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Dane Wigington

Physicists have now officially "predicted" that Earth will become a "chaotic" world with "dire consequences". Have the so called experts acknowledged climate engineering operations yet? No. Fresh snow in Utah while the Texas coast hits heat index temperatures of over 120F. Summer snow is also in the forecast for portions of Western Canada where record high temperatures and wildfires have raged for weeks. What's wrong with this picture? Another group of "experts' has just authored a report stating "geoengineering is shockingly inexpensive". They further suggest that we should "embrace" geoengineering and put aside our "unfounded" fears. Welcome to the planetary asylum, how long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. 

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

      GW flyer packet 300   GeoengineeringWatch.org booklets, DVD

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29 Responses


    From: https://www.nativeculturestores.com/stores/best-selling

    When Dane talks about the (MODERN) human tendency to pillage, pollute, etc. on the planet we were given as a temporary home, it makes me think about the very different attitude of the indigenous peoples of the world towards Nature and Nature's Creator.



    𝐎𝐟 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬

    I am the largest land animal in North America and my picture often symbolizes the American West during the time of settlers, wagon trains, Cowboys and Indians, and you will even see my image on some of your money.

    You likely know me as the American Buffalo, although in technical terms some of you refer to me as Bison. By what name I am known to you is not as important as the role we have played throughout life history.

    When the explorer Columbus landed on Turtle Island in the late 1400's, my family population was estimated at nearly 60,000,000 and our home range was the majority of what is now called the United States, with some of our Wood Bison cousins living in the area of Canada. By 1890, our estimated population was around one thousand as we neared total extinction from being hunted by settlers, and slaughtered by others to starve out the 'Indians'.

    Although some of your ancestors of that time raised concerns about this slaughter, nothing was actually done to bring it to an end as the government encouraged this killing to meet their goal of containing the Plains Indians. Sadly, this apathy among your kind continues to this day as cattle ranchers have taken land once ours to range their cattle for profit. This may not raise alarm with some of you concerning us, but consider that the greatest slaughter of my family took place between 1850 and 1890, and if we were to be killed at the rate of 1000 per day, it would take 164 of your years to complete this cycle, and yet, humans were able to achieve this in less than 40 years. This gives you an idea of what my family endured at the hands of humans.

    This demonstrates the mindset of those whose life quest was based on greed for land and genocide of a native people; those who lived in harmony with their surroundings knowing that how they treated the earth and her inhabitants would come back full circle to their way of life.

    Native Americans had great respect for my family members and took what they needed without killing an entire herd. We were honored with song and dance and our spirits were respected with the ensuing hunt. Our numbers were not greatly affected by their hunting as we were prolific and maintained our ability to do our part in keeping the natural world in balance.

    There are many things you can learn about yourself from my family as we all share this small planet together. Native People looked to nature for lessons, warmth and livelihood and realized that all natural things are teachers and speak to us if only we take time to listen.

    The males in my family can grow to around 2000 pounds and nearly 6 feet high at the shoulders, and although we may seem to be slow and cumbersome, we can run to speeds of 35 miles per hour. This is good to remember when meeting others of your species so that you don't assume one thing about that person when something entirely different may be the case. When we graze, we continue to move so we do not lay waste to the land and our hooves loosen the earth as we walk, run, or wallow which in turn makes it easier for grasses to grow and critters to dig. This is a reminder to you that there will be times you must move quickly and times to move more at ease, but whatever your pace, be considerate of what you are doing to our Earth Mother and not destroy or disrespect what is around you.

    Our great strength is needed to walk this journey we have been given and will teach you that there will be times in your own life that you will need great strength to continue on your path and reach your goals. When the snow is heavy and food is scarce, we will use our massive heads to push snow aside and find grasses lying underneath. Keep in mind that as we do this, so you also can use your head in stressful situations rather than giving in to panic. Look at the whole situation, use your head (emotions don't move snow very well) and keep going until you resolve the situation or find the grass you are looking for. The cold winds of change will figuratively blow through your life from time to time and emotional winters can be endured with the right type of insulation. Our heavy winter hair is a reminder to you of this and just as you see us shed this heavy coat in the spring, so you are reminded that there will come the day you can shed the concerns you had during that winter time that settled upon your path.

