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These are indeed strange days on planet Earth. For all of the technological genius of the human race, we have not even considered how to save ourselves from ourselves. The absolute epitome of human insanity is the ongoing decades long attempt to completely engineer Earth's climate system (with countless variations of weather and biological warfare along the way). Even the U. S. National Academy of Sciences is trying to sound the alarm on the dangers of geoengineering (though these scientists have not yet shown the courage to admit global geoengineering has long since been fully deployed). As the biosphere implosion continues to accelerate, the disaster capitalists have come from every dark corner with the goal of profiteering in the final hours of industrialized civilization. I have had my own confrontation with internationally recognized geoengineer David Keith, but there are many more in the camp of climate engineering capitalists.  Who are these people? What are their individual parts in the planetary geoenigneering nightmare? Certainly those on the list below are only the lowest level pawns in the play, but it is still important to who they are and where they fit in. My most sincere gratitude to Jacob Brogan for assembling an excellent exposé of the geoengineering disaster capitalists.
Dane Wigington


Your Geoengineering Cheat Sheet

Who's who in climate engineering? What are the big ethical debates? And what the heck is the albedo?

Source: slate.com, article by Jacob Brogan

Geoengineering describes the active transformation of our planet’s climate through human intervention. Here are some of the key players, major debates, and pop cultural landmarks shaping the ways that we understand this emerging field.

Key Players


Paul Crutzen: Crutzen, a Nobel Prize–winning atmospheric chemist, helped legitimize scientific conversations about geoengineering with his 2006 paper about seeding the atmosphere with sulfur to reflect sunlight back into space.

Peter Eisenberger: Working to extract carbon dioxide from the air through his company Global Thermostat, Eisenberger is at the forefront of the still-developing business side of geoengineering.

Russ George: In 2012, the climate entrepreneur George attempted an unauthorized experiment in iron fertilization, dumping large quantities of metal into the ocean to stimulate the growth of carbon-consuming phytoplankton.

Newt Gingrich: The former speaker of the House, Gingrich is one of geoengineering’s most politically connected advocates, insisting that it’s an important weapon in the fight against climate change.


David Keith: Having literally written the book on solar radiation management, Harvard Kennedy School professor Keith also works to advance the science of CO2 reduction with his company Carbon Engineering.

Marcia McNutt: An oceanographer and editor-in-chief of Science, McNutt chaired the National Academy of Sciences’ comprehensive inquiry into geoengineering, which published its findings in February 2015.

Nathan Myhrvold: The former chief technology officer of Microsoft, Myhrvold has proposed a project he calls the Stratoshield, in which giant hoses would be lifted into the sky by balloons to spray aerosols into the upper atmosphere.


Raymond Pierrehumbert: A University of Oxford–based climatologist, Pierrehumbert has vocally argued against geoengineering by solar radiation management, famously calling such efforts “barking mad.”

Alan Robock: Rutgers University professor Robock’s widely discussed “Twenty Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be a Bad Idea” provided a sweeping response to the proposals of Crutzen and other geoengineering advocates.

Lynn Russell: An atmospheric scientist based at Scripps, Russell has led research into the potential impacts of geoengineering on ecosystems.

Major Debates

Further environmental degradation: Though some geoengineering technologies may help cool the planet, it’s possible that they may release additional greenhouse gasses, harm the ozone layer, or otherwise advance the damage they aim to prevent. Is geoengineering an environmental dead end?

Induced complacency: Even geoengineering’s advocates acknowledge that it’s not a true solution to climate change. But if it’s successfully implemented, will it prevent us from doing more to save the planet? Will it simply give us permission to keep burning fossil fuels?

International cooperation: In the absence of treaties regulating geoengineering, there’s a risk that companies or countries will pursue projects without taking proper precautions—and the climate doesn’t respect national borders. Some commentators even worry that “rogue billionaires” might take matters into their own hands. Can we regulate geoengineering without restricting innovation?

Long-term commitment: Scientists such as Pierrehumbert argue that we’ll have to stick with geoengineering some technologies for thousands of years once we embrace them, lest we cause even worse catastrophes. Will civilization stay stable for long enough to make a difference?

Price tag: At present, the most effective geoengineering technologies are prohibitively expensive, often less cost-effective than converting to environmentally safe energies. Can scientists bring down the expense? Or should we pursue these avenues regardless?

Unequal effects: Most geoengineering proposals would have different (and often unpredictable) effects on different regions of the planet. Even as some benefit, others would potentially suffer colder winters, decreased rainfall, or other problems. How can we assure that it helps all?

Unintended consequences: We lack the technological sophistication to accurately model most geoengineering proposals on a global scale, making it difficult to anticipate their effects. Should we continue researching these consequences or try to aggressively push the technology ahead?

Weaponization: Many geoengineering proposals originate in Cold War technologies. As the science advances, will we be able to prevent their renewed use as weapons? How can we prevent climatological conflicts?

Pop Culture

The Brothers Vonnegut, by Ginger Strand: Delving into the historical origins of climate technology, this biography demonstrates how weather-control technology shaped science fiction—and how science fiction helped shaped geoengineering in its wake.

Green Earth, by Kim Stanley Robinson: Collecting and condensing the three volumes previously known as the “Science in the Capital” trilogy into one novel, Robinson imagines attempts to resist the effects of climate change—and some of the disasters that could ensue.

Hypercane,” by Eric Holthaus: In this short story published in Vice, Slate’s Holthaus shows how the promise of geoengineering could make things worse if we don’t aggressively investigate the technologies behind it.

Ice Twisters, directed by Steven R. Monroe: In this box office bomb, cloud seeding–based geoengineering creates an absurd disaster. But science can fix what it has wrought!

Snowpiercer, directed by Bong Joon-ho: This acclaimed film depicts a world driven into a new ice age by geoengineering gone wrong.

Thunder & Lightning, by Lauren Redniss: In this beautifully illustrated hybrid of comics and science journalism, Redniss visualizes some of the ways humans have attempted to regulate the weather, especially in the face of rapidly accelerating climate change.

Who Shot Mr. Burns?”: The famous Simpsons whodunit began with Mr. Burns plotting to block out the sun so that Springfieldians would be forced to consume more energy. It’s kind of geoengineering!

Read Up

20 Reasons Why Geoengineering May Be a Bad Idea,” by Alan Robock: Despite its listicle format, this thoroughly annotated article offers one of the most comprehensive, rigorous challenges to geoengineering advocates.

Albedo Enhancement by Stratospheric Sulfur Injections,” by Paul Crutzen: With this seminal paper, Crutzen helped to legitimize scientific conversations about geoengineering.

A Case for Climate Engineering, by David Keith: In this readable volume, climate scientist Keith makes a passionate case for albedo modification technologies, exploring their promise and the effort required to put them into practice.

Climate Intervention Reports, by the National Academy of Sciences: The product of years of research, this report comes close to offering the scientific consensus on both carbon dioxide removal and albedo modification.

The Ethics of Geoengineering,” by David Appell: The first of a two-part series, this essay offers a thorough, balanced examination of geoengineering’s risks, as well as its possible rewards.

The Planet Remade, by Oliver Morton: Even as he discusses the science behind geoengineering technologies, Morton goes deep into the social and political anxieties that hover around them.


Albedo: The portion of sunlight that the Earth reflects back into space. The albedo is shaped by factors like cloud cover and snowfall.

Biological pump: Under ordinary circumstances, oceanic plankton naturally pull CO2 out of the atmosphere. By increasing plankton quantities, some geoengineers hope to reduce atmospheric CO2 levels.

Carbon dioxide reduction: A key geoengineering strategy, carbon dioxide reduction would involve removing pollutants directly from the air.

Ocean fertilization: The artificial stimulation of the ocean’s biological pump. Ocean fertilization might help pull CO2 out of the atmosphere, but it could also damage fisheries.

Solar radiation management: The second major geoengineering strategy, solar radiation management aims to cool the Earth by increasing its reflective properties (see albedo).

