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Dane Wigington

The anthropogenic assault on planet earth continues to accelerate on countless fronts, with climate engineering at the top of the list. The rapidly unfolding biosphere implosion is increasingly hindering industrialized civilization's futile attempt to perpetually expand on a finite planet with finite resources. The current paradigm is completely decimating the biosphere. The climate engineering interference with the global climate system and the hydrological cycle is a one primary manifestation of the ongoing assault against the planet. 

"From The Nile To The Amazon, Climate Change Threatens Hydropower"


Tourists watch floodwaters gushing out of the Xiaolandi dam on the Yellow River in China’s Henan province. Photograph: Miao qiunao/Press Association Images

The latest energy industry cataclysm continues to go from bad to worse. 

Breaking: They may have “entirely lost control of entire field”  involved in LA gas disaster, and it’s coming up everywhere… We learned there are many other leaks…

We are told that global warming will trigger more extreme cooling events, is this conclusion supported by the latest science study? No, recent studies reveal that the anomalous cool-downs on our rapidly warming world are NOT a likely result of global warming. Snowstorms like "winter storm Jonas" are completely engineered events, a glaring red flag that reflects the rapidly increasing desperation of the power structure and the geoengineers.


A woman digging out after "Winter Storm Jonas"

Climate Change Does Not Cause Extreme Winters, New Study Shows.

Cold snaps like the ones that hit the eastern United States in the past winters are not a consequence of climate change. Scientists at ETH Zurich and the California Institute of Technology have shown that global warming actually tends to reduce temperature variability.

The geoengineers have already scheduled "Winter Storm Kayla".


"Winter Storm Kayla" will be the next theatrically named event in a string of engineered chemical ice nucleated cool-down atrocities created by the climate engineering juggernaut of insanity. Possible record warmth and tornado outbreaks are forecasted on one side of this "Winter Storm", with blizzards predicted on the other side. If you think such scenarios are "natural", think again. 

Many continue to falsely argue that the runaway Co2 levels are not a problem for the climate and ecosystems. Tell that to the fish that are trying to survive in our rapidly acidifying oceans.

Lost at sea – fish getting drunk from rising carbon dioxide emissions

UNSW researchers have found that carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater could reach levels high enough to make fish “intoxicated” and disoriented many decades earlier than previously thought, with serious implications for the world’s fisheries.

On the current trajectory the horizon will continue to grow darker by the day. Yet, even now, so many are completely and willingly blind to what is unfolding and in plain site. The majority continue to unquestioningly support the very power structure that is responsible for the juggernaut of destruction and oppression.

States, Stockholm Syndrome, and Pseudo-Patriotism

Unnatural feelings of support for those within arbitrary borders, and dislike for those without, can only be explained as the product of a deep psychological phenomenon. Breaking free may be hard, even counterintuitive. But unless we do so, we risk being forever engulfed in blind obedience to a state that should command neither our will nor our support without first justifying its existence.

The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Stockholm Syndrome, normalcy bias, and simple denial, are so far ruling the day. These psychological defense mechanisms are an epidemic form of the public's willful blindness that must be shattered. Each of us has a part to play in this most critical battle to wake the masses.We will sink or swim together, all are needed in the battle to sound the alarm. What will you do? What will be your part in the play?

128 Responses

  1. I have no doubt in my mind that chemtrails are happening. I live deep in the country. Unlike in any urban centres, I can see the skyline for hundreds of kms. Just this morning, we had clear blue skies, except for one white trail travelling from South to North… I couldn't see the end of it, it was so long. This was at 8 a.m. I was out and returned at 9 a.m. The trail was still there but it had widened and drooping on the edges of each side. The weather forecast called for clear skies all day. By mid afternoon, it was hazy and cloudy. That trail, and likely others that came later, had expanded. It's evident they are not clouds; not the way they form. I observed the sky for some time and I could also see other lines within the expansion of the already sprayed trails… and those other lines, were going in a different direction. Note: I live between two major cities; both approximately 100kms away from me. There are flights that go by regularly, but from East to West, and vice versa; NOT from North to South. I've already been shut down by a couple of friends when bringing this up. I have a teenage son and I am more scared for him than I am for me. I haven't brought up the subject with him; at least not yet. Although he may have already heard of the "phenomenon". At the same time, I don't want to scare him. I want him to enjoy his life, at least for some time while he's young. It's very scary… but I'm not prepared to give up. 

  2. I knew Jonas was a man-made nucleated snow event the minute I saw the snow immediately melt off my pvc deck railing.  Normal snow would have piled high on the rail, especially at the rate it was coming down.

  3. Hi Andrew from Scotland. Thank you for your response. That is very scary. I'm not as intelligent as some on this sight and there are allot of you, however I am intelligent enough to know that we are in serious trouble and I get sad and very angry that very few will listen or even seem to care. Your friend Dan from Idaho

    1. Dan, hello and I think you underestimate yourself!  You are plenty smart to have found this site, and if you follow it, as well as the gifted bloggers here, you'll find yourself getting smarter by the day!  Really, this is one great education.  Not "only" about various aspects of geo-engineering, but our entire world and how Earth operates, how governments operate and so much more.  When you feel sad, try researching something, giving your brain something else to do.  It Is sad, but this is also a learning experience.  Just in case we all somehow survive this, or others do, it does help to delineate what went wrong and how.

  4. You're my hero Dane. I have never understood patriotism/tribalism and have always considered it to be one of the most dangerous states of mind there is.

    1. Hello Jason, I am very grateful for your support, but truly, I am just doing my my job, as you are doing yours. All of us are essential in this battle, all necessary and needed. I am extremely grateful for each and every activist that is truly engaged in the fight.

    2. Thank you Dane, you are truly one in a billion. One of my favorite quotes which you've probably heard, but just in case:

      Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap their citizen's brains and then later as ceremonial shrouds to bury their dead bodies in.
      -Arundhati Roy

  5. Just a watchword… about a month ago I posted about screaming at the top of my lungs into the empty desert.

    I realize I gave myself floaters in my eyes. Just to let anyone know who would do the same.  Beware.

    More soon.  Thanks to you Dane and all the comenters here.  So appreciate this forum.  It is the only solace,

    1. Horsegirl….sorry to hear that. I was wondering if you were doing any better since the last time you posted.

      May I humbly suggest taking a bat or sledge hammer to a big rock next time! 🙂 

    2. Twenty-five years ago I used to do the screaming full-blast in the car with the windows rolled up but stopped for the mostly part upon realizing that going to the point of irritating my vocal apparatus so I could not really speak for a few days was actually a form of self-destruction. 

      And look out for slamming things around with hammers, too.  You can wind up hurting the muscles and tendons in hands, arms and shoulders, from the reverb when you slam heavy hammers around.  Go chop some wood; more productive and it'll get all that frustration out just as effectively.

    3. Melody, Dennie,

      Thanks for kind replies.

      Hope it's not spamming to say I'm opening up our blog "The Famous Mr> Web" which includes the creation of Assbook, a literary quisinart Al Dante.  By which all kinds of fallacy will be shredded like Paul Bunyan taken after the pines.  Premise being the alleged interspecies invasion of the internet by equines like the uppity Mr. Ed (remember him?) in a last-ditch effort to save humanity from itself.

      May spare my vocal cords and joints after all.  Nothing like planting one where it counts!

  6. Hey, Dane, did ya notice this article from global skywatch has been uo 2 days and you already have over a hundred comments? HUH? Yeah, and the counter keeps goin UP!!!!!! I absolutely loved what you said to Charlotte. We have the sole rights to our power to choose. We live by Fort Caffee, and we see lots of aerosol dispersions overhead. 2 days ago i went to Little Rock, Ark. > 200 mi. east. I saw the previous days dispersion come down on Little Rock, white sky and AIR on the ground WHITE…  where I live you see less coming down. Real heads up… Well great work, I celebrate your success with you, and continue to follow your site and example. As always, your fan Jefre

  7. Dan,

    Please read this article…

    Last week, Fox News moderators asked only one question relevant to climate change, about whether Florida senator Marco Rubio would support regulation to lower emissions. Rubio said he would not: “I do not believe that we have to destroy our economy in order to protect our environment.”

    On the trail, former Florida governor Jeb Bush interjected to say the free market would resolve climate change before government could.

    “There’s someone in a garage somewhere,” he said, “parochially I hope it’s in Miami, that’s going to have a clue, to have an answer to this.”


    "Like all Politicians when confronted with a serious problem, they respond by either kicking the can down the road or sticking their heads in the sand". Troy S.


    1. I live in Northeast Florida, I see & hear Marco Rubio constantly. Rubio does not realize, that without Natural Resources there will be no successful economy. GeoEngineering/Climate Modification & Climate Change, is already severely influencing the planet. The Miami Mayor is absolutely correct, Marco Rubio is an Idiot. I change the TV Channel every time Rubio is speaking. I am really loosing my way with these politicians. The debates are always a Circus of Insanity. The major issues about the Earth are always pushed aside or deferred. Remember what Dane has stated numerous times: Money has no value when Natural Resources are damaged and completely consumed.

  8. Why does wanting clean air, food and water make you an activist? And why are those that destroy our air, food and water not terrorists?

  9. Chemtrail planes out in full force at the break of dawn here in southeast, NJ.  HAARP/ELF at full force, severe ear pressure and stomache cramps.  Reached about 50 degrees by 8:30 AM, now a massive ice nucleated "cloud" coverage from west moving eastward to the sun.  I can feel the temps dropping inside my home.  Now this "cloud" mass is just sitting under the sun and over my house.  The cloud is slowing dissolving into a white mist and filtering down into the lower levels of our atmosphere.  Eerie silence, no breeze, no seagulls or any birds for that matter.  I hear military planes, but cannot be seen

    1. Hi Sam! 

      I live in south Jersey as well and you are so right about how out of control the spraying was on Sunday, Jan 31st!  I have only seen the sky look that bad maybe a couple times.  The sunset that Sunday night was a purple, reddish color. It did look pretty, I now know why it is that color.  I spoke out to my in-laws that Sunday at my brother -in-law's house and I was labeled a "conspiracy theorist!"  There are just some people that are so ignorant on these issues and they really don't want to hear about it.  As far as HAARP, they were definitely working in full force that Sunday as my tinnitus and headaches were much worse than usual.  

      It is so sad and frustrating that people all over the world are labeled a "conspiracy theorist" just because they want (and need) to breathe fresh air, eat pure food and drink safe, clean water just to survive and THRIVE!

      God bless everyone and Dane for your dedication and strong voice on this detrimental subject. 

