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The darkening horizon is fueling ever more desperate denial in populations around the globe. The majority of the masses are clinging tenaciously to a reality that was never sustainable and is rapidly unraveling. If one chose to accept the stated goal of climate engineering/solar radiation management at face value, to save the planet, what a profound paradox we are left with. Killing the planet to save it. Not only is climate engineering completely derailing and contaminating virtually all of Earth's life support systems, but the three primary forms of "renewable" energy (solar, wind, and hydro), which are needed now more than ever, are also being completely hampered by the overall impacts of climate engineering. "Global stilling" and "global dimming" are a direct result of the atmospheric aerosols related to the geoengineering programs (though the "science" community will not admit to geoengineering and thus blames "global stilling" exclusively on climate change which is patently false). In summary, global geoengineering is causing an overall reduction in wind, sun, and rain. Again, the key word is overall reduction. As the planet continues to warm at an unprecedented rate, the pressure in the climate system will continue to build. This will cause ever more extreme weather events under any scenario. A massive carbon monoxide release along the North American West Coast has been downplayed by "official agencies" as expected. MIT noted extremely anomalous atmospheric heating directly above the record Japanese quake . Could the globe's ionosphere heater installations be a factor in the carbon monoxide release? The fishing industry along the West Coast continues to collapse along with the rest of the biosphere. Were do we go from here? Will we accept the power structure programming that we have no say in what is unfolding? Or will we stand up and make the fight for the greater good out top priority? It is up to us to stand together and make our voices heard. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
Dane Wigington

105 Responses

  1. This is making people go Crazy. I watch people constantly walking outside in the rain with no hats on. They are soaking this up into their bodies and do not realize that it gets into their pores. Then they become sick or mentally unstable. This is so unfortunate of the Unwillingness of the majority of Humanity, not to not pay attention. It is so easy to comprehend when you Look Up and see that this is for sure happening. I did however hear some one talking about it today and questioned this person on it. This person was aware and I shared some more discoveries on the subject with this person. 

    Its nice when you are able to converse with somebody that has some sort of knowledge of the fact.

    Which most don't or are afraid to speak up.

  2. It has been demonstrated there is energy in magnetism but low scale. 

    I do not think science will be able to produce fusion.  It may be that fusion does not exist as a reproducible effect, especially if the sun's energy is electrical as per the E.U. 

    How then can we rid ourselves of the radioactive fission products?  We can't.  Currently we are engaging in HUBRIS–thinking we can, or MAGICAL THINKING–which is believing some future effect will reduce the radioactive danger, or even most insane, believing the human specie can engineered to co-exist with fatal levels of radiation. 

    Currently there is a greater danger afoot.  Natural gas is being hyped in its compressed form as yet another 'new market' for capitalism and so will encourage the spread of natural gas fuel.

    Consider: most of our housing neighborhoods, especially inner city, is cheek-by-jowl overlain with dense traffic lanes.  What is the effect of the most recent push requiring gas intake/exhausts for the house gas furnace to be at ground level instead of thru the roof?  The same ground level already occupied by increasing numbers of traffic? 

    I suggest this is an intentional  increase of carbon monoxide.  The obvious collusion of gov/industry has resulted in the virtual banishment of low level CO alarms as not being UL listed as to avoid the public awareness of low level, continuous CO poisoning.  Hospitals DO NOT identify CO poisoning as the blood work is a 3 day test. 

    I suggest this intentional deprivation of the public's awareness of low levels of CO is to further the use of natural gas as a 'new market' by denying the permanent effects of low levels of continuous exposure as it has no immediately identifiable result thereby enabling the hidden long term damage to the human dna, etc.  

    One might even conjecture that the consequences of long term, low levels of CO exposure might be seen by the control figures of the gov as beneficial as it reduces the human intellect as to prevent challenges to the establishment via individual confrontation and collective planning. 

  3. Navy Secretly Conducting Electromagnetic Warfare Training on Washington Roads
    07 March 2016 / By Dahr Jamail, Truthout | Report
    Without public notification of any kind, the US Navy has secretly been conducting electromagnetic warfare testing and training on public roads in western Washington State for more than five years.
    An email thread between the Navy and the US Forest Service between 2010 and 2012, recently obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Oregon-based author and activist Carol Van Strum in November 2014, revealed that the Navy has likely been driving mobile electromagnetic warfare emitters and conducting electromagnetic warfare training in the Olympic National Forest and on public roads on Washington's Olympic Peninsula since 2010.
    In one of the 2012 emails, Navy contractor Gerald Sodano explained that the Navy "utilized EW [electronic warfare] ranges outside the local vicinity." But he went on to say that the aim of establishing an electromagnetic warfare range on the Olympic Peninsula would be to conduct all training locally on the Olympic Peninsula, rather than further afield. This means that rather than using expansive training areas the Navy already has access to in Yakima in eastern Washington State, the Navy aims to use the Olympic National Forest and areas adjacent to Olympic National Park instead.
    … the Navy's intent to drive the mobile emitters "on existing roads and trails throughout the Olympic Peninsula," and "all through most of the region as well as outside the geographic confines of the MOAs (Military Operating Areas) to optimize and vary training scenarios."
    Further documentation obtained through FOIA requests makes it clear that the electromagnetic "games" have already been underway for some time. … … the Navy itself has published a medical study warning of the extremely harmful health effects of exposure to even low levels of electromagnetic radiation.  … The Navy's paper lists well over 100 negative biological effects caused by microwave and radio frequency radiations, including: corneal damage, tubular degeneration of testicles, brain heating, alteration of the diameter of blood vessels, liver enlargement, altered sex ratio of births, decreased fertility, sterility, altered fetal development, decreased lactation in nursing mothers, altered penal function, death, cranial nerve disorders, seizures, convulsions, depression, insomnia, hand tremors, chest pain, thrombosis, alteration in the rate of cellular division, anorexia, constipation, altered adrenal cortex activity, chromosome aberrations, tumors, altered orientation of animals, birds and fish, loss of hair and sparking between dental fillings.


    1. Proof Positive THEY don't care.

      You really should start your own website with all this information.  There's certainly enough– WHO could keep up with it all?

      Aside from confronting our "elected representation,"  WHAT are we supposed to be doing about a totally, massively out-of-control military?  Do you have any suggestions?  Newbies here, if not completely paralyzed with the overload, would be blown away.

    2. Dennie — Both of the groups out here – Save the Olympic Peninsula and the West Coast Action Alliance – are working on separate lawsuits like Dane is. I try to help them with my research, which is one reason I post so often here on GW. Recently I went to the local town meeting and testified to the congressional representative showing the Navy EW Electronic Warfare Handbook and my own photos of toxic particles, which Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute now has received and is going to analyze. The Navy stonewalls everyone, even Craig Hulet. But as Dane says, we cannot give up. I'm 70 and not well. I do what I can. If my posts annoy you, don't read them! I believe people have the right to know the truth. I hate being lied to. That's why I post here, write for Waking Times, and my own web blog: http://metaphysicalmusing.com/blog/

      My photo evidence in a flashlight lens captured from my house:


    3. The State of Washington is no place to be residing.  Maybe no where is safe from these military psychopaths.  If in Washington State, where else?  

    4. Thanks! That would be the light head feeling walking around in a daze, foggy brain. No drugs of any kind, or any alcohol consumption. In my notes from 3-13-14 the sky was filled with Chemtrails sprayed all day, that night the city of Las Cruces, New Mexico was lit up in green pulses like every second. It was literally flashing all night long, what looked like when one strikes a match and you see a green color. It was easy to see from a good distance. Phosphorous has that effect does it not? It flashed and pulsed all night into the morning as the sun came up! I tend to believe it happened all through the day as well, the naked eye would not see that. They have permission from someone to do their experiments on us. We know sea creatures as well don't just come up on shore by themselves (whales), poor animals are forced out of their domain, for the like of these lowlifes. What else! What SCUM…..Real Men, Oh Yeah……Enough  

    5. Yes, I'm not only sick too with barium poisoning, I cannot live in my house.  I think it would be a great idea if you had your own "blog" post here. YES, your articles ARE informative.  YES, they take up a real lot of "bandwith" and as such are completely unavoidable.  Now WHEN on EARTH did you start to think you can tell me that I should stop reading here, hmm???

      I'm guessing that it's better to have thousands of lawsuits nipping at "their" heels than One Big One.  I fully expect the Navy and the Air Force to stonewall when I go through my channels to contact them. 

    6. I read EVERY post here.  It matters not how brief, or comprehensive, I learn something with each and every one.  We each and every one of us  approach the issue of geoengineering from some point on the 360 degree view.  My mind does not comprehend scientific detail but is very suitable for garnering an overview.  Your recent posts have me thinking and doing research about how these phased radar arrays do what they are designed to do.  In studying the Arecibo HF facility, my understanding is it provides a maximum total peak PULSE output power of 2.5 megawatts.  That translates into a radio frequency pulse of 2,500,000 watts.  This is beamed-pulsed at a rate of 0.5 microseconds.  These beamed pulse lengths can be varied from 2 to 2,000th microseconds.  The gain (lots of focused pulses in rapid fire) as I understand this high frequency antenna gain is in the power range upon the ionosphere of 220 megawatts or 220,000,000 watts.  Consider a radio station such as KGO in San Francisco is I believe 50,000 watt of power.  Undoubtedly there are likely weapons developed or in planning that can melt an aircraft carrier.  One gets some idea of the assault being visited upon the ionosphere and the jet stream.  Do I understand the physics behind this madness?  No.  This technology is beyond the knowledge and general comprehension of the general population.  The priesthood operating the MACHINE know this.  Curiosity killed the cat and life on earth given the current drift to turn science discoveries into weapons of war.

    7. Jaw dropping. California is also full of antennas (non cell phone) and electromagnetic outcroppings. I think this microwave thing is embedded much more than we realize. HAARP type transmitters are ever present when you know what to look for, its shocking, and should keep you awake at night over how wide spread it is.

