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Dane Wigington

"Climate engineering may be the least worst climate solution", so says a new report from CleanTechnica. After over 75 years of climate intervention operations, clearly, the CleanTechnica conclusion couldn't be further from the truth. A new U.N. report headline has just stated "science points to climate collapse", but the climate engineering component in the equation is, of course, never mentioned. A new Weather Channel report asks "Do Changing Temperatures Make You Sick?" Would it be more appropriate to ask if it's what is in the changing weather that's making us sick? For the record cloud seeding fall out from climate engineering operations are contaminating our precipitation. This isn't speculation, it is a lab testing proven fact. And above it all the deterioration of the ozone layer continues to accelerate as new reports have just confirmed. How long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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60 Responses

  1. gonna throw this in the mix

    energy – our energy comes from the sperm – speck of light – combines with the egg – forms a bundle of cells – then flattens – on the edge is the "energy" called the primitive streak which moves across the cell circle towards the 'top', growing and enabling the primitive spine to appear – when at the top pulls the 2 sides together and ends up at the bottom of the neospine and is stored in the primitive coccyx to rise at puberty to connect the pituitary and the pineal gland to initiate the reproductive system

    you can see the remnants in the frenulum in the line of tissue top and bottom of the gum atop the top teeth and exists below the bottom teeth – evidence of the body being pulled together to form the 2 sides

    believe men have a line that goes from the underneath of their penis and runs along the perineum – another vestige of the energy pulling together the 2 sides

    the place/space between the pituitary and pineal is called the third ventricle – the soul space (6th and 7th chakra) and within that space grows a small piece of tissue that is called the interthalamic adhesion which pulls the 4 sides of the brain together to promote empathy

    is it 56%(?) of the population that has it – more in women than in men – can be brought about by prayer or meditation and it makes for empathy

    anyone who does a job that entails cold bloodedness hasn't got one – soldiers, surgeons, butchers etc – or can turn it off?

    don't think that i do not appreciate men – we are made by nature for specific jobs in humans society – women bear children therefore need empathy

    the energy that rises at puberty drops back down to the coccyx and then it rises through the chakras as we develop emotionally and intellectually and should eventually end up in the crown (significance – crown – energy – jesus glowed with energy around his head – what a human!!) and the 2 bits of face on the outside of the sphenoid are called the "temple"

    eden, interesting that you have all those books but haven't read them?

    i only keep books i have read and need or that are reference books that i continually use

    sometime ago i gave to charity 36 boxes of books – i had no running need for them 

    and i have to say – i do not read books about politics

    my english comes from my peasant background – 1000 yrs of french governance from william the conqueror – our laws are written in french – only recently with pressure from the colonies has that fact been something of concern

    my english comes from the south and the north – with a huge sprinkling of cockney london – have a waters in the the other old book i have – burials in the old walled city of london edward waters is buried in the church garden (bombed during blitz) defined as the gardeners church (nice, me gardener) – copy of a much older published book made for some aristocrat

    it is the tone that gives people away, not the words, when amongst the upper classes i find their tone hugely rude and arrogant – they still exist with their private schools and protected professions!!

    and we all die – hahahah must be hard for them cos you can't take it with you – i shall be relieved when i go – being a human has always been a trial for me

    there is no "god" for me – we are not special – tis easy to know that doing good brings good – i am a particle – very intricate and complicated but still a particle

    i have been hoping that good will out but………

    we are like nature – both cruel and kind

    does a volcano feel the destruction it causes – or the sun feel the joy most creatures feel when shined upon and warmed – although too much makes for thirst

    i like the philosophy of the east because it was not far away from the methodist teaching i received from a corrugated church i chose to go to as a child

    jesus was never lauded – no gold or silver stuff and huge decoration – it was the message that was important – do no harm – and help

    which was what hippocrates wrote whilst also writing that anyone who practices medicine without taking notice of the stars is a fool!

    there are nuggets of hope and joy everywhere – no-one knows it all – except it isn't a knowing tis a let go – do not twist your heart and mind trying to work out why – other people minds are a jungle to me – i have enough trouble with myself

    we all know, do we not, that coved was initiated by fauci in america with his research on "gain-a-function" for virus's but passed it to a lab in china cos less people would be aware in china or be able to make it public like what often happens in the u.k. and u.s.a. – yippee for whistle blowers                                                                                       i read his reasearch many years ago on this magic box – strange how it has be taken down hahahaha!!!!

    and that churchill and eisenhower knew about the raid on the navy in america – cold-blooded – no energy/empathy in the third ventricle – how it all made sense when i researched some strange stuff about intrinsic energy

    the cadeus – the one the medical people use to signify medics – in its proper form is an ancient hindu symbol for the energy – was originally a central spine/energy with the 2 rushes of energy circling around the central spine – traditional knowledge has so much in it if one takes the blinkers from the eyes

    the energy has become wings – we do like to cartoon everything – i am so glad that we do not know or cannot in any way understand the energy that drives all in the universe

    and we think we can fly of the planet and "conquer" new planets or that we can "fight" cancer

    all aggression, instead of understanding our place in the universe as ……………insignificant!!

    well we soon will be – or will we get paradise overnight with all the leaders working with each other and helping all to lead fulfilling lives

    i leave you to decide

  2. Has anyone looked closely at snowflakes these days?

    Natural snowflakes have a pattern known as six-fold symmetry when cloud water droplets nucleate and freeze around tiny dust particles. This pattern repeats itself over and over again, with each new additional nucleation of frozen droplets forming around the central structure.

    Basically, snowflakes are precise fractals of geometric six-fold patterns and hold perfect symmetry, as it grows in size.

    But with a chemical form of ice nucleation it changes the original crystal structure of cloud water droplets, and they are flash frozen rather than freezing naturally. Plus they now form around not just dust particles, but also around nano sized oxide, sulfate, ash and polymer particles. All of which freezes at different temperatures than just dust alone, and they also become absorbed by the growing ice around the snowflake's core. Changing its shape even more and altering how it forms the surrounding layers.

    So, the majority of them no longer form in perfect six-fold fractal symmetry, or repeat variations of that pattern as they grow in size. They now come in all types of mutated patterns and shapes. Sometimes even in broken patterns that are filled in with round, arcing and curved structural deformities.

    Which should be a tale-tale sign of an artificial snow making process that the entire scientific community would recognize, if they were paying attention to the details. But so far, none of the so-called experts have brought this up, or even asked how this might be happening.

    Because if they did "officially" investigate this phenomenon, it would point directly to chemical ice nucleation as the cause of this anomaly. Who knew that something as tiny as a snowflake could be the smoking gun for exposing climate engineering?

    Traditional or technically advanced "localized" snow cloud seeding programs couldn't even create this effect. Because they are all based on enhancing natural cloud water droplet formation around their seeding ingredients. During upper level atmosphere conditions that are dropping to temperatures well below freezing. And chemical ice nucleation can begin at much higher temperatures, as we have all witnessed for ourselves.

    And those higher temperatures could also help to explain why the six-fold symmetry is missing from these new chemical snowflakes. The same natural symmetry that existed for millions of years, before geoengineering created this artificial world we now live (try to exist) in.

  3. It's snowing at 36 degrees in Asheville, NC, and the flakes are so abnormal! Come on, people! Investigate!

    1. Yes…

      There were literally > 100 trails in the sky over Greenville, NC this morning. I emailed pics of it to Dane and my District 3 Congressional Rep, Dr. Greg Murphy, asking Greg when Congress is going to do anything about it. I have previously sent him lots of info from this website, handouts, etc. 

      A patient with sinus congestion I just saw said the weather is always changing from hot then cold. Perfect opportunity. I gave her a double-sided flyer and a scannable business card, and I asked her to please join us in sharing information if what she sees rings true to her.

  4. I completely understand why the geese are flying north over Texas now. (actually more towards the NW, according to the compass) 

    The NWS and NOAA claim that from the middle of the country, and all the way to the west coast. Temperatures will soon begin to warm up drastically and it will be the warmest and driest winter on record across the western half of America. While the east coast is expected to get walloped by one winter storm after another, and from Texas (and Oklahoma) all the way to South Carolina, down to Florida. It is expected to be colder and much wetter than normal. Starting around the first day of winter.They also predict that Texas and Oklahoma will be hit with unusually powerful winter ice storms.

    Which coincides with ERCOT (Texas Power Grid) saying they expect exceptional demand to be placed on them this winter. So, they recently made changes to deal with that issue.

    Time will only tell if their scheduled weather will play out as they predict. But if it does, then the geese are only trying to follow the warm air this winter, and disregard their natural migration instincts.

    Also if the Pacific NW gets a lot of snow from the atmospheric rivers, and it warms up as much as they say it will. Beginning in a couple of weeks from now. Then everyone up there is going to be flooded with snow melt, before it finally turns very warm and dry.

    This is their final El Nino prediction for the winter of 2023 – 2024. We shall see. But I am preparing for the worst, just in case. Ice storms cripple this state and it could turn really ugly. I am cutting back tree limbs from electric lines tomorrow, and stocking up on food, gas and water. Plus, I am getting all six of my generators up and running. You never can be too careful. Tomorrow and Thursday is going to be over ninety degrees. But if it whiplashes to freezing soon, I want to be prepared for the chemical ice nucleation nightmare that follows.

  5. Mondays display of synthetic Sirius clouds stretching over Pinetop Az was quite dystopic to say the least. One giant synthetic cloud that stretched almost from horizon to horizon and a couple of miles wide was perhaps the biggest I've ever seen. The telltale horsetail looking clouds which to me is obvious as a synthetic cloud, having watched them for decades. I pointed out to some how bizarre the clouds looked and none said a thing. I could've spent a hundred photos easily documenting this one cloud but since no one seems to care or notice who cares, I used to, still do but something has blocked out perception of the obvious in most people. 

    Tell a lie long and loud enough becomes the truth seems to work, but very few ever look up really.

