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Dane Wigington

Dr. Chuck Baldwin has a very long and impressive resume (also covered in Wikipedia), including being the 2008 presidential candidate for the Constitutional Party. In a world where preconception, ideology and bias increasingly rule the day, Dr. Baldwin has long since been a courageous outspoken voice of reason and fact based conclusions. Dr. Baldwin's unyielding regard and respect for the unvarnished truth, no matter how much blowback he has had to endure for his outspokenness, is truly inspiring. In this candid and revealing 45 minute interview, conducted by Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org, Dr. Baldwin passionately elaborates on his personal journey of investigation and discovery that shattered the foundations of what he and so much of our society had been taught as fact. Our most sincere apologies for an equipment malfunction (mute button failure) that caused some background noise during the interview.

In our increasingly Orwellian world, now, more than ever, voices like Chuck Baldwin’s need to be heard. If a larger percentage of society is not able to rise above their programming in order to honestly examine the front-line facts, we will have no chance of altering our current course of near term planetary omnicide. We must all make our voices heard in the critical battle to sound the alarm, the sand in the hourglass is rapidly running out.

27 Responses

  1. Yes indeed, Willful ignorance! I am very disappointed in Christians & their lackadaisical attitudes. God will take care of it I hear! As Dr. Chuck Baldwin said; It is said we will follow without question. God states he's people will perish for lack of Knowledge! Which you then would think they would try harder to know the Truth, being the Christians they are.  He wants us to know the Truth!  He isn't a fan of deliberate willful ignorance. They have worked hard on re-training Christians ways of thinking & many have gone along with it hook, line, & sinker.  The Truths are far harder to swallow then the Lies.  Fairy tales are far more fuzzy & warm.    How can any other Country be a threat to the U.S.A.?  The Man killed after a family member called the cops about his guns. He's a threat! A Man that was law abiding, now dead. How do you feel now family member?  Coppers? It is also said that family members will turn you in to the powers that be for not conforming to the New World Order. Another warning given.   What a disappointment with Israel. Very Proud of you Dr. Chuck Baldwin. Thank You, You have renewed my Faith in Christians.  I was Happy to hear that you are finding many Awakening & a want for the Truth.      I Pray they will see the truth in Weather Modification Programs & do something about it!  Good interview Dane. 

    1. Gail, not every Christian has their heads buried in the sand. There are quite a few of us that are seeing what is going on and are trying to wake people up to what is going on. Please don't assume we are all blind because we are not.

  2. This article goes along with, Baldwin's, awakening in the Bible…to the Zionist participates in Israel and the world.

    Deputy leader of Fatah,  Mahmoud Al-Aloul, reiterated that UNITY is the most important WEAPON available for the Palestinians in their "battle for freedom".

    Yes, yes…consciousness is our only salvation…and may I add that, we being, the expanse of the universe…bring the life…to this fake reality….Whereby…they bring the DNA and technology…they have no life to bring…THEY CANNOT SURVIVE IN CONSCIOUSNESS/UNITY…in Palestine…in the world.


  3. What a great interview.  I know at least one Christian who refuses to relinquish her support for Israel.  She thinks its how Jesus will return.  She is one of the willfully ignorant.

  4. Thank you, Dr Baldwin and Dane for this excellent interview. Yes, courage and openness are almost non existent in our current governance system, and greater paradigm, not only in U.S. but elsewhere as well.

    I wanted to point out the figure of Christopher Bollyn (whom Dr. Baldwin mentioned) and his books documenting and dismantling events of 9/11. Although I was well aware about scientific impossibility of official narrative about 9/11 for quite some time now, and the presence of incendiary dust in lower Manhattan after the attacks, and other technical inconsistencies making official story impossible, Christopher Bollyn really dissects each and every aspect of 9/11 and puts it in historical perspective of motive, means and desired outcomes of the perpetrators. And yes, all the roads lead to Israel. I guess I should put the spoiler alert warning here, but this already was stated in the interview. Bollyn's book: "The War On Terror. The Plot To Rule The Middle East." is a must read and is available through Dr Baldwin's website as well as through Amazon. Here is the link: https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Store.aspx#!/The-War-On-Terror-The-Plot-To-Rule-The-Middle-East-Book-By-Christopher-Bollyn/p/109361744/category=15986016

    1. All you have to do to understand everything you'll ever need to understand about 9/11/01 is to read Crossing the Rubicon:  The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil, by author Michael C. Ruppert, who hailed from a highest security clearance C.I.A. family.  Meticulously researched and packing a real punch, it was a 2004 NYT best seller, a copy of which is in the Harvard School of Business library,

  5. Here is another reason why Trump will never point the accusing finger at Israel for the 9-11 attacks.  That reason is Wilbur Ross.  Ross is the Commerce Secretary of the United States and is heavily committed to the financial and political success of Donald Trump. 