    8. In 2010 I was hospitalized with acute barium poisoning.  I noticed in my last blood test back in January that my physician was looking at my serum potassium levels…

      There are very minimal areas of barium-bearing rock in southern Marin County and NO adjunct industries that use barium such as brick or glass manufacturing.  Most sane and intelligent people KNOW that heavy or other metals are normally NOT A PART OF THE AIR WE BREATHE, so where did it come from?  It was present on the insides of the windows in my house and in the soil in front of my house… HOW'D IT GET THERE–???

      I just now got off the phone with my physician, from Kaiser.  The same one who put me in the hospital with cardiac arrhythmia due to very low potassium levels, for which I was not treated during my hospital stay.  I don't know if she can do any more to help now than then; it's basically, "What's Poison Control going to do," and something to the effect of "Why can't you call the Navy and the Air Force yourself?"  She suggested having the local environmental activist groups call– MORE compartmentalized YANG thought structure that continues to KILL on this planet– I asked her what is Physicians for Social Responsibility doing about this and other toxins that send us to your offices; she replied saying that she'd never heard of that group…!!!!  Well, there's a couple of more things today we can all add to the list of jaw-dropping experiences, too, I'd say.

      She did say she'd put me in touch with the toxicology person from Kaiser in Sacramento.  Don't know if it will work but I do have another trick up my sleeve and will attempt to activate it this afternoon. 

      Good news:  Front door weatherstripping is mostly keeping ambient air out except for the lock strike area.  I am now really wondering what the chimney is adding to the flow of outside air into my house…

      Yes, it is on balance a good thing to KNOW everything that "they" are doing.  NO ONE in their sane self likes being lied to, and I am certain that we all agree on that.  It all just depends on how you get to see your information structured and organized; that is an issue.  But given the choice between getting information or NOT getting information, hands down I choose the latter.

  4. A little update from Southwest, New Mexico. Sunday 3-6-16 our sky was filled with line after line of SAG/SRM, Chemtrails from all directions. The sky filled with rain clouds coming in from the West were obliterated. The residue up there left were colors of when you mix water and oil, so these lowlifes keep getting their way (all included). I wish there was a better report. I hand out info. as dvds, and verbally when I can and call reps. in D.C. to no avail now for a good 13 years. Fight on, there is no turning back friends….. 

  5. Thanks for that radio hour, Dane.  Your web page is my only outlet for my anxiety about our environment here in the Coachella Valley of Palm Springs & Palm Desert.  We have been expecting rain here for a few days but it hasn't materialised, just heavy sprays from morning to night. I used to walk five miles a day but now am hesitant to inhale more particulates. Thanks to you & everybody here, especially Susan whose posts are very informative & to Marc whose observations are at times poetic. DrDignity

  6. "We cannot see anything until we are possessed with the idea of it, take it into our heads, – and then we can hardly see anything else."

                                                           – Henry David Thoreau


  7. March 6, 2016 news clip on Global TV Network

    Our illustrious Prime Minister has just announced an upcoming meeting with Barack Obama.

    On the agenda is: "Climate Change"

    Artie Johnson from the old TV show – "Laugh-In" would probably respond with: "Verrry Interrresting" in his entertaining role when he viewed something that seemed odd.

    I suppose we can only hope that the Power of the Increasing Numbers of citizens in North America, (and elsewhere on our planet) who are rising up, sounding the Alarm & educating greater numbers of other presently "Earthbound Pilgrims" about the immanent danger of "Out-of-Control" Geo-Engineering Issues – is the reason for their upcoming discussion of "Climate Change"

    Let's all "THROW ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE" and "Make 'M Sweat"

    A fellow "Keeper of the Faith" THANK YOU  for all that you do, Dane Wigington – we are Blessed to have you.

  8. Simple horseman's description of the upcoming iditerod is quite chilling….hate thinking of what man and beast will suffer without much snow and with that dangerous gorge….maybe Archangel Michael can help protect and further them(he's good at that)….worth a try…will ask every day from March 7 thru 18th(?)that he put his flaming blue-violet light around them.  And Archangel Raphael's healing green light can heal many injuries and also protect when he is asked…he is the "trip angel" and will travel with people and lend protection….when I ask him to go on a trip, I always feel safe and never lose luggage.  Let's ask for extra protection for the iditarod! :-}


  9. Many thanks for directing me to the Sept 6, 2015, post of Steven Chamberlain's signs (awesome) and Andrew of Scotland's good comments on all  he observes in the natural world….you have all been wonderfully active and commenting on so many aspects of geoengineering.  Your selfless efforts and astute observations are so inspiring and help us all know we cannot give up ever.

    We had a bit of rain here in La Jolla last night…the trees are valiant and spring back with a green color that is so beautiful.  Is there anything more wonderful than a tree that will not give up…even when dying for months?  More is predicted for tonight and I have hope…and then I notice the huge array of chemtrails that are hidden behind the rain clouds.  It is anyone's guess if the rain will actually come…though north of us in San Francisco, they are having floods etc.

    Andrew & Dane are correct…we must always try to work in harmony with mother nature.  We cannot use words like "combat."  We must think in terms of healing and repairing…nurturing and loving all of nature back to wholeness and health.  The blossoming new earth that I've been told (3 times!) will happen when the time and conditions are right…God help us know what our best roles are to help that happen.  Namaste….honoring the light within all of you and the natural world.

  10. Robert:  I can try to help you…was a technical editor for 30 years at Stanford Research Institute and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.  I live in La Jolla, CA and my phone is 858-454-9190.  

    I have thought of sending a letter to all the senators and congressmen too….these are desperate times and we must do all we can.  I had hoped to do it anonymously because I know they often knock off people who speak out on key issues.  But we can be very rational and polite while stating clearly how dire we feel the issues are.

    Perhaps we could submit the letter to a couple other people who feel as we do….and they might have good comments/additions too?

    Please let me know if this reply gets to you…..?

  11. I looked up Redding library for events on 3-12-2016 and your event on 911 was not listed (wonder why?) please confirm event. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EFFORT !

    1. Hello Shelly, yes, the Redding event is on 3-12-2016, at the Redding library, 2 pm – 5 pm. The event is free and free commercial 911 A & E for truth DVDs will be given away to those that attend and promise to put them to use.  Hope to see you there.

  12. Hi Dane,

    You are so right about the media and weather stations spreading fear for mild weather events (at 21:00 of your video). Where I live now I see schools close for so-called "snow storms" that would have been considered just an average winter day two decades back. I mean you really had to be snowed in for anything to shut down back then. You also see from weather apps on your cell phone things like "rain alert", "wind alert", "cold alert"… and of course the terrifying wind chill factor that will make -10c feel like -38c!  All kinds of languages to make sure people stick to a state of fear.

    1. Elaine, I had a doctor's appointment about a week and a half ago and it snowed about two or three inches of really wet snow leaving the roads only wet and not treacherous, by any means. Yet, my doctor's office called that morning to tell me that, and I quote, "None of the doctors can make it in today, so we'll call you to reschedule."  To which I replied, "Are you serious? The roads are only wet. Why are ALL the doctors in your office abandoning their patients? This is ridiculous!" Needless to say, she did not respond favorably to my insinuation. How absurd! Are doctors now gonna take the day off when it rains? This scenario ties in with your thoughts. 

  13. Last Saturday was to be an extremely warm day in Milwaukee, WI.  I went out for a run in the morning, and saw that they had been out spraying the beautiful blue sky. As I was running, I ran into a couple and pointed up and informed them that the trails above were not normal, and told them to go to geo-engineeringwatch.org.  Which gave me a thought–are there any small, like business card-size, we could pass out to people we encounter when we are out running, walking or biking?  Seems easy to pass out a little card when we are seeing them and can point them out to others. Today in Minnesota is the first day of sunshine we have had all week, and the weather is warm–and once again they were out spraying early this morning. Would love to give out business cards to strangers I meet.  Please let me know if these are available!

    1. Hello Joey, thanks for all your efforts to sound the alarm. The buisness card sized information hand out from Geoengineeringwatch.org is in the attached link.It can be downloaded for free of course and printed locally. Thanks again for making your voice heard. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/ads1/GeoengineeringWatch%20-%202-Sided%20Business%20Card.pdf

  14. I gotta say that the storm last night, well for days and all day yesterday but especially last night was scary!  This from one raised in Tornado Alley who loves storms.  Used to be, my biggest complaint about Berkeley was the lack of wind.  I mean for decades no wind and I so missed the wind.  For some years now we have been getting winds and some just nearly unbelievable.  Yesterday looked and felt like tornado weather.  And the rain!  So much.  At first, I thought it was not gonna happen.  Drizzle.  then later drops.  Then mega downpours that here and there would stop on a dime.  Kept hearing branches hitting the roof. The winds just howled and roared and it was hard to tell if thunder or if wind, then planes.  All night long.  Planes.  Yes, I live nearish major airports as I live in Berkeley, but almost never does one hear them.  At all.  So at first I was confused.  Heard the roar of wind I thought until I could easily hear a plane.  And not just one.  Plane after plane after plane.  That's a first for here.  Again I thought the windows were gonna go from the winds.  That strong.  The entire middle of plum tree is gone.  I'm about to go out but dreading what I will find.  Why all the planes flying so low in that storm?  Dane, why?

    All day yesterday I had trouble staying awake, could not think, took me all day to catch up here and still have not heard Saturday's broadcast.  Today, as if the cobwebs blown from my head.  Prior rain did leave that feel good smell.  This did not!  Nothing about this felt right or rang true.  What the heck with so very many planes, I mean I did see lightning of sorts.  Heard some rumbling thunder, but more often than not, that rumble turned into planes.  SO MUCH RAIN.  Such violence it seemed. Of course we need the rain, not complaining but for the extreme weirdnesses.  Too many weirdnesses.  Extremes every which way.  And roaring planes all night long.  Why?

