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Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org

How dire are conditions in our last remaining wilderness areas? What primary factors are fueling the record wildfires that are incinerating formerly thriving forests? What aren’t official agencies telling us? Geoengineering Watch will produce a series of short videos to reveal the true state of the forests in Northern California.

Frogs are a harbinger species, “the canary in the coal mine”, and they are dying. The warning signs from nature are everywhere, yet few seem to notice. Have we become the proverbial frogs in boiling water? Will the fate of the frogs soon become our own? The second installment of “Into The Wild” is below.

Flora and fauna are dying and burning all over the world, covert climate engineering operations are a core causal factor. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. DW

For the previous episode, click here: Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington, September 10, 2020, #1

For those that have not yet seen our recent post on “The Dimming”, it is a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. This documentary film will provide answers and proof of the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare operations. Below is a 4+ minute trailer on the upcoming film.

25 Responses

  1. My dad served our country in the Air Force, he would always tell us kids not to be outside when military jets was flying over. Never asked him why now I know. Now I see why the elite, rich movie stars and rich government officials promote climate change its all about the cash flow. They are so into the money scheme that they could careless about their children's future. So sad this has been going on for so long. This beautiful world God created is actually dying off. Thank you for taking your risk to expose what you know and what you've seen. I myself have taken pics of military jets flew over my house spraying out the toxic chemicals and after. The only way the toxic chemicals disappeared when it would rain. You can see fake clouds and real clouds in my pics. I have sent your videos to so many also I have posted them on truth social. Hopefully you tube won't shut you down. Sometimes they get rid of videos too. Never give up and keep on keeping on we all deserve to know the truth. Thank you for risking everything. May God always bless you and your family thru him all things are possible. 

  2. Nothing is eating the frogs either. Animals are smarter than humans? It's horrible. We will end up like these frogs before humans wake up. I've shown many people pictures from our town and Dane's info. Oh yeah, they wake up! Then they roll over and go back to sleep. Read the book of Revelation. 

  3. Geoterrorists spray heavy metals toxins and god knows what else…in their filthy demon brew. It poisons trees etc…So clearly it poisons and kills frogs and all other planetary lifeforms…in combination with ozone destruction and other associated resultant outcomes. Planet Earth is being sterilised of biologicals….homo sapiens included. Spraying must be stopped immediately … and these species traitors… will then be held fully accountable… for all of their crimes… against humanity…Yes monsters………We are coming for you… …………And your masters.

  4. With these poor frogs we're really seeing what's in store for the humans.  We're allowing some of us to poison, then fry, all the rest of us.  We'll be poisoned, then fried too.  In fact, it's going on right now, even as I write this.  Hopefully the Indians and other indigenous peoples who already know how to live in peace with the Earth will be left to remake the planet the way it should always have been.  

  5. My Gosh Dane, that is disturbing.  As you said things like this should only cause our anger to become fuel to keep fighting.  God Bless, Amy Garinger

  6. Perhaps the water is too still and not flowing, without enough oxygen to sustain life or too many chemicals and the frogs became stuck on the land and overheated?

