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We have one way forward, to awaken a deeply buried and suppressed sense of justice and responsibility in the US population. The citizens of the United States are the last potential counterbalancing force that could truly change the equation for the better and help with the efforts to avoid WWlll. As the criminal cabal that runs our country is pushed further into a corner from all directions, their desperation will manifest. Crashing economies, nuclear meltdowns, resource depletion, a disintegrating climate system, and a juggernaut of geoengineering insanity, all are helping to fuel the fire. The power structure and their corporate media puppets are doing everything they can to hide the converging catastrophes from the public until the last possible moment. The cancer behind the curtain is unimaginably massive, it is up to us to expose those behind the cancer before they have made all their preparations for total collapse. All of us are needed in this battle to shine the light, all of us. Make your voice heard while there is yet time for us to alter our current course of mathematically certain demise.
Dane Wigington

108 Responses

  1. At least Dane Wigington has the balls to stand up and say the truth on the "Subject" of the ongoing assault that is apparent over everyone's heads. The real problem of this ongoing problem is this.

    Like all the Millions of United States of American people, are in a Brain Fog for years, and not acknowledging the fact that they are being sprayed each and every day and will be in constant Denial that this is happening to them.

    The same here in Canada. The only difference between Canada and the U.S.A. people is, that the people that are in Canada, that don't see this have Sht for Brains while the people in USA that don 't see this are in Dizzeney Land.

    Both being said, both of us being so close together and being dumped on everyday. It looks like both countries are in Deep Sht. Thanks to the people that are brain dead and are in Dizzy World.

    That is easy to see.


  2. You are so interesting! I don’t suppose I’ve
    read something like this before. So good to discover another person with some unique
    thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. thank you for
    starting this up. This site is something that is needed on the internet,
    someone with a little originality!

  3. I think the fight against Geo-Engineering should be re-framed more specifically on the fact that Aluminum destroys Ozone, and without Ozone, Solar Radiation will wipe out all life starting in the Oceans.

    Forget about C02 and Methane, those are secondary anyway (and actually obfuscate focus on the biggest danger which is Solar Radiation), and are a direct result of burning fossil fuels, but burning of fossil fuels won't stop anytime soon.

    First and foremost, the biggest problem is destruction of the Ozone layer, and increased Solar Radiation, and this is being caused by Aluminum, and we want that to stop RIGHT NOW, therefore, it must be shown to the courts that ALUMINUM destroys OZONE, and Geo-Engineering is destroying Ozone.

    This link says that Aluminum destroys Ozone:


    1. Hello Bob, yes, the ozone destruction is an immense problem. This being said, we should not underestimate the methane issue. The methane deposits in the Arctic alone are enough to create a Permian type global mass extinction a hundred times over or more. There is enough methane to turn the planet into Venus. https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/global-geoengineering-fueling-venus-syndrome/

    2. I agree 100% with Bob that the aluminum dust is killing the planet,erasing our memory ,…AKA Attzheimers and worst of all destroying the Ozone layer along with the blasting of the atmosphere with HAARP . Destroy the Ozone layer and the SUN FRIES THE PLANET AND ALL LIFE along with it!!!. 

        So yes it does need to get to the courts and Congress  for review and putting the brakes on but have the Judges and the congress and Senate been bought off and corrupted too . My guess is yes they have been paid to to not address the issue.  

  4. I apologize for the messaging. One last thing, anybody who cares about protecting Life on Earth would be injecting OZONE into the upper atmosphere, not dumping Aluminum into it.

  5. When the Central Bankers call it Solar Radiation Management what they really mean is How can we increase Solar Radiation to the Earths surface to cause a threat big enough so that we can use it to control the world?
    Probably the substances they spray can be proved to destroy the ozone layer and the ability for the atmosphere to filter Solar Radiation.

    Thanks for the work you do.

  6. Besides that, all these other things are diverting attention away from taking down the Federal Reserve Bank, and its owners keep doing more chaos to keep attention diverted, and they can keep doing this into perpetuity.

    It is time to not lose focus and to take out the arrangement where the US govt borrows from a private bank, it means it is time right now to take out the Federal Reserve.

  7. I mean sure there are greehouse gases  like co2 being released but their effects are insignificant (and even beneficial in that it will help plants grow) compared to having an atmosphere that doesn't have the ability to filter solar radiation, and Climate Engineering is likely meant to destroy that ability.
    The only big difference I can actually feel myself is the intensity of the sun, the temperature is not even nearly as consequential as solar radiation.
    If the Ozone goes, we go, and Climate Ehttps://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/wp-admin/edit-comments.php#comments-form

    1. Hello Bob, yes, the shredded ozone layer is indeed catastrophic for the planet and directly related to the ongoing climate engineering insanity. About the Co2 issue, yes, Co2 is necessary, but as is the case with so many of the building blocks for life, too much is also a problem. The ocean is acidifying to deadly levels due to the Co2 buildup. If the oceans die, we die. Even plants can only handle so much Co2, there are many variables. We must be cautious of dichotomous thinking or oversimplification of the equation. All factors must be considered when coming to conclusions.

  8. Sure, but all those other problems stem from the Gov't borrowing from a private bank, the Federal Reserve, and Climate Engineering.

    All the problems other than these 2 should be erased from the list, so that people can be more focused in what they are supposed to be fighting against.

  9. It is the owners of the PRIVATELY OWNED FEDERAL RESERVE BANK that are causing ALL the chaos, ONLY, and NO OTHER.

    The US must stop borrowing money from ANY private bank.

    Those who own the Federal Reserve Bank are just printing money for themselves!!!!!!! This is what gives them their power!!!!


    And it is they who are causing all the chaos ALL over the world, and most importantly, they are intentionally destroying the ability for the atmosphere to filter solar radiation by spraying CLIMATE ENGINEERING.

    Only 2 things MUST end, the US borrowing from any private bank, and Climate Engineering.


    1. Hello Bob, I completely agree with you on the need to end the central bank control and geoengineering. It is also important to remember that there are countless forms of completely unsustainable damage being inflicted on the planet by the human race, we have many challenges to face. This being said, the points you mentioned should remain our top priorities.

  10. The f**kers that own the Federal Reserve are the ones doing the ALL the chaos.
    The US government MUST not be allowed to borrow money from private banks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is what must stop first before Geo-Engineering will ever stop!!!!!!!!

    1. Hello Bob, don’t lose hope. When we reach a critical mass of awareness in regard to the climate engineering insanity, there will be a paradigm shift. Our challenges will not be over by any measure (rather they are just beginning), but it will be a quantum leap in the right direction. Lets all keep sounding the alarm, every single day.

  11. Thanks, Dane, for your radio broadcast.  The nightmares don't conclude. Today 21 December 2015, brought a truly geoengineered sky to the Coachella Valley Palm Springs) with the trademark X's all over the place. At this moment, the sprays are taking a parallel, then zig zag design. Still, nobody looks up. DrDignity

  12. The planet earth is in a certain Demise. It looks to me like trouble is brewing each and everyday more rapidly. It is so hard to fathom that so many don't get it. Open your ears and listen to the Jets constantly laying it down each and every single day. No Sun. I find it real hard to believe that the Majority of the Public have no recollection of a "Normal" looking Sky that used to be Blue. 