    Native Americans wasted nothing we had to offer. Our bones were tools and weapons, our hides clothing and shelter, our bladders water and boiling bags, and even our tails made good fly swatters. They understood, and many still understand, that taking a life is a serious thing and when this must be done, honor should be a large part of the process leaving little to zero waste. Here I would ask you humans to think about how much waste is created on your earth walk as you eat and build homes, buy new things or just get tired of what you have had for a time. Settlers and hunters were known to kill us, take our tongues and hides and leave the rest to rot on the plains. Waste created by greed and lack of respect. We Buffalo had no need for landfills nor did we bury toxic waste beneath the skin of our Earth Mother. All worked in a beautiful cycle from our birth to our fertilizing the ground in our death and in feeding others.


  2. Good morning from Southwest N.M., yesterday was a repeat of destroying our rain clouds with SAG/SRM/SAI. It's so evident for the watchful eye. They are running amuck

  3. Thanks again, Dane for another eye opening broadcast. Unfortunately,although we live in an asylum, the patients are not insane. They are merly brainwashed by the the few immoral scoundrels that hold the vast majority of the cards. What a deadly combination are the controllers coupled with the herd mentality that appears as the easy way out, but likely the final way out for us all.

    Enjoyed the herd study you presented last week.  A whole elaborate study for one person who represents the many. I'm sure that they would not have used you as the subject of the study or the laugh would have been on them.

    God bless you. I am honored to know you and assist in your invaluable efforts.


  4. Thank you Earth Angel. I just prayed my prayer up to the Creator on behalf of all life here on Earth. I believe that no matter from what tradition or with what language, sincere, heartfelt prayers reach the Creator.

  5. There have recently been many reports of unusual military activity on the alternative media. People are said to have seen tanks and other military vehicles on streets and public highways and low flying helicopters and military jets. Some of these military vehicles are said to have been carrying large quantities of razor wire of the kind which is placed on top of fences for security reasons. Reports have so far come from California, Idaho, New York and South Carolina and also parts of Canada. I don't know what to make of these reports because I have not had enough time to properly investigate this issue. I don't automatically believe anything I read or hear on the alternative media. That would be  just as stupid as automatically believing anything I see or hear on the mainstream media. Does anyone out there have what they believe to be credible information on this issue of unusual military activity? Or better yet, has anyone seen this unusual activity themselves?

    1. Hi Garry,

      This has been going on for a very long time, but in a low key. The 'signal' was the pre-covid NATO and USA exercises in the USA, the U.K. and Europe… Mainly anti-population and 'kontrol' meaures… And n.b. a steep rise in Propaganda and M.K. There is still much documentation of this on-line… A 'signal' one in the UK was the  U.S. Carrier Task Force 'blockading' Scotland… We live in 'Interesting' and probably terminal times… Anyone who has even peripheral access to current 'Sigint' and 'Elint' will not be 'Happy Bunnies' – as the old English saying goes… Be as kind as you possibly can to everyone you love… And to the innocent Wild Ones that our old way of life depended on (and still does…)

      Geoff Hanham


    2. This is almost a year late, but presently in the state of AZ we have had a very large amount of low flying helicopters. Black Hawk type as my grandson noted the other day.. Also had one particular day military jets flying low. Felt like everything was shaking and the noise was unbelievably loud as the swooped so close to our neighborhood. 


    Thank you so much Earth Angel; if only I had 'beauty and wisdom' in my soul – oh if only!  But my beloved and beautiful wife had so much love for the wild ones… How could I not follow as best I can, for she gave and taught me the meanings and blessings  of Love – as have the Wild Ones… But oh, the loss of her…


    (On the 19th, a solitary Tortoiseshell butterfly arrived on the Valerian but was too wind-buffeted to settle… The first I have seen this year… Once literally hundreds would cover the budhlia bushes in the blitzed ruins of Bristol together with 'Painted Ladies, Orange Tips, Gate-keepers, Red Admirals and so many others… And that lovely high-summer scent of grass after a thunder storm and the hum of returning bees tumbling amongst the stamens covered with pollen…



  7. Hello to all and the Fathers who should be enjoying life and unfortunately we are not at Peace. He does not like to see his kids oppressed down here. We are literally going through hell but we won't stay here in the end. The ruthless people enjoying their evil on us will pay, no doubt in torment. Can't mock the Lord. Winds are not the norm and it's happening everyday, HAARP for sure with the Military Industrial Complex behind these works. We are in desert at over 4000 ft. elevation, the rain clouds are decimated. Crazy how this country says it's a God fearing Nation. The desert becomes a playground for the evil being that the wars that we are in predominately are in deserts of other countries. Of course by now we know we are expendable, hell awaits them. 