  6. BTW, Dane

    It took me over six hours to get this website to load on my computer this morning. I first got an error message and then every time I hit the refresh button it said:   "This site is no longer available"

    I think they are getting ready to silence all who are raising climate alarm flags. Especially if Trump gets re-elelcted. He plans to shut down all climate activist sites, and he said this in a recent interview.

    He also plans to implement Marshal Law just hours after becoming President. Pardon himself and jail everyone in the senate and house, who refuses to pledge an oath of service to him only. (not the people)

    Many news stories out there saying that Americans in their twenties and thirties are stockpiling weapons and emergency rations. Because they fear a civil war is going to erupt in 2024.

    1. Eden, 

      Thank you for this info which leaves me to believe there is something big coming our way.  I do believe Trump will implement Martial Law the first day of his 'reign' – if elected.  But, as to what the other side will do, we are all more  or less being kept in states of flux.  To think that Trump will dare to silence sites like this one is believable given the present state of our government, no matter who or what that government is.  Where are we and where are we going?  I hope, but, I fear.  Best to all of us, the world and its future.  Pray for Dane that his voice will not be silenced  by those who want us to live as have lived the Palestinians for over 100 years.

    2. Open the search engine duckduckgo.com

      Then  search for Dane's website.

      If this doesn't work (it should) search in the 'duck' site for 'duck' – then try entering geoengineeringwatch.org again.

      If possible, find an expert to sell you a Linux system.

      Avoid Windows – Avoid Google!

      If you have either only use 'Duck' – it's not perfect but I find it works surprisingly well in the UK

      NB With sensitive sites allways do a cookie clear-out first

      And never let 'goggle' decide your security settings for you!

      Hope this helps…

      Geoff Hanham

  7. "once these particles get into our lungs, what can we do"

    our bodies are renewed every 7-9 years, so i am told

    lungs hmm, stinging nettle cleans blood  – goes through lungs


    increase the mucilaginousness (? hahahaha) with marsh mallow and or inula – plants for lungs

    increase or decrease heat/cold/wet/dry???? depends upon what herb, and you

    look to the plants around you and your own temperament

    makes me stretch my brain – i like it

    my brain and me, that's all we've got hahaha

    peaceful sleep to you all



  8. Record number of fossil fuel lobbyists at COP28, watchdog says

    Nearly 2,500 fossil fuel lobbyists have been given access to the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, an environmental watchdog group said Tuesday, reflecting an "unprecedented presence" at an event that has come under scrutiny for being hosted by one of the world's largest oil producers.

    The analysis from the Kick Big Polluters Out coalition said that at least 2,456 lobbyists from companies such as Shell, BP, ExxonMobil and France's TotalEnergies received passes to COP28 — more representation than the ten most climate-vulnerable nations combined, which sent 1,500 delegates.

    The figure also represents a fourfold increase over last year's COP27 climate talks in Egypt, which saw 636 fossil fuel lobbyists, KBPO said.

    "Big Polluters' poisonous presence has bogged us down for years, keeping us from advancing the pathways needed to keep fossil fuels in the ground," climate activist Alexia Leclercq of Start: Empowerment said in a statement. "They are the reason COP28 is clouded in a fog of climate denial, not climate reality."

    Several other environmental groups reacted with outrage to the report's findings on Tuesday.

    "You don't bring arsonists to a firefighting convention — or the climate talks, for that matter — but that's precisely what is happening here at COP28," Climate Action Network International wrote on X.

    Record number of fossil fuel lobbyists at COP28, watchdog says (msn.com)

  9. Christmas Day, December 25th, is almost upon us.  A day of celebration and adoration for the birth of Jesus Christ, a day of joy.   But for many of his descendants in the land of his birth, there will be no celebrations, there will be no churches or services nor will there be joy or hope.  For where the Baby Jesus was born, in Palestine, his people now only know death and destruction, loss of loved ones, their homes, their futures.  Their churches have been bombed to rubble and there will be no displays of the manger for the little children to enjoy – for thousands of little children are no more.  There is only despair.  Christian Palestinians (and there are many) and Muslims alike will suffer through this season of darkness.  For a little known fact is that Islam respects the Jesus Christ and his followers and have for centuries. It is written in the Koran. They, as well as their Christian brothers know the pangs of hell in Palestine this year and in the past.  Sadly, this year, Jesus Christ is weeping for all of the people and the land of his birth and so should we all.  Truly – blessed are the peace makers.


    1. This is what my Native American Godfather and Grandmother tried to pass on to me as a child, and how I feel about our modern world today.

      They recognized Christianity and Islam as the two largest religions in the world and had deep respect for both. 

      Christianity originates from the Second Temple of Judaism and is founded on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who follow that faith are called Christians (Children of God). Islam is founded on the teachings of Muhammad, as an expression of surrender to the will of God. Those who follow that faith are called Muslims (meaning "submitters to God").

      But anyone who uses their faith in either (or any) religion to justify terrorist acts or kill their fellow humans in the name of their God. Are believed to be influenced by the evil aspects of the universe, and their spirit and soul have been consumed by a force known as the Wakan šica (Evil Sacred realm.)

      Governments do not represent any religious faith and are compelled by their own agendas. Usually having no connections to a righteous code of ethics or morals. They distance themselves from the will of the people they are expected to represent, and eventually force their own will upon the masses. When given the reigns to absolute power and control. Either by choice (elections) or by force (Tyranny).

      People of any faith are taught that conflicts and wars only create divisions, suffering, and torment for those who believe in the One God of all. Just as the Lakhota nation believes in peace and harmony for all. The U.S. government uses conflict and subjugation, to force their will upon them by calling them savages who need to serve the Christian faith, in order to save their souls. And by stealing their sacred homeland and occupying that land, just as the Israeli government has done to the people of Palestine. Those governments are only spreading more conflict, terror and torment that serve the agendas of the Wakan šica and do not respect the will of the people, who believe in peace for all.

      The U.S., Israeli and Islamic governments are the ones committing terrorist acts of genocide, and those atrocities spill over into the hearts of those people from both Christian and Muslim (Islamic) faiths. Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Muslim Brotherhood, the IDF and the U.S. Military Industrial Complex are all purposely destroying any chance at peace. Because their power over the people will disappear, and the elite’s “who are using all six governments (terrorist groups) as their puppets to gain wealth” from conflict and war vanishes as well, if there were a lasting peace.

      If only the people of all faiths could see the bigger picture and stop letting governments control their emotions and actions. Or, blind them to how climate engineering is being used as a weapon of war, and keeping the fuse lit in all conflicts around the world. Living in harmony with every faith coming together, to stop wars and conflicts killing the planet and the human race, would be achievable in our lifetime.

      I pray for all those suffering from war and on Christmas day I usually ask the spirits of my Native American ancestors, and those family members who came before me, to let their light shine upon this world. Giving blessings to all people of planet Earth in hopes of finding peace and the courage to confront and expose geoengineering crimes against every living creature. Trying to exist as kindred spirits on the only home we have in Gods infinite universe.

      I watch the black and white movie with Jimmy Stewart entitled "It's A Wonderful Life", faithfully each and every Christmas day. Because it renews my faith in the human spirit and reminds me what human nature means to those who allow that faith, to guide them through a life that leads down no path to conflict or strife.

    2. Eden Lost to Insanity, you wrote the most honest and intellectual sumation of our current people problems and I too will ask the ancestors on Christmas Day to shine their light and peace upon all of us, every one. I wish everyone in the world could read your message. 

  10. Hi Denise,

    My tinnitus is me actually able to hear dirty electricity coming off the electrical wires, and related to electrical hypersensitivity and/or MS. I use Greenwave filters where I live because it is very bad here and they make the place live-able for me. I also keep as many circuits turned off as possible. Some people totally shut down the bedroom panel at night. I stopped using LEDs because of the noise, especially 3-way lights.

    My skin reacts by going pink if I am on the computer too long. I would itch, but I don't usually eat any commercial white flour products anymore so that helps. 

    I definitely notice the issues from the spraying and there is ambient microwave radiation almost everywhere, but with my tinnitus I don't really notice it outside, just inside where it was brutal until the filter intervention.

    Some ideas to research – spirulina – I think I noticed reduction in tinnitus with this when taken regularly 

    'clear tinnitus' – a formula that I've had success with for tinnitus 

    cat's claw, astralagus root, resveratol – combo I've heard of for Lyme, which has a ton of symptoms including tinnitus

    Hope that helps –


  11. I e-mailed Jimmy Dore and asked him to invite you on his show to talk about geoengineering. I hope you don't mind me doing this as I think this would be a great avenue for getting the word out. Thank you Dane.

    1. Thank you for trying to get Jimmy’s attention on the climate engineering issue, Robert, his voice could bring much needed attention to this most dire cause.

  12. Thanks, that helps.  I just finished my "wellness" exam and everything came out normal.  It helps to know I'm not the only one.  Misery loves company.  I gotta say the tinnitus and stinging/itchy skin cause anxiety and chip away at my quality of life.  I'm sure others have it much worse.

    1. Denise — the skin issue could be keratosis. I can't know this, but worth having a look online. There appears to be a general weakening of the immune system. So different people get different reactions. The world we live in has gone mad…

    2. look to the plants my friend

      most cosmetics/creams/pharma etc. you buy, made by big companies, don't have, in my opinion, the best of ingredients

      everything, yes…. absolutely everything, including us, comes from the earth

      get as close to the source as you can and look to your own understanding of your body and mind – what do you see, smell, hear, who you are, where you are, how you live

      plants need close attention as you do!

      look to the plants my friend

      in any life, at any time now and in all of human ancestry, we have had to individually look to ourselves, ultimately we are responsible for ourselves and have to keep as healthy as possible in light of what is going on around you

      look to the old nourishing ways



  13. Hi Denise

    Watery Eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat, tearing up without happy or sad.  Yup ! I got it all. Most of it seemed to spring about before the C lock-down when they first announced the C came to us in the US. I still use the letter C to describe it and I am thoroughly sickened every time I hear the word. I am still yet uncertain if  it's a manufactured bio-weapon, seasonal flue or perpetrated false flag hoax. The junk that's in the air is even more plausible to me because there's no let up in my condition even when the C. reports are dormant. So Yeah ! I agree with this cause and effect of the spray program. Maybe it's the same delivery system for planet dying sickness. All this makes sense. How could all this stuff deteriorating and dying around us happen without affecting us as well? This conclusion seems a very sound one. There's so much to be paying attention to these days, while they practice smoke and mirrors on us. It's what they don't tell on the news; You have to really be aware of. This leads to pure suspicion on many fronts toward the malignant intentions of the controllers.

