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What is the real role of the US military around the world? What is really the agenda behind the ongoing perpetual wars being waged all over the globe? All too often in the name of "freedom and democracy"? Americans must awaken from the programming and lies that have been pumped into them by the power structure. Willful ignorance of the truth is not an excuse for supporting government tyranny. We all have a responsibility to seek out verifiable facts, we all have a responsibility to do our individual parts for the common good. We will all sink or swim together. The video below is an exceptional and compelling compilation of facts which exposes the total tyranny and hypocrisy of our own government and so called "elected officials". It was produced by a radio host friend and activist, Dan Schultz, who is doing his best to get the truth out in a very straightforward and inarguable manner. This 23 minute video is well worth the time to view and to pass on to others. My sincere gratitude to Dan for putting it together.
Dane Wigington

13 Responses

  1. I see the evil perpetrated by the criminal government of the US Anglo-Zionist empire, but when I try to talk to people about it they think I'm nuts; even my wife and children think I've lost my mind….sad, very sad!!

    1. It's amazing how long that cabal's been going on, probably since the first Zio Bankster arrived in London (and elsewhere, wherever the smell of money is strongest) to help The Crown with their banking needs.  Here's how the Most Unholy Trinity operated in a grab for oil (translated:  Money in The Bank), thereby "power" for Western Industrialized countries' World Domination Scheme: 

  2. No planes, No Jets. Sky's are clear and Blue today. Coincidence? I hardly think so. They will be back though when the conditions are right. You can guarantee it.  I watched them last night flying by. Lots of them. They were trying to cover the stars and moon. They seemed to be having some difficulty doing that though.

    They were relentless in their pursuit to cover the sky with a Soupy Toxic Mess.

    I wish that they would drop from the sky and crash into a Field.

  3. Global Research: The Survival of Humanity / Economic Warfare against the World:
    “As Professor Michel Chossudovsky so aptly writes, western corporatism is waging an economic war against the world accompanied by increased militarism carried out mainly by the Pentagon and its minion European allies, NATO. … Stopping this criminal western imposed economic supremacy, all based on dollar fiat money, controlled by FED, Wall Street and the Basle (Switzerland) based BIS (Bank for International Settlements), also called the central bank of the world’s central banks, must be the world’s Priority Number One. The BIS was created in 1930 with the objective to help with the settlements of loans related to the reparation payments by Germany after WWI. It later took over the role of coordinating and gradually controlling central banks around the world and the flow of funds between them. The Rothschild – Rockefeller families were instrumental in setting up the institution and are still today among the major shareholders of an entirely privately owned international monetary institution.  … Washington follows a foreign policy of constant provocation for constant conflict. It is a monster with more than 1,000 military bases around the world, spanning its tentacles into every region of the globe, creating friction, for conflicts, for military interventions, for ‘regime change’. … Six Anglo-Saxon Zionist-dominated giant media corporations are controlling 90% of the ‘news’ consumed by the West. They spit out endless lies, double-talk, hypocrisy, manipulating public opinion seeking consent for the empire’s evil interventions in sovereign nations’ internal affairs. … It is fundamental to unequivocally understand that the United States has one goal – and one goal only – seeking global military, financial and economic hegemony; or as Washington’s strategists call it, Full Spectrum Dominance. There is NOTHING, no diplomacy, no negotiation that could detract them from their course. Peace is not in Washington’s cards – and has not been for the last 200 years. … Today more than 50% of the US GDP is generated by America’s war machine and related industries and services. US/ NATO instigated conflicts, wars and proxy or mercenary wars in the last 15 years have left behind a death toll of 10 to 12 million people; and a chaos of destruction and misery contributing a considerable portion of refugees to the worldwide flood of at least 60 million refugees (UNHCR), seeking shelter, food and security in the very nations that destroyed their economies, homes and families."

  4. Because the Dragon is going down, is all the more reason we need to support our troops and our local police. Those within the system need our prayers and gratitude for not backing down from the mission that they have, within the belly of the beast. The system has been trying to handicap the most powerful with in it, but by the grace of God they will rise-up, OVERCOME, and not only change the flavor, but dish back out to the ones who've been serving us, a nice fat feast of their own medicine.