  10. Here are the Top 25 Things I am getting reeeeeeaally tired of:

    1. Sneezing fits

    2. Coughing fits

    3. Dry mouth and having to drink a lot of water

    4. Intermittently racing pulse when "plumes" are heavier

    5. Red hands when spraying is incessant and heavy

    6. Feeling like I am covered in powder; powder-coated tongue, lips, eyelids/lashes, hair, etc.

    7. Not being able to get to sleep or waking up at night because of #s 3, 4 and 6;

    8. Aching tendons and twitching muscles

    9. Air that smells, tastes and FEELS like chemicals

    10.  HOT when it should be just warm; FREEZING cold when it should be just chilly

    11. Sun-burned and frost-burned plants



    14. Homicidal, suicidal PSYCHOPATHIC MURDERING "SCIENTISTS" who worship munnee.

    15. Homicidal, suicidal, shilling, lying "public servants" who worship munnee.

    16. Stoopid, dumbed-down "teachers" who won't stand up for truth and worship munnee while being paid like SLAVES and LYING to children (that is tantamount to a capital crime, I say) about geoengineering, supporting the goddamned lying textbooks that show this abomination as somehow NORMAL– Huh??? HOW SO????

    17. Too much wind where there shouldn't be and no wind at all when there should be.


    19. "Star Wars," the one "they" don't want you to know about but to go along with once you find out The Hard Way (and the stoopid, distracting, campy film versions that mind-controls all the kiddies out there into supporting this insane murderous shit– jeeeezuz, HELP US!! OUR CHILDREN'S MINDS ARE BEING HIJACKED!!!!).

    20. PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO IDEA what to do about the broken economic system and insist on perpetuating it– like watching supposedly intelligent, "educated" people standing around, all beating a waaay long-dead horse– jeeeeezuz!!! please just STOP IT!!!!!!

    21. People who Want It All for themselves!!!!!!!

    22. The Military (F*ck 'em– after all, THEY are GETTING PAID to f*ck us over, Big TIME!)

    23. Television

    24. Being told that WE are "terrorists," by the REAL TERRORISTS!!!!

    25. Waking up to the SAME OLD SH*T EVERY SINGLE DAY WITH NO HOPE FOR ANY REAL END TO THIS F*CKING MISERABLE NIGHTMARE that just gets WORSE when you thought it couldn't.  Imagine THAT.

    1. I too am really tired of the physical reactions to all the chemicals being used against us. Everyone tells me I'm nuts when I say I don't even have  to look outside to know how much is being sprayed, as I can taste it and feel it on my lips and skin, and get slightly headachy or have a heaviness in my chest.

    2. Ditto Too!………………It was a full scale aerial assault here in South Eastern New England yesterday…………It looked like they were playing Tic Tac Toe in the sky and the crazy thing is when watching the local weather, people send in photos of red streaked sun sets and it's all aerosol thinking that it's natural…………….Friggin sheep!!

    3. We had massive ice nucleation Saturday and Sunday, so the effin' GENERALS can take their damned grandkids skiing in the Sierras, no doubt– who gives a flyin' "F" through a rolling doughnut down the west side of that mountain range about actual WATER– the HELL with agriculture, since from the time we've grown crops, that's the beginning and the root cause of all of our current "evils," I've been reading in the commentary on various websites here and there.  Such an extremely broad brush to paint the entire agricultural picture with, huh? 

  11. The pictures from skies in Germany are similar to those here in Pacifica, CA. It is JUST TERRIFYING!!! Just wish could upload them somewhere… 

    Maybe that was considered by many already here, so I'm just probably repeating a point..

    Function of our bodies is based on quite few metals, but the 4 most important ones are Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Iodine. Magnesium and Calcium belong to the same IIA group of elements, which include also Sr and Ba. We know that aluminum is killing our brains by accumulation and interaction with nerve pulses, but Sr and Ba was question to me all the time, until I saw this publication today:


    The actions of barium and strontium on exocytosis and endocytosis in the synaptic terminal of goldfish bipolar cells.

    where it is explicitly stated that:

    -exocytosis, endocytosis and vesicle mobilization were maintained when external Ca2+ was replaced by either Ba2+ or Sr2+

    -We conclude that a smaller proportion of docked vesicles are available for fast exocytosis triggered by the influx of Sr2+ or Ba2+ compared to Ca2+.

    -Exocytosis was prolonged after the influx of Sr2+ and Ba2+. Sr2+ was cleared from the synaptic terminal with the same time constant as Ca2+ (1.3 s), but Ba2+ was cleared 10–100 times more slowly. Although Ba2+ stimulates the slow release of a large number of vesicles, it did so less efficiently than Ca2+ or Sr2+.

    With one word, our internal ions shall maybe get replaced by the genocidal chemtrails???

    A recent 2012 work on plants with the title:

    "Precipitation of Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium and Barium in Tissues of Four Acacia Species (Leguminosae:Mimosoideae)" by Honghua He et al.,  indicates, that plants extract these metals as crystals to protect themselfes against herbivory…

    Over and over again, one finds connection to Rockefeller family, even in case of these metals. Please check out the Standard Oil Company 1983 patent No 4,495,160 with the title:"Removal and recovery of magnesium, strontium and barium from brines"..

    That's just the begin of continuing this thread. Part what I've learned from few years of macromolecular biology, was how to get rid of any metal, and that was by the use of EDTA. But when taking it internally one needs of course to replace also the good ones one lost, like Mg, Ca, I, etc…


    1. Hi Christine in Pacifica, San Mateo County from Dennie in San Rafael, Marin County, CA:

      I was hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute barium poisoning in June of 2010 when the United States Navy decided to show off their large-scale weather modification tricks in the eastern Pacific during May and June of that year, quite frightening, and most likely complete with cigar-chomping admirals sipping brandy whilst viewing their splendid destruction in power-point presentations to The Scientists and Congress Idiots who they keep extorting for more of the damned stuff we call munnee. 

      Barium displaces POTASSIUM in the body; it is given to lab animals to induce heart attacks (YES WE ARE BEING TREATED LIKE LAB RATS, PROBABLY WORSE!!!), so you can definitely wind up having a heart attack because the barium THROWS YOUR HEART into ARRHYTHMIA.  Check out what happened to Russ Tanner at globalskywatch.com.  He DID have an actual heart attack and I know young, otherwise healthy people in Marin County who've had heart attacks when the spraying was particularly heavy, like it was the first week in September, 2015 and one of our Mill Valley music teachers in his 30s went to the ER with a near-fatal collapse due to a heart attack. 

      I've been taking a Magnesium/Calcium/Zinc supplement along with Potassium (chloride, though I'd like to find the citrate kind) and an amino complex.  Having to do this is Number 26 in my list appearing above, that is, having to buy all these supplements to counteract the effects of the large-scale BIO-WARFARE being perpetrated on everyone and everything, going on right over our heads, 24/7/365– UGH!–ENOUGHH!!!!

  12. [Not everyone is a lap-dog for the Global Corporate Regime…]
    Hungarian Top Economist: Goal of "Refugee" Invasion is Civil War in Europe and new World War
    Face of a Dying Nation on YouTube [subtitles]
    * Zsolt Bayer, Hungarian journalist, publicist, and co-founder of Hungary's currently ruling political party, and Dr. László Bogár, former politician and leading economist, discuss the Cologne sexual assaults committed by migrants on New Year's Eve, 2016.
    Bayer says that the deliberate displacement of millions of people will inevitably cause a "decade-long" civil war in Europe – the precise goal of the forces that dragged Europe into WWI and WWII. Middle Eastern Countries were purposefully destabilized to cause massive amounts of refugees – but only through the help of human smugglers, a well organized propaganda campaign and traitorous politicians could European countries be convinced to commit suicide. He claims that the sexual harassment and gang rape attacks of thousands of migrants on hundreds of German women on New Year's eve were just a "mild foretaste" of the civil war in Europe – which will be followed by yet another world war.
    He does not specify the "secret forces" behind this, but I'm sure most of you know what he means.
    This short part of the 60-minute long television program that aired on Echo TV on January 8, 2016, is of a rant by Mr. Bogár warning of WWIII and the background powers inciting the whole thing.

    1. That's correct. That's THEIR plan!

      Cologne was just a tiny warm up of a tiny group of 1.5 million invaders, 10 million more to come. Politicians are traitors and henchmen of the forces behind all that.

      The same master minds started all the wars in the past.

    1. Winter Storm Jones, kills 37 people!. More like GeoEngineers mass murder 37 people and yet another round of tornadoes in Southern Florida. I have lived in Northern Florida for 30 years now, I have never seen so many bizarre weather patterns and events occur here and throughout the U.S., as I have seen over the past 5 years. Jacksonville had a Front with storm system move through on Thursday, with clearing on Friday morning. Crystal Blue skies prevailed all day Friday, then the Climate Engineers were back at it, full force on Saturday, by mid day the sky condition was artificially overcast. The sky condition has been overcast for the past two days now, without a peek of sunshine. Wednesday I will be Downtown attending the monthly Jacksonville Art Festival, where I will be passing out bundles of the GeoEngineering Informational Flyers. I have been doing this for three months in a row now and will continue to do it. I feel this is a great opportunity to spread the word on this matter, the people that attend seem to be very open minded, especially about the environment, since the festival is outdoors and the vendors sell products made from natural resources like soaps, food, wood, fabric etc. I had a 95% success rate last month, on people willing to accept the flyers to do research for themselves. I even had several people stop me 10-20 minutes later after they took the flyers, to ask me for more details. I will also be putting flyers inside the Public Library, where all the bus schedules, city events, resource materials are on display. I will be telling people to download the GeoEngineering App on their smartphones for updates and news. I have several friend's & family members that have the app along with the notification alert!

  13. So much spraying the last couple of days here in the Philadelphia area. How many planes do they have?  They can take a blue sky and turn in grey in an hour for as far as the eye can see.  When it becomes blue again- they spray again.  Must be a big storm they are planning coming up.  I would be filled with fear if I didn't have Jesus from the bible within me.  I show people what is going on and they just look at me like I am crazy.  Thanks for keeping on keeping on Dane.  I am not sure what I can do anymore here.  Is there a local Philadephia group already working with you to make people and government aware?

    1. @ Tom (and all who care):  YOU can be the person who starts a local group, by using the resources available at this website.  Please see the "activist suggestion page", "flaming arrow package", and "full color glossy flyers" on the left-side column here – they are designed to help educate other people about the dire situation we are all in.  I posted the flyers on utility poles around town, and some of them are still there many years later, so I know thousands of people have seen them.  Your desire to help gives me hope, and hopefully there are many more people like you out there, because WE are the only hope our planet has for survival.  I have never met Dane Wigington myself, but I hope to do so in Washington DC this summer, if somehow a mass demonstration and march on the Pentagon happens.  The only way to stop the insanity which is destroying the precious planet we live on, is by direct action!  