  7. How Does the Ozone Affect Frogs?
    By Jennifer Mueller

    Frogs are indicator species whose global population declines are warnings of the state of the environment. Their permeable skin and dual lives in water and on land make them more vulnerable to environmental degradation. Disease, acidification and pollution are partially to blame for frog deaths and mutations, but the rise in ultraviolet radiation attributed to the thinning of the ozone layer also may be a contributing factor.
    Wear Sunscreen
    People wear sunscreen when outside for prolonged periods to protect their skin from ultraviolet radiation, which can cause cancer. Frogs don't have this ability, and their permeable skin is not otherwise protected by hair or feathers. Their eggs have no shells and are susceptible to damaging radiation. Increased UV-B rays associated with the thinning ozone layer kill frogs and their eggs, with the most threatened species living in high elevations where they are more likely to be exposed to more concentrated rays. Researchers found eggs hidden in the shade were more likely to survive, and were able to increase survival rates for eggs left in the open by shielding them with a filter that blocked UV light.
    The Danger to DNA
    Radiation alters the structure of frogs' DNA. The traditional double-helix strand bonds to itself, ultimately preventing replication and resulting in deformities or death. Frogs have a limited ability to repair the damage using an enzyme called photolyase. However, the thinning ozone layer means they are exposed to far more radiation than would occur naturally. As a result, many frogs don't have enough photolyase to keep up with the damage and repair it in time to enable survival.
    A Harrowing Hypothesis
    Researchers at the University of Oregon studied the affects of UV radiation on frogs with skepticism. They hypothesized that if UV radiation were a cause of amphibian population declines, those frogs whose eggs were more exposed to sunlight would have higher amounts of the protective enzyme photolyase than frogs whose eggs were laid in protected areas. At the conclusion of their studies, even the researchers admitted surprise. Frogs whose eggs were laid in shallow, uncovered water showed nearly a hundred times greater photolyase activity than those whose eggs were hidden under leaves or in shade. The researchers concluded increased UV radiation brought about by a thinning ozone layer contributes to global amphibian decline.  Species living in high altitudes who lay their eggs out in the open are the most at risk.
    Mysterious Malformations
    Elsewhere in the United States, frogs in particular habitats had missing legs or other deformities from birth. These sites typically were constructed rather than naturally occurring, with little aquatic vegetation or shading to diffuse the UV rays filtering into the ponds. While chemical runoff from industrial sites and other pollution may be partially to blame, scientists were able to replicate similar deformities in frogs under laboratory conditions. Those frogs were directly exposed to UV radiation similar to the environmental exposure in their habitats. Although light filtering through water in a pond environment isn't direct, the scientists were able to prove a link between the pond's level of UV penetration and the percentage of malformed frogs in that pond.


  8. VSF:  Thank you, Dane. Your relentless devotion to all life is remarkable, admirable, wonderful, inspiring. Rare. And reminded me of the 'boiling frog' metaphor, which applies to us all now.

    The Boiling Frog Metaphor
    The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.


    How Can Frogs Tell Us About the Environment?
    By Karen Mihaylo

    Nearly 4,000 different types of frogs exist, and frogs are found on every continent except Antarctica. They are important indicators of the health of their environments because they're extremely sensitive to changes in air and water quality, to moisture levels and to temperature. Frog populations have been declining markedly. Climate change, chemical pollution, acid rain, roads and loss of habitat are blamed for their disappearance.
    Pollution Absorption
    Frogs have permeable skin that absorbs toxic materials. These poisons are concentrated and stored in the frogs' fat cells. Frogs spend part of their lives in water as tadpoles. Frogs' soft, jellylike eggs readily take up pollutants when they absorb moisture during development. Pesticides cause thyroid gland problems and physical mutations such as misshapen or extra limbs.
    Localized Populations
    Frogs live part of their lives in water and part on land. Populations are localized to different habitats. If there are lots of frogs in an area, that indicates a healthy environment. A frog die-off indicates a problem with water, air or soil in their habitat. Frogs in one ecosystem habitat might be thriving while frogs in a different habitat of the same ecosystem are disappearing. Laboratory and field studies let scientists study and compare the causes and effects of environmental changes in localized areas.
    Chemical Contamination
    Frogs are extremely sensitive to chemical pollution. Tadpoles metabolize chemicals from the water and release them in their urine. The chemicals are then reabsorbed from the same water, much like a human fetus reabsorbs wastes. Scientists study environmental effects on frogs to understand how the environment affects humans. Chemical contamination causes mutations and cancers in frogs.
    What Frogs Can Tell Us
    As frogs lose their habitats to development, weather changes, logging and pollution, the entire ecosystem is affected. Studies of frogs can tell us when waters are polluted and warn us of how environmental changes affect cell development.