    1. Yes, here in Mendocino the storm was a white knuckle flight.  It poured buckets.  Maybe Five inches max.  I know what you are saying about sudden starts and stops of the deluge.  Like someone aiming a hose at my metal roof and then quickly stopping and starting again.  The drops were huge.  It was like a tropical storm, except up here it snowed overnight, a gloppy heavy stuff that clings to everything.  Even the clothes line is coated in a full circle like a garden hose.  Five inches total precip.  Fortunately, no high winds this morning.  The trees are really laddened and swaying.  Some trees are damaged but not much.  We got off easy.  This could have been much worse.

    2. BaneB, Thank you!  As I suspected, my neighbors did not find any of this odd, nor hear the planes!!!??  Guess they have bigger problems than just not seeing weird skies!  Deaf too?  No one else finding the stop on a dime deluge, pause, deluge again odd?!  Wow.  And your clothesline!  A full circle like a garden hose?  Did you take pictures of that?

      Saw my eye doc today, young and hip dude.  For an eye infection/allergy? of unknown origin.  For the first time, I mentioned geoengineering to him and, well called it weather modification, and asked if he knew about this.  He said no.  Then said he's heard a little but did not know much.  Our good relationship seemed to take a wee turn then, a look in his eyes, and another patient to see.  I reiterated that this is real, I mentioned coal fly ash and quickly the way that was proved, the wealth of proof and that I am telling all my doctors as they should be a front line of defense.  I've also had a weird rash for almost a year and no one knows why.  I don't think I've ever had a rash for an entire year before.  So, next up is Rheumatology.  And, I will inform her.

    3. Thank YOU Rachel, I can't express how identical what you've described has been my EXACT experience.  Even people who know me ( I am laid back, love storms, and have been aware of these crazy "storms" with extremely loud, vibrating, inorganic, what sounds like it's generated from a vibration apparatus with planes, large jets taking off inside them, on an alternate path, normal conditions keep planes far from me, unable to hear them.  They've flown so low in the airspace above, which isn't a normal flight pattern, and is really confusing as far as the noise…and reminds me of the first picture showing the plane fly into the North Tower as recorded by firemen, the sound still gives me the eerie memories stronger than ever.   Seriously loud, vibrational, and no where near normal or even out of the norm thunder.  I don't know how my neighbors don't notice a thing, or at least won't acknowledge it because if you say something, they code you as the nutjob screaming at lamp posts.  It's very scary, and I used to feel cozy and love storms, even the strong ones.  Those storms do NOT exist as we knew them anymore..  Thanks for your post, it's validated what I know for sure was just NOT right.   In the DFW area for so long, I will never lose a debate on this issue.  It's getting old, and I will go outside in my yard, look around, and like a nut, say firmly and loudly, that this weather is bullsh**, we all know it, we''re sick of it, and if ya don't quit, I will hunt y'all down and make sure sued ot the maximum.  Yeah, I have an attorney I'm related to who would be alerted, as I won't say anything YET.    Also notice when the moon is huge, bright and the only thing up in the sky, it is completely different in any pictures taken/. Pictures in the sun show weird deviations in the rays, only in the pictures, you can't see the same visible distorted and mega colored rays with extra sun spotting, of different colors in the picture.   Too much extreme weirdness is What this era will go down as, if they want it 

  15. Well, what do ya know? Just as i finished my last post, there came a knock at my door. It was a young feller about 35 years old, I'd say, campaigning door to door for Bernie. He tried to hand me a flyer as he went into his shpiel. I countered by informing him that I shall not vote for any candidate that will not address the ravages of geoengineering. Whereupon I told him to hang on a second, went inside and grabbed a video and a couple of flyers, complements of Dane Wigington, and I proceeded to explain that I consider myself a radical environmentalist and that he, as a political activist, owes it to himself to watch the video and bring himself up to speed on the magnitude and the nature of the urgent problem at hand. He promised he would watch the video and my intuition tells me he actually will. "Spot-fires of awareness."

    1. I was thinking a good way to describe Solar Radiation Management SRM & Global Dimming to people who do not understand, or ones that deny these programs are taking place, is to explain that Global Dimming like turning a multi watt light bulb down from 100 watts to 60 watts & spraying toxic aerosols throughout the room in which the light is illuminated. The one major difference is you could walk into another room in the house, to somewhat escape the aerosols. With Climate Engineering there is absolutely no escape. The outside environment of planet Earth is only one, as a whole! As far as the health of the the Earth's oceans, phytoplankton (bottom of the foodbchain) as we have all heard numerous times from Dane, is in serious jeopardy. Ocean Eddies are being seriously altered & manipulated by GeoEngineering/SRM. Ocean Eddies can range in size & diameter from 5 to 500 miles, persisting from days long to months long. The Transient Eddies are the type being completely altered, by climate engineering causing changes in the baroclinic instability (Baroclinicity), gradients in pressure differing more widely from gradients of density. Eddies actual play a role in the shaping of cyclones & anticyclones, that dominate the weather patterns in the mid lattitudes. The phytoplankton rely on feeding from the nutrients found in the colder deeper waters, that have come to the surface (upwelling).  Mesoscale Eddies typically occur in major ocean currents, like the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio Current & Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

    2. Excellent!  Take every opportunity to plant the seeds of truth, especially when they knock right at your front door!!

  16. Linda, yes, the key word is BETRAYAL. We have been betrayed by the magnificence of science manipulated by the wrong hands. But the scientists are not where the buck stops. They are working for somebody, following the money which funds whatever research they specialize in. And beyond that we must not fail to indict the sources of that money. There is a MIND, albeit a psychopathic one, that commands the movement of these monies into the scientific research sector, be it Academia or the Black Ops ultra top secret defense contractor domain. On this note, it is becoming increasingly obvious that there is and has been a secret space program of incomprehensible proportions and I am certain countless billions are being funded into this program at the expense of the rest of us here still living within an old fashioned electrical grid powered by intensely self-destructive substances, crumbling infrastructure, cumbersome jet-fuel powered aircraft, inefficient and highly polluting automobiles and an incessant cornucopia of orchestrated deceit to keep all of society "civil" and compliant and duped. It didn't have to go this way. But the LUST for power and self-enrichment lurking in men's hearts has ascended into infinitude on the wings of magnificent science. Science is just physical reality, in any dimension or density. The tools of Science in the hands of spiritually bankrupt, wisdom-free, self-serving (lower case "s", not the higher Self) individuals can quickly produce the most gruesome outcomes. We are swimming in this reality now. There is no escape, save death, which is only temporary. As the "Terminator" famously said: "I'll be back." But what if……..what if Earth, my most beloved, is rendered uninhabitable for aeons due to meltdown of nuclear plants worldwide as a result of mass human die-off associated with, as Natalia Shakhova has famously said, a 50 Gigaton methane outburst due to a threshhold of warming being transgressed finally???? Andrew from Scotland referred to this in his current post. Most alarming prognosis if that actually happens in one fell swoop. It is no exaggeration to say we are on the precipice of GAME-OVER. And that is why my eyes clouded with tears last night at least 5 or 6 times as I watched an awesome recorded concert of Neil Young in Nashville in '05. Yes, I confess, I've been a dyed-in-the-wool fan ever since I used to sing his songs in the early seventies. Whether or not you like his stuff is irrelevant to my point. I find myself moving in and out of a profound and heartwrenching sharpening of consciousness that is a deep recognition of the now very real prospect that everything any of us have ever known, loved, cherished, touched, thought about or envisioned is about to become obliterated in waves of civil unrest and uninhabitable atmospheric conditions. And yet……..and yet, I still can find joy and a most tender regard for my birds and squirrels out back, my friends, my children, be they far or near, and even for that fat, rolly-polly furry brown ground hog who has lived at the other side of my cemetery out back for years now. I actually saw him just yesterday on my walk, lounging on grass by the drainage ditch he calls home. He's my little buddy. The simple fact of his existence enhances my own many-fold. Which is why there is no heartbreak more cutting and shattering than to witness such sickening die-off of sea life, of birds, of insects, all life in it's infinitude of forms. With the loss of each innocent animal soul I myself die a little more. Is my open heart a curse? Would we all be better off being more like the hollow automatons who pull the levers of the geoengineering machine?

    1. Beautifully written, Marc. I stopped to listen to a beautiful songbird today. A moment of joy as the script unfolds. 

    2. Marc,
      Please write more!!  I too sang the songs of Neil in the seventies, toured and played and recorded, survived the music business and now have Rolfed for thirty years.  I was around great writers, condensing the story into three verses, a chorus and a bridge.  You have the gift of a writer.  Write more!  I truly enjoy  your posts.  I don't enjoy much these days except my ventures into the wilderness, my wife and my grown kids (and a few other close humans in the inner circle)  Thanks Marc!  May we have a bit more time to express the mystery.

    3. Yes, science can be magnificent…..when the discipline is put to the service of life. Unfortunately, as you well know, the highest bidders are often the warfare/terror/ suicide operators.  They put science to the task of mass murder and destruction of whole cities and nations.  The science priesthood seems quite happy with the arrangement.  The perks are government/military funding, patents and pending, and salaries and benefits that will cause the hugely vast majority of these privileged ones to gag the whistle. When one realizes the staggering amounts of money gone into warfare and police state prison systems and into the legal industries self aggrandizement; specifically the war on cannabis, adding up the looted treasury, one has to submit not out of the realm of probability that death itself could be cured. Think about that….$trillians of dollars gone up in smoke, bombs, war research and development, missles, nuclear devices, the dmnedvkist is endless. Nano has been enriched?  Who owns the stocks?  Who benefits from war?  Who benefits from terrorism?  Who is running the geoengineered terrorism in our atmosphere? WHO?!!

    4. Marc, you have such a beautiful way with words sharing with us the wisdom and kindness of your soul. I will answer the last question confidently with a resounding NO!  We would NEVER be better to be more like the heartless, soulless automatons who have created the horror show we are currently witnessing. In fact, I believe it is THEY who envy US- who they will never be like- for as the bible says God created humans in His own image. I believe it is our DNA that these morally bankrupt demons envy, and our connection to a loving Creator that they will NEVER have. So I say those evil tramps won't ever feel the joy, love, and tenderness that we can feel connected to ALL of God's GOOD CREATION- that they can NEVER be a part of. Keep feeling those beautiful feelings and the awe and gratitude for God's grand design. It is what they desire most to take from us. Let's NEVER give them that satisfaction.