Source: slate.com, article by Jacob Brogan

98 Responses

  1. The Dawn of Aquarius

    It is a steel grey morning

    No sun within the keep

    The hills lay dank and empty

    With soot upon the leaves

    Black eternal sentries

    Send smoke above the town

    What price to pay for freedom

    The gods are surely weeping

    For the children lost their way

    Sometime before the dawn

    Paul Vonharnish (Pittsburg, PA  March 16, 1975)

    1. i suggest you buy some well filtered chemical gasmasks for xmas folks!! because the final solution planners have done a grease-monkey damn good job in spraying millions of innocent civilians with a serious amount of aluminum-arsenic-cadium-flu-spores-and 25 or more other fine batches of deadly toxinated elements using you as lab rats!!! the symptoms of which are-alzheimers-cancer-lung disease-blood formations-hemmoraging-brain trauma- skin aflflictions- heart problems-lukemia-flu.and 45 differant health issuances .  these bastards are commiited to total depopulation at any cost!!   enough money paid to pilots to decimate the nations citizenry for good!! and tell me the u.s. govt. doesn’t know this black-op military program at hand??? these criminals should be rounded up and sentenced for crimes aginst humanity asap!!! the punchline here??? well frankly—-the joke is on the american people with a mostly blind mindset!!! research chemtrails——you will see the evil septre of this diabolical nwo plan—-agenda 21   – big pharmacuticals cannot cure the masses of the witches brew these conductors of toxichem have dumped for over 25 years on us!!! solution?????~~~ live underground with the lizard people?? live in caves with the dogmen??? live underwater with mermaids??? what???

  2. When the time comes, the scientists who helped by remaining silent will also be liquidated. Because of what they know and what will be their reaction to the results of that with which they were complicit, it will be necessary to remove them. They are just a cog in this machine like everyone else and they are very expendable. They are like a witness in a court case where the criminal defense needs them for a while, but then finds them to be a liability after their testimony is used. Yes, the gallows in the distance are waiting for them too.

  3. Arms sales by the top 100 defense groups slip for the fourth year running, with US giants dominating the sector. … Data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) think-tank … annual report shows the defence industry continues to be dominated by companies based in the US and western Lockheed Martin once again retained its title as the world’s largest defense business, with sales of $37.5bn in 2014, out of total revenues of $45.6bn, according to SIPRI.


    1. Precious metals are a way to protect your monetary value (savings) in a currency devaluation. Money is not currency. Currency is a promise of money, nothing more. Money refers to every useful thing you might require in life. Fiat currencies (paper notes and cheap coins) always return to their intrinsic value – zero.

      Precious metals, because of their scarcity or industrial uses, always retain value. Although, gold and silver prices are massively manipulated on the stock market by the thieves of Wall Street with their algorithmic trading computers.

      Interestingly, gold and silver are manipulated down. Silver is below production cost. JP Morgan sets the price of silver AND is hoarding millions of ounces of silver bullion. This is a company that thrives on currency manipulation (derivatives, etc), but here it is buying up lots of bullion. They must be hedging against a looming currency devaluation, that is, the crash of the dollar.

      It wouldn't hurt to buy some silver. It is so cheap that almost anyone can buy a least a little bit.

  4. Last night Jan.12, Craig B. Hulet  http://www.craigbhulet.com/ was on George Noory and toward the end of the interview Hulet stated that he felt the Globalist Corporate Regime is setting the USA up for a war they know we cannot win so they can get rid of the last vestiges of people who have the Bill of Rights and Democracy in our blood. I agree. I feel that this latest escalation of military “war games” in civilian areas shows that they are getting ready for WWIII. We are already being exposed to radiation from Fukushima and our immune systems weakened by chemtrails, radio transmissions & microwave frying of the sky. The insane psychopaths are intentionally keeping the public passive, asleep and making resistance arduous. Nukes next? Paul Craig Roberts, Craig B. Hulet, and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky have all three come the same horrible conclusion.

    No Danger of Nuclear War? The Pentagon’s Plan to Blow up the Planet / By Prof Michel Chossudovsky /Jan.11, 2016
    Publicly available military documents confirm that nuclear war is still on the drawing board  of the Pentagon. Compared to the 1950s, however, today’s nuclear weapons are far more advanced. The delivery system is more precise. In addition to China and Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea are targets for a first strike pre-emptive nuclear attack. Let us be under no illusions, the Pentagon’s plan to blow up the planet using advanced nuclear weapons is still on the books. War is Good for Business: Spearheaded by the “defense contractors” (Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, British Aerospace  et al), the Obama administration has proposed a one trillion dollar plan over a 30 year period to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons, bombers, submarines, and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) largely directed at Russia and China. A new arms race is unfolding. Russia has in turn responded to US threats through a major modernization of its strategic nuclear weapons arsenal.
    …In the post Cold war era, US nuclear doctrine was redefined. There is no sanity in what is euphemistically called US foreign policy. At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable…

  5. I think those of us who are very close to this anti-geoengineering stuff must remind ourselves that at this late stage of the game there are countless millions who perhaps through no fault of their own simply have not locked on to the magnitude of what is being done to our atmosphere. They have lived their lives doing what they do but for a variety of reasons just haven't had their "ah-ha!" moment. I can forgive them for that. It's ok. But in these important and critical times for life on Earth, that veil of ignore-ance is being violently yanked off the faces of many millions. This phenomenon is so intricate, the disinformation so acute, that it does require at least some modicum of smarts to really "get" what's happening. The dumber the people, the less awakening to reality. I routinely tell people there is really only one website needed to fully and completely understand what is essential in this awakening: geoengineeringwatch.org. If you encourage people to just go to the web to find out more about geoengineering, well….we all know the pitfalls that are lurking everywhere. This site is vastly more than sufficient to peel off the layers of the onion for the "uninitiated". End of story.

    1. As we now know Marc, the ingredients of these aerosols act as neuro toxins that are responsible for the dumbing down of society.  Now I've read that lithium is the latest ingredient, sigh.  Add fluoride, aspartame, and a litany of others chemicals in our air, food, and water, and you begin to see the scope of what humanity is up against.  Fear, denial, and this chemical caused apathy is also part of the big picture here, and most of the public has no idea they are even being drugged!  I've asked dozens to view this site, but they are too afraid and can't handle the truth, or simply just don't care.  The possibility that all life is being affected by this doesn't seem to matter to them, so once again the apathy is rampant.  They cannot imagine our corporate gov't being responsible for this travesty, and refuse to look into it, calling us paranoid and crazy.  They will be in for quite a shock when the truth comes out.  Let's make that a reality this year eh?

    2. Nicely written and your explanation of the conversation I hope is shared by many. I have a lot of friends and family to reach. Just wanted to say thanks and good luck to a fellow human being who cares for the greater good as do I. Peace.

    3. Precisely right, Marc. Although, I have had the argument thrown at me that "If this is all so true, why aren't there multiple sources of information on the internet?" I can only reply it seems obvious to me that in this age of information suppression due to media control, there will not be 'official' sources admitting anything.

      But of course there are several go-to alternative media sites, such as Dane's. I stress to others that the information needs to have citations so the reader can verify for themselves the authenticity of claims and statements, which of course it does here.

      In reality, of course it only requires a bit of reading and watching some of the videos on this site and then walking outside and observing the sky for a while and the average individual with all his capacities of learning can see for himself that something is going on. Because of this very easy fact, we have had the 'look down' phenomenon hoisted on to us, not to mention all of the endless entertainment drivel and dumbing down of all public information content (news, etc).

      They are doing their best to prevent people looking up and starting to think for themselves.