    1. We had rain clouds later today 6-19-23 only to be destroyed with chemical spraying. We have taxation with very little representation of no back bone. They are a bunch of Gremlins up there flying & destroying 

  8. Some predictions of things to come (or may come without intervention from the public) can be found in ancient writings. "And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven (the sky) every stone about the weight of a talent…" Book of Revelation 16:21, KJV.

    1. Hi Laura,

      I fear that the 'Horsemen's' shadows are all too clearly present  – "Behold a Gray Horse" ? In another culture we are amidst the rerminal phase of the Kali Yuga… One of Ravi Shankar's last compositions was chilling…

      I think that those who Love, already know in their hearts; but as Dylan Thomas once said, we must "Rage, rage against the Dying of the Light" and be above all, be "Yes Sayers" for the incredible gift of Life and the Love that can only follow the Light…

      Geoff Hanham





  9. For 40 Years, Dupont and 3M Hid Studies Showing PFAS Chemicals Cause Serious Harm to Human Health
    According to the authors of the new study in the Annals of Global Health, Dupont and 3M used the same tactics the tobacco industry employed to delay public awareness of the toxicity of PFAS chemicals and delay regulation of their use.

    For 40 years, Dupont and 3M knew PFAS chemicals posed a danger to human health — but they hid the evidence from regulators, employees and the public so they could continue selling their toxic products.
    According to the authors of the new study in the Annals of Global Health, “the chemical industry used the tactics of the tobacco industry to delay public awareness of the toxicity of PFAS and, in turn, delayed regulations governing their use.”
    During the decades the two companies hid their own scientists’ research on the health risks of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances’ (PFAS), the so-called “forever chemicals” — which take hundreds of years to break down in the environment became ubiquitous in the water, air, soil and human bodies.

    PFAS chemicals were introduced into a wide variety of consumer goods, such as nonstick cookware, food packaging and fabrics in the 1950s. They are harmful even in tiny concentrations and are associated with serious health conditions including cancers, thyroid disease, liver damage and harm to pregnant women and babies.
    The dangers of PFAS chemicals have been widely recognized among public health researchers and the general public over the past decade, but the study showed that 3M and Dupont, the largest producers of PFAS, actively suppressed evidence that the chemicals are hazardous since the 1960s.

    There are 12,000 PFAS chemical variations and at least 26 of them — many of which the EPA doesn’t even monitor — were recently identified in drinking water.
    Last week, PFAS manufacturers Dupont, Chemours and Corteva agreed to a $1.2 billion deal to settle liability claims brought by public water systems serving the U.S. populations, The Guardian reported.
    And Bloomberg News reported that 3M is considering paying $10 billion to settle a lawsuit so it can avoid facing allegations in court that it knowingly contaminated drinking water across the U.S.

    Court proceedings were set to begin this week in South Carolina but were put on hold to work out the deal in the test case — one of more than 4,000 against 3M and other chemical companies for water contamination.
    It will likely cost upwards of $400 billion to remove PFAS chemicals from the U.S. drinking water supply. And a recent report found the larger cost to society of PFAS, factoring in soil and water remediation, monitoring of pollution and healthcare costs associated with a number of PFAS-related health problems, totals about $17.5 trillion every year.

    As early as 1961, Dupont found that the chemicals used to create Teflon were known to increase the size of rat liver, even at low doses, and the report indicated that “contact with the skin should be strictly avoided.”
    During the 1970s, there were a series of revelations of PFAS toxicity at Dupont. For example, a Dupont-funded lab did a series of research studies finding that Teflon particles could be toxic when inhaled and could cause ulcers. Studies also showed that rats and dogs injected with low doses of the chemicals died.
    In the 1980s, Dupont found elevated liver enzymes in their workers, birth defects among babies of plant employees and miscarriages among pregnant women.
    They did not make this information public, although in a tacit admission of harm, they removed women of childbearing age from any potential exposure to C8, one of the PFAS chemicals.
    In later years, both 3M and Dupont conducted studies that linked PFAS chemicals to prostate, testicular, bladder and kidney cancers.
    But the companies did not publish these findings in scientific journals, or share them with the public, regulators or employees, who were particularly at risk.
    Instead, they insisted that key PFAS chemicals like C8 were “about as toxic as table salt.” They denied any health risks in internal company memos and publicly, and they funded studies finding no adverse effects on human health from PFAS chemicals.

    full article:


  10. Medellin  is the the second largest city in Columbia. It is here where the World Mosquito Factory exists. The biotech company that runs it is Oxitec. It funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. If you can fathom it, 30 million genetically modified mosquitos are produced  each week.

