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Dane Wigington

The  all out assault against the planet being waged by the human race continues to expand and intensify. Catastrophic forest fires connected directly to the effercts of climate engineering are raging completely out of control from Fort McMurry, Canada, to Manitoba, to the Himalayas. The global burn-down has been accelerating around the globe in recent years and will continue to spiral ever further out of control.


The expanding fire catastrophe occurring in Fort McMurry, Canada.

Deadly radiation spewing from the Fukushima nuclear volcano is contributing to the countless other sources of anthropogenic contamination which are rapidly poisoning our formerly thriving planet. Is the Fukushima fallout the greatest source radiation danger to the US West Coast? Or is there an even greater radiation threat that is largely unknown to the US public and that is being aggressively hidden by those in power? The massive nuclear nightmare in Hanford, Washington is just such a threat. 


The lack of concern our government has shown to the care and maintenance of this sign is a direct reflection of their attitude toward protecting Americans from real and immediate dangers to their health and their lives.

The power structure, the "public protection" agencies they control, and the corporate media that represents them all, are constantly and actively engaged in the effort to hide the severity of the converging catastrophes from the population for as long as possible. Will the masses finally turn their eyes to the horizon and wake up in time to make a difference? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Yes, the horizon is dark indeed, but does that fact exempt any of us from our obligation to press on in the battle to sound the alarm until we reach a critical mass of awareness? No. Make your voice heard efficiently and effectively by passing on credible data to those that are still unaware of the rapidly gathering storm on many fronts and the climate engineering insanity in our skies. Make every day count in the all important battle to sound the alarm. 

137 Responses

  1. I did not know about the Hanford Site! I will have to pass on this information to the many people I have discussed GeoEngineering with! At the rate the Power Structure & Military are going with their daily toxic dispersal & injections of hazardous materials, we will no longer have any environmentally clean land & oceans for our benefit!

  2. I had a similar experience. However I responded… Well, I do believe in reincarnation and YOU will get to come back to it! To do nothing, means it's ok.. imo. I just leaned of the Chemtrails.. and I am quite LIVID. 


        – Hello Dane and friends. Thank you for your work.


      Maybe now is the right time to someone, a person, an organization, the very large group of citizens that have been severely affected by the pharma industry, to conduct a legal action against these evildoers. Because in my opinion, these very large corporations aren't above the Law. Maybe we still go in time. Maybe the Supreme Court of the US, have the legal power to stop these MFs. In my opinion, in this moment we (the People) have enough technical and scientific proves (and overwhelming human evidence), that the papers which testify about vaccines security are forged.

    No one is above the Law.

    When we have someone above the Law, we are in a totalitarian state. And maybe it's not a bad idea also, to make a request (an Worldwide demand) to the  recognition for a special status to our fragile Atmosphere (a status like; Global Vital Patrimony of the Human Species and All Biological Existence, for the Atmosphere), with very special measures to defend it against these sociopaths that are running the World. We have in common this necessity of sharing the only known Key for Life on "our" Planet – the Atmosphere. . .Neither the army nor the president are above the Law. .I'm not naive, and I know that the bankers have power to reshape any Law. But maybe it's not too late. It's the defense of our children.


        My regards and sincere consideration. Good Luck.

  4. Anonymous, Sister Dr. Rosalie Bertell's second book is worth its weight in gold, easily and inexpensively purchased at Amazon, not the original cover though.  She gives a very good education of what all surrounds Earth including a few pages of diagrams.  It is like a textbook.  She was a nuclear expert with a life time of experience all over the world, as well as a recipient of the Right Livelihood award.  The book is called: Earth, the Latest Weapon of War and published in 2,000.

    Susan, hi!  Yes, I agree, plasma is fascinating.  Kinda like gluten for our atmospheres?  But so malleable and alive.  It is not hard to see how some people would be interested and scientists fascinated by the stuff, even wondering how to use it and for what.  So much science is born out of observation, curiosity and maybe a little playfulness?  Yet can go so wrong, in the "mad" scientist way.  The hubris of these people is just astounding.  Why couldn't they just go play with alchemy like Newton?  But with an agenda, a mandate really, backed with government/military money and flawed science, "they" buy scientists to model what they are scheming, then do it and see what happens.  This is like prostituting science I think.  And the results reek of the mean streets.

  5.    Hello Dane (and friends), thank you for your work.


    Do not forget that the great problem about our species is cultural and genetic also. We have a natural propensity for cruelty. We live in a global culture of hatred and narcissistic madness ( globalization is cultural diversity eradication). And do not forget that exacerbated and sadistic narcissism is  –  nazism ( the"new order" ). In my opinion the guys that are pulling the strings about the dominance of the global economy (economy, war, oil, food production, pharmaceutical industry, etc..) want to leave their legacy to a restrict number of humans.., because the offspring that belongs to their antagonists it will be always a menace (take a look to History). Principally to these maniacs, paranoid and obsessed MF that want to control the world. .The target on children and babies exists long ago, you know that. Inclusively the wars that the US promote world wide are happening in countries where 50% of the population is less than 20 years old (always). The problem about the aluminum and mercury in vaccines is a very big problem, as you know (at many levels). And after this, comes the total poisoning of the Biosphere, as your work comes telling and demonstrating. Outside the US, nobody talks about this, the Media are very quiet..


      It's possible to control world population through Peace and Family planning. And Biological Agriculture gives work to everybody! (and food, without pollution!!!).   ..But they don't care. They don't care..


      Do not forget please that it's very easy decreasing substantially population numbers in any species, if you aim for the young ones. Take a look at the History of the Extinction of Animals (and Human subspecies). Gigantic mammals and birds have fallen in the last 40 million years, because their young were targeted by someone or something. Take a look to the last 2 million years, some species were invulnerable, if their young had not been the target of new predators (and climate change played a role, as well, of course). Take a look at Australia, Madagascar and South America in this subject..


         My sincere regards and consideration. Good Luck.


  6. Dear Dane, I am very, very grateful that you addressed Hanford and gave a motherlode of information.  Thank you more than I can express.  I have been following Hanford for decades, yet had not found out all you told.  Much, but no where near all.  You are right, the sign says it all.  Sort of, I mean hard to say how much down to lack of repair versus how much from the air there.  Despite decades of study, I could find but a fraction of what you did.  How on Earth did you find out so very much?  About 9 or 10 years ago, High Country News, a very good magazine, reported some about Hanford via a whistle blower.  I knew most of that from a lifetime of following nuclear all.  I quit High Country when they replied to me that geoengineering was a conspiracy theory.  I'd subscribed for yearS.  They want me back, and I'd come back, if only…..Still, they are often on top of reporting news in what they call the west: Colorado to the coast, including Native issues.  About Hanford, they reported way back then about the leaking, sneaking it's way through the soil to the Columbia.  But your report gave so very much more and more dire information that it struck me as a knife to my heart and another to my guts.  I spent hours crying, sobbing and crying wracking sobs.  I could not stop sobbing.  I have been in deep despair ever since.  I thought I always had a grasp of how bad things are, then I find out it is infinitely worse.  Of course I pulled myself out of the worst of my sadness finally, by which I mean I know how and I also know I am ineffective if disabled by depression.  And I hand wrote notes from what you said, then told a decades long friend of mine, a doctor and a genius of sorts.  His response?  Why do I seek out depression!  He knows me.  He knows my commitment to Earth.  Does he think I am just whistling Dixie my whole life long, despite visible efforts?  Yet, what I've done with my life, which I thought was for the good of Earth, was a wasted effort it seems.  Not much throws me these days, but this did, Hanford did.  A huge amount of family and friends of are up north and fish and are Native.  And my own family wanting to move north.  All know about geoengineering, yet none want to hear the details, much less about Hanford.  They don't seem to get the upshot, so to speak.  Or, as Marc said, too much to comprehend.  I am forever the bearer of bad news.  Wish it was not so, but reality is reality and has real consequences.  Again, I can't help but wonder how much this all has to do with our military activity both in sea and on land.  I suppose they've game planned this, the various scenarios that could go more wrong.  I feel sad beyond sad, but stiff upper lip and all that.  I've always thought that the truth does Not set you free.  Instead, it binds you to service, even to revenge.  Though what revenge, or what right action can ever undo this harm that will never fade away?  Can never be ended.  One thing is for certain, ones who do this, do not think twice about doing worse and more and more.  Like addicts.  They must be stopped at all costs.  I may be old and lame and sick, but I call on a full scale revolution complete with rolling heads!  Warriors, prepare yourselves, and fight!

    Like the idiot I am apparently, I looked up Bob Nichol's Your radiation today.  Last week, something nuclear in Europe blew and he says the East Coast of the US has been effectively nuked.  The good news just keeps on coming.  But, it actually rained here and for once the Stanford Mother's Day Pow Wow was dust free!  And slightly fewer vendors, much fewer visitors, but many many Natives.  Like a bit of heaven.  For one day.   No need to talk about geoengineering or Hanford, they all know all too well.  Something of a conflict free zone.  And, back to reality.

    Really Dane, I don't know how you do what all you do.  How you keep your balance.  But I am grateful.  Very.  Despite the pain of knowing the truth.  I'm still sad beyond sad.  Feels like a dead end.  For all.  But here and there I rally.  The frustration of getting nowhere grates.  But there is real growing momentum.  More and more people becoming aware and the more truth told, the more outrage, the easier to grasp the other horrors and the more to stand up for Human rights, Earth rights, Future rights.  Heck, even Russel Brand and his new documentary: The Second Coming.  He is pissed.  And he doesn't pull punches.  But he didn't mention weather modification, all but, but not.