  6. I'm speculating that the advocates for geoengineering listed in this article are not the perpetrators, only the patsies.  Follow the money to find out who's funding these programs.  It may even be the taxpayers of the world, unbeknownst to us.  If we only knew what the alphabet groups did with all their money, the masses would shut them down.  It is pure insanity to think, fund, and perpetrate this agenda at the cost of all health and perhaps even life on the planet.  Evidence is overwhelming of the adverse effects of these metals in all ecosystems.  Is this the smoking gun connection to the rise in all the new auto immune diseases, autism, and alzheimer's?  Could the medical and pharmaceutical industries have something to do with this?   It is criminal and psychopathic!


    1. I suspect the energy sector is a big player. Here in Arizona we went from air conditioner to heater with no in-between. $$$  Ice nucleating us day after day. The difference in the spray tells me when I need to cover my plants at night. I wish I new what they are spraying. When I wake up, my throat burns like it did in the 70's after being out in the CA smog as a child. Remember when hairspray damaged the ozone layer? Can't they use that argument?

      Thank you Dane, and your Legal Team for all you're doing.

    2. I'm completely positive that geoengineering aerosol metal sprays are and have been doing the MAJORITY of the destruction of the ozone layer, that and the jets that fly at military altitudes, and the space launches. Then we get blamed for it all by having used aerosol hairspray and underarm deodorant– how insane is that? 

      The ice nucleation was so terribly bad here in the S.F. Bay Area last night that I had a sore throat most of the day yesterday– people, drink your water, this sh*t dries you out and causes the sore throats; then I stay at a place with no insulation and single-paned glass windows last night.  It was sooo cold I had to sleep with all my clothes on, two hats and gloves– ugghhh!

    3. I've been told by doctors, Todd, that the pharmaceutical industries are really drug cartels of sorts and so big, so powerful that even the great USA cannot control them, maybe not even the US plus Canada, plus Russia plus half of Europe.  Makes El Chappo seem a saint by comparison.  It would seem that many of their companies are in fact involved with agriculture and pesticides such as neoniconoids-think Bayer and GMOs and bee die off as well as other pollinators, not to mention the huge bucks involved in constant antibiotics to "farm" animals.  Plus, most now have overseas tax havens!  I wonder who are the main actual people behind all this, what their names are and where they live.  They make Wall Street look like chump change.

      Seems as if it took AIDs to get docs to a point of beginning to understand how the immune system works.  Then came the mapping of the genome.  My autoimmune complex is the result of a gene or two.  We found them.  This is more or less recent advances, so I am forever wondering what is me, and what is from geoengineering.  On the other hand, I was born after, two years after we dropped hydrogen bombs on Japan, so who's to say that was not a factor in genes gone wrong?

  7. My original letter to Rep. Defazio used the terms "Solar Radiation Management & Stratospheric Aerosol Spraying, hence my reply came back with their terms "Chemtrails.
    Thank you for your message about chemtrails. I can best help by urging you to make a complaint to the Federal Aviation Administration Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) in Oregon. 

    The FSDO will need some facts before conducting an investigation. Please describe the aircraft in as much detail as possible. If you can, identify the aircraft as military or civil and as a high-wing or low-wing aircraft. Please include the registration number (located on the fuselage) and the color of the aircraft. Your written complaint should note if the aircraft was at high or low altitude and how you estimated the altitude; the direction the aircraft was flying; and when and where the aircraft was observed. If you have supporting evidence, such as photographs, videos, or police reports, please include copies with your complaint. Provide information about the lens used to take the photographs and identify any landmarks in your photographs or videos. The FSDO will also need the names and addresses of any witnesses and their contact information. 

    Send your written complaint and supporting documents to FAA Flight Standards District Office, 3180 NW 229th Avenue, Hillsboro 97124.


    Thank you for your message about chemtrails. I can best help by urging you to make a complaint to the Federal Aviation Administration Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) in Oregon. 
    The FSDO will need some facts before conducting an investigation. Please describe the aircraft in as much detail as possible. If you can, identify the aircraft as military or civil and as a high-wing or low-wing aircraft. Please include the registration number (located on the fuselage) and the color of the aircraft. Your written complaint should note if the aircraft was at high or low altitude and how you estimated the altitude; the direction the aircraft was flying; and when and where the aircraft was observed. If you have supporting evidence, such as photographs, videos, or police reports, please include copies with your complaint. Provide information about the lens used to take the photographs and identify any landmarks in your photographs or videos. The FSDO will also need the names and addresses of any witnesses and their contact information. 

    Send your written complaint and supporting documents to FAA Flight Standards District Office, 3180 NW 229th Avenue, Hillsboro 97124.

    1. Muse Minus Time, Well!  This is different!  The detail is impressive.  this seems unique.  I hope all there do this!  I can't wait to see what happens!

  9. Another week of HAARP induced seismicity stretching from central Canada (M4.2) down through Idaho, NV, and one just an hour ago in CA desert.  Geoengineers working hard to maintain the BELOW NORMAL and even FRIGID air temps in SoCal.  Moving air masses from Canada or AK for maybe six weeks now.

    Just viewed an old video on Youtube, Johnny Cash's version of Ghost Riders in the Sky.  Great old cowboy song.  I love it.  Note to Chemtrail pilots and crew: That song has a message for you too –  you are doomed to fly for eternity @ 30,000 feet on a mission that NEVER COMES HOME.

  10. Obviously I pushed an accidental button. My point is ,that the animals are very hungry,and there natural winter grounds are not able to support them. I have lived here for 49 years,never have I seen such a wide range of animals so desperate.
    I think the masses need to worry more about starving,and dehydration,more than war. Those of us that are awake are having to wait for the brain dead sheeple to look up and connect the dots,are tied to the drowning fools. For some  one to think that a sky full morphing trails in the sky is normal,is in total denial,or brain dead already. I run into so many people that have only concern for themselves,its sickening.
    I am curious as to how many of you have heard the strange sounds (explosions,weird humming),coming from the sky? What ever they are,I don't think its good.
    Thanks Dane, and every one concerned enough to resource this sight,for breathing some sanity into this abused word.

    1. Yes Jeff, Lately I have heard a few weird sounds that made no sense.  They got my attention.  Just a few, not many and each different.  Not sure if all were from the sky.  One was a deep deep humming.  Another was a sharp sound from the sky. Another was a kind of whistling sound that was really weird and seemed very high up.

      A couple? of weeks ago when in a rain storm with lightning and thunder, I slept through that, but my daughter swore the sound of the thunder right before the lightning strike near her, seemed to come from the ground.  Not the sky.

  11. We have been hit with 5 straight days of an onslaught of chemtrails here in CO. My son has been so tired (us too) and he said 3 people fell asleep in school yesterday!!! These damn things make you exhausted.

    1. Tim, Anything that affects kids like this with yours is very disturbing.  How old were these kids?  I too have been so very very tired.  Yesterday, I had to take two long naps.  All week long this has happened to me, but I figure it is me.  Though sometimes I do wonder.  As it seems way too much even for me.  I am often utterly exhausted.  My house lets all sorts of air in, lots of it and nothing I can do about it. Plus I open my windows a bit or a lot, depending, for air!?!  I have to if I run the heater.  This place is very old.  What did the teacher say about all these sleeping kids?

  12. Thanks to all for responding to my post re: dying cedar trees. I took Dane's advise and watched the movie"The Road" the other night. Most depressing movie I have ever watched but such a true depiction of what humanity is heading towards.

    Do you know how,when you recommend a movie to a friend, they will usually watch it because it was recommended by their friend.

    This may be a good way to open up dialog with that person, after they have watched the movie, regarding climate engineering and all the other destructive things going on in our world.

    Just a thought.

    1. I was trying to warn ya'll about "The Road". It's graphic and grose and sad. I wouldn't have watched it had I known what I was in for. I have enough nightmares as it is.

