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The completely controlled criminal cabal, that masquerades as legitimate media, are relentlessly continuing with their efforts to cast doubt on the climate engineering reality. These efforts are becoming rapidly more outlandish and transparent. In California the attempt to pass a new bill, AB1671, is yet another effort to hide the truth about vaccines, the medical industry criminality as a whole, and countless other issues. There is a proven link between mosquito spray and autism, and the Zika spraying is out of control. In the meantime, the Pentagon has lost hundreds of thousands of guns in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mass species die-off continues around the globe, our planet has been decimated in the geologic blink of an eye. The August 27th addition of Global Alert News is below.
Dane Wigington

134 Responses

  1. Remember the West Nile Virus, a detected case of infection, was reported last week in Jacksonville, Florida. A large tornado outbreak in Indiana & Ohio with an EF-3 causing major damage in Kokomo, Indiana! Lightning strikes kill over 300 reindeer in Norway. The daily biological & climatic assaults continue to generate, inflicting irreparable damage to the biosphere and all living organisms on planet Earth. All those involved with covering & hiding the truth from the people, by using altered words, phrases and stories for media, are all guilty and part of the Criminal Cabal. 

  2. Now the bug decline makes perfect sense…here in western Kentucky we also have very few mosquitoes and common flies were very sparse and slow to appear.  The heat index is off the charts.  I believe the chemtrails are holding the heat and humidity closer to earth, driving the heat index up.  We never had "real feel"  heat index extremes at the same temps before.

  3. A very good Post Andrew.

    This is what I have learned over the years.

    Always trust your Instinct. Your instinct will most likely lead you in the most Trustworthy Everything.

    As far as all the things that are going on in the Combat Zone and the stock pile goods or Else!

    I take it as a Huge Diversion!

    If not. Get Ready.

    I have been here for well over a half of a Century and this keeps going on. Deception at it's Finest. Confuse everyone. 

    The real truth here is without a Doubt Whatsoever. All of us are being Poisoned without our Consent. 

    Most don't know it and do Not have the Faintest Idea that it is Reality!

    Good for them. Might as well be Ignorant to the Fact. Blind leads the Blind. 

    They cannot see what is Apparent in front of their Own Face or Eye's.


  4. My 128th email, titled "The Magic in Nature".

    1.  In the USA, FEMA advises people to have up to 3 months stockpile of food, water, medicines etc.  This is in case of a 'natural disaster', but 3 months?

    On 20th Aug, Germany began warning its citizens to "stockpile 10 days worth of food & water."  

    On 21st Aug, the Czech Republic warned its citizens "prepare for the worst."  

    Now Finland is warning its citizens too . . . "stockpile large quantities of food and water, something bad is coming."  The warnings are being issued word-of-mouth throughout Finland, and being done very quietly but quickly.   Finland shares a 1300 mile border with Russia.

    If these warnings were coming from some conspiracy web site, we could laugh them off.  They're not.  These warnings are coming from official government entities in Europe.

    Much of the general public (particularly in UK) are being left blissfully unaware that the world is rapidly approaching world war — and much of it is being caused by the actions of the Obama administration and NATO forces along the whole length of the Russian border – particularly Ukraine, in Syria, Yemen, South Korea, the South China Sea, much of Africa and many other countries.


    2.  There are two scenarios:

    a.  When our climate starts to completely disintegrate, 'they' will start a world war. (Current information on methane releases in the Arctic indicate that nature has taken over and we have entered "Runaway Global Warming". This will be much more apparent by the end of September, or end of this year at the latest.)  

    b.  'They' get bored of waiting and start a world war – which will cause climate disintegration.

    Both scenarios will totally distract the general public and 'they' will not be held accountable for the destructive atmospheric spraying that has been the major cause of climate disintegration.

    3.  If the weather permits, we are often to be found enjoying an evening glass of wine (or three…) whilst sitting on the swing in our garden.  At this time of year there can be 70 swallows chattering away on the telephone wire above us or showing off their flying skills in front of us.  Generations of these swallows have been born in our outbuildings (from well before 1677 when the outbuildings were built in their present design). 

    As with previous years, this year's young have known us and our voices from birth – we talk to them before hatching and as they peer down at us from their nest or when lined up on the rafters as they learn to fly. The young birds will even follow us around the garden and sit on a nearby fence to be fed by their busy parents.  It is an absolutely amazing experience (another advantage is that they can 'out chatter' my wife!)

    I truly hope we (readers of Geoengineeringwatch.org and similar websites) never fail to see the magic in nature, for then we will have lost our role and become like 'them'. 

    1. Andrew, Thank you so very much for your report, "128th" email to your people. Very Cool!!, Good Job. I always look everything up you offer for us to look up(pun intended). This horseman is soooo opposed to anything resembling war. Gracious, how we as human masses have thrown out our moral rationality. You should see the reactions I get when pointing out our growler jets in the sky as "people practicing killing people". Seriously, is it ultimately anything else?

      Swallows, mother natures fighter jets. I personally have witnessed a flock of 100 swallows fend off a flock of 2,000 Starlings. It was a territorial battle. That year the cherries on the old growth tree ripened, fell to the ground, and rotted. Years previous and after, all the cherries were consumed by birds of all varieties. But, the year that the swallows got to it first and nested in it's little cubby holes, The fruit was plentiful. Swallows as 'you' know, do not eat fruit. They 'do' eat 2,000 to 3,000 bugs 'each', 'per day'. And "they", our "higher educated", think they need to spray bugs. Let's just propagate Swallows. They are extremely fun to watch and they are curious little birds. Most agile creatures are.

      Like myself, maybe you find it sometimes hard to balance the rellishment of nature with the realities of todays times. I find it encouraging that mother nature keeps coming up with ways to catch our attention to appreciate her many gifts. I fear those days are numbered. Oh how I wish so many more could understand and realize the joys of just being able to partake in the gifts bestowed by nature upon all of us. If it were so, the stewardship of the land by the masses would change for the better.

      Education in truth, "for all".

    Watch as it "INVADES" Desolation Sound, one of the most incredibly beautiful scenic areas of  British Columbia's coastline.

    No need to wait for "Green Waters," like the swimming pool facility at the recent RIO Olympics – now we have our own "Green Slime"

    If you turned on YOUR bathtub taps and the bathwater came out this shade of GREEN – How likely is it that you would have a bath in this green water in your own bathtub or cheerfully immerse your children in the tub?

    If water this color came from YOUR kitchen tap – Would you feel comfortable drinking the nutritionally recommended 6 to 8 glasses of water per day?



  6. Howdy Dane, thanks for your great work.  i used to live in your area, Mt Shasta i know you folks get hit hard with the C trails.according to my Friends who live there. i moved to Eastern Wa, 29 years ago. i was wondering if anyone knows what happened to William Thomas and his 2 investigators who almost died and maybe did , broke the chem trail story in 1997 on the Art Bell show..also ive noticed clear skyes for almost a month . first time in i believe the 19 years ive been observing this assult . they have been back at it for almost a week and the trails seen to be more refined . could have been  replacing old equipment.? ive been  spreading your videos around far and wide since you started . hope the masses wake up ?  good work take care Don

    1. KCRA's Tamara Berg said to watch the beautiful sketching in the sky as the sun rises this early a.m. SERIOUSLY!! That was north to south spraying overnight. The sound of the BRIAN SANDOVAL SILVER OXIDE EXPRESS,  drones,  NEVER stop and seem to be worse out in the wilderness now. Do not be complacent. The weather terrorists are still killing us and our families, our pets, the wildlife and all trees and plant life. But no worries…. all is well …….NO IT ISN'T!!! 

      Anyone up for some sign holding for the presidents visit to Harvey's in Tahoe on the 31st?  Maybe the president is thinking in terms of 'history' by now. It won't be for his being the first of his race or the ACA that he'll be judged by history. It will be for the crimes against all Life on the planet. This is the man that I wrongly trusted because he is the first Dad. Big mistake. Trust nothing except your instinct and intuition. My intuition says "hurry.. time is not on our side"

  7. I also don't like where this is going regarding the fact that, as Dane says, it seems like everyone is allowed or encouraged to be armed except American citizens, saw an older article that the US was going to target vets and gun owners as terrorists, what a disgrace. They really cannot target the whole population, it could give more cover to our vets. A different neighbor told me a relative in the military had told her of their plot to instigate some disaster, then round up American citizens who were without food and water and put them in camps, but that the vets, oathkeepers, etc, would defend us, and there may have to be some sort of civil war between those who would destroy this country, and those who want to preserve its liberties. I don't know if this is true, it may have been the plan, my feeling is that now there won't be the roundups because too many are prepped and armed. The real reason Obama put forth Merrick Garland as his choice for the Supreme Court was that Merrick is one of the few conservatives who would overturn Heller, the case that affirms our 2nd Amendment rights, and that there is actually a case now that could come before the high court that would enable them to revisit the issue. Creepy, huh?  

  8. I think it was Del who said something poetic at the Redding event about looking into the face of evil and being able to return its gaze. I like that Dane does that, too few people do these days. I like it when a person calls a spade a spade. I think it was last week when the point was made that every country that has been toppled in the middle east went through years of severe drought first. We haven't had a single rain event here in SoCal in ages, it is looking so dicey with the water situation that I ordered an atmospheric water generator (AWG). I found out about them from a news broadcast about the drought on YouTube, but could not find it again when I searched, but they come up on google. There is a good demo of one on YouTube by the Green Cabby, I think, the traveller version or the smaller one, put out by Droughtmaster. They make water out of thin air by using the humidity, as long as there is 40 percent humidity, altitude is less than 4000 feet, and temp is above a certain degree, it doesn't have to be too warm. The bad thing about the one I ordered is it needs a power source so if the grid goes down it won't work, but I will probably order a solar generator so that I can power it. I need to have water for my animals and trees no matter what, and I feel better knowing that I do not need to rely on the city or supply routes etc for my water. I don't think the one I ordered has a filtration system that will remove heavy metals or chemicals, but I can run the water through a water filter that does, I bought that filter from the Infowars store, the one with the really good labs – the results showed it filters metals and chemicals like aluminum, even flouride, most of them about 99.99 percent, one of them I think was 99.97 but that is still pretty good. Since such a large part of our government is against us there is no point in relying on them, or hoping it won't be too bad. It is already bad, we are already there, as Dane says, and it's making me feel better, more self reliant, to be able to have these things.    

  9. Seemorerocks / Aug. 29, 2016
    NOW FINLAND TOO! Local Councils Warning Citizens "Stockpile Food & Water – Prepare" as US TANKS go on the move!  First it was Germany, last Saturday (20 Aug) which began warning its citizens to "stockpile 10 days worth of food & water."  One day later, the Czech Republic warned its citizens "prepare for the worst." Now Finland is warning its citizens too . . . "stockpile large quantities of food and water, something bad is coming."  The warnings are being issued word-of-mouth throughout Finland, and being done very quietly but quickly.   Finland shares a 1300 mile border with Russia as shown below. If these warnings were coming from some conspiracy web site, we could all laugh them off.  They're not.  These warnings are coming from official government entities in Europe and they come at a time when tensions are rising everywhere.