    The factory has been operating since 2015. For years, the mosquitos were  released in Columbia only. After their own positive test results, they recently began to send the mosquitos to additional countries. They are now being released in Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Kiribati, Australia, New Caledonia and Vanuatu.  

    The genetically modified, um, mosquitos carry the bacteria Wolbachia. This is supposed to combat Aedes algypti, which is responsible for yellow fever, dengue fever and Zika.

    Bill Gates explained his interest in mosquitos since rising global temperatures  made these Aedes algypti mosquitos able to expand to other countries. As for his genetically modified mosquitos, Bill has said that these "amazing mosquitos are taking flight and saving lives." 

    Psalm 26:5

    "The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnashes upon him with their teeth."

    Make no mistake about it, they hate us. The wicked put a lot of thought into their next wave of terror. They don't rest. It is what  they are passionate about. They smirk as they watch people continue to trust the science. I choose to believe that we will have the last laugh.

    1. Those mad scientists are releasing millions of those franken-mosquitos here in USA too Stan. Florida. Started in the FL keys a few years ago and now SWFL is getting them too. People have been protesting the releases for years but as usual the evil idiots don't listen to us. 


  11. Dane, with the increasing awareness to the geoengineering debacle that is being carried out against our planet, your schedule must be increasingly gruelling. I know you are stalwart in the pursuit of truth, but your voice sounded somewhat strained in this week's broadcast, this being your 410th. I would like to suggest to you that you take a break, come up for air and refill your tanks, you and your family so deserve it. Stay strong, stay healthy and take a break, You have the ball rolling on it's own now. 

    1. Good thought here Robert.

      More people are needed to expose climate engineering .

      For new people watch the movie

      The Dimming -Exposing the Global Climate Engineering Cover Up.

      Then share the info w others

      You can also order activists materials from this website and hand it out to other people. This is easy to do. 

      Lab tests do not lie


  12. Also, the operation mockingbird media constant propaganda and misinformation about what's really happening with the climate is helping to set the stage for the agenda 2030 climate lockdowns that are on the way…

  13. Let me please attempt to explain and clarify further Why it is that Dane keeps talking about the 440 plus nuclear power plants that are currently online going into meltdown once humans society breaks down. Nuclear power plants have backup diesel power generators in case power grids break down. However, they have a limited supply of diesel fuel in their tanks to keep those generators running. If human civilization breaks down, and supply chains break down, there will be no more deliveries or at best Only interrupted deliveries, of diesel fuel. Once that happens, assuming power grids have broken down, the nuclear power plants will be unable to keep running. And then you have meltdown that cannot be stopped. This is a major part of why those power plants will go into meltdown when humans society breaks down beyond a certain line.

  14. Dane, Susan and folks,

    An absolute joy! A couple of days ago I heard a sound I could barely believe: the hum of bees! A  small swarm of wood bees had clustered behind a shed in the gap between it and an old wall… The top of the wall is covered in wild wind-sown valerian – in full flower – which is covered by the beautiful little creatures – also some foxgloves have arrived an the tiny 'bumble' bees are rolling around inside the 'bells' as I type this… A small family of house sparrows are bathing with their second brood in the bath under a rowan tree that came of it's own accord the year we moved in and is now  fifteen feet high – I have never seen such fast growth in a tree – it is a glory of white flowers and laden with orange berries in the seasons as they pass… A tiny back yard but we left it for nature – and Nature came! No beetles, no butterflies or moths this year but three different but single hover-flies, one of a species I have never seen before… A small back yard in a small coastal town in North Northumberland set against the bleak grey North Sea… Yet today filled with Life! The starling family has arrived and our old Parrot (her name) is sat on my shoulder having a rather raucous 'conversation' with them…

     When I was a very young child, I was taken to Bristol Zoological Gardens in Clifton… The parkland and the (to me) huge trees were an utter delight – there was a massive cedar of Lebanon that took my breath away with its majesty and the scents of its bark and leaves… But I was appalled at the wild ones imprisoned in their cages  and the solitary elephant… My mother and aunt became distracted  – I noticed a small enclosure surrounded by bushes… the bars were close set – a sign said 'Grey Wolf – Keep away from bars!' I went up and she padded across up to the bars – her cage was so small – she came right up – there was just enough space to put my young hand through – which she licked and whimpered… When a wild one looks you in the eyes at that age… Looking across, my aunt  screamed  and my mum rushed across and dragged me away  – the cry of loneliness that wolf made still haunts me…

    Always, always the eternal question of this life… Why, why  are things so?