    1. I so agree with you, Tammy!  We will pray that those who serve in our military will wake up and remember their oaths and defend the American people and liberty – NOT those who just want power and control.

    2. Google "Goliath, Deadliest Storm" by Weather Channel. Five foreigners being trained by OUR MILITARY in engineering (Geo), military policing, and chemical warfare downed in Missouri during that storm. Our military is not only knowingly attacking and destroying us with friendly fire daily, they are training everyone else in also doing the same. Not so secretly. Why are people watching football and blowing Happy New Years noisemakers instead of helping sound the alarm only leaves me "FLUMMOXED". Interesting word I received from the Holy Spirit at 3am. . .Blessings to my Flummox Family. Love you all!  Dane, you will forever be my hero. . .Psalm 65:11

  5. If this short film doesn't pretty much sum up how our deceitful and criminal government is hitching a free ride on the backs of the stupidity of the American people, then I'll eat this laptop I'm typing on. And this same government realizes that, in fact, many are waking up to it's phony game and so therefore are doubling down on secrecy and intimidation and outright psy-ops of the American people AND the whole world. This empire will not last. It cannot last. It reminds me of the Ouroboros, the snake eating it's own tail, ultimately consuming itself. 

  6. Some will wake up, some will not.  At this point I believe it doesn't matter either way.  There's nothing to be done.  Dane Wigington, Dan Schultz and all the others who raise their voices and are tirelessly trying to raise awareness … I commend you.  But sadly I think this beast has become too big for fist waving.  Some will watch this video and think it's an exaggeration or just a bunch of paranoid crap.  I have found that many I speak to just plain refuse to believe that our own government would ever intentionally do "anything" that wasn't for the common good. Their patriotism is unwavering.  They can't allow themselves to actually see, let alone accept the truth.  It's all gone on far too long and the ugly truth is we have been complicit.  Unknowingly, but nevertheless complicit.  There is no stopping this power.  There will be a new world order .. not without a fight .. but I believe we have already lost. I agree with Dareen, who posted above.  We must do what we can individually to care for and love each other and our planet.  No fear.   

    1. Hello Linda, yes, we are going to hit the wall, this is beyond doubt. This being said, the more seeds of awareness we plant, the more chance we have of changing the flavor of what we face. As the market shelves empty out, and the power structure drops more big shoes, the sleeping will be forced to wake, they will have no choice. Lets march on in this battle, there is no other option, there is no giving up.

  7. we don't. This ship is going down…..

    love your family, love the earth, and grieve. The universe is listening. From death comes life, the end is really just the begging. Life is terminal….

  8. The level of brain washing is very disturbing. The people parrot sound bites. They have no idea what they are supporting. No Idea why they are cheering the spilling of blood but they will do it anyway. It is easier then thinking for themselves. wow! 

    These same people cheer the spraying of the planet. If those who rule them ever admit it these people will cheer!  They would support it because they are told to support it. They would not know or care about the deaths and destruction the chemicals cause. They cannot be bothered to think about that. They don't have enough information to think about that (quoting one women from the video)  but they will ''support the troops who do it''..

    They support their troops even when those same troops spray them like cockroaches. They support their government and all it does no matter how destructive or how murderous. As they lay dying from burned out lungs and cancers that eat them up they will die happy with the full knowledge their government killed them for the good of the nation. They did their 'patriotic duty'. 

    And we wonder why it is so difficult to make people look up and see what is going on above their heads. ? They see it. They just cannot be bothered to think about it. or if a thought did run through their heads. They believe it is being done for their own good. They refuse to see or believe otherwise. That would take original thought. Something most of these people interviewed are incapable of. sad to say this is also the belief of the majority of people in the world not just the usa. 

    How on earth does one break through that level of programming. their insanity is very widespread and it is killing the planet. these people deserve what their master does to them.   They deserve what their troops do to them. The chemical bombs being dropped on them daily and they turn around and thank the pilots for doing so. 

    seems like something out of a horror movie. 

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