  13. Dane, we all March on, and I see there are so many more people awake than even a year ago. So as the climate goes exponential, so too will the wave of awareness, so we hope. I comment mostly to report that I have been changing my strategy a bit lately. Instead of wholesale tell-everyone-I-meet dissemination of GEO data, I have begun targeting those who I feel have some standing in the populist climate discussion. To my shock, many of these seemingly bright people have no real concept of geoengineering and its many effects on our planet. Many climate activists are so hung up on carbon, it's all carbon fault they say. Unfortunately I am not as good at holding my temper as you are, and sometimes I get a bit belligerent in the face of stark, bold ignorance. Regardless of adversity I intend to keep moving the ball forward in any way possible. Thanks again for everything mate.

    1. Hi you dont know me but I have been fighting these people for years now. With no wins. Contacting your local or government officials does not work as they are in on it and been garranteed a place in the fall out shelters. Billboards are great but I think making vedios and passing them out with instructions that they make 10 copies and pass them out with the same instructions. I beleive that the only way to stop this is to do away with the HAARP installation and thos canisters that are put in the belly of the planes. Find out where they are stored. Talking is not going to do anything. Its to late.  BIG MIKE

  14. Dear Dane – I thank you for your continuous service to the American People.  I'm at my home in Charlotte, North Carolina.  I also have homes located in Litchfield, SC, Blowing Rock, NC, Upper Saranac Lake, New York, Naples, Florida and Maui, Hawaii.  Not my intent to flaunt my real estate holdings.  Just wanted to demonstrate to your readers what I've continuously witnessed over the past three years while visiting my homes at the locations mentioned.  Primarily, jets spraying toxic chemicals.  Last evening with a bright moon glow above, and for the first time while taking my walk through my neighborhood, I noticed numerous jets flying over head during the darkness of night.  I walked for the better part of an hour and a half.  The trails in the skies were numerous and blatantly visible due to the brightness of the moon accenting the jets paths of spraying.  What's most unsettling to me is the fact that most of our US Citizens have no knowledge as to what is taking place with their individual health at risk.  The News Media is negligent to the point where it's borderline criminal.  I will continue to do my part as a responsible American Citizen to educate as many people as I possibly can.  May  I recommend and suggest that your readers contact their local politicians as well as respective State and Federal Representatives.  Collectively, we have to get the facts out that our Country is being destroyed.  May God Bless you Dane and God Bless the Good people of our beloved United States of American.
    Respectfully and sincerely yours – Shirley

    1. Hello Shirley Kistner, Many of us, most of us have of course tried and tried with contacting everyone from politicians to Nature groups to police to News-that is more than border line criminal.  If this were easy, it would be stopped by now.  The standard reply is no idea what you are talking about, or, it is not happening.

      I'm beginning to think it was not for nothing they picked Obama.  He is known as a constitutional expert.  The laws and loop holes are just astounding.  Welcome to our, uh, hell?  Very very frustrating!!  But it is great you have these varied properties you visit and can report back on, as well as enlighten others.  That is not easy either!  But, perhaps you will have some luck.  Have any connections?  Of use?

    2. Shirley, if you have any interest in helping to get a billboard sign up in one of your locations, please contact Dane, he can help you with the process. Billboards are a great way to spread awareness. 

  15. Thank You once again Dane – my heartfelt best wishes to you all – So with the weather modification the scum make a "killing" on the ones getting sick with their deadly medication – then we have fluoridation – vaccination – radiation – and gmo's to complete the annihilation – wait there's more – how about gun confiscation.

  16. We are Educated to "go shopping" ,"to work our bodies and look beautiful or healthy" and  "to get fun" /"to enjoy ourselves" and if we are concerned citizens we might be labeled as crazy conspiracy theorists or negative /depressed kind of people …
    Japan is going to start to capture whales again under the pretext  of a law that permits the capture  "for scientific studies" -totally insane people in a rush to destroy the planet and finish with the remaining resources and life on Earth! 
    About my last comment about the strange Fog that is happened a lot now in 2015 seems i´m not the only one questioning how natural this is ,i saw this video and the two links in the description below of the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4QI42MEF_E

    I´m still with you Dane! Spreading the word …You are a man of great honor and we have not much people like you on Earth …Take care!

  17. Letter sent to much beloved Chicago weatherman, Tom Skilling of WGN-TV Chicago, channel 9.  I won't hold my breath for a reply!

    Dear Tom,
    I would have to say that in my opinion you have to be one of the most beloved Chicago TV news personalities of all time.  I have never met you in person, but you come through as a truly genuine and benevolent human being, and you are certainly one of the bright lights on the tube in an era that is filled with a preponderance of negativity that is all too often sensationalized for the benefit of the owners of the big media conglomerates, but much to the detriment of those who are saturated by this type of programming day in and day out.  So thank you for always trying to keep it positive; you never seem to miss a beat and this is most evident during the non-scripted in between segment banter with you and your colleagues.
    Lately, however, it is getting harder and harder to watch even the weather because it has become evident to me along with many, many others that the 'proposed solutions' of SRM and SAG programs (i.e. Solar Radiation Management, Strategic Sulfate Aerosols Geoengineering) to 'climate change' are actually currently being carried out unacknowledged and have been going on for decades.
    Understandably, if a man in your position were to take on this 800 pound gorilla in the room it would be the end of your career, which I am sure after many years here in the Chicago market, is a lucrative one.   However, there is ample evidence (https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org) that these spraying programs, while capable of producing short-term cooling effects, are actually serving to exacerbate the effect of planetary warming in the long run.  Also, it is not lost on many of us that the climate change mitigation function of this spraying is only one small piece of a larger, more nefarious puzzle that appears to be the purview of our world's militaries.  Artificial creation of high pressure zones through the induction of extremely high current into highly conductive metal nano-particulated skies can then be used to manipulate low pressure zones.  This is well within the capabilities of our world's leading militaries, and weather warfare is an insidious tool to make un-compliant regimes more agreeable to the demands of those who wield this technology.  That is just the beginning, though, of what can be done with a super-conductive atmosphere.  "Iron dome" missle/plane defense areas can be created, and the efficacy of EMP or scalar weapon technologies can be greatly increased.  Think of the possibilities, but at what cost and to whose benefit?  Aluminum has long been identified as one component, along with Barium and Strontium, in some of these aerosol sprays.  Our bodies are being both magnetized and poisoned at the same time; alzheimer's and autism have both been linked to aluminum intake. 
    The photos I have submitted below represent what I was greeted with this morning here in the south suburbs of Chicago (Matteson, IL), although I doubt these will make it to air on your next photo submission segment.  Because, let's face it, they're not pretty.  They're not pics of a deer, or a beautiful sunset, no, just pure, un-distorted reality here in the Chicago area on Sunday, December 20th, 2015. 
    I know you won't touch any of this with a 'ten-foot pole', Mr. Skilling, but I can hope and at least make a plea that perhaps someday you, or someone of your status, will come out swinging for the truth on this topic.  Of course the media masters would never allow this on their broadcasts, but one day Tom, you will punch your retirement card at WGN.  What will you do when that time comes?  Will you speak out?  Or will it be too late by then?
    Whatever the case, I know that we could sure use a man like you on our team, sir.
    With Respect,
    Neil Parry
    Matteson, IL

    1. Bravo Neil, So articulate, hard hitting and to the point; all the while being very respectful and polite. Well Done Sir!!  ; )

    2. Nell, I am so very impressed.  The! perfect letter!  What a great job you did.  So finessed!  Kudos to you.  No matter what comes of it, this is bound to strike a nerve as it is so kind, flattering but not in a suck up way, so well crafted as to the issues that the man is bound to give it a fair think and maybe explore his options.  I have friends in Illinois who are not aware of this issue.  Not aware of what they are seeing.  I do hear that it is unseasonably warm.

