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Dane Wigington

Extreme hail events have just hammered Colorado, Texas, Kansas and parts of the Northeastern US, climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations are core to the equation. Temporary toxic surface cooldowns are a constant objective of the geoengineers, the resulting consequences aren't a consideration for them. Snow fell this week in Utah while in the far North polar ice is melting and Arctic forests are incinerating, the planet's former energy balance has been completely capsized. Earth's oceans are superheating, thus further fueling the already ongoing and accelerating mass die-off of marine life. What will it take to wake the masses? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. 

Mainstream sources say "dimming the sun” is only a proposal. What do you think?
Dunedin, Florida. Photo credit: the photographer wishes to remain anonymous
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Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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21 Responses

  1. Dane- It continues to be a "blue hole" in the Tucson Arizona area. We're back to, and have had mostly clear skies and not a drop of rain for over four months.

    There was a brief few days of spraying last week and a one day artificial overcast that made me think they were starting to mess with our upcoming monsoon season. And then we're back to clear blue skies.

    All the hail storms in Colorado at Red Rocks and Denver make me wonder what's going on. Artificially induced drought in one area and hail, rain and floods in another.

    Looking forward to the monsoon season coming up. Hope it's a good one, we need the rain, but not out of control flooding. -Vic

  2. Truly afraid almost panic, l know 6/19/23 that they cannot hide it anymore. 

    Dane was right this whole time, power structure is about to go nuts.   Go high mountain,  go underground, go undersea, no for a polar cap but it's a risky dice roll. 

    God bless you all, going to replay Ill fly away ans cry into my coffee.

  3. Brad Panovich Charlotte NC weather dude posting interesting reasons for the bizarre severe weather that took place this afternoon….an all or nothing capping inversion situation. Not quite Brad! It's Geoengineered. 

  4. Check your impulses!  The family dinner went awry when I swallowed two small barbeque bites, too hungry.  During the 2 hour (can't swallow) purge, Frontline documentary- 'Poison Waters' was on the tube.  Of course, a few clips of a younger RFK jr were featured in this docu.  Alert people to Dane's interview with RFK jr.  Bring their priority to the majority.

    One concluding remark at the end of docu. (I didn't find his name) RE:  Chesapeake Bay, Puget Sound, etc.  "Estuaries & wetlands are worth  more than we could calculate.  If we could persuade the public- the value of the wetlands in terms of the web of life, we would be guarding them as crown jewels, instead of using them as our great sewage dump." 

    Ironically, Minnesotans' wetland preservation is funded in large part by the state lottery.  Being part of that cause was a blast.  Don't let your impulse mistakes get you down!  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.     

  5. The Companies That BlackRock 'Controls' The Most Of | ZeroHedge

    A week after an employee of the world’s largest asset management company, BlackRock, described how the company attempts to stay out of the media spotlight while buying politicians and profiting off of war (according to undercover footage obtained by the O’Keefe Media Group), we thought it worth a look at just what companies does the 34-year-old company have the most control of.

    As a reminder, in footage secretly recorded by undercover journalists in New York, a BlackRock recruiter named Serge Varlay explains how the investment company is able to “run the world.”

    “They [BlackRock] don’t want to be in the news. They don’t want people to talk about them. They don’t want to be anywhere on the radar,” Varlay said.

    Varlay told a OMG journalist in the footage that BlackRock manages $20 trillion worldwide (it's actually around $9 trillion). “It’s incomprehensible numbers,” he said.

    “You can take this big ____ ton of money and buy people, I work for a company called Black Rock… It’s not who is the president it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president.
    You could buy your candidates. First, there is the senators these guys are ____ cheap. Got 10 grand you can buy a senator. I’ll give you 500k right now. It doesn’t matter who wins, they’re in my pocket.”

    Google (Class A)
    Google (Class C)
    UnitedHealth Group

    the 25 companies + full article here:



  6. From Netweather UK

    'Hot-weather-ending-with-thunderstorms as  the June Monsoon Arrives!'  A  WHAT?!  A 'Monsoon' in England? Oh right…

    Sorry, we are talking about a small island off the coast of France, marooned in the howling wastes of the North Atlantic and North Sea! We are not talking about East Timor!