       We have to remain strong, together and vigilant in our lives now, to at least remain even one step behind the curve. Without awareness and perception of things not so right, we fall into the same trap as our asleep consuming  brethren; who refuse to see the forest for the trees. This itself is very sad. Because I feel they outnumber us greatly. Our only hope is our numbers are growing among them, as they come out of their slumber before it's too late. Maybe it is already too late, only God knows.

    1. Watcher: "How could all this stuff deteriorating and dying around us happen without affecting us as well?"

      Exactly! Well said.

  14. North Carolina Winter Weather- A Bad Joke

    Always Awesome to catch Your Weekly Alert News, Dane!!!

    We’re experiencing the exact ongoing Winter Weather Whiplash/Engineering that You have been describing for Years! We are essentially dry – December ends 2023 as the driest year ever here!!! The engineered rains we get are minimal and filled with all the dehydrating components that You consistently describe.

    The general population of greed, self-interest, fear of any unknown, selfishness, and general apathy seems to abound regardless of income levels. I see this small local population with blinders on; focused basically on Self! 

    Thank You “Eden Lost to Insanity” for your mention of the “U.S. Space Force”.  Dr. Michael Salla of Exopolitics.org, presented an excellent webinar, “2023 Exopolitical State of the Planet” also offering information concerning the extent to which the “Controllers” might be willing to go in an attempt to keep populations confused or worse, create chaos to legitimize authoritarian rule.  The same purposeful academics who hide Geoengineering information and truth, are also contributing to the confusion regarding Exopolitics and related activities, effecting planet Earth and Space. The bottom line is a hugely uninformed, ignorant, selfish-interests-only population! Any spreading of Reality and Truth, from Geoengineering and the ongoing Ozone Collapse, along with the truth about extraterrestrial and Inter-dimensional realities, can be beneficial in helping increase awareness. The more humans are Aware of the True Realities, the better it will be for all of us!

    My small part – I keep sharing GeoengineeringWatch materials whenever possible. At age 74, My activity circle is quite small these days, however I am blessed to still have a vehicle and be able to get out, if only for groceries. I encourage others to explore the information here! And it’s especially important for the elderly to understand what is contributing to illnesses from the nano-particulates in our shrinking breathable airspace! 


    1.  I totally respect your wisdom and insight RandylJ1.

      The weather in North Carolina is being controlled more and more with each passing day as winter approaches. And my witnessing of the geese flying north yesterday just confirms my worst suspicions that everyone in the south and southeastern states will experience even more insane weather whiplash extremes. Record warmth and exceptional drought in the face of an El Nino prediction that states exactly the opposite.

      U.S. Space Force Command is now beginning to take over many aspects of geoengineering. With rockets deploying more and more powerful radar equipped satellites that work in unison, to beam wide swaths of microwaves down onto the artificial clouds and aerosol sprayed atmospheres from above. Basically creating next gen HAARP arrays to heat the atmosphere from above, as well as below with Doppler radars filling in the gaps now.

      There is a reason why other countries are sending up satellite killers to blow up strings of StarLink satellites deployed by Elon Musk. Most of the thousands of his tiny little satellites he plans to place in orbit, will not be used to bring the internet to everyone on Earth. Most are and will be used by the military as tiny reflectors (defense and climate monitors too) for weather control microwave technologies. Musk is deeply and covertly involved with geoengineering operations, along with Bill Gates, David Keith and Ken Caldeira. Just follow the paper trail of their investments and those facts become clear. Like Bill Gates buying up record amounts of water rights in locations that suddenly experience extreme flash droughts, only weeks or months after he secures those investments. Basically making the underground reserve water untouchable for consumption or farming, by those who need it the most. Then after the desperate masses either die off or unite in a mass exodus. He brings the rains back and builds super cities just like how Dubai rose from the parched desert, and uses climate engineering to keep the rain available for the elites who now reside there.

      He was crucial in the plan to turn water from a necessity, into a commodity being traded on the stock exchange. Shortly after that happened a gallon of water at Walmart went from just 28 cents, to $1.34 virtually overnight. That's another reason why third world countries are dying in masses from starvation and dehydration. Because they can't afford to purchase water for their communities any more and their crops fail for that same reason. 

      The 1% hold all life in the balance and that needs to change, if we ever hope to get our world back, and rescue it from their death grip.

  15. Well, I really don't know how else to say this people. But I just witnessed the most convincing sign that we are truly about to crash into the ravine. After going over the cliff of no return.

    I observed flocks of geese flying south in the first week of November. Which is late in the year compared to their normal end of September, or early October migrational pattern. 

    But just now, I saw five flocks of geese flying DUE NORTH!

    And everyone has to know exactly what that ominous sign means. Either there will be no "Natural" winter in America this year. Or, it is getting ready to become too hot here in the south for them to survive their seasonal arrival, just a little over three weeks ago.

    Evidently I was wrong. Christmas day will probably be over one-hundred degrees here in this part of Texas. Then we will likely begin our 110 to 115 degree days in March, and by July or August it will set incredible records of temperatures exceeding 130 degrees. And that will not be the heat index or wet bulb numbers.

    Those figures will be flirting with the 200 degree mark almost daily!

    I can't even begin to describe what I am feeling right now. I compare what I just witnessed to finding an asteroid in my telescope, that is heading right for Earth. I have never in my entire life, seen geese flying north in early December. No matter where I called home.

    The Venus Syndrome has begun in earnest, and all of humanity is in for the shock of their lives. I predict that millions of people will lose their lives to extreme heat in 2024.Northern California has just moved to the top of my short list, for places I am considering moving to, in the coming Spring. Because the matrix of insanity will likely start a nuclear war soon. In their attempt to create a nuclear winter scenario, and cool the planet by blocking the sun with the ash clouds of Armageddon. And that part of California is expected to miss out on the most deadly effects of radioactive fallout generated from each blast.

    But of course. A nuclear winter sounds just as bad, as what the geese just told me. God help us all. We are all in great peril now, as nature has never steered me wrong, and that divine sign has literally shaken me to the core.

  16. Dane, you brought up the recent report concerning the detection of a high energy particle coming from the local void of our milky way galaxy.

    We have been discussing this finding in the amateur astronomy circles and you are right to have your suspicions. Because when they say high energy particle, it actually means a particle beam. Those only come from super novas, quasars and neutron stars. None of which reside in the Local Void.

    The military has been experimenting with particle beam technology since the Reagan years and Star Wars weaponry research. But most of those newly developed space based weapons have been destroyed by Russian and Chinese satellite killers. While the rest are still being wiped out by a still yet unknown entity in space.

    That is probably one of the reasons for the creation of a U.S. Space Force Command branch of the military. Giving them the ability to place these weapons at what's known as a Lagrange Point. 

    Lagrange Points are positions in space where objects sent there tend to stay put. At Lagrange points, the gravitational pull of two large masses ( sun and earth) precisely equals the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them. These points in space can be used by spacecraft to reduce fuel consumption needed to remain in position.

    With an operational space force they can secure these weapons with sentry space drones designed to detect incoming satellite killers, and incapacitate them as they approach their weapons.

    There is nothing in the Local Void powerful enough to have created a high energy particle beam of light. So, that is why scientists are baffled about its source. But they wouldn't be able to detect a weapon placed at Lagrange point in space, and all of us non professional astronomers agree that it is likely tests being performed by weapons made by U.S. defense contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed.

    We are basically talking about Gamma Ray energy harnessing technology, and if they turn it into weapons of mass destruction (or have already done so and now testing them). Then the future of humanity is seriously threatened by those in power.

    Those weapons could also be tuned down in power to use wide spread bursts of energy that are capable of manipulating hurricanes like the one that hit Acapulco. Or, completely wipe out entire rain producing systems for the creation of sustained droughts.

    High energy particles interfere with the resonance vibration of atoms, and if you have that ability then there are no limits to its potential uses. The first detection of a high energy particle occurred right after the Star Wars program was exposed to the public, and that one was even more powerful than this one. Which tells us in the hobby astronomy community that they have finally learned how to successfully harness such energy, and can now control the resonance frequencies of those beams. Because if a naturally occurring particle beam hit Earth, coming from say a super nova explosion. It wouldn't be a simple split-second burst that was detected by science instruments. Within the first few seconds of the beam striking our planet, it would pass clean through it and kill everything instantly.


  17. dear eden

    thank you for your kind words

    i am 74 and like many here, seem to have had always, a discerning eye, ear and heart – the mind is always the last to know hahaha

    but like the prof said (was it gugenhiem – terrible memory – but too much to remember in these days of little real connection between anything) that 83% of people do not want to know what is coming and so, do not engage!

    so we are all different – seems such a shame that so many are as  "daft as a brush"

    muscly men and painted ladies is the extent of most

    thirst you mentioned – very often a symptom of summit else – so check first – digestive system, diabetes, sweating etc – have you noticed anything gradually building up or maybe something that has always bothered you – never worked properly 

    i recently had sweating and my parotid gland swelled and the idiot nhs doctors just wanted to cut it out!!!!!!

    went to a old teacher of mine and am on the way to well again – tis my pancreas that became so inflicted 

    tis hard to doctor oneself sometimes

    can i suggest 3 books for you

    "eating on the wild side" by nina etkin pub. uni. of arizona – the anthropological history of our interaction with plants and how intertwined we are without knowing it and how far away from it we have fallen – it will blow your mind!!