    2. The Idiots-In-Charge keep cranking out the stoopidest movies imaginable, mostly for kids, of every age.  Just saw a trailer for "Money Monster," with George Clooney and Julia Roberts, directed by Jody Foster.  Some guy barges onto a newsroom set and makes the money talk-show host put on a vest with explosives, then gets air time on a major news network about how our economy has gotten hijacked and we need to round up the bastids or else he's gonna blow up the talk show host.  Then there's something called "Minions," about creatures that start out as yellow one-celled organisms and go around looking for Evil Masters to serve, falling into deep depressions when their Evil Masters leave– truly bizarre.  The scariest "movie," by far right now, is reality, the one staring us right in the face.  Sometimes I think I'd really rather deal with meeting the Sasquatch!

    3. Nicole, I have to agree, based only on having seen the trailer (that alone was too much for me).  The main message I got was: be very afraid of everyone around you, because in time of crisis they will try to eat you.  My question is:  How is it always 'the other guys' that are bad?  We are all 'the other guy' to everyone else in the world; are we all psycho cannibals?

      Someone once said that a society can be understood by the stories it likes to tell, and I think that is true.  I worry that films like this become self-fulfilling prophecies, because they turn people against each other even before the collapse comes.

    4. Hello Penny, in a world filled with fantasy films of the future that are completely detached form any semblance of reality, films like “The Road” have their place. If the human race does not immediately and completely wake up and change it’s direction, “The Road” is a snapshot of what is to come. If we are to in any way alter such an outcome, it is imperative for us all to expend every possible effort and energy to wake those around us. Every day counts, we have no time to spare.

  13. Well, just doing a geoengineering update here in southeast, NJ.  Yesterday, they left us alone, because they had significantly dropped the temps from the 60's on Sunday, to below freezing, but I was still feeling the physical effects of HAARP/ELF/RF all day.  But this morning, looked out and saw what most would think was "frost", yet looked more like tiny styrofoam balls (much like the snow seen last winter).  The canal has a solid thin ice layer, yet it was not cold enough, my partner went outside and said, you know it is warmer than you would think with ice on the canal..my response "god only knows what they dropped on us last night.  Obviously the surface temps are much colder than the air temps.  Since dawn,  we have been blasted with ice nucleated "clouds" and very strong gusting winds.  I have the heat up to 72 degrees because whatever they are using is radiating cold thru the walls and double paned  insulated windows.  Many of my co workers have remarked to me over the past 6 months, how it is colder in their homes than outside.  We must continue to educate and document our weather conditions all over the world.  These psychopaths are going down, and they want to take us with them, than face responsibility and accountability for their actions.  They will not escape Justice!!!!  

    1. I noticed how cold the air became the first time I was treated to ice nucleation experiments drifting over CA from the east Pacific back in June 2010– the year "They" ruined the air completely, if you ask me.

      This stuff just makes it right through the microspaces around your windows and any chinks you might have around the doors, lands all over every last thing, even penetrates blankets, getting right in the bed with you, like the invasive, monstrous entity that it is.  It's always cold here, it's an abnormal cold I first became aware of one late fall back in the 70s, and I'm thoroughly sick of The Ghouls' massive UNCONTROLLED large-scale "experiment–"  Little pea-brains, JUST WHO the feck do these narcissistic psychopaths think they are–?!!!

  14. With all do respect.  I've been studying the family listed below since 1965.  In my opinion they have been the single largest true enemy of America over the past 250 years to the present.  They're the huge money behind the insanity of what's taking place in our atmospheres within the US and  throughout the world.
    They control the Bank for International Settlements in Basil, Switzerland, which is the controlling bank of all central banks in the world, inclusive of the Federal Reserve Private Corporate Bank.  Actually, the New York Federal Reserve Bank is the most powerful within the system of 12.  There collective wealth is well into the high Trillion Dollar range.
    Here they are: 
    Baron David 'rene de Rothschild  –  age 73 – from France
    Sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild  –  age 84 – from England
    Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild  –  age 79  –  from England
    Edouard 'Etienne Alphonse de Rothschild  – age 58  –  from France
    The New Crown Prince:  Alexandre Guy Francesco de Rothschild  –  age 36  –  from France.  Son of David 'rene de Rothschild
    Benjamin de Rothschild  –  from France 
    Complete your own do-diligence!

    1. Kenny, I can't help but notice the date since when you've been following this family, studying them.  I'm guessing Viet Nam played a role in this?  France got us into that one didn't they?  Given the length of time you've been at this, can you connect these guys to any planes or chemical companies?  Considering the use of weather modification and spraying in Viet Nam, this gets interesting.

  15. The general consensus is that there is a "skyblaster" HAARP type antenna array emitter in the Antarctic and that the array of humans down there are staking out territory & resources for Goldman Sachs to confiscate.

    Antarctic ice sheet has stopped expanding for the first time in four years /Reuters – 11 Jan 2016
    The Antarctic ice sheet has stopped expanding for the first time in four years, and in fact, sea ice extent has dipped below average levels.  …There are some potential theories as to why Antarctic sea ice was able to persevere over the past few years despite the global warmth, such as impacts of the ozone hole and feedback loops due to the ice melt, but these theories stop short of explaining the sudden shift mid-last year. … this leaves great uncertainty as to what will happen in 2016 and beyond. Did the recent activity in Antarctica truly signal a shift in sea ice patterns? … The linkages among Antarctic sea ice, the surrounding atmosphere, and impacts for daily human life are much less understood than those in the Arctic, but one thing that is known is that melting of the Antarctic ice sheet would inevitably lead to a rise in ocean levels. If the entire Antarctic ice sheet were to melt, sea level would rise approximately 190 feet (58 meters), completely eliminating many major world cities, including several small countries.

    Antarctic sea ice melt released carbon from oceans as ice age ended  /Cambridge, UK (SPX) Jan 05, 2016
    A new study reconstructing conditions at the end of the last ice age suggests that as the Antarctic sea ice melted, massive amounts of carbon dioxide that had been trapped in the ocean were released into the atmosphere. … sea ice can prevent CO2-rich water from releasing its CO2 to the atmosphere. The Southern Ocean is a key area of exchange of CO2 between the ocean and atmosphere. The expansion of sea ice during the last ice age acted as a 'lid' on the Southern Ocean, preventing CO2 from escaping. The researchers suggest that the retreat of this sea ice lid at the end of the last ice age uncorked this vintage CO2, resulting in an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    East Antarctic Ice Sheet stayed frozen for 14 million years /Dec. 2015
    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) has remained frozen for the past 14 million years, according to researchers who used an innovative technique to date one of Antarctica’s ancient lake deposits.
    Antarctica was once lush with plants and lakes. Finding out how long the continent has been a barren, cold desert of ice can give clues as to how Antarctica responded to the effects of past climates and can also indicate what to expect in the future as Earth’s atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide grows…

    1. The general consensus is that there is a "skyblaster" HAARP type antenna array emitter in the Antarctic and that the array of humans down there are staking out territory & resources for Goldman Sachs to confiscate.
      Please provide translation:
      "General consensus:"  Amongst WHOM?
      "Skyblaster" array in Antarctic– of COURSE we won't be able to find it..
      "Array of humans:"  WHICH ONES would those be– you, me; our relatives in the southern hemisphere?
      Mainly I just see a bunch of "scientific" articles here championing the "saviour" that is geoengineering, going around in circles, based on speculation about arctic ice in times so very long ago, even "They," the people whom too many here look as if they believe are actual GODS, can't possibly fathom– that's all–  Sheesh.  Again, we've learned not much other than what may have happened in the past.  And as you are warned in investing, past performance is not necessarily a predictor of future performance.  And ALL bets are off since geoengineering got started.

  16. Good afternoon friends. I don't mean to come off as the voice of doom, or as some kind of pseudo psychic, but I do see patterns. Having been aware for some time that I'm nothing but a microbe in a Petri dish to the collection of Dr. Evils behind this thing, I read and I watch what's happening, and I see patterns. 