    I thank the Creator you are as stubborn as you are, as brave as you are, relentlessly putting the well being of all above the mantle of doom you wear which must be heavy indeed.  And yet, you never give up.  At least you have this to channel your findings while the rest of us hit brick walls. but even I can beat down a brick wall and do.  Backed with facts, thanks to you.  But sometimes I wonder toward what end?

  7. Hi Dane, as usual, well done. I'm glad you mentioned Flint,  A Flint mother, Nineteen-year-old Sasha Avonna Bell,  who was one of the first to sue over the water crisis, was found shot to death inside a townhouse April 22nd. The body of a second woman, Sacorya Reed, was also found. Reports say an infant was found uninjured, but it’s not clear if that was Bell’s son. 

    Stay Safe Dane.

  8. It is a rare individual who can sit through this current Global Alert News show and not experience a profound paralysis of consciousness. The sheer volume of dire reports from every conceivable corner of the planet, fully comprehended, freezes the mind. This current report goes well beyond what any average citizen might be expected to learn about, much less actually UNDERSTAND. We are all, every one of us, living out our conscious (or not so conscious) lives in our respective corridors of existence virtually unconnected to the realities just outside the perimeters of our available information. And so it goes here and now in the so-called information age. Every single one of us suffers in varying degrees from a failure to see the bigger picture. We are blinded by what's "directly in front of us". And therein lies the problem. And the "opportunity" for the bastards behind geoengineering.. They understand all too well how easily duped populations can become. Of course with help from media and intelligence agencies. Dane's artistry is his courageous willingness to assemble show after show, giving us all a thought-provoking, measured and plaintive dose of the issues which best portray the BIGGER PICTURE. A perspective so many of us are deficient in. I, for one, am literally shell-shocked right now. How does one take this into oneself and not collapse into a morass of despair? Dane's admonishment to us all has always been and continues to be to research the facts and to face the unfolding reality. I truly understand how difficult that is for so many. And for so many others, well, they just don't yet give a shit. But, as we who come here often to this site understand only too well, they will soon enough. 


    1. Right with you Marc.  Uh, dead! on.  Even prior to this Hanford info I felt I was suffering from info overload.  But, I've lead a shell shock life and I've learned how to pull myself out of depression spirals.  At one point, and this more than 15 years ago, my neighborhood had an organized group of both owners and renters, the better to know one another, issues and crimes.  Nearly all, and there were many, expressed suffering from depression.  Many were on meds for it.  I was stunned that it represented at least 90% of this group.  The group eventually disbanded, but their depression continues.  So, you can just imagine how not happy they are to hear "our" news!  Does not go over well.  And, I gotta say, I do understand.  Still, I want to say to them, get over yourselves!  But I've become a symbol of depression to them If I speak of any of this.  Otherwise, if I am cheerful and upbeat and don't discuss reality, I'm quite welcome.  I am forever concerned I'll push someone over the brink.

  9. If you are using Roundup or any type of Weed Killer…. Stop! You are supporting Monsanto. Most GMO foods are sprayed with Roundup and you are eating if you buy GMO products.

    A better alternative is to use a spray bottle that shoots a straight stream. Fill the bottle with Straight Vinegar and shoot right into the Center of the weed you choose to get rid of. This works excellent and is environmentally safe.

    If you choose to use Roundup or Weed Killer you are poisoning the soil and if you have pets then you are poisoning them also because they tend to run through the grass and even eat it.

    We all can do our part. We have to because it is bad enough that the Aerosol Spraying from geoengineering is bad enough.

    1. Regarding an earlier post on this thread the topic of gender bending pesticide compounds was broached.  ATRAZINE!  This is used on over 70% of US planted corn crops.  This chemical should be banned!  Look it up.  Pregnant women are producing male babies with shrunken gonads and feminized behavior.  Atrazine has been shown to de-sex mammals.  Like Teflon and other "wonders," Atrazine is in our drinking water.  It should not be surprising to learn it is being sprayed from aircraft.

  10.   Odd thing lately on radio  my news!  Allow me to LINK the fires in Alberta and Trans gender bathroom connection.  I keep hearing on my local breaking  "news" in Calif.  this weekend these headlines.  It has been days of this  news pairing.   Both  the hellish Alberta  fires and trans bathroom needs may involve the long standing  TOXIC chemical assault as they have been delivered over time.  Let me share what peculiar  news I keep hearing. First , geo-engineering  sprayings of heavy metals affects the human /DNA; and  likely impacts the transgender "birth defect"   concern we keep hearing about. I am inclined to think these heavy metal toxins that have been sprayed for decades  may impact  fetal development -thus the wave of "trans" issues we are bombarded with now.  How did the " drive by media "get so impacted  by so very few in need of this restroom need ?  These very same toxic  heavy metals are  also slamming our forests more and more !  Just curious on what 'pairings" others are getting with their  alert or  pressing "news" .  

     I am a therapist-clinician and grasp the  usual Big Pharma cover-up, and the vaccine preservatives mess.  The brain not matching the body is escalating> thus the trans bathroom needs.  So, look at the bizarre  fire oddity in Alberta. The aluminum in the  aerosol spray mix enhances the flare and  intense spread  of fire storm we  now witness. The desiccants  in the spray also add to the fire intensity..    So, the heavy metal /aluminum / mercury preservative  in vaccines  offer us the issues we label  as  autism ;  and  are part of Di Niro Vaxxed doc/ film . Chemicals from vaccine preservative  or from climate engineering/ toxic spraying, solar radiation management may damage those in  the Transgender culture. it is a total mess !  Link this chemical imprint/ toxic dump spray  to the  chemicals upon the (Alberta)  trees/ forests. Heavy metal  geo- spray have altered  both the human and the trees.  The release of  "Climate Hustle "  doc on May 2nd makes these   global  hell -fires even more tragic to grasp , as they totally left out the  climate engineering  global toxic  sprayings (power elite/ cabal/ banksters,illuminati, etc.) as prime focus on the warming collapse we now endure.  We must keep CONNECTING the dots ! For me, the Alberta fires and transgender needs  are sadly, maybe connected > Bio-warfare will leave a mark.  The local news keeps merging the two- just saying. 

    1. Mainstream Media Message, translated: 

      "Look, but don't bother getting a really good look."

      The transgender bathroom issue is mainly noise.  I don't really care who's in the stall next to me as long as they are truly there to do the business that is posted on the wall outside the room and nothing more, and they don't leave messes, splashes and puddles everywhere to track through and around. This is insane.

    2. Add to this already potent mix Plastics Derived Endocrine Disruptors/ oestrogen mimickers(BPA, DEHP and DBP), and with intent, collectively allow the destruction of future generations.

  11. Dane, finally listened to all of the latest stunning/horrifying video ….the Hanford info alone is just staggering (53 million gallons of radioactive waste!!), the 1700 fires in Himalayas, the millions of our marine mammals killed for "military exercises" (such unbelievable cruelty in this era to our magnificent sea creatures), and so very many other catastrophes in this year of 2016, including 12 record-breaking months of temperatures etc.  Those I have sent the video to this am have actually watched it, at least partially,  and expressed horror/grief at how far things have gone so quickly.

    Thank you for your untiring magnificent efforts/leadership, and may we all stay sane, balanced, clear and sending loving/healing vibrations to our planet under siege.  May the force be with her and all who truly love her.

  12. There are more and more people I meet who are in fact talking about the chem trails and geoengineering.  Most I meet have at least a passing acquaintance with these ideas but don't know the particulates, er, particulars.  So, even with loads of people now in the know, there are many more who don't know.  What happens when "enough" know?  Will that somehow magically change the picture? Must we have to know everything about how this is going to change?  My bet is that there WILL be a huge die-off.  Good God, save us from our own short-sighted stupidity and lack of Will.

  13. Dane,

    A couple months ago you stated that because of Geoengineering wind has been disrupted and hence there is very little wind. Where I reside near Palm Springs the wind has been quite robust the last couple weeks any explanation? Thanks.

    1. Hello Wayne, yes, I stated that overall global surface wind speeds are declining, I have attached a link to one example science study to back up my statements and conclusions. There are no absolutes, it is important not to think dichotomously in regard to weather and the impacts of climate engineering. There will always be areas of exceptions.  FYI http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S167492781150053X

    2. Wayne:  I was in Palm Springs for 10 days, arriving in the morning at 12:20 am, on April 25 via Amtrak from Northern California.  I stepped out of the train car door and was literally shoved 20 feet before I could gain balance and brace myself against what seemed to be hurricane-force wind.  Those of us who disembarked sought safety in the open cement bunker that was full of sand and whipping winds.  My stay was in a walled villa so the wind was diverted but the tall palms were sure taking a beating.  And again, the Amtrak bunker was sandy and the wind was gusty in the early morning hours of my departure on May 6.  So, I concur with your observations.  There was a street fare in PS a few days after my arrival.  The vendors had just set up when the police came and issued an approaching high wind warning whereby the event was cancelled and dismantled.

  14. Dane, thank you for your reply to my post- i am so honored! I am trying to be strong- not easy when you get those zombie-glares from people in absolute denial.

    On my way to class today the sky was blue- at break i stood in a chemical soup….just cannot get away from it.

    I can taste the metal in my mouth- throat dry and scratchy, vocal cords not sounding normal….this is just what i can feel today. Who knows what is going on on my insides.

    I have made it my personal mission to help open as many peoples eyes as possible. I did not give my permission to be poisoned- or have all of our creatures killed and the planet completely destroyed.

    I will not be blind to this crime.


  15. Dane, when the insider told you that "they" intended to cause decreased humidity from the start with the geoengineering program, did he give a stated reason from back then?

    1. Hello Jenny, their mindset is that because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, it must be reduced. Such a mindset of course completely blind to the downstream catastrophic consequences of completely disrupting the hydrological cycle. 