    5. Marc, your "open heart" is a BLESSING, as the quote says, "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"

    6. Marc, Good evening to you my fellow planet/home dweller. I am moved by your well written words this evening. No Marc, you are not cursed by your open heart. I share many of the same sentiments. What you, I, and many others feel inside will be the only things that will carry us through the hard times to come. And like you stated, "they are coming", soon. I used to tell others, years ago, that I could feel our Mother Earth crying, hurting, calling out. People looked at me like I was crazy, but I'm sure they were only polite just for the fact that I was so sincere. Fast forward many years and what I said then is now in the forefront of so many minds that are paying attention to our Mother. Marc and all, it is our little "wild and free" creatures that keep us focused on the goal of creating a better world. If we succeed(and we will), (hmm, I've heard that one before…), if we succeed, our little wild and free friends will be there with us. We 'will' rejoice, together. Thank again for your fluent words. They mean so much… to us all.

    7. …Matt Simmons.. Andrew Breitbart.. Antonin Scalia.. and.. Mama Cass?? https://www.themedicalbag.com/story/mama-cass-elliot 

      The Strange But Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the birth of the Hippie Generation:  http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=49150

      Jim Morrison was the son of rear adm. George Stephen Morrison, a big player in the Gulf of Tonkin incident; Stephen Stills spent large swaths of his childhood in El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama Canal Zone while his father "promoted" U.S. "values" there; Mike Nesmith was in the air force and had inherited a fortune of $25 million; I can go on, or you can read the article.  THIS IS HOW POWER, MONEY AND CONTROL create, then use "celebrities," "fame" and emotions to manipulate people and move drugs and drug money around.  As Colin Campbell pointed out, "Wherever there's oil, there's war."  And CIA.  And money.  And drugs, may I add.  THIS IS HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS. 

    8. Great Post Marc!

      Straight from the heart! The words of a 'gentleman'! Not the urbanized 'dandy' of contemporary society, but a true man; one who 'feels' and 'sees' the beauty ( and tragedy) of life on Earth and no matter what one faces, will stand proud and with dignity and who'll never flee when it is time for battle. We have forgotten so much that was taught by our 'classical' ancestors.

      “The evil plan is most harmful to the planner”

  17. The Non-Disclosed Extreme Arctic Methane Threat.
    The 2013 Australian above – average temperatures set a record of 0.22oC higher than 12 month period prior to 2013 and confirm a mid-21st century atmospheric methane-induced global deglaciation and major extinction event.
    By Malcolm P.R. Light / 22nd December, 2013

    Pre-industrial levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide never exceeded 275 ppm during all of human existence but now exceeds 400 ppm (Gleick, 2013). Prof. Jennifer Frances of Rutgers University (2013) shows proof that fossil fuel carbon dioxide pollution has caused a massive atmospheric temperature rise since 1960. Furthermore this carbon dioxide build up has a delayed temperature anomaly of more than 12oC and is causing an increase in the severity of storm systems as the evaporation puts more energy into the atmosphere. There is uncertainty about when this sudden delayed temperature anomaly will occur in the future …

    In the last 200 years the methane concentration in the atmosphere as increased by three times and at a much faster rate than the carbon dioxide to which it oxidises to in over 10 to 30 years (Shakova 2013). Furthermore over periods of a few months to a few years methane has a global warming potential from 1000 to 100 times that of carbon dioxide (Carana, 2013; Light 2013). IPCC estimate that all global methane emissions and natural sources are some 548 million tonnes/year with some estimates as high as 852 million tonnes/year while hydroxyl breaks down about 540 million tonnes of this methane per year (Carana, 2013). The IPCC has decided not to warn people about the danger that these large methane emissions will lead to abrupt climate change within decades (Carana, 2013).

    Australia has experienced a set of above average temperatures for a period of 15 successive months months since August 2012 which set a new record temperature anomaly of 0.22oC above that of the 12 month period up to 2013 (NOAA, 2013). This temperature anomaly combined with the mean temperature gradient determined by the difference between the modelled estimates of, and the actual rate of floating Arctic ice cap melting has been combined with other data to define a more accurate global atmospheric temperature gradient caused by the fast increasing emission of Arctic atmospheric methane from global warming destabilization of the Arctic subsea methane hydrates.

    The best estimate of the time that methane eruption in the Arctic will produce a mean atmospheric temperature of 8oC leading to total global deglaciation and the major extinction of all life on Earth (IPCC, 2007) is 2050.6 +- 3.4 (N=8) with a total range from 2042.2 to 2052.8 (Figures 1 and 2, Tables 1a – 1d, Table 2).

    … The hot Atlantic water destabilizing the methane hydrates in the Eurasian Basin, Laptev Sea and the rest of the Arctic Ocean has its origin in the Gulf Stream, which is heated by pollution clouds pouring eastwards off the coasts of Canada and the United States, the main pollution culprits which produce the largest and most intense region of oceanic evaporation on Earth (Figure 8). Although the mean speed of the Gulf Stream is 6.4 km/hour (1.78 metres/second), the much wider North Atlantic Drift, which is its NE extension, flows at about 0.51 metres/second (3.5 times slower) while the West Spitzbergen (Svalbard) (Gulf Stream Branch) current flows at about 0.35 metres/second (5 times slower)(Figures 24 and 25) (Boyd and Dasaro, 1994; Aagaard et al.1987, Light and Solana 2002 a,b).

    … we only have 15 years to get an efficient methane destruction radio-laser system designed, tested and installed (Lucy and Alamo (HAARP) Projects) before the accelerating methane eruptions take us into uncontrollable runaway global warming. This will give a leeway of 5 years before the critical 2oC temperature anomaly will have been exceeded (Table 5) and we will be looking at catastrophic storm systems, a fast rate of sea level rise and coastal zone flooding with its disastrous effects on world populations and global stability. An anomalous temperature of 4oC will be reached by the atmosphere around 2043 which will end the vegetation carbon sink, preventing plants from helping balance carbon dioxide exhalation and this will further accelerate climatic change (Table 5)(Friend, 2013).

    …If we succeed in breaking down the methane in the stratosphere and mesosphere with the HAARP-IRIS (Ionospheric Research Instrument) using the 13.56 MHZ methane destruction frequency, it could lead to an increase in noctilucent cloud formation in a circular zone directly above the HAARP transmitters which could be detected by optical cameras or radar (Figure 7). Besides the elimination of the high global warming potential methane, noctilucent clouds formed from methane water condensing on meteorite dust and nano diamonds will reflect the suns radiation back into space and this will also help to counteract global warming. The HAARP-IRIS transmitters normal frequency range is from 2.8 MHZ to 10 MHZ. If for example a 10 MHZ carrier wave is modulated by a 3.56 MHZ signal, it will produce and Upper Side frequency of 13.56 MHZ, the necessary methane destruction frequency and a Lower Side Frequency of 6.44 MHZ (Penguin Dictionary of Physics, 2000).

    The HAARP tests should be conducted in the summer when the stratospheric temperatures are at the lowest in Alaska (140oK to 160oK) increasing the chances of noctilucent cloud formation from the radio frequency oxidised methane.

    The lowest range extinction date of 2042.2 is 2.6 years later than to the previous best estimate for the extinction of 3/4 of the Earth's surface (2039.6) using aerial growth and methane GWP methods (Light, 2012 Figure 3) and is close to Carana's (2012) best estimate from runaway global warming (Figure 4). The mean time of extinction of the Northern Hemisphere was previously fixed between 2024 and 2039 (Light, 2012). The best estimate of final extinction (2050.6) is 3 years later than the mean estimate for the Southern Hemisphere of 2047.6 (Range 2038 to 2057)(Figure 3). Carana and Light's extinction estimates are more than an order more accurate than the 50 year error that has been determined between International global atmospheric modelling estimates of and the actual rate of Arctic floating ice cap decline (see Figure 5, thinkprogress.org, 2012).

    The Lucy and Alamo (HAARP) projects were designed to break down atmospheric methane using radio – laser transmissions (Light and Carana 2013). In a new modified version of the Lucy Project, hydroxyls will be generated by a polarized 13.56 MHZ beam intersecting the sea surface over the region where a massive methane torch (plume) is entering the atmosphere so that the additional hydroxl will react with the rising methane breaking a large part of it down. The polarized 13.56 MHZ radio waves will decompose atmospheric humidity, mist, fog, ocean spray, and the surface of the waves themselves in the Arctic Ocean into nascent hydrogen and hydroxyl (Figure 6).

    The newly determined atmospheric temperature gradient indicates that the mean global atmospheric temperature will reach 1.5oC in 15 years (2028.5) and 2oC in 20 years (2033.4). Consequently we only have 15 years to get an efficient methane destruction radio – laser system designed, tested and installed (Lucy and Alamo (HAARP) Projects, Figure 7) before the accelerating methane eruptions take us into uncontrollable runaway global warming. This will give a leeway of 5 years before the critical 2oC temperature anomaly will have been exceeded and we will be looking at catastrophic storm systems, a fast rate of sea level rise and coastal zone flooding with its extremely deleterious effects on world populations and global stability (ICCP, 2013).

    … Mankind's greed for fossil fuels will have completely destroyed a magnificent beautiful blue planet and converted its atmosphere into a barren, stiflingly hot , carbon dioxide rich haze. The earth will have moved permanently out of the magical zone (Circumstellar habitable zone, Goldilocks zone) where life (some of it probably highly intelligent) also exists elsewhere in the myriad of other solar systems that are located within the far reaches of our Universe.

