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Dane Wigington

All available data from countless fronts makes clear things are not as bad as we are being told, in reality it's unimaginably worse. At this very late hour, even with the walls closing in from every side, so few are yet willing to acknowledge the oncoming train that is bearing down on us all. The idol of industrialized technology continues to blind the vast majority of the population. Those that can tolerate a realistic portrayal of where we are currently heading should sit through the full length version of the film "The Road" (2 minute video preview here). The quotes below are from Wikipedia.

Denial is the refusal to accept reality or fact, acting as if a painful event, thought or feeling did not exist. It is considered one of the most primitive of the defense mechanisms because it is characteristic of early childhood development. Many people use denial in their everyday lives to avoid dealing with painful feelings or areas of their life they don’t wish to admit.

The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster and its possible effects. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare and, on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations.

As the biosphere collapses, modern civilization must follow. Industrialized/militarized society is disintegrating by the day. The harbingers of this unfolding reality are absolutely everywhere and in plain sight for anyone that is willing to face facts without flinching. The most untarnished global economic indicator of all, the Baltic Dry Index (the BDI is the barometer for all global dry shipping), has yet again crashed to new all time record lows


Global shipping is plummeting, there will be no way to hide this fact for long.

The price of oil is also crashing because industrialized civilization is about to hit the wall at full velocity. In the ever more desperate attempt to hide this reality from the public until the last possible moment the power structure is now more dangerous than ever before. For those feeding at the corporate media trough for their daily dose of information, the truth is now all but nonexistent. Smoke, mirrors, and blatant lies now dominate the "official" narrative. In order to monitor and suppress those that have managed to wake up in spite of it all (and are trying to sound the alarm), the completely out of control police state and the NSA are taking new measures


NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland

But who is the most afraid? It is those behind the curtain that cower in the shadows. Who are they? Just tyrannical men and women, not gods. They are not infallible, and they are not invincible. Those in power know they are going down with the ship and they know the curtain that has hidden them for so long is being pulled back. We are gaining ground in the fight to expose the climate engineering insanity, The Washington Post has just published an article that covered geoengineering. The excerpt below is from the article and contains a link that goes straight to the home page of GeoengineeringWatch.org

To be sure, geoengineering has its risks. No one knows what the unintended results of tinkering with the global water cycle by cloud seeding or what effects unnatural carbon reduction schemes might unleash. There are online groups entirely devoted to the “clear and present danger” of climate engineering practices. They cite, often with alacrity, the threats that disrupting climate patterns through geoengineering programs could pose to health and property.

Infighting within the ranks of the power structure is well underway, this is in our favor. We must all face the fact that the reality we have known is crumbling, and it is not coming back. The sooner this is accepted, and the sooner our combined energies are focused squarely on facing the most pressing priority issue, the more we may yet salvage of our planet and its remaining life support systems. Below is the January 9th installment of Global Alert News.

The fight to expose and halt climate engineering is the top priority battle that we must win, or all will be lost. Make your voice heard in the most critical battle for the greater good.

129 Responses

  1. Oh Yes I can see Dane is picking up Speed against the Cable of Deceit. All you have to do is stand outside in the Sun, when you are lucky enough to get it. 
    Remember that Dane brought all this up front when his Solar Panels were being taken down by 20% because I'd the Dimming from the SRM that is going on.
    I go out and watch those Jets and see them going slowly, East to West. It is a no Brainer. Just stand out on your Deck or whatever you have and watch them. You'll see them trying to spray that Garbage on you.
    I do not blame Dane for being interested in one thing only. SRM. He probably gets way tooooo much other Mundane Crap that he does not have time to deal with it.
    You go Dane. You Rock!
    Expose those that are Crippling the very well being of Our Being. 
    U'd be the Man.
    Every one else… Martin Up and Look Up. 

  2. This is very true. Whether you like to acknowledge it or not. People have been deceived not only by the Big Corporations out there, but by your Government. They are a Cable of Deceit and if have not figured this out then you are in Big Time Trouble. I watched as I went into the Grocery Store the other day. Here is this real big girl buying her groceries and all that she bought was a whole bunch of processed food. On the bottom of her cart were two cases of Coke. Gee whiz, probably needs that fix with the High Fructose GMO corn syrup. Won't be long till she will be in a wheel chair.
    Now look up closely and you will see constantly that the Fake Clouds are always coming and blocking the Sun.
    Go out there and watch. It is called Weather Modification. If you doubt this in any way, then look again each and every day. It happens over most heavily populated areas. 
    City's where the Agenda 21 NWO is being pushed into place. It is very easy to control a populace when certain ingredients are put into place.
    The ingredients are Barium, Strontium and Ethylene Dibromite to dumb  you down so you think everything is just fine.
    Go ahead and put on that Wonderful Makeup girls and try to become an Attraction to all.
    You are being Duped by watching too much Television. Hook line and sinker.
    Are girls really believing this stuff.
    Holy Sht.
    Educate yourself instead of trying to impress everyone.

  3. Its just like Fast Food restaurants where you can buy Combos of various sorts for basically a cheap price which are a very unhealthy choice.

    All you have to do is step outside your door for Free Combos that are delivered to you via Air.

    A very nice Combo of Toxic Air, Snow or Rain.

    All kinds of different Combo to Suit everyone's need.

    How very nice indeed.

    Feeling a bit sick, tired,lethargic or sore?

    Enjoy that beautiful weather and talk to your friends about it.

    Now even ask the question to yourself and others if you may.

    Where's the Sun?

    No Sun No Fun

    Just Dull and Dreary!

    Everybody loves it it seems.

    How very Quaint!

  4. Dane, Again, thanks for the show, the photos and info.  Perhaps I've posted too much.  But originally wanted to post stuff from Fareed's last Sunday show on CNN.  I missed the first 7 minutes which bites as he was interviewing someone-does anyone know?-regarding a book the guy wrote regarding all our presidents who have broken the law, including JFK and naming each case.  That all could be held accountable for violating their Oath of Office, the Constitution, and more.  The guy was making a case for this, and for the country gone wrong and why.  Dang!

    And, there was more.  About China and the financial hole they are in, even using the R word for here, as in recession.  I kept being surprised, and interrupted so that I didn't get the whole thing.  Dang!  It was good.  sounded like truth.  From MSM, CNN yet!  Possible?!

    1. Thank you, Melanie!  I've forwarded the link to about five people who I know are very aware of this and asked each of them to forward it again to five others.

  5. Also heard today my friend, Mike, killed himself.  Not because he was depressed.  Oh no.  Because they changed his heart medication.  His wife said his personality changed dramatically after that two weeks ago.  WTF!!  Meds….another way to take more of us out.  Made me cry to know such a wonderful human being is gone but, I believe, not lost forever. 

    1. I don't at ALL like the way "medicine" is being practiced.  It's totally driven by the pharmaceutical companies and I have told my physician I will absolutely R-E-F-U-S-E to take any kind of statin drug or any of their damnable blood pressure medication.  My pressure goes up and down all the time, goes down as long as I can get out and walk at least 1.25 hours a day, and my cholesterol, nowadays considered "high," is exactly the number that was deemed to be "baseline" when such testing was first being done.  The physician wrote to tell me that it tested very high, never mind that "research" funded by Big Pharma is constantly bringing those "normal" levels further down all the time.  Then I got a list of foods consisting of the Mediterranean diet, never mind that I eat nearly everything on that list and have for quite some time, and I am NOT a burger-fries-shakes-fastfood-junkfood-sweets chick.  I eat foods from that list all the time, never mind the FACT that dietary cholesterol has very little to do with serum cholesterol, and the research proving that is now beginning to go "mainstream," my cousin the medical technologist in Youngstown OH (home of the damnable tanker brigade) told me the Sunday after Christmas.  What a S-L-O-W learning curve they have.  The New Philosophy of Medical "care" in Amerika goes like this:  "Don't get sick, and die fast if you do."  Some "care," huh?

    2. droughtsurvivor, I too am sorry for the loss of a good friend.  Despite Dennie's comment below, in the early 70s when my father was having one heart attack after another, he felt a new medication was wrong.  didn't tell anyone except me.  Wasn't sure if he should.  Didn't used to confide in me, desperate I guess, and me, the empath.  So I looked into it and sure enough, they gave him the wrong medication.  Turned out his long time doc had a drinking problem.  So, father temporarily saved, offed his beloved doc, who then got help for drinking.  I pay close attention when people make remarks about their meds, or if odd stuff happens and move on it fast!  Wish this had been the case for your friend.  What a shame.  What a sorrow.

    3. @Dennie, Being poor, overall I've gotten lousy medical care.  Way back when, via hormones and prednisone, I gained one third of my body weight.  Everyone seemed to think I looked fine, but I did not and it did not look or feel like my body.  During this time, my blood pressure was high, these days would have been considered too high, and my cholesterol was high too.  It took one and a half years for me to lose the weight.  Felt like forever.  When I did though, blood pressure came down to excellent, even low, and so did the cholesterol.  All were saying I was living proof that one could change their numbers via diet and weight loss.  But, with the caveat that not all can, because of genetics. that some people, no matter what they do, can't, owing to genetics.  This seems to be true.  And I don't think Big Pharma has anything to do with the numbers changing.  Research does.  My daughter for instance, eats a lot of bad foods, as well as good ones, but when younger, really went for fats, her favorite plus sugar!  I made her get tested as I was sure that would scare her straight.  But no. Her Cholesterol was perfect!  I kept saying how is that possible?  Doc said genetics.  I was stunned.

      As much as they are touting the Mediterranean diet, myself, I tout anti inflammatory foods.  I am allergic to the major anti inflammatories.  Very.  So, I get that from foods and now they think inflammation has everything to do with everything, so many diseases and body issues.  Luckily, many many foods are good for this.  Curries, for instance.  Coconut milk and meat of, maple syrup, all the spices in curries but especially turmeric and cinnamon.  Pineapple too.  So many things.  So now, I base my foods around this. As well as anti oxidants, organic and GMO free.  I am thin, some say too thin, but feels right to me, and I always was slim.  The spices make urge for salt-I tend to use too much salt-practically go away.  I am finding that people I know with various conditions like high blood pressure, prefer to take the statins than to change their habits.  Alcohol is a big one.  Stress too.  I am in love with turmeric and have found many delicious ways to use it.  I take zero alcohol.