    1. If WWIII begins in earnest, then the fraudulent circus election is off and we will be faced with Obama the dictator – as many have predicted. Criticism of government policy and the military will quickly become treason.  – SF

    2. Seemorerocks: "Eight hours ago, in Germany, two full trainloads of US Army  M1A2 Abrams Tanks were being loaded onto TWO trains in Grafenwohr, Germany, being sent to a destination unknown.  Clearly, moving this type of heavy armor is not something anyone does for fun.  The trains – shown below – departed Grafenwohr heading east and southeast.   The only people who are NOT being told about all of this are the American People; who are being left blissfully unaware that the world is rapidly approaching all-out war — and much of it is being caused by the actions of the Obama administration in Ukraine, in Syria, in South Korea, and in the South China Sea.  It's almost as though the US federal government is actually TRYING to start World War 3.  If they succeed, we'll all be lucky to live through it.
      SuperStation95 urges Americans to stockpile food and water, especially long-term items like canned meats, canned vegetables, large bags of rice, bags of beans, flour, grains, powdered milk.  We also urge Americans to arm yourselves and make certain to have ammunition.  Naturally, having some emergency supplies like flashlights, portable radios, spare batteries, an electric generator with spare fuel and a First Aid Kit is also a good idea.  Most of all, pay attention to what's taking place; your life could depend on it."

  10. After an approximate 30+/- day hiatus, spraying came back today with a vengence over here in Chico. There won’t be much original thinking getting done on the Chico State campus if the past is any harbinger of things to come. I drove to the cigar store at 7 P.M. and the whole campus and downtown area was being hammered. Won’t make much difference anyway, since the CSUC administration has completely bought into the, “Rotten to the Common Core” paradigm. And this is supposed to be a teachers college. Hah! Those who can’t teach, teach education.


  11. To ALL, Folks, today I wallered around in the cesspool of you tube. Geesh, I can't understand the amount of hits on some of the dumbest, or should I say moronic videos. Who believes that crap. And who the hell cares what those spoiled celebrities wear or do, good grief!! I even tried to go down the lane of truth in conspiracy. Yep, BS again! If I sound like anyone, I sound like George Carlin. I found a lot of stuff about how the elections are rigged. Some even spelled out the math. That's about where I had enough. But sitting here reflecting, I came up with my own campaign slogan. Maybe some of you folks will adopt it. Ready?…

    "I want my life back!!!" "Yesterday!!!!!"… "So move over!"

    For the good of the many, I will stand up and fight to my last breath. This simple horseman is good to his word… It's all we own.

  12. I can confirm the mosquitoes are all dead.

    The Central Bankers lied and said that Zika causes Microcephaly, however, the mosquito pesticide called "Naled" actually what is causing the Microcephaly, and this was PROVED in Brazil. Zika has been around for thousands of years and only causes a headache.

    Now that the Central Bankers lied about Zika, people are scared of mosquitoes, which the Central Bankers want because they the people wont say anything when Geoengineering kills all the mosquitoes.

    1. Perhaps in Florida the mosquitoes are all dead, but here in Iowa they are very much still alive. Although, they are very thin, I mean, there are not very many mosquitoes, seems like fewer than I’ve ever experienced, others have said just as much to me.

      If Geoengineering is killing them off, how convenient an excuse all this spraying will be to soothe those who wonder. Funny, that.

    2. Jimmy:  My understanding is the Zika virus was "discovered" (yep, you guessed it) in deepest darkest Africa in a remote region. I cannot recall if this virus, too, was removed from yet another alleged monkey.  The virus was brought to the US for research.  The ownership of the Zika Virus is the Rockefeller Foundation.  That org owns the patent.  I find it odd that a patent exists on some virus supposedly created by nature.  However, if it has been hybridized then I it can be patented as a new creation by the hand of our science-gods.  I suppose anyone using the Zika virus for research must pay the Foundation a royalty.  Take the time to research bio-warfare, genetic engineering, CDC, lab security and the Asilomar Conference back in the mid-70s.  Read a Higher Form of Killing, Germs Gone Wild, etc.  and you will be quickly disabused of the idea that these "emerging diseases" are 'thousands of years old.'

  13. OK . Let us get specific, they are in your Neighborhood. You can definitely point them out….If you Can't,     Well I can.l…THEY ARE  Like flies on Doo Doo. There is No Mistake'n IT…..They are out there. 

    Masonic Free Mason's. 

    A better world. For Who? Get rid of any LODGE… Fck'ers 

    They live in a world of Deception… 

    Look for Yor Self.. They are everywhere.

    1. Free Masons are commonly found in large number, like flies on.. well, you know…Really? Our lodges out here are almost empty.  The Problems are still ongoing.  How 'bout that?  Maybe if people actually were rewarded to raise their children not to be corrupt or greedy or lie, and actually to care about others who have less, and work to see to it that people have what they need, including the proverbial widow and orphan as Jesus taught us, there might be less of this all around.

  14. Dane

    It is Aug 28 2016 & here in Chemainus, BC, Canada & it is a cloudy day yet I see them spraying above the clouds. Why are they spraying even on a cloudy day? Do they have a motive for this? I almost look forward to cloudy days but if they spray on these days too I am thinking twice about this. This insanity has to stop. We need to hold these criminals accountable for their actions. It is not acceptable to plead ignorance. Thank you Dane for your dedicated work we need many more like you to see this through.   

  15. Hello Dane, team and everyone who has commented, past, present and future, on this board, I am immensely grateful for all you do, and to know that I am not alone in this struggle to get the truth out.
    I am a Brit writing from Italy. Both UK and Italy, like the rest of Europe and the world, are subject to relentless, ruthless onslaughts of weather modification with accompanying plant and insect die-off (observed personally & documented), while cancer and other disease rates are way up among humans and animals.
    Pretty much what everyone has remarked on here is happening. Profoundly disturbing.
    As to the earthquake in Italy, I am pretty sure from my research that climate intervention had something or everything to do with it; alas, despite being a known seismic area, the state also has allowed ENI (concession holder according to latest info available), the national energy company under public-private ownership, to drill for oil and gas (aka fracking, although this is supposedly prohibited by Italian law). Another oil drilling project that is having a disastrous impact on Italy’s unique archaeological heritage and natural environment, heavily polluting waters and sea, is Tempa Rossa in Basilicata, southern coast of Italy – a private (Total) investment allowed by the gov against much protest. PM Renzi said it was to generate income, which caused a public outcry, so he corrected himself, clarifying what he 'really meant was 'tax' income for infrastructure (right, sure, doubt the Italians will benefit).  The region was recovering economically thanks to tourism, which is more economically sustainable and sound – the town of Matera (Basilicata) home to historical ‘I sassi’ has been named ‘City of Culture 2017’ – but the oil barons have put a stop to that.
    Fracking is also being forced by the Tory gov on the UK, even in national parks!

    I only bring this up as, see links below, it may well be that they are using EMF/microwaves to fracture the rocks and release the gas, like in the US, just another profit agenda for the geoengineers and their paymasters.

    While I was trying to research the quake tragedy in Italy (not via Google) the first result gave me 2 lines that quoted the mayor of Amatrice commenting on the waste water from the nearby oil&gas ops (in Italian), however, when I clicked I got a ‘page does not exist’ error, I tried various other ways to find it but nada de nada. Vanished. Wiped clean. This smacks of a massive cover up to me. Italy is ruled according to Napoleonic legalistic regime (the term 'policy' does not even exist in the Italian political lexicon, everything is done 'by law') and it has long been a 'soft' military/police state (32 police forces, including tax and finance). Many join the armed forces because it is the only way to earn a living, especially if you are from southern Italy. Add to that Venal Vatican, merciless mafia, omerta, corruption and cronyism, etc., things are not exactly rosy, so the damage and pain wrought by the geoengineering insanity is massive, horrific, like in many other places, affecting economic and life staples like agriculture in untold ways, so unimaginable that the ppl are in full-on denial. Taxation is through the roof, direct and indirect. The economy continues to nosedive amid many other EU- and gov-induced woes. The peninsula has extensive coastlines and has long been trying to cope with human (and other) trafficking and migrant/refugee issues but it is not equipped, the south is dirt poor, no industry, no money; what EU/gov funding there is disappears into dishonest pockets. Geoengineering and social engineering rampant. The silence of the Italian media is so loud it’s deafening, long on WMDistraction, short on reality. Lies, deception and what opposition there is is controlled or legally harassed (e.g., TankerEnemy docu producer and geoengineering fighter Rosario Marcianò). Some Italians are awake but most are conveniently blind, oblivious, eating out on their terraces and at outdoor eateries, etc, as they breathe in the toxic air. Education system rotten, bent solely on dumbing down, e.g., badly taught English. Italy only unified for 150-so years, much historical diversity across the nation, very much an ‘everyone for themselves’ mindset. Men like Rosario are rare and need to be supported and respected; instead he is continuously attacked by vicious shills and the Venice judiciary has shut his FB page down. Just the tip of the iceberg.
    Another huge problem is that many Italians do not speak English and therefore do not have access to as many alternative and truthing information sources as we do. If they can even be bothered, some just reply ‘Oh that’s for future generations to worry about’, which leaves me gobsmacked! Clones of David Keith? Others just shrug and say ‘Well, nothing we can do’, or ridicule, call me crazy, etc. The defeatist attitude and herd mentality reign.
    The language barrier seems to be stalling the global 'lift off' of the protest that would enable us to strike at the power structure's heart with collective force. I do not know how to overcome this, I am spreading awareness as much as I can but there are few reliable Italian language sources to start ppl doing their own research. I show them my photos and videos, give them facts, tell them they need to see with their own eyes to believe, that I too was incredulous when I first discovered what is happening but that I could not doubt what I saw and continue to see with my own eyes and the evidence of ongoing research. It always comes down to money, if I had the money, I would start a European movement to support Dane, as I’m sure many others would too. Sadly, we are at the mercy of the unscrupulous banksters.
    I guess we are all counting on Dane and his determined and courageous team to make a resounding impact in the US with the legal action, to set a precedent others can follow.
    God bless you all, we live in hope and faith that humanity will come to its senses and that we can save our unique and precious earth from the diabolical MI complex & cohorts. How they can so callously dismiss the miracle of goodness and beauty that is this wonderful planet is mind-shattering. I am ashamed of the pain we are inflicting on it, on animals and all life; I look at the sky and silently scream ‘NOT in MY name!’
    Thank you again for all you do, all of you. Grazie. Merci. Danke. Gracias.
    I’d like to share the below links with you:

    Crazy Italy Earthquake Swarm, Deviation In Electron Beam at Particle Accelerator:  https://youtu.be/3Ko8PO_jF88

    Italy Earthquake: Strong 6.2, Odd Quake Pattern and 6.8 Strikes Mynamar: https://youtu.be/hJcNzu0FcnA

    'Weather Bomb' Over North Atlantic Releases Tremors Felt In Japan https://youtu.be/4IUUGHjEKuM

     US Air Force Reveals Radical Plan to 'Bomb the Sky' with Ionized Plasma: https://youtu.be/n8HWG-49oEg

    How massive chemtrails helped to maximise the UK lightening storm: https://youtu.be/Zl8MjxEkejA

    Never give up, never stop dreaming.