    A June 'Monsoon' in England? A WHAT?

    Excuse my near apoplexy, but I am well over seventy years old and I know my region's and my country's weather. June used to be a mild to warm month when the rain was slight  and known for its irritating propensity to have a lengthy dribble on the weekends when you had something jolly planned for the outdoors… The ancient Romans said that you should do nothing in June as it was an inauspicious month…

    Thunder in July and August? Yes! and it could be beautiful in Bristol and North Somerset… Even in coastal Devon… And the ood 'cloudburst' (usually at the weekend!)… But a 'Monsoon' was what you read about as a schoolboy in short trousers and your school uniform in the 1950s told in 'Gripping tales of the Empire'! (nb I am anti-imperialist and as a Somerset Celt still have a lingering resentment against the Roman Imperium!).

    As an old 17th Century English playright wrote: 'Tis a mad world, my Masters!' 

    Somehow or other, a tiny bank vole has somehow found a way into our back yard in the center of this bleak town… She has come for some of the bird seed and is quite unafraid… 

    Thank you Dane!

    1. Bless you Geoff and the precious animals you care for. Like a page out of The Wind In The Willows, the little ones are there among us, often quiet and unnoticed, though each possessing the same Divine Spark of the Creator as you and I.

      At the supermarket today, I noticed a flock of sparrows, about 12-15, eating something un-appetizing that had been spilled on the pavement. It was sad. They were so hungry…

      I went in and got a small bag of birdseed, and when I went back out to the truck, I poured it out for them in a safe place nearby. Behind my office I keep water and birdseed year round to help the little ones.

      Bless you, friend.

  7. Montana is often mentioned in patriot survival circles as a go to place  to escape tyranny. For various reasons, climate collapse is not an issue for many of them. Survival to them is dependent  on  joining up  with like minded patriots somewhere like Montana.

    On 6/15, a dose of reality was dealt to that plan. The Great Falls Gun Store in Montana was raided by 20 IRS and ATF  employees. They confiscated the 4473 forms which are required for gun purchases. This happened at about 7 a.m. They were there most of the day.

    One of  the supposed advantages to a state like Montana is that the local law enforcement is not like other places. They'll stand up for your God given rights. Well, according to KRTV,  the local police were notified in advance of the raid. Needless to say, they didn't help Tom Van Hoose, the owner of the Great Falls Gun Store .

    The cruel lessen here is that there is nowhere to hide, whether it's from the spraying in the skies overhead or  a place where you think you can distance yourself from the tyranny of today.   

    "The politicians of your country will always try to encircle you with the high walls of lies. You must know the truth beyond the walls and without meeting the truth, you  cannot meet the freedom."

    Mehmet Murat ildan

    There are many wonderful reasons to live in Montana. However, wherever one chooses to live, the individual should make time for  Dane's bad news broadcast. The honorable next step would be to make time to educate others about the unfolding climate catastrophe. 

  8. I was reminded by another Native American friend this morning that the two most important moments of your life are the moment you were born, and the moment you discover why.

  9. If you listen in at about 30 minutes into the audio you will hear Dane talking about the nuclear reactors. Think about this. When power grids ultimately fail, even if it's just a few at a time here and there around the world, but fail they will inevitably if this madness is not stopped and possibly even if it is.

    If the nuclear power plants have to rely on diesel fuel powered generators as backup sources of electricity to run the machinery to cool down the power plants.

    If power grids fail long enough or in a widespread enough geographic basis, there will be significant additional breakdowns in supply chains. And this includes diesel fuel. The minute the diesel fuel runs out and cannot be resupplied, the effect of nuclear PowerPoints go into meltdown and there's no stopping it.

    Question. Do you think this information is worth sharing with people you know? In a world where people are so addicted to the dopamine hits they get from their electronic devices and rarely look up, perhaps most of the people you know and your circle of influence have never considered this fact. Well, perhaps now is the time to do so. Perhaps now is the time to talk to your board of commissioners and your particular town or whatever the equivalent is in other countries.

    I'm at the opinion that we have nothing to lose and there were all in or all out.