      I bet you've heard of epi-genetics?  Fascinating.  If you know your family history generations back, may be informative and helpful.  By the way, I am crippled and cannot walk nearly as much as you.  Wish I could, but apparently that is not key regarding BP.  Helpful, but not key.

      Hope this helps.  The very few I know who have been willing to try this, reversed their numbers and that goes for diabetes too!

    4. So sorry for your loss droughtsurvivor. It is for that reason I generally use only acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage along with the best diet I can eat (surely not perfect there) and whatever suppliments to help cleanse the crap from my body from our poisoned environment. My elderly mother takes very little prescription meds. and everyone marvels at how well she does for her advanced age of 95. It seems those who take the least of big pharma meds do the best and live the healthiest and longest lives. Again, so sad for the loss of your friend, but rest assured he MUST be in a better place than we are.

  6. Just saw the NRA commercial talking terrorism, the Second Amendment and maintaining our freedom by not joining the global cabal through the UN and yet……they portray with pictures of chemtrails over the Whitehouse and a church!!!  Am I really free from a terroristic assault?  The right to defend myself and my family doesn't mean shit when they are killing us from above.  But I can always eat a metal-infused squirrel.  Yum!  Thanks NRA for the subliminals.

    1. Thanks for condolences, support and insight.  Crazy stuff all way around and I don't take medication.  Can only imagine the hopelessness my friend felt and it strikes me to the core with sadness.  Hard to keep thinking straight so I pray daily to my Lord for a sound mind and wisdom in love.  Really work hard to fight off these feelings of hatred and helplessness that sometimes come over me.  Not healthy for body or spirit but I take comfort that I am not alone. Rachel, take care that no lead found it's mark but actually my dog killed the squirrel.  So to honor it's life I wanted to see if this city girl could actually eat one.  Gripped with spasms of yelling and wanting to throw up, I prepared from start to finish.  Tastes kind of like chicken 🙂  The dog enjoyed it more.  This was me testing myself and the capacity to survive if our lives do turn into The Road.  Thanks again.  Peace

    2. droughtsurvivor, Whoa, and too funny, and yes, I've heard tastes like chicken.  Cook thoroughly one's squirrel though.  They, raccoons and rats form an unholy trinity of diseases, in the main, an ascarias, a kind of worm that initially moves through the body and then en-cysts itself where ever.  Happens the most in city critters.  I tend to call January the starving month, because it is.  Has been for me.  Many times, much of my life in fact, I had so very little food.  One particular year, I couldn't help but notice that some of our squirrels looked particularly healthy, fat, shiny coat.  I'd see them run by and think: dinner!  While I myself have not hunted successfully ever and don't want to, I'm the one who skins and dries the skin and jerks the meat.  Was not sure how to kill healthy squirrels or if I could, but began to dream of it!  So good for you that you honored this squirrel all the way!  Did you and dog have to argue over it?  My long gone beloved husky often caught game, but she would never share!

      So, we now know you Are a survivor!  I am impressed.  You should be too.  Wish you lived next door!  Also wish black arm bands of mourning would make a comeback.  I make my own sometimes, not that anyone has a clue.  My best friend killed herself "eons" ago, and I was in such a fog I could not make change or even cross the street with a green light.  Been through so very many deaths, but suicide is different.  Try freezing in your mind some really good memories, images of whatever or whomever and whenever hate and anger come up, flip to one of those images.  Like to counteract.  Can help, temporarily.  Repeat, repeat.  May you find some peace, and you will, time takes time.

  7. The truth de-bunkers are every where in the main stream media. A friend watches Sixty Minutes. I can't run away or tell them what to watch, but Sixty Minutes celebrate the likes of Dick Cheney and that sick reality the networks have created for these kinds of people to survive in the public arena as if everything they have done to us is OK. The movie  Dane suggested is hard to watch. The scene I thought was well acted was the one with the cannibalistic pedophile working to separate the son from his father. The scene at the end was interesting. A family of four happy and secure adopting the now stray boy. The scene (for me)Shows a strong will to make the best of worst circumstances with conscience decisions while maintaining a stable environment for all those around you; in a tyrannical chaotic chimera.


  8. My blood is boiling!  (What's new?)  We all know that we are fed a ton of BS through the mainstream, and much of the alternative, media, but here is an outright lie that is so blatant and so huge, it defies comprehension – although the purpose is obvious: fear-mongering distraction.  An article I found on the Rice Farmer blog (which Dane often mentions, and which is a great resource) briefly introduces a report from the European Science Foundation, about global risks and preparedness, then makes this claim:

    "In the report, titled "Extreme Geo-hazards: Reducing the Disaster Risk and Increasing Resilience,”  scientists predict that the Yellowstone volcano will erupt within 70 years and will have the potential to wipe out a considerable amount of the western United States." 

    This is an outright lie.  The word "Yellowstone" appears only 3 times in that report, and never in conjunction with such a prediction (though the probable devastation caused by a similar eruption is discussed).  The report states, in fact, that such an event has a probability in any given year of being on the order of 7 in 1,000,000 to 7 in 10,000,000 (why 7 rather than 1 is a complete mystery, or rather, typical scientists' attempts to sound authoritative).  In other words, negligible.  As with asteroids, alien invasions, "them" (whomever you fear, be it muslims, christians, blacks, white men, police, gun owners, conspiracy theorists… you know the score), this is another, sadly effective, attempt to draw attention away from the real problems.  Which, according to the ESF (which, needless to say, totally blacks out the topic of geoengineering), were as follows in the last year accounted for:

    Top 5 global risks in terms of likelihood (2014)

    1. fiscal crises

    2. climate change

    3. water crises

    4. unemployment and underemployment

    5. critical information and infrastructure breakdown

    Nary a word about any of that in the "Be Afraid!" article, since the author clearly assumes no one will ever read the actual report (even though she links to it).  Adding insult to injury, she completely ignores this paragraph:

    1. The US National Research Council (2013) considered the threat of abrupt climate change impacts and proposed an early warning system on time scales of several years to decades. These warnings are comparable to a timely warning for a looming major volcanic eruption. What is poorly known is how the global community would react if a warning on the emerging threat of such an event were to be published, so research into the reaction to warnings on emerging global risks is necessary.

      I would complain that she's very unprofessional, but on the contrary, she is doing exactly what she was hired to do. 

      Here are the relevant links:

      Will Yellowstone Super-Volcano…

      ESF report

      Rice Farmer

    2. Penny, For a very very long time people have said Yellowstone is gonna blow, and it would indeed be devastating.  Apparently there are clues.  I don't know about these time frame ratios, but for statistics in general and how iffy they are, dependent on different methods for different reasons and so basically useless.  Will say I was around when Mt. St. Helen blew and that was something!  And a surprise!  I suspect they used the number 7 just to yield the next number, as "one in" gets even more out of range, yielding a much larger second number, not as tidy.  If you factor in drilling, HAARP, fracking too, plus military, the odds go up.  Not to mention weather and geoengineering.  But the fact is that this world is just full of these wonders waiting to blow.  It is natural.  It happens and often by surprise!  Kinda like betting on the lotto.

    3. Rachel, I'm not saying that Yellowstone won't blow; in fact, I'm one of those cynical types who think there might be people trying to make it blow.  However, if they are, then this kind of article distracts readers from that fact, and makes it sound like there is nothing they can do to make the world better, might as well accept that the Earth itself is against us, etc.  I like the serenity prayer: accept the things we can't change, have the courage to change that which we can.  As for it blowing naturally, of course it could, but that has been true every single day for millions of years. 

      My main concern, though, and the reason my blood was boiling, was that this article lies outright about a scientific report. 

  9. Take a look at this graph. That red line is the current path we are on. Note that this chart put together by the IPCC is a best case scenario, which INCLUDES the use of geoengineering. The whole operation of carbon sequestration and reduction and its analysis of where we will be by 2100 has the use of geoengineering built into it. They intend to ramp it up, they do not intend to stop it.

  10. I just watched the trailer for the movie, "The Road" over my morning tea. Interesting, isn't it, what passes for "entertainment" nowadays? Apocalyptic, post-apocalyptic and end-times movies have apparently become all the rage. Really? Is this really what the public is clamoring for? Do we all go to the movies to get our nice, warm, fuzzy feeling of "that was such a fantastic movie!" by watching increasingly realistic portrayals of what a real post-apocalyptic world might be like? Complete with all the terror, unspeakable violence and dirty, filthy abject hopelessness and starvation? 

      Apocalyptic movies are actually nothing new. I am reminded of the great Japanese flicks like Godzilla going gang-nam style over Tokyo back in the fifties and sixties, and all the relevant sequels. (Rodan, anyone?) We have been systematically spoon-fed very disturbing themes of destruction, war, annihilation, alien invasion, nuclear holocaust, and so forth, for generations. We have accepted this as a form of entertainment. Wow, cooooool!!!

        But this trailer for "The Road" reaches into new levels of "realism" as to just exactly what it may be like after collapse of civilization. No gigantic lizards or stampeding humongous cubical AI (artificial intelligence) entities like 'Kronos". Just an astoundingly "accurate" depiction of what real, ordinary humans might face when all hell finally breaks loose upon the world. Grab your popcorn, no butter, please, and your diet Coke (ugh) and sit back to ENJOY just exactly what the fuck it will be like in a few years from now. Maybe this is actually an educational film, designed to help furnish us with the necessary coping skills to manage our way through what is coming. 

    1. Your point is well taken.  Which has also to include Star Wars.  This is a fictional depiction of what is a metaphor for a "war in the heavens."  This kind of war is a "universal war."  Edward Teller, an overly intelligent nutcase, introduced the star wars concept to Ronald Reagan way back when.  Darth Vadar might as well be Dracula in another kind of drag.  We humans can't get enough of the universal theme.  Fiction it is not.

    2. "Maybe this is actually an educational film, designed to help furnish us with the necessary coping skills to manage our way through what is coming."