    1. From Italy — Thank you sincerely for this informative report. My sister, who is in her 80s, has lived in Rome for 60 years. Her English is a bit rusty. I spoke with her yesterday. She and her husband – who is an orchestra conductor, she was an opera singer – have been staying in Amatrice for the month of August for 12 years. They both are not well, but had actually made plans to stay in Amatrice at their favorite hotel the day of the earthquake! Fortunately, her husband didn't feel well enough to make the drive and so they canceled the reservation. I have explained geoengineering and Dane's effort to her – but I did not have the heart to tell her that these Ionospheric heaters are known to have the power to cause earthquakes or mention fracking. They both say that Italy is completely corrupt. The Italian government recently took a pension from her husband, promising to restore it later. She has reported the tragic consequences of the immigrants to me for months. People are sleeping all over the streets of Rome, especially in the churches. She knows that the world is moving toward some kind of disintegration. Hard to face in your eighties.

    2. I'd say the world's already disintegrated and the mthrfckrz causing it have run off a cliff and are now enjoying a Wile E. Coyote moment, hanging in the thin air, just waiting for the fall.  Soooo many dead and dying trees– what are we going to do about the dead trees, what do we do when they're gone??  It's amazing to me that I hear so many older folks just say things like, "Well, I'm glad to be getting older, I won't be here when all (fill in the blank) happens." 

    3. Hi, Its good to know another English person in Italy is trying to spread the word.  We live a few kilometres from Lake Bomba. They wanted to drill for oil under the lake and put a refinery here in this beautiful area of natural beauty. To make matters worse, Lake Bomba has a large dam on it – what would happen if it become unstable and broke – it would flood a large area and kill hundreds of people and animals. There was a massive local outcry against it and they said that it would undermine the rock structure and make it unstable. It was also believed they had not done proper testing to determine if it was a safe site. I think the company involved was American.  We have won for the moment but who knows how long before they try to push this through again.

      We too, have printed leaflets and flyers and even sat our neighbours down in front of the computer to watch Tanker Enemy in Italian.  They have trouble with watching a documentary for so long – the attention span is just too small. They see their crops failing, their peach and cherry trees dying that only a year ago or so had produced bountiful fruit.  Our fig tree is all but dead – its bark is flaking off and the leaves are turning yellow and falling.  There are so many other trees dead and dying – even Weeping Willows which normally are quite hardy.  I hate the silence at night and early morning when there used to be so many birds before. When you point all this out they just shrug there shoulders and say "but,what can we do?".  It would be helpful too if they stopped shooting the birds for sport! Very few people protest about anything. An Italian friend was right when she said the Italians are like sheep – heads down and eating.  It is only when their ability to eat from the land diminishes that someone will sit up.  But usually there are other excuses for the failing crops – fungus, disease and they can't see what is coming down from the sky.  I will now tell them about stockpiling food and water but I can guess they will think I am crazy!

  16. Reporting from Redding, CaI too have noticed the change in spraying, no visible trails, the sky is very hazy. Much plant life is dark orange like it has been sprayed with poison, yet some plant life still looks healthy and that gives me hope when I see a beautiful rose or a big dark green live oak tree. Went to Alaska for vacation, it was a nice change but noticed dying trees there too. Also visited the Willamette Forest in Oregon, hiked to Proxy Falls, it was absolutely stunning, dark moist emerald green foliage everywhere, the flow of the fall intense, I didn't want to leave! Instead of heading west to Interstate 5, took highway 97 back to California, I saw massive tree die off all the way home, never seen anything like it!

    1. After many days of fog rolling in I saw one trail getting laid down this evening in San Rafael.  They've been spraying but it's been with stuff that dissipates right away, though the air's been atrocious with "white haze" metal particulates that make me feel like I'm breathing sand paper.

  17. Thank you all for writing in & thanks to Dane for his tireless efforts.  I'm in New England for the last five days & saw so much spraying all over mid Vermont, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, western Massachuesetts all the way to the Adirondacks where they spray relentlessly.  The familiar X'es in the sky, the sprays above the cumulus clouds are still very eerie to me.  My relatives notice now that I point it out, but nobody seems to look up.

  18. Here's the crux of the problem as I see it. Longtime friends of mine, who know what I'm all about, send me photos of their weekend trip to Castle Lake in Mount Shasta. Their accompanying text reads: Beautiful and Pristine!! So I magnify the photos and lo and behold there are dead and dying trees everywhere, even right at the cove where they are basking in the "sun".  The disconnect is unbelievable! I don't know how our realities could be any further apart! I am not surprised, but still shocked and saddened.

    1. Hi Biji, I also am stunned at the complete lack of awareness by most people. I have a relative who told me we will just learn to live without the ozone layer, as if that protective layer doesn't matter. Others tell me that they see bees so there is no problem there. The trees here in northern Colorado are dying at a truly alarming rate but the average person can't even seem to notice. I dread the future my grandchildren are about to expierence. I have been awakening many of the people I work with in the grassroots non profit I work for, but these people tend to be more receptive to new realities and know that the mainstream media is pure propaganda. The average person just does not want to accept empirical truths. I will keep trying to plant seeds though. The best to everyone who Marcus in our battle. 

  19. Hello Dane,

    I was very happy to meet you and Andrew Wakefield and Kevin Schipp in Redding on August 5th.  Other notables I merely observed with reverence.  Del and Dr. Tenpenny are amazing, and I hope they will find the energy to continue their own paths toward exposing the truth with all their insight.

    The day after (Aug. 6th), I had dinner with my brother, and his son, and his inlaws.  My brother's father-in-law, John Podesta, is Hillary's campaign chairman.  He was Bill's COS from '98 to end-of-term.  I was wearing the long-sleeved white-on-black t-shirt with the plane:  "Stop Climate Engineering/Investigate/Geoengineeringwatch.org."

    John's objection was that he agrees that, yes, he concurs global warming is catastrophic and the biosphere is collapsing, but "I don't buy it" regarding a long-term, ongoing program of climate modification because "it's not working." 

    I pulled back my guns at the polite request of my brother.  But the seed, with the help of the big black tee shirt was firmly planted.

    Not that I doubt for a second than John Podesta is fully aware of what has been happening and is happening and will happen.

    Most interesting, his son Gabe is an AF JAG at Travis.  Gabe listened to my exposition on geoengineering/biosphere collapse and said nothing.  Total silence.  Wow.  I shit you not:  Gabe Podesta is on a few short lists to be a future President of the USA.

    I'm quite lucky to have not only an incredibly sane and stable and beautiful wife (inside and out, bro), but two engaged and open-minded kids in their early twenties.  They're forbearing enough to hear me out, and their immune systems are still working.  We switched pediatricians 11 years ago when I declined the Guardasil vaccine for my now 24-yr-old daughter.

    I'd like to recommend two reads:

    "Galileo's Middle Finger" was written by Alice Dreger in 2015.  Picked it up at the library.  Wow.  It starts off about intersex and transgender, then gets into the domination of the medical-academic complex by people who are flat-out scared of the truth.  She's a great writer, but she openly disses Andrew Wakefield (just one sentence) because of his association with Patrick Tierney.

    A top-of-the-fold article in the Sacramento Bee today, 8/28, about Dino Cortopassi, the lead funder and spokesperson against the Delta Tunnel Project, is worth your valuable time.  Truly inspirational…truth above personal gain and politics.

    It's what Alice Dreger loosely calls the Galileo syndrome. Truth above personal payback and politics. 

    If only Dino was on your side of the climate engineering issue…

    I promise I'll read some of that Epictitus, and other stoic nuggets.  Please keep it up.


    1. Thanks Fred you just made my day. Hillary can't possibly deny knowing now. But wait. She still will. If everybody would e mail or call the DNC and RNC and tell them that ONLY candidates (on all levels) that speak out about ending geoengineerinig will get their vote, it would matter. Especially if you are registered nonpartisan. It would get them talking just like I am positive that Fred's geoengineerinig t shirt and  dinner conversation did. That is what upsets me about people's inaction. Any one thing could cause a ripple effect and people are excusing themselves based on not being able to make a difference. Together we make a difference. Press on.

    2. Good try, Fred Rouse. Keep it up. Seems like you’ve had the same kind of luck with your relatives as I did with mine.

      My conscious nags at me, “Do or do not. There is no try.”

      Better luck next time.

  20. The newer type of spraying is clearly visible if you use polarized amber sunglasses.  You can see the "sheets" of sprayed materials in the sky as well as the fallout and there is constant haze wherever you go.  It is even seen in most sporting events on TV (and commercials) as well as vacation areas with no industrial activity.  I can no longer exercise outdoors without feeling very ill (collapsed during activities with extreme tinnitus and hyperacuity). Direct sunlight on my skin makes me feel weak and dizzy.  I have constant tinnitus, low vitamin D and elevated barium. There is no doubt about being sprayed 24/7 throughout the world. We live in a mad, mad world and I am so ashamed that certain members of our species are destroying all life as we know it.   Many thanks to everyone at this website for keeping me sane since most people are totally oblivious to what is happening around us.  I hope that life can continue with all of the damage done to the ozone layer by those who are currently at the helm and their crew.

    1. Thank you Modern Calamity. Yes, you can see the lines with sunglasses. Maybe they left out the barium. This last Sat. and Sun. here in Arizona, we had an Ozone High Pollution Alert. Both days started out really nice, blue, white puffy clouds, and I could see the mountains in the distance clearly, until the dull looking spray started. Funny, I grew up in So. Cal. where the pollution was brown, not white. "Don't run that leaf blower while we spray the crap out of you."  

    2. Hello Modern Calamity, I too have the "tinitus". If it is as bad as mine, then i really feel bad for you.

  21. As I have developed the habit of watching the ongoing debacle of weather patterns arise across the west coast of North America the word came to me this morning "contrived". This is an online definition of the word.

    Contrived; deliberately created rather then arising naturally or spontaneously. created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic.

    Boy isn't that the truth! Bizarre is another word that works as well. The weather is supposed to be natural and spontaneous. Given by almighty God as a means to bring life to the earth it is also governed by the laws of his own immutability. The weather though random actually is rational and makes sense as it is from God himself.

    As I look at the hot drying of the southern west coast verses the wet spinning drunkenness of the north coast its not hard to see the contrived aspect day by day. While the south burns up we still can't get a crop of decent hay off our fields up north at the end of August. The reason is simple. They do not want the coastal flush to affect the south coast therefore everything is diverted north. I have watched the pacific frontal systems for forty years. We had a name for that system in the Vancouver area. We called it the pineapple or china express. Like a great gardener standing in the midst of the pacific ocean with a garden hose gently spraying the west coast from central California to the gulf of Alaska. If low pressure systems rotated somewhat over the ocean they Always collapsed into a western flow when they contacted the continental mountain ranges. Always!! What's these massive mainland rotating low pressure systems one after the other over the mainland of Canada?? Literally the size of class 5 hurricanes! See? Contrived! Totally historically unnatural. Every single nucleus of them  intensely sprayed into before rapidly in mere minutes or an hour or two, turning into these titan lows. Notice all wet systems turned north. From Hawaii central everything is turned north. Nothing is ever allowed to move east..ever.

