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My most sincere thanks to Eric Gajewski and TradCatKnight Radio for helping to sound the alarm on the critical climate engineering issue.

2 Responses

  1. I have been in the aboricultural industry since the late 70's. I am fully aware of what's going on and heartbroken by the macro and micro life forms that are no longer here. I'm in south Fla. and have watched the trees die for the last ten years and the daily spraying in our skies is horrifying, yet the masses just look up when I point it out and usually give a vague response like ,"oh well what can you do?", then go about their day dismissing it in the end. It blows my mind how their reaction is just what the powers to be want. I'm sorry but I think we are doomed. 

  2. I live in Colorado Springs where the sun rarely  shines more that 2-3 hours a day. The heavy thick cloud cover is daily. We have had 2 nuclear engineered hail storms in the last few weeks. Thursday July 28th we had one which produced hail that were golf ball and tennis ball size. it looked like a snow storm as it was 4 and 5 feet deep. People had to be rescued from the cars. Strange to because it was only in certain areas of the city. Houses had there windows broken and roofs ruined along with car windows broken and cars destroyed. 

    Police department lost 27 cars from the hail. We have not seen natural clouds,rain or snow in over 2 years .All our weather is being engineered. Planes fly all night spraying as I live high up in the foothills so I can see them flying when theres a break in clouds and the moon is shining. Since we have 4 military bases here we are plummeted daily from the military and corporate jets spraying.

    I don't see birds anymore or insects. Our deer are very sparse where  normally I would see 12- 20 a day. Maybe 1 or 2 a week.

    I have 2 bird feeders on my deck that use to attract lots of birds every morning and throughout the day. Rarely see any. This is the biggest crime against humanity in history. God help us!



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