    Ross in the 1970s worked for N. M. Rothschild & Sons where he specialized in bankruptcy-restructuring cases.  And in 1980, when Trump's three casinos in Atlantic City were in financial trouble, Ross convinced the bondholders to strike a deal with Trump that allowed him to retain control of the casinos.  And if I remember correctly, the bankruptcy court required Trump to spend no more than $435,000.00 a week on personal expenses!   Life is rough.  But somebody has got to do it.

  6. In the subject about how many ways the Earth is being poisoned over the last century, I don't know if it is any of a conspiracy in any way or not, but there is another serious matter going on that I want everyone in the World to be paying attention to. It is the whole GMO epidemic going on that has infiltrated our foods for decades, along with however true this whole weather controlling stuff is and the deal with spraying aerosol, whatever that is all about. Here is a reality.

    The all time conduct of Monsanto and their conducts of genetically engineering foods and creating chemical not to mention processed foods, etc. is certainly as much a violation of God's Natural Laws as all I see this source mention. For so long now, people would be a lot less sick if they totally ate Organic as much as they can.

    As for where all drugs, even when certain ones are needed, fit into this whole equation of violating God's Natural Laws for all the bodies they end up in, that is a whole different subject worth a lot more careful thought as what should be done about this whole side of the issue as well, but I do know one thing. If there has to be all these man made medicines that exist, the least that the manufacturers could do is make all the inactive ingredients of all medicines be as totally Organic and all natural as possible. Because I don't doubt that some of the serious side effects that any number of people ever experience from exposure is highly a result of any of the list of unnatural inactive ingredients that do exist in all of them along with how clean the matter that the medicine is contained in, rather than just all being the fault of the medicine in the pill or liquid itself. Hasn't anybody ever thought of this? Especially all the prescription and over the counter drug companies, doctors who prescribe, and pharmacies, etc.? Of what I may always have to depend on for whatever reasons, and that certainly goes for any prescriptions, I finally want to see all medicines, even all those that do already exist, come into existence that are (1) all reliably clean again, and (2) totally free of all unnatural ingredients that they have always been containing, and instead contain completely Organic non-GMO ingredients that can still hold the pill or whatever they come in together.

    I care just as much about the mass positive difference that would bring any of all of us who ever as a last resort have to depend on any medicines as I do about how I want to see all possible existing food be as totally Organic and wholesome as possible on behalf of all else that health from what people and even animals knowingly or unknowingly consume depend on.

    1. there should be nothing sold on grocery store shelves to consumers that isn't made from organic whole food.ingredients.  

  7. Thank you Dane, and Dr. Baldwin for a powerful interview touching upon many points that are key issues that are so hard to get through those thick noggins out there.

  8. Thank you Mr. Baldwin for exposing the operative non-Israel "state" and the power of influence it holds on our alleged governance…  The Jesuit/Christian state represents an actual death cult, and has been in power since the early 1400's.  It has hijacked and controlled open public debate for far too long… The Inquisition should have ended 500 years ago… Thank you for your courage and honesty.

  9. "Gullible beyond all remedy". Thank you Dr Baldwin. For that quote and for taking the time to speak with Dane Wigington. That quote is what all we awakened ones face every day. I think I'll use that phrase against itself, if you know what I mean there. I'm tired of being tired and I'm tired of being nice. "Spiritual blindness", you can say that again, geesh.

  10. Thank you Dr. Baldwin and Dane for this interview.  So good to hear how Dr. Baldwin did his own due diligence in researching what the modern Israel represents, not at all honest with integrity.

    The non-transparency which has surrounded the 9/11 event, along with the loss of freedoms here in the U.S. which have resulted, must be brought out in the open.  

    All of us have been brainwashed and manipulated since birth about so many things.  Criminality and corruption have taken over so many sectors of our society, it's way overdue time to put an end to such things.

    The dishonest two-party political system divides people and is so corrupt.  Last but not least, the poisoning of our earth and all inhabitants due to the military/private aerosol spraying and weather manipulation is bringing everything to destruction.  People either wake up and demand this be stopped or we perish.  Pretty simple.  Thanks, Dane, for your perseverance.

