This is our collective fate; the cumulative “Bad Karma” of mankind”. Thank GOD for HIS promise of a New Heaven and Earth. Hopefully some may arrive there in Ultimate Peace. This Peace is the Great Longing of the Good Soul.

      Thank You Eden for Posting the Beautiful Virtues of the Sioux People . As We all will eventually and ultimately wander in search of a new safe place. May Your new place of safety and solace serve you with Peace and Comfort ALL of Your remaining days. May Sweet Memories of your life in Texas sustain You with thankfulness for Your past. May Your sufferings melt away as the snows in springtime. Be at Peace Brother Eden. (Sogwediyo ) You are a Good Person (Esatahita) You will walk the Heavenly Road.

    7. Happy trails and many blessings to you Eden on your next adventure. Keep us posted if you care to, I always enjoy your commentary.

    8. Eden……..good luck and stay safe, I hope things will take a turn for the good now. So sorry to hear of your plight,  and everyone and everything in that area. Brought tears to my eyes, coming to our backyards soon in some suffocating form. Looked out my back window this morning and discovered a painted post in my woods. I live in rural area in north west Wisconsin among what I call "the killing fields", or what they call agricultural fields. The owners/farmers are getting old now and selling their fields/farms which means the building of more houses, one by one, marking all the land, preparing for the next round of destruction.

      I love South Dakota, have been there a few times to enjoy the beautiful lands. Maybe our paths will meet. Thank you for all of your posts and knowledge and the Lakota Virtues, they should be everyone's virtues! Hope you're able to check in here again soon, will miss your presence until then 

      Stay safe and well and good luck Eden!


    9. Dear Eden Lost To Insanity,

      Wounded Knee at least got news coverage.  My sympathy for Miss Emma, horses, cows, livestock, deer—and no living thing escapes these cruel weapons.  Secret war weapons are for cowards.  Do they get a purple heart if their finger gets stuck in one of the keys as they punch buttons to kill an old lady, or beautiful animal, or make birds drop dead from the sky?

      When I was old enough to talk, I loved to attack Grandpa in his chair.  He was a big strong man and it was like climbing a mountain, I would grab his suspenders and crawl over him, he smelled like the woods, and we would play fight, and he would talk Indian and I would repeat always the same words— I thought it was pretend, but no, he was teaching me the Chinook he knew—the lingua franca of the Pacific Northwest.  It is the only talk I know.  When I was born they named me Skookum Tumtum and it is written in my baby book as my nicname.

      Halo Eden, Mika Klatawa

  12. 25 million people have asthma


    The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines air pollution as “any visible or invisible particle or gas found in the air that is not part of the natural composition of air.”

    Air pollution comes from many different sources – some are man-made and some are naturally occurring. Air pollution includes gases, smoke from fires, volcanic ash and dust particles.


    Research shows that air pollution can worsen asthma symptoms. A study of young campers with moderate to severe asthma showed they were 40 percent more likely to have acute asthma episodes on high pollution summer days than on days with average pollution levels.

    Another study found that older adults were more likely to visit the emergency room for breathing problems when summer air pollution was high.


  13. Indoor air can be 2-5 times, even up to 100 times, more polluted than outdoor air. Americans spend 90% of the time indoors. Poor air quality impacts everyone, but especially people with lung disease and other underlying health conditions. Whether we’re at home, work, school, it’s important to ensure the air we breathe indoors is as healthy as it can be. Learn more about indoor air pollutants and steps you can take to improve your indoor air.


  14. Toxic Air Pollutants


    Toxic, or hazardous, air pollutants are substances that cause or are suspected of causing cancer, birth defects, or other serious harms. They can be gases, such as hydrogen chloride, benzene and toluene or compounds and metals such as asbestos, cadmium, mercury and chromium. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has classified 188 pollutants as hazardous.

    Just because a pollutant is not listed on the list as "hazardous" does not mean that it does not cause cancer or is safe to breathe, however. Other air pollutants like particle pollution can also cause cancer or other serious hazards.

    What Are the Health Effects from Toxic Air Pollutants?

    Toxic air pollutants pose different risks to health depending on the specific pollutant, including:

    • Cancer, including lung, kidney, bone, stomach

    • Harm to the nervous system and brain

    • Birth defects

    • Irritation to the eyes, nose and throat

    • Coughing and wheezing

    • Impaired lung function

    • Harm to the cardiovascular system

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