    What a contrived world we live in.

     Everything is fabricated & false. Nothing is as it seems. Like a black & white dream it's become blurry illusions of something that's supposed to be projected as reality.

    Take the political system. Free bread & circuses

    Money & the banking system. It's not even money & yet has the appearance of working.

    Stock markets that always go up while 100 million Americans are out of work the corporations have more debt then ever & less profit.

    America claiming to be a Godly nation but is the origin of all the filth & smut of the world. Claiming democracy but ruled by fascists & dictatorial decree. Claiming a strong healthy economy while trade laws export jobs & destroy the middle class. Chides socialism but is the most socialist paradise on earth. Promotes beastiality & homosexuality as a healthy lifestyle taught in schools & even preschool. Look at Ontario!

    Giving the president the Nobel peace prize three months into office who then goes on to become leader of one of the more blood thirsty administrations. Black means white & evil becomes good. Oh but if we could just get the awful democratic party and O out & get the repubs in we could clean this country up. Really??? Seriously??? My God America you have lost your way. 

    Terrorist attacks that are so phony & ill conceived that a five year old could tell the difference but 250 million people can't!

    A media that spins lies for fact & relentlessly attacks those same facts. Where heroes & truth tellers are villainised & criminals & liars are made gods and lifted up.

    Where do we go from here? A thousand directions all false contrived to delude the masses. The problem is morality people. It was said that the American constitution only works for a moral people. However the same rights & freedoms guaranteed the moral also work for the immoral & criminal. They removed the fear of God & replaced it with the origin of monkeys. Removed prayer from school. Salvation & the conviction of sin turned into church joining & so on till the conscience of the people are seared. So we lie cheat steal fornicate and so forth all the while claiming our nation is Godly while it is all to evident the nations are ruled by the devil himself.

    A friend.


    1. Thankyou BC friend…very well said. Truth prevails in the end. "Shatter the darkness." (listening as we speak… a most excellent teacher)

    2. Thanks for your post. we have a lot of very good stuff posted here. Yours is one of the best ever. I agree with all your stated , so well. Thank you , as always I thank dane for all he does. Thanks to every one who posts and reads here.

    3. Awesome post – can you elaborate more on the weather patterns over 40 years.  Can you relate it to what is happening in Hawaii now?  I really miss God's weather patterns too and real seasons and real air and real water and the rest.  He will fix this later but our responsibility now **

  22. Well, we know it's pre-set coordinates, the spraying always is, but I have to say I couldn't help but notice that pentagram-appearing pattern in the chem trails "they" laid down in the photo above, wherever that may be– haha!– and any further magnification of the fear you're already feeling is just a happy "side effect" for TPTB, I'm sure.  I really wouldn't read more into the pattern above than the fact that we have a human problem with a solution that will also have to come through a human channel before it is solved and the spraying ceases and desists. 

  23. Hello from Tokyo Japan!
    We had “funny” typhoons dancing show south sea of Japan island these several days. Some emerged, some dissipated. Tomorrow, we might have a “grownup” land on the island, but might dissipate, since it got too exhausted made to stick to the same place too long?! 

    August 20 infrared satellite image (Japanese)
    four typhoons emerging and eventually dissipating
    you can change the dates to see their birth, life and death

    EOSDIS Japan 4 typhoons snapshot
    2016 August 20 

    SSMI/SSMIS/AMSR2-derived Total Precipitable Water – West Pacific
    current: the single typhoon “nurtured to go”

    FYI: Magnetic Declination 
    WMM 2015 Total Intensity Map
    from:The World Magnetic Model

  24. jay all you have to do is pay for the online viewing, record it with the numerous simulcast video recording apps and make the torrent yourself and superseed. You just have to upload it and provide trackers

  25. Hello Dane,   Glad to hear you on the Gary Null show Aug.25.  I emailed you a few months ago about getting on his show and spreading the message. I hoped you were warned about his ego.  Gary loves to get his 2 cents worth and more in the conversation.   But he does reach a large audience world wise, and it was still worth it   Good Job!

  26. The US: A Dead Nation Walking
    Paul Craig Roberts / Aug. 26, 2016
    "… the United States is a dead nation, still walking, but no longer a uni-power.  …  US weapon systems are more focused on profits than on effectiveness and that Russia has superior weapons and a superior cause based on protection rather than dominance. However … the commitment of Washington’s Neoconservatives to US world hegemony and the recklessness of the Neoconservatives and Hillary Clinton. Washington is incensed that Russia (and China) dare to stand up to Washington, and this anger crowds out judgment. … Western reporting and think tank and university reports on Russia are propaganda and are useless to understanding the situation. …  [Washington must not] “resort to force, which would be devastating given the destructive power of modern weaponry.  … realism is still a minority view, and it is highly unlikely that it would be the view of a Hillary regime.  In my opinion, the chance of nuclear war from Neoconservative intention, miscalculation or false launch warning remains high. The provocations of US/NATO military forces and missile bases on Russia’s borders are reckless as they build tensions between nuclear powers. It is in times of tension that false warnings are believed and miscalculations occur. In the interest of life on earth, Washington should be de-escalating tensions with Russia, not building them. So far there is no sign that the Neoconservatives are willing to give up their hegemonic agenda for the sake of life on earth."

  27. Nuclear power and nuclear weapons  and every other environmental issue– including fracking, climate engineering , gmos , vaccines just to name a few.— Military industrial complex and medical industrial complex.

    All of the above effects all of us.  U.S. spends over 50 percent of your tax dollars on military.    check out war is a racket —  4 star general written in 1935– worse today but history not so pretty back than either.

  28. Dane and friends, I have had a challenging week. I realized that after 7 straight months of trying to get family and friends to help me stop the geoengineerinig insanity, not one person has made a phone call, written an e mail or letter and I doubt they are even out there talking about it. I help a lot of people even though I am disabled for years. I lost it and used the PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOU ASS……… on a number of people who can find someone else to lend them rent or drive their DUI selves around.

    The president will be at State line, Nevada this weekend. How about some letters to the editor at the Tahoe Daily Tribune or Lake Tahoe News (online). Wondering if they'd print a real letter.

    Way to take apart the local paper, Dane. The citizens of the area should boycott that rag.

    1. LS —  My sincere sympathies. The local group here that is fighting the US Navy told me not to send them emails about geoengineering. They don't have time for geoengineering and can't be bothered!!! Mind blowing stuff. They can't make the connection that the same technology that allows the Navy to play its EW electronic war games on the Olympic Peninsula WA is geoengineering – plasma physics. We appear to live in an insane asylum where most are completely cut off from their own sense perceptions. Has the synaptic brain 'wiring' in most already been skewed beyond reason and contact?

  29. I just returned from a visit from Italy to Croatia.  Spraying is happening in Croatia.  I witnessed most in the early morning hours and towards sunset.  During the full moon there, I could see a huge trail back lit by the moonlight.  Same procedure, fly high, sprays on and off, dissipate the spraying to make a noticeable change within a 3 hour period.  Yuck!  Oh, and while making a tight connection at an airport a couple of months ago, I sprinted through the airport with luggage.  I was surprised that I then could not stop coughing for 10-15 minutes.  People were genuinely concerned.  Seems this aerosol pollution was finding a way to be loosened from my lungs!  I am noticing too, that at the break of day, the skies look gray.  Once the sun has reached an hour or so above the horizon, the sky appears to be blue, but of course, it's the silvery white blue.

  30. Random thoughts:

    If they ban VAXXED or discussion thereof, can book burning be far behind? They've poisoned our air, water, and food. Ongoing target: minds. Do NOT let this happen; learn something every day.

    Supposedly (I haven't researched this), Eisenhower's speech warning of the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) originally contained an additional word: Congressional. But it was removed. Hmmm. Is there an honest one in the bunch? 

    I suggest we all start growing whatever medicinal/edible herbs and plants that will survive in our areas. And look into Moringa. Barring land space, or a balcony for pots, consider sprouts — they require just seeds, a glass jar (or nutmilk bag), water, cheesecloth or similar, and string, raffia or a rubber band to secure. 

    Stay safe, strong, and active my friends, in whatever small or large way you can. Earth and all its lifeforms are depending on us.

    Namaste dear ones.

    1. Yes, Eisenhower used that additional word "Congressional" but was told by his handlers to leave it out.  Might scare the horses, you know.

  31. Hello Jay, yes, I do understand your points, but the VAXXED group is trying to take the best possible path that gets the film out and yet allows them to be able to keep the doors open and the tour going to expose the film. I have gotten to know them fairly well, the are exceptioinal people that are truly doing their best for the greater good.

  32. Thank You all for sharing so many news, terrible ones. It feels so hopeless to hear all that, since what can we do??? In particual when Dane mentions the sprayings CAN'T BE STOPPED(???, WHY??), than the best is to die, RIGHT NOW… Knowing how the science and political deception works, one can only imagine the possible climate scenario when looking at D. Keith most recent publication, which is free! Its title: "Improved aerosol radiative properties as a foundation for solar geoengineering risk assessment". According to their choice of materials, the best scattering materials are, diamond, Al2O3 and SiC. Certainly Al-oxide is the cheapest, and while the paper mentions the 'expected aerosol livetime of 1-2 years', one can assume the current agricultural disaster to be only deeper than it is right now. The 'suggestive' Al-oxide solution is now 'scientifically' proven to be good, identically to by now HUNDREDs articles on PubMed claiming ZIKA connection with birth defects and massive other disorders. NIH is testing first ZIKA VACINE on 80 healthy (???) citizens! Germans might not only have potatoes, their tuberculose cases are all   skyrocketting! It looks like the DELIBERATE, PLANNED chaos, might help those in power to finish the SILENT WWIII, the WAY THEY WANT, IF WE SIT AND DO NOTHING! But what to do????

    1. Hello Christine, I assure you I have never stated that the spraying “can’t” be stopped. All I have ever said, and what I will continue to say, is that the climate engineering can and must be stopped. This effort will take all of us, the attached link will give more instruction and insight. FYI https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/introducing-geoengineering-climate-engineering-to-the-uninformed/

    2. Hey christine:  I listened to this show FOUR TIMES IN A ROW tonight.. I am a professional musician so I KNOW how to listenNot once did Dane say here, or at any other time, that the spraying "can't" be stopped and never once have I ever ever heard him say that because of that, we should somehow just all die.  So it's pretty clear to me that you've quite gotten Dane Wigington turned around in your mind actually with Guy McPherson, because those two postulations you mentioned in your comment above are exactly what McPherson is saying about the situation ("can't" stop the spraying, we actually need it, and since it won't work anyway we may as well all just die). 

      Re: David Keith's free paper:  Now, we all know that just because something's free doesn't mean you want to pick it up; think about it: Native Americans got "free" blankets, thus perfectly free exposure to genocide-causing small pox… so much for the assumption that somehow "free" = "good." 