    … The U.S. has to put itself on a war footing, recall its entire military forces and set them to work on the massive change over to renewable energy that the country needs to undertake, if it wishes to survive the fast approaching catastrophe. The enemy now is Mother Nature who has infinite power at her disposal and intends to take no prisoners in this very short, absolutely brutal, 30 to 40 year war she has begun. I cannot emphasize more, how serious humanity’s predicament is and what we should try to do to prevent our certain final destruction and extinction in the next 30 to 40 years if we continue down the present path we are following.

    1. Stories like this make me feel like I might be better off if I just committed suicide, like the Indian tribe in the Amazon when they could see the invading oil companies coming after the resources within the land and the ensuing environmental destruction, plus their inability to do anything about it– sound familiar?  And please do not shoot me with "that" word, "irresponsible," if I am not able to provide you with the source of that story—  I'm passing along the story as it came  from my L.Ac. who lives in Fairfax, CA.  If you really feel the need, please contact A F of M Local 6 and get my phone number to deal directly with me about it.  

      There will be NO surviving this.  The A******S committing this omnicide won't survive it, either–  "They" still HAVE TO BREATHE the air they've polluted, even "safe" down in their D.U.M.B.s; "They" will just be the last to go.

    2. It's March 5th.  We have 26 more days to see the "miracle" needed to get California up to speed on water supply– if past performance is a reliable predictor of the future, it just ain't gonna happen, we have too far to go.

      All the doom-and-gloom articles informing us about all the various forms of poison we're being hit with all at once WILL NOT STOP THE POISONERS FROM THEIR POISONING. 

      WE KNOW IT'S HAPPENING, we KNOW how BAD it is– why don't you just inundate THEM with this– ? YOU are PREACHING TO THE CHOIR.

    3. Dennie — Not everyone reading here is as well informed as you are, my friend. I was chronically ill in New Zealand for seven years and did not realize how bad things had gotten here, especially in CA. I am still learning, trying to understand, and I hope my posts provide some information for those of us who are catching up with you.   :o)

    4. Thanks for the science information.  No, this does not depress me.  Indeed, this factual information is empowering.  One can recite observations in the sky but not have the underlying science basis for, say, how noctilucent clouds are formed, and the artificial manipulations of clouds and whole weather systems.  Were I 20 years old this could really cause me to put my head in the sand.  But most posters on this board seem to be 50 plus, with some years of maturity and wisdom gained by way of the school of hard knocks.  And it seems to me the answer to any dismay about the current conundrum is that the nothing is cast in stone.  Stone is a dead thing with no spirit.  Spirit will prevail in human form. But it is obvious all of us are going to experience enormous  travail.  And knowing this calls upon our responsibility to remain calm and focused for the sake of so many who will require the presence of saints.  The old order, the Mesopotamian model is being swept away.

  18. I'm from Kangaroo Island off South Australia. I couldn't believe my eyes a couple of days ago when we got plastered with trail after trail. I've never seen so many in one day. Some seemed to be short as though they were intended to be over the island. This was followed by strange patterns in the sky. Now we are having the most unseasonal weather for this time of the year that I can remember.

  19. I wonder if the methane gas leak in California since October has something to do with this. (Since methane is 33 times more effective than co2). The "Big One" may be will be man-made. NASA and the US-Gov. are telling fairytales!  Technology shows the truth live time and then it gets twisted by designed explanations.


    I researched in German-Wiki:

    A) The magazine "Science" proved that the EPA manipulated the emission of methane since 20 years now (2014). In their report they proved that satellites detected high emission of methane from coal mining sites near  Four Corners  and other sites and their pipelines.

    B) 33 times more effective Aerosol than co2 (reflecting light and generating heat). Some scientists even think that methane concentration in the air could have caused the mass extinction in the Phanerozoikums.

    C) There i s also a methane gas leak in Texas.

    D) Arctic methane release from permafrost and methane clathrates is an expected consequence. Not only in Arctic but all over the sea (New Zealand,…).

    1. Hello Jasmin, thank you for your comment/report. About methane, just for the record, over a 10 year time horizon it is 100 times more potent than Co2. The gravity of the methane issue cannot be overstated, thanks again for your report.

  20. Brisbane, Australia, skies filled with SRM, especially by late afternoon. Thin, high, wispy, feathering out clouds just desiccating many cumulonimbus trying to form. Just eating them away.

    We have a rural show called Landline which of course talks thinly about the drought, but no mention of Geoengineering. The presenter is a cute lady who wears country gear and talks like a imbecilic idiot, childlike stoccato speech that is more and more common in the MSM.

    Last night I was telling a friend's husband (yet again) about weather modification and its likely role in our droughts. He explained to me its just El Nino. He said when it's El Nino we have dry times here in Australia and America gets wet times. Ah ha! I then asked why are they having such severe drought in America, north and south at the same time we are? Maybe I was wasting my breath as this guy fancies himself a bit of a scientist and is a self confessed Aspergers personality type.

    No probs. I move on to the next waiting set of ears.

  21. a relatively new resource for more facts about Monsanto's glyphosate. Its carcinogenicity was known since ~80'ies. The entire JBPC vol 15, No3 has 2 articles conforming that, and the entire volume is worth reading:


    Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, 2015, Vol 15, No 3

    Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases IV: cancer and related pathologies
    A. Samsel and S. Seneff pp. 121-159 

    The sixth mass extinction and chemicals in the environment: our environmental deficit is now beyond nature’s ability to regenerate
    R.A. Mason pp. 160-176

  22. There seem to be a report by Dailykos about the CO outbreak:

    Can we pause the Bernie-Hillary wars for a moment? Major Carbon Monoxide Explosion West Coast


    By Pakalolo 


    It explains that event as a NASA hardware failure resulting in these extremely high values. The fact is, even if the detector background is gone, the higher values only in particular areas, are a fact. Later part of the article points to higher earthquake probability in CA in the nearest future.

    Regarding the heaters frequency range. It is most disturbing to see the very low Hz range of the huge emitted power. That's exactly the range of brain functioning, as everybody knows. ANything like that should be simply prohibited, since health consequences of these frequencies are known.


  23. I sent this to a doubter who said these are just planes used for fire fighting and other causes but not for chemtrails.  He works at an airport cleaning private jets and said he asked his pilot-friends about chemtrails and they all denied it.  He does believe in them because I show him the daily assault when I work with him but he just wished it wasn't true so I guess it's a case of putting up a wall of defense for his mind to get by each day.  Kinda like a defense mechanism to shield one from reality because this is so "twilight zone" to many.  I feel for him because he sees his kids future so bleak and like myself, a father, you feel helpless in trying to protect your family.   But God…

    1. Eagle Scout, technical jargon aside, is it not obvious what these programs are for? This is madness on a scale that cannot be quantified. Ultra high level computer geeks, you ain't foolin' anybody here. 

  24. Dane isnt it time for us all to start wearing a face mask – particle mask ??

    This would also send a message for people around us to  ask "why" ?  . I wear a 3M 100 everyday while i am outside , Even as i drive down the street in the car. Finally i have a way to interact with people to educate them to finally " LOOK UP" !!

    1. The owner of Environmental Resource Group in Mill Valley, CA who does toxin mitigation, including barium invasion, said a few days ago that the particulates are so fine that their HEPA filtration negative air system won't take them out.  That's probably true for any face mask you want to wear.  I read somewhere, globalskywatch.com I'm pretty sure, that fifty of the particulates will fit on one red blood cell.

  25. Do not count on the state of Idaho to jump on the band wagon with Rhode Island. Monsanto runs the show here. On another note I was outside most of the day with very little sun and temp. 60F yet my face and arms are sunburned. How the hell does that happen? Dane I admire your conviction and devotion in this battle to save what's left of our planet. All here share it. Take care

    1. It would have been about 80 degrees in northern rural Idaho, if they didn't spray us today. I'm pretty sure they have made a bad situation much worse and now have to continue spraying or we are all toast.

    2. Hello Carol, thanks for your observations. Yes, the toxic canopy of aerosols can lower the daytime high temperatures temporarily, but at the cost of a much worsened overall warming. If the web of life is to have any chance of surviving, climate engineering must be halted.

  26. I was quite uplifted by the Rhode Island situation so I wrote my State representative and included the Rhode Island info;  No reply.  My U.S. Senator knows about geo-engineering and HAARP but he said that there is no presentation in the Senate of anything on the subject.  I keep writing them every couple of weeks but our real work is outside of the political arena.  The Feds are so funded by the cabal.  I will keep the letters flowing but it is the day in, day out, talking to people that gets the info out there.  It is a slow process in my little world.  Meanwhile, I counted 10 jets working my area in southwest Colorado.  One jet was spraying a distinct white and black trail that stayed separate, side touching side, for a few minutes.  The pattern here is that they fill the entire region and it moves over the mountains in a southeasterly direction.  I'm guessing it moves down towards Texas and picks up moisture from the Gulf and then moves up the eastern seaboard.  This is a big orchestration of weather modification, and it is just one little piece of the global assault.  Thanks Dane!  Your tireless effort and expertise keeps me motivated in this most critical time.  I hope it is not too late.  I go back and forth on this issue, but I will march on in this good fight to whatever end is in store for all of us.  My sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of you that post; you help keep me sane in an insane world.

  27. I live in NY city and here is NOT even One day without spraying. There is bigger agenda behind spraying than just weather modification. Every morning they spraying the east and blocking the sunlight and spraying the whole city during the day and there is NOT One real cloud above. The US army "United Satan Army" is in the business to kill the population in USA and Europe. Somebody should ask Donald Trump direct question about the GEOENGINEERING and if he will STOP IT the crap !!!!

    1. Hi Michal Richtar – I lived in NYC for 25 years off & on. In the year 2001, I saw them spray an exact oval over Central Park! Of course most New Yorkers never look up at the sky, we haven't seen the stars for years, and on the street "never make eye contact"!  :o)  The exception being after 9/11 when for a few days people not only looked at each other, but smiled, helped each other, and cared. Remember the fire stations were overflowing with memorial flowers for the dead beloved firefighters? I still love Manhattan. 