    Be fearless in sharing information. Think of the countless human lives as well as the lives of countless more plantest animals who either don't have a voice to cry out for help or who are so marginalized by society that most of society pays a little, if any attention to them.

    My friends, you may very well be the only voice they ever have. It is up to each of us to work within our sphere of influence to do the best we can to get the most and the best information possible out to as many people has possible. I have to go to the supermarket in just a little bit. Fortunately it's still open. Guess what? I'm going to be leaving in some of the carts while I'm there? Geo watch materials. Think about it as waking up one mind at a time.

    The mockingbird media and it's kind of parts. Another countries has been diabolically successful. We're fighting a multi-trillion dollar propaganda effort.

    At the same time, I have to believe that love is the greatest force in the universe, and the truth. And our sharing of the truth is an expression and an extension of that love.

  10. I have talked with many professional truckers over the years, many who have had govt contracts. 

    They have told me many stories of the underground roads, etc.

    One mentioned a delivery of tons of frozen meat to be stored… below.

    1. To be more specific, the delivery I was told about was 4 million pounds of frozen meat.

    2. hahahahaha

      and once the +hit hits the fan 'they' think they can hide and survive


      there's none so mad as those that don't know they are!


  11. Hail! Hail! The gang's all here! I wonder what song was playing at the time of the h.s.? 

    3M is one of the worst companies- oh hell, they are ALL the worst companies!

    Sewage is the future of water. Here, in Reno, they are working on ways to treat our wastewater and make it safe to drink just by reinjecting into wells and waiting for, time and darkness, I guess, to make it all better! So much to look forward to if any of us even live that long.

    Thanks for another awesome hour of "Bad News!" I look forward to hearing you again next week. 

    1. Destroy all agricultural crops,

      Poision the fields and the water,

      What's left is certain and that's exactly what is planned!

  12. The Sun Dance has been taking place this week in South Dakota among the Lakota people. A friend of mine is there now. She is going to be receiving a packet of materials from the website. It will probably arrive today. She is going to be reaching out to Lakota leaders and elders in the days and weeks to come with the hope of sharing information with them about what is being done to the sacred planet we were given as a temporary home.

    I encourage everybody to try to share information from the website and links to the broadcasts with people who will be well positioned to share this information with many other people. Remember the principal of synergy.


  13. For those who may be new to this community, I can tell you from personal experience that the number of insects is decreasing, dramatically. Here out in the country in Eastern North Carolina, when I moved here about 16 years ago, there were more insects and more types of insects than I had ever seen anywhere I had lived. I would estimate that now, the number of insects in my particular location has decreased at least 75% in the last 2 to 3 years.

    We have several tree frogs and several toads who live at the house. Nothing like the numbers we used to have. I turn the porch lights on at night to try to attract a few extra insects with a hope that some of them may provide food for the frogs and toads. This time of year there should be insects everywhere and I'm not seeing the numbers I used to see by any stretch of the imagination.

    So you will hear Dane talking about crashing insect populations. My personal observation is that he is absolutely correct. I'm also not seeing a lot of bats anymore, either. They used to be extremely common here. Now. I almost never see them. We do have some bees and have a number of different kinds of bees in North Carolina, but not the numbers of honey bees that we used to have. I share this to confirm what Dane is telling you and offer it with the hope that it will encourage people to help join the fight in sounding the alarm. You can order educational materials through the website. You can leave these with your tip at a restaurant, or when you pay a bill put a card in with the payment. You can leave these at public bulletin boards or at public libraries. There are so many opportunities. Who knows? Materials that you share may be the ones that help to reach that critical level of awareness he's always talking about striving for.

    Never give up and always be encouraged. Look the storm in the eye.




  14. The Atlantic Is On Fire | ZeroHedge
    Parts of the Atlantic Ocean are experiencing an "exceptional" marine heatwave, sparking concerns about marine life impacts off the coasts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, while scientists — particularly ones who monitor hurricanes are worried about an active season in the tropics.

    Meteorologist Colin McCarthy tweeted, "We are witnessing one of the most extreme marine heatwave events ever recorded in modern history." He said a 4,000-mile-long stretch of superheated water extends from the coastal waters off of West Africa to the coastal waters just south of Iceland.

