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Dane Wigington

"We need geoengineering", so says a Time Magazine report as they push for climate engineering operations that have already been deployed for over 75 years with catastrophic consequences. "Thunderstorm asthma" is sending thousands to emergency rooms, what is being seeded into these storms? Extreme droughts are hammering all the Middle Eastern countries that are not cooperating with US "foreign policy". Just a freak coincidence of nature that just happens to completely benefit the western power structure? Bloomberg news has just reported that as many as half of US and Canadian citizens may lose power this winter due to grid shutdowns. Is this just a prediction? Or what is scheduled? Temperature and weather whiplash scenarios are worsening by the day, climate intervention operations are inseparable from all of it. How long till cascading collapse goes exponential? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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30 Responses

  1. Dane talked briefly about the Wendigo at the ends of the broadcast.  I would recommend reading a short story by Algeron Blackwood entitled "The Wendigo".  It is a fantastic story that will keep you in suspense and scared after reading it.  It can be found in many places as a PDF.  Enjoy the story, it is really great. 

  2. I'm seeing so many reports around the world where the hail is coming down so much, and so fast that it is creating literal "Rivers of Hail". In some places those rivers of chemical ice nucleated hail are three to four feet deep, and stranding vehicles as it flows like a mudslide. Sometimes pushing them down the road or into even more heavily flooded ditches.

    People are starting to lose their lives to "Freak" hailstorms, and in so many cases those same locations experienced record setting high temperatures. Either just days prior, or even the day before each event.

    Contrary to the matrix media saying that the climate is simply out of control, in every corner of the globe. Rather, the climate is being controlled by the U.S. Military Cult of Conflict to create mainly heat domes, droughts and floods. To take out retribution on those nations and countries that refuse to conform to their subjugating rules or bow down in humility to their forceful might and power.

    Most Americans deny that our Federal Government and military would ever commit such atrocities. But they forget (or don't even know) that thousands of nuclear tests were performed by them… AND

    While the Trinity test was conducted as humanely as possible, with nominal effects on any humans, the studies conducted afterwards focused more and more on radiation's effects on people. Almost all these thousands of experiments were organized and funded by the United States federal government, and without the knowledge of their test subjects.

    The most notorious of these experiments, made famous by Ellen Welsome's 1993 investigative reporting, was the Manhattan's Project plutonium injections carried out upon unwitting members of the public.

    Albert Stevens was once an ordinary house painter in California, but today he is known as the most radioactive man in the world. Stevens 'earned' this title by receiving more accumulative injections of radioactive substances than any other individual on Earth. All, of course, without his knowledge or consent.

    In 1953, the AEC conducted radiation experiments on pregnant women at the University of Iowa. Here, the women were administered a large and unnecessary dose of iodine-131, the chemical largely to blame for the long-term health issues associated with nuclear meltdowns. The participating professionals gave iodine-131 to the unwitting mothers-to-be in order to deliberately cause miscarriages. The aborted fetuses and embryos were then studied to see how quickly it took the dangerous radioactive substance to breach the womb's placental barrier and begin affecting the embryos inside.

    The Walter E. Fernald School in Massachusetts, more of an asylum for children with disabilities than a school, was the site of many atrocities against the most vulnerable members of the nation. One of the worst cases occurred between 1946 and 1952 and was funded by the United States government. The AEC teamed up with the popular Quaker Oats brand of oatmeal in order to feed no less than 73 developmentally disabled children radioactive oatmeal, filled with dangerous radioisotopes. The children chosen for the experiment were told they were picked to join a "science club," and were not told of the incredibly dangerous materials they were ingesting."

    These are just a few examples of those thousands of experiments on unknowing victims of the Federal Government's Military Cult of Conflict. Not to mention the millions of test subjects from all the nuclear bomb explosion experiments.

    If you are older than thirty years of age. We are them. Wake up people. Climate weapons testing is merely the next phase of a government that aborted all their morals and ethics, long before the Trinity test was even conceived.