  14. I've even noticed the NWS detailed discussions now often mention the ECMF in their blurbs if there is extreme uncertainty in different models for the next week.  The last year especially they mention the other models and go with a 'blend' in their forecast.
    Why does America rely so much on the free but crap GFS?  It's like shooting ducks in the dark where once in a while you hear a loud 'Quack!' and then they say 'I'm good see?'.
    Cmon Americans are you that much sold and bought by large international corporations that you don't even know what is 'good' anymore or what freedom even is?
    Does America believe that war is peace and slavery is freedom?
    It's like everybody has forgotten what things were like before multi national corporations made their debut as current anti monopoly laws are NOT being used to their full potential.
    We already have a very good system of laws in place to prevent companies like AT&T from owning an entire industry and Google right now owns the internet much like AT&T and Facebook or SPYbook owns the social media world making competitors not feel any real effort to fight back with independent ones to draw in the masses.
    If you don't do things their way they will shut you out and 9/10ths of all the search engines are now powered by Google even Start Page and the Duck one and Google does very little for computers unless you own a smart phone which they mostly do app stuff.
    Blekko used to be independent until two years ago they went with 'powered by Google' and Google now uses Watson the same one that was trying to compete on Jeopardy which it 'gusess' your search results based on popularity.

  15. It's amazing the Euro vs the GFS forecasts these engineered snowstorms much better while the American GFS model craps out BIG TIME showing Artic Airmasses in areas it never happens up to day 8 and with the new upgrade coming any time the GFS will lag even further. 
    Buh Bye America! It was nice knowing you.

  16.  Dane, listening to the 1/30/16 Global Alert radio broadcast was, for me, like hiking a steep, rocky trail at 11,000 ft. There were moments when I felt like I almost couldn't go on. Had to hit "pause" a few times. Much of this "news" is of such frightening implication that my mind ruptures and seeks at least temporary escape. Is this perhaps what many now are experiencing? It's like, ok, I get it, they're geoengineering the f**k out of everything and everyone but jesus christ, must I stop drinking beer and smoking reefer with my buddies? Does not life go on from day to day, geoengineering or not? Well, I would say "Yes, BUT, you do not yet fully grasp the magnitude of the damage being intentionally perpetrated upon you and your 3 year old boy. Is not his health and his future incentive enough to at least do SOMETHING? If every single one of us just did SOMETHING, be it large or small, to expand awareness that this is going on, this world would be a different place. But I, personally, am not under any delusions as to whether we can turn this thing around. The cabal has unlimited funds, unlimited desperation, unlimited technology, and unlimited capacity for the perpetration of despicable agendas in the service of their own obese egos and their appetite for the suffering of living beings. But having said that, is it possible that we are seeing a few cracks in the dam of this seemingly monolithic Cabal? Can such a Cabal even itself survive the coming "adjustments" to all life on Earth? Will not their apparent almighty Power suffer in kind on some level and in some measure commensurate with the complete disassembly of "life as we know it?" Are we not, in fact, seeing real evidence of this already? The answer is clearly "yes." As intimidating and impenetrable and indestructible as the CABAL appears to be, I must remind myself that this world is infinitely complex. There are unseen forces at play, even from what I call the "divine field." Yes, they appear to have the upper hand NOW, and are arm-wrestling this world into apparent defeat, but I submit that we CANNOT know what forces of karma are actively in play in this vast LILA. For the incomprehensibly deep poisoning already accomplished by these rapists my HEART BREAKS every day, and every morning when I draw the blinds and find my only inspiration at the newness of day to be to mouth obscenities at a sky full of aerosol trails. I remember once upon a time in a long ago place in a Southwestern desert I would regularly awaken to resplendent mornings, full of gratitude and quiet inner joy, head over heels in love with my Beloved, my Earth Herself. Few words can describe the substance of this kind of love. Many who come here know of what I speak. And now we are under aggravated assault by forces so devoid of this kind of love as to seem humanly impossible. That such a coordinated effort has been mounted by some children of the Earth against the very Mother that brought them into Being, again, seems impossible. Yet, it is happening. A very, very grim future seems inevitable. Why? Because that future is already here, in front of us, outside our windows, in our internal organs, in our thinking minds.

    1. You know, Marc, several years ago I moved from the city to a small town in Wisconsin to get away from traffic and pollution. I remember how I would drive to work past farms on uncongested roads, admiring the blue skies and smelling the sweetness of the air. Now that same drive makes me angrier and angrier as I see nothing but the almost non-stop "fog", ubiquitous dismal gray skies, and smell the dirty, metallic scent of whatever is constantly being dropped behind the incessant jets overhead. Then, I cannot help but wonder if there is some hallucinogenic in the toxic crap that blinds 99% of the people I talk with to the fact that, no, it has not always been like this. Sometimes, I open the blinds to a blue sky and feel hopeful, that I've just awakened from a nightmare, but things will now be OK, but within an hour or so return to the bad dream of reality when the spraying resumes and my clear sky clouds over.

    2. Marc, I completely resonate with your total love of Mother Earth. Twenty three years ago I left the suburban cities outside Atlanta where I grew up and moved to a much more rural setting in the foothills of the Appalachian Mts. with intoxicatingly beautiful woods to hike with my dogs and cool rivers and streams to play in nearby. Waking up the first morning after the move, I looked out the window of the small trailer I'd remodeled upon an emerald green hillside of grass on that first beautiful sunny day and have never felt such joyous freedom and excitement! I can still recall the feeling and smile. For the next decade or so I soaked in the beauty of Nature all around me all the time. Then I began to notice the magnificent oaks declining and dying, first one here then another there. I wondered at first if it was something I hadn't done? Should I have been fertilizing them with something special? No, eventually in 2012 I'd come to find that unfortunately aerosol dump flyovers were the likely culprit- everything full of aluminum, barium, strontium, titanium.. Over time more people came, I was horrified at the construction of an outlet mall (of all things) about 15 miles away developed a few years after I'd moved here. After that steadily more and more people coming. With decades of our government policies allowing immigrants to constantly stream into this nation unchecked- what else to expect? ( I am not against all immigrants- lets have a policy allowing competent people who can ADD something to the quality of life of the people currently residing in this nation- how about it?!) But no such luck with TPTB. My point being that the coordinated effort being currently mounted against this magnificent planet and all it 'once contained' cannot be by 'children of the earth. What that is I am not sure; but I am sure that the wonderful contributors here and those others like us who truly love this planet can NOT BE whatever/whoever is orchestrating and carrying this tragedy out. (some perhaps being ignorantly duped into and used for the terrible purposes I'll agree) Just puttin' my 2 cents in on this; Love ya Marc and all your insightful commentaries.

    3. Marc, hello, and thank you-especially for your first paragraph, if it had been a paragraph, as I felt the exact same way.  Or close to.  I had to hit pause and close the lid of computer a number of times and just breathe.  Calm down.  But I felt like I was being pummeled.  Blam! Blam! Blam!  I found myself saying things aloud here alone like: oh no he didn't!  Or: why don't you just tell it like it is!-because Dane was.  And seemingly too much and too fast.  Fast and furious.  I thought, well, Dane's gone and jumped the shark!  It was almost as if he was daring them to come after him, kill him.  A number of the first comments were in fact for his safety.  I am fully aware and on Dane's side of course, yet I felt abused!  No one I know would have listened to this, even if I'd paid them.  I listened to it two more times, getting calmer and thus more able to take in what he was saying.

      The Stockholm Syndrome reminded me of Patty Hearst and Sibonese? Liberation Army-huge flash back.  I was almost 27 and for a minute there thought the revolution was really happening.  I have been waiting for said revolution "forever".  It was really interesting in that time period the degree to which parents feared their own children.  It got me thinking.  I, myself, have experienced this Stockholm Syndrome or perhaps a variety of it.  My "mother" was extraordinarily abusive, from severe bone breaking beatings, to being sliced/cut, to bizarre sexual abuse, really one for the books.  I was home alone with her a lot owing to the illnesses I had, broken bones, etc. and at times so very sick, like when I almost died from Valley Fever, missing one whole year of school, kept isolated from the family, only the doc and "mom" came in my room for more than 9 months.  I could not move, I was so weak.  For 6 months I had a sky high fever.  I was 9, and I'd spend all day, in a darkened room, trying to lift a pencil, my mind blown that I could not do it.  So, there I was, utterly dependent on my abuser.  Who did not abuse me when I was this sick and docs might show up.  And I mean dependent for my very life.  I could do nothing for myself.  It was weird to say the least.  And similar stuff replayed like this again and again.  So that while I clearly get that she was evil incarnate, had done great harm to me, huge harm, I do believe she loved me!  Even after she disowned me later on, with a baby yet, for "going back to the blanket".  Though I would never defend her!  In fact, ratted her out as soon as I was able which just brought more grief.  So here I am now, dependent on the state for everything.  For what little money I get, for food, for health care, even for this rent controlled apartment with holes in the windows.  Yet I hate our government, can't defend it.  And I know they don't love me.  Do know my life goes better when democrats are in office.  So, it is weird, but a familiar weird and a bit of a balancing act.

      Then, this past week or two, a sentencing for part of my only child's father's murder.  I had to write a letter about his worth, how needed, what a great guy he was, and he was when not drinking.  When drinking, he was very dangerous.  He did me harm.  Yet we remained friends, mostly long distance.  I do have a million fun stories and good stories about him, and so could honestly refer to those.  But could not refer to the bad stuff and there was a lot.  He'd been begging for a plane ticket out here and away from there.  We could have done it, But! for the inevitable consequences.  Which we feared.  But might have saved his life.  The guilt haunts me.  I do know he loved us.

      So, I'm thinking there is something, a rung lower than Stockholm Syndrome, that perhaps many people are in.  That this may be a factor in raising awareness.  I spent a lot of my life counseling people who were abused as children, coming to the conclusion that child abuse is like a national sport in this country.  Many say that abused children go on to become abusers themselves.  Perhaps some truth to that, but I didn't.  I did develop a blind spot though and I think that is much more common.  I never see it coming.  When it does, I rationalize it.  It is a way of surviving.  A default position.

      We live in a very abusive country that has not only done great harm to us citizens, but to other nations and to the Earth herself, to our atmosphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, waters in sky, on land, the whole nine yards.  So we make little bargains.  And build barriers against grief lest it consume us.  Like the stages of grief when dying.

      Stopping geo-engineering seems impossible, just like the court thing I just went through.  I fought the law and the law won.  Worse, we are past the tipping point.  All bets are off.  This is a huge burden to carry, but as you said, for the sake of the children we must try at least.  But what an uphill battle.  With no good end in sight.  So, given all, I do try to stay sane.  Yes to friends and companionship, even if they are not on board.  Yes to that doobie and no to the alcohol!  Yes to music and any pleasure one can find if only for the balance of it.  Because these are the last days.  And yes to never ever giving up.