  16. Tragedy of Fort McMurray/Alberta Fires could come here or anywhere any day   

    If you look on Youtube videos of those fires, it is just horrific.  Many thousands of people (at least 80,000… probably 100,000 or more by now) have lost everything …houses, towns, whole communities….leaving with just what can fit in their cars.  The heat is monstrous and whole buses of people are catching fire.

    The incessant spraying of heavy metals in the daily chemtrails has made the fires much worse.  

    Prayers/donations are so needed for this situation…..the aggressive, towering fires may go on for days and decimate everything.

    After reading about and looking at videos (thank you Dane's people)  on the Tar Sands Oil Fields, which is area of these fires…..it seems so apparent that oil and gas corporate greed have been major reason for these fires….it seems somehow karmic.  They have completely ignored the needs of people, animals, nature, waterways to put greed and money above all else.  The land is being made into wasteland and this has been going on for years in the once-lovely forests of Alberta….

    A true tragedy brought on by man's ignorance and greed….how the heart weeps.

    It could easily happen here….our severe drought, Gov Brown's insistence that fracking and aerosol spraying (chemtrails) are not harmful…perfect setup for something out of control in California too.  Their insistence on ignoring what is right in front of their faces….in fact their willingness to take part in practices that are proven to harm our earth, water, people, creatures…is pure evil

    I wonder if there is any hope for our earth/planet in the face of such evil…please keep praying &

    1. You know it did happen here, last year, in multiple places.  There were 57 fires in August, 2015, alone.  There were 22 in September. There was the Rocky Fire in Lake-Yolo-Colusa counties that burned 69,438 acres.  The Valley Fire burned over 70,000 acres in Lake County.  There was a big fire in the Shasta-Trinity area.  We had the Tenaya Fire in Yosemite and the Butte Fire in the Sierras.  Here's a map of California showing fires from 2015 and 2016:  https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1ZpcZ8OMZh1G1XwRmt9GaCwH6f-g

      I'm feeling very troubled and worried today.  I feel totally friendless.  I just cannot see and don't know how anyone or anything is going to survive here.  The people who should be keeping us safe have totally sold out to the paycheck and the pension and couldn't care less about life itself.

    2. Dennie, I know what you mean about feeling friendless, for watching the world deteriorate and trying to tell others about it is making me sound like the worst person to be around.  I think we need to band together- through this site- and somehow build a coalition of unity and strength to combat our feelings of helplessness and despair.  We must find a way to effect positive change, whether it be to join forces and protest or have eachother to rely on for support.  I know I am really struggling to find the good left in the world, but I look at the remaining birds at my birdfeeders and hope I can help a few make it farther by putting out much needed food (and clean water, which increasingly is at a premium in the forests) and I can pick up the trash that I see lining the forests and fields around here so the animals that are still eking out an existence have that much less broken glass and discarded plastic to contend with.  

      The feeling of being left out of the important decisions regarding our planet, our environment, and our society is the worst though, because I grew up in an era (I'm a baby boomer) where we assumed we would make a difference in the world and could be valued contributors to society if we just tried hard enough.  

      Now we learn that we are just bystanders in the biggest catastrophe that has ever befallen our planet- the threat to every living thing and the intentional demise of most of Earth's precious resources.  We have no power to effect anything and can't even get people to see what is happening.

      I spend my life compartmentalizing things-  what I can say to this person or to that and most of the time I just give up and withdraw or say as nonoffensive stuff as possible.  

      My family thinks I am being melodramatic and am just depressed but I know how bad it really is in the world now and how it can only get worse.

      There will come a day when the few birds at my birdfeeder area have all disappeared, as farmer's fields laced with pesticides slowly kill them off through the food chain, and when the few remaining deer in the fields have all been killed by the last entitled hunters.

      If I am still alive I will need this group more than ever, for the urge to join the extinct will be too strong.  

      Until then we have to fight- and learn to speak up!  I have to stop letting the status quo rule of mindless TV shows and zombie neighbors mowing their increasingly dry lawns get to me so much.

      I would much rather be honest in my dealings with the world- be allowed to show my compassion and concern instead of being forced into this facsimile of living.

      Thank you for having the courage to speak up on this forum and for reaching out to other like minds.  Somehow we will learn how to use our voices and stand together against this assault on our planet.

      Peace and much love.  ~A.  


    3. That fire is really, really big, over 400k acres gone. 

      The prognostications of many of the ancients was that the world would be destroyed once more, this time by fire.  Think of it all:  Nuclear "power" plants (really weapons-grade nuclear materials factories) all decaying and threatening to kill all of life for a very, very long, long time here; geoengineering and military-app incendiary sprays drying everything out and creating faster, bigger and hotter wild fires; Agenda 21 programs to burn/flood/drought/economically wipe out populations except for "desired" areas (ostensibly to let everything go back to "wilderness," never mind that later First Nations peoples of North America actually did some thoughtful management of forests, etc.); ramped up use of computers and the heat created by the servers (oh yeah, that's really "green" technology, now, isn't it?), expanding human populations chopping down and otherwise killing all green life, paving over the earth and creating more and more heat in the process.  Earth has a fever, all right.  And the "fix" is worse than the disease. 

      Today I feel like saying that humans, at least a certain kind, the ones without a heart and limited imaginations to see past tomorrow, really do need to go.  Reality is that we are most certainly NOT all created "equal."  The heartless ones really need to go somewhere else and leave this planet to heal in true peace.  My fear says this will occur only after "they" kill every living thing, then load up their nice furniture and Tesla cars and blast off for outer space to live nice, comfortable lives as humble potato farmers on new, pristine planets where "they" can start their sick game of total domination all over again, leaving Earth behind for dead– UGH!!!

    4. Dennie:  my observation from the window of my Amtrak train car:  From LA north to San Jose there is virtually no green grass.  The chaparral and assorted bushed as far as the eye can see is 50% dead.  The oaks are majorly stressed.  Many of the planted landscaped redwoods are dead.  Eucalyptus are drying up everywhere.  In sum, there is a calamity sitting on top of a powder keg.  The summer conditions will increase the chance of countywide brush fires.  Last year the smoke here on my ridge from fires across the valley (60,000 acres burned) was so thick I could not tell if a fire was near me, too.  A friend in the valley looked up here and said he could not see this ridge due to smoke.  Due to only one road in and out (six miles) I was very concerned about an unseen fire breaking out and trapping me.  Solution:  I dug out a 7x7x5 ft. bolthole, covered in three feet of soil.  Should a major confregration occur that is my duck and cover.  It is hoped it will never be needed.

  17. It's absolutely astounding to me that there were no apparent public awareness events that I heard of in my area regarding Chernobyl, Fukushima, Indian Head and Hanford on Earth Day.  Instead, this relatively new holiday has spiraled downward into just another excuse to cavort hysterically at beer-and-marijuana-fueled rock concerts– what a bunch of overgrown babies this "culture" mostly is.

    I have a new private student who is a physician at the local Kaiser facility.  The lessons, they told me, are their "therapy."  The student told me how burned out they are on medicine and how depressing it is to have to tell so many patients that they have cancer– these are supposedly "bright" people, so don't ANY of these docs ever wonder about all the causes fueling the epidemic?  Some do.  As I pointed out to this student, what did the 2000+ open-air nuclear bomb tests on this planet do to the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil in which we grow our food, and what effects would all of those radio-nuclides that obviously fell back to Earth have on everything and everyone who breathes them??  Is the planet really so "big" that it can simply go on and absorb as much pollution that the Bankster-Corporate-Military-Industrial-Technology Cabal can crank out?

    Never mind U.C. Berkeley's position on allowing pollution being "ended" simply by dilution– I don't think so. 

    Neither should anyone else.

    When are we going to see local "public awareness" environmental events?  When are ordinary people actually going to stand up and step forward with their support of reclaiming a healthy planet and exposing the misdeeds and crimes going on right now that need to stop if we hope to have any health left at all?

    If anyone's ever known anyone with cancer, we need to start a new movement, called Stop Poisoning Me.  People would pledge to change their buying and living habits, cut down on producing garbage going into the landfill, and do one thing each week to educate their families, friends, school and larger communities.  I'd love to see something like this get started.  Environmental education would begin right in the classroom with kids looking around their own desk and picking up/cleaning up after themselves, instead of being bused off to some pristine shangri-la where they get to vacation for a week in the woods while learning nothing but theory and no practical ways of keeping their immediate environment clean.  No wonder we have such a problem– someone else will be around to clean up the ever-growing mess, some day, right?

  18. WoW!!! Lorna Conley…listen to this My friend is a DJ and handed the Mic over to a Forest Service person at an Earth Day Event. He was asked by a person there.."Why are trees that have been standing for years, now blowing over?"  … "Oh, it is because we've been thinning which leaves the remaining trees more prone to being blown over ,cause they are standing alone", he replied.   We see trees blown over here and my family keeps saying it is lightening but I don not believe it for a second. No sign of lightening sticks to me, in most cases. Something new to be prepared for…….Trees dropping where they stand… like we are all going to be if we cannot stop this in it's tracks.

    Let us all watch for the visitor count to turn to 22,222,222 and focus and project, at that moment, together as ONE, and stop this with right intention. I will personally go to seeing through the eyes of each and every pilot, each and every plane, that is geoengineerinig on the planet and focus on them having the knowing… TIME TO STOP!!! Focus and project on them waking up, right now…RIGHT NOW.  Do this together as the counter gets there. Be ready.  Believe and Know. In Love of our Mother Earth.

  19. I am noticing more and more, very large trees in my Certified Forest here in SE Ohio just falling over from their own weight. What is evident is that the visible, now uprooted roots are just plain dead and have been decaying for quite some time, from the ground up. There are actually spring buds on many of these large trees as they lay on the ground, as the roots are clearly dead in the up-raised soil, leaving giant holes in the earth 3 or 4 feet deep and 8 feet wide… Makes me want to cry for what those sociopaths are doing to every living thing on the planet.