    2. i live across the river from you and you are 100% accurate.  there is not one day without spraying. in fact nearly everyday the sky is dark and dismal and the sun is there but hidden behind a haze. yet new yorkers walk on by day after day and have zero clue or care.

  28. Dane and ALL, Dane, todays radio show was one for the books. Good Job! If you ever do a repeat, this one would be it. The stats on the wildlife depletions on surface of our earth and in the oceans are ones that needs to be retold by everyone that heard those words. And to those that 'might' have a misconception, "wildlife" includes our precious indigenous plant life. "Wildlife" is very connected. As we, the human race are meant to be also. Even as a child, I asked the question, "what are we going to do with the nuclear waste?" One did not need to understand "half life" to know that it was a VERY long time before that shit was in a neutral form. I was raised to dispose of things properly, regardless. Big money nuclear energy was no exception in my mind. How many of you folks know about the "dynamo"? It runs off of the earths magnetosphere. A powerful magnet powered engine capable of powering entire neighbor hoods and possibly more, pollutant free! Until "we" as the majority stand up and demand such "existing" technology we will continue to deplete earths resources at a non renewable rate. Wind and solar are not the best answer to "our" power needs. They both are derived from terrible manufacturing and resource practices. Wouldn't it be better to have a dynamo in a simple, unobtrusive box located in your neighborhood or business? And then what about all those power lines we love to look at?(not!) Tesla had a good answer for that, "we don't need them". And since I am on a technology bash here, let me ask this, "how many of you drive a car(or what ever) that the powers that be can shut down in the middle of traffic from a satellite or transmission tower"?? The numbers of you are absolutely staggering!! Old iron is good iron, even with cars and trucks, and they don't have computers on board telling you what to do!!

    I want to point out something from this last broadcast, "The Iditarod"!! I more than anyone on here knows what this next 9 to 15 days has in store for those Mushers. I ran distance sled dogs for 20 yrs. The whole trail is in bad shape thanks to geoengineering. The railroad brought in snow for the "ceremonial" start in Anchorage and the rest of the trail, that traditionally was always covered in deep snow will be a torturous life threatening experience for each man and dog. If you care to watch the Iditarod in the news and videos, watch for the Dahlzel gorge footage, it's a treacherous hell ride of a down hill run with good snow, with little or no snow it will be utter and complete punishment. There will be many injuries. Then there's the tundra, with little or no snow. I'd bet some of those Mushers will wish they had wheels instead of runners this year. Is the Yukon still frozen? There's a long stretch of that race that goes down it. And Norton Sound, is it frozen enough to cross? My friends, I used to be as tough as they come, if I had entered this years race, I would have scratched at the start. Funny how money and sponsorships will drive one beyond good reasoning. 1100 miles is long way when you are getting beat up by a rough trail that is lacking in snow. Whom ever wins "this" years Iditarod will be 'my' vote for "Iron 'person' of the Century".

  29. So the EPA got caught red handed hiding the truth in Flint, Michigan which resulted in the resignation of the director of that region and now we hear of the residents of Hoosick Falls, N.Y. getting bottled water as disclosure of the public water supply being tainted with toxic chemicals.  After a year and a half after it was discovered and the EPA advised the Mayor not to use the water supply. Apparently Gov. Cuomo defended the secrecy saying they have acted aggressively but because of shifting federal standards for PFOA (perflourooctanoic acid) a toxic chemical used in the manufacture of Teflon is unregulated. How can anyone representing the people not inform the affected residents. A class action law suit has been filed against Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics and Honeywell International. Hopefully they can include those others who knew and ignored it.  People ARE waking up.

  30. Dane and all Participants,

    I use to get a California Calendar, each month featuring a stunning  photo of California’s natural beauty….why not create a new California Calendar featuring stunning photos of Geo Engineered Toxic Sky’s (just a thought)?

  31. I would like to inform the community of an excellent film on Global Dimming that is already masking the amount of heating of the Earth that has done on the Earth at https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/dimming-the-sun/

    In it, tests in the Maldives indicated that the soot in the atmosphere south of India's many cities and coal plants was masking 2 degrees C of heating by reflecting that much Sun.  I can only imagine what would happen if #1 the economy collapses and #2 the geo-engineers are stopped at the exact same time (which should be expected to happen when #1 happens).  The overnight increase would likely be over 2 degrees C and who knows how far over that it would be.  We could be seeing maybe 4 degrees in one years time. 

    Hang on to your hats.  We would be lucky to survive it.  It also points out that since the present warming is greatly masked by regular pollution, all the models used to predict how much will happen how fast are very inaccurate.

  32. Fukushima and Haiti earthquakes were man made events.  PERIOD.  Wake up everyone. We are dying – and we are letting them kill us! 
    We need the rain and snow so terribly in California, but at the same time, the precipitation is poisoned with chemicals.  Our water supply is becoming completely toxic.  WE ARE ALL RATS IN A CAGE.
    I am so angry today!!!!!!  I grieve everywhere I look in Santa Barbara County – dead trees, chemical skies, no rain, no local water supply- the once beautiful and fertile Central Coast is becoming completley non-sustainable.   Planes above my head spraying poison everywhere I look, all day long, every single day.  I will spend the rest of my life fighting these a**holes.

    1. I'm seriously considering some black and white fliers to distribute.  Get some good pics from my own area folks would recognize and add a couple of facts and Dane's website here. 

      Daily, I can record a 'filter' layer laid and spreading as it floats by or builds into a total white sky.

      Another way to see the dastardly deeds is to watch a rotation weather map.   You may well see radiating systems and they are coming from a NEXRAD station. You'l notice the system doesn't really move anywhere.  The spokes stay put and radiate the storm's energy . NOAA National Mosaic Enhanced Radar is a dandy to bookmark.  There's a big difference when they are off or on.  Click on one and the nearest radar station with come up on a bigger map.  They turn on to encourage or add energy to an approaching system; enlarging it as it come thru…we need to teach ourselves to read all sorts of maps!

      I did try to speak to someone in the Lummi Tribe here.  Didn't get very far.  The one person was more a student than interested in learning anything not coming from a classroom.  I'm going back; not defeated yet.  I need some localized handouts…

    2. Someone out there who writes in was doing a time-lapse camera on the sky– can't remember who, but it was a pretty effective way to show what happens to the sky during the day with the whiting-out from the spraying.

  33. Just want to say I am completely stunned by your strength and ability to keep on going in the face of constant insults and denial of the "powers that be".  Your spirit is awesome, and I know we are all mesmerized by your talent and perseverance.
    When I hear the reports and watch the videos, my first inclination is to just weep….and I am ashamed to admit my weakness.  Our beautiful planet is being purposely killed.
    My 2nd inclination is "what can I do that would have an impact?"  I send around your reports and videos and rarely hear anything back….people do not seem to want to care….perhaps it is just too overwhelming for most of them.  I talk to tourists when I go on walks, and they are receptive.  I talk to friends on the phone….but nothing seems very effective.
    I feel that my efforts have very little impact.
    Sorry to ask this, but Dane, what would you recommend that the average person do?  To have better impact?  I will delve deeper to find a more effective way.
    For lack of knowing anything more, I will just keep on doing what I have been doing….trying to alert thru emails and conversation, meditating and praying in hopes the news will wake people up on the inner wavelengths, contribute a bit on your website pages when it seems helpful…..
    In total support of your mission and your spirit/selflessness/leadership, Linda Lee
    (PS  I used to work around physicists as a senior technical editor at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, in the high energy physics labs…I was proud to be a tiny part of the physics world.  Now I am almost ashamed….the scientists have so betrayed us….it is staggering and unfathomable how all the leaders of the world have turned against/let down humanity and the earth on the issues that really matter.
    And this makes your contribution even more awesome.  Please remember that you are beloved by millions around the world….God bless you every moment (and I am quite sure the cosmic Higher Power does do that!)

    1. Hello Linda, I feel the same gratitude toward you and every other activist that is truly commited to this all important challenge. We are strong when we stand together and refuse to yeild to the insanity. About reaching others, hope the attached link will help. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/introducing-geoengineering-climate-engineering-to-the-uninformed/

    2. Linda, just carry on doing whatever you can do.  You will probably always feel it is not enough (I do), but, when the time comes, I would feel even worse if I had done nothing.

      Every little bit we do is important and I can assure you from personal experience that you will be uplifted, surprised and thankful when a you suddenly get a glimmer of support and understanding from the most unexpected of people and places.  It makes all the effort worth while.

      "Keep on Keeping on" in whatever way you can. xx

  34. Wouldn't carbon monoxide at those levels last week kill people on the ground in California and animals too?  Were there any reports or rumors of large bird or human die offs when those meters were detecting the high levels of carbon monoxide?

    1. Hello Susan, the CO levels were extremely alarming, and unhealthful, but not lethal.

    2. Several days ago, all day, I felt dizzy, with a never-before-experienced "unstable" feeling in my head, behind my eyes.  This is the best explanation I know of.  I wonder of these are symptoms of exposure to excessive CO.

    3. It didn't kill me but I quit my job separated with my my love and headed the hell outa Cali I might be crazy  but I ain't stupid I tried to warn people it's not safe la basin is toxic dang trucks

    4. Well, let's hope you don't start a stampede.  10,000,000 all at once would be difficult to assimilate.  You made the wise choice, IMO.  Perhaps your friends will wise up and follow later.  Sometimes we have to take on the burden and prepare the way for others.  The UTube site 1pacificredwood, the meteorologist in LA, states on his March 5 weather analysis that La has so far received something like 11/100th of an inch.  Here in Mendocino we have had a number of inches, wild winds and torrential rains.  Good luck with your sane move.