    We now know that there may be pending legal action, with a team of lawyers and a PR firm, ready to go. At first, I thought this was the best news we could hope to hear. However, now that I'm reading about the experts, with credentials and believability, extolling the virtues of geoengineering in any and all of its forms, my first impression was that "they" are getting ready to institute Plan a(1), as I cal it. It's like a psychotic game of chess. If the collection of Dr. Evils have respected experts, with the appropriate letters after their names, lined up to practically beg for governmental intervention to save the world, THAT will make the MSM and it will happen sooner rather than later. Once it does, it will then be handed to the overpaid talking heads in the MSM.  From that point forward, what we know to be the nightmare that's been going on for decadeswill look, to the average person who would never otherwise believe it, who would never even look up if we begged them, like something that's being done by the benevolent government(s) in our best interests. I can almost hear the "Mighy Mouse" theme playing: Here they come to save the day!! People will be clamoring for MORE geoengineering programs to be instituted. They'll believe what the talking heads tell them, as they believe the bullshit they're spoon-fed on a daily basis. 

    And then, if it goes public in that way, we will no longer be looked upon as merely conspiracy nuts: then, we'll be looked upon as traitors and worse. Then, we'll be regarded as threats to not only national security, but threats to the survival of the damn planet.

    In other words, the worse thing that can happen, whether it's before or after any litigation is instituted, is for the Dr. Evils and their minions to ADMIT what's going on, and how it's for the benefit of mankind, yada, yada, yada. If it happens before, needless to say any legal action would be dead in the water, because national security. If it's after, same outcome, only now we're all dangerous traitors, or some such designation. 

    "They" have had every T crossed and every I dotted long before this nightmare was instituted. Nothing's been left to chance. If there are chinks in their armor, so to speak, it'll take more time to find them than we have left at this point. I would say, then, to eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow… Well, we know the rest. How messed up is it that a great many of us can't even do that? We're too sick to eat very much, or we have no appetite. We can't or dare not drink because our body and brain chemistry has been so devastated. And be merry?? That's the most difficult of all. 

    1. Hello Diane, take heart, the power structure will not be able to sell geoengineering to the population and there are ever more experts speaking out about the dangers of climate engineering. Let’s all keep our stride and focus squarely on the task at hand, fully exposing climate engineering. If we can expose the insanity, we can bring it to a halt. This does not mean our challenges are over by any measure, but it will be a quantum leap in the right direction.

    2. Thank you Dane, for all you do. Sometimes it just seems completely overwhelming and hopeless, but doing nothing certainly isn't an option. It's heartening to know that step in the right direction is happening, inch by inch. We'll do whatever we can to make that happen. 

    3. Let's not undersell the possibilities of what CAN be done.  I for one see that there are soooo many problems with the geoengineers' Plan for The Planet that it's like give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves.  That's going to be a very large part of the undoing of The Rotten Poisonous System we've all just let happen here, and that's the other part in it– OUR tacit complacency in allowing it to go forward, without end, apparently.  The instigators and chief profiteers, after all, are the smugly arrogant "know-it-alls" who cannot make good long-range plans or see that they have actual problems within their plans, called "unintended" consequences– shoot first, ask questions later, make bank deposit in the mean time.  Speaking of which, just take a good long look at the Infinite Economic Growth paradigm, the underlying problem that you let say that you can have infinite growth on a planet of finite resources– REEAALLY?  What'dya smoke for breakfast, dudes?

  17. How is it possible that Peter Wadhams, Paul Beckwith, Stephen Salter and others have jointly signed on to a published letter calling for immediate implementation of geoengineering to halt the progress of global warming? This is an outrage, but not necessarily one that we couldn't have seen coming. Again, I protest loudly: just whose side are these dudes on? How can it be possible that these erudite fellows, with all of their access to the very best and latest data on climate and warming, have somehow managed to remain in an academic vacuum that magically causes selective blindness to what millions of us (not so academically exalted) managed to figure out a long time ago? Which is simply that geoengineering has been rampantly and wantonly deployed for many, many, years in complete defiance of all laws, all reason, all sanity and all common respect and decency. That these august scientists are pretending to not have noticed this outrageous fact is beyond believable. Not being believable, I must assume that these fellers KNOW ALL ABOUT GEOENGINEERING CURRENTLY UNDERWAY, but have somehow been co-opted by the "cabal" to underscore the legitimacy of geoengineering. But geoengineering, even under the current extremely dire circumstances, will NEVER BE LEGITIMATE!!! Has not the world seen enough poison and death and insult from the likes of humankind? Shame! Shame on these scientists for their collusion in calling for full-scale emergency geoengineering! Now, we must remind ourselves that not ALL geoengineering technologies consist of simply SRM, per se. But as their letter makes clear, SRM, or in otherwords, injecting AEROSOLS into the atmosphere, is most plainly and clearly INCLUDED on the list of technologies. B-I-N-G-O-!!! This is an intolerable error of judgement on their part and suggests that either they have been "bought off", threatened, co-opted OR….. they suffer from the most near-sighted academic and scientific blindness imaginable.

    1. regarding that final sentence of yours, Marc: if the latter option is the right one, then these guys are representative of the vast majority of scientists; if the former is true, they represent the vast majority of humans.  🙁      (Yes, I'm having one of those days….)  Here's to the non-representative non-masses – the nano-populace!

    2. Excellent assessment of the situation!  Thanks for maintaining the clarity for what is the issue in this fight….which is hell NO we don't want your geoengineering in any form.  And to cease your ongoing iassaults upon our planet.  These salivating destroyers and their profit centers are stock-portfolio giddy at the prospect of ramping up the programs known to be creating death and destruction all over the earth.

    3. I imagine that Operation Paperclip was a simple choice for those German scientists after WW2: work in the US for the Military Industrial Complex or go to the gallows like so many other high ranking military and industrial Germans.

      Even amongst that current crop who provide some argument against Geoengineering, is there any real, urgent protest against what IS happening right now and has been for so long? Their watered down enfeeblements of "it may be a bad idea" reeks of controlled oppostion.

      I imagine many scientists are bought or threatened into silence. All of the social movements like GetUp, Avaaz and Change.org are set up so that the biggest elephant in the room remains unseen.

  18. Well, these people are the first on the wall of shame.  Their children and other loved ones can see who they are and what they do or stand for, destroying the planet for money.  Readers in the know should continue to name names and post photos of others involved in geo-engineering so that a data base can build of these people for future prosecution since they have chosen to conduct this experiment on all of us without our knowledge or consent. 

  19. The new X-Files bringing validity to "conspiracy theories" (i.e. atmospheric aerosols).  They're getting desperate to invalidate the truth which really is out there.  geoengineeringwatch.org and Dane, along with 20m who follow and speak out must be making them very uncomfortable!  Feels kind of nice considering how it makes all of us feel on a daily basis.  Keep up the good work!

  20. Good information and summary in this article!

    Rogue Government . Rogue Military . Rogue Currency . Rogue Academia. On and on and on it goes down the line. Where is the Rule of Law, anywhere? Long gone…so very sad to say!

    Will Merica (along with other western nations) implode because of immoral actions before our biosphere collapses??

    This will be an interesting year, but poor New Year baby 2016 – what a nasty, reeking mess he has been left with from top to bottom!

    All we can do is keep waking people up! The sheer # of spray planes in the sky alone are starting to get the attention of many who should have caught on to this rogue activity long, long ago.





  21. I just read an article which says that sea lions are dying in California at record rates due to warming waters off the coast of California. They blame it on the strong El Nino effect. While the climate change people will undoubtedly point to their religion as the reason for this event you can’t help but see the effects of experimenting with the weather and climate systems has played a part in all of this.

    1. Rodster, Personally, I see the effects of mega navy activity which they themselves disclose, which includes the "taking" of wild life along our shores and not just California.  They are using all sorts of weapons including depleted uranium, sonar, lasers, electromagnetic pulses and more, chemicals too.  One photographer out here keeps being fascinated by the pretty colors in the waves!  Add in geoengineering plus Fukushima whose radioactive waters began hitting us this past year.  Our weather guy, says this cold rain is not El Nino!  That El Nino is yet to come, like in February.  We've had a lot of rain and it has been cold! for here.  Few here are prepared for such cold.  As Dane says, it is this, that and the other!