    A ~4,000 mile long stretch of severe marine heatwave conditions extends all the way from the coastal waters off of West Africa to the coastal waters just south of Iceland. We are witnessing one of the most extreme marine heatwave events ever recorded in modern history.

    Parts of the North Sea are experiencing the highest temperatures in decades. Some areas are under category four marine heat wave – defined as "extreme," according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Water temperatures in some areas are 9 Fahrenheit above average levels for this time of year.

    "The eastern Atlantic, from Iceland down to the tropics, is much warmer than average. But areas around parts of north-western Europe, including parts of the UK, have among some of the highest sea-surface temperatures relative to average," Stephen Belcher, the Met Office's chief scientist, said in a statement.

    Met Office Chief Scientist Professor Stephen Belcher said, "May 2023 has seen the highest temperatures of any May since 1850."

    The heatwave is "very exceptional," Mika Rantanen, a researcher at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, told CNN. He said it's "currently the strongest on Earth."

    Richard Unsworth, an associate professor of biosciences at Swansea University in the UK, said the Atlantic heatwave is "totally unprecedented."

    Scientists alarmingly indicate that superheated water might adversely affect marine life because warm water holds less oxygen.

    Forecasters said the abnormally hot waters in the tropical area of the Atlantic could already be responsible for two disturbances heading towards the Caribbean Sea.

    Some areas in the Atlantic have recorded temperatures only seen during peak hurricane season in September, indicating this could be a long hot summer ahead.

    Meteorologist Ben Noll said these much warmer than average waters in the topics are happening in an area known to be a "breeding ground for hurricanes."


    1. Thanks as always, Susan.

      The North-East Coast of Britain is not the cheeriest part of the U.K. Grey cold seas, grey skies… Often it seems that the chill winds are bthe  very essense of grey… Yet now these notoriously cold coastal  seas in this area have warmed suddenly by between 3 to 5 degrees (Source BBC www news (4 to 5 degrees BBC R4). But according to professor Albert Klein Tank, head of the U.K. Metrological Office Hadley Climate Research Centre, the climate has not passed a tipping point – oh right…  The U.K. M.O. – has an 'interesting' history and data sourcing input…

      Link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-65948544

      If I remember my old readings of mythology correctly, the Roman God Janus had in reality not just two faces but four…

      Geoff Hanham



    2. here in essex we are irradiating in the suns dangerous rays

      then the filth is sprayed, covers the sky and holds the water from the earth that build up as clouds……………….

      and then its gone………. into the great hydrogen clouds into space

      nothing is held…..no recycling…..no interaction…….all dissolves

      have you heard it is thought that the amount of water that we have taken out of the earth – the underground aquifers – has altered the spin of the planet 

      how long can this earth last at the rate we are destroying it

      just spent some time taking copper ties out of a cardboard box – straight from china – just destruction in the name of business and power – beautiful red copper – just used like it can be replaced – how can i throw it away???

      we seem to becoming so stupid

      and just at the time when the academics are beginning to realise that ancient peoples were remarkable intelligent and could do things that we have absolutely no clue about and couldn't replicate now

      just keep laughing at our stupidity – otherwise it is too hard to bear

  15. Uproar Over ‘Apeel’ Food Coating Sheds Light on Big Ag’s Capture of Organic Food Agencies • Children's Health Defense

    After controversy surrounding Apeel — a Gates-funded synthetic fungicide and fruit coating — sparked concern over how chemicals are approved in organic products, agribusiness watchdog OrganicEye this week demanded the U.S. Department of Agriculture break Big Food’s stranglehold on the process for approving certified organic foods.

    Agribusiness watchdog OrganicEye this week petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish formal regulatory oversight for the public and private organizations that determine what products can be labeled organic.

    The request comes after a recent social media controversy surrounding a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded synthetic fungicide and fruit coating — Apeel — sparked public debate about potentially dangerous synthetic products and herbicides that make it into the food system under the “organic” label.

    “The conflicts of interest in this process are mind-boggling,” said Mark Kastel, executive director of Wisconsin-based OrganicEye. “It’s time for the USDA to change direction to comply with the intent of Congress and save the value of the organic label for ethical farmers and their loyal customers.”

    Full article:


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