      Yup– a whole new genre:  "READINESS" movies!!  So we can REHEARSE being scared shitless 24/7/365 while the REAL Terrorists NEVER HAVE TO FACE THEIR OWN TERROR.  I can't imagine WHO actually consumes this dreck– and actually LIKES it.  SICK people, which seems to be most everybody I see crawling along the freeway these days.

    3. I prefer zombies!  Oh, and GMO free popcorn, yes to butter, preferably ghee, no soda at all, especially not diet soda-that stuff kills.

    1. 2010 was indeed a "Banner Year" for the chem trailing programs of omnicidal destruction.  That was the year I got chased out of my house– leaky old windows and doors let in every bit of the air crap (had to borrow $25k and get all-new casement windows, they shut tightest) and I went to the ER multiple times, finally hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute barium poisoning.  Get this:  I had to tell my physician to do a serum barium test.  They did aluminum too, but it doesn't apparently show up in serum tests.  Put me in the hospital with arrhythmia, but NO potassium supplementation– IDIOTS!  The physicians are mostly soooo faaaar behind the learning/reality curve, they won't catch up. 

      Rosalind Peterson from Redwood Valley, CA came down to meet me and became at least an acquaintance during those dark days and said that the U.S. Navy was doing weather modification (translated: warfare) testing in the East Pacific off the California coast during that time.  Most of May 2010 saw extremely heavy, heavy heavy spraying.  It was truly sickening like I've NEVER seen, before or since.  Everyone who was looking up then had a feeling of most ominous dread of imminent disaster of unimaginable scope.  I did keep a daily journal of the horrors– headaches, neck aches, vomiting, sleeplessness, really ODD tastes, hot stinging things landing in my mouth that caused nerve pain running down an arm once– unexplained flu-like illnesses, TERRIFYING REALITY that NO ONE ELSE COULD EVEN SENSE!!!  Soooo many people were out walking around AND DID NOT NOTICE EVEN ONE THING WRONG, never mind the sickening smells of burning rubber tires in the air, a "dead fish" smell many mornings early and some kind of crap that liked to hang around close to the walls of the house and low spots in the road, especially where it's cooler, and then one morning in June when I smelled something very similar to insecticide, I booked a spot on the last flight out of SFO to Denver to meet with cousins and draw up a statutory will– holy Christopher, it was AWFUL!  I drooped around like a sick chicken because the crap was definitely in the air all the way east of the Rockies (cousin lives in Ft. Lupton, CO) and they thought I was crazy– until the blood test came back.  They probably still believe it's "all in my head."

    2. Thank you for this insightful description. The symptoms are the same for most of us. The weird attack on our nervous system. This is truly COLLATERAL DAMAGE in military terms — actually using the 'expendable' population of their own country to conduct their heinous global spectrum dominance experiments on! Lab rats.

  11. Regarding the Baltic "Fried" Index, I just read an article that stated for the first time ever there are no cargo ships traversing the Atlantic between Europe and North America.  All the cargo ships are in port or anchored off shore.  Did I read this correctly. This would imply trade has ceased.  Is the economic order this bad off?  


    Update Central Mendocino County, Ca.:  some aircraft Geoengineering the atmosphere today.  The sky was more like looking into a flourescent light and hard on the eye. Much of this aerosol spew floats in from the Pacific.  We had a good rainfall yesterday and usually in winter the sky is a clean clear beautiful deep blue.  I do not see this after a storm much anymore. Hazy white grunge. The five day weather forecast changes by the hour.  Given the discumboobulated(sp) mess out in the Pacific small wonder.  Tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy. Rain is forecast for Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri.  What is likely meant is mostly mist.  Still, in my area we have had some decent rainfall, compared to the previous four years. The obvious jet induced sky grunge, while still occurring, is visibly greatly reduced.  I suppose a squeaky wheel gets more rain?  Maybe, maybe not.  

    1. Ugly skies here over the northern S.F. Bay Area today.  There IS a weird fog in the East Bay hills, high enough to obscure Mt. Diablo (a very high and prominent California landmark that figures greatly in real estate measure), and the clouds are all a formless, sopping charcoal color.  Up high above the low rain-bearing clouds you could see the blasted chem trails, criss-crossing the powdery-blue skies, spewing their vaporous metallic venom anywhere their Lords and Masters dictate.  Yes, when WILL this end?  If we do indeed have cracks forming at the top of The Decider Pile, with top people disagreeing, then WHO are they and HOW do we get to work influencing them to DO THE RIGHT THING and STOP geoengineering once and for all?

    2. Dennie, your description of the skies in Marin works equally well for what I've been seeing for many weeks here in central Scotland.  It's unbelievably depressing.  And the air tastes so foul that it's hard work convincing myself to breathe!

    3. Ohh, it's just so.. uh-MAY-zing, isn't it?  The air now has an actual taste and texture, and soon we will all enjoy the novel measure of being taxed for breathing it. I say WE DON'T PAY UNLESS AND UNTIL IT REALLY IS CLEAN AND CLEAR OF ALL NANO-SHIT.  EVERY LAST BIT.

  12. Dane, thanks in advance although we will have to find a place where we can load the presentation down.  Is it possible to just download your presentations onto our laptop? Have tried but can't figure. We're the kind of Luddites posting "no cell phones ever" over the dinner table, pardon our lack of internet finesse…

    Also a deeply sorrowful note about this country:  tenured Professor of Media Studies Dr. James Tracy has been fired for his investigation of Sandy Schnook Hoax.  This does not bode well for this country.  Sooner the Nazi-soaked apparatus is hurled into the abyss the better. Here is the shameful account of Dr. Tracy's firing:  http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/01/09/academic-freedom-in-america-tenured-professor-questioning-official-sandy-hook-shootings-narrative-fired/comment-page-1/#comment-105451

    1. …and they're trying to say he was really fired for not completing paperwork!! I mourn the death of integrity!

  13. This is What the Anthropocene Looks Like — Tropical Storms Are Now Forming During Winter
    Tropical Storms in both the Atlantic and Pacific during January. It could happen this week. And it’s all due to this new Anthropocene weather we’re now experiencing.
    The Holocene ended more than half a century ago. That’s when human impacts from the production of plastics, to the use of nuclear materials, to the forcing of species extinction, became what scientists now believe to be the dominant influence on this era of Earth history. It was also the time when human beings were in the process of plotting a course to radically alter the Earth’s climate. Pumping greenhouse gasses into the global environment at the fastest pace ever recorded in the geological record. Setting the stage for a warming event not seen in millions of years and, perhaps, in all of time on this world. One that would fundamentally alter the geophysical nature of the Earth system from the bottom of the oceans to the top of the atmosphere.
    And it sure does feel like it — with the North Pole now experiencing above-freezing temperatures during Winter and with both the Atlantic and the Pacific retaining enough heat and instability to brew up tropical cyclones during January.
    Unprecedented Tropical Cyclone Development in Both the Pacific and the Atlantic During January [full article here]:

  14. I haven't had a chance to listen to the last couple of broadcasts but just wanted to say it rained all day here in New England and I even heard a little thunder!  It must have melted what little snow we had left.  (I don't like the cold and snow so I don't care personally but I don't like how all our weather is prob geoengineered.)  And now the (in)famous Fog is everywhere.  I rly don't know what it is but this frequent fog that's been reported all over gives me the creeps.  Some commenter on this site had a link to an article claiming they were expermimenting with drugging populations in the Pacific northwest, I believe;  I think it was some sort of fog and they would dose the ppl then observe and record ppl's behavior.  NO idea if this is true but at this point, having observed the geoengineering for a few yrs that supposedly doesn't exist, I wouldn't be surprised.  When I have to go out to church in a bit, I'll have to breathe whatever this crap is, in.  Hope it's regular fog :/

    1. Weren't we all treated to a movie that was given the title "The Fog," back in the 70s?  Looks like we're getting a remake. 

  15. HAARP/ELF/RF war yesterday and today.  Every time the skies try to brighten, being hit with he strongest waves, and  the skies darken and become solid again.  Like I have said before, I have the physical symptoms of severe ear pressure, stomach cramps, sinus pressure, lethargy and weakness.  Saw an article on Veterans Today website "Soros ad The Gang" by Katherine Frisk.  About 3 quarters in, she talks about weather modification/weather weaponry.  There have been other contributors there that acknowledge it in other articles.  On RT today, they have a story about golf ball size hail that hit Johannesburg, South Africa(which just happens to be part of BRICS) in the middle of a heat wave, with pictures of snow/hail filled streets.  The rot of deceit is rampant all over the world, pedophilia, blackmail, honeypots.  The ongoing dividing and compromising of Humankind and the taking of their souls, thru any means possible to claim POWER over us.  Well here we go again, another mass of ice nucleated "clouds" coming in and their ELF/RF's to turn it back into a plasma. With all that has been said and done, to out this deliberate ecocide/genocide, they remain defiant, contrary to this planets will and the will of our Creator. This has been going on since the beginning of "time".  They knew along time ago, that the clock was ticking, yet no matter the destruction/deceit they played against mankind, the always rose above it all,  Pulled up their bootstraps, and rebuilt communities/friendship, allegiance to one another, as they knew in their hearts, not the physical, but the conscious, to do unto others, as you would have done to you.  That single and most precious consciousness has weathered humankind thru everything they have thrown out at us. regarding the elite seed vault.  Yes, geogineering had been around for about 60 years, but it was not until 2007, just before their blitzkreig of geoengineering, the full frontal, non stop assault, which began from my observations in 2009.  Just see how timely these easily googled articles/news are:

    A Visit To The Doomsday Vault – CBS News

    Inside the 'Doomsday' Vault Past the Arctic Circle – ABC News

    Global Seed Vault: National Geographic Explores The Arctic …

    They methodically and purposefully gathered the seeds from everywhere, that the Creator had bestowed upon us, in his infinite love.  They knew their geoengineering would bring about plant extinction and thereby their own, if they could not reseed the earth with the Creators life giving plants.  The GMO's that they have forced upon the rest of Humankind, has not sustainence.  They absolutely know it, why else create these vast seed vaults??  They have done it over and over again, thru all of time, to systematically wipe out all witnesses/recordings/writings of what they have done to Humankind, so they are never, ever held accountable for the astrocities they have done to Humankind..they will not, for they believe they are gods/goddesses based on "beliefs"  within that "word" if BELIES"  They are the "bloodlines"

    1. They have revealed their plans over the years through UnHolywood movies and videogames. People have been floating down the River of Denial and Delusion….normalcy bias (if it's in a movie or video then it's just fiction).  Evil wants to upload into androids or whatever else they've cooked up in order to live forever ruling over what is left of Humanity.  Know this, Kenny, they have already lost but don't know it.  Seeds of life will spring forth again and the earth renewed to the glory of our Creator, not these evil scumbags who will find their recompense in destruction for eternity.  My ears ring and head aches too (couldn't even go a full day here in East Texas with blues skies before the spraying started, bastards) but we need to persevere until the end so we can be witnesses to the destruction of evil.  Warriors stand strong and be brave.  And thank you, Dane, for giving us a voice.  It helps to keep us sane in these very insane times.  You are a true hero.