    3. THANK YOU BOTH Dane and Dennie for the response! I guess we misunderstood each other a bit, my point was, I was terrified about 'must continue' sprayings! Since I do have impaired hearing, and listened to Dane's lecture once, as a foreigner, sometimes am struggling to follow a fast speaking person, I'm HAPPY NOW TO CONFIRM what I would also say, SPRAYINGS MUST BE STOPPED NOW! Regarding Keith's paper I need to add a parable of what is going on, in 'science'.   If one reads something once, it won't stay too long in ones head, especially given the terrible amount of short memory loss these days. But if one reads something again, and again, and again, it will become almost a believe, it must be truth, since so many write about it, isn't it? Todays count of PubMed publications involving ZIKA keyword is 1355, a week ago it was 1313… Who paid for all these studies? THE REPEATABILITY OF 'studies' on ZIKA subject, IS EXACTLY THE TACTIC APPLIED IN 'science' RIGHT NOW, TO PROPAGATE ZIKA VIRUS FEAR and relate it to birth defects and more, to VACCINATION SPREAD AND FINAL GENOCIDAL SPREAD OF NEW GMO MOSQUITO'S, WHO CARRY THE EUKARYOTIC LETHAL DNA WEAPON, WITH MAYBE NOT SO UNKNOWN CONSEQUENCES, since the science says clearly, the OXT513A GOAL IS TO EXTINCT EUKARYOTIC (humans belong to that category!!) species, mosquitos', ENTIRELY!!!! Regarding free science articles in this case it is good, that they show up, since this way one can follow up on the official intentions of the elites. Biotechnology articles are frequently VERY EXPENSIVE, not even available to the public. That's all what I ment with the word 'free'… And regarding genocide on Native Indians, a crying heart for all these 500 years from the moment when Indian history was literally erased, is not enough. There are simply no english words to describe that evil.

    4. Here's the report that South American physicians put out in response to the massive Zika and microcephaly psy-op:  http://www.reduas.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2016/02/Informe-Zika-de-Reduas_TRAD.pdf  "Mass spraying with chemical poisons" had been going on in poor, mosquito-infested regions of Brazil and other South American countries, for at least 18 months prior to the epidemic of microcephalic children.  The insecticide, produced by a Japanese division of Monsanto, works by inhibiting growth in insects.. little wonder too-small heads in humans exposed in utero to growth-inhibiting toxins.

  33. There's so much in this broadcast I'm going to have to listen to it a few times through.  So now the Bankster-Corporate-Military-controlled media and their lapdogs, the "lawmakers," begin their attempts to double down on the throttling of the truth by criminalizing free speech with California Assembly Bill 1671:  http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB1671  This is indeed a lunatic attack

    Speaking of LUNATICS:  Unbelievable that David Keith, a.k.a. Lucifer, is on recording saying of SRM "I think it's a stunning and frightening thing because it's complete lunacy," even as he cries all the way to the bank with the profits from his Keith Group for actually performing the very lunatic thing that he decries.  "A lot of people just believe things that normal science doesn't believe at all," Keith stated.  Well, Mr. Keith, who on Earth, besides you and your ilk, believes that geoengineering is any kind of demonstration of "normal" science, hmmm…???

    SOMEONE knows how terrible things are becoming; the media jumped for joy reporting with glee that another planet just like Earth has been found, just "next door," (4.22 light years away):  "They're calling it Proxima b, and while it could be like Earth in the important features, it would probably still look very alien.  It is 4.6 million miles from its red dwarf star, or just one-twentieth of the distance between Earth and the sun, creating an incredible orange sky with no blue, so it looks like a perpetual sunset.  And if that's not different enough, the planet circles it star so quickly that its year is about 11 days.  The planet doesn't rotate, so one side is always facing its star and the other side is always dark and colder.  It is bombarded with x-rays and ultraviolet light, but that wouldn't necessarily be fatal to life, since life can exist underground, scientists said… There are still many questions, especially the crucial one of whether the planet has an atmosphere." 

    Well, "they're" already doing that here, so why would you travel 4.22 light years to go somewhere where you don't even really know if there's an atmosphere you can withstand, water to drink, or even a "daily" rhythm of life you can live with, high ultraviolet levels and x-rays, because you probably do not have an atmosphere (same as here, now that you f*ckers ruined it), and so you'd just have to live underground?  Crazy, or what?!

  34. I read on Facebook tonight, the lady responsible for price hike of EpiPen was attacked  by lots of bees.  She is in Critical Care or ICU.  Tbere's some instant Karma for you!  Thx Dane.  Still here, still talking nuts and bolts to all within range. (Thank you just doesn't cover it.)


  36. What is happening to international aid in case of natural disasters, please recall Clintons time, just recently… Natural News gives another story of an incest in politics, with a link to a free movie about Clintons and money, not even covering the MAJOR GENOCIDE BILL COMMITTED, in 'collaboration' with Monsanto, a FORCED ILLEGAL GMO INTRODUCTION ON THE ENTIRE HUMAN POPULATIONS!!!!:

    In terms of missed money the day before 9/11, these were 2.3 THRILLIONS!

    1. I know all you wonderful intelligent women(and men) out there will flip out on this little bit of info. I remember when this hit the news years ago. Funny how it all got swept under the carpet.


      Why americans keep electing crooks is beyond me. I suppose most of them took art and PE in high school(no offense to art). I took science and social awareness classes. Do they have those anymore?

  37. dear Dane Wigington, i have long admired your courage and untiring work when it comes to Geo-engineering. I live near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and since the beginning of this year the spraying has gone one almost continuously. One feels very helpless. People think it is "airplane exhaust". They will not be convinced otherwise. Nobody in my own family takes it seriously, except one teenage granddaughter. Sometimes i feel despair when looking at the sky.I wish i could do more. I am always sending people articles, but few if any are reading them.

    Earlier this summer we were getting a lot of smoke from the Fort Mc Murray fire. Then they talk about "air quality" and tell people to stay indoors…and yet the chemtrails are so much worse, and nobody talks about them…such hypocrisy! 

    Again, thank you so much for everything you are doing. Brigitte Tan


  38. Missing persons report! Ya, where did they go?


    Ants: known to be within 100 yards of cabin in numbers of 5 to 7 main colonies. Mounds 10 to 16 inches high.

    Grosse Beak birds: Seen last year in numbers of 20 to 30 in a flock visiting water trough.

    Pine Beatles: Aka, stink bugs. Once known to get into places one thought secure from bugs.

    Grasshoppers: 5 years ago they were everywhere this time of year. 2 years ago you only stirred up a few when walking across the yard. 1 year ago they were few and far between.

    Big buzzer flies: Just like the little ones only on steroids.

    Horse Flies: Used to drive the Mustangs nuts. (I don't think they miss them like I do).

    Blue Birds: They nested here this spring and were so skinny when they left. Haven't seen one since. 16 years I've watched them, this is not normal.

    Ticks: Yes, ticks! The most nasty invasive bug in my neck of the woods, Gone!

    Carpenter Ants: Those big damn bugs can make tasty wood into saw dust.

    Black Beatles: Once got into places you'd rather not find them. They followed the stink bugs.

    And lastly, Mosquitos!: The dreaded blood suckers of the night, Gone!

    The Deer around here look like crap, still. It's like they didn't shed out their winter coat properly and there's no shine to them. I haven't seen hide nor hair(or track) of wise old Mr Bear this year. The Coyotes thinned the offspring way to early this year. I haven't had one single pack rat try to dig into my shop. And to top it all off, My Mustangs are telling me it's going to be an early and cold winter, What? How can that be? Is it from the nucleated cool downs that have occurred whether the moisture hit the ground or not? Somehow it all comes through in natures reactions out here in the non artificial environment, good or bad.

    In all fairness to my report: One can go down to the "artificial" environments where they irrigate and have what they think is plenty of water. There you will find "some" of the things I have missing up here on my little place. It doesn't change the the severity of what my region(north Okanogan county WA) is experiencing and is headed for in the very near future.

    Stay tuned for the next "Ponderosa Report"

    1. Simple horseman: of all the comments, those regarding the decimation of the animals, insects and trees strike such a chord of concern in me. Of course, the skies are alarming enough but when you notice how diminished the animal populations are, it feels closer to home.

      I live in the Chesapeake Bay Area near DC.  While we haven't been droughted and dried like the West Coast, the weather is geoengineered daily here too, it seems. Our Spring was horribly wet, cold and depressing with mold growing everywhere and maybe 3 days of sunshine in May. This summer's temps and weather appeared more "normal" but our winters have have huge nucleated snowstorms for years now: wet, gloppy snows that don't melt normally.

      We have 6 acres of woodland and are used to lots of animals and insects. While we still have plenty, I first noticed a major decline in mosquitos this year, as well as grasshoppers, lightning bugs, centipedes, Japanese beetles, even earthworms. They used to be all over the driveway after a rain. Not anymore. And while thankfully we do have butterflies, they aren't in the numbers and varieties they used to be, only a few years ago. Same with pollinators and pests like black flies and deerflies. I used to never be able to go for a run without flies buzzing me. No more. While the decline of "pest" insects means less bug bites for me, what about the food chain for birds and bats? The bird population is way down too. We used to have majestic flocks of goldfinches and cedar waxwings. Now I'm lucky if I see a few at all. 

      The forests of the Chincoteague Wildlife Refuge are toppled and almost destroyed, blamed on the pine bark beetle. I think beetles do damage but because the trees are already weakened by geoengineering. The forests in Western Maryland are ruined too. I was heartbroken to see the ancient pine trees toppled all over Swallow Falls Park. I couldn't believe the changes in only 2 years. 

      Thank you for your reports from the West.


  39. Thank you again Dane even if many may find the information grim. This needs to be exposed. I especially toke note of the billboard poster you mentioned  in Calgary Banff, I am from Canada. I am disgusted with CBC coverage and I contacted them to let them know how I feel. I asked them why their so called scientist didn't use the scientific term for Geoengineering. Thanks again Dane for your dedicated work I wish I could do more to make this insanity stop.  

  40. Brisbane, Australia. SRM is less obvious but it is still happening. On days without obvious trails or 'SRM-created clouds', the sky is still the wrong colour. It is too pale a blue, having that misty look when you look up and not too distantly you see the SRM fallout in the form of haze which is ever present to some degree even on weekends when there is no business traffic or heavy industry activity. The sun feels very hot and our rain is far less than it should be.

    The Sunday Mail today has as its front page news, wait for it…. Elle MacPherson is 52 years old!!! Just when you wonder how this travesty of media can hit new lows, it brings this piece of drivel and trivia to us. With what is going on in the world, proper journalism seems to be dead except in the smallest margin of alternative media on the internet.

    The denial of the current SRM programs by these 'authorities' is very transparent but that is all they have up their sleeves at the moment. They will also lie to the very end, even when it is pointed out by the public that the jig is up. We cannot wait for them to admit to anything for they never will. The verdict will have to be forced upon them without reprieve from the public.

    Like criminals in the dock who lie regardless of the evidence of their guilt and complicity, so too will this cabal of Zionists. "By deception we wage war" is their motto. They cannot be bargained with, made to see good, or have a moral aspect appealed to. They have been working for 200 hundred years or so now and don't want to give up their plans.