  18. The One Percent Rallies Behind IMF Director Christine LaGarde
    Paul Craig Roberts
    The IMF’s Christine LaGarde serves only the One Percent.
    As Stephen Lendman points out below, LaGarde’s crimes have caught up with her. When she was French finance minister she ruled against the interest of France in order to benefit the tycoon Bernard Tapie. Corrupt prosecutors tried to cover it up, but the French judicial system has ruled that she must stand trial. http://www.wsj.com/articles/imf-chief-lagarde-ordered-to-stand-trial-in-france-1450373023 Despite the judicial order that she stand trial, she has not had to resign as IMF director. The One Percent protects its own. The IMF’s executive board “continues to express its confidence in the Managing Director’s ability to effectively carry out her duties.”

    * IMF Chief Lagarde to Stand Trial – by Stephen Lendman
    Charges are unrelated to her greatest crimes – representing the US-controlled IMF and Western monied interests at the expense of beneficial social change.
    The agency is a bandit operation, the loan shark lender of last resort, force-feeding economic and financial harshness on nations in return for loans – followed by new ones needed to pay debt service, an endless cycle of debt peonage, monied interests profiting hugely.
    Ordinary people suffer greatly as expected. So do debt-entrapped countries, forced to obey harsh IMF diktats – incompatible with social democracy, civil and human rights.
    Nations are strip-mined of their resources, material wealth, state enterprises, and other crown jewels – transferred from public to private hands, hollowed out into dystopian backwaters, their people able to have jobs transformed into serfs.
    Except for the privileged few, the result is the worst of all possible worlds – wracked by extreme poverty, hunger, malnutrition, diseases and early usually painful death.
    Washington got Lagarde appointed – to serve as a neoliberal maestro of misery.

  19. Hi Dane,
    Do you know if there is a connection between Google’s Project Loon (what will amount to inescapable global WiFi generated by gigantic balloons in the atmosphere – launch is January, 2016)
    and geoengineering? I’ve heard it said that radio-frequency radiation has a heat generating effect (see HAARP) and aluminum particulate matter and possibly other metals may act as conductors, amplifiers to expedite connection and as a by product produce heat? Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks for all you do.

    1. Hello Martine, yes, RF frequenccies do create the effect you described. Thank you for helping us to sound the alarm Martine.

  20. I post these descriptions from text books because I am profoundly awed by the myriad subtleties in our universe. I seriously don't believe these Dr. Strangelove mad-scientists have the slightest idea of what they are doing. I think their science is something like, "Let's try this!" In my view they are adolescents shooting marbles at Shiva, the principle of destruction.

    Plasma Physics, An Introduction, by Richard Fitzpatrick /2015
    Charged Particle Motion / Ch.2
    All descriptions of plasma behavior are based, ultimately, on the motion of the constituent particles. …of primary interest…is a magnetized, but collisionless plasma… In such a plasma, we expect the motion of the constituent particles to consist of a rapid gyration perpendicular to the magnetic field-lines, combined with free streaming parallel to the filed lines….extremely complicated…how the magnetic confinement of collisionless plasma works…in magnetic fusion and space plasma physics…
    Magnetic Mirrors: …consider how we might construct a device to confine a collisionless (very high temperature) plasma…conventional solid walls would melt…it is possible to confine hot plasma using a magnetic field (magnetic-field lines cannot melt). This technique is called magnetic confinement…most easily produced by two Helmholtz coils…[the device is called] magnetic mirror machine.  
    Van Allen Radiation Belts: Plasma confinement via magnetic mirroring occurs in nature. For instance, the [two] Van Allen radiation belts, which surround the Earth, consist of energetic particles trapped in the Earth's dipole-like magnetic field. The inner belt is mostly populated with protons…thought to be the decay of neutrons that are emitted from the Earth's atmosphere as it is bombarded by cosmic rays. … The outer belt consists of electrons…[which] originate via injection from the outer magnetosphere.

    1. Susan, Just to say, I like Shiva!  Shiva dances with one foot in this world and one in the next.  Shiva is not just destruction, like Kali. Shiva is destruction And creation, an endless cycle of renewal.

      I first found Dr. Bertell on Dane's site in a sidebar.  All her work is documented, most from the government's own papers.  I've wondered whatever happened to the two new Van Allen's she described?  Do you know?  I know that afterwards, they did some experimenting with iron, uh, filaments, like little rods, skinny, trying to create more of the Van Allen effect.  This gets more interesting if you read Dr. Herndon's book: Earth and the Dark Side of Science, in which he posits that at the very core of our earth is a nuclear fission reactor.  Which interacts with the magnetic belts.  Very interesting.

      Like you, I too think these guys, the Strangeloves, don't know what they are doing.  Which is why I'm always saying boys and their toys.  As if the Earth was one big science playground for them to use as they please.  Or, my "whatever" is bigger than your "whatever"!!

  21. One of the most infuriating aspects of the "sea ice is expanding" blather is that even some people who admit to geoengineering  use it to pretend that global warming is not happening, rather than admit the obvious: that ice is geoengineered!  How else could sea ice extent (a bogus means of measuring ice, as Dane made clear) have increased in September at a record rate, on record warm seas?  The hypocrisy alone can make me want to scream, but that is nothing compared to the fact that these idiots ignore the effect that this engineered, thin ice is having: to wit, holding in the (already excessive) heat in Arctic waters, thereby increasing the risk of methane clathrate releases.  I should say, of even more methane releases.  For the sake of shutting these disinformation artists down, anyone who hasn't read this page yet should do so: https://dev.geoengineeringwatch.org/what-are-the-climate-engineers-doing-in-the-arctic-astounding-images-and-dead-scientists/

    About the shrimp peelers:  those being exploited aren't all overseas. I worked on a shrimp line one summer in Kodiak, AK.  It was absolutely hellish.  Every other worker there was from the Phillipines, and all were obviously desperate to keep their job, no matter how miserable it was.  They were clearly in a panic that I, in my first night on the job, was slowing the line down.  It was my last night on the job; I couldn't imagine going back to 12 more hours of that (yes, they have to work 12-hour shifts), but those women didn't have the luxury of quitting.  And I don't think it was just that they wanted their relatives back home to be able to live in style.  For centuries, the way this economy has worked is that people are lured to a new region or country in the hope of making a better life, only to find that they arrive so indebted that they have no way of leaving.  Even those all-American classics by Laura Ingalls Wilder depict the creation of indentured labour on the western plains by "settlers" (invaders, really). 

    There is nothing new under the sun, except, as Dane made clear, technological breakthroughs that are allowing us to destroy everything under the sun.  I hate technology.  I have always hated it.  Noisy, ugly, smelly, toxic, and literally sickening stuff. 

    When I was a child, I wished I could have been born in the times before Europeans arrived in the Americas (except: no horses).  Now, even though horsegirl's invitation to join a sovereign native nation is very tempting, I think that "bugging out" is no longer a viable option.  Everyone, everywhere is threatened, and the best thing to do is to remain engaged in the struggle.  And to live every day fully.  Which I could do so much more easily, were there only blue skies overhead (sigh).

    Many thanks to Dane for his heroic efforts to raise awareness, and to everyone here for theirs!

    Now for something completely different.  This is one of the most concise and thorough explanations of international affairs I have yet seen:


    1. It was actually the Sioux who invaded the plains and liquidated the native tribes after they acquired spanish horses then came the settlers.

    2. "The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience.  Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.  We know more about war than about peace, more about killing than about living.  If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner"
      General Omar Bradley, US Army.  1893 – 1981.