  22. ……my opinion…..every one of these morons are dumber than dumb and if any one of them would have had a chemistry set as a child they may very well  have killed themselves….without question….

  23. Navy Uses US Citizens as Pawns in Domestic War Games
    Monday, 11 January 2016 00:00 By Dahr Jamail, Truthout | Report
    Beginning in mid-January, Navy SEALs will be practicing unannounced and clandestine combat beach landings across Washington State's Puget Sound and many other coastal areas of that state.
    The simulated combat exercises, which will include the use of mini-submarines and other landing craft, will deposit Navy SEALs carrying "simulated weapons" on 68 beach and state park areas in Puget Sound, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Washington's west coast, unbeknownst to most of the relevant government agencies tasked with overseeing these areas.
    Internal Navy emails, two slide shows (which can be viewed in full here and here) and other documents obtained exclusively by Truthout reveal the vast extent of the operations. They also reveal the fact that the Navy labeled the relevant files as "For Official Use Only" and emails as "Attorney-Client privilege," a move that exempts such documents from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
    In the new scenario, which the military calls "realistic military training," Navy SEALs carrying "simulated" weapons may also travel across public and private property within city limits, and may swim through public and private marinas occupied by people living on boats. They could conduct war game patrols on roads through residential communities. In addition to tribal, state, federal and county lands, there are many properties on the Navy's list of training sites marked as private.
    Naval plans include the use of special reconnaissance teams conducting patrols, which are authorized to go on simulated "direct action" missions. The definition of "direct action" is "short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and which employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets."
    Public concern for what is clearly an ongoing domestic military expansionism is growing.   Full story here:

    1. You are under attack.  It is not a live fire but is meant to send a message to the citizenry, ie behave because we have mastered the human domain, and have full spectrum dominance, and are totally aware of all communications.  Basically we are all captive of a monstrosity.  While it demands privacy for itself, the creatures wants to invade your privacy and your private property.  Where are your representatives in Congress and locally?  Hold them accountable.  What is being practiced is how to make war upon civilian populations.  

    2. More Military Training

      PORTLAND, Oregon – The Oregon Air National Guard's 142nd Fighter Wing will conduct routine F-15 night training missions, January 12-14, 2016.

      The night training allows the Citizen-Airmen pilots based at the Portland Air National Guard Base to stay current with mandatory Air Force requirements. Night flying is conducted almost monthly as it provides essential training for nighttime maneuvers. Training flights will be completed each evening before 10:30 p.m.

      About the 142nd Fighter Wing:
      The Portland Air National Guard Base employs 1,500 Airmen who provide an economic impact of nearly $500 million to the region. The 142nd Fighter Wing defends our homeland with F-15 Eagle fighter jets, guarding the Pacific Northwest skies from northern California to the Canadian border, on 24-hour Aerospace Control Alert as part of Air Combat Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Their mission is to provide unequalled, mission-ready units to sustain combat aerospace superiority and peacetime tasking any time, any place in service to our nation, state and community.

      Unfortunately back in 1953 the US initiated this legislation that the ACLU has been fighting:


      The military uses the National Forest & BLM at their leisure for military training exercises, living next to an Oregon coastal forest it sounds like a war zone from 6am to sometimes past midnight with helicopters & those EA-18 Growlers.

    3. Hello BaneB — I agree. US civilians are under attack and wrongly considered as 'collateral damage' – captive of a monstrosity!  I do wonder about the young & beyond-fit Navy Seals themselves who will be exposed – like me – to daily intense rf radio frequency &  microwaves from their portable emitters and breathing in the 'spoofer spray' filaments, along with aluminum, barium, strontium,and Morgellons as they play their war training games. Also, are they not exposed to the radiation hitting the west coast as we-the-people are? They are my sons too.

    4. THIS IS MOST CLEARLY A CASE OF THE MILITARY BEHAVING LIKE THE ENEMY.  NO SANE COUNTRY ALLOWS THIS.  EVER!!!!!  THEY ARE NOW COMMITTING WAR ON THE CITIZENS.  NO ONE who behaves this way towards their own nation inside my community is my "brother" or my "sister."  They would be more like my PSYCHOPATHIC KILLER.

      TO THE MILITARY KIDDIES OUT THERE (and you know who you are):  IS THIS THE KIND OF COUNTRY YOU'D LIKE TO DEFEND, for a few tens of thousands of Almighty Dollars per year, you'd sell your own countrymen DOWN THE RIVER, go into their neighborhoods and at least pretend you're going to kill them? 

    5. My feeling is they are seriously getting ready for WWIII — and it will be electromagnetic warfare because there is no war anymore that is not EW. The sky here was very weird, fried even though grey. Something different in the air. From what I have read, the military these days is merely an initial first ring testing arena. Meaning the young men & women get trained on our taxpayers dollars — and then the corporate mercenary companies come in and 'cherry pick' the best for life long careers. It's another sort of revolving door syndrome at taxpayer expense. Here's a list too long to post of potential employers: http://www.mercenaryjobs.org/private-military-companies.html   And Erik Prince’s Blackwater is now Academi   https://www.academi.com/

    6. Two loud choppers just flew over my rooftop. One had a headlight. The other I only saw a red light on the left side. Anyone know where to find out what they actually were? 
      Its been frigid, sunny and windy today in LKN NC. I awoke last night to freaky chest discomfort and thought electronic warfare. ELF/GWEN/HAARP?. . .The night sky was full of stars. My home felt warmer than the 61" my thermostat was set at. Bizare-O!
      I recall feeling like a cell phone was vibrating on my body recently. Especially in my feet. What the freak are these wack jobs doing? Totally rude! Come Lord Jesus!

    7. Well Susan, we did know this was coming.  The real question is why?  For God's sake why?!  This, along with something else you said elsewhere, reminds me of Jade Helm, which had me very concerned but apparently amounted to nothing?  I read all sorts of conspiracy claims like it meant China taking over.  But never heard any feedback about that.  This is worse.  How very creepy.  Did know it was coming.  Did not know the details you mention, like war games on private property!  Yikes, and keep us posted as I am sure you will.  If you don't, we will all come looking for you!

    1. Melody,
      You're absolutely right.  Many should have caught on to this rogue activity long ago.  I am one of them.  I only became aware of what was happening less than a year ago.  I came to it on my own one day, simply looking up in the back yard, seeing the planes doing what they do, admitting to myself that something was very, very wrong and then doing my research.  Accepting this reality was nearly overwhelming.  Now, looking back on it, I'm not quite sure why I hadn't connected the dots much, much sooner.   I think it was because the scope and implications of what was happening were just too big and unsettling for my brain to reconcile until that moment.  I'm offering this perspective because I know that there are millions of other people whose brains are just not quite ready for this.  It's not that they're bad people or stupid.  It's just that they haven't arrived yet.  For many, if not most people, just recognizing the problem requires a brain summersault and a three-point landing onto a new paradigm of thinking about the world.   It's tough.   

  24. The ancient Sanskrit texts say that we live within four cycles of time, the YUGAS. The last cycle is called the Kali Yuga (nothing to do with the goddess Kali). Here are the symptoms of the Kali Yuga from two of the Sanskrit Puranas:
    Thieves will become kings, and kings will be thieves.
    Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly. They will cease to protect the people.
    Scholars will be in the service of mediocre, conceited, and malevolent men.
    Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.
    There will be many displaced persons, wandering from one country to another.
    Ready-cooked food will be on sale!
    The god of clouds will be inconsistent in the distribution of rains.
    Shopkeepers [financiers] will run dishonest businesses [stock market].
    There will be pretentious, false philosophers [CNBC!].
    No one will be able to trust anyone.
    Groups of bandits will organize in towns and in the country [gangs].
    Thieves will be numerous.
    Rapes will be frequent.
    People will become inactive, lethargic, and purposeless.
    Illness, rats, and noxious substances [chemtrails, etc.] will plague them.
    People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in 'underground shelters'.
    Unqualified people will pass as experts in matters of morals and religion.
    People will massacre women, children, and one another.
    Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power.
    The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all wealth.
    Water will be lacking.