    On this note, interestingly Israel has something called 'The Samson Option' whereby if it has war waged against it, it will launch nuclear weapons against the Middle East, Europe and the US! It will bring everyone else, enemies and allies, death and nuclear destruction if it is to fall. They are truly insane psychopaths at the helm of that vast nuclear power situated in the Middle East since 1948.

    1. Michael B, Every time I read ones of your posts I think to myself, "it's gonna take all of us to get where we want to go(sure am glad this guy is on our side). And I sure am glad to know that a man from the land down under is here with us". We are not nations, "we" are humanity! Personally, I am glad to be a member.

      One that STANDS UP for the good of us all. Regardless!

      Once had a Dog named Samson. He was big and awesome looking. He had his weak points. He relied to much on the heard to back him up. And so will be the fall of what the USA created, Israel. "The new world order", Pish posh I say! Long live a good life! For all…

    2. "The new world order will be brutal, but short."  So said Michael C. Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon:  The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil, 2004.

      Israel was created by the Rothschild Bankster families in collaboration with England and the U.S. in order to create a proxy nation that would serve to control the Middle East, hence all the resources there needed by the Military-controlled Industrial West.  There is a chapter devoted to Israel in Crossing the Rubicon.

      As nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education noted of Chernobyl and the subsequent toppling of the Soviet empire, we're noticing a nuclear disaster occurring about every 7 years.  The next one could be here, and like the Soviet Union, topple the country.

  41. Dane — Thank you! You are truly a voice in the wilderness. Today was bad here with the sky constantly being assaulted. I began to feel that 'death’ was in the sky above – and finally covered the windows, pulled the shades so I could not see.  The last days of summer… Some days I get angry. So I take photos. My only release… …  Still no visible planes out here, just the Navy's EW electronic warfare leavings. Don't they have children?

    Death in the Sky over the Olympic Peninsula WA/ late August 2016, Part 1 and 2  / My new photos of the wispy nano-chem-clouds that soon turn the sky to a repulsive milky-glass:

    1. LACK OF AFFECT is The Number One Problem.  The emotionally flat-lined humanoids exhibiting this bizarre, maladaptive behavioral response to their self-destruction are simply in the numb stage on the way to their demise.

  42. hi everyone,

    first let me thank you, dane, for all the work you spend and information you spread!

    it helped me a lot to understand what is happening ,not only in our skies!

    for two years now i'm fully awake to the geoenginneering facts,changed my life in different ways and trying to counter the ignorance of the fellow humans around me. now i thought i should at least share some of my observations.

    i live in the 'us colony' called germany, more disturbing , right in the center of most of the USARMY bases like ramstein, wiesbaden, darmstadt, kaiserslautern etc. and next to the frankfurt airport.

    so i can confirm that at least our area can join the club with the areas of the world with no natural weather anymore. also they are changing the spraying habits every now and then, i guess depending on other factors. but specially overall more spraying at night times and if its at the day its always following the sun and directly in front of it (i made countless pictures and videos of the most disturbing )

    i can further confirm extreme geoengineering in south africa where we traveled partially in february this year (between east london and western cape) and  which lead to extreme droughts in the rest of the country and namibia (where we spend jan and mars). 

    but in namibia, the only place where there was a hint of spraying was in swakopmund!

    the rest of the country seemed, at least at our time there, only affected by whats going on in south africa and some farmers told us that the clouds building up at daytime (there was raining season) would be blown away from unusual winds before they would come down…..

    anyway  we could enjoy at least some very natural sky and fluffy clouds to remind us how it should be elsewhere ……

    …as in morocco , where i was in november 2015, the whole northern rif-area is a artificial weather mess as its right now here in thailand (gulf of t.) where i'm sitting right now.in both countries the sky looks EXACTLY the same as in germany….

    interestingly the news and pics im getting from at home in germany look the same as of the time of the brexit in britain: 

    no spraying at all for 6 days now , as it was 'forecast' as heathwave(!) weeks ahead by our weather.actors in the news.

    for me there is a direct connection between our clear skies in germany and extreme weather conditions elsewhere at least in europe. 

    it seems they have to concentrate their behaviour on the spot sometimes.

    remember ,the week before and until up the brexit voting day britain was sinking under floods and rain (to prevent people going to vote?) .

    now this week we had the earthquake in italy…..coincidence ? for me i'm sure its not..

    other observations lately where:

    – doctors diagnosing strange bacteria or fungi in lungs or mouth of people around me (some of them spending most of their time outside) which 'don't belong there'?

    – in our fields massive white fungus (several  cm thickness!) observed  for a day, it seemed specially on organic matter (like dog sh.)

    – germanys agricultural department has warned of loss of most of the potatoes this year because of fungi related to the weather

    – just today a 'the guardian' headline states: "Health: Millions at risk as deadly fungal infections acquire drug resistance"

    as the financial system is going to burst they  do everything on every possible channel (weather,news,fake.terror,war preparation etc etc) to distract,divide and kill the common men and nature……and mainly our common sense….


    thanks again dane for your fantastic work 

    as for me i will spread the word to anyone sourrounding me,no matter if he likes it or not

    and i hope all readers here will go on to do the same as we are more than the powers who shouldn't be want us to believe !

    in the end it's the only way to stay clean with yourself and even if most people don't want to believe in the first place, the seed of doubt will work in the long run………


    1. Hello yoss.

      Thank you for your courage.

      And this MADNESS is only possible because the collaboration that the MFs have from all the "leaders" of the ( democratic dead ) west World. Now it's only – corruption – and – insanity- . All People must know that this GLOBAL F GENOCIDAL PLAN is an engineered process that is being perpetrated against – All the People on the Planet – by the masonic MFs of the "new" MFg dis- order of the crime money and by its associates ; the rest of the masonic GANGSTERS ( that serve the money satanic ""gods"" ) that have infiltrated during decades of corruption in all government and non government  institutions of the west. We can not be deceived ; this is a Fight against oblivion ( global extinction ).

      Good Luck to Us All.

  43. We here in n Wisconsin are seeing a great tree die off. Black sticky stuff on everything. No mast from any oaks or cherry trees, which over 50 percent already died. 

    The whole ecosystem here is wrong and being an outdoorsman I can feel it. I own woods and in 10 years have seen decline in all trees across the board except for white pine. I have placed a 5×5 sign at end of driveway asking if all people like the dead and dying trees with geoengineeringwatch.org at bottom. 

    Its incredible of the coverup of this by my states Dnr. Which I bug from time to time. 


    1. I'm here in Wisconsin, too, and see so many dying trees. But no one else around me seems to notice anything out of the ordinary. 

  44. Dane:  I sent the following to the Record Searchlight Editorial dept .  I think/hope the message connected….

    https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/documents/vol3ch15.pdf                             I also asked them to email me acknowledging they read the document(s) and to email me.  I emphasized to them that I am not Dane Wigington lol.   We will see what they do.  Onward, my friend

  45. Here in Ohio they are not missing a beat. Spraying air-criminals on a daily basis. Can't get away from it!

    No worries though Dane, i found out the truth when searching the word chemtrails…..unless you are a total idiot, you can still find out what is the truth and what is a lie. That's how i found all of you!

    It all started with heating a snowball with a lighter at work and it not behaving like a normal snowball. That's when i started my search for what was really going on! Bingo- wasn't hard to figure out- i just did not know at the time how huge this lie was! Wow!

    I refuse to be the same species as the devils in power!


    1. Exacta-mondo, A-men, that's what I say too– you have to be a total idiot not to stumble onto the truth of what's happening now– there is just no excuse, and the people who STILL can't see that are willfully blind. 

  46. Hey Casey , here in Australia the spray patterns have been different in Winter than Summer . Posted pictures and comments on Facebook show the shorter , quickly dispersing trails but still we are seeing the results of a geoengineered environment  , silvery sky's and cobweb like clouds as well as harp signatures . It's either drought or deluge and traditional weather patterns this year have completely reversed !!!!! 

    On a1000 km trip down the east coast saw the traditional horizon to horizon trails occurring so my observations here concur with Danes assessment of these programs . Regardless of what is directly seen over your head these programs are ongoing and intensifying .

    Thanks Dane , your communication skills are A1 , no confusion , honest , transparent and researched , what more can we ask from a human being ?

  47. Hello, Dane.

    The CDC whistleblower in VAXXED needs to submit the film and those 10,000 documents immediately to Wikileaks.  No matter what anyone thinks of Assange, he steadfastly defends his sources.  Members of Congress on the floor have called for his murder, so his truth telling must be supported, IMO.  There are people in other countries who are less deluded and who are more open to the truth and facts presented.


    The convoluted response to your lawyer from the media outlet that smeared you used the mentally abusive technique called gaslighting.  They say something, then contradict themselves.  When you point it out, they deny saying what they said.  It's also called "crazy making".  In concert with many other negative impacts, victims begin to doubt their ability to think and remember.  It takes great time and effort to pick apart their convoluted argument, but it can be done.  I'm grateful for the intelligent lawyers you have.  Also very fortunately for you, your mental faculties are acutely intact.  But that technique is extremely effective in shutting down honest yet vulnerable people.

    It's clear this abusive technique will increasingly be used against us.




    1. Hello Bella, thanks for making your voice heard in this battle. No matter what methods “They” use, there will be no hiding the climate engineering insanity for much longer, and they know it.

  48. Hi Dane keep up the good work.I moved to Thailand and see some over here . When I was in Honolulu I was working next to Kaneohe military base and saw the trails forming into a dirty gray clouds way different than the normal clouds

    take care



    1. Hello All.

      Hello renate.

      The pharma industry ( that belong to the "guys" You mentioned ) owns the DNA of every virus..

      We must spread the Word my friend.

      Good Luck to Us All.

  49. Dearest Dane,
    A small message from a little voice with an infinite heart – be ever blessed and please find time to honor yourself. Yes, it will fall. We can yet face the unknown intact.
    To every soul who seeks, stand strong, we must, within ourselves. They cannot break us if we don’t let them.

  50. Fantastic show Dane. Depressing as hell, but powerful and inspiring.

    As regards the Searchlight, what is transpiring between you, Dane, and certain members of their little make-believe club, is a microcosm of what is happening everywhere. It almost sounds like they're having fun flaunting their stupidity in the face of a DOOM they are as yet ill-equipped intellectually to understand. I'm gonna wager that your attempts to garner their cooperation in bringing this critical issue before a wizening public have caused them to realize they'd better do at least a LITTLE homework on the issue. And the key word here is "LITTLE". For it could not be clearer that, while they have made some attempt to sound informed on the issue, the depth of their understanding is trivial and this deficiency shows itself straightaway. I had an old geezer friend, now long deceased, who would have characterized their efforts as "a hog looking at a wristwatch". Yes, I understand that to fully "GET" what's going on with geoengineering requires a considerable investment of time and energy, which apparently, none of the yay-hoos at the Searchlight have seen fit to invest. 

    Isn't it absurd how we anti-geoengineering activists are often characterized as conspiracy theorists? A most ridiculously blind accusation, especially when you consider that those who are fond of slinging such terms around ARE THEMSELVES THE VICTIMS OF A MASSIVE CONSPIRACY TO WITHHOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT GEOENGINEERING FROM THE PUBLIC AT LARGE.