    3. Robo, the Sioux to whom you refer did indeed come to dominate but they did not liquidate the other tribes.  So many tribes, so many.  Most of the Sioux preferred Montana and Canada and covered a wide territory.  They were tight with the Cheyenne.  Major issues with the Crow tribe and even to this day!  Hundreds and hundreds of tribes.  Many allies.  I mean that most tribes were extended families and there were rules about marrying.  Often in late summer many tribes would gather, hundreds, thousands even for a big end of year party of sorts.  That was the time for young people to find potential mates.  Well, one of the times. 

    4. I have nothing but respect for you Rachel but honoring the dead I must make the roll call of tribes annihilated by the Sioux nation. Long before the Sioux migrated to the Dakotas from the east, three sedentary tribes had settled along the Missouri River which bisects the two States.
      Of these, Mandans are believed to have arrived first. They once occupied several villages of semisubterranean earth lodges in what is now South Dakota, but had moved farther north when discovered by the explorers, Lewis and Clark, in 1804. They were a Siouan language group.
      The Mandans were a picturesque tribe who are best known through reports by Lewis and Clark. Their earliest origins are more a matter of conjecture than certainty. While Mandans were building the villages along the Missouri, another agricultural tribe, the Arikara, or Ree Indians, were also settling farther south along the same river. A Caddoan-language group originally from what is now Nebraska, the Arikaras. All 3 lived peacefully in their homes beside the Missouri until scattered in 1750 by an invading band of western Sioux. . These tribes after the full extent of the Lakota peoples migration, the Lakota could not brook competition for the buffalo land so they proceeded to wipe these sedentary tribes out. After 1830 these tribes no longer existed or were scattered to the four winds.  At varying intervals, other groups of Indians drifted west across the path of the Sioux. Among these were the Cheyennes, an agricultural tribe during their early Dakota residence. Later, after many years in which they were attacked and pursued by the Chippewas and the Sioux, the Cheyennes adopted a horse-and-buffalo way of life, becoming one of the most fierce and warlike of Northern Plains tribes. For a time, Arapaho Indians also lived in the Black Hills of South Dakota, their migration being similar to that of the Cheyennes. Kiowa, Ponca, Omaha, and Assiniboine Tribes also stopped briefly in the Dakotas, only to be driven out by the Sioux. Before the settlers came there were the Sioux

    5. Oops.  The last thing I wanted to do was to create schisms in this community.  I'm not claiming that all indigenous peoples were saints toward other humans, or that all the settlers were evil.  The salient point, in my mind, is that the dirt-poor white settlers were exploited for power and control, the natives were eliminated for the sake of power and control, and the land itself was raped and pillaged, for short-term profit.  It was a lower-tech version of what we see happening today.

      We all know we need to change course, right?  Obviously, we can't change what is already past.  Can we even make amends for any of it?  I would argue that the best way to try, would not be in any symbolic action or commemorative display or by trying to sort out the details of who did what to whom, but to change the way we live today, to treat people better and – especially – to treat the earth better.  That is going to take all our time and cooperation, and imo we should be getting on with that.

    6. Robo, much of what I said was cut off.  Wish I could discuss this with you more.  Wrong venue I guess.  Not my full answer.  I too respect you.  Seems you know a lot.

    7. Didn't mean to shut down civilized discussion!  It's just that I tend to say thinks cavalierly, sometimes causing problems. Thankfully, the tone here is much friendlier than on most activist sites.  The divide-and-conquer tactic is mostly fueled by trolls, I suppose.  And I have a morbid fear of being taken for one of those!

  22. So we know we need to take action, but how do we go about deciding what action to take? Here is a good guide to the process.  "Action is necessary to fulfill what one is seeing and knowing. Action does not have to be immediate, however, for there should be a period of contemplation. There are, in fact, three stages in the process of seeing, knowing and acting."  :

  23. The criminals that have brought this devastation will be tried for crimes against humanity and proper action will be taken by the world's courts. Make no mistake about that. It will not just be swept under the rug and forgotten.

  24. Like Marc, I have resisted discussing nuclear disasters here, thinking that we have enough on our plates with the fight against geoengineering.  Since Fukushima is now a part of the conversation, however, I'd like to share some links that I think are essential in understanding what we are really up against.  Spoiler alert: Fukushima isn't the only leading player – in fact, while the news about that catastrophe is finally dribbling out, Dana Durnford has long insisted that it could not possibly be the only nuclear plant to have undergone meltdown after the 2011 tsunami.  And Dr. Chris Busby has been trying for some time to make people realize that it wasn't depleted uranium that caused all the damage seen in Fallujah: the evidence is that enhanced uranium was used.  Finally, nuclear plants in Europe (and undoubtedly elsewhere) have been literally pouring their radioactive waste into the oceans long before Fukushima blew up and melted down.

    Happy solstice, nonetheless.


    On the use of enhanced uranium in Fallujah:


    Many important videos on the nuclear problems we face:




    1. Penny, I am so with you on this.  Nuclear all was my main interest on behalf of Earth prior to geoengineering.  It actually launched geoengineering. Given where we are headed now, I want them all shut down.  Which is only a beginning.  A huge danger given current circumstances.  Could go off like popcorn! all over the world.

    2. Probably inappropriate, but that image of giant popping corn made me smile, Rachel (and these days, I'm grateful for any reason to smile, so thank you!) 

    3. Penny, I'm glad I made you smile!  Even at such a grim scenario.  But I am serious.  I see it like this in my mind.  Given this wild weather-tornadoes where there were none, intense far ranging fires, methane and a tic toc methane burp coming soon maybe, rising seas, major earthquakes, heat, solar flares and an electrified world, this is a real possibility!  It is hard to shut these things down and seemingly impossible to deal with the waste.  I think they all should be shut down now.  We can't risk it.  We are warned that there will be a terrible back lash if/when geoengineering is stopped.  We must prepare for that even as we try to stop geo-tinkering.  Don't you think so?  There are many prominent environmentalists who are anti nukes.  Has anyone contacted any of them?  Their voices in "our" issue could really help, and combine with nuclear hell-which is their main focus.  Like Ed Begley, Jackson Browne, Fogarty, so many.  Pete Seeger if possible, there are lots and they have an established platform.  We should sound them out on this perhaps.  Might gain us a lot more attention.  Not that they have been successful stopping nukes, but they have never given up and that is what counts. For now.  

    4. Rachel, we definitely need to prepare for the worst, though i have no idea how to prepare, other than by living each day well.  I can't see myself defending "my" turf with a shotgun!  (I think I remember you having made a similar comment, some time back.)  It's hard to imagine lasting beyond any collapse – economic, climate-induced, or otherwise – precisely because it will mean massive nuclear meltdowns. 

      It's funny how so many  people seem to be able to take on just one of these issues.  Lots of anti-nuke activists are adamant that global warming is a hoax; many climate activists refuse to admit that geoengineering is a reality, etc.  There is an incredible amount of resistance to accepting that more than one problem exists. 

  25. Please watch this entire video.  You won't be sorry, I promise.  The title may look like a crazy conspiracy theory, but it is a very knowledgeable and rational doctor explaining the very real depopulation stratgegies of the elite parasites.


    Anyone who hasn't watched the movie 'They Live' since the 80s or 90s, watch it.  All through the movie, somebody was predicting the future, our present…even surveillance drones!  The elite parasites really are way ahead of us scientifically and technologically, with our money, of course.

    1. I've seen other things by Dr. Blaylock and I appreciate his Truth as much as Dane's.  My personal theory on the difficulty in getting people to look up and take notice of the siege we are under has a lot to do with the overt and covert additives in food, water, and air that Dr. B talks about.  Many people are already in a brain fog and those of us who point out aspects of our unnatural environment are routinely dismissed by the already mind controlled folks we come across.  
      I have adopted the attitude that every single day could be my last so live every minute to the fullest in creativity, love, truth and integrity.  There is nothing else.