    1. They really hit the nail on the head for today's times. Did they say what happens after this? Do we somehow start over again in a better cycle?.. I hope.

  25. Am I over reacting when I say that all of the Cedar trees have turned completely brown and look week and sick. Is this a normal cycle for this type of tree, because if it is, I must have been asleep for the last 40 years. I am referring to the wild cedar trees. Is anyone else out there noticing this as well?

    1. Duane: Sorry about your trees, but out here in Eastern Shasta Co some of my cedar trees are showing the same limp and weak symptoms.  Started mid-summer and I thought it might be the drought, but even after all this rain, there is no improvement.  I am worried; would hate to lose them.

    2. YES, and yes!  24 years ago I began planting cedars here in Mendocino County at 4,000 feet.  There are still a few native cedars in the area.  That is what induced me to plant them, two, three, etc. per year.  Now I have about 80 of varying heights.  Six or seven years ago some of these trees began to turn yellow during the winter month.  It seems to me the trees would normally green up with the arrival of rain.  Not so anymore.  Most of these trees are yellow in appearance.  I have lost only one two years ago. It turned yellow, dried up and died in summer.  It has been replaced with a pine.  None of my cedars have a healthy appearance.  For that matter no flora around here does.  The Mendocino National Forest has lost millions of Fir trees.  Here around my place the die off is unbelievable.  Entire areas of Fir are gone leaving only the Pine.  And my Pines are looking pretty sad, too.  This has nothing to do with drought.  My region has received its average allotment of rain through it all.  Regarding newly planted cedars,  my earlier plantings had a 90% survival.  The last few years the rate is 50%.  It is discouraging.  I put in a lot of time with watering the young ones only to see them dying.  The flora up here was beginning to die off 20 years ago.  Two things happened about that time:  cell phones and cell phone towers and the exponential increase in microwave energy, including nexrad, into every living thing.  And the major ramping up of jet induced aerosol spraying of nano metals that are changing the soil from acid to alkali.  The trees are suffocating down in the root systems.  

    3. I just moved to the UK about 5 months ago, and in that short time have seen whole communities of pines die off completely.  It's terrifying, and heartbreaking.

    4. Re: Duane,
      Douglas County Oregon's trees are in a massive die-off too. Here's an interesting article on the December damage:http://www.nrtoday.com/news/19659812-113/storms-topple-trees-in-douglas-county
      Excerpt from the article re: tree damage which I believe to be Fukushimi blowback since it was a #1 Newspaper local article back in 2011 but information can't be located today regarding all the details except this:“Basically, ever since the storm of March four years ago we have been nonstop,” Briggs said, adding that the March 11, 2011, storm created six months worth of work in 20 minutes."
      This was a 20 minute wind gust that took out 600 trees on the day of Fukushimi earthquake. (they are a day ahead of us so this happened within hours after the quake)
      Here's a radiation monitoring website: http://radiationnetwork.com/
      Take note in the alerts that on 6/25/15 Port Orford, OR received 800CPM dose of radiation.
      My 2011 garden sported many weird anomalies akin to the ones found on youtube; radiation deformed tomatoes and sunflowers sprouting another out the flower.

    5. Hello “Muse”, yes, Fukushima is an immense problem with no end in sight. This being said, it is important to consider all factors that we face. In regard to the die-off of the trees, climate engineering and it’s impacts should be kept in mind. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-and-the-dying-of-the-trees/

    6. Penny, you are probably seeing the rampant Larch dieback caused by the Phytophthora Ramorum – a fungus-like pathogen that causes extensive damage and mortality to a wide range of trees and other plants.  Larch just happens to be one of the first to show symptoms – and die.  Many are being felled to try and control the spread.   Little doubt that they become susceptible due to toxic overload from atmospheric spraying.   This disease is known in USA as "Sudden Oak Death"

      Larch do, of course, naturally lose their leaves/needles in the winter… 

    7. Hello Andrew, yes, we are losing many trees to fungus here in the US also. There are many underlying factors that can be directly traced to climate engineering (including the fungal proliferation). The bio available metals cause organisms to stop nutrient uptake through the root systems. These same metals change soils PH values and kill benificial microbes in the soils. The off the chart UV radiation is also taking it’s toll. Truly, the walls are closing in from every direction.

    8. Hi Andrew, a rueful thanks for the information about the larch deaths  😉   The trees I am referring to are, however, definitely not larch, and I'm almost certain they are Scots pines.  There are well over 100 of them in the vicinity of  Stirling which have died.  It's very sad.

    9. Thanks to Andrew (an infinitely better source of information than Wikipedia) for setting me straight: the dead trees here are, in fact, larch – and they may not all be dead, though many are.  One drop of good news in a sea of direness.

  26. Sacramento was sprayed from horizon to horizon all day long, from every angle, and with planes respraying over prexisting spray lines.  I was outside all day teaching PE, so I watched it from 8am on . . . ALL DAY.  HOW . . . HOW . . . HOW . . . is this not making people talk, get angry, or get active?  You have to be ignorant or complicit.  Those are the only two options.

    1. Dear MS,

       I understand your complete frustration, every day in Southern California for six months the sky is covered in stripes, hazed over in white continuous trails from horizon to horizon, coming from all directions, one after another, absolutely no one is paying attention at the complete insanity going on above….no longer are we sunny Southern California, I feel like I’m on a different planet. Palm Springs, CA.

    1. Several of the images in that series of stills were definitely of geoengineered skies. The normalising of geoengineered skies is insidious. The Vangelis piece is nice, but I have that soundtrack already.

      I am very concerned that most people do not recognise geoengineering. There are several steps to learning about this. Firstly, finding out that it is happening; secondly, read as much about it as you can; thirdly, become a sky watcher and educate yourself to the realities above our heads; fourthly, tell as many others as possible about it.

  27. Has anyone looked at the ENMOD Treaty? (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques) These treaties ban any interference in our climate. 

    1. The treaty might allow nations to experiment upon their own citizenry while ruling out one nation creating a weather war upon another.

  28. Thank you, Dane:

    Somehow, I feel that the worst fear US citizens (and the world) have right now, one that supercedes geoeingineering and all the horror that entails, is the extremely high counts of radiation covering our nation, our cities, our towns, our people, food, water, soil……and that is the high rad count from Fukushima.  In addition to all the nuclear poison upon us from other nuclear sites in USA, most of whom citizens are completely unaware (that is until a catastrophic occurrence happens to be in the headlines), Fukushima is an on-going, non-stoppable fountain of alpha, beta, gamma, neutron and Xray radiation and we should all be aware of the implications to our country and those we care about.

    I urge your readers to click on to VeteransToday.com/BobNichols/ your radiation count for this week.  See the highest radiated counts and the cities lucky to get them.  For instance, there are five or six California cities with counts per minute higher than 900…when normal accepted counts are 20.  Look for yourself and then decide if we should be placing Fukushima rad counts on the same priority as geoengineering…..hard one to call.

    1. Hello Verginia, yes, Fukushima is a dire situation indeed. It is however important to consider this, if we do not expose and halt climate engineering (which is also contaminating every breath we take) and the destruction it is causing to the atmosphere and ozone layer, the next large CME (solar flare) could give us a hundred Fukushimas or more. See the attached link  https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/climate-engineering-has-left-earth-perilously-exposed-to-solar-flares/

    2. Virginia, I share your concern about Fukushima, but as I see it, there is far less hope of changing the course of what's happening there, than there is of getting the spraying stopped.  As far as preventing future meltdowns, it comes down to the same thing as with geoengineering: raise awareness.  Both issues are part of the same problem, ultimately.  At ENEnews there are frequently links to business cards to hand out, which make a nice complement to the resources found here. 