    2. Thanks for your South Africa update.  Your descriptions and understandings are appreciated.  I have lived my entire life under the threat of atomic extinction.  Since 1945.  The global psychopaths who rule each national mafia are in competition with the Creator.  They can't win.  Nobody can.  The power to have created life is not in their ability.  They are able to destroy all life on this planet.  That is the power they have, to threaten and blackmail.  Now that mankind foolishly traded subsistence living for a free meal, and for security from the very same murderous operatives, we collaborate because we have little or no choice but to go along to get along.  Still, this does not seem to satisfy the power mad deviants.  These criminal minds want it all, which is why the mafias create ever crazier deadly weapons and surveillance (spy) technology.  I suppose it is that we humans know ourselves individually as individuals capable of joining into the fray of that which we so very much lament about nations so very afraid of one another's intentions.  The underlying drive seems to be a fixation with material (resources) domination of our spirit.  One is a dead thing.  One is alive.  Souls become deadened when material pursuits dominate.  Societies become endemically corrupted.  They die.  That is where the global confabulation now finds itself, staring into the abyss of civilization's global extinction.  War is coming in spite of the obvious insanity.  The historical impetus has not changed.  The Age of Enlightenment enlightened nothing.  Human vanity has wrought the entrapment.  Which century, which contrived propagated idealism is our  mass hysteria to be?  Which flash card gains our anger to be reactionaries for a cue?  Terrorism!  "The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terrorism.  The public will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened"  – Josef Stalin.  9-11 was the global Reichstag con.  And the whole earth believes the LIE.  Under one rock lays all the others, their worms and their unclean things.  

    3. Hey Kenny, people always get it wrong.  It is Not do unto others…in reality it is: "Do not do unto others that which you would not have done unto you."  People miss this but it is huge, I think.

      I have my own seed vault!  Which is basically my apt., where oh where are my miner's lettuce seeds?  There are numerous seed vaults, and active seed savers, including me.

      John Trudell often said the word belief contains the word lie.

      Whoever decided that mankind was superior was not thinking clearly!  Not a surprise there, but based on what?  Standing up?  If you think about it, the very act of standing tall separates one from Earth, perhaps enough height to trample other's rights, to be greedy idiots, divorced from the basic truths found at ground.


  16. The other day I saw for the first time here in Tarapoto , Peru (In the Jungle) chem tail. The plane flying over and was not a regular flight route in the middle of the day
    A year ago I started seeing planes in the middle of the night like 3am  flying very high over Tarapoto  – mountains on all sides.
    There has been Chem trails in Lima(capital of Peru) – on the coast for a few years – is on you tube
    It is very weird to see planes flying over here, there used to be nothing- no planes , only those that were coming in and out of the airport here carrying passengers
    Temps are higher than last year.

    1. Hi Lorena:
      Just wondering who "They" threatened with WHAT down in Peru.  There are people here who believe they can escape to South America and avoid all the trouble and that chem trails are not there– NOT true!

    2. Great Weekly Broadcast, like every week! Mr. John Laws needs to get a grip on reality. Like Dane states, look at data, proof evidence etc. I have read two books 1. THE SIXTH EXTINCTION an unnatural history 2. FIELD NOTES FROM A CATASTROPHE man, nature and climate change both books were written by Elizabeth Kolbert. I have posted about these two books several times in the past. Mr. Laws should research The Great Pacific and The Great Atlantic Garbage Patches in our Oceans and how lethal they are to the Biosphere, Web of Life and the Earth! John Laws and all other deniers with their blinders on need to look at Mesoscale (the big picture) of history, trends and occurences of what is unfolding with Weather/Climate and Oceans, as well as Microscale events! 

  17. Try mentioning this on any weather forum/blog and see how far you'll get.  I don't know what their issues are with wanting to ban people.

    1. Well, obviously, aerosolized nanoparticulate metals have multiple applications– it isn't "just" one thing and nothing else, and it's just another example of dichotomistic thinking that goes in that direction– do we really need MORE of that either/or thought process any longer here?  We have multiple agencies with multiple agendas operating with no coordination, no oversight and not much public discussion, though that last part IS changing.  Thanks to Dane and others here.

    2. Jonathan ,
      Thanks for sharing this video may explain why 
      My nose is always itching to a point of craziness and many times it bleeds. Thanks for sharing. 

    3. ….Thanks for the vid….looks deadly to me…..people do not want to admit that…..and that is exactly why it is still going on…..all I got to say is duh….you don't have to be an einstein to realize this is killing all life and the planet itself…..all of the participant ingredients are exactly what you should not be breathing….they want to label that excellence in science…as if….on what planet….maybe in hell-maybe……those in charge appear irrefutably off balance mentally, surely irresponsible, and liken to someone who should certainly not be in a position of power or relied upon to make viable decisions….being in a positon of governance is not an option for any of the people who are perpetrating these crimes against humanity…..period.

    4. Wow!  Thank you for posting the link.  At least three layers of the onion are peeled back.  Weather modification, global satellite et al communications, and inoculating us with any pathogen or nano-bot suitable for our control or mass anihilation. Pink cotton candy clouds.  How pretty, how deadly.

  18. Hello everyone,

    Jan 9 2016- We had an FS-2 tornado on the west coast of Florida, Cape Coral near Ft. Myers. Some damage to homes and cars, no one killed! Just does not happen here in January! It has been raining during our dry season. What is in store for Florida's wet season?


    1. I continue to believe that the vast majority of these bird kills are HAARP related.  When HAARP is used over the ocean, energy bounces off the ionosphere and back into the water where bait fish are driven away by vibrations or EM impulses.  Baitfish have  highly sensitive Lateral Line organs which aid in schooling behavior.

      When HAARP is used over land it can and does induce earthquakes. USGS seismologists are scrambling right now to explain the recent >M4.0 quakes in OK.  One investigator said he had never seen anything like this anywhere in the world before.

      Likewise, we had an outbreak of quakes here in SoCal the past month, including two >M4.0.  These have coincided with LOW barometric pressure and HIGH winds.

      Have we seen low barometric pressure, high winds and earthquakes near Whittier, AK recently?

  19. Incredible radio show, Dane. But the bombshell you dropped at the very end of the show is cause for the most extreme alarm. Yes, these so-called PTB could at any time, and for "reasons of national security", shut down websites deemed a threat. Far worse, they could invoke their powers to detain, without due process, ANYONE also deemed such a "threat to national security". Or worse still. they could resort to tactics that shall remain unmentionable here. Your phrase, Dane, "we are in uncharted waters" could not be more true on every level of the game. A cornered animal is capable of extreme violence and unpredictable moves.

    On a different front, does anyone here really believe, at face value, the stunt that was staged at that Trump rally whereby a so-called "Muslim" woman was singled out and ejected from the rally? Are you f**king kidding me? This is all PHONY with a capital P! Similar plants of individuals at rallies and other events (9/11) have historically been staged as psy-ops to add credibility to something, influence thinking, foment anger, cover something up, etc. etc. blah blah. It's all theater and what I believe Susan Ferguson recently referred to as examples of UC, unconventional warfare. And geoengineering cold blasts into the middle of America is another blatant example of theater. but with a specific purpose in mind. Gee, do you think there's anyone out there who might have a reason to create extreme cold conditions for the Vikings playoff football game in Minnesota, with countless millions of beer swilling, tortilla chip chomping morons glued, slack-jawed to their TV's? Uh……hmmmmm. Psy-op? Theater…. Yep…… Again, every single day that I wake up and realize that I'm not dead yet, the very next thought that goes through my mind is a reminder that I, and everyone else, are living in an insane asylum run by PEOPLE EVEN MORE INSANE than the insane "residents" they purport to be caring for.

    1. Yes, Marc, the extent of the lies & deceit is unfathomable. So little left that is real anymore & even less to trust in. This site is one of the few places left where truth can be found. Let's all continue to be greatful for that & hope we don't lose it to the evil clutches of the cabal. 

  20. I hope these words uplift you, as Love and Hope speaks in every language and to every person on earth.  In John Burke's Imagine Heaven, p.102, Captain Dale Black, who "died" in an airplane crash was overwhelmed by the beauty he saw in the heavenly dimension.  "Below me lay the purest, most perfect grass, …the most vibrant green…the green I saw was alive…emitting light and life from within each blade.  The iridescent grass stretched endlessly over gently rolling hills upon which were sprinkled the most colorful wild flowers, lifting their soft-petaled beauty skyward, almost as if they were a chorus of flowers caught up in their own way of praising God.  The fragrance that permeated heaven was so gentle and sweet, I almost didn't notice it amid all there was to see and hear…It was all so pure and intoxicating and blended together in a sweet and satisfying scent…mountains you wanted to revere…river was perfectly clear with a bluish-white hue…mysteriously shone within it somehow… colors…more luminescent than any colors I have ever seen in the farthest reaches of earth…they pulsated with life."  Continue to persevere no matter where you are, both figuratively and literally, and be encouraged that evil will not destroy the beauty that awaits those that believe. I personally can't wait to get there to drink the living water and experience the sweetness of everlasting love.  All the more now that I have seen the evil that attempts but will fail to destroy God's beautiful creation. Soldier on brave warriors.

    1. Thank you droughtsurvivor for your inspiration. At times the onslaught against all of Nature and this once beautiful Creation of the Highest Power is so overwhelming to me the ALTERNATIVE to living with and witnessing this madness and insanity seems much more appealing. When the SHTF if life here becomes as dreadful as some predict it will be (the bible as well) I KNOW I would rather be elsewhere. As the saying goes "As above; so below". I hope Heaven is a more magnificent and incredibly GOOD version of what we have experienced here.