  3. Humans should be able to feel with their heart, what they can't fully see with their eyes. Even a prehistoric cave man would likely look up at climate engineering aerosol trails in the sky, and instantly know they couldn't possibly be good for the long term survival of his family, or the clan.

    His Natural Instincts would always guide him towards making the best choices in life, and he would NEVER become complacent to his surroundings. If he didn't see algae or fish swimming in a fresh water pond, he would not drink the water. Because if it is void of life, it may be toxic enough tp kill him.

    Aboriginal tribes and Native Americans follow those same instincts. But with us, we can clearly see everything dying around us. Yet we don't hesitate one single step in our daily routines, and tell ourselves there is nothing to worry about.

    Because Big Brother has replaced our natural instincts and he tells us how to think and react to every little nuance in our lives now. Or, we google search it and accept whatever results we find. Without ever researching the facts that may lead to another outcome, if by any chance the search results could be a computer glitch, or an AI generated anomaly.

    Technology is the New Nature and we have no spiritual or intellectual connection to planet Earth anymore. Evidenced by those who hike or walk in the wilderness, while spending all of that time on their phone.

    Can't see the forest for the "dead and dying" trees. Which really means… Can't see our own extinction coming, for the distraction of technology.

    1. Eden Lost to Insanity:

      Another reference that Dane has pointed out previously is: "Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie" 1995- directed  By Peter Kuran and narrated by- William Shatner. 

      In all honesty, I couldn't watch the whole documentary, very depressing reality, maybe I'll finish it some day?

      Thanks for your input Eden, I wasn't aware of these atrocities, not hard to imagine though.


  4. Heavy rain comes to Gaza. Climate engineering to drown those in the tunnel systems? After all, Israel is at the forefront of geoengineering technologies. Just look at their miracle desert agricultural advances that sets them apart from the rest of the world.

    1. Hello, Eden:

      "Miracle desert agricultural advances that sets them apart from the rest of the world" is not only within the purview of Israel.  During the era of Khadaffi, Libya made many areas of the Sahara wasteland a blooming, agricultural region by his building of canals and providing other water resources.  Many years of planning and implementation of the work was spent, and it was a successful enterprise for his country and people.  It no longer exists.

    2. Hi, Eden:  Interesting posts, as always.  Thanks.

      Another negative impact on the 'heavy rains planned for Gaza" is the fact that Gazans now no longer have access to fresh water or any water, and the situation is more than dire.  So, Gazans will be forced to drink the rain water they are able to collect.  Use your expertise to conclude what is in that 'rainwater' and what it will do to those who avail themselves of 'this precious gift'.   Not a good outcome, in more ways than one.


  5. stinging nettle cleans the blood – pick it when yellow green or cut it down when its young growth will grow yellow green 

  6. A article first published by the New York Times titled- "Can't Think, Can't Remember: More Americans Say They're in a Cognitive Fog." 

    I believe this is all by design, dumb us down and confuse us til we no longer pose a threat to those who believe we are nothing but useless overburden.

    I met my Guardian Angel awhile back. Understand, we are not alone in this fight and that if we stay focused, united  and embrace Love and goodness towards ourselves and others, we will surely win,  

    Thanks to Dane & Co. and to all here in this epic battle to expose the unawakened. We are the ones who we've have been waiting for.

    1. Designed cognitive fog, for sure.

      I would love to hear more about your guardian angel, Robert.

      Thank you,


    2. My reply to your question Jonathan about my encounter with my Guardian Angel.

      On a recent visit to Portland, Oregon to be with family (my home for 40 years before moving  to eastern Oregon). I had  set out to collect  groceries for the evening meal, I was on foot and had made a stop at one store and was heading to my next destination. I had walked several blocks and was turning to my next stop when I heard someone in a clear voice say, "Robert". I turned around to see a young man looking directly at me and he was holding my wallet above his head, nothing unusual about a dropped wallet, I get it. We approached each other and I was surprised at his manner of dress. He looked to be in his mid 20's and was in a finely tailored black suit with a white shirt that had silver and diamond studded lapels, I later thought it to be small wings. He was stunningly handsome, with dark hair and a trimmed beard, his height about the same as mine. What was so unusual about his dress is that it was a warm day and Woodstock Blvd. is more a bohemian culture, not suit country, he stood out in the crowd.