      That said, my own sense is that we stand to gain a lot more by stopping the spraying; we could immediately improve the quality of life on this planet (except that it would also, almost certainly, cause temperatures to rise abruptly).  Decommissioning all the nuclear plants is a very long-term challenge, for which we need to be able to think clearly. 

      If it's any comfort to you, the information on the VT site is apparently comparing apples to oranges, and making things sound worse than they may actually be (which is pretty bad) – there are discussions about this on ENEnews as well.   I haven't followed them too carefully because I think we need to put our energy into stopping the insanity, not into arguing with one another about how quickly or by which type of radiation we're going to die.

  29. Regarding direct costs for SRM, they are lower than alternatives from what I have read.  According to a study publish 8.30.12 by IOP Ltd. Environmental Research letters Volume 7, written by McClellen, Keith, and Apt,the price tag is not prohibitive…(Just think.. its "only" approximately the amount the Pentagon can't account for per year! Here is an excerpt from their article:

    "To put these cost in perspective, the costs of climate damages or of emission mitigation are commonly estimated to be 0.2–2.5% of 2030 global GDP (Barker et al  2007) equivalent to roughly $200B to $2000B per year. Our estimates of the cost of delivering mass to the stratosphere—likely to be the most substantial part of the cost of SRM deployment—are less than 1% of this figure. We are not making a cost-effectiveness argument, as we are discussing the cost of SRM deployment alone, not costs associated with its risk side-effects. We emphasize that SRM climate forcing cannot perfectly offset the effects of greenhouse gas climate forcing (Ricke et al  2010) and SRM does nothing to counter ocean acidification. When SRM is considered as one element of climate strategy that also includes mitigation and adaptation, it is meaningful to compare costs and in this sense one can conclude that the cost of SRM deployment of quantities sufficient to alter radiative forcing by an amount roughly equivalent to the growth of anticipated GHG forcing over the next half century is low, though SRM does not thereby mitigate the risks of the accumulated GHGs that extend far beyond this time window."

    1. Nancy, thank you. To assess SRM primarily in terms of it's relative cost to deploy (and manufacture nanos, etc.) is so far beyond sane as to render my mind a blank wrapped in a cocoon of rage. I have read elsewhere about the costs associated with geoengineering but these assessments NEVER get right to the heart of the matter, which is a sober examination of the dire and lethal impacts upon every kind of earthly environment, be it soil, water, air, biological beings, etc. David Keith may as well be an incarnation of the Anti-christ, as far as I'm concerned, as he snidely and smugly pontificates about the "affordability" of geoengineering (SRM/aerosolization of atmosphere) as it relates to risk management and so forth. And still to this day, these motherf**kers lecture and sermonize us AS IF GEOENGINEERING IS STILL JUST A PROPOSAL.  I see that Peter Wadhams and Paul Beckwith and several others have all signed a formal letter which was delivered to the COP21 folks protesting that the entire Paris "agreement" falls treacherously short of adequately addressing the gravity of our global situation. I've been saying the same thing for many days in my posts here, but these buffoons differ radically from MY stance in that they are calling for EMERGENCY GEOENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES to be brought to bear immediately upon the planet as a "last ditch" effort to save some part of it all. Really? Whose side are these assholes on? I have always respected much of what I hear coming from some of these scientists, but THIS is absolutely intolerable. And of course, these allegedly top notch climate scientists with their long lists of academic credentials, are calling for emergency geoengineering now, causing me to ask THEM: WHERE THE F**K HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN FOR THE LAST 10 OR 15 YEARS? You mean to sit there and call for geoengineering as if pretending you didn't know anything about it's full deployment for decades? Do you guys ever look up into the sky and wonder what all the filth is being caused by? And the trails fucking everywhere? And the inexplicable meteorological anomalies everywhere rampant now? C'mon boys, you can stop pretending. 

         Absurd……..and tragic.

    1. Just to be clear, I wasn't implying Dale is disaster capitalist, but going by her song, she's against chemtrails.

  30.  Alarm bells went off when I read the recent article about the mountain lion in Idaho who was born with teeth on the top of its head. 

     We have so many unnatural metals, chemicals, along with the radiation from Fukushima literally dumping on us daily now,  that I am concerned about birth defects not only on animals but on us humans. 

     Perhaps I am unduly concerned, and jumping to a conclusion about this mountain lion. I certainly hope so. 

    1. Hello Carol, the impacts of the toxic geoengineering fallout are real and undeniable. This is not to say that all the enviromental anomolies we see can be exclusively blamed on a single source, but at the same time the global contamination from climate engineering must rationally be considered a part of the equation. We have found a number of deformed frogs and toads in Northern California during the last year. During the last six months we can no longer find frogs at all.

    2. The above list of people should refer to this website for solid factual information. Those engaged in the Climate/Weather Modification Industry, should be intelligent enough NOT to experiment on the Web of life, with their programs and tests, without first knowing the effects and outcome/consequences of the results. Nuclear Plants/Weapons, Atomic Bombs, Lasers etc. why were these even invented, with the possibility of a catastrophic mishap. Examples: Fukushima Daiichi diaster, that is either under reported or not reported the governments, EPA and main stream media and the GAG Orders on NOAA, NWS & Dept. Of Commerce Employees. Obviously something is considerably wrong, if it was good for the planet, I am sure it would be reported for recognition.

  31. I came across an article that listed around 100 or more US Government Patents related to Geoengineering. And yet individuals like Guy McPherson, Paul Beckwith and James Hansen don't even bother to look at the "FACTS" as Guy McPherson likes to call it. He isn't willing to acknowledge the 1966 and 1978 US Govt reports on Geoengineering nor the hundred or so Patents.

  32. Thank you for this one from Slate, Dane. Important to know who has already been 'Borg assimilated' into the Global Corporatist Regime Empire. And now for the latest Baltic Dry report from Zero Hedge. Total collapse of the economy is moving along nicely for the elite ratzoids.

    "Nothing Is Moving," Baltic Dry Crashes As Insiders Warn "Commerce Has Come To A Halt"
    The continued collapse of The Baltic Dry Index remains ignored by most … the worldwide 'real' economy has ground to a halt!!  … [Zero Hedge got] news from a contact who is friends with one of the biggest billionaire shipping families in the world.  He told me they had no ships at sea right now, because operating them meant running at a loss. This weekend, reports are circulating saying much the same thing: The North Atlantic has little or no cargo ships traveling in its waters. Instead, they are anchored. Unmoving. Empty. You can see one such report here:  
    ‘Commerce between Europe and North America has literally come to a halt. For the first time in known history, not one cargo ship is in-transit in the North Atlantic between Europe and North America. All of them (hundreds) are either anchored offshore or in-port. NOTHING is moving.’
    This has never happened before. It is a horrific economic sign; proof that commerce is literally stopped.

    1. "Move along folks.  There is nothing to see here."  Apparently there is much to think about!  I watched a UTube vid about all the cargo vessels, at least 500 ships of varying purposes and sizes, moored off of the southern tip of Malaysia.  The locals say about a couple years ago these ships began arriving and left there.  There are skeleton crews on some to keep the maintenance required.  Some have one or two personnel on board.  At night all the ships have lights and it looks like a city for miles.  These vessels increasingly are being moored in the region because global trade is drying up.  This story has yet to reach the unemployed.

    2. Does anyone factor in the over supply of oil?  Or, say, all the countries we've sanctioned against help and supplies?  Or all the Euro countries who do not want our GMO this or that?  Or, that our navy is doing the same thing to all our coasts including the east coast that they are doing here by the Pacific?  Not to mention the storms?  Is there any doubt that we and others have invested Way too much into way too many ships?  A gigantic barge, the biggest?, moved into SF Bay last week? or just before, and it was piled high, 15 football fields? long, plus room for three planes to take off?  Are we in such a hurry to die, for collapse to really really happen that maybe we are not looking at the Full picture?

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