  26. For the whole unadulterated history of the fraud that has gotten us here you should read the writings of Judge Anna Von Reitz in Big Lake Alaska. She shows 150 years of insane behind the scenes activity against Americans that has lead to all this evil destruction of the free people of North America by a small group of mostly foreign owners of corporate mercenary entities that have their mind made up that if they can't own the whole world they are going to burn it to the ground.   http://www.annavonreitz.com

  27. Dane your work is indeed vital

    as i frequent traveller i see this on a world wide scale ,massive

    its so sad to see the planet under full scale chemtrail attack,yet i try to inform peaple and sadly most seem asleep yet we cannot give in this program is worldwide i currently live in London UK and they spray 3 or 4 times a day best wishes to all Karl

  28. Rob's Rundown – Week of December 14-18, 2015
    Senator Rob Portman <no_reply@portman.senate.gov>
    Sat 12/19/2015 9:19 AM
    On Monday, U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) was joined by Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH-13), Congressman Bill Johnson (R-OH-6), and Congressman Dave Joyce (OH-14) in urging the United States Air Force to replace the Youngstown Air Reserve Station’s (YARS) 910th Airlift Wing’s current fleet of C-130H aircraft with new C-130J aircrafts to ensure that the 910th’s Department of Defense (DoD)-mandated specialized aerial spray mission continues safely and without interruption.
    “The Youngstown Air Reserve Station has become a model for other Air Reserve Stations throughout the country, but if we want to maintain this level of high performance, we must upgrade the aircraft at the base,” Portman stated. “I am proud of my strong record of support for C-130 modernization and will continue to work to ensure they have the capabilities needed to carry out their critically important operations.” The full letter can be found here. On Wednesday, Portman announced that a number of his provisions were included in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill. 
    The bill includes full funding for the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland.
    “This was a hard-fought victory for the NASA Glenn Research Center and for the city of Cleveland," Portman stated. “The Glenn Research Center not only plays a key role in NASA's mission, but is also an economic driver for the local community and supports thousands of jobs. I'm pleased to have worked to secure this funding and will continue to work with the Glenn Research Center to ensure they can remain a leader in important aeronautics and space research and projects.”
    “Clearly the proposed cut to the NASA Glenn Research Center was a huge threat to our regional economy,” said Joe Roman, President and chief executive officer of the Greater Cleveland Partnership. “Senator Portman and his colleagues stepped up and led the effort to push back on the proposed cuts and to position NASA Glenn for a successful future.  This is a big win for Cleveland and all of Northeast Ohio.”    
    Funding for the NASA Glenn Research Center is found in the Commerce, Justice, Science budget. When it looked as though NASA Glenn funding could be in jeopardy, Portman worked with House and Senate appropriators to increase the Space Technology budget providing an increased opportunity for the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland to receive much needed funding. 
    As a result of Portman's effort to secure increased funding for Space Technology, the NASA Glenn Research Center will now have access to the funds necessary to continue its Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) program, an important priority for the Glenn Research Center and NASA’s overarching mission.
    The Glenn Research Center leads the SEP project for the agency; SEP is leading the development of critical technologies to enable cost-effective new trips to Mars and to asteroids across the inner solar system, and also supports a variety of commercial spaceflight activities.

  29. Every topic you share Dane in this program deserves attention with Fukushima as primary-why it's not a global alert as in every day for the planet -still stuns me.  Because I personally can't envision a summer Olympic in 2020 with now dumping nuclear waste into ocean on daily basis-with no foreseeable end to this. An underground wall around reactors is leaning, and has cracks developing per http://www.enenews.com. Japan also has a media silenced and an international system of communication an epic failure. Although one hint is from Japan Times Sept. 3, 2015 on flesh-eating bacteria disease on the rise.This toxic shock (invades organs) has risen as thyroid cancers. The worse is yet to come  and at a level we cannot fathom.How many giant mutant fish need to populate the net/ social media ? The link I reviewed offered a situation where a mother in the Fukushima zone asked that her deformed vegetables be tested for radiation , and official refused telling her it's safe-despite beetles disfigured and dead. If citizens of Tokyo needed to evacuate, this nuclear and ever melting plant , or subject to another tsunami, WHO and WHERE can they go ? Another wave of refugees would not surprise me.  Some have been concerned about car parts, electronics, or herbs/food  as being radioactive -now global community may need to relocate maybe millions from Japan- and they will be sick as hell. What treatment can be offered at this point ? The contamination is unstoppable. All oceans are a glowing  toilet . Beach side property will likely crash in value. No fish in markets or restaurants.  Part of me wonders if some super sleeper  neuro-toxin  aerosol spray blast will make a final pass above the Japanese as if doing them a twisted  favor to end this long-standing suffering. A small country would be an easier target to " practice" on .  Military drills are done routinely , and we are informed after the fact when we catch it. Meanwhile government officials plan for hundreds more of these nuclear plants , radiation  -the real weapon of mass destruction. Now circulating everywhere. Never thought I would consider a Geiger counter purchase, yet  I would go from market to market as a part of my activism . I gave up on our local  mainstream media in northern CA due to censorship -and made myself CEO of my own  public media !  Declare it. All you need is desire for truth, maybe a camera, and a pen -to take down names and numbers of those who  continue to block and obstruct  (climate ) justice, those  that  lie and deceive, and massage research data to manipulate the masses.  Your compensation will be your  ultimate freedom from this pathological  minority trying to crush us. 

  30. We have PROOF for the claims of currently deployed weather modification programs because we have physical, documented and eye witness testimonial EVIDENCE of those programs. To not know there is something wrong with the weather and the climate means one has not been privy to the evidence or does not want to look at it or wishes to outright deny it for some irrational purpose.

    In Brisbane, Australia we have had about two days of very normal weather. As I write this, the sky is fairly blue, the closest to normal I have seen in a while. There are puffy white clouds in the sky, though they are desiccating on all of their edges, indicating the presence of aerosol particulates. Nearly everyone has forgotten that the clouds should not be desiccating like that.

    Still, I feel healthier under these 'more normal' skies. The sun was still stinging though and plenty of trees show signs of UVB exposure with top branches being leafless and looking dying or dead. Our severest of droughts still continues for most of regional Queensland and farmers are going bankrupt, suiciding and families cannot feed themselves without donations from the public. Farmers who cannot feed themselves!!! What an irony and state of disaster. The media here barely cover this and virtually all of TV is shallow, distractive drivel.

  31. Two weeks ago I was told by a local business owner that I was not welcome anymore if I continued to bring my propaganda into their store. MY PROPAGANDA. I was so shocked I didn't know what to say so I left and have not gone back. As I said in a earlier post I have been talking to younger adults who are just starting to enter the real world and starting their own families. Some listen and want to help but like me are meeting so much resistance. I fear by the time the masses wake up it will be too late. Since Thanksgiving day I can count on one hand the number of times we have seen the sun and then only brief periods of time. All my house plants are starting to wilt away. Snow one day, rain the next. Here in south central Idaho we have received more moisture in one month then we have the last ten years combined. You were right on Dane about their attempts to cool the west to deceive people that everything is normal. People here are so giddy about this winter here and not even paying attention to the rest of the country setting record highs. Thank you Dane for all you do. I will keep trying. Your friend Dan

  32. Dane,

    Have you or anyone been able to do a high altitude air sample on heavy spray days in order to analyze all chemicals in the composition? Thanks.