  20.     Spraying in S.E, TN seems to be conducted from east to west mostly. The silver haze is more saturated towards the west. I am not sure but it seems the majority of these planes are coming from the west and covering the entire area as they fly east. They appear to mostly be passenger planes. There are also what appear to be reconnaissance airplanes and helicopter's using Stingray surveillance equipment as I will often see the same planes circle around certain area's flying very low and the heli's do the the same. If they are looking for IsraeliSecretIntelligenceServices or whatever flavor of the month terror group they fund, then they need only ask President Osama, er Obama,  er Barry Sotero. Or they can directly ask the only people who's motto is " By way of Deception, wage War. "

        I guess these Bolshevik Communist swine are making a nice and naughty list like a Satanic Santa Claus. No presents for the nice but plenty of coal fly ash for all. God Bless the Republic and Mother Earth and may they be restored from the claws of these Talmudic Marxist psychopaths. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Know this my friends, these "globalist's" have made the world their enemy their reckoning is coming.

     On a lighter note, this helps soothe the pains these vermin and traitors inflict upon us with so much enjoyment.



    1. Solar Radiation Management today was over much of the sky around noon today in SE TN. 

      UV is off Charts! Everyone is getting sun burns. Grass is turning brown very early, trees look weak in direct light. 

      Thursday temps in the 40's & 50's. This weekend pushing 90!

      The present age is ending right in front of us all. 

      Getting people to grasp this is not easy. It's so easy to ignore and be in a blissful state! One person at a time Dane. I'm making progress. TN folk are behind you!

    2. Keep up the good work TNGeoWatch, we must document these facts. Thank you Mr. Wigington for all you do to save this world and her people, you sir are a Patriot and we are blessed to have you on our side. If you ever hold a conference or rally around TN I would be honored to participate. Until then I will continue to pass out flyers and speak the facts to the sleeping masses, so that one day soon they may awaken and join us.

    3. M2.7 earthquake reported.  Heavy chemtrail spraying overhead.  You guys in TN had better prepare for some severe weather.  Take care.

    4. Thank you Veritas for providing some answers to my vexed questions. Pointing fingers at the guilty ones might be taboo in a lot of circles, but it is now a luxury we cannot afford. There is an Unholy alliance between USA, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Turkey. We've all heard of PNAC – Plan for a New American Century, but it sure won't include most of the American public. What about the Greater Israel Project. We all know about the establishment of Israel and the atrocities against the Palestinians. We've all seen the high ranking fella talk about the plans for taking down seven countries in five years and the false flag events discussed for bringing this about. Is the USA the tail of a militant Israeli dog? It seems to be….

      BTW, Brisbane, Australia was smashed today by extreme SRM. Line after line, wave after wave. But they are not spraying it directly above us. It is done out west or out east, wherever the winds are coming from. But the lines drawn in the sky have no one noticing. Who can blame them? I didn't notice them. I first learned about Geoengineering from watching  on Youtube, "What In The World Are They Spraying?" I saw the title in the side bar when watching a documentary on Monsanto. It caught my eye and I have been on the roller coaster ride of learning ever since. I went outside and then became a sky watcher and it all added up. I think the best way is to hand out brochures/fliers or leave info sheets in places where people might pick them up by choice. I still do verbally introduce the issue to some, but it is a harder avenue for getting peoples' attention.

    5. No severe weather at all here.  Only complete mostly cloudy featureless skys with observable spraying above the milky white sky when they spread out and some blue peaks out.  Very stuffy this morning.  Hazy.  Air Quality is crap.  Very little sunlight and we are going to be in the lower 80's very little wind.  0 rain.  Radar shows green around but not anything that will hit the ground.  To many particulates just pushing the moisture over us at this point.  

  21. Our weather man yesterday in Denver, Partly cloudy today, with a chance of showers, winds of up to 50 mph, rain turning to snow in the Mts and fog.  I believe the covered all the possibilities. Frida it was grey all day log with no rain, 70 degrees, so they got away with the grey, Sat. it was grey and cold and it rained. We had two days of full sun.  That is CO now.


    1. Yes 🙁  This used to be a state of many sunshine days, I moved here in 1978 and it was beautiful back then, that is gone forever now and NO ONE seems to notice, they are all looking at their phones/apps.  They have ruined a beautiful world here, I want to go back to Tucson where at least there were 50% chance of sun every day, here in CO…?  About 20% chance.  I NEED THE SUN!

    2. Unfortunately that is colrado now, mainly unatural skies created by the poison they ar spraying.. How more people my age and older don't see what has happened when it is pointed out to them I find hard to understand. I have lived my 53 years in northern Colorado and am appalled by what has transpired here and in the world since I was a child. Evidently most people cannot grasp that where they live is a part of a much bigger picture where all life and ecosystems are a complex relationship. We were harming the biosphere horrifically before geoengineering but the phenomenonal rate of biosphere collapse occurring now has to be from SRM and other related activities. I wish we could peacefully occupie airports and at least temporarily stop the spraying.

  22. My Lilacs have died overnight they look like they were burned. Who do you report this to for an explanation? I remember (whats left of my memory) taking lilacs to the cemetery on memorial day every year not this year and we are not even close to memorial day. I live in Washington state and live about 60 miles from Hanford and do not feel well most all the time now. I think at this rate I wont be here for long. I have all the symptoms of memory loss, heart palpitations, feeling tired, the time, basically crappy most of time.How do you get away from this?

    Dane you are the best, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO? And to all who work to get people woke up. Like Dane said, even if the people you wake up ignore and scoff at you at least they were told! If any of you know how to get healthy from this poison please share, I take iodine and cold pressed vitiamns with minerals also chelation therapy, but dont know what about radiation?

    Peace and Love to all, Becca

    1.  Chlorella, Yerba Mate, Silica, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C and K, and distilled or reverse osmosis water are a few ways. I use a neti pot with sea salt and distilled water to flush out my sinuses as well it seems to help. Also do not keep your phone on your person if you can help it they release quite a bit of radiation as does WiFi. A Hepa or Super Hepa Air Purifier, and Hepa Vacuum cleaner will help as well. Also use charcoal for detox when your really sick it bonds with the chemicals and you expel them. Sauna's, excercise, and anything that makes you sweat also removes poisons. Do not drink tap water or use Fluoride for any reasons, it calcifies the pineal gland and causes cancers such as leukemia, it will kill you as surely as Monsanto GMO food and most Vaccines. And lastly look at whats in your shampoo, deodorant and other personal hygiene items they love slipping in aluminum and SLS.

      Here is a good link to Dr. Blaylock that will help as well. He has many good videos on how to heal oneself especially the brain as he is a neurosurgeon. God Bless and I hope this helps some. 


    2. Rebecca, I have also heard that taking a small amount of baking soda in water helps with radiation. I do this periodically and give some to my horses now and then too, sprinkle a little in their feed( which I always wet down anyway) and water barrels too. It seems to help us both and I don't think it can hurt in small amounts. Also look into Diatomaceous Earth (food grade). I give this to my horses & dogs and so far we have survived.

    3. Interesting is your comment concerning your lilacs.  Having just returned from a trip, I strolled out into my garden to check it out.  Everything is green.  The ground is damp.  My lilacs are famed near dead, the leaves limp and brown.  There was no frost during my absence.

  23. The Department of Homeland Security is poised to release 'harmless particle materials' into the New York City subway system next week.  The stated purpose is to help "authorities" enhance their "emergency preparedness."  Will this be another false flag?  The article reassures us that "its only a test."  I am wondering how "authorities" plan to remove these "harmless particle materials" from the subway system.


    1. The DHS is about INSECURTY.  Particles that are "harmless?"  Are they big chunky particles or nano in size.  Is this an aerosol operation?  What is the name of the contractor?  Someone said DHS is the bastard child born of 9-11.  Given that 9-11 was and still is a con job, the inference is that the evil entity is illegitimate.  Caveat:  my view is no human being, no matter the provenance, is illegitimate.  This does not apply to Luciferian-spawned entities.

    2. The lying sacks of shit who came up with this "bioterrorism drill" can each and every one of them go straight to the bowels of hell. This is an outrage.

    3. Since the Elites don't ride the subways in New York, one might imagine they could be releasing nano-bots or something else with a delayed reaction.  People should be outraged.  I am.  In the Elite world, everything is either benign or for your protection, of course.

      Leuren Moret has spoken about how plans are in the works to take over our neural networks.  I received a chilling email, an investment opportunity, for "neural imprinting".  I don't understand exactly how it's supposed to work, but it's being sold as something to help people suffering from chronic pain, and this would override and cancel pain signals.  They said there were other applications.  (Imagine, they could make us not know we're starving to death.)  Apparently, Gates and Zuckerberg are investing big $$.

      I'll try to link to this:


    4. Why should any of us trust one damned thing "they" tell us about "drills?"  Does every one here understand that there were MULTIPLE drills in progress on September 11, 2001?  Same as on the day of the big train bombing in Spain, and the London bombing as well.  That's The Pattern.  Amazing so many stoopid people just don't notice– ughh!!!

  24. I just listened to the rest of Dane's Speech. 

    Shame on Canada's P.M.

    Shame on all of them for letting this happen in previous years.

    You have done an excellent job "Dane"of exposing all of this.

    1. It is a team effort Joseph, it is our combined efforts to awaken the masses that could yet alter the outcome of what is unfolding. 

    2. ,,hello.. the FIRE IN FORT MAC, mcmurry was allowed to grow by our illuminati/ jesuit trained leaders… back in 011 the SLAVELAKE FIRE was a test case to see how well/or easy it is to fool sleeping canadains ..so they burned that town..cost 700million to taxpayer… an even in 03 KELOWA BC was a test, 200homes burned.