    2. Droughtsurvivor,  I just finished reading that book and it definitely gave me comfort in knowing heaven is not meant to be on this earth.  The descriptions from people who were pronounced dead and revived was amazing.  Earth could have been like that, had humans lived in love, harmony and respect for one another and the planet, as many indigenous people have tried to do.  You can be sure that these demonic geo-engineering insane scumbags will not be there to destroy beauty on the other side!  I still weep for my innocent little grandbabies when I think of the world they have been born into.   That is why I keep persevering and trying to spread the word about the crimes being committed.

    3. Risk and reward, right?  I have been feeling very down lately but this book reminded me that evil gods have already lost and speaking out is worth the risk to inherit the reward.  We just need to hang in there even if we don't get to witness with our own eyes their destruction then we will enjoy this beautiful plant once again in peace, harmony filled with LOVE from our God..

  21. As always, a show replete with factual information that matters (as opposed to trivia), with wisdom, and with common sense.  Recently, Iran and India began negotiating to sell oil in rupees.http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-07-14/news/40570111_1_halkbank-rupee-payments-iranian-oil Soon India will be on the list of enemies, then?  Big problem there, since India, like Russia, has nuclear weapons, but India, unlike Russia, does not have Putin.  Quite the contrary: they have Modi, an extremely violent man.  http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/kozhikode/faces-of-modi-and-history-of-violence/article4616760.ece  Not that Putin is a gentle person, but he has shown an interest in preventing a nuclear holocaust; gotta give him credit for that.

    I worked for the US Forest Service for a summer, much of that time as a firefighter.  The USFS is a bureaucracy, period.  Many of the higher-ups (especially the younger ones among them) were quite happy to misuse funds for projects they knew were useless.   Most of the lower-grade workers like myself were there because we loved being outdoors in the mountains, but it was clear that the ones who would be promoted were the ones who never uttered a word of protest about the problems we saw.  Just like in universities and in the corporate world.  That they are incapable of rational decision-making is a result of having weeded out the critical thinkers early on.  (I did find some of the older people there  to be sensible, decent, and frustrated with the system, but they have all retired by now).  I worked there in the early 80's, right when the country was being privatized and the profit motive being made into the highest governing principle – both for corporations and for individuals. 

    Not that greed hadn't existed before, of course.  But the official narrative changed under Reagan – almost a paradigm shift.   Remember his slogan, "It's mourning in America"?  Only he spelled it 'morning' so people would go along with it.

    1. penny: Your voice is invaluable, thank you for being here.  I find it most curious that the push in k-12 public education at least in California now is to promote the kind of learning where we are inculcating critical thinking skills– not of much use in a society that wants everyone to shut up and just "not notice" the shenanigans. Let's hope we see a Sea Change regarding this kind of social "policy."  It is amazing to me that the Uber-Capitalist Neocons, cranking up on steroids starting with Ronnie Ray-Gun, just cannot see how blowing up the foundation of a building will certainly mean the destruction of the 110th floor.  The higher they are the harder the fall, as they say– let's hope.

    2. Thanks to you, too, Dennie, for all your input, and for the kind words.  I couldn't not be here – it's my link to sanity!

      About education in CA and the US:  if CA educators (and those who control them) really are trying, in meaningful ways, to promote critical thinking, that's fantastic!  I have to admit that I'm skeptical.  I could write a book about my views on the education system and its ways of mislabeling things (like self-motivation, critical thinking, cooperative learning…). 

      My own kids were home-schooled – actually, unschooled.  They both had an associate's degree before they were 18, but more importantly, they both were fully aware of various ways in which they were being propagandized at college.  I realize that I was very, very fortunate to have the opportunity to keep them home, but I think it would make economic sense, as a nation, to provide every child with the means to be home-schooled.  If we had a functioning nation, that is.

      My only disappointment, education-wise, is that my daughter bailed out on a promising future as a violinist  🙁

  22. Wow, I just listened to the freedom in action program that Dane mentioned. I can only hope that people who listen to him (John?) have enough of a clue to recognize his lack of knowledge about Geoengineering and Geopolitics. His version of reality is severely skewed by confirmation bias. The ignorance of "self proclaimed experts" never ceases to amaze me.  The title of a "certified firearms instructor" has vastly over inflated his ego, he obviously doesn't realize that he is just a tool for the power structure, or what they call a "useful idiot".

    1. Thank you for that link, Steve.  Did you happen to read the article listed on the same page, about a bit of "good" news?  It states that because of global warming's acceleration, the overall rate of melting of one ice sheet is (relatively) slower than it would have been if, say, global warming slowed.  Sort of like saying that it would be a good thing if we reached terminal velocity on our way to the bottom of the canyon, isn't it?  "Because then we wouldn't still be accelerating toward the bottom" doesn't make me feel any better about the bit that says "we are heading inevitably toward rock bottom."

      That article reminds me of the ones that claim that, since humpbacks haven't yet shown up in Hawaii (they should have, over a month ago), there must be more humpbacks in the Pacific than usual.  Seriously!  One 'expert' claimed that the humpbacks must still be up north, competing for food before making the migration.  He hasn't read about all the strandings along the Pacific coast, obviously.

  23. You discussed much many battle going on constantly new ones daily I stay focused on one your battle with the luciferians playing God , we understand the elite trained and hired economic hitman to go into country's take over and imprison the people set in place there new leadership, well there is the new disinformation hitman Mr Law reading his script with no truth to his attacks , so Mr Law I say give back the script to your handlers and pray to God for wisdom and courage to stand up look up and read take the blinders off time is running out as Our Lord states your either with me or against me strive to be one of the few who are with him, and Dane good job being kind to your enemy's God will grace you for that 

  24. Hi Dane.
    Every saturday I wait with great anticitpation untill your weekly broadcast comes online, as I am listening from the Netherlands I am bound to wait till its uploaded online,
    This is the only news hour I trust. Hard hitting data every week and all the issues that are left untouched and written of by mainstream media.
    I have managed to awaken a lot of people in my region thanks to your broadcast and thanks to geoengineeringwatch.org .
    The only thing for me left to say is : Keep doing what you are doing the world absolutely positively needs you. Together, we can stop this criminal insanity!!

  25. Thank you Dane, I look forward to your radio show every Saturday, you are the only person who speaks the truth for which I so grateful.

    I when I take my dog for a walk I am always worried about how sick he may get when sniffs at the ground he always coughs and sneezes. When I am out walking I see dying plants and trees its heart breaking.
    Keep up the good work

    1. Mary:  A GREAT idea; unfortunately I could not find anything referring to the conference on the link provided above.  Got any other links?

    2. Yeah we need a specific "who is responsible" list – picket, advertise it, Billboard it. Raytheon for example holds most if not all of the HAARP Patents and bought out Hughes.

    3. I saw it announced today in our local newspaper, the Marin Independent Journal, a series of public discussions on climate change (what a nice way to put it.. NOT– ugh!) on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings for the remainder of January.  Gotta find a way to print some of those flyers here, show up and pass them around.

  26. Dane,
    I love the way that you are bringing in the news around the world concerning the economic status. Sounds like you have been reading and listening to Dave at  http://x22report.com/  
    Read the daily articles and/or scroll down to the audio on US and worldly happenings. It is the best site that I've found. 
    Sue B.

  27. Silicon Turnkey Solutions (STS), A Micross Company, Is Proud To Be A Supplier To Lockheed Martin Corporation For The USAF Space Fence Program  /Jan. 7, 2016
    Silicon Turnkey Solutions (STS) Collaborates with Lockheed Martin to Deliver Lower Cost, Higher Reliability Custom RFIC in Large Quantities for the Air Force’s Space Fence Program
    MILPITAS, CA (PRWEB) – Silicon Turnkey Solutions (STS), a Micross Company, is proud to be a supplier to Lockheed Martin Corporation for the USAF Space Fence Program. STS is supplying a critical Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) device used in the ground base S band Radar.
    STS, in collaboration with Lockheed Martin Space Fence Program team, manages a complete supply chain from wafer fabrication to the final qualified production custom RFIC delivery. After initial design validation and GDSII file release by Lockheed Martin RFIC design team, STS performs all the tasks of design characterization, procurement, manufacturing, test and qualification, as well as extensive reliability testing and analysis to deliver highly reliable production RFIC devices to the program. The successful qualification and performance of this RFIC is a key enabler to the low cost and high reliability Space Fence System.
    Space Fence will use S-band ground based radars to provide the Air Force with uncued detection, tracking and accurate measurement of space objects, primarily in low-earth orbit and will significantly improve the timeliness with which operators can detect space events which could present potential threats to GPS satellites or the International Space Station.
    With more than 400 operational S-band arrays deployed worldwide, Lockheed Martin is a leader in S-band radar development, production, operation and sustainment. The Lockheed Martin-led team, which includes General Dynamics, AT&T and AMEC, has decades of collective experience in space-related programs including sensors, mission-processing, cataloging, orbital mechanics, net-centric communications and facilities.

    1. Here's some info on S-band:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S_band  Not that "Wiki" anything is the last word, and they just mention space communications, nothing using the all-hallowed "m" word (shhhh!!! that would be "military," to you and me).  I know there are different frequency bands, but I like to think that when you knock out the S-band and you kill two birds with one stone– all the mobile t.v., gadget-heads' little toys and their Big Brothers in the military, ha ha!

    2. Dennie…as a music teacher you are probably already aware of 528 hz. If not, check it out on YouTube and Dr. Len Horowitz has a 528 Radio website. It's important to resist this treachery on every level possible!

  28. Interesting that the Washington Post completely avoids mention of decades-long activism, wide public knowledge, and continuing public outrage/concern over the long-underway practices of geo-engineering but seems to nod to the presence of geo-engineering awareness with carefully-worded nonsense about the dangers that climate engineering Could pose. It really offers insight into how corporate mainstream media thinks it can get away with completely ignoring major topics of concern for years and then attempt to re-establish legitimacy of some sort by deigning to notice public concern (and still not do anything about it).