    1. Hello Wayne, there is much much more to taking an air sample at altitude than many would like to believe. If the sample is not taken properly, and processed properly, the test means absolutely nothing in a legal setting. We know the metals are in the air column from all of the testing we have already completed, and from other peer reviewed sources.

  33. This is one of the many flags that need to be picked up and carried;

    1. Geo-engineering of climate and weather modification and pollution  of our water and soils.  Annihilation of us all with the toxic soup sprayed from above as we breathe drink and eat.

    2. Falseflag gov dealings with other nations

    3. Falseflag gov dealings with citizens in our own country

    4. Monsatan and genetically modified organisms

    5. Tainting of All Vaccines and medications

    The list is getting to be endless.


  34. Dane, you are a gem far more valuable than any earthly mineral. Words simply can't express my appreciation for your tireless efforts.

    That said, here's what little I have to suggest in the interim before the common folks grok it and begin to take back their power, should that even be an option at this late date.

    Seeds. Save them, scatter them, sprout them, eat them. If we don't keep healthy, we die, fast or slowly. Seeds, when sprouted, have so many nutrients, and they taste good — even broccoli sprouts, which taste very little like broccoli in case you dislike broccoli.

    Now that we have solid evidence (patents from decades past, and, well, just "look up!") of geoengineering in our skies, it's imperative we eat healthy foods and drink purified water if we want ANY chance of surviving to see the apocalypse that's being rained down upon us. Pardon the snarkasm, yeah. (Have some sort of syringe on hand that delivers instant death if you can't stand the end, should you be one of those criminals who have implemented these activities that are designed to end human life, and all life.)  

    All said, I am hoping that there will be pockets of sanity that remain…yeah, and if wishes were horses… and I send blessings to Horsegirl and your people…I am so sorry for this country's criminal behavior, and, for that matter, for being born here. I'd have left decades ago if I had the funds to do so.

    Given it all, so to speak, I gladly will give it all, literally, if it saves sane people, like all you here…Thank you for helping me stay sane in this infrickinsane time. You all are shining stars for far more people than you'll ever know. Surely that counts for some serious good karma.

  35. A Reminder
    Anything that has brought a smile to your lips, joy to your heart, or a lightness to your step is a blessing.  Anything that has made your life more comfortable, has lightened your burden, or has brought warmth to your home is a blessing.  Anything that has supported your body, increased your endurance, or opened your heart is a blessing.  Anything that has made you look deeper, has expanded your understanding, or has increased your compassion is a blessing.  Anything that has tested your strength, fortified your commitment, or forced you to grow is a blessing.  Anything that has reminded you of how precious life is and has taught you to treasure your Relations is a blessing.
    The Creator reminds us that blessings are counted in the way that we choose to look at them
    Thanks Dane……………You are not alone………….

  36. I want to thank everyone who posts their thoughtful comments.  It feels good to be a part of this community.  My strength comes from this site each day.  We are not alone!  Susan Ferguson, thank you especially for all your posts and most particularly for the link to the youtube on the interview of retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson.  It is meaty indeed.  I'm off to listen once more, but not before also thanking you, Dane.  You and your family are always in my prayers.  Look what you have stirred up, and isn't it wonderful to watch it grow!!!  Knowledge is power, and there is power in numbers.  Plant the seeds of knowledge, grow numbers.

    1. Am watching & following…SO fsr away…in New Zealand, and it breaks my heart for your citizens & the sense of grief & helplessness you mudt be feeling.

      Ive learned recently that this has been occurring here also, and, so, it must be a Global Evil….It's such an ENORMOUS thing to comprehend, that how on Earth can 'we' imagine any way around it honestly ?? 

      Surely, from the evidence, it's past  'turning around ?


  37. Wow! I mean, holy mother of God! You know, as much as I angst and freak when I see these motherf**kers wantonly and glibly spraying their murderous shit over my city, I will be honest with everyone here: I long ago came to the unvarnished realization that when there did not materialize an IMMEDIATE and WORLD-WIDE EFFORT to snuff out the FUKUSHIMA PROBLEM, I knew in my heart of hearts that it was likely game-over. That Japan's "sovereignty" must be respected regarding the Fukushima disaster, and so therefore no outside intervention, that, plus TEPCO insisting it had everything under control, made for a perfect recipe for global annihilation. As apocalyptic as geoengineering is, I have long felt that Fukushima now trumps (sorry, but it's a real word) geoengineering, in terms of the real and direct threat to LIFE ON EARTH. Thus, I was glad to hear Dane place appropriate emphasis on the horror of Fukushima and as an issue we must ALL examine in greater depth. Great show. Astounding.

    1. What happened on 11 March, 2011 off the northeastern coast of Japan was no accident of nature .. it was a deliberate act, using HAARP to create the 9.1 magnitude earthquake that resulted in a tsunami that killed over 13,000 Japanese citizens. Yes, that tsunami greatly damaged the Fukushima Power Plant, but did not set off the catastrophe that followed .. the cataclysmic meltdown of the plant's reactors resulted from a computer virus (the Stuxnet Virus) inserted into Fukushima's hacked computer systems by Israel in retaliation for Japan's support of Palestinian statehood. The reactors were built to withstand the tsunami that followed the quake, but not the Stuxnet virus that ruined the computer systems that controlled those reactors.

      This catastrophe has greatly outdone the Chernobyl disaster, in that radioactive water from Fukushima continues to spill into the Pacific that's approaching the US West Coast. The Chernobyl plant was built in Ukraine, far from any large body of water such as the Pacific Ocean; yet, radiation spread to other countries in the air. The Fukushima disaster has turned much of the Pacific into a dead zone, and the highly radioactive water from these reactors still hasn't been stopped.

  38. Feeling a little like an outsider here in the discussion of fighting for the country, mourning for lost prospect, etc.  I can't quite join the party.  Hear my prayer:  that the native nations of North America – some 562 sovereign nations, I believe – live on forever.  Their land healed and revived.  And the great native American survival story which is Mexico (90% indigenous – even the CIA fact book admits but 10% of Mexico is Spanish) lives on forever.  To Hell with the "illegal immigrant" meme.  If Mexicans resemble Indians it's because they're Indians. Viva Mexico.

    And that the Nazi-inherited nation state metasticizing within the military pharmaceutical industrialist administrative aegis is thrust alive into hell fire and made a ghastly object lesson to surviving peoples forever.  I mean it.  I don't wish longevity to this industrialized travesty and its fiat currency sucklings, not a bit.  When people speak of "fighting for the country"  if it were my call I would direct US coloniaI survivors to join the native sovereign of their choice.  To work as teachers, naturopaths, grandpersons, farm counselors (their young have forgotten agriculture), whatever.  Take your pick.  Form your alliance and make peace now with the natives of your choice.  Get out of the industrialized urban milieu because it merits the destruction coming down upon it.  Many tribes beg for support, go visit them.  Don't fail to visit Navajo and Hopi country and marvel at the beauty of their society outside its cities.  Make alliances with that which has any business surviving on a healing planet post-geoengineering.  That's all I hope survives.  

    As for the nation states – every one of them – and history never smiles on nation states, not once, not ever, in the long run – gobbling up the planet, I wish them the sulfurous apocalyptic good-bye they have earned.  

    1. The native Americans tribes were no different than the Europeans who came earlier and later, the Aztecs could have been the most brutal and bloodthirsty group of people to ever have lived on the planet. I have to reject any notion that says one group of people is inherently better than another based on temporary residency. We are all in this together, I am just tired of racism. We are all in this together and no one, NO ONE gets out alive. The only hope for this planet I believe are the applied sciences we have nurtured over millenia. So many of the native tribes, such as Chiricawa practised a form of torture on their neighbors far surpassing the cruellest minds of the middle ages. the natives tribes were just as blood thirsty and given time they would have developed similar mechanisms of torture and controlled sociopathy as they were beginning to. I believe it is an injustice upon the native tribes to lump them together and believe that they were some type of earthbound people full of peace for that is not the truth. We are all in this together and what succeeds at healing the planet will be an amalgam of all civilizations of this I am certain.