    "the energetics of western herbs" by peter holmes 2 volumes

    he also has books on chinese herbs but i am english (through and through for over a thousand years) so prefer plants from where i and my body come from, fed by the plants and animals from here

    and supplied with the energy of the place

    he encompasses science, knowledge of greek, chinese, european etc herbal traditions and apart from the general info on health, each herbs is looked at in great detail, plants, like nettle has about 7 pages (and they are big pages!)

    i understand that there is potassium loss in excessive thirst – what plants are high in potassium? 

    "cooking weeds" by vivien weise has info about the minerals found in "weeds" – our native foods – european

    she quotes potassium as being needed at 3-4000mg per day

    this book quotes the best wild plant sources as chickweed 680mg/100g of edible part, fat hen 920mg, coltsfoot 670mg, hogweed (yummy) 540mg, bistort 580mg, stinging nettle 410gm – what grows around you – make an omelette – fry one side, then press chopped, cut leaves into middle – into the egg not yet cooked and then flip it – yummy food

    get your herbs from your surroundings and use the books for day to day stuff – you are your best herbalist

    something serious healthwise – get a qualified herbalist – native american would be best surely cos the european plants are not the same 

    i am still lucky as the trees around me in my little plot of 1/3 of an acre are still mostly in good heart and so i can breath easy here and wild plants grow underneath their canopy

    most people tend to clear their gardens to make a "room outside"

    they do not know that a garden is a paradise (arabic word for garden!)

    it's where we meet nature – mind in my house nature is here inside with me – i am not a "houseproud female" don't mind a bit of dirt and find that along with my grubby, comes nature

    i find the most extraordinary creatures living here with me

    or the visitors like the shrews who come and visit for a couple of days, i hear them at night cracking the spiders and woodlice as i lay in bed – and then they are gone

    tried to explain to the dim parish council about mice – grey ones live with humans – brown mice (natives) they don't want to live with us – i put them out and they don't come back and in fact i realised this year that they don't even come inside anymore – maybe the families that live in the garden realise that the house is where i live and they stay out

    we do not accord them consciousness – how stupid we are – and arrogant

    they know us as clumsy, oafish creatures that destroy!!

    i am mortified that my country is one of the biggest arms dealers, along with america, russia and china

    my country is anyones now – we are run by the colonies – i am english and we don't get a look in cos the english are quite a big section of the population and as we have always lived close to the "big shots" we know who they are and what they are about – no wonder we have no power in an english assembly

    i understand a little of how the palestinians feel and cannot believe how the world can stand aside and watch israel behave like nazi germany 

    we, the english, have been destroyed since the end of the human war of 1939-1945

    do we really think that humans should go unpunished for destroying the world that made us?

    love from penny

    1. Penny, I have focused on upping my potassium intake as much as possible lately. Since I also learned recently that we need 3,500 to 4,000 mg daily to maintain good health. Most of the potassium is contained within our blood cells and if it is low, we open ourselves up to all kinds of illnesses, including cancer, stroke and heart attacks. Problem is that 99% of the human race only gets a few hundred mgs at most, and that means poor health is an epidemic in America, or even around the world for that matter. Also, multiple studies report that 75% of adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic dehydration. That number is even higher for the entire world's population.

      I consume around 80 (eighty) different herbs every week, and eat only Organic, Non GMO foods. So, I am a staunch naturalist, purist and holistic advocate, with the goal of keeping Big Pharma chemicals out of my body. I don't believe in prescription medications other than some antibiotics for things like staff infections, pneumonia and sepsis.

      I plan to read all three books that you suggested. I read a lot of books and always have since the age of three. My personal library alone contains over 35,000 books and I am not kidding. I inherited about half of them and a few thousand others are old public library books that I bought at various auctions. There is around 2,500 on self healing, natural remedies and organic gardening.

      I already have two of the three books you recommended in my collection and I will start with them tomorrow.

      I am of course, a huge supporter of nature and over 5,000 of the older editions are about various aspects of the natural world. With so many images and illustrations by organizations like the World Wildlife Organization/Federation, National Geographic and the Audubon Society.

      I even have books dating back to the 16th century, from around two-hundred years before the industrial revolution. Before the Big Pharma takeover and the exile of Holistic Tinctures. Before humanity chose to abandon nature for chemical ailment remedies, instead of life saving cures simply growing in the wilds.


    2. been reading since 3 too – but that was really cos i had an accidental crack on the back of my head – that made me sit down hahahahaha 

      the only really old book i have is a dr johnsons dictionary (with a couple of others) – very badly damaged though, but most pages are there

      love to look and see how words change with time

      have some old library books too but actually think it is a disgrace to take info away from the public who paid for them – and then sell them for peanuts!

      am lucky in that my dad worked for the copyright agency which made sure every written word that was sold had copies given to main libraries, so, as his daughter, i have the ability to access books and did so – like driving – gives me a thrill that society thinks i am responsible enough to do those things (hahahaha funny ol' tart)

      you must have many reference books – love that too – that's the only thing i like – constant learning – that's all i use on this magic box – apart from this site that helped me to think that i wasn't totally nuts in what was happening in the skies

      so yippey for dane – clever man 

    3. Hi Penny,

      I'm 75 and remember England and the English – now I mourn for them…

      But the 1914-18 'Great War' was the mortal blow – the second world war was the coup de grace…

      I now await the Third – for in our old lore twos inevitably become threes…

      In our first house we let natute wild our garden in which stood a wonderful old coppiced hazel tree, it was many centuries old –  possibly even older – as its girth was nearly eight feet across – many birds nested within it and we often sat underneath it shelter – it was alive – and very special and the last of an old Celtic grove near a brook…

      We were given the cobs in their season and once a bank vole timidly came to snatch a cob that had fallen near my late wife's feet – it returned and gill knelt down and held another out between her finger – which it took… Some beautiful Somerset wood mice who were were of a lovely chestnut colour eventually became unafraid… Now and then, both the bank voles and wood mice would come into the kitchen when the door was open for  a proffered nibble… All were individual and sadly had short lives at best a year or three… 

      We had to move from that wonderful small patch of wilderness and left behind so many wild ones… Though I think some may have 'followed'…

      After my wife died, I found myself searching for a satellite view of our old home and garden… The wonderful old Tree that had lived so long and given so much food to both the wild ones and humans was gone and replaced by a monstrous boarded patio and trampoline…

      I swear to you that Trees can cry, for so did that wonderful old friend to us when we bade farewell and cried as well… And as I am doing now…

      I am not an 'emotive hysteric' – but I am a West Countryman of Celt heritage as was my wife from both her Welsh and Scots ancestors… Tragically we both had scientific professions – though they gave us the understanding of the utter lies that have been told to the 'Herd' and the appalling consequences of the majority willingly turning their faces to the wall…

      In the 1960s and 70s in Bristol or Somerset, when you bought your first house you  planted at least one tree in the garden… Now the custom is to rid trees from gardens as they are considered dirty, messy and dangerous and also block your view of prowlers and undesirables…

      Albion mortuus est

      Geoff Hanham






  18. A declaration of what amounts to war on the livingworld was in the Classifieds of the Tahoe Tribune on Friday. The state of NV has stated its intention to cloud seed anywhere that drains into NV.   All of the Tahoe basin and surrounding mountains drain that direction. More death and destruction coming to the high country. Already there is a complete loss of life up here. It is unspeakable. Hope, Faith and Charity Valleys are completely free of life and signs of life like tracks and scat. 

  19. Reports from the trenches of the Amazon are harrowing and heartbreaking. In October, the number of pink Dolphins dying in Lake Tefe reached 153 in 2023. This was due to water temperatures of 102 degrees.

    In Murutinga streams and wells have dried up. People are using contaminated water to bathe,drink and cook. "The water has turned to mud" said Tumiel Gozes Tigueineda.

    Raimundo Leite de Souza woke up one morning to his skiff, [small boat] in mud. The water level had dropped 1 foot as he slept overnight. 

    Manaus is a city of 2 million. Due to wildfires, it now has some of the worst air quality in the world. This is according to the World Air Quality Index. Veterinarian Camila Justo said "It's really hard to fill your lungs with air and when you do it burns."

    Brazilian President Luiz Inasio da Silva reported on his country's crises at the UN COP 28 Climate Summit. He said that "even if we don't knock down one more tree, the Amazon could reach its point of no return." So, the topic of the plight of the Amazon was mentioned at this summit. Does this  provide a ray of hope or a false hope for the people of the Amazon?

    1. Stan, I am totally devastated and heartbroken by the deaths of those pink dolphins. Not to mention the tens of thousands that die from beach strandings around the world. Including the whales and other marine life that we kill with submarine radars and testing of weapons. I care very much for the people of the Amazon as well, and my heart goes out to them.

      The Amazon is being attacked by the climate engineers and it is so obvious, yet Nature still takes the blame. The military cult of conflict that is run by the 1% and supported by the 5%, will destroy all life with their thirst for power and wealth, and the UN COP28 climate summit will do nothing to help the Amazon. They will perform smoke and mirrors politics to make it appear that they care about places suffering from extreme drought and deadly floods. But their only purpose is to pacify humanity to the bitter end.

      Most of the world leaders and hosts of these summits are the equivalent of murderers and rapists running a child day care center.

    2. what a wonderful man the brazilian president is – saw him on tv and you wouldn't be surprised if he lived next door to you – a man with a heart and a head and seemed to be all the best in a human – could not believe that someone in such a position would be an actual living breathing human

      i want to live in brazil

      when i left london in 1992, if i left the house i would be breathless until i got home and went into the garden


  20. There is a small group of men and women who want to be gods on Earth. They have always been with us. They long for the days when lords were lords and peasants were peasants. Isn't that much simpler, Loki asks?