  25. Mr Wiggington I felt compelled to give you short progress report on my efforts to direct people to your wonderful website.Having the cards I had made, has helped tremendously to engage far more people than I otherwise would be able to.I feel the extensive amount of information you and your staff have compiled,allows me the confidence to assert myself.I liken it to having a gorilla in my back pocket! The cards also gives me an era of credibility.Thank you for you unyielding comment to the cause. I am off today to pass out as many cards as I can in hopes of waking up as many people as possible. p.s. I met a young scientist and sent him to you. I will stay in contact with him in hopes he can help. With much admiration to you AND your staff        David Haddon

    1. Thank you so much for your efforts David, we will do our best to do our part in the battle from this side.

  26. Hello friends. This wish of total control of Humanity and Nature is not a new thing. We should be prepared. They will blame the regular persons ( the People ) for the destruction of the atmosphere. Total extinction of Human population, as we know it. The ultimate goal is the total killing of Love and Humanity, the achieving of the perfect heartless soldier, and the triumph of the dominant tribe; the eugenics scientists that want to bring the "new order" back ( nazism – evil ), and his perpetuation. They think they will be the only survivors ( they and their soulless servants ). But will be not easy killing 6 billion. Many decades ago, the deliberate poisoning of population began with the widespread use of lead in everything. From toys for the kids to car fuel. They have failed at that time. But now game is for real. This is no longer an experience. Good Luck to all.

    1. I still wonder sometimes how entire cultures disappeared from the face of the earth. Were those events similar to what we're seeing now? Were those events orchestrated by the same luciferian groups that are doing it now? It wouldn't surprise me to see these ultra rich guys like Gates or Zuchenberg going off their adrenalin filled egos and joining up with the evil forces. 

  27. I am listening to this video pod cast from Dane. I am about 1/2 way through it. 

    My blood is boiling. The things that he is divulging here seem unimaginable, and are in my own words.

    So Frigging Terrible I don't have the capacity to explain my feelings about the Scale of Disaster which is and continues to go on here.

    The absurdity of the minds of incompetent assailants that are involved in such a mass destruction is nothing short of Mass Terrorism.

    How mindless can everyone be to all of this?

    Only the people that are Asleep it seems.

    There must be countless numbers out there that fall into this category. Every time I mention this to people most of them look stunned.

    Stunned Ones.

    We are on a Sinking Ship without Life Preserver's. 

    Full speed ahead, like the Titanic and Crash.

    Game Over.

  28. A couple of weeks ago, very heavy spraying over Northumberland UK. Before that. Clear blue skys, which God made. After the spraying. Crazy weather, harsh winds, rains, and snow all in one day. Then sun shine for 2 full days. Then cold rain and wind all that week. Thursday last week, heavy spraying. Looking through sun glasses, iy looked like oil splats in the sky with rainbow. It was hard to breath. Then for 2 days, Fri, and Sat, total white out. You couldn't see any blue, nor the sun. You could barely see the sun through the haze. It was cold and damp. Today, early, it was very heavy mist, you couldn't see your hand. Then later on. The Blue skys came back. But again, the planes are up, and spraying, making it all hazy.

    1. …. same thing happens here in MANITOBA… we r run by freemasons…. an last yr on MAY LONG WKEND we had a freak SNOW STORM… be4 that an after we had hot weather again.. in june/013 they created the CALGARY FLOOD…..iwas close by ther on a mc trip/mission…

  29. Powerful show Dane!  Thank you.  I have awakened many people to this issue and have directed them to your website.  We have not seen blue skies with sun here in about a month and many trees are not even green this spring.  People I know are starting to realize something is definitely wrong.

  30. Here I am early in the morning reading all the comments. What do I hear? The familiar sound of a low flying jet. I am in the house with the windows shut. They fly 24/7. Every day it is the same. You look to the east where the sun is coming up and there they are spraying in front of the sun. There is no mistaking it.

    I am noticing more and more people walking with canes and walkers and even more wheelchairs. Beautiful young women that work at checkout counters that are becoming way over weight. Men also. This is telling me there is something wrong in the food. I don't doubt that the spray affects your habits in some way also.

    I know that I have been real sore all over my body. Aches and pains. Dry nose, stuffed nose, drowsy feeling, and tired feeling. 

    When it is overcast from the Spray Hanging up overhead, I watch and see people yawning everywhere. 

    That fire in Alberta. I wonder if it was intentionally set?

    Also I wonder if the people that lost their homes and valuables will be insured?

    The other thing is that all I hear is Donate. Donate. Donate.

    Like if you buy a Big Mac then part of it will go to the disaster.

    Red Cross the same deal. Where does all that money really go though?

    I won't Buy anything from Mc Santo's though. They can shove them Golden Arches up their Butt's.

    I don't donate to anything anymore.

    Too many corrupt charities.

  31. PatinSF, Thanks for listing the symptoms you are experiencing. I am east of you and probably getting nailed with the same stuff. Here's what I can add from observing myself and I know myself. 

    I am experiencing the tingling crawly feeling on my face, too. Especially around my mouth. Sorry to say I believe this is a virus or pathogen of some kind being dropped on us.

    I got this weird thing with pain starting in the upper gum and sinus for about a week. A couple days into it my eye started spasms of the whole eyeball. The pain and swelling moved up in to the temple with swelling and pain all around my eye including my eyebrow up past my hairline. This took about 2 weeks to move around the side of my face. The eye spasms are reduced but not gone weeks later. And I now protect my whole face and eyes when outside. I am still getting the feeling.

    Rachael on this site describes similar issues as you and I have. The other symptoms you list also. Many people where in live in the Mts are very sick almost constantly since this went into over drive a couple winters ago.  BTW, the heart palpitations keep me from sleeping. The metals are causing all of us to vibrate in an unnatural way. It is as though our cells are buzzing. Only in sharing can we find help from others on the frontline. Thanks to all you speciAl people.

    1. The electrolyte imbalances caused by barium displacing potassium means your muscles will not contract the way they should.  You get cramps and spasms.  Most people are already deficient in minerals and getting sprayed with toxic heavy metals isn't helping.  My heart was racing last night and again this morning.  Both times I took 800-900 mg. of potassium and that got it back to a relatively normal rate.  You have to take the potassium because if your levels get too low you're inviting a heart attack– the heart is a big muscle and when it doesn't have the right chemistry by which to run it's electrochemical functioning, it goes out of rhythm.  I was in the hospital with arrhythmia.  It can be fatal.  Did the idiots there treat me with potassium?  I don't remember.

  32. Brisbane, Australia, Mothers' Day. SRM still evident though not so much as normal. Who knows why it is more or less from day to day. It just is happening everyday.

    But welcome to the Agenda 21 Talmudic perversion of power mongering. I'd like to highlight the Bolshevist Communist Post Capitalist power-centrist structure that would own the world. Despite who lost which wars, those who 'won' them have gone on to rabidly blow up, pillage, poison, subvert, assassinate, kill, deceive, thieve, blackmail, genocide nearly 400 million in two centuries and now are performing ecocide on a whole planet. There might be many layers to this, but if it kills all what is it in the end but a planet killing machine?

    Come on, re read what I just wrote. Now, think about who would do this. Who could it be? It has to be someone. It is not an accident. Someone has made it happen. Is it a creed? A nation? A private group? What is their ethos? Who needs such power, this power that goes beyond just having the most money? It is an attempt to have power over life itself, which of course is completely absurd and insane.

    We know it is highly organised, totally funded, rubber stamped and well on the way to completion, that 'completion' being 'control' over the entire surface of the earth. This is psychopathy on the grandest scale, unless of course they find intelligent life on another planet and try to go to war with them too, which they would.

    WHO THEN IS DOING THIS? It cannot be the fascist regimes vanquished in WW2. They were crushed and obliterated. Is it the ordinary working people of each nation? Of course it isn't. We might say, "It's the bankers", but it cannot just be the bankers, though they do enable it. Is it just the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Schiffs, Morgans and so on?

    We need to have names and if after listing their names we can see a pattern that reveals some cohesion of group behaviour, so be it. Which group would uphold such feelings of superiority that they would do this to their fellow LIFEKIND on the same home planet? Which group are plugged in to all of the power centers? Which group have been resisted in their infiltration over the centuries? I'd really like to know….

    1. Preach it brother! I wish it were just the bankers but they have all their shills and proxies doing the lion's share of work. The people who took an oath to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic seem to have forgotten the meaning of their oath. History leaves NO room for interpretation of who is doing this as you and I know. They are the ones who CANNOT be named and yet change their names to subvert whatever country they move into. They even have a special term for anyone who disagrees with them a certain word they use as a cudgel to beat the opposition into submission. Their entire history is plagiarized and stolen from other cultures since Babylonian times. They own Hollywood, Media, News, Pharma, Banking, and even our politicians. Its ironic Jefferson, Jackson, Washington, Franklin, Paine, and so many others have warned us time and again. Even Eashoa (Jesus) warned us in John 8:44, he spoke the truth so they murdered him and brag about it in their Talmud.  Remember their golden rule after all   " He who has the Gold makes the Rules" and they happen to have most of the gold.

    2. Well, we have the Kochs and Gyorgi Schwartz, er, George Soros to you.  Talmudic miscreants if ever there were.  WHAT KIND OF GOD allows these self-righteous "holy" MONSTERS to claim they are his favorite children?  Time they grew UP, actually.  And then leave "home."  For good.  With their arrogant purple stain expunged from manifested creation the rest of us beings might actually have a chance at something that resembles peace.