  17. First of all Dane Thank You. Dane am I right to believe that sooner rather than later those who are in denial about changes in our climate will be severely awakened as the dramatic changes become ever more extreme and impossible to ignore? As things continue to get worse the reality of what is truly happening will have to sink in and wake up non believers sort of like a hard slap to the face! Dane I live in nyc and cannot believe how some people don`t believe with all of the evidence that is so very apparent.Even if someone chooses not to believe in the chemtrail spraying[which is obviously being done] how can they explain all the weird weather? This past September the temperature surpassed 90 degrees on several days. During Christmas week the high temp passed 70 degrees and in my book absolutely none of this is normal. Dane I was actually sweating during December DURING DECEMBER!! This was the first time I have ever sweated during December in nyc. Don`t people notice how record highs for certain dates have mostly been recorded during recent years [from like 2000 and beyond] that is because the planet IS getting progressively warmer. I remember when temperature records used to be set 40,50 or more years ago but that is no longer the case.Nowadays most record temps set have been accomplished in recent years. Dane you are absolutely right these geoengineered storms are just a distraction. They mistakenly seem to believe that a faux snowstorm will erase my memories of what a mild and non existent winter nyc has experienced thus far. I saw the disgusting chemtrail spraying outside my window yesterday afternoon and it made me so angry and sad on the inside. Saturdays are apparently big days for spraying. Within an hour a beautiful blue sky was kaput.It made me so sad Dane-it really did. Dane I appreciate all you do thank you. If I made any mistakes here I am sorry.I have been typing on a very tiny keypad. Once again Dane I thank you.

  18. Nano particles don't reflect heat back into outer space they actually reflect MORE HEAT down into the atmosphere!!!

  19. Years ago our, or world government has hijacked sanity in all regards. I don't want to leave my home during their constant spraying. Is their a virus in it which mutates in all of us a simple lack of caring? These psychopaths are firmly in control and are very entrenched. We just follow along. I really can't escape to my home anymore, it's simply too late for that. Dane continue your great work of spreading the word.

    Chris C.

  20. I too look forward to your weekly Radio report Dane. I found this one especially moving as others have stated. Your words of appreciation for those of us that are in this battle with you are very encouraging. Thank You. I Hope that we, Your World, Brother's & Sister's are filling a bit of the void you've had. It sounds like many of us have lost a Brother or a Sister, or both, to this on going Crime against Humanity & Our Only Planet and "ALL" of it's inhabitants! I've said that I am Happy that my Parents have passed on. Cause knowing this, Would have Killed them!!! Mentally & Physically. It's easier to fool people, then to convince them that they've been fooled! Make the Lie Big, Make it simple, Keep saying it, & eventually, they will believe it. How sad that these words are very true today, more than ever. People are passing out, freaking out, having Heart attacks, even an Elderly passenger stabbed an Airline attendant with a pen during a flight, & a passenger on another flight started choking another passenger for no reason. Others on the flight needed to come to his aide. There are hundreds of these stories that they are now blaming on, Over crowding. Who want's to fly in such a Toxic soup? Bird's fall dead in 34 places World wide. Too much for their little bodies. How can these Toxic Aerosols not be entering the Air craft? Now there are  hundred's of thousands of Bird's falling dead, Worldwide. Yes, I too think HAARP has a responsibility in this massive dIe off. But that's pretty thick up there on heavy spray days.  I want to Thank You also Dane for not Candy coating Weather Modification at any time. Sadly if only those who criticize your Strong words would look at the Proof you always give to back your words & investigate for themselves, they would then maybe have a little Passion of their own. Then this insanity would stop so we can then Work the Problem. Till my last breathe Dane. I will give every moment available. How can our Countries around the Globe go from 300+ days of BLUE SKY a year, to "0"days a YEAR be normal to any thinking mind? This is Insanity & will never be anything else to me. If those you tell do not hear, tell another. Sanity WILL Prevail. When the People are afraid of the Government, there is Tyranny. When the Government fears the People, there is Liberty!!!  Thank You to all others that are too giving their time & energy to this most important cause. Your words too are encouraging. God Bless.

  21. Dane, I left a message on orly taitzs site telling her about you and geoengineering which I do not think she is aware of.  She is a cal attorney who talks about obamas forgerys, fake social and lack of eligibility. Obama,rubio and cruz are not article 2 natural born citizens  who are children born in a country to parents who are it's citizens – Chief Justice Morrison Waite in the unanimous SC opinion minor v happersett.  Every member of congress, the msm and all judges totally ignore this which shows how controlled our country is

  22. Dane…THANK YOU for your courage, insight and fortitude. You tell it like is here in Merica and the world over.

    Why is the majority of our population so easily distracted…because it's a 3 second world. Instant gratification! If it's difficult to hear or deal with, you're not going to hold their attention for more than 3 seconds. It's PATHETIC and DISTRESSING!

  23. Dane you disparrage the media and then uses that very same media to back up his claims, like the CO2 thing. I mean you are cherrypicking main stream data for your own opinion. I think that is a dishonest line to toe.

    1. I think Dane cites mainstream media sources to show that even they admit the statistics, not to use them as his primary source of information.  Occasionally the mainstream media presents the truth, when it's impossible to ignore all the scientific data, as with the "CO2 thing".

  24. As Dane said, things are coming apart.  Many are now referring to these 5 short videos Eric deCarbonnel who had a website at marketskeptis.com.  Apparently, afterwards, he "disappeared".  If you go to this website or google, there are updates beyond 2013.  You can see the extensive workup he had done, with news clips after news clips.that chronical and document what actually happened behind our fathers/grandfathers back.  Like Dane said, stockholm syndrome and burying truth and propaganda, spin doctors.  This may shock some..for me I stumbled across the gold confiscation in the 1930's about 2 years ago.  My father told me much about the "great depression" but never mentioned this, he was probably too young, and his immigrant parents, not knowing the english language, just came here from Austria for some form of normalcy, were ignorant of what was truly going on.  This is deliberate and planned decades if not centuries in advance.  Think about it.  Just before WW II, The USA Inc, forcibly stole billions of dollars from it's so called citizens, by penalty of law, from reports paid them 25% percent of what it was worth, then after collecting all the gold, drove the price of gold back up to where it should have been, creating a great windfall for the bankrupted USA, Inc.  and then sicced the banks, to steal properties, millions driven out of their homes/homesteads.  They did not teach us this in school!  We were only taught about Rita the Riveter, who stepped in to help our military defense (slave labor) while all able bodied men, were sent away to fight a war, once again.  Repeated over and over again, thoughout history!  It has to stop!!  History does not need to repeat itself, what we need is to wake up and get out of this "cycle" after "cycle".  Our brothers and sisters in the military have to wake up!  come home to their families and communities, to help rebuild, communities that respect each and every individual of  Our Creator.  And much have got to understand, the so called "god/goddess's" have nothing to do with the Creator.  That is why it is specifically documented in the constitution as CREATOR.  It does not say "god".  We have been so "dogmafied"  God and the CREATOR, is not the same.  

    Anyway: here is the link: (I hope) let's see if it get's deleted, like many of my posts 
    What I have been afraid to blog about: THE ESF AND ITS .



  25. Dane–thanks so much for this important post–it also reminded me of the Nazis–and why we continue to wonder how this ever could have happened.  Sometimes looking at how this could have happened is instructive.   Found this from the Holocaust Encyclopedia.  


    — Muzeum Okregowe w Rzeszowie / Historical Museum of Rzeszow

    “Common sense could not understand that it was possible to exterminate tens and hundreds of thousands of Jews,” —Yitzhak Zuckerman, a leader of the Jewish resistance in Warsaw

    Propaganda served as an important tool to win over the majority of the German public who had not supported Adolf Hitler and to push forward the Nazis' radical program, which required the acquiescence, support, or participation of broad sectors of the population. Combined with the use of terror to intimidate those who did not comply, a new state propaganda apparatus headed by Joseph Goebbels sought to manipulate and deceive the German population and the outside world. At each step of the way, propagandists preached an appealing message of national unity and a utopian future that resonated with millions of Germans. Simultaneously, they waged campaigns that facilitated the persecution of Jews and others excluded from the Nazi vision of the “National Community.”


    1. Petra…the most horrifying aspect of the Nazi propaganda was that those behind the agenda were doing this to their OWN PEOPLE as well as German & Polish Christians. Those sold out to the agenda would facilitate hardship & persecution of jewish people so that they would gladly forfeit life in Eastern Europe and move to Palestine.

      Today we understand that this was all preordained by Zionists even before WWI via deals worked out with British Lord Balfour, known even then as the Balfour Declaration. We also understand that the Balfour Declaration was an illegal OCCUPATION of Palestine with an ongoing illegal push to resettle shrinking Palestinian lands.  This aspect is largely unknown to the general populace because nearly all forms of media lie, suppress or withhold the truth!

  26. This is a brilliant how-it-works article from Paul Craig Roberts. The banksters are now robbing their own in the west. The Stockholm Syndrome is suggested in Robert’s saying “Something dire has happened to the intelligence and awareness of Western peoples who seem no longer capable of comprehending the machinations of ‘their’ governments.”  [excerpts]:
    The West Is Reduced To Looting Itself / Paul Craig Roberts
    Myself, Michael Hudson, John Perkins, and a few others have reported the multi-pronged looting of peoples by Western economic institutions, principally the big New York Banks with the aid of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
    Third World countries were and are looted by being enticed into development plans for electrification or some such purpose. The gullible and trusting governments are told that they can make their countries rich by taking out foreign loans to implement a Western-presented development plan … the plan results in the country becoming indebted to the limit and beyond of its foreign currency earnings. …unable to service the development loan, the creditors send the IMF to tell the indebted government that the IMF will protect the government’s credit rating by lending it the money to pay its bank creditors. However, the conditions are that the government take necessary austerity measures so that the government can repay the IMF. These measures are to curtail public services and the government sector, reduce public pensions, and sell national resources to foreigners. … the way the West has historically looted Third World countries. If a country’s president is reluctant to enter into such a deal, he is simply paid bribes…  When this method of looting became exhausted, the West bought up agricultural lands and pushed a policy on Third World countries of abandoning food self-sufficiency … With the entire Third World now exploited to the limits possible, the West has turned to looting its own.
    … To keep Western peoples confused about the real threat that they face, the people are told that there are terrorists behind every tree, every passport, under every bed, and that all will be killed unless the government’s overarching power is unquestioned.  So far this has worked perfectly, with one false flag after another reinforcing the faked terror attacks that serve to prevent any awareness that this a hoax for accumulating all income and wealth in a few hands.
    Not content with their supremacy over “democratic peoples,” the One Percent has come forward with the Trans-Atlanta and Trans-Pacific partnerships. Allegedly these are “free trade deals” that will benefit everyone. In truth, these are carefully hidden, secret, deals that give private businesses control over the laws of sovereign governments.   … All over Europe, the corrupt Washington-contolled governments have distracted people from their sellout by “their” governments by focusing their attention on immigrants, whose presence is a consequence of the European governments representing Washington’s interests and not the interest of their own peoples.
    Something dire [the Stockholm Syndrome!] has happened to the intelligence and awareness of Western peoples who seem no longer capable of comprehending the machinations of “their” governments. Accountable government in the West is history. Nothing but failure and collapse awaits Western civilization.
    full article here:

    1. Some very evil group has hijacked our government years ago. Self-destruction ,or our destruction is primarily on their list. They wield extreme power. The battle will be a long and hard one. Spread the news over and over again. Thanks Dane.