    1. Marc, I laughed at your first sentence. I feel the same way myself. Each week I patiently wait for Dane to post his Saturday morning broadcast. Then I sit down and eat my "brunch". I listen to Dane's broadcast twice in a row. (Now that depressing!, (smile). "A hog looking at a wrist watch". I laughed again, god bless our old geezer friends, past or present. And what an applicable saying in regards to what is unfolding in the media wars we are pressing and winning. How cool it is to have much of it "in writing" thanks to those that can't pick up a phone or talk face to face.

      When I meet someone new, I tell them that I am some what of a "conspiracy fact professor". Meaning I profess at every opportunity the facts that have been kept from the masses. What's happening to us all is no "conspiracy", "it's fact!", And verifiable!!

      Thank you Marc, you are a boulder in the rapids of what's trying to sweep us away. And Dane, he's a damn solid rock mountain that the rapids flow around.

    2. Hello, Marc,

      When that chemtrail conspiracy theorist article that's circulating everywhere hit our local paper,  many comments were glib and insulting as to be expected.  But others besides myself posted authentic evidence and got supported.  Some people are catching on in spite of the blatant propaganda.  Aren't those ridiculous, laughing fools in for a surprise?  If nothing else, they can't say they weren't warned.

      Another article on HAARP (we're in Alaska btw) stated emphatically that weather control and mind control were impossible.  We're all invited to visit the Gakona site today.  The comment section is an opportunity, since it's run by a bot. Someone posted the video of our US Senator Lisa Murkowski hearing from DARPA that it had succeeded in learning how to manipulate the Ionosphere.   Evidence was supported and received with stupid one liners.  If it were a debate, we won.  Sometimes small victories matter.

      And mind control may not be direct, but it's being employed. That's for sure.

    3. Keep in mind when addressing the deficiencies of the Record Searchlight that the rag is not a locally owned operation.  The rag is part of the Scripps-Howard media empire.  The local ownership was bought out some time ago just like so many local sources of print news around this nation.  Targeted as not profitable but ideal for controlled dis and mis-information, deigned in designed for maintaining pablum dissemination that all is well in Babylon.  Hopefully this excellent paper source for starting up the winter morning fireplace logs is free.  

  51. My wife and I have noticed what appears to be an almost complete ceasing of spraying over Reno, NV this Summer. For years, up until about May of this year we could see massive spraying in the sky on a daily basis. Now there is almost none. Any ideas why this could be?

    1. Hello Ken, yes, the spraying has been much more covert, but it has still continued at some level in almost all locations. In many cases it can be much less visible depending on atmospheric conditions and the level of the operation. Any bright trail you see behind a jet is in all likelihood a sprayed dispersion, the short bright trails that appear to dissapate are especially prevelant with the heat of summer. We have film footage of the shorter trails being turned on and off, this is not condensation. If your skies appear silvery white when looking toward sunrise or sunset, then the air is full of particulates. The horizon to horizon trails are only one aspect of the climate engineering insanity. Changing seasons and the geoengineering objectives will again reveal the more blatant spraying patterns.

  52. Dane,
    Even in spite of the Climate Engineering efforts going on, the temperature is skyrocketing, even according to NASA, as clearly shown in this report at this site;
    I have seen estimates that if the current Stratospheric Radiation Management were to be discontinued, the temperature would rapidly rise an additional 1-2o C.  like it did during the few days after 9/11/2001, when the temperature rise within days was actually measured….  We have used this technology to box ourselves into a corner, and we have no technology to fix it.  If things continue, I fear that even more extreme Climate Engineering might be deemed necessary in the coming years, what David Keith would call full mobilization of this tool… Because we have no technology to reduce the CO2 and methane out of the atmosphere.
    It is this no way to fix this situation that we have created on our planet that makes the total denial strategy of the power structure make sense.  All we can do is watch  the Earth temperature elevate to unsurvivable levels, and use Climate Engineering to perhaps block to sun rays and temporarily cool the planet for a few more days at a time.

    1. Hello Charles, yes, the planet is accelerating toward total meltdown. In regard to the cllimate engineering insanity, it is only making an already bad scenario far worse overall, not better. The bottom line is this, geoengineering is about power and control, nothing less. The single greatest leap we can make in the right direction is to fully expose and stop the geoengineering juggernaut of insanity. FYI https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/climate-engineering-fuels-fires-of-global-incineration/

  53. Living in Chicago, pollution is not really something that stands out. I mean it does because we are one of the larger cities, but state media would rather have everyone focus on how many people are being shot and killed across the city. I've noticed planes spraying high up in the altitude on a regular basis  on clear blue days, they spray and spray. I'll see two or even 3 planes within the same general area. Weather in Chicago has changed significantly. Rain, sunshine, cold, heat, sleet, all in the matter of minutes, not a day, minutes. The temperature during the night here cools off significantly more and the Sun’s intense heat is noticeably stronger than in recent times. Is there any sort of campaign for enlightening Chicago on what's going on in our own skies? I have this feeling that I'm probably one of a very select few that know about this in all of Chicago. I see all these campaigns for this and that, but nothing ever about the spraying. I have videos of the bastard planes too, along with pictures of strange clouds and a video of that ridiculous weather where all four seasons were happening depending on which block you were on at the moment. If there are any active groups in Chicago organizing for increased awareness, I would love to know. I did 3 and a half years of servitude after college, living the life I was supposed to, until I became tired and restless with the lies deceit and hypocrisy. Have been looking for ways to make impact, so I start with my family, rebuilt and solidified relationships and educating them on what's really going on. Thank you for all of your intelligence, diligence, and human empathy. 

    1. Yes, the horror! have you noticed after the spraying that your brain starts pounding in your head as if it were going to explode. Have you ever been stuck outside in that mess? My head pounds, my chest is heavy and I just can't get my bearings…. I don't live in chicago anymore, I live in the Quad Cities but it is just as bad!!!! No where can you go to escape the nightmare!!!! and I've noticed them putting HAARP-like arrays on top of certain cell/microwave towers…. 5 terrahertz is gonna hertz us so bad! How can I get involved with the legal action though?

    2. CC, im from Detroit and experience the same.  However,  more and more are waking up. I've convinced 4 or 5 if not more it’s really happening. I guesstimate 1 out of 3 have heard of geoengineering and half of those believe it’s for real.

    3. I appreciate your efforts concerned citizen, I try to talk rationally to many about this crucial issue and as Dane says planting seeds can lead to the mass awakening we and the planet so desperately need. I march with everyone who understands the existential threat that so called geoengineering poses to all life, not to mention all the other harm mankind has caused in so many ways.

    4. So let's ask "Rambo" Rahm Emanuel how HE likes it! It's the same in the S.F. Bay Area– spray is soooo very noxious and irritating, nothing but irritated eyes, noses and throats, even causing problems with hearing, plenty of coughing, you feel like you can't really breathe.  We have simpletons in the numb stage on the way to their (hopefully total) demise, and it will kill good people as well, as if there's NO difference. 

  54. Hello Dane and friends, thank you for your Work.
    The importance of your Work, Mr Dane W. and Friends, is major for the construction of a Free World that we are needing so much right now.
    This Info must go Global.
    Now they change strategy, it's like in the old days of DDT. They launch the alarm with the Zika virus and the help of the CRIMINAL media, and now they spray Children directly. The criminal level within the actions of these MFs are beyond imagination. They must be stopped.
    To all the Persons that do not collaborate with this criminal global F genocidal plan, and to the some that are aware of the problem and are trying very hard to warn those who are thinking that the F "elites" care about us, our children and about the Biosphere of Planet Earth, I leave some words of encouragement;
    We will Win ( We the People ), all together.
    You ( Friends ) are the Warriors of Democracy, Justice and Humanity.
    These masonic leaders of the money and their cowardly little masonic collaborators ) of this "new" MFg slavery and genocidal F dis- order, will LOSE.
    We cannot forget the fact that the destruction of the Ozone layer is the center of this F evil plan. They do that, not only with the spraying, but principally with the F HAARP antennas ( as we know very well ). Without protection from the UV rays we will beg ( in a near future ) for more spraying. The GW is deliberated. The Big problem is not the CO2 that comes from the Human activity ( Trees and Rain-Forests grow on CO2, Water and Sun – and Trees produce Pure Rain – ), the Big Problem comes with the heat that CO2 traps ( as we all know ). And with all the UV rays that are passing through the high Atmosphere, the Problem is Very BIG. The spraying is a camouflage for GW in the most populated areas of the Globe, the particles in the sprays are another very BIG F Problem, as we all know, and in the future they can change the juice if they want..
    We'll keep Strong.
    Good Luck to Us All.

  55. Horrible spraying up here in Saskatchewan Canada. Pets indoors thank you very  much. Air purification ON. Travesty is what this is. Look up, past the aerosol toxic sprays and solar radiation  MISmanagement folks. Soon we will see Face to Face. It’s a Spiritual War. Thank you Dane and all who STAND. Protection over you all in Jesus Name.

  56. Living in a rural area you are able to see the changes, and the constant spraying above our heads, and they are truly horrifying and real. From the little creek to the fauna and flora, everything is being affected. Ominously quiet, as if everything, still alive, was waiting for something to happen. Nature senses a threat and  responds accordingly I suppose. I feel it also.
    "Their" distraction/deception game has worked beyond "their" greatest expectations.

  57. How come Europe and other countries have been put on "war" alert but not in Canada and the U.S. in the last 24 hours? They have been told to store water and food some have been told for three days some three months. But is it really war or something else going to "rain" down on us?

    1. The MSM coverup artists are no way going to alert the steeple here in Babylon.  Were the TV/computer-iPhone worshippers ever to put down their false gods, one might see a reaction that would stop the psychopaths from enacting WW3.  Of course the Circus Maximus has such a hold on the national psyche of the citizenry that zero is the likelihood of coming to consciousness.  From my perspective, it is interesting to observe a secular New World Order, full of the corrupt murderers, liars, and thieves, the same purveyors of the 9-11 con, daring in the face of their wickedness, to believe their unholy brand of global hedgemony is suitable for anything but another pile of history's dust.  By that I mean to say these globalists, believing in their fraud, are in direct conflict with a predicted divine intervention that is said to usher in God's history, and ending man's irresponsible governance forever.  The former. Singing "we are the world," (remember the L.A. Olympics?) given the criminal indictments of their own perfidy surely is a counterfeit.  As for the latter, blind faith seems as good a refuge and hedged bet rather than place any faith in what essentially is the new world disorder.  

  58. Learning how/ what to reject appropriately or correctly as well as how/what to accept appropriately/ correctly is essential and sadly most people have no idea how to do that.

  59. Rejection and acceptance : when is it appropriate to reject or accept most people have been conditioned to accept what is unacceptable such as having autism or any other disabilities or any form of brokenness maybe it's an addiction all those things are unacceptable and need rejection what's acceptable is good diversity not bad diversity I hope you leaned from me. In addition many people have learned to reject what is unrejectable like conspiracy theories or unpleasant realities or cures all these things are rejected why would a cure be unwelcomed that is total insanity lets admit we are brocken when we are AUTISM is not normal your not special if you have it.