    2. Robo, there are things you wrote here that I could argue, but I very much agree about how we are all in this together and being fed up with racism.  Myself, I'm fed up with racism because there is no such thing.  There are no races of people.  We are all breeds of the human race.  Racism is a dangerous misnomer.  The word itself is inflammatory.  All over the world the word race is understood to be a contest of some sort, with winners, losers and also rans.  Difficulty and danger are often implied with a race.  Racing.  We can't fix an issue that does not exist.  As soon as people grasp that there is no such thing as races of people we can begin to address this problem.  Which is cultural more than anything.  What we are talking about is fear of something different, ignorance, hate crimes.  We now know a lot about what causes hate and how to deal with hate.  The sooner people drop the word race and racism, the sooner we can begin down the right path.  In fact, I'd go so far as to say the media al continually use this word seemingly to make things worse.  Like an agenda.

      To me, the thing about Indigenous peoples is their regard for the land and all that goes with nature.  Not that they are superior in some special way, not that they are more spiritual, more elevated somehow.  It is the profound attachment to the land and the dedication to living honorably with nature.  This, I think is a mindset.  A way of thinking that is strikingly different from those who seem to have no vision, no investment or commitment to the land, other than to profit from it, not for food or shelter, but for money and power and toys, and a feeling of ownership, as opposed to guardians.

      To me it is a non binary way of thinking.  It is multidimensional.  It is very much of the moment, being very aware and present in the moment.  Which I do think a lot of people yearn for today.  

  39. Picture this:  about an hour ago I stepped out on the front porch patio facing a mile of empty desert and screamed as loud and long as possible.  Chaffed my vocal cords.  Haven't stopped bawling until grabbing this effing laptop.  Yesterday AGAIN we got chemically altered in Douglas, AZ where spraying campaigns over the Mexico/US border continue sterilizing Mexican people.  I defy anyone to find a newborn baby in Douglas despite Mexicans being hell-bent on babies as ever.  Going to fertility clinics in droves because they simply can't get pregnant.  Did I forget to mention scented toilet paper which is ALL you can find to buy in Mexico?  Think about it – scented toilet paper?  Talk about lipstick on a pig, the only purpose has to be another chemical component of the mass sterilization campaign.  Yesterday it was just a short trip into town, above which hangs a constant haboob of toxin day in day out 24/7/365 even when skies are "blue" and "clear" elsewhere.  I hate going into Douglas.  Not because of the townspeople whom I find a beautiful vestige of Mexican culture and warmth.  Rather because every damned time we get sick somehow.  Something robs me of oxygen. I'll just suddenly fall asleep.  Several times per trip if it is a long one.  More like passing out.  For reasons entirely unrelated to sleep or fatigue.  And the dust that lingers.  Mind you, in a place you nEVER see aircraft dispersing it – think they spray it down in El Paso or on the Mexican side and move it over town via GWEN or Nexrad towers, don't know.  But this morning it has caused my ovary to swell like a beach ball, I have a UTI, and am going insane because just going into town involves being hormonally sabotaged like they do to all of Mexican society.  This is making me insane.  This chemical death.  It was just sick driving home in the sunset.  You could see this massive dust cloud over the Mexican side, so thick it nearly blurred out the largest mountain around.  As if it were on fire amid "blue" skies.  "Clear" on the US side.  I just began a slide into a state of horror, the sheer horror of witnessing this.  Not a sudden blow but rather like gradually sliding off a cliff.  Then once home, I don't function well at all.  Can't concentrate.  Can't get squat done, functioning like a drunken child.  It is so sick, so insane, so obvious yet so unremarked.  Five years ago I was not screaming out like this.  I was angry about spraying campaigns, yes, commenting on blogs everywhere about spraying campaigns and listening to the duct tape scream off the roll as star trolls like Ilargi and Kos told me to shut up, but I was not totally out of control of my emotions like this.  Going in and out of what probably operates like a daily birth ocntrol pill has me on a very extreme emotional rollercoaster.  Now I am exploding.  Partly because I have no sapient company.  We have no internet here, have to go into another town to get it (the "friendly" neighbor who offered internet support didn't work out).  So I have no contact with anyone about this insane stinking Fornicating world suffocating life, a hell-matrix that beats itself blind in an effort to poison Mexico and us along with it.  I sure appreciate the commenters here.  I can't even turn to most people for support about this.  They deny it is happening.  Or just don't want to hear about it.  I am beginning to wish I were dead, between what I witness and my painful memories – particularly of childhood – I can't take it anymore.  Days like this I hate being alive.

    1. I did a real lot of screaming and yelling in the 80s and 90s when I first heard on a deep grapevine about the "massive environmental destruction" that was coming our way and nearly take down Earth.  If Earth goes, so goes Creation, was the warning.  People need to move their judgments, old conditioning and emotions, so I did.  Then I waited for everyone else to get moving.  Well, it's finally happening, everyone else is starting to do that, it's their turn now, but I think it's all too little, too late.  The next thing?  The Die-Off:  "At first it's going to look like everyone's dying, but the people who are left will find that they really do get along…"  Well, let's certainly HOPE so. 

    2. Thanks, Dane, for another frighteningly honest expose of life in the insane asylum!

      horsegirl, I think we should meet. I live north of you now, but have property between Bisbee and Douglas. I have friends who live off grid there, but we have stopped communicating because they refuse to acknowledge that anything at all is being sprayed in the sky and argue vehemently with me each time I present rational and indisputable evidence of these nefarious and all too obvious activities. The last time I met these "friends", they tried to convince me of the merits of nuclear energy! And these are folks I once deemed intelligent and aware!!! I'm sorry for your pain and and the stinking mess that has become our everyday reality, I often scream in my car or off on creature-less trails under feature-less skies! Today our sky was like something out of a freakin' horror movie, the most bizarre and scary I've ever seen it.  None of the holiday shoppers or movie goers seemed to notice a thing. And the temps are up and down without rhyme or reason, not only from day to day, but within a single 24 hr. period.

      Let me know if you would like to meet up and I can get you some contact info.

    3. Horsegirl, hello again. It is with a heavy heart and tear-dimmed eyes that I read your powerful lament. I cannot find any words to express my anguish and sense of resignation that I also feel at times, so very much like you do. I often find myself asking the Universe if this time, here on this little earth in the infinitude of space, do the BAD GUYS WIN? Really? The bad guys are going to secure their own paradise for all time here on earth?? They are going to succeed in poisoning this achingly beautiful world for all eternity while the DNA chains of countless living beings will flounder, severed and mutilated for a foreseeable future? 

    4. Horsegirl….Oh my God you are a genius savant with the written word … your emotion came through loud and clear and brought tears of recognition to my eyes also.   I can go for a while ingesting information and news about the real actual state of the world…trying to make sense of it, trying to separate conjecture from fact, fearful guesses from realistic assessments.   But underneath always is a scared little girl, a frightened and concerned grown-up (finally), and sometimes, a pretty darn sad human being…and angry.  The epic nature of reality makes Star Wars look like Mother Goose.  