    Thanks for continuing to inform us, as the real, reliable media today, Dane, noticing things that are going on around us As they are going on, and inspiring us to speak out too.

  29. Interesting that the Washington Post completely avoids mention of decades-long activism, wide public knowledge, and continuing public outrage/concern over the long-underway practices of geo-engineering but seems to nod to the presence of geo-engineering awareness with carefully-worded nonsense about the dangers that climate engineering Could pose. It really offers insight into how corporate mainstream media thinks it can get away with completely ignoring major topics of concern for years and then attempt to re-establish legitimacy of some sort by deigning to notice public concern (and still not do anything about it).

    Thanks for continuing to inform us, as the real, reliable media today, Dane, noticing things that are going on around us As they are going on, and inspiring us to speak out too.

  30. Stock market off to worst start ever. We are running full on to a Depression. The only thing holding economy up the past 7 years was the fed dumping tons of money into the economy. China is about to collapse with it's ghost cities. Our banking system is bankrupt.

  31. Sunday morning, Brisbane, Australia. Glaring whiteness in the sky to the east indicating particle saturation. The sky is the wrong colour. It is a light blue, not the historically deep blue it should be. A bit later on, the puffy clouds that are present and are trying to form are being desiccated by the particles injected into our skies.

    We have had some rain recently but it still mainly falls in the south east corner of the state, where the majority of the population lives and where the main rain catchment areas are for the large dams supplying the municipal water.

    The state has had heavy rains to the north where drought is worst, but the ensuing floods are not drought breaking. Possible heat waves to come might still negate these 'gifted' waters.

    BTW, our local rubbish newspaper, The Sunday Mail, today has as its main page 'breaking' news, a puerile article about James Packer, inheritor of his father's billions, had a run-in with the security in his own casino. I predict that this distraction method of the news media will eventually backfire on itself as it becomes too obvious, too stupid and ends up raising questions amongst its own readership.

  32. Gee Dane, It has been just pouring rain here in Berkeley!  Makes me wonder if TPTB have orders to give You as little as possible!  I am serious, I've noticed this before.  After all, they know who you are.  I am not so sure how accurate their abilities are such that they could make it rain everywhere but for You, but it sure sounds like it.  Our rain is cold.  I've been through El Ninos here before and they were warm, warm rain.  It has been so cold at times I was sure it would snow.

    I had an interesting time out and about yesterday.  In one "Club" for  "medicine", I over heard a guy talking to another guy about the methane leak in Southern California.  I've been aware of this since very early on and so it caught my ear.  The informed guy looked like a kid.  Looked like a 15 year old straight off a farm in the midwest.  Very clean cut, round face, round eyes in such a light shade of brown, clear eyes.  Told him what I knew about this methane leak and he'd mentioned to the other guy that this could kill us all.  Said he knew how to shut it down!  I asked how and he gave a detailed answer I don't know how to repeat, but emphasized it could be done and why aren't they doing it?  So, being me, I probably said too much, but I asked if he knew about geoengineering.  He did not!  He did know about the navy on our shores and using depleted, he called it live, urainium.  So I mentioned via geo-engineering the skies and clouds, and he did know something about how the supposed contrails were not but he didn't know how.  I told him how, and some other stuff, and more about methane.  He and others there had no idea what is happening in the Arctic, the warm temps, the methane, and they'd not heard of the big holes in Siberia alleged to be methane blow holes.  Told him about peat bogs and methane, as well as clathrates, warming oceans releasing methane.  At this point all were interested, he got a pen and paper and wanted connection to geoengineering and so I gave him your site.  Never expected this to happen, nor there, nor from a fresh faced young one deeply concerned.  Amazing.  I found out his name, shook his hand, told him I found it very inspiring to meet a young person so focused and concerned about our Earth.  That he made my day.  And he did.  Just goes to show you never know when or how these things will happen.  Connections.  Waiting to happen.

    Having to wait by the car somewhere for my daughter, I got out and looked at the sky which was odd in numerous ways I was trying to figure out.  For one thing, the main thing to me, the fog was behind! the Berkeley hills.  Can't say I've ever seen this before.  Not that I get to watch this everyday though.  Weirder still, the fog was advancing towards Berkeley!  The Bay appeared to be socked in fog, and here was fog from the east coming over the hills to us!?!  That just Never happens.  Guess, never say never.  Very weird.

    When I got home, went to hang out bathroom window to see my hens, each different kinds, four of them who had been boarded up against massive rain and wind and cold, out because of no rain yesterday, but ground muddy and so perched here and there on whatever.  Pleasant view.  When all of a sudden scores and scores of wild birds flew into this side yard, singing and chirping and gorgeous or adorable.  Some, little tiny fluff balls.  Like Kinglets, or Bush Tits.  Some were vireos, warblers, some bright yellow with black markings-two different versions of this coloring, two different sizes and kinds of birds, birds I can not name.  Just everywhere!  So much fun!  Reminded me of the old days here when this happened all the time.  I let myself just enjoy.

    Then, my daughter shows me that the one plum that my beloved plum tree made last year, a rare golden variety, was still there!  It came so late in the season and the only one.  I waited and waited for it to ripen, then gone, I thought.  Figured a bird or squirrel got it.  Was a bit depressing but if starving critters got it…..But no!  There it was, revealed as the yellow leaves fell.  She picked its tiny self and it was good!  But the weirdest thing is that this year, starving critters did not touch one fig!  For once we had our fill.  But?  And there is half an apple in the front yard for days now.  Every now and then I see a critter take one bite then walk away.  Why?  What did I just eat that they would not touch?

    1. Very heartening to hear that we have young people here in the Bay Area who are actually paying attention to The System and what it's been doing to us all, seems that so very many of them are just angst-out all the time over getting good grades so they can compete with all the hundreds of thousands of other spectacularly high-achieving students, for the same rarified few spots in the institutions of higher learning that further promote The System, where they will accrue tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt– UGH!!

      I've seen Central Valley fog come over from the eastern coastal ranges hills when it's rained, then gets cold afterwards.  But yes, the patterns are all scrambled now and nothing's going to seem much but weird.  I have to say that I doubt "they" are targeting Dane's area especially for no rain– we've ALL been getting that treatment– and what about Mendo County, where BaneB lives– it's normally colder there, but so cold that rain barrels completely ice up? Don't know how thick that ice was but unless I could reverse-osmose it, I'd be at least leary of drinking it.  Not that anything else we get anywhere else is actually okay these days. 

      Lots of little birds out and around in Contra Costa, Alameda and Marin yesterday and today.  I saw wrens, robins, towhees, and a large white cattle egret come flying out of the creek near the Student Services building on the campus of Contra Costa Community College yesterday– very beautiful, let myself enjoy that.  Still, can't help but wonder what life would be like up in Covelo, near the Round Valley I.R.?  Must be the "flight" part coming up for me, as in "fight or flight," though I do have a colleague who plays in Marin Symphony whose brother bought land out in Covelo back in the 70s, the first time we got warned about a coming global civilization collapse.  Carter tried to warn us back then, along with the Environmental movement that grew out of the Hippie movement, then look what happened after that– and now we find ourselves here– What's next is nearly unthinkable to me!

    2. Not to paint with too broad a brush (which, naturally, means: "I'm about to paint with a broad brush"), but my sense is that younger people tend either to be very aware, receptive, and concerned about the current situation, or else they absolutely refuse to listen to any bad news unless it involves their appearance or their cell phone.  People old enough to have grown kids are more willing to listen (often in utter confusion), but not to change their way of thinking.  I don't know if that's because the young have been bombarded their whole lives by propaganda, from every direction, so that they have to take either the red pill or the blue, or if it's true that younger people tend to be more opinionated.  I suspect it's the former, because those truisms about generational differences run both ways (e.g., "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" and that young people will always reject what their elders tell them).  Truisms are a poison.

      Then again, I could be totally wrong in the perception that the younger generation is so polarized.  So this may have been a total waste of space.  To make amends, here's a heart-felt thanks to everyone here, and everyone 'out there', who is striving to raise awareness about this issue, about the nuclear issue, and about the need to get rid of the military/industrial death machine.

    3. penny: I think you've got it about right.  I work with lots of young people from time to time, I can't really bring the topic up but not all that many who come in to lessons make chit-chat focusing on what's going on with the environment and how that's going to affect their lives– even if they intend to stay alive, which is where all this is goes, after all.  Too many humans are just no good at looking forward for seven generations, I've noticed.  So many in high school are mostly focusing on getting into an ivy league college, or they were a few years back, but "just" college now, then afterward, getting a great job, or "just" a job that pays the bills.  Like their parents, we have young people who notice, and probably many more who don't.  Just another slice of society.  It's clear we all need to promote an honest environmental education based on actual, researched and provable facts, teach all people how to think critically, make honest choices for the common good and do so with courage and an eye towards their longer-term interests, for "seven generations."

    4. Dennie, Hi!  What do you mean dry like all of us?  Has it not been raining across the "pond"-Bay, here?  A few drops at Dane's?  It has just poured here!  Not complaining but for chickens nearly washing away.  Mud everywhere.  Lots of rain all over the place, so struck me as odd that Dane got but drops.  Also, I've lived in this place 37 years, plus 2 others in Berkeley plus change.  I have never once seen fog advance on Berkeley from behind the hills.  Everyone I know found that more than odd.  But, all just chalking up to weird weather everywhere!

      Towhees, robins and wrens are year round birds.  My point was the fly bys.  In the old days, in this the Pacific flyway, nearly every hour a new flock of birds would visit yard.  On way to elsewhere.  An endless, it seemed, show.  I hadn't seen this happen in so long, basically since the big monstrosity next to me was built.  Really really pissing me off as I watched Berkeley sell its soul during the housing boom.

      The birds I mentioned are not year round.  Plus, they were in their mating colors!  That was my point!  I mean, in the beginning of January and it so cold for here, really cold.  More and more plants blooming already despite such cold, and flocks, scores and scores and scores of birds flying through in their fanciest best!  I know they are all happy because of the rains, but still, I've been a bird freak forever and this is weird.  Out of season.  Add to that that blackberry is blooming and has been, as well as honeysuckle, lily of the Nile just keeps pumping flowers out, and all sorts of spring flowers popping up.  The Hawaiian yellow ginger is the only plant that is not seeming to do well with these very cold temps.  We have a HUGE, healthy white rose bush in side yard that is both living and dying, well not dying dead, just confused.  Blooms that are chilled dead in place, dark red rose hips, and bouquets of new blossoms-all at the same time.  I guess I should be expecting my asparagus at any moment!  Just weird.  But lively!