  60. Good morning Dane, as the lost guns in the middle east along with billions of dollars totally wasted , millions of innocent lives lost and dying of poisoning of their environment, yes we have a giant criminal  cabal running the show. I know many Americans would love to have those guns right now. Thanks again for all you do. Keith

    1. Um, I may be 'simple', but, uh, with what we know about electromagnetic warfare. Are guns even going to get a chance to be fired? "Just sayin". There is a greater way to over come the opposing factors. And in a much more satisfying victorious way than guns.

      War is over, because I want it!! (Thanks John).

  61. The EpiPen Scandal Is Worse Than You Think: What You’re Not Being Told  / August 26, 2016 / Alice Salles
    The EpiPen is a useful device for individuals who suffer from severe allergies. … Mylan, the sole maker of the autoinjector “pens” in America, had hiked the prices of its products from $57 each in 2007 to $600 for a package of two in 2016, news outlets had a field day. …  In a free market scenario, “[a] firm cannot just willy-nilly raise their prices without a competing firm leaping in to give consumers what they want at a lower price” … But in the real world, “Mylan has a great friend who keeps would-be competitors out of the market, or at least makes it so difficult for them that they eventually go out of business.”  Mylan’s friend, in this case, is the FDA — a government agency.  Without the ability to pay corporations any favors, Washington power players would not be passing resolutions and pieces of legislation that benefit Mylan.  In order to understand why Mylan’s monopoly over the EpiPen has driven the prices up, we must look at the system at hand.  The current environment favors this influence game played by both government officials and corporate drones, but ultimately, the consumer pays the price for their follies. And that’s why few members of the mainstream media are taking the time to explain this relationship. Mostly because, they too, are involved in this systemic influence scheme.

    1. Susan, and all others. FYI,American Preppers advice:ask your doctor for prescription for small bottles(vials) of epinephrine and 1cc syringes.get instructions on how to use these products to save your life or the life of your loved one.the cost is reasonable.sorry I don't have the link.check into this.ask around.

    2. First of all, I understand that Canada will be an alternate source for said EpiPen. What you described is a typical GREEDY approach to capitalism. I've seen it happen in small businesses as well as in big corporations. The decision makers are out to fill their pockets with huge profits without weighing what will happen in the near future. Most businesses are guilty of this approach. In a large corporation we came up with a new product. Management decided to charge $12/lb, even tho at half the price the profit would have been almost 200%. Their explanation was to charge whatever the market will pay. Within six months we had the price dropped to $2/lb and even at that we lost business. Mylan is facing the same consequence.

  62. I have not been on this board for a while but am well aware of Dane's great work. Question for Dane:  I have noticed in the past several months a marked decrease in the classic chemtrail patterns in my area of Southern Cal. Last summer it was a daily crisscrossing as heavy as I'd ever seen it. These last two months, I frankly have not seen a single one. And believe you me … I'm a person looks up at the sky daily. What gives?

    1. Hello Casey, spraying has still continued at some level in almost all locations, but in many cases it can be much more covert depending on atmospheric conditions and the level of the operation. Any bright trail you see behind a jet is in all likelyhood a sprayed dispersion, the short bright trails that appear to dissapate are especially prevelant  with the heat of summer. We have film footage of the shorter trails being turned on and off, this is not condensation. If your skies appear silvery white, especially looking toward sunrise or sunset, then the air is full of particulates. The horizon to horizon trails are only one aspect of the climate engineering insanity. Changing seasons and geoengineer objectives will again reveal the more blatant sparying patterns.

    2. Casey Jones,
      This is the same phenomenon as is taking place in the late summer in NY State — we are constantly under a luminous white haze, which has an appearance almost of nylon. But we're seeing less blatant trails in the sky. In the early spring the trails were like something from a Sci Fi movie here. This has continued over the summer, but days with very blatant spraying are more sporadic. You will see wisps of trails interspersed with clouds, and of course the White Haze. They have come up with some way to hide what they are doing. Additionally, I believe it is possible that they change the chemical formula based on the season and natural weather conditions.

    3. Dear Dane, Casey,
      I live in central Virginia near Charlottesville. For the past 5 years since I retired, I've been paying much more attention to the trails and to this website. Thank you, Dane, for this great website and reference tool. Last year (@mid 2015 ) I, too, noticed a distinct difference in chemtrail activity in my area. Instead of daytime activity, intense spraying was occurring mostly at night – I could see that activity under certain moonlight conditions.  Then, when I woke up in the morning, the sky was already the hazy whitish with bluish-greyish hue. There would only be minimal chemtrail activity during the daylight hours, at least that I could observe. This year, I've noticed three other unusual things related to the trails: 1) The fewer sprayed trails I see during daylight hours seem to disperse/disappear alot faster now. 2) Unusual and unnatural cloud formations are often present when daytime spraying is occurring. The strangest was a string of several clouds together that were mostly of dark grey hue on a very bright and sunny day. The clouds were in a row in a perfect straight line across the bottom – I've never seen that before in my life with a cloud formation. Nature doesn't do that. On another day, one of these strange clouds seemed to be far too low in the sky, almost as if it was going to drop down to the surface any minute. I really appreciate the opportunity to comment here (first time). I've been observing these chemtrails for two decades, but before I retired, I never took the time to conduct research. This website is a blessing. Vr, Patti

    4. I was of the same opinion CJ. Here in Southern Ontario those sprayers seemed to vanish altogether. However, upon watching the sunrise I noticed a whitish haze high up in the sky. Then one early morning while still dark, those bastards were already spraying like mad. We haven't had a true blue sky for years now compared to decades ago. Today, day spraying was in full swing, but their patterns were different to confuse people.

    5. Hi Casey- I live on a property that we are all fully aware of the GE make up…we have not physically seen a jet for a few months now ( I reside in Santa Cruz County, CA)

      HOWEVER- the white skies, horizon to horizon  and the "fake fog" (thats what we call it) are here every night and horribly every morning.I am 60 yrs old and have never seen or experienced like this.I have not seen a beautiful real blue azure sky even once for at least a few years.I can tell when they are nuking us – my ears ring, and I make strong efforts to take care of my health.

      Sad but true…

    6. From what I've observed, I totally think the decreased obviousness of their operations is due to Dane's lawsuits.  I mean, look at the timing.  

      Where I've lived (in the same exact spot) for over a decade, I never used to hear jets at all except for the occasional military transport type plane flying low and slow.  The ONLY planes (besides small private planes) I would see were way high up and spraying crap, and you couldn't hear them.  There was one day more than a yr ago, that I saw no planes whatsoever near my home (and the sky showed zero signs of geoengineering.)  Hence I concluded that there are no regular commercial flights over my home area.  Lately I have noticed the sound of jets many times, mostly when I am indoors and cannot see anything due to trees or it was in the middle of the night.  One time I was outside and heard it but the sun was blinding and the sound appeared to be coming from that direction so I couldn't see anything either.  I'm guessing these jets are connected to the geoengineering program.   I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed jet noise recently that they were not hearing before.  The kinds of trails they've been making recently are mostly those fuzzy-looking ones that dissipate fairly quickly.  

      Another thing I've noticed is that this summer it rarely gets very cool at night.  In years past, I would sometimes have to turn on the heated seat in my car if I was driving around at night (I get cold easily).  I would have to bring a light jacket to fireworks displays on July 4th because it would get chilly after the sun went down.  This year I haven't turned the car seat heater on once all summer.  I missed July 4th fireworks but when I go outside at night this summer I never need anything over my t-shirt.  Oh, and last night when I'd gone to a store I noticed that all the stoplights and street lamps had halos around them, kinda like  a "snow ring" (haha) around the moon!  I think the particulate crap is being sprayed or is falling like crazy after dark and that's why the moon never looks clear anymore (like it used to) and the lights looked like that.  Has anyone else noticed these things?

      The drought here in New England is getting worse…so angry about what they are doing to the plants/grass/trees/people/animals.  I don't know if the situation is similar in all parts of this region but it occurred to me recently that there are many small farms in surrounding areas here…is that why this is one of the areas being droughted out?  

      Haven't seen a comment lately from the lady (I think it was a lady) in Albany who made such interesting observations about what seemed to be preparations for flood-like conditions.  I would be interested to hear any updates.

  63. Look Who Is Gutting the First Amendment!
    by Johanna Markind / August 26, 2016
    "The [American Bar Association] wants to do exactly what the text calls for: limit lawyers' expression of viewpoints that it disapproves of. … state courts and state bars should resist the pressure to adopt it." — Eugene Volokh, UCLA law professor and Washington Post columnist.  The language of Resolution 109 is "so broad it could mean anything… a kind of a speech code that restricts perfectly acceptable speech… anything you say might offend someone and therefore you can be punished for it." — Ilya Shapiro, Cato Institute.
    The struggle between free speech and speech codes that are intended to prevent harassment and discrimination appears set to leap from college campuses to law offices around the United States.
    On August 8, 2016, the American Bar Association (ABA) approved resolution 109, which curtails freedom of speech. The approved resolution amended its model rule of professional conduct 8.4. It prohibits "conduct that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or socioeconomic status in conduct related to the practice of law."

  64. The Illusion of Freedom
    By Chris Hedges / Aug. 18, 2016
    The seizure of political and economic power by corporations is unassailable.  Who funds and manages our elections? Who writes our legislation and laws? Who determines our defense policies and vast military expenditures? Who is in charge of the Department of the Interior? The Department of Homeland Security? Our intelligence agencies? The Department of Agriculture? The Food and Drug Administration? The Department of Labor? The Federal Reserve? The mass media? Our systems of entertainment? Our prisons and schools? Who determines our trade and environmental policies? Who imposes austerity on the public while enabling the looting of the U.S. Treasury and the tax boycott by Wall Street? Who criminalizes dissent?  … the military-industrial complex is sacrosanct. … Our rights and opinions do not matter. … We do not count within the political process.  This truth, emotionally difficult to accept, violates our conception of ourselves as a free, democratic people. It shatters our vision of ourselves as a nation embodying superior virtues and endowed with the responsibility to serve as a beacon of light to the world. … if real change is to be achieved, if our voices are to be heard, corporate systems of power have to be destroyed. This realization engenders an existential and political crisis. The inability to confront this crisis, to accept this truth, leaves us appealing to centers of power that will never respond and ensures we are crippled by self-delusion.  The longer fantasy is substituted for reality, the faster we sleepwalk toward oblivion. There is no guarantee we will wake up. Magical thinking has gripped societies in the past. Those civilizations believed that fate, history, superior virtues or a divine force guaranteed their eternal triumph. As they collapsed, they constructed repressive dystopias. They imposed censorship and forced the unreal to be accepted as real. Those who did not conform were disappeared linguistically and then literally.  The vast disconnect between the official narrative of reality and reality itself creates an Alice-in-Wonderland experience. Propaganda is so pervasive, and truth is so rarely heard, that people do not trust their own senses. … History may not repeat itself. But it echoes itself. Human nature, after all, is constant. We will react no differently from those who went before us. This should not dissuade us from resisting, but the struggle will be long and difficult. Before it is over there will be blood in the streets.


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