      As we approached each other he had a smile on his face and he said nothing as he handed me my wallet. I was trying to make sense of the whole situation when he reached out, gave me a fist bump, turned and walked away. I was confused and waiting for the cameras to appear thinking maybe this was all an act, a set up. My next move was to check the contents of my wallet to see if everything was there, it was.

      I would assume that had I dropped my wallet after my first stop I would have never seen it again, my time in Portland would have been ruined worrying about my wallet, credit cards, drivers license,money.  How is it that he met me over a quarter mile away, on a crowded avenue and he was looking straight at me when he called out my name, we had never met before. I understand he could have seen my name and picture on my drivers license, but to find me far from my last stop along a busy crowded avenue, what are the chances?  If you had retrieved my wallet wouldn't you mention as to where and how you found it. Not a word he said, but a smile and my name. As I looked back to catch a glimpse of him, he was gone and at that moment I said to myself " There goes my Guardian Angel".

      Understand, I am not a religious person in the formal sense, but I am spiritual and more so now than ever knowing what we all face down the road. I believe the only thing that will save us and the planet now is a spiritual awakening, a collective shift in consciousness to a new world, a mended beautiful world in a different dimension of time.

      I viewed a video about the great Chiefs of native America and what their thoughts were on the newly arrived plague of white invaders. Basically they thought they were mentally ill, bordering on psychotic. They were right. 

    3. It's almost comforting to know that others are experiencing the cognitive fog too.  I used to have a sharp mind.  Names, numbers etc.  Now it's as though I can't retrieve the most common words, facts, names.  I have to rely on lists and notes.  I have noticed it's worse on the heavy spraying days – along with some anxiety and my ears ring.  Will they ever stop?

  7. You have painted a grim  picture of our world, Dane, in this broadcast.  But it is, indeed, needed to be said. And the facts presented by you gave me a sense of 'what's the use of fighting? We are too far gone?"   But, no matter how little hope of regaining our prior world you then show us one must not give up.  It is a tiresome task to try to speak to people about our dying planet when their minds are unreceptive to 'more bad news'.  There are so many on this Earth who are suffering from so many disasters that 'climate engineering' is not on their list of priorities and that is understandable.  However, we can still try to at least introduce them to climate warfare and give them examples closer to home of the results of  it.   

    Thank you for your work and for awakening so many and for keeping the rest of us on our toes with so much information and motivation.  And thanks for the test results regarding the rain in Shasta County (Caifornia).   No wonder the cedars and pines on our property are dying faster than PGE can cut them down to safeguard the power lines.  Old trees with diameters of 3 feet and more in some cases – dead within a short period of time.  Heart breaking to see them felled, when just a short while ago they stood so tall and green and beautiful.   Not to be over dramatic, but it is like witnessing the murder of a loved one.






    1. Most definitely, Jonathan.  Thank you for being a kindred spirit.  Just this morning as I walked up my road, found two more very tall dead pine trees.  That makes more than 30 trees either PGE felled or I had to hire professional tree cutters in less than four years. These were all healthy trees just a short while ago.  And this piece of forest is only 12 acres.  There are three more around the house completely dead that PGE will not cut as it is not within their right of way.  So, my walks around the property are no longer happy ones viewing squirrels, birds and little red lady bugs, or the jack rabbits who used to scurry about after eating my corn. None left.  What sad days for all of us, city folks or country, we will all feel the pain, sooner or later, in one way or the other.

      Although, considering what some people of the world are now experiencing, I thank God, or whoever is in control, for my forest and humble cottage such as they are.  But, will continue the fight to keep them – such as they are.