  27. My 99th email to my contact list, titled: 'To Tell or Not to Tell'.

    1.  Below is a link to an interesting article that tries to explain why climate scientists avoid telling the general public about the seriousness of the situation – Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE).

    It refers to an article titled When the End of Human Civilization Is Your Day Job, a reference to a study by the University of Bristol cites, "Climate scientists have been so distracted and intimidated by the relentless campaign against them that they tend to avoid any statements that might get them labelled 'alarmists', retreating into a world of charts and data."


    My view is that the very real possibility of NTHE needs to be planted squarely and solidly in front of every person on the planet as soon as possible.  Only then will we have a chance of averting it.

    Yes, some will turn to panic and violence, but there will also be amazing acts of love, kindness and charity.

    2. The Los Angeles methane leak is getting worse. A spark could easily cause a conflagration that would destroy much of the city.   ISIS would probably be blamed, of course!

    1. Let's not forget about all the other gas wells in the world. They all leak methane into the atmosphere and pollute drinking water along side all the chemicals they use for fracking. If you have never seen Gasland and Gasland 2 I would recommend it. Is it possible with all the aerosolized cloud cover all over the planet trapping the methane gas that one day the whole planet will catch on fire? Might be a dumb question I don't know

    2. Hi Dan from Idaho,

      Not a dumb question at all.  There is a very high possibility of a global conflagration if methane levels get high enough.  It has happened before.

    3. Hello again Dan, I was about to say what I then saw Andrew saying: not dumb at all, really could happen.  This is why I fear all the nuclear reactors everywhere and envision them as going off like pop corn all over the globe!  The icing on the cake they have fully baked.

  28. If this can be of any encouragement for all our efforts and especially to you Dane for your incredible sacrifices……we received a random phone call from " former friends" of many years  whom we havent spoken to for a couple yrs now, Our last conversation was to try and wake them up, to no surprise we walked away and let them go back into their deep slumber.This out of no where phone call began with   "What in the world is going on in our country?"  I can only describe the sound of total desperation in his voice as he tried to explain away yesterday his deep gut sick awakening to my husband. It took a hefty reality ( I cannot share online) to get his full attention. He went on to say how we are all brainwashed by every ounce of media…etc. Needless to say…though many will continue to deny facts…I was encouraged that there are still others out there waking up who will eventually have our hard hitting info come down on them like a brick wall,as their fake world crumbles  everyday. Too late? Likely, but I will hold each of these situations as a victory and without this site….I could not do this. Thank-you to each of you and Dane. Even though all this can seem like too much to carry…….let us be greatful for every step forward and every set of eyes that awake, it is our only way forward and our only hope we have. Collectively onward……

    1. Another positive to report – Here in SoCal were are getting some rain.  We logged on to one of the local TV stations' websites to look at the radar images and were sidetracked by a series of cloud photos that had been submitted to the station by a viewer.  We recognized them instantly, but the photographer couldn't identify what it was he photographed and he was asking the station's weather people for help.   The first comment up was from another viewer who told him that they were chem clouds and referred the photographer directly to this site for further information.  AWESOME!  

    2. .. and yet sooooo many, many more, blissfully shopping at Target, fully comatose, on a blustery, ice-nucleated Sunday afternoon like today–  Too many kids, either not enough or way too much money in the Bay Area, and "normal" people tell me all the time how they are struggling:  We private music teachers have seen our enrollment drop over time; the students we taught 15-20 years ago have now returned and are trying to teach because there are no paying orchestra jobs with major symphonies, the only kind that pay real money.  The musicians of San Francisco Symphony went on strike for six weeks and canceled a European tour a few years back, over a $4,000 asked-for increase in base minimum pay that they wanted to add to a base minimum annual of $160k in order to remain competitive with other major symphonies' salaries, then add in pension, plus benefits.  Now that's probably "just" a middle class wage in the San Francisco Bay Area.  But you get two people who have positions there (and there are a few, it's a very "family" major symphony orchestra) and suddenly there's a combined income of around $320k per year.  These top players often get on the teaching faculties of universities in the area like Cal and Stanford, where they can earn up to $60k additional for teaching and performing on faculty recitals.  Nice work, if you can get it… while us freelancers struggle away to keep the monthly bills paid– UGH!  But the cracks ARE showing and subscriptions are down for SFSO, like most every place else.  They are on a campaign of calling anyone who bought a single ticket to get more support.  That's a first for this first-rate symphony orchestra.  Many other orchestras have had serious labor disputes, some were locked out for over a year (Detroit Symphony) and many more of the smaller ones, where the quality of playing is still very high, have folded.

  29. If everyone would get personal licence plates that read lookup then 40 million people a day would read your tag and maybe just look up.

    Keep up all your efforts

  30. Great show as usual, Dane. Very inspiring, very motivational. But those last few sentences are like they are carved in diamond. They were some of the most empathic, compassionate, considerate and spiritual words I have heard anyone speak. We are doing this for life and love. My nickname for you from now on is 'Great Dane'. You are standing tall!

  31. The spooky photos I took of the weird filaments stuck on my flashlight lens have gotten almost 2000 hits! Feel free to take these images and use them as evidence to inform people. Hopefully, the laboratory analysis is coming soon. Thank you, Dane and Sean!
    * October 2015, as Dane suggested I took my flashlight and shone it up into the night sky to see the stuff in chemtrails. Two months later I picked the flashlight up, and noticed that these horrid things had adhered to the glass lens – still after two months!!! Most look like paper thin silver metal, aluminum worms. Notice the red one, very creepy. Morgellons maybe? What made these things stick to the glass lens? Some kind of nano coating to make them more useful? See the red one? The red one is the scariest, perhaps resembling the Morgellons filaments.

    1. Maybe the damned thingys are multiplying on the lens.  Nothing should surprise us as to the extent of bio and chemical perfidious invents in the laboratories of the military-university nexus.  By the way, L.H at Dane's posting prior to this one, mentioned she had been at a demonstration in DC.  She said a helicopter dumped something on them.  She then referred to blisters on her and her daughters lips later on.  This seemed interesting.  So, I looked up microwave crowd control under search.  Yes indeed, there is a weapon for causing extreme discomfort to peaceful protesters by heating (exciting) the water and fat content of the layers of skin over the entire body.  The pain threshhd is reached in three to five minutes.  The device can create PEA SIZE BLISTERS.  Raytheon (ray of god) is one creature involved in research and development.  The technical jargon is ACTIVE DENIAL SYSTEM (ADS).  This heinous device is known also as a non-lethal directed energy weapon.  A heat ray.  For those on the ready to march into the "lions' den"  in mass, realize the beast will be anxious to experiment, and to screw over your physical health, and get their jollies doing so.  The only protection seems to be clothing and head coverings sewn out of aluminum foil.  One million citizens dressed like the Tin Man ought to create a stir:-). 

    2. Hi Susan ….great job with flashlight and your Web site …great articles that blend right in with Geoengineering watch.

      Keep up the great work ….togather we will conquer …not by the sword but by the tongue.




    3. Susan, when a beam of strong sunlight comes into my bedroom window over my puja table, I see an infinitude of tiny fibers floating about everywhere. When the sun hits them just right they GLINT!!! Uh,hello? Sunlight glinting off of what I reckon would otherwise have been ordinary house dust, hair, cat dander, or whatever? I don't think so. I have observed this phenomenon for years. Like "climate forcing", how much longer can this "biological forcing" go undetected and unreported? The power whores behind all this filth and vectored evil will sooner or later experience the boomerang effect of their malignant agenda. Oh, I wish I could be here when THEIR awakening occurs. But, I must ask, is it even possible for the hearts of sociopaths and psychopaths to feel real, true REMORSE for their actions?

    4. Here's an excerpt from an article written by one Sharon Weinberger about the Pentagon's "Active Denial System," from nature.com:

      "For some Pentagon officials, the demonstration in October 2007 must have seemed like a dream come true — an opportunity to blast reporters with a beam of energy that causes searing pain.

      The event in Quantico, Virginia, was to be a rare public showing for the US Air Force's Active Denial System: a prototype non-lethal crowd-control weapon that emits a beam of microwaves at 95 gigahertz. Radiation at that frequency penetrates less than half a millimetre into the skin, so the beam was supposed to deliver an intense burning sensation to anyone in its path, forcing them to move away, but without, in theory, causing permanent damage.

      However, the day of the test was cold and rainy. The water droplets in the air did what moisture always does: they absorbed the microwaves. And when some of the reporters volunteered to expose themselves to the attenuated beam, they found that on such a raw day, the warmth was very pleasant.

      A demonstration of the system on a sunny day this March proved more successful. But that hasn't changed a fundamental reality for the Pentagon's only acknowledged, fully developed high-power microwave (HPM) weapon: no one seems to want it. Although the Active Denial System works (mostly) as advertised, its massive size, energy consumption and technical complexity make it effectively unusable on the battlefield."

      Let's get to the Payload of the article:


      ..hmmmm, yes.. ENERGY CONSUMPTION, AGAIN!!!  Might just save our arses in ways we couldn't have imagined, after all.

      Here's the link to a nature.com article:  http://www.nature.com/news/microwave-weapons-wasted-energy-1.11396

      It's absolutely AMAZING to me how much TIME and ENERGY, as well as PRODUCTIVE THOUGHT and resources, like good minds, and money, is being WASTED on dreaming up ever-more heinous Weapons of Mass Destruction– didn't anyone tell Ms. Weinberger's MOTHER, as well as the mothers of all the others who wrote in the "comment" section?


      Sorry, I just have to howl about the name: 

      "Active Denial System…??" 

      Now, just doesn't that tell you about everything you need to know about what The Powers That Shouldn't Be are mostly all about, hmmm??

    5. Roger – Thank you for your kind words. I agree that my work from so many years of studying the sacred Sanskrit texts fits well with what we are facing. We are beyond blessed to have Dane's courage.  

    6. @Marc, those who define such things equate sociopaths with psychopaths.  And they are by definition incapable of remorse.

  32. Insightful show once again, Dane.  Thank you.  I sure hope your Mother and your brother come to their senses.  Having lost one brother and only one brother left, I would find life very difficult without him.  I'm not able to discuss geoengineering with my brother yet, but I seem to be getting through to my sister-n-law.  I'm hopeful she'll be able to open my brother's eyes to the urgency.  God bless!

  33. So, i have woken up at least 8 people today. Heavy dumping of aerosols and even with smaller chase planes like Cessnas and the sort. Was an easy day just to point up to the sky and say"Hmm i wonder what they are doing with the sky" other person says ,"yeah me too, it's strange". So i go, "well let me explain ( with a smile)". 80-90% of the time the question follows; "okay that's bad but there is nothing we can do about it right?" or "What can i possibly do about it". Then i say, Do like I do, PAY IT FORWARD. 