      As for young people.  Gee you guys are cynical.  Yes this kid was exceptional, not just for kids but adults too and it Was heartening.  Also instructive that he knew so much about a few things but zip about others.  Moreover, others there-all say in their 20s?- grew interested and Dane's site I gave to all.  The methane in the Arctic, and my mention of what could be found on You Tube helped, but all were interested-the big holes got to them-those big ones in Siberia.

      I've raised many many kids to different degrees while only able to have the one, my daughter.  Who is highly aware and before I, of geoengineering, and moreover, nature in general which does in large part come from me.  She and her man and kids, my grandchildren, are always doing stuff in nature from camping to hunting to fishing.  The 20 year old is mainly involved with his own social world and life.  The almost 12 year old ADHD kid no school can handle, is having to be homeschooled for the second year now, so I asked about Common Core.  And yes to that and that the biggest problem is for the teachers.  I studied up on Common Core and I do not see what is upsetting others.  No invasive stuff at all.  Aim is to improve critical thinking, which is a big step forward for California given the degree to which our schools suck.  ADHD boy is brilliant, very literate and verbal.  I love what he is learning and so does he.  I've actually learned stuff from what he is learning.  At last, at least one kid turns out to be more like me, sort of, but for being male and into danger.

      Nobody in my family is jonesing for better grades for rarified higher learning.  We are poor people for one.  Rebels all, for another.  And I do mean rebels.  None of us has gone the "normal" route nor care to.  I do know people for whom a degree is still important, paying exorbitant prices for college education.  Many of our relatives on rez are in colleges or have graduated.  We remain old school, free thinkers.

      But I gotta say, kids do not fit into two categories.  They are not this way or that way.  They are all individuals with individual backgrounds and baggage.  I mean We know All about court systems….!  Unfortunately or not.  Some kids, especially at certain ages are in fact only into themselves and their personal social situations.  But they are not stuck there.  It is a lot like with adults.  In terms of informing them.  Hook them with something up their alley.  Or, I'll watch your movie if you watch mine.  some of the 20 year old's friends do talk about geoengineering and other world issues, and the 20 year old is always interested in how others live and what they believe.  His family is way into Reggae.  He just brought up what very little he knew about the takeover in Oregon of that Ranger's station, the Bundy freaks.  So, I got to explain that to him.  He picks stuff up on social media, but then asks me, as he seldom follows through.  The three of us watched Shameless last night-a bit weird to watch with one's mother and grandmother!  But funny as can be and one family more messed up than we are!  I see hope in this madness.  I do. I've given up being critical.  Trying to roll with it and guide it a bit.  And the things I learn from them!  They still get around, a lot.  Me, not so much.

      Dennie thank you for explaining your Barium/hospital trip.  I've had some bizarre stomach issues, vomiting that has nearly killed me, they say, a number of times.  Huge issue for me, one that the hospital can't figure out.  Did not know barium was a serum test.  Thank you.  How did you get to meet Rosalind?  Was it because of this?  How did you figure out barium at the time?  Thank you!

      And thank you Dane for priceless info and pics-gee, the NSA photo, talk about a picture worth a thousand words.  And, Dane, thanks for providing this blog wherein, obviously, we all learn a lot from each other, following your lead. And discussing.  Really helps!

  33. Hi Dane I live on the east coast of Australia and we are seeing geoengineering everyday, there are a lot of us talking about it and we are doing our best to drive as many people to your web site as possible as well as sharing articles/videos etc on facebook. We are finding it difficult to get people to take it serious but we will keep on keeping on. I am at a loss for words when trying to tell you how much we appreciate your courage and extremely hard work, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

  34. The shocking changes that have occurred in the world’s military are a result of and reflect the idea that for those in power, the concept of the USA as Empire is a reality.  Policy, foreign and local is being adapted to the concepts of Empire which come right of of Roman times or Great Britain’s East India Company (Goldman Sachs) – both used mercenary armies. The books that are the most frightening often come from Oxford Press which assumes that the new military will be the classic model of mercenaries. Mercenary armies are considered to be the future and more efficient in every way. Robotics will play an increasing role. Scholars do admit that the problem with mercenaries is they have no allegiance to anything but money – and when the employer goes broke, they turn on the population for ‘pay’ meaning rob, rape, and murder.

    Because I landed in an electromagnetic warfare training zone here on the Olympic Peninsula WA, I have been reading piles of recent books on the new technological military – trying to understand why the U.S. Navy thinks it’s just fine to turn the pristine Olympic Peninsula into an area to allow the Growler jets to train for electromagnetic warfare. This link is my first article based on recent research in my endeavor learn how my own country, once considered to be the ‘Land of the Free’ has turned into a War Machine.
    Full Spectrum Dominance: The Electromagnetic Battlefield
    …this is not just a local issue. This is not just happening in Washington State, but the sobering fact is that the U.S. military is enlarging and expanding their electromagnetic emissions and weapons systems training in 17 states all up and down the borders, the east coast, west coast, the southern coast, and in every military base which he names in the interview (see link below).
    Craig B. Hulet: “This is nothing compared to the technology that is coming up. RF [radio frequency] technology has evolved into weapons systems makes star wars weapons look lame. Science will blow up the world.”  Science will blow up the world. Has my country gone mad?

  35. the latest made-up excuse for sprayings' effects is now "fog".  For most of the last half of Dec and first days of Jan, clear skies no spraying beautiful clear nights loads of stars what a pleasure; forecast for "High" to continue through next week, clear and cold, when suddenly by Wed skies gray thick overcast, when some cleared you could see the trails; tv weather people in Vancouver, Victoria etc calling it "Fog" but on satellite maps keep showing we're really under a "High" even though planes ferries delayed due to "Fog".  They say one thing and show us another…

  36. I am an observer.  I too questioned then found you. Bless you for the work you do.  It has been relentless with aerosol deposition and frequencies playing in the atmosphere this past week on the OR and WA coastline.  Not receiving normal winds from tidal changes. Winds are very different.


  37. Thank you, Dane. You say wisely: “The human race is suicidally addicted…no one wants to wake up to the illusion…constant division…near term extinction…The worship of this technology ‘god’ has pushed us beyond the brink…the reckoning is here…now…every source of information, agencies, media, all of them, are performing their assigned tasks of keeping the masses pacified and ignorant of the facts and calm until the last possible moment…the power structure will try to hide everything as long as possible…”  
    Einstein: "Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an axe in the hand of a pathological criminal"

    * The Sorrow of Science: Muni Narayana Prasad
    The separation of knower, knowledge and known in erroneous perception and the rudratva ( Sanskrit meaing sorrow, suffering, ‘the shedding of tears’) arising from it affects all areas of man’s activities. This is nowhere more apparent than in the enquiries of modern physical sciences… The scientist looks out on a matter/motion world of substances and energies and does not see himself in it. His attempts to define it in terms of of its physical origins are only in terms of the transitory appearances…immense achievements…in the production of weapons of mass destruction and in the technologies which denude the land and sea of their riches and threaten man’s very existence on this planet Earth.
    Science which does not regard its purpose as being for the good of Earth’s inhabitants is unethical. Sciences regarding a multiplicity of separate knowable in which the nature of the scientist himself is not the starting point, will fail to produce any lasting benefit for the world’s beings. In this is the sorrow of science, it’s rudratva.
    – The Vedanta Sutras of Narayana Guru, translation & commentary by Muni Narayana Prasad; D.K. Printworld.

  38. Excellent hour.  I do sense a subtle but real shift of hope……ie…..more hope.  That's a significant amount of lawyers we have working for us—and I will, and would encourage others to shoot out whatever you can afford to that contribution address..even if its 5 or 10 dollars….or more if affordable.   Thank you Dane, and thank you all for the progress we are making….I've stopped fretting over the people that don't get it…there are a lot of people that do..and more every day.

  39. Thank you for the time and effort you have taken to carefully inform us, thanks from San Antonio, Texas. I live in the southern flightline of kelly usa and most of our trees dead around here for years now, every thing you say is true, keep up the good work, my friend, thank you so much.

  40. On Jan. 28th. Texas Dept of Licensing and Regulations will be meeting with the Weather Modification Committee  to review past programs and issue new licenses and permits. At their last meeting  my husband and I were the only public in attendance. I addressed the board with a written statement that outlined my observations of the weather anomalies and the NEXRAD radar's impact on weather patterns. I was thanked for my input and the head of the program came and talked with me after the meeting.  He tried to convince me that there was no correlation between NEXRAD and the weather and that the trails in the sky over Austin were not a part of their program and were probably condensation trails. This time when I go, hopefully I will be able to round up some support.  I plan on asking for more accountability, specifically in light of the 1978 government doc. that outlines the potential problems that can be created.  Secondly, I would like to see air quality testing, an issue that I have found very difficult to get results on through TDAQ. I've lived in Austin for over 40 years and the weather has dramatically changed, most noticeably over the past 6 years. I don't know what the motivation is for the manipulation but it is definitely changed a lot of things here.  These meetings are recorded and will be available for viewing on TDLR weather modification website. I wish someone with more expertise would come and address them. If you have any suggestions for me regarding my comments please let me know. Thanks Chris

  41. Each day, I look forward to your presentations, Dane, and each of them gives me hope and the motivation to do as much as possible to educate others; however, just how does one educate and warn those who just don't want to see?  My own family, many educated professionals, think I am being paranoid about the 'chemtrails', the radiation of our planet by nuclear facilities (Fukushima and others) and now even the health and environmental issues by the L.A. gas leak, spewing methane and radon and other good stuff in our environment.  I give them links to your great site and others and they don't even bother to investigate.  The frustration I feel is palatable, I know, but, hopefully these numbnuts will wake up and soon.
    Peace and good luck to all of us on this tiny round ball in space.