      Peace for all.

      Thank you.


  8. [Australia] Epidemic thunderstorm asthma risk forecast


    People should be aware of the heightened risk of thunderstorm asthma in general throughout the grass pollen season and be appropriately prepared. The forecast should not replace appropriate prevention and good asthma and hay fever management, which is the best way to protect yourself from thunderstorm asthma.

    The forecasting system is also not designed to forecast the risk of individuals experiencing asthma and hay fever symptoms, which occur every year during the grass pollen season.

    People with current, past or undiagnosed asthma or hay fever are considered to be at risk. Having both asthma and hay fever or poorly controlled asthma increases the risk further. Those at increased risk should:
        •    avoid exposure to any storms that may emerge, especially the wind gusts that precede them
        •    have a reliever appropriately available (as discussed with your doctor or pharmacist)
        •    remind themselves of their asthma action plan if they have one and know the four steps of asthma first aid
        •    .
    On a high risk day the department will issue up-to-date relevant advice and warnings on the VicEmergency warning platform
    The risk forecast for the current day is only updated once, at approximately 12:30pm. Any further updates (such as public advice and warnings) will be posted on the VicEmergency website and app.




    1. and the best thing for asthma and hayfever is a tea made from stinging nettle

      the simplest things are always the best and……

      the people in authority have no clue about plants

      that's why we are in the state we are

      people in charge are so ignorant, am i surprised that we are in the world wide nature crisis……..no

  9. Having for decades now , breathing in minut aluminum, barium and God knows what else particles we all are now human attenai, easily influenced in an electrical field /storm or any other form of ELF radiation.

    This is easily seen just by shinning a strong wt led flashlight on your skin and will show a metallic sheen has built up now for decades and is quite visible to the naked eye.

    Humans are electrical first , chemical second so breathing problems in an electrical storm/field seems to me an obvious outcome./probability/possibility.

    Skin should not have a metallic sheen at all nor glisten like it does now

    This was found , noticed and photographed almost two decades ago so it's not new but should be of great concern, but isn't.

    Who really knows what they overall health impacts have been or will be but the bees haven't faired so well so it's a no brainer.

    1. That metallic sheen you refer to is on every single person that I have tested. It also appears under a black light, but you have to use a bulb with the proper wavelength to see it. Just like with the luminescence in different gemstones.

      Being more electrically charged makes it harder to fight cancer as it changes the body's PH chemistry. Then there is the lightning factor, and not to mention the disruption to the current that keeps your heart beating.

      Lightning strikes are up by more than 10,000% as a result of the ridiculously high amount of aluminum in the atmosphere, and the number of people being struck each year is also phenomenally high as well. The more aluminum that we inhale, the more chances of being struck.

      Cancer rates, heart attacks and being zapped by lightning are all skyrocketing in numbers. But the experts can't figure out why. Sound familiar?

      High amounts of aluminum, as we here all know, leads to dementia and Alzheimers. But it can also affect a person's emotional well being, by making them hear voices and do things completely out of character. Road Rage and Mass Shootings?

  10. What has happened to fruit pips? They are either absent or just the carapace with no internaI content. I only eat organic fruit (once we used to grow our own having rescued some wonderful old neglected Edwardian trees in a neglected orchard and took grafts and pippin seeds to our next). It now seems to apply to nearly all kinds of fruit: Apples, pears, quince, orange, grapefruit, lemon… I've checked with relations and friends and they say it is the same with non-organic produce…

    Once, when we had enough ground we planted apple pips to see what would happen… A very old 'Beauty of Bath' seed produced a 'sport' with the same wonderful scent and  flavour, was slightly larger and kept perfectly for about four times normal – a perfect dessert apple!

    Yet now…

    Geoff Hanham


    Dane, some of us old folk find the tiny print in this reply box almost impossible to read! Can you reset it to the same 'point' as the 'Comments' themselves? Meanwhile I find your endurance and courage both remarkable and sustaining… My heartfelt thanks!