    You see i'm past the planting seeds thing. I plant a whole tree at a time, and i'm working on a forest (psychologically speaking ofc). I bend people to my will, because the only thing that comes out of my mouth is the Truth. I have no enemys, only a lot of friends, A LOT of friends. I only do face-to-face communication, because i don't trust social media. I am educated in the arts of Technical Physics, Bushido and Psychology. I work as a Ski teacher and i convey the message of nature Everyday. Perfect balance, no fear.

    And this one is for you Dane, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTTNWpag6fI

    1. You mentioned Cessna aircraft.  Early on several years ago when the Geoengineering subject matter first became concious for me, my first purchases was a pair if decent quality binoculars.  Of course I assumed only large jets are involved in the ongoing geoengineering program.  One morning I observed a white trail being sprayed, and I grabbed my binoculars.  To my amazement the aircraft was not a jet.  Rather, the plane was a small Cessna type.  There was other jet aircraft puting down their trails.  There is no doubt what I saw.  And, given where the trail started and ended, the operation was likely intended to spray the valley below me.  The wind was west to east and casual.  Because of my high altitude I have an advantage over the view from the valley.  People there for sure, had they noticed, would only have seen the trail and would assume just another "contrail."  This suggests to me there are various programs for spraying the population.  Some are more local and go unnoticed.  By the way, there is an Indian Reservation that was downwind.

    2. I try to inform colleges & universities newspapers about geoengineering

      via email.  By going online you can find out and simple write to them.

      Informing the younger people has more of an impact than the older folks.  Apparently the old saying that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" still holds true in some respects.



    3. Sebastiaan…yes!  Thanks for sharing your successes. Sometimes we can touch or wake up numerous people in a single day and it's the greatest feeling to know you are a part of the waking up!

    4. I'm pretty sure the smaller planes had an important function, either measuring or spraying some kind of additive. They were flying right into the persistent contrails left 1 minute before by the bigger planes. Normal aviation pilots would never fly into a cloud deliberately. It should have been 2 degree to warm for snow to come down, to prevent a lot of rain they rapidly cooled the sky / ice nucleation. Increase the albedo, maintain snow pack. So i'm trying to get people to come and test this "snow" we just got, in progress.

  34. Once you realize that everything you thought you knew is a lie it can be quite a load to carry. I believe that many people realize that something is seriously wrong on a subconscious level but the thought of a radical shift in their reality is uncomfortable.

    Instead of facing things that are difficult and painful they keep themselves distracted by pursuing the illusion of security. Our whole society has been designed to make it extremely hard to break free of the shackles that bind us.

    Straying from the herd takes a lot of courage. Most people lack the confidence to speak their mind so instead of risking ridicule they bite their tongue and push their true feelings down out of fear.

    I realized this at a young age and it always baffled me as to why humans behave this way.

    So here we are standing on our soap box screaming at the top of our lungs “wake up, they’re killing us.” Occasionally one of them will look up and think to themselves “maybe there is something going on here” but then they’ll look at the herd around them to gauge their reactions before saying anything. When they realize no one else is going to join in and support them they just keep their mouths shut and go back to sleep.

    It’s kind of like looking out of the window from an elevated vantage point to the street below. You see two cars that are going to crash at the intersection but you are helpless to stop it.

    That’s what all of this feels like to me.

    I believe that we will make it through this but not until there is untold death and destruction.

  35. Dane: You are so completely right about all of it.  I spent my few minutes with my doctor this week, trying to get him to read your website so he will know what he is looking at with people who are coughing, have continuous sinus infections, are terribly fatigued not knowing why, and more and more COPD and asthma.  I was there to discuss my extremely low vitamin D3, which was 21…horribly low, and at my age, putting me at risk for all kinds of worse problems.  I let him know that taking 10,000 IU a day of D3 ( with K2) was making no difference, particularly since we are lucky if we get 1 day a week that is sunny here in east central Florida.   Low D3 does indeed cut your functioning immune system way down, and leaves you achey, and fatigued to the point of feeling pretty shaky, getting ill a lot, and not able to think clearly. My mom died from Alzheimers and I wonder if that was a big part of her problem.  I raised the D3 dose to 50,000 IU and felt almost immediately better, stronger with more energy.  I do this under the supervision of my doctor for now, and we will retest again in a month.  Everyone should be tested and on supplements and retested to make sure your level is between 50-70. Today, after many days of cloudiness, trails everywhere, and intermittent rain with warmer temperatures, I was again frustrated to see the skies chock full of trails everywhere until no sunlight was apparent.  I can tell when they do it, because I have tinnitus which is louder on big spraying days and nights, and rainy days also. It is easy to predict the weather this way.  We need to wake as many up as possible.  Perhaps if they understood that the body does not make Vitamin D3 without constant sun exposure, and that their immune systems are running seriously compromised as a result, risking serious diseases which could kill, perhaps then we will get more protest.  Thank you for all you do. We are all lucky we have such a caring and dedicated man to lead this movement forward.

  36. I woke up to this climate engineering reality in February 2014 and I feel shamed it took me so long to look up being an environmental engineer.  We were never taught about Tesla inventions either at Clarkson University.  The only clue I heard over the years was 'cloud-seeding' to make it rain.
    The geoengineering protest in NYC in September 2014 was non- existent.  Unbelievable. I give Italy credit for their recent march.
    I attended a geoengineering protest in Toronto April 2015 and there were about a dozen of us.  The anti geoengineering protest movement is so weak …. another international protest is coming April 23
    So few in Buffalo will engage in this discussion.  The professional engineering societies are hands off the geoengineering topic as well as the 911 demolition project.
    The syndrome Dane talks about causes the majority to be fearful, threatened, disconnected, defenseless, powerless and so few emerge as warriors to protest.  We are labeled eco-terrorists.  The pain in my awakened heart for the future of my children and grandchildren makes me feel dishonest because I don't preach the truth these days about the planet's ongoing poisoning and psychotic manipulation of our minds. I do so mostly outside their view.  
    May higher powers help our civilization. 

    1. Roy,

      I commented on one of your comments recently but you must have missed it, hopefully you catch this one.

      There is a film series hosted by our new alternative newspaper, The Public, starting this Thursday at the Burchfield Penney Art Center.  Topic:  Terrorism.  The first film screened will be Syriana followed by a discussion with panelists.

      I will be attending this event, assessing the agenda, and intend on making my voice heard about 9/11 truth.  This is a ten film series and if they have a manipulative agenda, I will not let the truth be washed out by their either lack of understanding of the truth or, worse, their propagandizing.  

      It would be good to have someone like you be there, I hope you are able to make it.  Perhaps we can meet and establish some plans for increasing awareness of geoengineering in Buffalo.  Like you, it gives me a terrible feeling witnessing the lack of awareness in this city about this issue, among countless others.  

      Here is the info about the film series: http://www.dailypublic.com/articles/01282016/syriana-terrorism-film-series-burchfield-penney

      I know the editor of the paper and do not yet know is he is a 9/11 truther, but we will soon find out.  The Public, as a newspaper, has so far limited itself to its leftist social justice narrative, so I do not have high hopes for them as it stands.  Even though the issues of 9/11 truth and geoengineering have overwhelming social justice implications, publications like this continually discredit themselves by not addressing these issues.  

      I will be in attendance at this upcoming film and hope you are able to be there as well.  I plan on fully challenging the limited discourse that will be offered and have no fear of the judgments of the uninformed and the promoters of the false reality we find ourselves confronting.  

    2. I recently toured the 9/11 Memorial Museum and there was only one crowded small display photo(1) in the wall  exhibits regarding 7WTC.  No photos allowed so I wrote down the entire narrative.

      "5:20pm: After burning for hours 7WTC collapses.  The 47 story tower had been evacuated earlier.  There were no casualties".  That was it … WTF?  Didn't mention some of the most important offices in the world were housed there. 

      Earlier in the day, it had been broadcast several TV stations that bldg 7 had already collapsed … from an office fire on the 14th floor.  A miracle?

      This is all so wrong.  Bldg 7 was not on the large WTC complex model on display either. But there is copy of the NIST report for 7 WTC in another nearby display.  

    3. Oh, I think we could be VERY effective indeed, if we all decide to call April 23rd a massive PUBLIC AWARENESS EVENT Educational Day– what are "They" gonna say to something like that? Then plan and organize little spot-fire events all over the place, in many cities and towns all over the globe? 

  37. The latest on the Navy from the WCAA:
    * How the Navy gets its way: Part 2, Denial. Jan.30, 2016
    It has been a tough month for the public. First we learned the Navy has commandeered 68 beaches and State Parks in western Washington for SEAL combat training that includes armed reconnaissance patrols in residential neighborhoods; neither State Parks nor the Fish and Wildlife Service, nor any other agency, for that matter, was aware of it, and the one agency that had an inkling was not told the full scope of it.
    sonic booms, at least nine of them, so big they caused tremors that were recorded by USGS as earthquakes and scared hundreds of thousands of people across three states, damaging buildings. The Navy would only say their F-35 jets “may have” caused the booms in the northeastern US, but they did at least “reassure” the public that the testing was routine. The next day, under no doubt intense media pressure, they finally admitted it.  Nearly 300 news stories expressed shock and surprise. The Navy has not apologized. They never do.
    …this week’s news that the  Navy admiral in charge of Intelligence has not been allowed to see military secrets for years, followed by the guilty plea of a Navy commander in a corruption case about exchanging military secrets for prostitutes, bribes and Lady Gaga concert tickets.  Add an awkward story about the newest combat ship being unable to fend off attackers in tests due to “significant reliability problems” and “repeated failures,” and an epic Navy bribery scandal ensnaring Navy personnel from the top down, and one cannot help wonder: who is in charge here? Since the Pentagon has not passed a budget audit since a law was passed in 1994 requiring one, and since it’s unclear what has been done since that famous press conference in 2001 in which the Secretary of Defense announced that $2.3 TRILLION dollars was missing from the Pentagon, a sum that amounted to 25% of its total budget, one might be excused for commenting, “You just can’t make this shit up.”
    People living in western Washington are all too  aware of the Navy’s long history of  saying one thing and doing another.
    What does it say about accountability when the Navy can dose civilians with dangerous levels of noise, and an unknown amount of electromagnetic radiation from jets practicing electromagnetic combat overhead? What does it say about respect when the Army can fire rockets into South Puget Sound  to “test” how annoyed the public will be by the flashes and sonic booms? Or that it can do combat helicopter landings in the North Cascades next to a pristine and beloved wilderness, as well as in Southwest Washington, in the best habitat for endangered marbled murrelets? What does it say about the Navy being a good neighbor when, in addition to all the above, it can restrict development on private property, and it wants to do ten times more explosions and sonar activity in waters that surround us? And that they can lie to us, even when caught on video?
    One more thing:  the Navy just awarded a $2.5 billion dollar contract to Boeing for “modifications” to jets. That’s our money, folks. They are still accountable to the civilians who give the Pentagon $600 billion per year, and millions of acres of Defense Department land to train in. Make them accountable by raising your voice, LOUD.