  33. Dane thank you as always just another thought I believe world war 3 began on September 11 2001 when I read and watch what is happening in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan all those children not in school all the families without homes !!! The European countries believe world war three has begun. In England they are closing schools and turning them into private academies so only people with money can afford to send their children to school.Here in Oakland California children off color and poor children have seen their schools and local libraries close. As for the weather here in Oakland California it has been raining all off Saturday and been very cold!!! You can tell the ran never makes the ground wet just dry and hard.

  34. Agree with Patin SF…We get similar symptoms and try to stay indoors on heavy "Spray days"  Plus severe insomnia as well. We just don't ever get predicted weather eg.Rain etc….Our Government just as guilty at cover ups…NSW Australia .(East Coast)

  35. Hello everyone Dane as always thank you so much and to all of you for sharing your thoughts. After hearing Dane say the year was 1944 the same year that Joseph Stalin,FDR and Winston Churchill meet in San Francisco to form the Untied Nations and how they could defeat both the Germans and Japanese.so here we all are living in a world of dishonesty I outside on my porch and play your show for people to hear plus I talk to people all the time. As the American people having the right to vote the current election is rigged for certain people to win, four states have not had fare elections especially for Bernie Sanders. I have been witnessing's a disturbing new trend in the school district I work in from elementary to high school dentists are convincing parents to have their children's healthy teeth pulled out !!!! It makes me so angry to see these children's mouths after these insane procedures and the brain washing the children and their parents believe its madness its a con job children can never get their big teeth back. Well educated families full for these lies. But some people are waking up slowly.

    1. Carolyn:  Do you have documentation about the pulling of healthy teeth from school children in Oakland?  I went on line and could find nothing that supports the wholesale blanket pulling of healthy permanent teeth in children.  Here is what I did find about dental health in Alameda County:  http://www.acphd.org/healthy-kids.aspx

    2. I have heard that removal of teeth has a detrimental effect on memory. So, apparently it does affect the brain. Who would have thought? Who would know this already?

  36. In the Southwest, N.M. chemtrails being made at a far distance. They are rolling in on the Mesilla Valley from the west, I'd say from a distance well over 200 miles. If one looks to west from my area they lean them from west, somewhat northward. White looking toxic skies, with orange-yellow, smog brown color mix is created. No wonder my nose is acting up big time with a burning feeling at times. This is not me and my health. Happy Mothers Day to all moms Sunday. Lord Have Mercy on His……

    1. Having just returned from Palm Springs, I will tell you what I observed while in that region.  Depending on the locations of low pressure systems and the weather warfare necessities of the Geoengineer-terrorists, some days were sprayed more heavily than others in order to create drought.  When the sky over Palm Springs cleared of the grunge, it all headed west in your direction and seemed to accumulate as a vast raft in to your region east of PS.  In his daily analysis of Southern California weather, the 1pacificredwood meteorologist demonstrates often how your locale and the entire Colorado River drainage basin is being majorly sprayed and kept under a blanket of drought inducing jet induced aerosol nano particulates.  This is to create drought.  There is no other purpose for this assault but to insidiously dry up the reservoirs and agriculture of all that depends on that river.  I took Amtrak down to PS and returned back to Oakland, California in the same manner.  Beginning just north of Santa Barbara there were two very large storms cells growing and threatening to merge into one large rain producing storm.  The tracks run north to south and along the edge of the Pacific Ocean.  I am sitting on the west side of the car with a big sky view, and paying close attention to the sky and clouds.  Suddenly a large tanker emerges from the east and spraying the newer shorter aerosol trail, flies in between the two cells, and curves his flight pattern to fit the cloud construct.  Within two minutes another, and in another minute yet, another tanker did the same spraying and maneuver.  Three in a row.  As the train rolled on northbound I still could observe the two cells. But within 20 minutes the entire mass has turned into a mushy fuzzy "cotton candy."  This demonstrates that targeting the larger elements of energy in the formation of storms cells is a priority.  And weakens the entire low pressure system.  Another observation I noticed are the many "golfball" shaped phased array microwave units spaced along the west of the coast up in the hills.  One should suspect these play a role in creating artificial highs, and in blocking and distorting the jet stream, working in concert with the metalized aerosols to maintain the weather war being conducted against California.  Further, one ought to consider entertaining a healthy suspicion that not all those oil rig platforms are to be taken at face value, but as potential locations for the very high frequency microwave assaults that keep low pressure systems weakened and destroyed.

    2. Hello Dane, I have changed my location from Norway to Bavaria, Germany. The chemtrails have changed here. Many planes going in different directions with short white tails and then the tail is clear. So invisible and deadly? Has anyone seen this mode or is it new? I went for a walk and came back tasting something pasty with swollen lips. Note- before the chemtrails were very apparent with Xs overhead .God Bless,CJ






  37. Dane is correct..Justin Trudeau is just a pretty boy being used by the power structure to spread the "relax and chill out" message.  Why rush off to the U.N. to sign the "Paris Accord " and our lives away?  Next he has invited the other two "amigos",  Obama and Nieto (Mex. Pres.) to Ottawa to pop the cork after they sign off on the Pacific Trade Sellout. Gee, the defendants will claim; coal-fly ash is perfectly legal as all governments have put pen to paper to deal with climate change so what the heck are you talking about?  Scientists are unmuzzled, aren't they? Why, just file an "access to information" request. We will get back to you in 20 years.  I never thought that maybe the Second Amendment would save armed to the teeth Americans who are not an easy push over for the power structure to conquer. Has it really come to this? 

  38. It appears that there is going to be a MASSIVE warm front running through the Arctic this coming week (especially on May 10, 11, and 12) in which it will run through the Berring Strait, blanketing the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, even most of the Arctic Basin. Is this the intended result of geoengineering or an unexpected consequence? Do you anticipate a counter measure from the geoengineers to combat this front from doing too much damage that they cannot hide?

  39. The more I research and delve into I learn more. This is nothing short of…
    Un-Presumed Consent. 
    If the Filing's against the Maggoty the Queen go ahead and are successful
    Then I will file a suit myself against this willful poisoning that is being doused upon everything and everyone
    That is if I am still Alive
    More and more will wake up

  40. The Effect of Hail Suppression Operations on Precipitation in Alberta, Canada  [Injecting “faster acting ‘condensation freezing’ formulation silver iodide (AgI) flares”]  / Oct. 7, 2016 / ABSTRACT
    An exploratory analysis of volume-scan, C-band radar data using sophisticated storm cell tracking software was used to calculate radar-derived rainfall characteristics from 160 seeded and 1167 non-seeded storms, on 82 days with seeding, during the summers of 2001 and 2002 in Alberta, Canada. The seeded storms (stratified according to maximum radar-derived cell top height), have greater mean durations (+50%), have greater mean precipitation rates (+29%), and have a greater mean total rain Area-Time-Integral (+54%). … full report:

    Weather Modification Inc. / Fargo ND
    Water resources are increasingly taxed by exploding demand and continued population growth. The world's population is projected to grow over 40% in the next 45 years. Weather modification, commonly known as cloud seeding, is the application of scientific technology that can enhance a cloud's ability to produce precipitation. Weather Modification, Inc., is on the forefront of scientific technology to maximize water availability worldwide. …

    WIKI: Impact of SILVER IODIDE on environment and health
    The most common chemicals used for cloud seeding include silver iodide, potassium iodide and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide). Liquid propane, which expands into a gas, has also been used. With an NFPA 704 health hazard rating of 2, silver iodide can cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury to humans and mammals with intense or continued but not chronic exposure. However, there have been several detailed ecological studies that showed negligible environmental and health impacts. The toxicity of silver and silver compounds (from silver iodide) was shown to be of low order in some studies. These findings likely result from the minute amounts of silver generated by cloud seeding, which are about one percent of industry emissions into the atmosphere in many parts of the world, or individual exposure from tooth fillings. Accumulations in the soil, vegetation, and surface runoff have not been large enough to measure above natural background. A 1995 environmental assessment in the Sierra Nevada of California and a 2004 independent panel of experts in Australia confirmed these earlier findings. "In 1978, an estimated 2,740 tonnes of silver were released into the US environment. This led the US Health Services and EPA to conduct studies regarding the potential for environmental and human health hazards related to silver. These agencies and other state agencies applied the Clean Water Act of 1977 and 1987 to establish regulations on this type of pollution."

  41. Hi. This last week in the UK we've seen – and I use no hyperbole – day after day of the most insane, blatant and awful trailing I've yet seen. Every morning when I awaken, I go outside and photograph a clear blue sky with the first of the trails. I get to work and take another photograph. I do this throughout the day until it reaches whichever dystopian climax fate had planned. Then I collate the images and post them on Facebook. If I'm going to be sprayed, I'm going to document the crime.

    Other people are doing the same. And ordinary people are now bringing it up to me, apropos of nothing. A fellow showed me photos he'd taken, using his phone, of two aircraft (with trails) travelling parallel to one another, crossing trails, then adopting the other's course. 

    Add like-minded people to your contacts, friends lists etc – support them, and let them support you. Let the timid and the undecided see others being supported, let them see that there's a discussion.

    We won't get another earth. If this one has been doomed, so be it, but let us not be frightened by how others will think of us. Let's show them it's OK. Share every grisly photo of every gruesome sky. Make it something people see every day even if they refuse to look up.

  42. From what I understand from Susan Ferguson. She states that this is like a Plasma. It covers everything overhead and then the EMF waves are working together with the overhead spraying (Plasma). 
    What it does, it affects the mind and the body in various ways. Look at the information presented.
    Susan has a lot of Articles that specify all of the information posted.
    If you look at some of the pictures that she has posted about the Fall Out and what she has collected and "Documented", you will see that. 
    There is a time that comes, that people will start looking and realizing that there is something very Suspicious going on.