    5. @Ron and all, I did wonder immediately and posted it, if people were dropping like flies.  Thing is, about 20 years ago, a tad more than, my daughter and I lived through what PG&E said was the worst residential carbon monoxide event in Berkeley at this apt. of mine.  I'd spent about 6 months trying to get my landlord to do something about the heater.  I could smell stuff.  I used to have The Nose.  I know you supposedly can't smell carbon monoxide, but you can smell other stuff when things are not combusting right.  Landlord did nothing.  Daughter was out of town for sometime, maybe that's when she was stuck on the rez.  A friend who visited me and is smaller than I am-shorter, a bit older, was here from out of town visiting.  We were talking and watching TV in my bedroom on bed/daybed, when zonk, she was asleep and I could not wake her and so carried her to living room couch, surprised as usually she can talk all night.  A couple of months later when daughter back, she was stunned that me, former night owl, was going to bed by 9 PM.  She always was up and out early, not I as I was too sick and newly crippled.  Finally PG&E came and they were stunned.  Worst case ever, didn't know how we survived.  This prior to big spill in downtown in which one girl did die.  Up until then, we had the record.  I decided our survival, especially mine as I'd had the most exposure, was down to how very leaky this house is.  Point is, the main thing is falling asleep when you'd normally not.  I don't recall a single other symptom.  So, I'm guessing that this massive CO spill, being outside, lessened the most severe affects.

  35. My friend was sitting outdoors at a beer garden the other day talking to a twenty something and the subject of weather came up. Turns out this kid was "geo aware" and was in the process of enlightening his friends. That's encouraging!
    I think my friend is actually starting to think I might not be crazy after all. A week ago our local news predicted a 6-10" rain event here in 6-8 days. During the week leading up to it I told my friend exactly what was going to happen in the sky each day, including predicting the "weird looking clouds" (haarp). It's become so predictable here in CA that I was right every single day. Our rain event got modified over the week by the local guy and is now down to 2". We'll be lucky to see an inch when it's all said and done.
    Weather modification is so obvious now, it won't be long people. Mass awakening is coming and it might get a little scary because IMO its going to be like dominos with a whole bunch of stuff.
    Fight or Die !

  36. Thank you Dane for the unbiased and incessant information on geo engineering. This insanity has indeed been going on for decades and it should be made to stop.

    I come from the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean sea and the skies here are not as blue as they once were. The sun is not as bright as before when I was a child, or even not so long ago. I recently came across a satellite photograph of Cyprus published in a local newspaper and the lines above the island looked anything but clouds. We are definitely no exception to this.

    The Green Party here is officially asking questions about geo engineering; I share your views on parties of any kind, including the Greens, so the end result will show whether they truly care about Mother Earth or not. I consider it a start though. I have recently given them my support, and shall continue to do so, unless they deviate from their true purpose.

    Thank you  once again for all the information and your efforts, for which I am very grateful.

    Marios Kosmas

    1. Marios, Thank you for your posting. It's good to see more people from around the globe on here. I hope you post about your sky often. I think it helps us to know how things are going elsewhere in the world. I use global accounts in conversation regularly.

  37. Thank you for all your hard work.  I also want to thank you for letting us know about the San Andreas fault.  

    I always look forward to your Saturday morning broadcasts.  

    We should always make sure of the facts by doing our own research which you have proven to do.




  38. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications Vol.4 No.5(2012), Article ID:19522,7 pages DOI:10.4236/jemaa.2012.45026
    Simulation of Modes of Ionosphere Alfvén Resonator with High Quality Factors in the Case of Oblique Geomagnetic Field
    Volodymyr Grimalsky, Svetlana Koshevaya1, Anatoliy Kotsarenko, Marco A. Cruz Chavez  /2012
    The resonant frequencies, quality factors, and the profiles of magnetic field components of the ionosphere Alfvén resonator modes have been calculated. A general case of an oblique geomagnetic field has been considered. It has been demonstrated that even under the inclined geomagnetic field several modes exist that satisfy the conditions of a good localization, a weak dependence on the inclination of the geomagnetic field, and separability from another possible resonance oscillations. The calculated resonant frequencies are within the frequency range f = 1 – 6 Hz. The quality factors  are of about 5 – 20, where. Therefore, the calculated quality factors are comparable with those for the Schumann resonances in the gap “Earth—ionosphere” and are quite high for geophysics.
    The resonant frequencies can be modulated by acoustic gravity waves (AGW) and internal gravity waves (IGW) of ULF range, which are excited by lithosphere sources, move upwards, and reach the ionosphere F-layer. AGW and IGW can modulate the electron concentration of the ionosphere F-layer at heights z » 200 km, this leads to modification of parameters of IAR.

  39. Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator / IAR
    Investigation of natural and artificial stimulation of the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator at high latitude
    T. K. Yeoman, H. C. Scoffield, D. M. Wright, L. J. Baddeley, A. N. Vasilyevand N. V. Semenova; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK. ; Polar Geophysical Institute, Apatity, Murmansk region 184209, Russia
    A brief review is provided of recent progress in understanding the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator (IAR) at high latitude. Firstly, naturally-occurring resonances of the IAR as detected by pulsation magnetometers in the auroral zone at Sodankylä and in the polar cap at Barentsburg are considered.
    The characteristics of the IAR in the two regions are broadly similar, although the effects of solar illumination are less clear at the higher latitudes. Secondly we review recent attempts to stimulate the IAR through high-power radio frequency experiments both in the auroral zone at Tromsø with the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) heater, and within the polar cap at Longyearbyen with the Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar (SPEAR) facility. In the auroral zone at, Tromsø the stimulated IAR has been observed by ground-based magnetometers, and through electron acceleration observed on the FAST spacecraft. At SPEAR in the polar cap, the stimulated IAR has been investigated, with ground magnetometers, with the first results indicative of a positive detection.
    The Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator (IAR) results from the vertical structure associated with the decay in plasma density going from the ionosphere to the magnetosphere.
    Artificial stimulation of the IAR
    …a summary of the first 10 years experiments aimed at the generation of artificial magnetic disturbances with the EISCAT heater. The average amplitude of EISCAT heater-induced artificial magnetic disturbances as detected on ground magnetometers in the vicinity of the heater is plotted as a function of the modulation frequency of the RF power. The induced signals are clearly strongest at the lower end of the frequency range, but significant signals are also indicated in the frequency range 1 -10 Hz, which covers the expected frequencies of the first few harmonics of the IAR.
    … the IAR was driven to resonance by the high power ionospheric modification experiment.
    …to investigate the in situ particles and fields in the IAR. The spacecraft data were examined during a transit of the spacecraft footprint over the ionosphere overlying the Tromsø heater during a modulated X-mode heating experiment at 4.04 MHz, as described by Robinson et al, (2000). The Tromsø heater was transmitting at high power with a 3 Hz modulation, and this resulted in the launch of Alfvén waves from the lower ionosphere into the magnetosphere, allowing the first observations of electron acceleration within the IAR. Cash et al., (2002) established the time-evolution of the 3 Hz signals in the electric field, and the downgoing electron flux at 32.3, 64.7, and 129.4 eV.
    The polar cap
    Whilst well-established high power ionospheric modification facilities such as the EISCAT heater at Tromsø have demonstrated the ability to perform controlled active experiments on the IAR at auroral latitudes, as detailed in section 3.1, until recently it was not possible to do such experiments at higher latitudes on the polar cap. SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar) is a new high-power radar system located at 78.15°N latitude, 16.05°E longitude, located adjacent to the EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) in the vicinity of Longyearbyen (Spitzbergen) and is designed to carry out a range of space plasma investigations of the polar ionosphere and magnetosphere, including experiments to stimulate the IAR. The SPEAR antenna system comprises a 6×4 array of full-wave, crossed-dipoles,16m above the ground, with an antenna spacing of 48.4m, allowing the transmission of both linear and circularly polarised signals. The individual dipoles are rhombically broadened to allow operation between 4 and 6 MHz. The resulting beam has a quasi-elliptical cross-section, with an average half-power width of 21° along its major axis and 14° along its minor axis. This results in an overall antenna gain of 21 dB. During the operations reported here the complete 6×4 SPEAR array was available (48 transmitters), operating at 4.45 MHz. The transmitters were operated at 2kW, resulting in an ERP for SPEAR of ~ 15 MW. On 2 December 2005, as recently reported by Scoffield et al. (2006), a modulated X-mode ionospheric modification experiment was carried out at SPEAR, with the intention of artificially stimulating the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator.
    … A combination of pulsation magnetometer data and modeling have established the basic morphology of the IAR, and how it is controlled by the dimensions, boundary conditions and plasma density of the resonant cavity.


  40. Ionospheric heater
    From Wikipedia
    , the free encyclopedia
    An ionospheric heater, or an ionospheric HF pump facility, is a powerful radio wave transmitter with an array of antennas which is used for research of plasma turbulence, the ionosphere and upper atmosphere.[1] These transmitters operate in the high frequency (HF) range (3-30 MHz) at which radio waves are reflected from the ionosphere back to the ground. With such facilities a range of plasma turbulence phenomena can be excited in a semi-controlled fashion from the ground, during conditions when the ionosphere is naturally quiet and not perturbed by for example aurora. This stimulus-response type of research complements passive observations of naturally excited phenomena to learn about the ionosphere and upper atmosphere.
    The plasma turbulence phenomena that are studied include different types on nonlinear wave interactions, in which different waves in the plasma couple and interact with the transmitted radio wave, formation and self organization of filamentary plasma structures, as well as electron acceleration. The turbulence is diagnosed by for example incoherent scatter radar, by detecting the weak electromagnetic emissions from the turbulence and optical emissions. The optical emissions result from the excitation of atmospheric atoms and molecules by electrons that have been accelerated in the plasma turbulence. As this process is the same as for the aurora, the optical emission excited by HF waves have sometimes been referred to as artificial aurora, although sensitive cameras are needed to detect these emissions, which is not the case for the real aurora.
    Ionospheric HF pump facilities need to be sufficiently powerful to provide the possibility for plasma turbulence studies, although any radio wave that propagates in the ionosphere affects it by heating the electrons. That radio waves affect the ionosphere was discovered already in the 1930s with the Luxemburg effect. Although the research facilities need to have powerful transmitters, the power flux in the ionosphere for the most powerful facility (HAARP) is below 0.03 W/m2.[2] This gives an energy density in the ionosphere that is less than 1/100 of the thermal energy density of the ionospheric plasma itself.[1] The power flux may also be compared with the solar flux at the Earth's surface of about 1.5 kW/m2. During aurora generally no ionospheric effects can be observed with the HF pump facilities as the radio wave power is strongly absorbed by the naturally heated ionosphere.
    Current HF pump facilities
        •    EISCAT-Heating operated by the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT) at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsø in Norway, capable of transmitting 1.2 MW or over 1 GW [1] [2] effective radiated power (ERP).
        •    SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar) is an installation operated by UNIS (the University Centre in Svalbard) adjacent to the EISCAT facilities at Longyearbyen in Svalbard, capable of transmitting 192 kW or 28 MW ERP.
        •    Sura ionospheric heating facility in Vasilsursk near Nizhniy Novgorod in Russia, capable of transmitting 750 kW or 190 MW ERP.
        •    High frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) north of Gakona, Alaska, capable of transmitting 3.6 MW or 4 GW ERP.
        •    HIgh Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory HIPAS Observatory northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska, capable of transmitting 1.2 MW or 70 MW ERP.
        •    1B4/Atwood Ionospheric heater & Ionizer (GPS and thermodynamic equilibrium guided Electromagnetic pulse (impulse) generator & RF/microwave noise floor moderation system) is an installation operated by freecom wireless in Ontario, Canada. 1B4/Atwood's operation is based on a novel concept known as Ionospheric Ionization Temperature. The system's primary objective is to correct climate change attributed to artificial sources and to aid in the restoration of the ozone layer.