    1. listening recently to a nine day international summit about the dangers of 5G & electromagnetic radiation from cell towers & devices (dozens of speakers from doctors & barristers to bio chemistry experts, all sorts of interesting people) I caught the last part of a talk from a lady speaking about how our fruits & vegetables have become so depleted of essential vitamins & minerals due to Big Ag farming techniques. She stated that the nutrition one used to get from 1 organically produced apple you would now have to eat 16 to get the same result! Dane has mentioned how our bodies depleted of certain minerals will pick up toxic metals in the geoengineering spray mix which mimic them. This speaker also mentioned how our depleted bodies will grab onto the toxic elements uptaking them instead of the healthy minerals we need. Everything is being contaminated by man's stupidity in attempting to best the intelligent designs of our Creator. How did we get into this mess in such a short time historically?  Short answer: Technology, laziness, apathy and greed on the parts of far too many. Sad.

    2. fruit is grown for bulk, not life and regeneration

      tis grown so it can "travel", changing shape to grow square tomatoes was attempted to optimize packing – hahahaha mad stuff

      the hybridisation of plants by humans makes for stupidity and lack of strength of plants

      a quick buck is all big farming conglomerates want – no real "farmers" are left – food is now an industrial process

      lack of minerals and vitamins is the result of not feeding the soil – feed the soil (keeping it in good heart) and plants get fed subsequently

      "they" say we do not have enough food so need big factory farming!!

      we need to grow local native foods, get our medicines from the plants between the food plants and stop throwing food away – one third of food is dumped, thrown away!!

      that aint going to happen cos most people are too lazy to think about what they are doing, in any part of their lives

      moronic is the key word for humans

      how do i know that – i live amongst them (neighbours) and move amongst them (other two legged idiots)

      take care of yourselves

      much love to all


      sun is burning hot – felt like a flame being held to my skin – quite scary

      and then at night – so cold!!!

      we have little or no atmosphere

  11. Weather as Warfare

    We need some analysis here:  Country / Region / County or State or Province / Geological Terrain /  Location (if specific) / Nature of Event: Drought / Flood/Storm / Etc./ Date & Duration / Political status contra 'The Imperium' /  Anything else relevant… (My apologies, I've had a couple of sleepless nights so I'm not very coherent this morning).

    Collate all this onto an easily searchable database displaying all parameters with timelines and all associative events.

    If my memory serves me correctly, there was regular flooding of some recalcitrant  countries capital cities quite a while back, that brought them back into line; Paris needed three 'slaps on the wrist as I recall… Also Malmo (?)…

    But the above is just an incoherent thought over some wonderful organic Yirgacheffe coffee (while it lasts!)…

    Geoff Hanham

    My late wife could have easily done this for you but alas…

  12. Earth just experienced its hottest 12-month span in recorded history.

    The researchers used a special form of analysis, known as attribution science, to investigate the influence that human-caused climate change had on temperatures around the world. The analysis relies on computer climate models, which can produce simulations of the world both with and without global warming. These simulations tell scientists the extent to which climate change has played a role in any given heat event.

    To get a sense of the latest conditions on Earth, its researchers examined temperature data in 175 countries. They found that 170 countries experienced above-average heat across the yearlong range, while only two — Iceland and Lesotho — saw cooler-than-average temperatures.

    The researchers found that a total of about 7.3 billion people worldwide — around 90 percent of the planet’s total population — experienced at least 10 total days of temperatures that were made at least three times more likely to occur by global warming.

    My personal thoughts on this report.

    This trend by scientists to use global warming and climate change as the reasons for extreme heat, to hide geoengineering's part in all of this, is beginning to be very, very sickening! Literally.