    Now, they have constructed a synthetic world for synthetic people. A world of their own making. A toxic world, even for them, but, it's their world. It's good to be king, if just for a day. But, once the shine wears off their kinglyness, the world must still be painted and the garbage taken out. Turns out, being king is not much different than being a janitor.

    They tell us their chemical solutions are superior to the Creator's natural law. They tell us their pharmakeia is better than our body's natural ability to maintain health. They tell us their agricultural interventions are superior to the way of nature. In fact, nature is the enemy and we must wrangle and control it.

    They want fewer people on this planet because too many is hard to control. They want to be gods, by god, and no one must be allowed to get in their way. These people are children, their development arrested the first time they realized they could convince mommy to feed them by simply wailing as loudly as their little lungs would permit.

    It's time for the absent father to show up and take names and chew bubble gum. Sorry ladies, but, this is what happens when women are in control. They raise whiny cucks. The would be gods are little more than mommy's boys who throw a tantrum when faced with someone or something that commands more attention than they do.

    That something is all of Creation that has it's own laws and ways. These whiny simps cannot replace it or control it with their own inventions. It is far greater than they are. It cannot be coerced or altered without dire consequences and this makes them furious. Even if they reduce the planet to an ashtray and their subjects green glass, it won't be enough. Little do they know, nature will rid herself of them and start over. 

    We have let this go far enough. The world is sick of these imbeciles. It's time for a good spanking.


    1. Rog, This little editorial of yours literally took the words right out of my mouth. Very well written and painfully truthful. This one sentence alone… " In fact, nature is the enemy and we must wrangle and control it." Describes perfectly the mindset of the would be kings, or better yet, mommy's boys that throw temper tantrums. Because these narcissistic A'holes try to destroy anything they believe is stealing their maniacal self glorified reign of power over others. The goal of conquering nature is their prime directive, if they want to control the entire cradle of life that Earth provides for, with its limited resources. Nature is the heart they must cut out to stop the flow of Life's Blood to any uprising by those hoping to end our subjugation.

      Geoengineering is their choice of blades to make the cuts needed to sacrifice that majority of humanity, who could ultimately challenge their control over all life on planet Earth. We see it as the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. But their warped minds view it as… their needs supersede the needs of all. We need to stop climate engineering and the use of fossil fuels to ensure the continued existence of our species. But they can't allow either, and each and every successive climate summit proves those nefarious intentions, of the whiny little spoiled mommy's boy brats.

  21. In no particular order…

    A commercial farmer I know warned a few months ago that people need to stock up on canned food, especially canned meat as soon as possible.

    In Eastern North Carolina This week we had temperatures go from around 20° to 70° within 1 day.

    Regarding your question Virginia, I recognized the bumblebee by its tattered wings.

    Approximately half of the days each week there are few, if any natural clouds in the sky.

    Regarding your comment, Eden, those who are less than 25 or 30 years old are not going to remember some of the very good things once so commonplace in this country. That is right off the pages of 1984.

    For it'll be well aware that crime wishing disease is spreading rapidly through the deer population of the United States. I'm not talking about trophy hunting, but for those who ethically and humanely hunt to a limited degree for food, this is just one more way of decreasing the available food for people in the future. And Is it possible that the people in charge also enjoy seeing the suffering of the innocent?

    Remember to do all that you can for the wild animals and the plants. They are completely innocent. As are many people.


    1. Jonathan, I can't even force myself to read through all of the pages of the Orson Wells book 1984, or watch the movie in its entirety. The suffering, hardships, cruelty and insanity of governments, war conflicts and subjugation is too much for my mind to absorb and deal with.

      It's like watching all of the cruel deeds that Hitler inspired, in a first person reality and helpless to do anything about them.

      So far the deer population is still healthy here in this valley. But I am sure that will change, especially when we are all forced to move out and let the military turn their habitat into a massive nuclear weapons complex of assembly plants. They rely on us to supplement their needs and I am already crying over their fate. I love them like family and if I could take them with me (wherever I go), I would in a heartbeat. 

    2. Orson Wells? Yep, even I have brain fog amidst all of this heavy climate intervention spraying. I just watched a couple of early Orson Wells movies recently and he was on my mind when I replied to your comments, Jonathan. "Sorry 'bout that."

      Even I know full well, the meaning of an Orwellian Society. But I still can't bring myself to read George Orwell's book 1984 in its entirety. Nor can I bring myself to watch the 1956 movie of the same name.

      Never mind that there are even more adaptations of that Dystopian saga, like the second theatrical movie release in 1984. Made for TV movie in 2006 and four 30 minute TV episodes in 1985.

      If they want to make one more version all they have to do is take current news footage pieces from around the world, and edit them all together to document the "Real Life" adaptation of 1984.

      Now, believe it or not I actually have read numerous other books, novels and essays by George Orwell and they are all very interesting.

      Penny Waters, I recommend these in particular: ‘Politics and the English Language’… Quote from his novel: "All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer.'Language is a political issue, and slovenly use of language and cliches make it easier for those in power to deliberately use misleading language to hide unpleasant political facts."

      And his essay: ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ Subtitled ‘Socialism and the English Genius’, this is an essay Orwell wrote about Britain in the wake of the outbreak of the Second World War. Published in 1941, this essay takes its title from the heraldic symbols for England (the lion) and Scotland (the unicorn).

    3. Hello,Eden:

      In another recent post you mention owning an accumulation of books in your private library.  I believe you stated the total about 35,000.00!!!  That is an almost unbelievable amount of books to store, but what rewards to be able to lose oneself in those volumes.  Congratulations.  I wonder how you are going to pack and move all of them to your new location. Not only that, but how do you find time to post so many interesting comments here and still have time to read any of your fabulous collection?  

      In the post to which I reply, here, however, you mention Hitler and all of " the cruel deeds he inspired." I do not know specifically what or which  cruel deeds to which you refer, as you did not amplify.  But, history has placed Hitler as well as Muamar Khadaffi and others as master villains, never to be displaced in those categories.  However, if you can refer to one or two reliable  books in your vast library of 35,000 volumes as to the conditions of Germany, let us say, prior to Hitler's rise, usually mentioned as the Wiemar,  it may give a different interpretation of what he accomplished for his people and his country. The same is true for Libya's Khadaffi.  He brought his country from an enslaved nation of illiterates to the most free and educated and advanced country in the Magreb  and Africa, as well as the Mid East in general.  Under him, his people enjoyed free education, health care, subsidies to marry, have children buy homes, with no usury, no conditions.  He innovated water systems and huge canals in the arid and hopeless Sahara into vast areas of useable farming and animal husbandry, etc.  Admittedly, it is hard for those in the West to believe what I just wrote, for we have been and are conditioned in ways to promote the agenda of those who do not condone the rise of any so-called third nation. We tend to accuse them first and bomb them to smithereens secondly.  It is a sad commentary and it will go on  unless people become educated and learn truth.  I do not recommend sainthood for either of the aforementioned here, but I do encourage that history be accurate in its depictions.

      Thank you.  Peace.




    4. Virginia, Yes 35,000. I have book shelves that go from ceiling to floor in nearly every room of a 28 room house. I have book cases, closets, cabinets, chests, lockers and over one hundred boxes filled with books. 

      I am the quintessential Henry Bemis played by Bergess Meredith in the 1959 Twilight Zone episode entitled "Time Enough At Last". Most people my age (born in 1959) remember that episode vividly, as it became one of the most popular episodes ever.

      Opening narration: " Witness Mr. Henry Bemis, a charter member in the fraternity of dreamers. A bookish little man whose passion is the printed page, but who is conspired against by a bank president and a wife and a world full of tongue-cluckers and the unrelenting hands of a clock. But in just a moment, Mr. Bemis will enter a world without bank presidents or wives or clocks or anything else. He'll have a world all to himself… without anyone."

      Ironically, like Penny Waters I cracked my head really hard on a marble floor at the age of three, and it changed me in ways I cannot describe. Shortly after I was diagnosed with an "autism like condition" which allowed my brain to function with a higher capacity than most (opposite of most autism afflictions). I not only learned to read (aged three), but I became a speed reader with higher than average comprehensive abilities. Starting at age five.

      That's how I am able to remember conversations virtually word for word and the same with movie dialogues.

      You're also right. I'm in a dilemma as to how I can take my book collection with me when I move. But it's not just books. My collection also contains 8mm and 16mm films going back to I think around 1925. Many are Disney cartoons and war documentaries. Plus I have rare collectibles like all of the special edition "X – Files" magazines (in sleeved mint condition "some signed by Mulder and Scully"). Astronomy, Discovery, Good Housekeeping magazines, etc. You name them, I probably have them. Encyclopedia sets dating to the 1800s. Bibles dating to the 16th century and one of the largest collections of Charles Schulz "Peanuts" books in the world. With many signed first editions, and not just his, but throughout my entire collection. Louis L'Amour, Agatha Christie, Stephen King, William Shakespeare (not signed of course), Danielle Steel, Sheldon, Spillane, Crichton, Asimov, Clarke, and the list is almost endless. Over 1,000 romance novels I inherited from my Mom and Aunt (definitely selling them). I figure if a nuclear war happens and I'm stuck somewhere in an underground bunker. At least I won't ever get bored. Problem is though, they would leave less room for emergency essentials.

      I am hoping to sell at least half of everything and donate thousands more, before I finish packing for my big move. But in answer to your Hitler remarks and questions. I only mentioned his cruel deeds (like genocide of the Jewish people and orders to slaughter American prisoners of war) as they so apply to the insanity of the modern cult of conflict matrix. I do recognize the good aspects and his achievements like leading the German people out of "The Great Depression" and restoring Germany's economic and political stability after the turmoil of the Weimar Republic (as you mentioned), in less than five years time none the less. His Introduction of Germany’s first-ever national environment protection law named Reichsnaturschutzgesetz. Which established areas that were under protection to preserve nature and wildlife by prohibiting deforestation and hunting. He was the first European leader to ban human zoos and prohibited the display of African people in such a dehumanizing manner.