    1. In the subject you made reference about with poisoning the Earth, don't forget about the whole GMO epidemic going on that has infiltrated our foods for decades, along with all you mentioned. The all time conduct of Monsanto and their conducts of genetically engineering foods and creating chemical not to mention processed foods, etc. is certainly as much a violation of God's Natural Laws as all you mentioned.

      For so long now, people would be a lot less sick if they totally ate Organic and wholesome foods as much as they can.

      As for where all drugs, even when certain ones are needed, fit into this whole equation of violating God's Natural Laws for all the bodies they end up in, that is a whole different subject worth a lot more careful thought as what should be done about this whole side of the issue as well, but I do know one thing. If there has to be all these manmade medicines that exist, the least that the manufacturers could do is make all the inactive ingredients of all medicines be as totally Organic and all natural as possible. Because I don't doubt that some of the serious side effects that any number of people ever experience from exposure is highly a result of any of the list of unnatural inactive ingredients that do exist in all of them along with how clean the matter that the medicine is contained in, rather than just all being the fault of the medicine in the pill or liquid itself. Hasn't anybody ever thought of this? Especially all the prescription and over the counter drug companies, doctors who prescribe, and pharmacies, etc.? Of what I may always have to depend on for whatever reasons, and that certainly goes for any prescriptions, I finally want to see all medicines, even all those that do already exist, come into existence that are (1) all reliably clean again, and (2) totally free of all unnatural ingredients that they have always been containing, and instead contain completely Organic non-GMO ingredients that can still hold the pill or whatever they come in together. I care just as much about the mass positive difference that would bring any of all of us who ever as a last resort have to depend on any medicines as I do about how I want to see all possible existing food be as totally Organic and wholesome as possible on behalf of all else that health from what people and even animals knowingly or unknowingly consume depend on.

  11. Greenland’s ice is melting faster than it has in 350 years / National Geographic

    … a few days in July of 2012, it was so hot in the Arctic that nearly the entire surface of the Greenland ice sheet turned to slush.  It was so uncharacteristically warm that scientists, emerging from their tents high on the peak of the ice sheet, sank up to their knees in the suddenly soft snow. And then, that snow started melting.
    Near the edge of the ice sheet, bright blue puddles collected on the flat white surface. Rivulets of melt trickled down, braiding into fat, gushing rivers. The meltwater punched through gullies and spilled down crevasses. One river near the edge of the ice sheet was so swollen that it swept away a bridge that had been there for decades. So much water spilled out of the guts of the ice sheet that year that global sea levels rose by over a millimeter.
    The melting was alarming, like nothing scientists had seen before.  But no one knew exactly how unusual the event was or how worried to be. But now, scientists have figured out that the hot 2012 summer capped off 20 years of unprecedented increases in meltwater runoff from Greenland. And even more concerningly, they found, melting is speeding up even faster than air temperatures warm. So yes, they found, 2012 was a particularly bad year—but it was just a preview of what might come.
    “The melting of the Greenland ice sheet is greater than at any point in the last three to four centuries, and probably much longer than that,” says Luke Trusel, a researcher at Rowan University in New Jersey and lead author of the new study, published today in Nature.
    … the effects of the melting aren’t just abstract: A complete melting of Greenland’s mile-thick ice sheets would dump seven meters (23 feet) of extra water into the world’s ocean. So what happens high in the poles matters to anyone who lives near a coast, eats food that comes through a coastal port, or makes a flight connection in an airport near the ocean, scientists warn.


  12. VSF: Thank you Dr. Chuck Baldwin and Dane for this brilliant insightful interview. The TRUTH does set you free.

    JERUSALEM, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) — Almost half of Israelis think that the country's leadership is corrupt, according to a 2018 index report submitted on Monday to President Reuven Rivlin by the Israel Democracy Institute.
    According to the report, 47 percent of the respondents think the country's leadership is corrupt, compared with 55 percent in 2016.
    The reason for the decline is explained by large disparities in the perception of corruption among supporters of right-wing parties in power and supporters of the center and the left.
    Only 23 percent of the right-wing Likud party voters, headed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, think the leadership is corrupt.


    1. Thank God. This has gotta be THE most positive piece I've seen you add to the discussion of late here.  

  13. Excellent interview ,

    To fix and cure yourself you must know the problem ,otherwise you wasting your time and money on wrong medicine and you not going to fix yourself.

    We know what is the problem , it's Israel , They fooled us for thousands of years. If we want to change anything we have to find solution or we will perish.

    Regarding 9/11 , for many people must be shocking  to comprehend the truth. In few words ,the Hijackers have been helped indirectly by Governments with finance , intelligence ,ideas and at the end They were free to hijack the planes and hit the Towers. They fooled almost everybody. It's shocking and unbelievable who we dealing with.