    1. Is that why I feel like crap..Major Mind fog the last few days…I can't see what the are spraying here in the Bay Area its been constant over cast due to this strange low pressure they have set in place, but I know they are up there doing what they do…Not to mention the frequency shit is off the charts it is so thick I can laterally see it!
      I can certainly feel it: Some common complaints:
      = A warm or burning sensation in the face somewhat like feeling sunburnt
      = A tingling or prickling sensation across the face or other parts of the body
      = Extreme dryness of mucus membranes such as the back of the throat and eyes
      = A swelling of the mucus membranes such as nose, throat, ears and sinuses without any infectious cause
      = Problems with concentration, loss of memory and dizziness
      = A feeling of impending influenza (flu) that somehow never quite breaks out
      = Headaches and nausea
      = Teeth and jaw pains
      = Aches and pains in muscles and joints
      = Cardiac palpitations
      I'm doing what I can to stay healthy..Dane any updates on that health report..we know you are a very busy person but still looking forward to it.

    2. Hello PatinSF, I will truly try to get a post up on the “staying healthy” by the end of next week. Thanks for your patience on this, just too many fires to tend in this battle.

    3. Brandy Holmes — Thank you for your post. I believe these are top secret technologies and I don't pretend to know exactly how they work. I am on my 7th textbook and still mystified. Anthony Peratt, George Khazanov, or Michael Kelley have never contacted me to personally explain!  hah!  :o)  However, anger and frustration are great motivators, so I started reading their technical textbooks hoping to get some idea of what they are actually doing to us. Michael Kelly was a real jolt because he talked openly in an online video about ACTIVE EXPERIMENTS IN SPACE, aka HAARP technology, the physics of reflecting a high powered radio wave off the Ionosphere.  http://metaphysicalmusing.com/blog/2016/02/10/745/ 

    4. PatinSF, perhaps some of this will help…

      1. I grow and/or buy and eat sprouts — radish, onion, sunflower, broccoli, mung bean, lentil, red clover, etc., which require a glass jar and fresh water, and a means to drain the water off (punctured lid, nut milk bag, etc.), plus seasonal, fresh and organic veggies and fruit whenever possible, and don't eat animals.

      2. I try to get a rainbow of fresh food daily, or at least weekly, and avoid all fried foods, most packaged foods (I sometimes buy organic jarred tomato sauces and packaged red and black rice, or wild rice), fast foods and other junk.  

      3. I add all sorts of herbs and spices to my food — like ginger, turmeric, garlic, red onions, cayenne, and odd things like dandelion leaves, purslane (good source of Omega-3), mustard seeds, celery seeds (ground up), fresh basil on tomatoes, rosemary on potatoes, cumin on carrots, dill on green beans, etc.

      4. I try to mimic diets of cultures who are long-lived and healthy (e.g., the Hunzas), and read everything I can from sites that share such information, most particularly greenmedinfo.com and sources that offer the newly popular "health summits", like foodrevolution.org, as well as sites from MDs and NDs and others: Neal Barnard, John McDougall, Dean Ornish, Michael Greger, and several others…not that I agree with all of them all of the time.

      5. My age indicates I've been a fan of Rachael Carson, Adele Davis, Francis Moore Lappe, Jack LaLanne, and John Robbins from way back, as well as Organic Gardening and other Rodale publications. This by no means indicates I advocate everything they espouse but is why I urge each of you to learn to love researching, and learn to discern the sources from which information comes. Follow the money!

      I guess my point here is to do whatever you can to stay healthy, so you can fight this horrific garbage we're being bombarded with, from the air, water, and food, as well as the poisoned information. You, the people who come here, are smarter than anyone, and can share your knowledge, feed you and your family in a healthy way, and be all the better to cope with the horrors coming our way.

      Much love to Dane and each of you…


    5. Patin SF:  I'm in Marin.  You're describing classic symptoms of barium poisoning.  Drink a lot of water and put a tiny bit of mentholatum inside your nostrils.  Get some potassium citrate or a potassium-magnesium duo at VitaCost– great products at great prices.  You'll need to take 800 mg. of potassium when you feel the symptoms coming on.  Eat sweet potatoes, orange juice, dates and figs, and other potassium-rich foods.  Make a list and post on the refrigerator door.

      Make sure you've got windows and doors that shut out the air crap.  Fireplaces and inserts that have no good way to close air intakes as well as wall furnaces are all major offenders. I've spent $25k outfitting my house with new windows and doors, then custom-weather stripping them all.  MOTHERFCKRS!!!

  43. My 112th email to my contact list, titled 'The Last Two weeks'.
    1.  Last week we had the heavy wet endothermic geoengineered snow.  This week we had impressive high temperatures @ 21ºC with (according to some weather reports) the chance of snow!
    2.  Since Jan 2016, Arctic Sea Ice has been at, or very close to, record lows.  On 6 May there were 11.99 million sq km of Arctic Sea Ice.  The 2000's average date for this ice area is 24 – 25th May, so over two weeks early. 
    3. In the last two weeks there has been minimum of 50,000 tons of mass fish die off.  This does not include other marine life (e.g. jellyfish or molluscs), or of course the terrestrial die offs.
    4.  The wildfire season has started early, particularly in several areas of Canada, Alaska, Himalayas.  British Columbia refused to send fire fighting teams to help at Fort McMurray as they were dealing with 43 fires of their own…
    5.  We have just had 12 consecutive record breaking months globally – ever.  Doesn't matter where you live, that is 12 consecutive record breaking months ever recorded globally. Most people just sit back and watch TV (and let it burn): http://robinwestenra.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/as-world-burns.html.

    Seemorerocks: As the world burns…
    6.  A good talk from Dane Wigington: https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-may-7-2016/
    Do your own research – you certainly will not hear the truth from main stream media.
    7.  Another mega heat wave over the Arctic 11 – 14 May.

  44. Hi Dane, keep up the good work.

    Why is it that these weather geniuses who can create snow at 50 degrees cannot create some rain in Fort McMurrey?
    Just sayin'…..

    1. Brian,  Please take a look at 1pacificredwood for 5/6/16 on utube. The moisture in u.s. was there, and could have been pushed north, but our weather makers chose not to help. Like stephan says, "it's not in the script".

  45. Thank you Dane, for another program of "Oh My God"! Information.

    I hope this program goes viral especially in beautiful Oregon and Washington where they have been unwillingly exposed to a huge radioactive catastrophe and then lied to about it by the country that should be acting to protect the people and the environment. Those who know and do not act need to be routed out and held accountable.Just like with geoengineerinig our fragile climate.

    The encyclopedic information on this site certainly explains why our national, state and local infrastructure has been left to crumble for decades. Why fix what you are not going to need? The number of sociopaths involved in the implementation and cover up has to huge. Delusion is an epidemic. Speak up and act.

    I know what Dane says to be true about the dead trees being blamed on the beetles. Trees that are young and next to water sources are dead and dying too,  everywhere in the Sierra Nevada.  All different species are dead and dying along with other vegetation.  I have witnessed beetle infestations before and this goes way beyond that lie that is being served up by government agencies and the media. 

  46. Dane one last comment. Your site is also empowered by the hearers. You have so many smart good caring people that comment. These people are so valuable too. I learn much from them too in the forum you provide us all. God bless you in Christ.

    1. Dane thsn  hanford is so shocking. If possible could you put out info on geo engineering in the middle east. It is happening  a lot but id like to see the full data. There is really bizarre stuff in that region. God bless you and fsmily in health and safety.
      k you I think it’s too late but we must try.

  47. Was not even aware of the fires in the Himalayas until Dane mentioned them on his broadcast, how awful.Thanks again MSM!. I'm getting the feeling this summer is going to be the opportunity to point up and point out to those who have a open mind how deep we are into this madness.   Praying that the legal proceedings underway will help buttress all the evidence we have for sitting on the fence. As always, Danes weekly updates convict me anew as a Christian that I (we) are charged with keeping His creation.  

  48. Hello Dane and the geo engineering watch community. Even though Guy denies the elephant in the room geo engineering I am going to attend this event. Perhaps he has changed his opinion if I get the chance to ask him. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/a-meeting-with-scientist-guy-mcpherson/

    Dr. Guy McPherson, Professor Emeritus of Natural Resources at the University of Arizona and a world known expert on Abrupt Climate Change. Monday, May 9th, 7pm at St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church on Turk and LyonIt in San Francisco.  http://www.guymcphersontour.com

    1. PatinSF:  Is the event at St. Cyprian's Episcopal on Turk at Lyon a free event?  I can show up.  S.F.'s on the way up from Sunnyvale for me.  I'd love to ask The Guy to speak specifically addressing the highly visible, provable and proven ongoing geoengineering spraying of our planet.  Doesn't matter if he's lying or denying.  I just want to see him squirm and have someone video the spectacle, then put the vid of the charade up on YouTube.

    2. Well, McPherson may be arrogant but his events are free.  There's an "eventbrite" registration on his tour site.  Check it out.

  49. Re: Alberta, B.C. Wildfires

    Resident of Canada. Mainstream Media following repetitive pattern of obsessive – almost to pt of exclusive – focus on negative drama – tragedies, heroics, loss of resources…
    Agree scenario is a disaster. Mainstream Media, Gov’ts avoiding Real Causative factors, disruption of non-human life, eco-systems; toxicity to ecosystems, Including HUMANS (e.g. fire retardants dumped).

  50. Thank you for drawing attention to this again with this new article.  I am trying so hard to make people see the connection between the uncontrollable fires and geoengineering… and it's not fun putting myself out there like that… but no one said change would be easy right?  🙂

    1. You live in Boco del Toro?  Had thought about leaving the US to live there but sounds like it is much the same as where I am at.  I guess there is nowhere on earth to escape the madness. 

    2. That's riiiight– "they're" spewing their sh!t over every square millimeter of the planet, and even where "they're" not, the crap drifts for thousands of miles.  Sheesh.  We've now got soooo many of "them" crapping out their toxic metal diarrhoea in every direction you can think and even more in other directions you wouldn't think that it just don't rain here no more.