      He definitely had some good qualities before insanity corrupted his soul, and I have two books in my collection that I recommend reading Virginia. (I believe they can be found on Amazon).

      1.  "The Hitler Myth": Image and Reality in the Third Reich

      2.   "Hitler: The Furer and the People"

  22. I have seen numerous predictions by mainstream meteorologists that claim this will be the warmest winter on record for all of the U.S. Except for the northeast of course, where they believe that frigid winter weather will last well into Spring.

    We here in Texas will be pushing 80 degrees later today, and close to 90 degrees for Thursday through Saturday. I made several bets with others in this community that it will be over ninety degrees on Christmas day. Because I know that El Nino is just a farce to justify using climate change to explain the scheduled geoengineering weather extremes.

    That old saying "Christmas in July" takes on a whole new meaning when we are regularly seeing "Summer in December", and even freakish heat waves that bring us one-hundred degree days, to usher in the new year.

    But usually February turns very cold with a few inches of snow on occasion. I'm just not so sure that will be the case this year. It may set record lows for a three to five day stretch, just to cripple or shut down the electric grid. Giving everyone the impression and creating the illusion that Texas still experiences bitter cold winters. But the record highs soon follow and by April the hundred degree days strike with a vengeance.

    Before the 120 plus degree days in June reminds you that Hell hath returned. 2023 will be the hottest year in recorded human history, and the Big Oil Empire won't even twitch a muscle, in their continued strong-arming agendas of burning up the planet and inviting our extinction. Just to prove that building wealth has no end. Except for that of our existence.

  23. I get the impression that most of the people here posting comments are over the age of forty-five, and it doesn't appear that anyone (or few if any) comes from the age group of twenty-five and younger.

    Should that surprise any of us? I don't think so. Because “WE” still remember deep blue skies, natural white puffy clouds, a sun that didn't feel like a blow torch on our skin, days that rarely got over one-hundred degrees, thousand-year floods that only happened every thousand years, and beautifully romantic deep red and orange sunsets that occurred on occasion…not daily.

    We could walk a mile through the forest and be in wonder at how green everything was and be stimulated by such a thriving community of wildlife. We also didn't suffer from fits of coughing, burning, itchy and watery eyes that flowed with chemical infused tears on those walks. Or, uncontrollable sneezing and an itching, burning nose that drained out those same chemicals. Not the usual pollen or mold spores associated with hay fever.

    Our lives were filled with scenic pleasures like sprawling, endless fields of wildflowers, teaming with pollinating bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. The splendor of vibrant double and triple rainbows that have vanished along with the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Anticipating the changing colors of Fall and the glistening of an early morning blanket of sparkling frost that slowly melted and didn't evaporate into thin air.

    Snow that was snow, and not some frozen white stuff that was concocted in a laboratory. Snow that could be used to make ice cream that didn’t send you to the hospital with chemical and heavy metal poisoning. Snow that never fell from the sky when the air temperature was any warmer than thirty-eight degrees. Or, wet snow that was perfect for snowball fights, and dry snow that drifted up like frozen desert dunes. Not snow and sleet that acts like a film of soap on the roads and sidewalks. Or, snow that refuses to melt and gives you frostbite from a simple touch, before it slowly evaporates into a soup of toxic vapor.

    We remember when condensate trails rarely ever persisted and didn't mutate into alien looking versions of cirrus clouds that filled the entire sky. Never choking us and washing away all the beautiful deep blue heaven above. They never formed a canopy of filthy gray talcum looking powder that settled down on rain clouds and devoured them like some type of precipitation hungry cannibal. And they never settled down through the air collum, to form a thick fog of particulate matter that made a powerful flashlight beam look more like a plasma laser beam, from an old episode of the Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits.

    Those who are twenty-five and younger are being deprived of nature's ability to heal the body, comfort the soul and soothe the mind. Spiritually meld with the life essence of all living things and rejuvenate the heart with feelings of peace and tranquility. 

    Yes, nature does have the ability to harm or kill you when you fail to respect and heed the raw power it sometimes unleashes. But governments and their military forces are now harnessing that power to use as weapons of war. Which is something that the younger generations are incapable of believing or accepting. Because they live in a matrix defined by technology and social media platforms that feed them falsehoods and disinformation, to hide the real world of power and wealth gained from conflict and wars. They haven't witnessed the Earth's transition from all natural to synthetic and genetically altered replacements, as the artificial world is all they know.

    We could survive if nature is all that was left, but they would panic and go into withdrawals if they didn't have their technology drugs of choice. We remember a world before cell phones and the internet. A world that still embraced morals, ethics, family values and respect.

    A world that relied on nature for the survival and continued existence of the human race. A world that we knew would change for the worse if nature was plundered of its resources or forgotten and exiled to make way for a revolution of technological industries. A world that is now dying because we have lost our way and are blinded by technology to the fate that awaits us all. Those twenty-five and younger only know and see the matrix. Having never witnessed how it replaced nature or even being taught in school of this transformation.

    Our world. The world we once knew. Will be lost forever, if we can't wake those who are destined to inherit this Earth. Our beloved Mother Earth, who is fighting for her life and being ignored by a new generation of humanity that has been sedated by the insanity of an artificial matrix. They are being fooled, dumbed down and incapacitated by technology crutches and media disinformation tranquilizers.

    The Washington Examiner is a news publishing outlet that hires journalists who have very strong ties to the government, and it has always faithfully supported the fossil fuel empire with incredible amounts of disinformation being released daily. They unequivocally call our fight to save the planet “The totalitarianism of climate alarmists”, and this is some of what they said in an Op Ed recently:

    “The so-called climate emergency takes the cake of alarmist topics because the “or else” in this case means the end of the world. Although such doomsday predictions have a terrible track record, since the world has not ended yet, they still move people, especially the young and the impressionable. It’s also easy to cherry-pick sensational stories about extreme weather events such as coastal flooding, droughts, and wildfires to bolster one’s otherwise shaky extrapolations.But there is a dark side to climate alarmism. It is fundamentally totally Totalitarian — not just inefficient, wasteful, misguided, or myopic. The climate “emergency” opens the door for total tyranny. There is no part of life, no freedom, no right, no value or good that cannot be subjected for the sake of ameliorating the climate emergency.”

    These types of Op Eds target those twenty-five and younger. But they are psychologically performing what’s called “Projecting”. Because, if you insert “government’s out of control spending and absolute control over the people” in place of “climate emergency” at the very end of their statements above. You finally have the REAL Truth and their editorial actually make sense then. And as usual, they use the same old insane argument that just because the world hasn’t ended yet. Climate Emergency Alarmism is just one big fat joke. You know, like those on board the Titanic who said “Calm down. This ship is unsinkable.”      

    In addition, when you insert the words “our government” in place of “climate alarmism”. This sentence leading up to the statements in question makes perfect sense as well… “But there is a dark side to climate alarmism: It is fundamentally totalitarian”. Pure Projection on their part. Which is exactly what you would expect from a Narcissistic Cult of Conflict, sponsored by the Washington Examiner.

    Lastly, I want to apologize if I have offended anyone who posts comments here and is younger than the age of forty-five. This is my personal view of how the younger generations are somehow incapable of seeing the bigger picture. If you are here and sharing your comments with us, you are basically the exception to the rule. There are millions of children, teenagers and young adults out there who are hoping we end fossil fuels to save the planet. But they (and you) are the ones who are awake, and not the ones I refer to in these comments. However, most still believe that claims of current and active geoengineering operations are simply delusions presented by conspiracy theorists, and we must change that somehow if we ever hope to reach a critical stage of mass awareness.

    1. Hi Eden:

      First off I have much respect for Your knowledge and brain power. I truly enjoy Your Take on things. I am little educated, much read but I am thankful for the precious gift of discerned awareness. In other crude words, I know when “That Sh’’ ain’t right. I have a finely tuned B.S. Filter within 73 years of living. My early life was well worth remembering; growing and working  the family farm for Free; Well ! three squares and a bed. My spending money came from shoveling manure, haying and feeding livestock on other neighbor farms. On snow days off from school, shoveling driveways paths and such. Later doing repairs on mostly anything that could be figured out and salvaged. Life was so delightful and simple back then. Much  small game to be brought home for eating, great fishing native fish species all abundant and healthy. The berries and wild fruit was also abundant and so wonderful to eat fresh picked or canned. OH ! I mourn for the days of my youth. People were mostly honest, hard working and respectful. Yes, there was a bit of prejudice, because clans stuck together. Yet there was no real hatred for the other nationalities. I have a Native American mixed lineage. There was a lot of that in my Canadien /Acadienne ancestry going on. The Native teachings were not spared and we were proud of our heritage. We retained hunter gatherer skills and natural medicine lore of our forefathers. Another thing was we respected and venerated our elders and their life experience and wisdom. This respect for elders has seemingly vanished in our Younger generations, Now we are just “Old Fools”. I spent countless hours mostly listening to elders with awe. My Cayuga Great-grandmother told stories of life before electricity and automobiles. She once told me “That funny smell after a rain on a hot summer day on the pavement, came after the cars came around. Well ! now knowing how long weather modification was going on: Her generation and predecessors had even a better planet than my grandparents and parents had. Still I note that I had not lived to experience the healthy planet as they did, it was sure swell to grow up back then. Wars have been going on for a long while. But in the days of old the leaders were in the front line, being the mightiest of warriors such as Ghengis Kahn , Alexander the Great , Ivan The Terrible and lots more in history including the Great Native Chiefs. Now our leaders are safe in cushy offices and boardrooms  planning war like a chess game. Now they leave the fighting and dying up to the young and the seasoned troupes. The weapons of war have come far from the sword bow and spear cannon and gun. Now we have weapons of practically eternal consequence.