    1. UNBELIEVABLE!.. I guess 'they' figure the more absurd and outrageous their AGGRESSIVELY BAD behavior is- the LESS people will be able to believe it is ACTUALLY HAPPENING. I personally am shocked speechless and cannot fathom there are a*sh*les out there allowing AND carrying out such criminal actions against humanity and nature such as these. Where are the men with COURAGE and GOOD JUDGEMENT enough to go AWOL and REFUSE to carry out such missions over their own countrymen- or any others in the world- for that matter?.. WTF is going on here?!.. What the hell planet are we on here anyway? Just Damn.

  38. Thank you Dane, your speech at the end of your broadcast was very inspiring and motivates me to never give up no matter how depressed I feel at times. Again thank you very much Dane and be careful out there.

    1. Dear Dane and fellow foot soldiers, after hearing todays radio talk I realized how important we all are and how much one person, one man, the man who has made such an impact on my life. I am so grateful to you Dane, I find in you such a real man who has the courage and character to make an attempt to make since; as to, what in the world has happened to mankind I, we were taught to be? (The Stockholm Syndrome) you explained this so well Dane, anyone could understand how these deceivers operate to make people think they are helpless instead of fearless. After learning the truth about so many different issues our governments involved in, I have been completely  shocked over the last 20+ years how all our entire lives we have all been totally lied to about almost everything we were taught in school and at home, starting with our own parents at home, starting with santa clause. Who lies to their children about some big fat guy dressed up in red to bring the presents at christmas?  How did we all fall for this ridiculous story? What kind of message does this send when the child finds out santa was all make believe and its ok to lie if its pretending. How did people get so far out of reality? Like really lets start lying to our own children about this big scary looking fat guy dressed up in a big red get-up, who is going to fit down a small chimney and get a big fat bag of presents down with him, think about that. What if you didn't have a chimney? Makes one wonder how as a people we could be so stupid and tell this ridiculous fabricated story to a young gullible child. Its no wonder so many people are all screwed up, maybe if kids had a truthful start in life we would be better mentors for them. Kids are the future, we have been and are now the ones who were experimented on with vaccines filled with so many toxic potions and from what I can tell these vaccines we have now are even worse than what the  'baby boomer generation' vaccines were. I looked on the wiki page for vaccine ingredients and was blown away because parents are not alarmed by the insane concoctions that is being injected into a perfect baby, free from toxins. Do these doctors even know what they are pumping into these new babies? If they don't they should be charged with criminal negligence/ignorance or else fight for these innocent babies health. Why is this being covered up? Another example of the stupidity being fed to unsuspecting victims. Parents don't even ask to see the package for what ingredients will be pumped into their most special gift of a baby. We have been taught not to question, this is the problem. This crazy existence here on earth is loved by most and the driver for me to save what I love at any and all cost. What a learning adventure everyday. To thine own self be true.

      Lets skip to now and how much our government have the same sort of mentality regarding the monopoly money we now use as an exchange of tender backed by faith and confidence,  who in their right mind would have faith and confidence in this murderous mob of psychopathic crooks, the list would fill a page so for the sake of time I'll make it short. Geoengineering of course they tell us is not real or happening right? We can see it, testing labs has been done in the hundreds over the years with positive proof evidence, but its not happening? We have had hundreds of earth shattering events across the planet, Katrina, Sandy, Andrew, Hugo the list is long not to mention all the tornadoes flatten how many cities and towns? We even have the 753 page document this weather war is true. Case and point, hello, what more evidence do we need? My God! This criminal mob have really done the most insane with 9-11 so they could kick their plan up a notch to gear up for the grand faunally. Hundred's of criminal and absolutely beyond any kind of normal acceptable behavior, these people involved in causing this devastation should be put in an Insane Asylum and evaluated for a sick reality check. You would have to have the mind of a serial killer to do this beyond comprehension spraying of the planet, I mean really who does this crazy stuff? Are their no people left with a half a brain? I am wondering how this continues to go on when the very air we breath is toxic and now everything is dying. This should not be rocket science to see the sky filling with lines going every direction only to fill out in big blankets full of unnatural bright white blinding light illuminating the landscape with webs floating around in the air. When I look at the whole big picture the more Ludacris it gets! This has gone on far to long without serious consequences coming soon. Just like in the days of Noah. If you ever watch the x-files, this sums up the truth of what is really going on in the world, supposedly sci-fi. If we could just help wake the brain fogged or is it brainwashed? That have a half a brain left due to the ignorance epidemic. I am rather insulted to be played as a fool and we have all been played as fools. If we can figure out how to get this message across, we will succeed.

      Dane, I would be honored to have a son a brother or friend like you. It is so hard to understand how families divide and are not able to have enough love to realize we are all in this boat together. I myself have a family like yours, we have not spoke in years either.

      Sorry didn't mean to be so long winded. Thanks to everyone who takes time to let the rest of us know what you think.  Peace to all R.

  39. I have contributed and will continue to contribute. Can you concider taking this message to television? That medium is where most people are. I'm just anguished as this message is available but not known.

    Please stay safe and God Bless YOU.

  40. The enemy's of Christ and humanity are going wild. Climate control, bio weapons and a whole list of other evilness attacking us, and the puppets are too busy playing the game of who is going to be titled president, the next minion puppet to play their part in our destruction, and let's not forget sports, great entertainment that soon will become eliminated. Well today in Ohio sprays early this morning and who cared to look up, just a few. Keep going, Dane, these alerts do help and benefit those who are not blinded.

    1. Amen, Ron, but keep your head and heart high, we are not surprised or misled by the widespread disinfo, obfuscation and apathy, and the ongoing blatant-to-anyone-with-eyes-to-see Skycrime. The Word says “We must through many trials and tribulations enter in to the kingdom of God”
      Be strengthened also by the promise that the days of evil will indeed “be cut short”. I hope that you, and Dane (God bless your courage and committment to exposing the truth) and maybe others gathering here at Geoengineeringwatch might be interested in a little musical offering I “cooked up” about this Stockholm Syndrome/pre-Apocalypse planet theme. It’s called “Boil The Frog, The Chemtrail Opera” Ha! But don’t let that scare you off, either…

    2. Hey Ron:  That great entertainment called football that will soon be eliminated is making ELEVEN BILLION DOLLARS EVERY YEAR– Now that's certainly one Very Big Moneymaker we have going that's hardly going to go away any time really soon, I'd say.  Especially in this day and age when money's going scarce.  It's all about force-feeding The Peons their "bread and circus."  People just eat it right up, then come back for still MORE, like bloodthirsty voyeurs watching gladiators fighting wild animals in the Coliseum.

    3. Steve…thanks for sharing your wonderful work. Lyrics were clever and music excellent (reminded somewhat of Phantom of the Opera). David Dees work is like no others!

      I hope many will think about the "message" within the message!!

      Bless you and your wife for putting your heart and soul into this production.

  41. Weather channel death brings to mind the loss of reporter Michael Hastings a couple of years ago. As I recall article he wrote brought about the removal of General Stanley McCrystal. Also he was looking to write about some "sensetive issue". I remember reading that somehow a car can be taken over and speeded up, anybody else heard or know about this? Follow your site every day, Dane, I stay encouraged by my "brothers and sisters" efforts to battle this corruption/evil.

    1. I think I heard Scott Bennett (author of 'Shell Game' and former Top Secret clearance working with military and politicians in high places in Washington DC) say Hastings was about to release a story about the roughly 20,000 illegal offshore Swiss bank accts. in numerous US Congressman's names who have been accepting bribes from other nations. This may well be the reason he was 'taken out' in the questionable car wreck. I highly recommend hearing Bennett's JAW DROPPING story if you haven't already. Just search his name, site scottbennett.com, listen to his archived interviews with Joyce Riley on the POWER HOUR at gcnlive.com or her site thepowerhour.com or read his book Shell Game to hear the shocking TRUTH about what happened to him. Also there is a good interview with him, Cynthia McKinney and Stew Webb at Veterans Truth Network..A MUST HEAR for EVERYONE!!..(if I were better on the computer I'd post the links myself for you all)

    2. Dave…YES! Michael Hastings knew he was being tracked over a period of time & was finally suircided – such a tragic loss over!  All who knew him well said "he drove like someone's grandma." His wife was threatened if she ever "thought" about coming forward with information.

  42. The airliner that the people got sick on, could they have flown thru a chemtrail  or even the gas leek coming from California?

    1. Yes, 50% of the air in commercial airliners is continually recycled from outside air.  The American Airlines jet could have flown through a dense geoengineering trail that got sucked in and breathed by the passengers and crew.  It is also possible that it flew through a pocket of intense Fukushima radiation which is affecting flight crews and pilots around the world.  https://www.facebook.com/pages/RadChick-Radiation-Research-Mitigation/260610960640885 does a good job tracking airline incidents.

  43. Although I'm chronically ill, 45, and have no children or family to preserve this planet for, I still continue to fight. That being said, I'm glad I have no family or children to leave this mess to. Although no one explained it to me, I've always been very observant and knew humanity was in a downward spiral early in childhood. Optimistically, I assumed others would see this too. Now, realistically, I see this is not possible for the majority of human animals. We are doomed. 

    1. Hello Charlotte, true, life holds no guarantees (especially at this time). But what we are given the sole rights to is this, we can choose to focus our will toward the fight for the greater good, no matter what we face. No one can take that choice from us. If we all pull together, we may yet accomplish astounding good even at this late hour. Never give up.

    2. Yes Charlotte, I too always had a 'sense of it' and am relieved I brought no children of my own into this mess either. I have always been a staunch advocate for and lover of nature and animals and felt I'd be doing a better service to earth by NOT bringing any more people into being here (just my own personal feeling). That said, I surely hope for the best and am working for a decent earth for those children who ARE brought into this world to inhabit it, as well as the many magnificent and diverse species of plant and animal life forms our Creator gifted us with. It is my most sincere hope that we are successful in turning things around for a better future for ALL.

  44. Most people don't have the balls, or the intelligence to believe what the Central Bankers are doing here with Climate Engineering.
    Luckily, we don't need everyone to believe it, we just need to reach the people who DO have the above!

    1. I think it is important to always say "United States Central Bankers" whenever talking about GeoEngineering, it is important to always say this in every other sentence, to drill the WHO into people's heads.
      Also mention that the United States Central Bankers privately own the Federal Reserve Bank, and they create all the money they need to fund GeoEngineering by printing it out of thin air, and that they are trying to perpetuate their private ownership of the Federal Reserve which is a scam, by creating chaos all over the world, by creating ISIS and GeoEngineering.