    Global warming and climate change have never created toxic aerosol clouds in the atmosphere that absorb solar thermal radiation in the day, then traps that latent ambient heat at the surface like a blanket at night. Neither of them has ever magically produced desiccants out of thin air that takes away moisture from rain producing clouds. Nor do they combine aerosols and microwave transmissions to create anomalously long-lasting high-pressure heat domes that do not move in the atmosphere. Even when acted upon by a strong jet stream or very powerful tropical depressions and storms.

    Global warming influences the climate and geoengineering controls the climate. The hottest twelve months in human history would likely only happen in about 300 years from now, when human induced warming of the planet had enough influence to change the climate. But we reached that twelve-month landmark tipping point in just a few short years, when compared to the overall temperature averages going back to the dawn of human evolution. And especially when compared to the gradual rise in temperatures after the industrial revolution.

    Global warming leading to climate change does not create rapid anomalous spikes, or even off the chart peaks in high temperatures that increase exponentially year after year. (at the rate we are now seeing)

    Geoengineering has exasperated and driven Earth's climate systems into a maximized feedback loop effect that is responsible for the hottest duration records in history.

    No other anthropogenic activity, or combination there of could logically do what these scientists are claiming… in just a few short years. Only geoengineering has that capability and every single person who has warned us of the adverse effects, when trying to engineer the climate… Has told us this repeatedly. "It could be hazardous to our health." 

    Well, yes! They are likely spraying chemicals and pathogens capable of giving us all asthma. But even when you spend months suffering intolerable conditions under a stifling artificially created HAARP heat dome. See if you don't come down with asthma symptoms, like we all have now in this Texas community. And those symptoms became much worse since we received over twenty-three inches of rain in just a few short days, from a train of serious thunderstorms that left a thick murky gray residue on everything. ( my vehicles were spotless clean, but after the rains stopped, they looked like I had driven them through a freak mixture of "Super Fog" and an Apocalyptic dust storm.)

    But since all these climate science experts publishing reports like this, have been paid to say that geoengineering is just one possible solution that's on the drawing board, and not currently being used. No one can point the finger at the real culprit behind the hottest twelve months in human history.

    Convenient, isn't it? Hide their cash cow while spreading doom and gloom. Just to make the world believe they are on top of things, and nothing gets by them. When their conscience must be telling them: "We can stop this, if we just do the right thing and admit to the truth."

    But that's assuming of course, they even have a conscience. Dirty money has bought their soul, and as we all know, an empty shell has no morals or ethics.

  13. Chemical Industry Spent $110 Million on Lobbying Since 2019 to Derail Regulations

    A new report from the national advocacy organization Food & Water Watch details more than $110 million was spent on lobbying by the chemical industry from 2019 to 2022 on scores of bills introduced in Congress, including many to address the crisis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, contamination throughout the country.

    A new report from the national advocacy organization Food & Water Watch details more than $110 million spent on lobbying by the chemical industry from 2019 to 2022 on scores of bills introduced in Congress, including many to address the crisis of PFAS contamination throughout the country.

    As public awareness of the dangers of PFAS to human health grew over the last decade, so too did the corporate lobbying intended to derail action by Congress to hold the polluting industry accountable for cleanup and mitigation efforts.

    Toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are commonly known as “forever chemicals” because they do not readily break down in the environment. Today PFAS are found virtually everywhere — including in the blood of nearly all Americans — and analyses estimate the cost of proper cleanup in the country to be billions of dollars.

    Specifically, the report, “PFAS & The Chemistry of Concealment,” found major PFAS companies and associated trade groups employed an army of lobbyists and spent more than $110 million lobbying since 2019:
        •    From 2019 to 2022, PFAS-related bills and issues appeared in lobbying reports from eight major PFAS manufacturers, including historic manufacturers Dow and DuPont. These reports collectively total $55.7 million in corporate lobbying expenditures.
        •    During the same period, PFAS also appeared in lobbying reports from the American Chemistry Council, the lobbying arm of the industry, totaling an additional $58.7 million.
        •    Over this time, Congress introduced more than 130 bills related to PFAS cleanup and mitigation. Of these, only four became law (along with four National Defense Authorization Act bills that mention PFAS); none of those addressed the underlying responsibility of the industry to fund cleanup efforts.
        •    A top target of the industry was the PFAS Action Act (of 2019 and 2021), a comprehensive bill that would have designated two major PFAS as hazardous substances under the Superfund program. The eight PFAS manufacturers paid a total of 28 lobbyists to fight the 2019 version of the bill. Eventually, the bill passed the House but was killed by the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Two-thirds of current committee members accepted campaign contributions from PFAS manufacturers and more than half accepted contributions from the American Chemistry Council.