      As for the plight of uncovering and exposing Geoengineering to the public; here on this site, I am astutely aware on the war on mankind waged and perpetrated on us by an awful seemingly suicidal malignant element with an ever increasing sophisticated arsenal of weapons to destroy our Planet, Environs, Health, Morals,Love and Kindness. More and more visible and hidden dangers are yet to be implemented by this suicidal gone mad cult. It’s hard to figure what comes next.

      Well ! I still shout from the rooftop, preach to the choir expose myself as a conspiracy "realist" to my own demise; to the eyes of the blind sleeping cattle, being led to the slaughterhouse. However frustrating it may be, It surely is refreshing to be one among You ALL here who care so deeply about our planet. Thank You DANE  for bringing us together, to vent and relate our plight for a better world. Somehow I Pray we can make a difference. At the very least our consciences will be clear when we cross over for having loved and cared for our planet and inhabitants. “I mourn for the days of my youth” and am ever WATCHFUL.

    2. re the 25year olds

      our brain is not set until we are thirty – i'll explain

      when we are born many of our nerves have no insulation ( myelin sheathing its called)

      as we grow the nerves are gradually insulated – you can see that in small children as they gradually get the controlled use of their body and limbs but…..

      the last thing that is insulated are the nerves in our brain – at thirty

      at thirty we have the brain map that we depend upon the rest of our lives

      so at 25 humans are still growing and reach maturity at thirty and i have to say that i did feel different when thirty and over – like a grown up

      and most youngsters have no real clue about what we can do to replenish our world – how many do you hear say – we won't have children cos it is a strain on a world that is groaning under the weight of humans and their gross buildings and destructive ways

      and the real wide awake youngsters are few and far between like the people who come here to engage with other wide-awakes

      i heard today that there are 750million people on the planet who are starving 

      how can we bring that back?

      some years ago i noticed that plants in danger of dying tended to produce many flowers and seeds

      the first one i met was a beautiful cherry tree that had been so badly hacked that its sap was exuding from all over the trunk where it had been damaged by ugly humans

      and every year it was covered in blossom and then cherries – eating cherries – was a joy for me but….

      after i moved out it was knocked down because it was "ugly"  and so it died

      is this what humans do, when in danger of tribal death, do humans reproduce more because the whole tribe is in danger – is it an unconscious thing

      not saying people cannot be wiped of the face of the earth because we are the most destructive creature that has ever been on this planet

      i love nature but human nature – not so much

      but love to you all

    3. You could not of written the truth of the condition the world is in any better! You have captured so many images for me of how the world was created from the beginnng for us to enjoy, and so many beautiful things I loved as a child. Sadly the new world being created is so far from God people don't even notice. May you be Blessed for the truth you speak.


    4. Your point about the younger cohort is accurate in the broad sense. I’m 76, and have had plenty of time to notice the ongoing degradation. But as a kid during the high point of life in the US, I certainly didn’t fully grasp the realities of the Depression that my parents lived through and colored their world view. And our media of the time was not so obviously biased and deceitful. I have unequivocally lost faith in our so-called leadership and the dark agendas being willfully promoted, and am appalled at the lack of critical thinking ability now a standard feature in the general population. So much damage has already been done that is essentially irreversible in any time frame that matters. A great challenge faces our species. We are not doing well with it.

    5. Julia, Thank you for those kind words. I always try to write from the heart and follow my spirit guide, in helping me with the words that hold my visions of life's journeys. Especially when trying to convey how I feel, and my remembrance of our Earth from the past. My Grandmother was full blooded Kiowa (Apache) and she grew up on a reservation in the Black Hills of Wyoming. Not to mention my Lakhota Godfather who was from the South Dakota region of the Black Hills.

      They believed that Mother Earth is a sacred and sentient being, just as I do in this modern era of technology. But it was their wisdom of life in general and their reverence of nature that molded me into the person that I am today.

      I was always at peace while spending time with them in nature. Because there was harmony and balance that soothed the soul, and an energizing wind that allowed your spirit to soar. Tranquility and bonding connections to the land, air, trees, plants and wildlife. Not to mention the flow of rivers and streams that gave vigor to the flow of my own blood within my body. My Grandma could snap her fingers and fish would shoot to the surface of the water, doing flips as they snatched insects from the air. She had such an incredible symbiosis with everything in nature, and I was constantly in awe of her metaphysical abilities.

      But all that feels like a vast empty void anymore, as nature is totally out of sync with the spiritual connection to our Mother Earth. Nature is the life blood of our world, and it is being constricted, purged and poisoned, obliterated by conflicts and wars, plundered of its blood flowing nutrients (resources), incinerated by fires and parched by droughts. Not to mention being cooked alive by the same heat that will scour this world of all life, if the climate engineering insanity continues unchallenged.

      Thank you again Julia and God bless you, and everyone here in the Geoengineering Watch family. Our Earth is in desperate need of blessing and salvation as well. Not the Desecration, Denigration, Cruciation and unwarranted maniacal Neglect by the 1% and 5% elitist cults of humanity.

  24. This climate scientist (and activist) sounds so much like someone we all know. He is just as much frustrated at the latest climate summit "COP28" as somebody we listen to every week, and I will give you just one guess as to who exactly I am talking about.

    The scientist in question is Dr. Peter Kalmus and these are some of his own words, in an OP Ed published yesterday by Newsweek. Entitled:

    The Climate Summit is a Sick Joke. You Should Be Angry and Afraid.

    "The annual United Nations climate summit started yesterday. We're up to the 28th edition: "COP28." Past UN summits have obviously Failed us, but this is a new low. Everyone on Earth needs to know that the meeting has been overrun by fossil fuel executives, making it a sick, planet-destroying joke. There's no real hope of stopping catastrophic global heating until we fix this.

    In 2021, six fossil fuel executives testified before Congress. They were Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil; Michael Wirth, CEO of Chevron; David Lawler, CEO of BP America; Gretchen Watkins, president of Shell Oil; Mike Sommers, president of the American Petroleum Institute; and Suzanne Clark, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. When asked in several instances by Congress if they would agree to stop spending to spread disinformation and block climate action, these fossil fuel executives refused. They clearly signaled to the world that they plan to blithely continue dishonestly destroying Earth's habitability for the sake of corporate greed. They are literal supervillains, stealing our future.

    This year, 2023, is set to be the hottest in recorded human history. This should surprise no one: global heating is driven inexorably by trending accumulation of fossil fuel carbon dioxide and methane emissions. In this hottest year likely in human history, the climate summit is being held in the United Arab Emirates and presided over by a fossil fuel chief executive named Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber. It's hard to imagine anything more cynical or more evil. And yet, things did get more cynical and more evil, with recent revelations that the U.A.E. has been abusing its host role to strike side deals to expand fossil duels. (Of which Dane covered in detail, in this week’s broadcast)

    This stuff is straight out of the movie "Don't Look Up". In some ways it goes beyond anything in Don't Look Up. You should be furious. And afraid. The fossil fuel industry has taken over the only international climate talks we have, our last best hope, and surprise, they've turned them into a greenwashing distraction, a way to make the global heating emergency even worse.

    As a climate scientist, I am appalled, frustrated, disgusted. I am losing my faith in humanity. Everything here should be obvious to all. To have to write it down, again and again, is deeply painful. At the end of the day, if you take a moment to think about it, nothing is more important than a habitable planet. Everything else—all of humanity's hopes and dreams and aspirations, all our happiness and love and growth—depends on it."

    Did we all materialize in a totally different world yesterday? Because the media NEVER publishes opinions like this. Which tells me that Dr. Kalmus will be exiled soon, because he just poked the hornet's nest. You don't dare talk this way about the Big Oil Empire without consequences.

    I will be paying close attention to this scientist, activist and seriously frustrated individual from now on and I also plan to send him some information about geoengineering, including an email link to "The Dimming". He sounds like a person who would be interested to learn just how much the hosts of each climate summit are behind geoengineering operations.

    Kudos to this man for being the exception to the rule, in the matrix-controlled science community. But he also just might have sealed his own fate with his Op Ed, becoming black-listed and sending himself into a dark and lonely forgotten world of obscurity.

    1. One thing to bear in mind and take very seriously – the Washington Examiner is obviously playing it's part in what is essentially a totalitarian takeover when it presents the idea there's nothing wrong at all with the climate, as well as its shilling for oil companies.  And right now, it is pretty acceptable to direct one's ire against fossil fuel companies since the new battery companies are now going to save us from ourselves.  As Dane has stated repeatedly, buying in to their "solutions" is only going to cement our further destruction.  Be very careful when you find yourself on the side of blaming only oil companies – they aren't the only culprits and never were, they are only the most visible. Right now it's in vogue to bash on them, so anyone who is honest and points out their greed and lies may not be heard nightly on the MSM, but will just enough media exposure to keep that argument the sole focus.  As if one could Just Stop Oil without killing people, like in that old show Bewitched where you just touch your nose and everything changes for the better in an instant.

      There is a lot of climate alarmism afoot right now, and that alarmism is not all fake, but it is being used for fake "solutions."   Now if we hear from a truly honest person who states it is ALL part of the problem, including the solar farrms, wind turbines and EVs, the mining operations to get to the minerals to make all that crap and just how much fossil fuel that really takes, not to mention what's going on in our skies every single day, that might be an honest conversation.  But that person WILL be silenced and that editorial would not ever make the MSM or even "alternative media," including the Washington Examiner or the Washington Post.  They are all in on it, period.  The matrix controls both "sides" in the pseudo-debate and it always has.  The sooner we realize that, the sooner we might have a shot at ending the insanity.  I hold out little hope that is EVER allowed to happen.

  25. “White Lung” mycoplasma pneumonia has become an epidemic across the globe (in only a matter of weeks), and it is mainly targeting children. Which I find to be very ironic. Because scientists and vets are mystified by a similar “deadly” respiratory illness that is infecting pets around the world too (not just dogs now). (Not to mention the Zombie Deer Disease mentioned by Dane) Could it be that the amount of Graphene and Plastic Polymers being sprayed into the atmosphere, is finally building up inside of those who have the smallest lung capacities? Are we the human adult population next? Are they going to blame all of this on new Covid strains, or zombie viruses thawing out in the arctic permafrost? Is the foul, toxic climate engineering aerosols we breathe daily leading to an even quicker extinction than just the sun’s heat alone?