  45. Dane — Thank you. Your insight into the Stockholm Syndrome is brilliant and so totally insightful correct. Helpless fear renders even the intelligent to blindly defend their captors – who in this case are poisoning us from the sky.  You have said that hopeless fear triggers the forgotten primal defense mechanism. We are locked in a seemingly inescapable virtual-prison by our own thoughts, with an overwhelming sense of being powerless as the toxic particulates shower slow-death down around us onto the soil and into our lungs. And you tapped into the deepest vein of our self-delusion when you say that this feeling of living bound in an invisible prison is epidemic in our society.   Bondage indeed.
    This actually makes sense of the many years of talk-radio shows that tell people that our government is out to annihilate us, advising us get guns, food, bunkers, etc. Fear sells, thus Fear Inc. The threat propagated on these shows and websites is constant, relentless, day after day by the highly successful hosts, so-called ‘insiders'  whose job it is to pretend to care. Their thinly veiled propaganda is all the while produced and sponsored by corporate monopoly media. Why? I don't need to name names, like you I can think of four right off hand that have been “allowed” and paid to spew this kind of fear to the American people for so many years now – which has frankly always bewildered me. Why does the corporate media and their various paying sponsors support these rabble-rousers to endlessly spew hatred like that? This is not intelligent dissent. This effectively generates emotional confusion. Considering your insights into the usefulness of the ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ and the kind of thinking that typically comes out of the deviant-freak Tavistock Institute, these successful fear-mongering carneys (carnival barkers) are serving the agenda of those in power perfectly.  The host usually treats the audience as if they are abused-children who have no hope. And have you noticed that when they are not expressing repetitive self-righteous anger, they often whine. According to them, there is no escape because if there was then they would have no job.  The message to the listener is to adjust to the unending abuse you now suffer. Surely these actors are parasites on human weakness and misery.  And I agree: Don’t listen to anyone who encourages the use guns as a way to protest. It’s what they want. A death sentence.

    1. It is up to the individual, to decide who is telling the truth. There are various sources that do tell the truth and these are the ones which are constantly attacked by hacks hired by the evil cabal. If you believe that 9/11 happened the way it is accepted by most people you are blind to truth. If you think that ebola was something that sprang naturally, you are among the ignorants who believe what they are told. The latest Zika scare is also a false flag. This virus has been around since the late 1940s and much is known about it, yet, all of a sudden it is being blamed for the birth of children abnormalities. The poison being sprayed by these evil people is far more dangerous to earth than CO2. 

    1. Thank you so much for your support, Susan. Know that I feel the same gratitude toward every single individual that has truly committed to the fight for the greater good.  

  46. Dane, thank you for your continued effort to wake the masses. Your passion and commitment come through in your voice and it’s amazing to me that you can continue to put forth so much energy while knowing what you know for such a long time. This knowledge would have, and does, consume and break most people in a much shorter time period.

    Thank you for the explanation of Stockholm Syndrome. I see it on a daily basis with my spouse, family members, and pretty much everyone else. Cheers to keeping up the effort to expose the truth. It's ironic that life is truly a gift of awareness yet so many choose to be unaware.      

    1. What we will see are many of these cowards jumping on board with any evil faction that comes forward to point the finger against a class of people, as the whole nightmare unfolds. Watch the story of Hitler, you only need to see the first 30 minutes of this to understand what I'm talking about:
      Stress and depression on a society that has had their head up their ass rather than productively dealing with all of this can easily result in hasty allegiances to the enemy. I wish the voice of peace and reason could be what grabs people in the days ahead but sadly I don't hold a lot of hope in that regard. We are surrounded in every aspect of our lives with weapons that can destroy us all, and those who have brought these weapons into existence are criminally insane and lawless. And they are in control of our government. They want to see us pitted against each other. This is their sick form of entertainment. 
      Don't lose touch with your humanity in all of this. It is the one thing they cannot take from you, unless you will it to be so. Say this to yourself and mean it: "I refuse to become like them". 

    1. I suppose if we created a lottery with the prize being a spot in the bunker it would dwarf POWERBALL. All the hypocrites will then all line up to say "didn't I say that?"  How can reality be a conspiracy…I suppose there will always be pharmaceuticals….

    2. Hello Joe, stay confident and keep sowing seeds of awareness, those that do not want to wake will will soon enough be forced to open their eyes due to unfolding events, wait and see.

    3. All I can say is Americans prefer to be fat and prefer to be pampered by the government and controlled 'for the greater good' they say.

      Buh Bye America!  I am ashamed to be one and would LOVE to move to Canada.

  47. Thank you for all you do Dane. I don't know how you do it, and I don't know what I'd do at this point without this site to not only confirm, but explain in detail what's going on and how it's accelerating on a daily basis. I feel helpless and hopeless, but so full of rage at the same time. I try and tell people what's going on, I ask them to just look up, tell me what they're seeing is normal, and recommend this site. The reaction is always the same: either willful ignorance and vehement denial, or nothing. Being very much an empath and a sensitive, I also know when someone is thinking "Oh that poor woman. I never thought she was the conspiracy nut type." Whatever. 
    Today was s particularly bad day here in southeastern PA. Saturdays are always bad, have been for at least a year and a half now or longer, but today they're carpet bombing us. And now that I see they're busy cooking up another mega storm, which is what I was afraid of, it explains these particular spray patterns and heavy-duty HAARP activity. In my anger and frustration, I've started a Pinterest board. I posted the pics I took today, as well as some of the truly informative things I've found on Pinterest. There are a lot! In any case, there are links to this site, and I've written simply "look it up" on my posts. I hope it will bring more awareness and more visitors to this site. 

  48. Thank you Dane, for my weekly dose of reality and inspiration. Like you, I am in this fight until my last breath without fear, trepidation or timidity. Never, Ever Give Up!!!

  49. Stockholm Syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.

    Stockholm Syndrome Cure: Distance yourself from friends and family that make you feel like shit for looking at reality. You do not exist as their punching bag. Be honest with yourself and others. Get together a small group of like-minded friends who support you. Take peaceful action, such as creating and signing petitions, passing out flyers, and speaking the truth as often as possible. Tell those who want to sit in the woods and look at the dead trees and do nothing to go to hell. Cry. Allow yourself to feel, and express your grief and anger by emailing or calling the FDA, the EPA, and your state reps. 

    1. This is Part 2 to Stockholm Syndrome, (also known as "Save My Own Ass" Syndrome or "Guy McPherson Syndrome"). The world would be a better place if we'd  live in reality in all aspects of our lives, and here are some more ways to participate in the common good. 
      Rather than having the mindset that we need more electricity, and we must find a way to produce it, take steps now to decrease the amount you are currently using. That's a much greater problem, but it's one that has a much easier solution. Show you really care by doing your part today. Here are some ways to get started:
      Turn off the lights. All of them, all the time, unless you really need it on.
      Return your cable box. YouTube offers plenty of education videos you can access on a computer (you may feel you really need your PC). There is no need for cable TV and electricity is wasted to keep everyone making The Kardashians richer. By having a cable box you are supporting a multitude of chemical and outsourced manufacturing companies that greatly contribute to global pollution.
      If you have a PC, reduce your usage by 25% daily.
      If you were thinking of carpeting that floor, don’t. Many chemicals and a great deal of burned carbon go into the manufacture of carpet. Wood floors last nearly forever and a broom uses no electricity. Goal: toss the vacuum cleaner. Cover your floor with throw rugs to keep your home warm in winter months.
      Purchase your rugs, your clothes, and everything else you can in second hand stores. Stay out of malls.
      The products we use often contain many harsh chemicals. These chemicals have to be produced themselves, and they are often dispersed haphazardly into our global watersheds.
      Rethink everything you purchase. Do you really need it? Is there an item or product that will get the job done just as well that has less chemicals in it?
      Repair or replace the damper on your fireplace chimney. When your fireplace is not in use make sure to close the damper.
      Make sure your house walls are properly insulated. Repair gaps in window frames and doors. Install energy efficient windows or reuse reflective window film to repel heat in the summer.
      Stop using plastic bags. Don’t bring them home from the grocery store and be sure to remind the store manager to offer reusable bags at their checkout stands.
      Turn your thermostat off when you leave your house for extended periods.
      Take action against wasteful corporations in your state, such as water bottling companies that are bottling your state water and selling it all over the globe.
      Get rid of your dishwasher. It wastes a ton of water and energy. Wash your dishes by hand and use bio-degradable dish soap.
      Unless you really must sterilize something in hot water, wash your clothes in cold water and quick cycles. Hang dry your clothes rather than using the dryer.
      Install a low flow showerhead in your bath.
      Collect and use rainwater in your garden.
      Do not recommend the use of fluorescent light bulbs. They are made with mercury and are a toxic health and environmental hazard in production, in the home and in the landfill. If you break one in your home you need to call the fire department and evacuate your house for period of time, and they can’t just be tossed into the trash.
      Many so called sustainable products are anything but good for the environment. Do your homework and don’t just buy it because it’s advertised as “green”. In 2014 National Geographic was one of many environmental organizations that told the truth about Solar Panels. The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition provided Nat Geo with a poor scorecard for Solar Panels. Environmental and health hazards have only increased since these became popular. Solar panels require the use of hundreds of extremely toxic chemicals in their production, and these are thousands of times more potent as a green-house gas than just burning CO2, nevermind the burning of fossil fuels in the production process of them.
      By now you should be living your life like every single day counts. Not sitting in the corner with Guy McPherson meditating your problems away. If you are participating in the world you want to see, you will be a lot less likely to have a complete emotional breakdown than if you are just sitting and stewing. 

    2. "Learned helplessness" is Phase One on the way to creating the Societal Stockholm Syndrome so currently fashionable on Planet Earth. 

      Actually MAKING time for civic engagement should be a prerequisite in our entirely dumbed-down public "educational" system, and not the ridiculously named volunteering "requirements" demanded of our high school students now, presumably to get them to feel good about working for no pay– INVOLUNTARY volunteerism?? Sounds like Phase One on the way to slavery again, actually.

    3. Dane, what an amazing person you are. Nicole, thank you for this posting. We are being assaulted here in Australia big time. I woke this morning very sad and somewhat alone in my thoughts and feelings on this massive criminal activity. You forget for a nano second that others are out there believing what you believe and trying to bring information to the uninformed. I find comfort that although great distances separate all who believe and wish to see action that we can communicate and find support.

    4. To Nicole
      Great post!  I have already done most of this!   I would like to add, grow at least some of your own food.  I know not everyone can, but a lot of people that could, just don't.  A sunny windowsill can produce all the herbs and sprouts you would ever need.  Share the extra with family, friends and neighbors!  Learn to preserve food for winter.  I don't do cable anymore and I SELDOM do the grocery store either.  There is no food there fit to eat!  I personally don't think my food has to come from Brazil or wherever (talk about a carbon footprint) and it shouldn't contain GMO's, antibiotics and hormones.  A local farmer with the same mindset can become your new best friend.  

      I'm a wacko to many I guess, but at 62 I am on no med's, have no health issues and still working.  Most that I know in my age bracket (and younger) have health issues, take multiple meds and a few already in nursing homes.  Hell!  I don't even have a gray hair yet! 

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