  9. What is created by evil death is imminent for they are marked no amount of money or shelter shall cloak you from punishment. I am sickened to see such horror by the hands of greedy monsters. From my home to yours I do appreciate your watchful eye and concern for all that lives and breathes yes you are recognized for your good deeds to open mankind eyes to the horrific atrocities. The Lord has your back and you have my prayers to keep you all safe.

  10. I still do not understand how the elite are going to be immune to everything that is happening to our planet.

    If they have homes deep underground how will they survive on a dead planet?

    What am I missing here?

    1. Buddha:  Exactly. They WON'T survive.  At best, they will be the last to go.  You can't "live" like this, not for long.  What's missing?  Rational thought.

  11. So the water is too toxic or too hot for them? Looks like they are fleeing the water. So strange! Isn't it also strange that scavengers are not eating the dead frogs? Just leaving them there. Something is seriously messed up in all this.

    Do you know how close are the nearest cell phone towers? It's proven they are killing trees and frogs too. (I know you know that; I think I first heard it from you. Just tossing that into the mix to consider.)

    Thank you so much Dane and family for saving the ones you can! 

    Our neighborhood is always full of tree frogs. The noise annoys some people, but to me it's a beautiful serenade. I haven't seen dead frogs around here…but do not hear many of them at all this year:(

    1. Hello, Faith, yes, the water (and mud along the shorline) is far too warm. The UV radiation (UVA, UVB, and UVC) levels are off the charts. The footage of the frogs was taken a considerable distance into a wilderness region, there are no cell towers / powerlines / civilization, etc, for perhaps 20 miles at the closest point.

  12. You have given me a mantra that describes to the fullest extent what surrounds us all Dane:

    ''We are living in a Global asylum…''

    and, there is not an iota of doubt in my mind, that while the vast majority of inmates of this Asylum is stumbling around in an induced torpor, the supposed ''wardens'' of this Asylum – are definitely those most insane! . . .

  13. Can it be the potash? Also many pesticides, herbicides will do that many of the cans and bottles say not to get it near water as it will kill aquatic life. That is what I was thinking not much weeds aquatic plants. What about putting a hole horizontal in the bank to give a damp cool place or making a wood plank/dock. Even if you drug a chopped dead tree. If they log/cut trees down they will put glyphosate or even worse dicamba or that one Europe banned begins with an "E" and lets not forget DDT. I think our little friend in the oval office wants to fix us up with that again.

  14. We live in Palo Cedro, 12 miles west of Redding. Ca.  We have been seeing an unusual amount of baby and juvenal lizards.  Is there something we should be doing so they don't perish like your frogs are doing?  We have a small wet weather creek that gets runoff from our sprinklers.  Any thoughts on the lizards?

    1. Hello, Georgia, we have also seen a recent uptick in small lizards, though not many adults to be found. Sorry I don’t know of any method to assist the juvenile lizards except to advise keeping potential preditors away.

    2. Rock houses for them covered with weeds so the rocks don't heat up too much. Allow leaves to congregate. Wild grasses leave them in place, many beneficials over winter in them.

    3. You might consider going to a local pet store or even fishing supply store and purchasing some live crickets to turn loose in the area where your lizards live

    4. We have also noticed a lot of baby lizards around our property in SoCal.  I'm not a biologist by any stretch.  But, I'm wondering if the phenomenon is a reflection of what many species do (both plants and animals) when their survival is threatened – breed or drop seeds like crazy.

    5. Um, pardon me, but I think Alan hit the nail right on the head. It's all a testimony as to how far out of whack the eco system "is".

      Oh how I like good questions… Keep them coming!

      Thank you Georgia and Alan for chiming in. Much appreciated.

    6. Georgia, just for clarification:  Palo Cedro is not 12 miles west of Redding, but it is about 8 miles EAST of Redding.  I'm sure your error was merely an accident.  Appreciate your comment on the little baby lizards….love them and hope you can save most of them.  

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