    1. The problem is not Israel, it is us Americans. If Israel didn't try to use us some other country would.

  14. Fascinating interview, Dane.

    Chuck overcame the Zionist Illusion, and it brought him closer to the Truth, but America needs to overcome the Democracy illusion.  It isn't that society has drifted away from the values of the Founding Fathers, it is that the freemasonic agenda OF the Founding Fathers is finally coming to its global realization, which was the destruction of Truth itself using an irresistibly corruptible form of government, called 'democracy'.  They sounded pious… but they were revolutionaries against the moral order of just government (that is, against God Himself).

    Democracy was the child of the bloody and profoundly religion-hating French Revolution of 1789.  It doesn't work and it cannot ever work to bring peace or to make a nation just. Prosperous? Oh yes, like Al Capone!  But never just.

    The puppet presidency (of all the democratic nations) is the direct consequence of the ability of power to control public opinion through propaganda.  Money (and organized crime) has always run the democracies.  9/11 is the work of a democracy.  And the chemical/biological war against 7.7 billion people (i.e. geoengineering) is the virtually predictable outcome of world domination by democracies.

    Once we can come to terms with this challenging truth, we may then be able to sing together: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will." (Lk.2:14 DouayRheims English translation)


  15. Yeah, and they are simply not interested. They don't care. Money, Money, Money. Earth is in one heluva state caused by pure greed. Will the ordinary people survive, no! Not now. Want to save the planet? Leave it alone!



  16. Much gratitude and respect to you both, Dane Wigington and Dr. Chuck Baldwin for saying the truths needing to be said in open daylight. Here is another piece worth reading/viewing > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydWrPKIrJ8k

    USS Liberty Veterans Association

    Published on Jan 22, 2018

    USS Liberty Survivor Ron Kukal shares his experience during the attack on the USS Liberty ***(June 8, 1967)*** and continuing cover-up of that attack by the US government.

    "Israel intended to sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for it, thus dragging the United States into a war on Israel's behalf for – decades – including the present hour (Syria, Iran). This seems to be a common trick of Israel, starting with the Lavon Affair through the USS Liberty, to the fake radio transmitter that tricked Reagan into attacking Libya, to potentially 9/11 itself. Israel's game is to frame Arabs and set them up as targets for the United States. The real question facing American people is 'why' the U.S. government seems more concerned with protecting Israel after they are caught playing these dirty tricks, rather than doing something to convince Israel not to kill any more Americans?" ~ Pastor Chuck Baldwin

    "The mission of the USS Liberty Veterans Association is to pursue the publication of the true story – nothing more than that, nothing more than to get the true story out. We've encountered politicians who've been willing to help, but their superiors just weren't interested.

    It'd be a terrible crime if for historical reasons that the truth about the USS Liberty was never told. A crime to your family and mine.

    President Trump has said let's make America great again – okay, I can tell you of a crew who survived the attack who's been trying to make America great again for over 50 years now (pause in emotion, applause). ~ Ron Kukal, Petty Officer, Communications Technician, USS Liberty survivor and Chaplain for the USS Liberty Veterans Association

    1. To Cory Gunnells and Ron Kukal, I'm quite familiar with the attack on the U. S. S. Liberty, and worse yet, the cover-up.  The Heads of State and other politicians in our country have been lying for Israel, the biggest terrorist country in the Middle East.  And to make matters worse, the same governments who were involved in the Liberty cover-up were also involved in the 9-11 attacks on the U. S.

      Donald Trump, while campaigning for President said, he would get to the bottom of the 9-11 attacks, implying the Saudis were involved.  If there is one thing Trump won't do it is point the accusing finger toward where it belongs, at Israel.  Trump and Netanyahu are best of friends so as long as Trump is in the White House Israel will never be implicated in the attacks.

      As time goes by will Israel become more emboldened in their quest to rule the world? (That is the stated goal of the Zionists)  I just wonder what diabolical plans Israel has in store for the rest of the world.  Time will tell.

      P. S.  Sorry Ron Kukal for the trauma you have suffered and are still suffering.  The same applies, of course, for your shipmates and their families who have been suffering in enforced silence since June 8, 1967.   

    2. Cori, thanks for bringing up the USS Liberty, something that Brett Favre recently mentioned and then backed down from under pressure from the Israeli political action groups. 
      Many ask, why would they have so much power over the US to have this incident scrubbed from the media. The answer is the Federal Reserve.

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