    “Chemical corporations lied to the public for years about the alarming health impacts of PFAS. Now that the truth about the many harms of PFAS has been exposed, the industry is trying to dodge liability by wielding its vast lobbying arsenal. Meanwhile, communities from coast to coast are left footing the enormous bill for PFAS contamination in their drinking water, on their farmland and in their bodies,” said Amanda Starbuck, research director at Food & Water Watch.

    “We will keep eating, drinking and breathing toxic chemicals until the federal government steps up to stop PFAS manufacturing and hold polluters accountable for cleanup.”
    This press release was republished from Food & Water Watch.


  14. How The Billionaire Elite Manipulate The World


    The fact that a tiny elite control much can be seen in that  even seemingly opposing and competing brands, such as Coke and Pepsi, are usually owned by the same company, says Herland.  The same applies to supposedly opposing “leftist” and “rightist” media. Six corporations control 90% of all U.S. media. As for the political arena, the “richest 0.01% have accounted for 40% of all campaign contributions through corporate donations.”

    In short, “These mastodonte private companies completely dominate our way of life, what we eat, drink, watch on TV, what we wear, and who we vote for.”

    Little wonder that, no matter what happens in the world, and no matter how such developments are detrimental to the average person, the ultra-rich tend to only get richer. According to Herland, “82% of all wealth generated in 2017 went to the richest 1% among us, while the poorest world population of 3.7 billion saw no increase in wealth.”

    But it’s worse than that; there seems to be a direct correlation between how much poorer the average man gets and how much richer the billionaires get.  Writes Herland,

    [T]he richest among us made billions of dollars on the COVID-19 world tragedy, while the world’s poor plunged into unimaginable poverty…  The shutdown strategy made the billionaires’ profit soar.  In the span of just a few months in 2020, Bill Gates made $75 billion, Jeff Bezos $67.9 billion, Mark Zuckerberg $37.8 billion, and Elon Musk $33.6 billion.

    Meanwhile, 48% of small business owners in America experienced severe economic turmoil — with fully one-third of them going bankrupt, and with Black-owned businesses suffering disproportionately — due to this lockdown that otherwise profited the billionaires.

    From a macro-historic perspective, the  West is slowly regressing, and the ultra-rich are becoming “the globalist version of feudal lords, as the new Western slave class emerges beneath them.”

    1. bill $75, jeff $67, mark $37, elon $33 did you write billion

      from what i understand the richest man in the world is a pakistani doctor, whose name i do not know and he doesn't like publicity, and he's not to be found on the internet but he is meant to be very, very, very, rich 

      what about the people who own oil?

      hahahaha aren't they all nuts – aren't humans nuts?

      what did prof gutenberg (? spelling) find out from research – that only about 3% of humans want to know what's coming??!!

      hahahaha what a cowardly and ignorant species we are!

      seems silly – all of this – maybe this is what old age does for you – i love the small creatures that give me joy but these two legged idiots that call themselves human – how come they are so ignorant what a good life means

      although being alive is so painful as i watch our horrible ways – neighbours and global people seem mindless – nothing in that brain whatsoever

      so glad that i had good parents and a good training in the methodist church (dad was a non believer in the ritual church) otherwise i think that i may have given myself up to insanity

      the other thing that keeps me same is your website dane

      and all the wonderful awake people that are the real awake club

      thank you all for my sanity


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