    3. Both of Panama's neighbors, Colombia and Venezuela suffering severe drought.  MSM continues to blame El Nino.  We know various Geoengineering ops also disrupt hydrological cycle on Mesoscale.

      Wetterkontrollers stealing moisture from point A to deliver to point B. All done in secret and without consent.


  51. Canada wildfire explodes in size, fed by hot, dry weather
    LAC LA BICHE, Alberta | By Rod Nickel and Liz Hampton
    May 7, 2016
    With temperatures on Saturday expected to rise as high as 28 Celsius (82 Fahrenheit), officials said the weather was hindering efforts to fight the wildfire. "It is a dangerous, unpredictable fire, an absolutely vicious fire that is feeding off of an extremely dry boreal forest," Canadian Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale told a media briefing. CBC News reported the fire had expanded southeast and grown to 156,000 hectares (385,000 acres). Officials had warned late on Friday that the fire, which they then said was 101,000 hectares, could double in size by the end of Saturday.

  52. Vast amounts of energy are required by the technologies being used to manipulate the planet's climate systems, the jet stream, etc. Plasma physics is the base of all these technologies, magnetic confinement fusion at Skunkworks and the Russian Tokamak, HAARP, phase array emitters, the rf/microwave transmitters, electronic warfare, laser radiation, electron beams, and more. In the textbook "Physics of the Plasma Universe" Anthony L. Peratt explains 'Double Layers':
    The double layer consists of two thin and close regions of opposite charge excess, which give rise to a potential drop, and therefore an electric field, across the layers. The ions and electrons inside the double layer are accelerated in opposite direction along the magnetic field by the electric field. The ions accelerate towards the cathode (a negative terminal conducting electricity) while the electrons accelerate towards the anode (a positive terminal conducting electricity).
    Double layers carry electric currents. If an electrical discharge is produced between an anode  and a cathode, a 'sheath' forms and serves to accelerate electrons that carry a current through the plasma. This 'sheath' is made of up a 'virtual cathode' and a 'virtual anode', thus the lateral limitation of the plasma is produced by double layers.
    * Birkeland currents (charged particles follow magnetic lines of force and produce field-aligned currents) flowing between the ionosphere and magnetosphere may produce a series of double layers as the currents flow through regions with different densities.
    * Double layers may form to 'cellularize' the plasma into more or less homogenous regions. Double layers are also formed when the current through a plasma is increased by increasing the applied voltage; the plasma then divides itself into two analogous the a biological cell.
    * Concomitant with double layers are noise (rapid variations within a broad spectral band) and rapid fluctuations. The noise in effect 'scatters' the electrons and this can greatly exceed the scattering due to collisions between electrons.
    * Since double layers form in electric currents, the double layer itself can be considered an element within the complete electrical circuit. Every circuit contains intrinsically explosive inductive energy which is mainly used for accelerating charged particles, localized heating and radiation.
    More from the plasma universe:

    1. My father tapped into a field of Free Energy long ago around the time of Tesla's works… Lester J. Hendershot born 1898… look at his works again in the 50's until he was taken out of the picture in the early 60's… amazing things happened in my home in the 50's and early 60's… it piques my nature as I see what is being done about energy these Daze's… so much could be said… but won't be here… do your own research of what was going down then with him and his work… beware of the shucksters who are riding on his coat tails…

  53. Absolutely CORRECT! The key ingredient in the apprentice VooDoo Geoengineering sprays is aluminum.

    Aluminum is toxic to trees.The first stage in aluminum affecting trees is a GREATLY reduced water uptake, making kindling out of the trees – – – – AND, WITH THE DOUBLING OF WILDFIRES WORLDWIDE, AND THE IMMENSE WILDFIRES IN CANADA – – – putting immense amounts of CO2 back into the ATMOSPHERE – THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF US

    For many years now departments of forestry have been telling us that "in 15 to 20 years half of all trees worldwide will be dead. FACT: IN LARGER AMOUNTS ALUMINUM KILLS TREES. So, with the science-facts lacking, thermodynamics-violating, climate change worsening chemtrail sprays we are actually killing our first line of defense against excess CO2, trees.

    But the lunacy of (apparently special interest-pushed) geoengineering doesn't stop here. Aluminum is also a key factor in causing Alzheimers and Autism.

    Global Warming – the science, EXTREME urgency to take countermeasures, and associated blunders – are very basic and easily explainedhttp://www.Expertclick.com/NRWire/Releasedetails.aspx?id=74992

    Unusual, symptoms in airline passengers – inflammation, allergies, flu-like – connected to the toxins in Chemtrail/SRM spray

    PLEASE REMEMBER: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” John F. Kennedy, Edmund Burke, R. Murray Hyslop, Charles F. Aked, John Stuart Mill.




  54. Good morning, Dane:

    Making my voice heard to all that I can reach is becoming harder and harder each day; although it is so apparent as to what is going on all around us (Fukushima, Hanford, Indian Point, etc.) the general public is tone deaf, blind and just plain ignorant.

    I needed some encouragement to go on, the other day, so picked up a book from my library.  A book with which you are all familiar with: Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (1967).  The relevancy of her thesis is now more apparent than ever.  Had we only followed her teachings and advice, maybe, just maybe, things would be a little bit different now as far as our fragile environment is concerned.

    For the young readers on this thread who perhaps never heard of Rachel Carson, I encourage you to pick up her book and read it carefully.  She synthesized our entire situation in which we find our environment today in the very first chapter.  If she was so dedicated to teaching us our course to follow in 1967 (and before and after), then who am I to give up so easily.  It gave me the will to continue, as you so eloquently write, to make my voice heard, even to those who are too stupid to listen.  Thank you Dane and Rachel Carson and to others who are trying so hard to save our planet. 


    1. Virginia! In harmony with your comment, I would like to urge all follower's of our Lord and Savior send this May 7th report to their Church Pastor to encourage the spreading of knowledge among true worshippers. Appeal to those who honor the Seventh Day Commandment especially   to neighborhood Seventh Day Adventist Churches throughout the United States and every Country you are living in!!!They will respond !!!!

    2. Trudyb1929…..thank you so much for your comment and great idea.

      PS. If  1929 is your birth year…..we are twins.  So it is that we share the same year.  More power to us….the older ones who remember better times, cleaner skies, a more hopeful generation.  Peace and blessings be upon you.

    3. Hello, Virginia,

      The late Sister Rosalie Bertell's 2000 book, Planet Earth, The Latest Weapon of War, has been said to have the impact of Rachel Carson's.  I'm reading it now with much trepidation. 

      She's not alarmist, but holds immensely high regard for people, animals and the beautiful Planet Earth.  It is eye opening to realize how the wars of the 21st century have deliberately aimed to destroy the environment in irreparable ways.  I finally learned the the background of the War in Kosovo and the First Gulf War, which was really, really terrible, beyond my previous comprehension.

      Before reading it I shared her stated opinion, "For me, some of the most fundamental abuses have occurred because of our continued reliance on the military."  She said we need to re-evaluate the definition of "security" and realize the training exercises alone are a massive threat to life on Earth.

      Thank you, Sister Rosalie.

    4. Trudy and Virginia as a seventh day Sabbath keeper I forward Geo Engineering to my Pastor and communication director of my church. I'm in Northern CA. Just letting you know we're out here. I take photos almost every day. I have people look up and explain what's going on. With that we can suggest I can ask all of you to  read The Great Controversy. God Bless

    5. Hello, dear Bella,

      Thank you for your recommendation of Sister Rosalie's book.  I had not heard of it, but will try to get it today on Amazon.  Reading these books helps me to realize that there are so many sane and caring people (other than Dane and his commenters) who are trying so hard to get the message out – we have one very small planet which is now crying out for help.  Peace and good health to all of you.

  55. Dane,

    Great job on detailing the Hanford threat.   While the Los Angeles Times failed to include the Hanford story in the "hard news" portion of their paper, they did see fit to run this story a couple of weeks ago in their TRAVEL section.  Hold on to your hat – The story highlights the fact that Hanford's official name is THE MANHATTAN PROJECT NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK.  Now hold on to your chair – They're running TOURS through it for schoolchildren.   It's truly the Twilight Zone.


  56. It is always, ALWAYS darkest before the dawn break through and we on planet Earth are fast approaching this break through.   Using Air as a weapon, food as a weapon and all the rest of this massive war on humanity & planet Earth is coming to its end. This is one reason it is so chaotic right now. But know this; This beast is kicking and screaming and in the last throws of it's miserable existence. Hold Faith everyone, know that we are not alone and this is ending very VERY soon. NO MORE DOMESTIC TERRORISM from the powers that WERE.  Unity.

    1. This is what I am praying for. The evil is so blatant that they don't even try to hide it. For the people with eyes to see it is absolutely everywhere. So many good people leaving some very enlightening comments. Many thanks.

  57. Thank you for co-relating Alberta's current misery with the effects of Geoengineering in this morning's report Dane.

    Because Alberta's situation is presently, (and with good reason) attracting a significant portion of the mainstream "NEWS MEDIA" it is not too surprising that British Columbia's own Wildfire Situation is getting a lesser portion of media attention?

    Here is a mainstream "NEWS MEDIA" report about BC's own "Increasingly Dangerous Wildfire Situation" It is hard to rationalize how it is possible that the Northern Regions of both provinces are in this much distress – so early in the year? (where the temperatures traditionally seem lower, {on average} to the central & southern areas of the provinces)

    Little doubt remains that the "Moisture-Retaining Geoengineering Trails" are severely hampering the efforts of fire-fighting resources. The water-bombing equipment is simply overwhelmed, as they attempt to dump their limited amounts of water on these blazes.


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