    1. Virginia. It IS very frustrating isn't it? People are mesmerized into looking at that idiot box in the corner of their room instead of upwards to our skies. Even when I have succeeded in getting comments in the UK MSM online warning of this looming disaster, I get twice as many Thumbs Down than Up! It is hard to stay positive and I can only applaud Dane for sticking with it.

    2. I am frustrated also.  People think I am wacko I guess.  I have found people just don't like to think anything bad could be going on or face the fact we are nothing but a science experiment for the mad-men.

      I have been taking picture of the sky from my own house since Oct 2015.  They are quite impressive and should be hard to explain as natural!  I am going to put these pictures, as a slideshow, on my computers at my business as a screen saver. I will challenge anyone employee that watches these to explain to me how they think these are natural cloud formations.   I probably won't get to many believers and will be the butt of some cruel jokes but if one person decides to check this out and get informed?  It will be worth it. 

    3. Virginia,
      You’re not alone my family and friends are sleeping as well…some are highly educated; unfortunately there are many educated fools. Keep the fight alive….I only wish Dane were running for President!

  42. Dane, thank you for your wise cautions about not linking 2nd Amendment activism to issues that are not specifically related to gun rights. 

  43. Truly, THE most educational, to the point, and informative talks I have heard so far. I am 65. As a young child, I remember my father, Navy, WW2 and Korea, speaking of weather control. Thank you for all you are doing in trying to educate a society, who for the most part, refuse to look beyond their regularly scheduled programming. I have been speaking of this time to my children, now grown, since I was in my 20's. I am but a tiny voice in a huge world. You, have great intelligence and great power. PLEASE CONTINUE, in your quest to reach people before it is too late. Again, thank you.

    1. Yes, I second the motion, a really great presentation.  We need to get more on board to hear this voice of Reality.

      This afternoon many of us said goodbye to our great teacher who recently passed.  I was there for three hours, service and reception, and when I left around sunset/dusk this afternoon it was only to go outside into the ice-nucleated toxic rain, into a much larger arena where death and dying is evident and the imminent mass extinction of everything is a real possibility, a much larger, much more menacing, imminent destruction and death, a world where we have NO water, NO living ocean, NO food, NO OXYGEN???  Most people can barely wrap their heads around the notion that our money system's going to collapse– THIS IS COMPLETELY TERRIFYING and no one seems to have any idea HOW any of us are going to survive.  I have NO idea how I will!!  Many more are not even looking at this.

      We have a military presence that has RULED BY ABUSE and is completely out of control that needs to be pulled up by the roots and thrown into a different time-and-space dimension, then change the locks, where they simply cannot manifest here again. WE NEED TO DREAM A NEW DREAM, and FAST– is "God" still alive, and does He know about this, does he hear our screams for help????

  44. I wanted to thank you again Dane Wigington you are one of my great heroes in this life I woke up about 2 years ago and I must say I'm tired of fighting with idiots tired of arguing with close minded people or whatever's wrong with them just so worn out, but I'll keep on fighting as I watch you do I think a lot of them are beginning to realize that I'm not a tin foil hat wearing nutjob ,that they're finally starting to see some of the things I've been saying come to fruition, and that is bittersweet…indeed  I would give anything to have been wrong about all this…I still get so angry at just such a calamitous waste these idiots in control have wrought on us all.. .and I hope that there's something left for the rest of us and we live to see them reap what they have sewn..to reap the whirlwind! anyway just thank you thank you so much..I am often awed by your ability to stay focused and stay positiveand that gives me courage to keep up the good fight and also without this website in the comments of love people I find it a like minded I would have given up long ago here down here in Texas surrounded by the redneck masses. Again thank you god bless you and yours and may we all stay together and join together and bring more together with us and not let them divide and conquer us but with God save our home ..you and all the rest of us if like minds give me strength to not give up. maybe we  can give some kind of a chance for the future to our children. .also I wanted to ask for any advice on what to do at this late date.. whether or not we should stockpile food and weapons that sort of thing ? what's the best thing to do to weather the coming storm?try to move out of the country? what? I don't know but I definitely know that I feel a strong need to do something different now… I'm just not sure what's the best way to go..,I  would appreciate comments and or any advice.

    1. I would definitely stockpile food, water, guns, ammo, etc (check any survivalist site for a good list)
      In the longer term, after the breakdown, the only way we can survive is to form groups of like-minded unselfish enlightened individuals. Going it alone will only work for so long. In any case, stay strong and don't despair no matter what happens.

    2. Hello Becca, Myself, no guns.  But that is just me.  Could get one or some way too easily, but I would never kill anyone, regardless of the situation.  Again just me and my belief system, I'm kind of a nun, though not a real nun, just for all practical purposes.  Do start building up food storage.  Do get water purification tools.  And tools in general.  Even self composting toilets.  Figure out what you have you could trade for what you need.  In the Great Depression a man sold his car for a sack of potatoes, for instance.  Do learn basic survival skills including how to set traps.  If you live on land, not only grow food and save seed, but also grow medicines.  Medicinal plants.  If you are addicted to anything, wean yourself off.  Make good friends where you live, whether or not they yet believe in what is going on, so that you have resources and they have you for the same.  There seems to be nowhere one can go to avoid what will happen as this is worldwide.  What hits the fan will be worldwide.  Having allies will help.  As would a root cellar if you have land, the sort that could save you in some bizarre weather scenario, like with tornadoes.  Stash water if possible.  That is all I've got for now, but I'm sure others will chime in.  Andrew from Scotland who is on this blog has some very good advice in this area of survival.  Good luck!  And check out the info in the side bars here.

    3. Yes, stock up, make friends, this is NO time for burning bridges!  But I do not know how anyone is going to be able to grow ANYTHING, without normal rainfall or winter time cold that does not kill everything with toxic ice nucleation chemicals.  I am meeting MORE people who do in fact notice the insane weather and when they remark about it to me, I use the words "ice nucleated precipitation events," and if they've been keeping up, they'll reply back with words like "spraying" or "chem trails," though I do call it "geoengineering," and say the name of this website, three times, so they'll hopefully come here and start reading/listening and get inspired to join the growing ocean of those who are in the know.

      I'd like to hear more, soon, about the splits at the top and what we can do to use that fact to drive in a wedge and get more leverage to have the voices of reality and reason heard.  At some point, I'm convinced, the people at the top in charge of this who would be most effective at stopping it, actually, need to be THE ONES who WAKE UP and STOP IT.  We have to work with them, to get them to SEE that they need to do everything they can to reverse the situation, not just bash and banish them.  Like the money system, THEY got us into this and it is going to take at least some of THEM to get us out of it.

    4. @Rachel
      I am not a "gun" person and have never owned one in my life.  I'd really rather not have to have and use weapons.  Do you doubt, though, that bad people with guns who have not prepared WILL use them to rape, steal, and kill when law and order breaks down completely?

    5. Oh, I should add that if the foods you are saving, if canned and not home canned but store bought-those are lined with Monsanto's BPAs.  Which all claim now to be known to cause all sorts of endocrine problems.  So, if those, rotate them.  The longer they sit, the more of the bad stuff leaches out.  Really, someone should address those and off it.

    6. @Drew, Hi.Long/short, guns don't scare me.  In fact nothing has scared me since my ADHD grandson was born!  Will confess that when yelled at, especially by someone close, I will burst into tears-a kind of knee jerk reaction.  But, I am not afraid.  Come what may.  Double dog dare someone to pull a gun on me!





  45. Although I am losing friends and family at an alarming rate recently, due to my geoengineering activism, I am not deterred from shouting this message, as loud as I can, to whoever is in earshot. None of us get any satisfaction being the one who says, "I told you so" at least that is not my motive. I simply want the insanity to stop so our planet might recover and be a place that will sustain life for a few more million years. What are these madmen thinking experimenting on the only habitable planet we know of?

    1. Hey Carol, just wondering if by shouting, you actually mean shouting?  I ask because that does not work!  And that could relate to losing so many so fast.  I take a longer but more gentle approach which seems to be working.  It may sound bizarre, but I'm even positive and up beat, and that always attracts people.  Most criticism I receive about this is like water off a duck's back.  It has only hurt once via a best friend, but did not end the friendship.  There are oh so many ways to approach all this.  Like say, "Wow.  Now I know why there are mauve clouds!  My least favorite color!"  Other person: I like mauve.  Me: "You do?  I find it weird, like taupe, sorta shape shifting colors that bother me yet I never expected to see clouds that color." Other person: What do you mean?  Me: "Turns out they color the clouds to track the chemicals they experiment with."  Other person: What are you talking about?  Me: "Oh, Raytheon."  Other person: What is Raytheon?  Me: "Our government's  leading defense contractor.  I just spent two weeks studying all about them and mostly from their own site and history."  Other person:  what does that have to do with clouds and how can they color them?  And bingo!  Hooked and reeling in.

    2. Hi Carol.  Had to laugh at your reference of family.  I totally know what you mean!  It's hard to be tossed and avoided but I look at the good side of this.  Sure trims that gift giving budget, doesn't it!  LOL!  It's all we got sometimes!!

      Stay strong and comfortable with what you know is going on.  The same people that brand you as a NUT will probably be knocking your door down for help when they finally wake up.  And I, like you, will take them all right back in.  It's sad they just don't realize we are trying to warn them.  Life is not good right now.  Get prepared the best you can.

    3. Carol:  We are family right here on geoengineeringwatch.org. 

      The Madmen aren't capable of real thought, just insane out-of-control unconscious hatefulness and unbelievably intricate plotting.  Eventually it WILL trip them up and I hope we all here live to see that day, but it's also going to take a lot of work on our part to get ourselves out of the mess "They" have masterminded, and to which our objections appear to have had ZERO effect.  The difference is that "They" seem to have no problem working tirelessly to achieve their insane goals, while we've all just gone to work 9-5 as wage slaves, and have lost our Will to be the guardians of the Common Good.  It all got "privatized" in the 80s, remember?

  46. Thank you Dane! Great show as always. I am going to play this show during lunch time at Charlie's Pizza for my customers. Nobody will eat at Charlie's Pizza without an introduction to Climate Engineering. Never Ever Give Up!!!

    1. Steven,
      Great show my friend, I hope I'll one day travel to Alaska and join you for a slice of pizza and a beer!!


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