    But Love amongst so many other blessings, gives endurance and an unspoken understanding… As Dane says, we are here for a reason: we have eyes to see, ears to hear, a mind to understand and a heart to love  the seemingly  incomprehensible, appalling, terrible, wonderful, beautiful thing that is LIFE… And we must give our last drop of blood, our last breath for it – and always, always be a 'Yes Sayer'  against those who would bring the darknesss!




    1. Thank You Geoff, for sharing your touching insight and the beauty and wisdom of your soul with us this day. Wishing Dane and all fathers out there a joyful time with loved ones this Father's Day.  : )  PS- don't forget the Native People's meditation on June 20th mentioned by Jonathan with Chief Arvol Looking Horse (sp?) for Peace, Harmony and Healing for ourselves and Mother Earth so that we (the two legged's- and that which we were given dominion over) may live. Welcome Divine Light and Intervention Now; Your Creation cries out to You O Great Spirit.

    2. Dear Earth Angel,

      No, I have not forgotten. nor can I ever forget the Native Peoples – and have given much heart-thought and prayers for them today… Truly, there is so much that breaks our hearts and our  souls cries out to the Great Spirit in anguish  by whatever name our old cultures know… We are all ONE… Love is ALL… Whatever the cost… The Wild Ones and my Beloved Gill taught me that… Truly, truly Love is All… Dane lives that every day of his life… As do you…


  15. Hi Dane;

    Can you please have an expert brain doctor tell us what supplements we should be taking to combat all the toxic spraying?  Thank you!Patty Martin, Valley Center CA

  16. My point of view…

    In my experience, after years of talking to anyone and everyone who will listen to me about the climate engineering programs, I feel I have identified several general categories of people who are exceedingly difficult to reach with this information.

    1. Those who are comfortably retired and getting a check every month, however well earned it may be. I have a very difficult time getting those people to care. Many of them are simply too focused on their personal comfort and security.

    2. Those who are addicted to the dopamine hits they get from their electronic devices and rarely look up from them. Many of them are too distracted to care. O! How I wish we could return to the days when people were thirsty for the process of actively engaging their intellect and connecting with written/spoken words instead of blue light-emitting screens. Imagine for example, how exciting it would have been at a certain time in history to have been able to visit some of the great centers of learning of the ancient world, including the massive library in Alexandria.  And how fortunate for those who were then also able to read what was written! And let us not forget the countless people of indigenous tribes throughout the world, who, in some cases possessing little or no written language or written traditions, possessed a keen memory and were constantly listening to their elders and soaking up the wisdom of countless generations that had come before them. How few people take the time to care about such things now.

    3. The other two groups share many similarities and are grouped together here for my purpose. They are little different in terms of psychology and behavior than a young child clinging to a stuffed animal or security blanket. In this case, the security blanket is either political programming or religious programming, sometimes both. These people are convinced that a political savior and or a spiritual or religious savior is at any moment going to come deliver them from their troubles. Quite the Disney ending, yes? Especially in the West, where certain fundamentalist viewpoints are so common. So many of them cling desperately and sometimes against all reason and logic to their security blankets of religion or politics. It is exceedingly difficult to get these people to break out of their rigid programming and take a more open view of things.

    4. And then, of course, you have so many people who are primarily focused on their own comfort and pleasure. These people are also very difficult to reach.


    The following I will use just as an example, and I intend no disrespect to any particular belief system. There have been many individuals throughout history who have had significant experiences of what one might call cosmic consciousness, who realized their union with the Creator. These people could be loosely termed, mystics. They are contrasted distinctly and sharply from those who simply do with they're told and allow others to determine their belief systems. The same is true with politics. Some people are caught in this endless back and forth tennis match of left right left right, completely unaware that the larger agendas are basically supported by both sides, although sometimes at different rates of speed. At the same time, some people ARE, thankfully, able to break out of their political programming and realize that it is all a sham designed simply to give the illusion of choice while we are led with a hook through our nose.