    1. As I sort of understand it a megawatt is 1,000,000 watts.  To heat the portion of the ionosphere targeted, a facility pulses the 1,000,000 MW (as an example) as a sticatto action, rapid pulse, say  maybe one pulse every .05 seconds.  This heats up the targeted region to many times the wattage of the original 1,000,000.  Is this correct?

    2. BaneB — I'll research this and see what I can find. I have a new actual 'textbook' entitled:

      Ultra and Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (Springer Geophysics) 2014th Edition
      by Vadim Surkov (Author), Masashi Hayakawa (Author)
      “It summarizes how low-frequency electromagnetic waves are produced by natural causes both above the earth’s surface and within the earth as well as by the release of energy from both natural and manmade sources. … This is an essential volume for those studying ultralow and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere or the earth.” (Patrick Taylor, The Leading Edge, March, 2015);  From the Back Cover: The major emphasis of this book is on physical mechanisms and sources of the ULF/ELF natural electromagnetic fields noises. In the course of this text, some of these mechanisms of magnetospheric origin will be treated in detail and others in a more sketchy fashion, while the global electromagnetic resonances excited by lightning activity and other sources are the priority. The interested reader is referred to the books cited in the text for details about the ULF/ELF fields of magnetospheric origin. Much emphasis is put on studies of electromagnetic phenomena caused by rock deformation/fracture including the ULF/ELF effects possibly associated with tectonic activity, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. One of the challenges of this research is to fully understand electromagnetic effects and physical processes in the rocks deep in the Earth’s crust.


    3. BaneB — It seems to me that they are always evolving and constantly changing their theories and the very complex equations used, which must require a supercomputer, to implement them,. They take what they term a 'moment' from a test and create usable math around that. Here is a comprehensive PDF with a fairly recent "last" date of 2008 that may be helpful and give you an idea. Fascinating stuff. I must say, I understand their obsession with the particle-waves in the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, etc. – even though I don't pretend to grok the math. As I have said, I came to this through the ancient Sanskrit Rig Veda which eulogizes cosmic and cosmogonic principles. Both Rig Veda Seers, the Rishis, and these plasma physicist wizards are priests of a similar sort. In fact long ago I decided that the Sanskrit word SOMA meant plasma.


      The heating effects are investigated by a full arsenal of experimental techniques applied to the upper atmosphere and near space research. The ground based instrumentation consists of UHF, VHF and HF radars, ionosondes (API technique), riometers (e.g. IRIS), ULF-VLF receivers and optical instruments (cameras and photometers). Besides the ground based methods, satellite borne instruments are also frequently used for investigations of heating-induced effects. However, this study concentrates on the combined EISCAT Heating and VHF radar experiments in Papers I, III and IV. In Paper II, a ten-year record of the past EISCAT heating experiments is used for detecting a statistical D-region heating effect on the cosmic radio noise absorption observed by the Kilpisj ̈arvi IRIS riometer. A short technical overview of these facilities is presented in the following.


  41. My 104th email to my contact list, titled 'Timescales'.

    1.  Now that we are being allowed to increasingly see the extent of the Arctic sea ice, a simple visual comparison between now and this time last year shows that sea ice melt in some areas is up to 3 months ahead of last year.  Other charts also confirm that the melt is about 1 to 3 months ahead of normal (depending of whose info you use).

    This advanced melt, so early in the year, means that there is a high likelihood of the catastrophic 50Gt methane outpouring happening this year.

    Top scientific research indicates that once that has happened (be it this year or in 10 years time), much of the Northern Hemisphere will become uninhabitable for humans within about 1 year (heat, crop failures, food shortages, loss of habitat, civil unrest, etc), with the Southern Hemisphere following within a further 4 years.

    Back in 2013, the then relatively slow rate of global warming was exceeding the ability of organisms to adapt by about 10,000 times.


    and http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/arctic.sea.ice.interactive.html


    Yet again the following two charts prove themselves to be remarkably accurate:

    Planetary Omnicide between 2023 and 2031:


    and the more recent Planetary Omnicide between 2016 and 2031:


    2.  February global temps make new record highs:




    3.  We just hit a global warming milestone:


    and an easy to read informative article on the outpouring of methane from permafrost and hydrates:


    Another informative video from Guy McPherson:


    and of course Dane Wigington's website which is packed with information, links, patents and materials to help promote awareness:


    4.  A lot to read, I know, but do your research and become aware of the dire situation we are in – even if only for your children, grandchildren and anyone else you care about – including pets and other life forms we share this planet with. 

    Allowing yourself to be ill-informed or misinformed will not help solve anything. 

    I will immediately let you know when I find out about a catastrophic methane burp.  


    1. I looked at those links, Andrew. The problem we have is quite specific: if we continue with SRM and artificial cooling, we mitigate the most immediate impacts of warming (civilisation crash), but that can is barely kicked an inch down the pavement. If SRM and artificial cooling immediately cease, civilisation crashes anyway – as Dane says, this means the biosphere stands a greater chance.

      Surely, if a 50 Gt 'burp' occurs, efforts and opinions on either side will be moot. We need a way to remove the existing surplus heat energy from the oceans – with total focus on the Arctic/ESAS. It's no good blocking solar energy from above – the oceans are already too warm. Atmospheric heaters are no good – we need to be taking energy OUT of the system. Judging the current tech and intelligence apparently available to the de facto rulers, perhaps they will attempt to insert their ice-nucleating materials along the ESAS sea bed.

      For my part, I'm amazed that a better solution hasn't been found, given the resources available. For example, imagine an array of diodes sinking heat throughout the Arctic Ocean, relaying the energy via superconducting cables to a machine which literally uses the gathered energy to supply a powerful laser, which points into space. I can probably think of other solutions, but none that can remove the energy instantly. 

      There has to be something better than dumping this rubbish in the sky.

    2. Hello Rob, yes, as you correctly stated, SRM must be stopped. Though SRM and other aspects of climate engineering like chemical ice nucleation can create short term cooling events, all forms of geoengineering are fueling the overall fire from too many directions to cover in this comment. About chemical ice nucleating in the Arctic, it has been going on since at least the 50s (link below). Technology has so far pushed the human race to near certain short term total extinction, we must learn to leave nature alone if we are to have any chance of surviving. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/what-are-the-climate-engineers-doing-in-the-arctic-astounding-images-and-dead-scientists/

    3. Rob, many thanks for your interesting reply.  I think a better solution than the supposed "delaying tactic" of SRM may yet be found, but it will be come from someone who thinks completely "out of the box", and not from one of the main stream climate scientists and SRM / CDR proponents- most of whom have zero common sense.

      Trouble is, if we do not openly talk about it, then the person or solution will not be found, or will be found too late.  Maybe some kind of thermo-electric generator which would at least have a triple effect of using the heat and providing electricity for cooling and other uses.  On the individual scale, maybe a personalised "refrigerator brolly" (umbrella) that creates a down draft of cool air?   You can now get an almost clear film that you 'stick' onto windows that will produce electricity – why not coat cars etc with that? etc etc.

      As you will have read in the blurb on the 2016-2031 chart, released methane heats up much quicker than the surrounding air, and the resultant methane 'clouds' can quickly reach 20C  – and hence can look and act like Lenticular clouds.

      Also, the latent heat stored in melting ice is not just about sea ice, it includes the frozen tundra and permafrost down to a considerable depth.

    4. We will never survive by fighting against mother nature – that is a battle we can not win.  We must learn to adapt to and work in harmony with her.

      Even the term "Combat Climate Change" is aggressive and pulls people in the wrong direction and wrong way of thinking.  

      Maybe "Climate Change Compromise", or "Alliance with Atmospheric Warming" or "Earth Entente"…………..it needs to be peaceful, positive, harmonious and have global support from the general public and government leaders.  Unfortunately we rarely have that kind of unity and sense of purpose as a nation or group of nations.  Ego, greed, power and the 'love  of money' usually takes over.

  42. Just saw predictions for this weeks rain. They are calling it, "Miracle March." Sorry, but that amount of snow and rain at one time is not natural. I think the miracle will be if they don't kill will all those poisons in the air.

    1. The Stilling: 'After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.'  Rev. 7:1  Angels?  What sort of technology is being utilized?  This really does intrigue me.  Revelation means..to reveal, expose, open up, provide a look inside, tell about something previously hidden.  This Book is the last of the collection put together and referred to as the Bible.  

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