    I did some further research on these two compounds, and you will be shocked and quite disturbed at what I found.

    Typically, traditional polymer self-assembly techniques (thin-film rehydration aerosol solvents) have been used to generate polymer nanoparticles to act as agrochemical GMO delivery vectors.

    That’s right. Not only are they spraying it into the atmosphere. But nano sized plastic polymers are also being used in the GMO agriculture process of soil and plant fertilization. Surprise, surprise. No wonder our soil is becoming less fertile in record time. Add Glyphosate (Round-Up) to that equation and you get crop failures times a billion. Destroying humanity’s ability to grow food must be a purposeful action, when you come to learn these facts. Dane’s broadcasts are slowly leading to this same conclusion as well.

    Carbon materials used in silicon-carbon composites to improve the performance of LIBs (Lithium-Ion Batteries) are typically graphene, carbon nanotubes, activated carbon, etc., which are attracting attention as energy storage materials due to their excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. An aerosol process and heat-treatment were employed to create the Si-C-GR  (Silicon, Carbon, Graphene) composites.

    These very same battery making Aerosol Processes are likely being used to disperse Graphene throughout the atmosphere, and if it is extremely toxic in Lithium-Ion batteries. What is it doing to human lungs? Especially when it is also highly combustible, as evidenced by how cell phones and electric vehicles explode into flames that are virtually impossible to extinguish.

    Nano sized polymer particles are perfect for suspending all other elements in climate engineering aerosols thousands of feet above the ground. But they also help to keep the atmosphere charged up like a battery, by holding them in and around storm clouds. Which might just explain why lightning is so much more intense now, compared to say fifty years ago.

    These toxic elements are going to kill all of us, if we can’t stop the spraying ASAP.

  26. Here is a fact that few people know. One in every hundred American men were diagnosed as being psychopathic, so far this year. And the majority of them hold government, military and law enforcement positions. How many are out there that haven't bee diagnosed? Like those in the house, senate and running for president. Many of the wealthiest and famous are also privately diagnosed as such, but those true numbers never get officially reported.

    The same Matrix Insanity we and Dane have recognized for years.

    1. Back when I still read the NYT, I remember reading an article that said probably 20% of US CEO's are psychopaths, defined using the diagnostic tool of a PET scan.  Yes, that was actually in the NYT back in the olden days of 2014 or so.  Nice trick of them to call out CEO's of large companies as almost anyone breathing could see that possibility and believe it.  But to believe that those who truly rule are full blown psychopaths, who aren't merely CEO's of large corporations but much higher up the proverbial food chain, is simply not possible for most people.  They refuse to see it and pass it all off as mere greed, which I am not discounting here, but those who own us all are much worse than merely greedy.  They are truly the lizard brain when you think on it, everything on earth is a means to their own survival and control, period.  They are human as a species, but they aren't human at all in their deeds or desires.  And we simply cannot fathom that as it isn't in our nature and it sounds too radical for most to grasp.  It's like trying to "understand" a serial killer – you simply can't if you aren't one.

  27. Virginia, Thanks, I drink organic mint flavored tea but that makes me even more thirsty. So, I used organic mint leaves (grown by a friend here in this community in her garden), to make my own "mint only" remedy with boiling water. Sweetened with organic honey I get from a local bee keeper.

    It works great at curbing my thirst and I am grateful for your advice. I await Penny's remedies and trust both of you at helping me to get through life, with fewer ailments, and side effects from these sprayed toxic aerosols. I am in your debt.

  28. Big Corporations, Investors Scooping Up Vast Swaths of Nebraska Farmland

    Out-of-state corporate farming operations and investors spent $246 million on Nebraska farmland over the past five years, the most of any buyer type. Their deep pockets contribute to spiraling land prices that make expansion impossible for many local farmers.

    There’s never a Black Friday discount when a piece of Nebraska farmland hits the market in 2023, be it a fertile field in the Platte River Valley or a vast swath of Sandhills pastureland.

    The market’s hot. And corporate farms, both in-state and out, are dipping into their deep pockets to claim the increasingly pricey agricultural land they desire.

    The nine buyers who spent the most money on Nebraska farmland in the past five years are all corporate farming operations, real estate developers or investment firms, an analysis by the Flatwater Free Press found.

    Jeff Burnett runs one of them. He keeps his eyes peeled for listings of Nebraska ranch land from his home near Cheyenne, Wyoming.
    His livestock and cattle operation recently paid $20 million for nearly 28,000 acres of ground in Keith County and Arthur County on the southern edge of the Sandhills.

    That massive purchase made Burnett’s Wyoming-based operation the second-largest buyer of Nebraska land, by acre, in the past five years.


  29. Reports Expose US Billionaires and Corporate Profiteers Enabling Israel's War on Gaza

    …  "The top shareholders in these five defense companies largely consist of big asset managers, or big banks with asset management wings, that include BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, Capital Group, Wellington, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Newport Trust Company, Longview Asset Management, Massachusetts Financial Services Company, Geode Capital, and Bank of America," the news outlet noted.

    Eyes on the Ties also highlighted how chief executives are handsomely compensated—and the CEOs' ties to Big Pharma, the fossil fuel industry, Wall Street, and foreign policy think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations and Center for Strategic and International Studies.

    According to the report:
        •    Boeing CEO David Calhoun took in over $64 million in total compensation from 2020-22 and as of February held 193,247 shares;
        •    General Dynamics CEO Phebe N. Novakovic took in over $64 million in total compensation from 202-22 and as of March held 1,616,279 shares;
        •    Lockheed Martin CEO Jim Taiclet took in over $66 million in total compensation from 2020-22 and as of February held 56,054 shares;
        •    Northrop Grumman CEO Kathy J. Warden took in over $61 million in total compensation from 2020-22 and as of March held 161,231 shares; and
        •    RTX CEO Gregory J. Hayes took in over $63 million in total compensation from 2020-22 and as of February held 801,339 shares.
    Other reporting this week has taken aim at those CEOs for their suggestions that Israel's assault on Gaza is good for business.
    During Lockheed Martin's latest earnings call, Taiclet correctly predicted Biden's request last week, saying that "there continues to be the option… for supplemental requests related to support Ukraine, Israel, and potentially Taiwan.”

    In addition to the request for Israel—which already gets nearly $4 billion in annual U.S. military aid—Biden asked for $4 billion to counter Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific region and $61.4 billion more for Ukraine, which is battling a Russian invasion.

    "We are all witnessing significant geopolitical tensions across the globe, including the ongoing war in Ukraine and the horrific attacks in Israel," Warden said during Northrop Grumman's Thursday earnings call, according toVICE. "As we saw last week, the [Biden] administration continues to make supplemental requests for urgent needs, including those in Ukraine and Israel, to include investments in weapons systems and defense industrial base readiness."



  30. Getting in the lungs of dogs… -S

    (CNN) — An infectious respiratory disease among dogs that continues to baffle veterinarians has now been reported in at least a dozen US states, from Washington, Oregon and California to New Hampshire, Florida and Pennsylvania.

    David B. Needle, a pathologist at the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and clinical associate professor at the University of New Hampshire, and a team of researchers have been unable to identify it as any known canine respiratory disease.

    “This early metagenomic work did not reveal any RNA or DNA virus of concern, and no typical fungal or bacterial respiratory pathogens were identified,” the researchers wrote.

    Since the middle of August, the American Veterinary Medical Association said vets in Oregon have reported over 200 cases.
    The mysterious illness was described as an “atypical canine infectious respiratory disease,” by the Oregon Department of Agriculture and symptoms include coughing, sneezing, eye or nose discharge and lethargy.


    1. I'm glad you brought this up.  I'm a very fit, heath conscious person (fully organic) and I cannot figure out why my nose has been running for months on end.  I also have ringing in my ears and stinging/itchy skin. Can anyone help me figure this out?  Is anyone else experiencing this combination of symptoms? Could it be related to all the toxins we've been breathing?  Is there anything I can do to alleviate it?  I'm trying CBD with some success.  Thanks for any help.

    2. Hi Denise,

      Sorry you are suffering. I am enduring a sort of asthma, which I don't believe is asthma at all  I like homeopathic remedies which give some relief. I would imagine countless people are experiencing similar symptoms. But once these particles get into our lungs, what can we do?

      I am re-posting again this post from January. Perhaps it will give you some insight into your troubles:

       Ziggy says:
      January 1, 2023 at 5:34 am
      Last week my doctor said that all the allergy tests I had taken in early December, came back negative for reactions to anything in Nature. So, he said that my chronic sinus infections and severe allergies must be a result of exposure to pollution. But I reminded him that I am at least 150 miles from the nearest big city, and even the small town where his office is located, has to be at least 100 miles distant too. Plus, there are no industrial plants, large commercial sectors or even major highways near us. Nothing that would cause high levels of exposure on a daily basis.
      Then I said: "Could my issues be a result of breathing in toxic aerosols being sprayed by military and commercial airline planes… as part of the ongoing geoengineering operations in our skies?
      He gave me this weird look and said:  "Do you honestly believe that our government and military would purposely spray toxic materials in the sky, without our knowledge of such activities?"
      I said of course… "YES"
      He then flipped his computer screen around and opened a link from his favorites. Suddenly this website came up
      and he said:
      "Ziggy, that's exactly what is causing your sinus infections and allergies. But I can't tell my patients any of that, out of fear that they would report me and cause me to lose my practice."
      We literally sat in his office (for over and hour) and discussed all of the medical health issues that he is treating his patients for, in regards to their exposure and inhaling of so much toxic crap falling out of the sky. He has been following Dane and this website for over seven years now.
      Needless to say I made a new friend and ally in this fight to end Climate Engineering once and for all.


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