    So- a small percentage of people do break free of their religious, cultural and other psychological attachments to where they can experience a greater clarity as they contemplate the world in which we live. These are the people who generally are more open to the message we are trying to share in this community.

    For those of you who may be new to this information, let me please encourage you not to give up or get disheartened when you come across people who, for reasons above or for other reasons, turn away from you and the truth that you are sharing. Not everybody is at a point in emotional, psychological or spiritual development at which they can truly be open-minded and thus be able to contemplate Dane's message about geo engineering.

    To those who are fairly new to this, I want to encourage you never to give up. This takes great fortitude of personal character, and it is not an easy road that you have chosen. It is actually quite difficult. Just think however, about all of the innocent precious souls, all the countless forms of life, who do not have any voice but yours to plead for help. You are their advocate!

    And I would also like to remind people, especially those who are new, that it is generally believed that Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus long ago wrote that what we do today echoes in eternity.

    Try to get the idea in your mind of the things that you do and say literally creating waves throughout eternity. You can decide what kind of waves they will be. You can determine the kindness or negativity of the energy they carry.

    I'm mailing some materials to a friend of mine tonight, who has been reluctant to get on board with this movement, because it simply takes him too far out of his personal comfort zone. I'm going to send him some materials and then wash my hands of it with him. He will have been told. It will be his choice.

    Much gratitude is here expressed for both the more regular participants as well as for newcomers. Please try to identify the most influential people that you can in every area and relation of your life, with the hope that they, in turn, will become powerful allies to help push this message into the forefront of human consciousness at an exponential rate.

    Dane truly is correct when he discusses the fact that when human civilization fails, the infrastructure to continue supporting the 440 online nuclear power plants will break down, and it will be an absolute, unmitigated disaster from which there will be no recovery for most life on this planet.

    Those who are sensitive to life and The finer spiritual things of life will understand well that birth is not the beginning, nor is death the end. However, for those who believe in a Creator as I do, surely there is also a reason why we are here, and here at this moment in time, this point in history. It cannot be merely for the purpose of the pursuit of pleasure. There must be some nobler purpose why we are here.

    So while we are here, let us endeavor to make the most of the time that we have. As Gandalf told Frodo in the Tolkien story, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

    And then we can look forward to the next stage with contentment. Let me offer some subtle encouragement, since ours is an especially difficult path….  Back in the 1700s, William Wordsworth wrote,

    "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. The soul that rises with us, our life's star, hath had elsewhere its setting and cometh from afar. Not in entire forgetfulness, and not in utter nakedness, but trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home."

    1. Thank you Jonathan!  Before we are born we Know. ..After we are born we Remember… We are told that remembering is the imperative that recalls the greatest gift of all: Love. Most are crushed and forget… Those who somehow survive the 'crushing' carry a sorrow, for they know the cost of Love – for Love is always crucified… The question always cries WHY? In our souls we know, and that gives endurance through unspeakable horrors… My life was blessed with many gifts and above all with the love of my beloved Wife and the trust of the Wild Ones – all undeserved… My life has brought me unspeakable joy, horror and tragedy as it did my beloved Gill… Once we humans were open to and with each other. Now most are as spiritually dessicated shells, programmed and conditioned into isolation, loneliness and hatred towards 'The Other' and  Nature… We cannot live as humans without Love and Nature… I am utterly humbled at the trust the Wild Ones give without hesitation – WE ARE NOT SEPARATE!  And if we divide and destroy we are Lost…. One thing I cannot bear to contemplate is Geocide / Biocide / Zoecide… Will no one wake up to what is happening?  Thank you and bless you Dane and all you good folks… Love is All – fly to it as if you have the wings and the love of mating  swallows kissing in flight and crying with joy – and cling as tight as you can to the Light who will always in the darkest night find you …

      Geoff Hanham


  17. Thanks, Dane! You're the only person who sees what I see, even the awaken friends of mine, they don't see and don't understand my concerns. Here in Brazil, we're facing drought this year (last year was rain), I'm worried about the rain forest at the shoreline. They cover the mountain which are very close to the sea, if the trees die, and I presume they will make heavy rain after that, the disaster will be enormous – this year, during carnival we faced a horrible one. I was there, I've never heard thunders like those. I tried to talk to several people, even firemen, they laughed as I was crazy. They only believed after all that happened, too late. During those 3 years, I also noticed my immune system was weak, I used to paddle everyday, and all the time I was sick when I came back home. I also noticed high level of aluminum in my body.

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