    5. Horsegirl,  This may or may not be helpful in your moment of distress, but I would remind you that the real and whole Horsegirl is not her body.  You, we, are more than we see in our mirror.  The time will come, sooner or later, this way or some other, that we will all have to let go of all of this;  Perhaps now is a good Timefind peace within.  Larry


      time for letting go.  Larry

  40. Bush Military Official: The Empire's Ship is Sinking // Empire_File013
    “Today the purpose of US foreign policy is to support the complex that we’ve created in the national security state that is fueled, funded and powered by interminable war and the ramifications thereof. …a sad but realistic appraisal. …the empire is failing…”
    Published on Dec 13, 2015
    Abby Martin interviews retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former national security advisor to the Reagan administration, who spent years as an assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell during both Bush administrations. Today, he is honest about the unfixable corruption inside the establishment and the corporate interests driving foreign policy. Hear a rare insider's view of what interests are behind U.S. wars, the manipulation of intelligence, the intertwining of the military and corporate world, and why the U.S. Empire is doomed.

    1. I'm not a fan of Abby Martin any more than I'm a fan of Alex Jones, but they'll let good people speak, 98% of the time.  It's just that other 2% you gotta look out for– wake up, beware!! 

      And now, at last, are we beginning to see movement from the military, speaking up about the total insanity they are waging on behalf of their Luciferian Angel-corporate-banking-scientific "handlers?"

    2. Thank you for the heads-up, Dennie. I was not familiar with this source, and truthfully the lady interviewer seemed a bit imperious, anxious to impose her agenda – whatever that was. I found the vid on Catherine Austin Fitts/Solari. So thanks!  :o)

  41. Hello Dane
    Thank you for all you have done to sound the alarm, you are truly an inspiration. You mentioned the plans to build 60 more nuclear reactors, which is astounding considering what happened in Fukushima. We should be even more worried about China’s plans to invest in nuclear energy, as this article warns…

  42. Great show as always.  Lots of things to think about.  Yes, the level of radiation in our atmosphere is far greater than anyone knows.  I work for an insurance company.  Let me tell you about two cases I've seen recently.  A three-year-old with stage 4 brain cancer, 4 being the worst.  A 16-DAY-old baby born with cancer.  Someone asked why aren't insurance companies doing something about any of this.  Because they're making money hand over fist, that's why.  Everyone in America is REQUIRED to purchase their "products" now.  Please don't anyone ever forget that insurance companies, like governments, are just middlemen.  They use YOUR money to pay the bills, and keep as much as they possibly can for themselves. 

    1. Hello Dane and fellow sane minded people. I have been busy going to see as many city and county officials as I can get to this past week. It seems the ones I talk to are in a fog but, some are starting to come around to the truth of the insanity we are being drowned in. When I ask if they know anything about this issue and hand them a flyer and then wait for them to look at it, while I have a copy in my hand I read to them the part of the page on the top of page two starting with Government officials they seem to take notice to make them think, asking them if they knew they were breathing this chemsauce as the pilots call it, then wait for a response before saying anymore. I hope with all we here are working everyday to help wake the masses up! Thank you again Dane (no words could ever be enough to express the gratefulness I have for you). Thanks again, Rebecca

    2. Yes, One would think the insurance companies would /should be some of the most angry and outraged with the climate engineering programs. Look how many BILLIONS of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ manufactured weather disasters have cost them such as Hurricane's Katrina & Sandy, the recent bizarre flooding in South Carolina, the numerous and abnormal tornadic activity and the hideous ice/ snow storms which are artificially chemically nucleiated, loss of over 100,000 cattle in the Dakota's a couple of years ago and on and on. These companies have no doubt paid out TRILLIONS in damages WHICH SHOULD NEVER HAVE OCCURRED under natural circumstances. These people should be as pissed off as anybody over this and I have tried waking up a few agents already. This should be a sector PRIME for education on the nightmare of geoengineering. Let's wake them up folks.

  43. So few people have the smarts to grasp the clusterfunk we are in due to our sick and twisted society. To simplify your argument for the masses I would say that 'The prince of this world is the Devil himself'. How else could you explain the horrors of the last 100 years? Man has always used any discovered tool first to kill his brother, then to rape and conquer. Dane, thank you for saying what I have  been trippin' on for years, that is our Leaders are incredibly evil,  'the people' are prideful and ignorant, and Murphy's Law is immutable.

    1. Mike,  I think you may be right.  But Peace (as in Prince of) is not about this world.  Certainly we should do what we can to preserve this place, but just as certainly, we should not expect this place to be free of what you refer to as "evil.  So…  what we experience is what we think about.  Larry

  44. It's always good to hear sanity. Thanks Dane.

    I think our focus on creating a positive direction with the inevitable fall of the USA, is to reach the ones that follow the orders. We need to reach the men and women that follow the orders (taking ACTION) to the commands given by the insane powers in control. The family, and friends, I know that are police, and military, have good intentions. Strong beliefs, and denial of wrong ACTION, is very dangerous. "Just doing my job"is a week excuse at best. I do get the hair up on the family, and friends that are "Law enforcement". I know these people well enough to respect their sense of commitment. That's why I try so hard to get them to open their eyes to BEING USED. I think that if these people wake up and SEE reality, there will hell to pay for the criminals in power. I am all for supporting a grand ‘WAKE’ for all those that swore to protect our country.

    1. Once possible response to the "Just doing my job" excuse:

      One's job first and foremost should be to act with integrity and conscience.   Doing a less than ethical job just for the pay or because someone with authority said to do it will come back to haunt you for years to come.  

    2. Hi Jeff. For your friends that are in “Law enforcement” Direct their attention towards the tetra system that they’re using, which is an experiment till 2018. Barrie Trower has all the documentation/proof for all of this. He did a report on this system to the police union in the UN/england. It’s all on line for free. Police officers are getting sick with cancers. Give it a try; its a start in waking these bunnies up and hope they’ll question everything else around them.

  45. For those of you who are familiar with the Sanskrit Bhagavad Gita, surely Dane Wigington is the Arjuna of our times. Arjuna was the greatest warrior of his time. Arjuna's qualities of courage, honor, integrity, and intelligence allowed him to possess the knowledge of the ‘weapons of the gods’ which were special sacred mantras (sacred sound frequencies) used to defeat the demons. In this time of evil, totalitarian darkness, drowning in totally insane lies of confusion, the sound of Dane’s courageous voice is our Arjuna reminding us to not give up, to fight. It is simply wrong to do nothing. It’s goes against the cosmic Law of Dharma, against Nature, against our Mother Gaia. Doing nothing is a betrayal of humanity, our planet, and our own soul. Doing nothing will further corrupt us. Take heart from Dane’s endless determination, and every morning think — ”What can I do today to help to wake others up!” God Bless us all, and thank God for Dane.

    1. Back last summer when I was listening to all the past shows I decided I would do well to let my friends know and get them to think about what's happening, then DO something, take some kind of action.  One said pretty defensively that doing NOTHING was a choice, too!!  I wrote back to say that every choice has it's consequences.  If you choose to do NOTHING, YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES.  I think he sort of came out of that ridiculous position, but I could see that this is a guy who's much more comfortable burrowing back inside his cozy, safe little shell, going to work every day, hanging out with FAMILY (never mind what geoengineering's doing to them) and NOT dealing with geoengineering at all, never mind that I've been going to him for treatments so I can hold up under the onslaught of toxic heavy metals and god-knows-what-else raining on us constantly now.  Because he can't sense any of the metals, can't smell, taste or feel any of this, I'm apparently "crazy," and "overly-sensitive."  Such judgment, from a healer.  I think there's hope, but mostly, if people have NO reaction to the chem spray, they think they don't have a dog in the fight.  God help us all.

    2. For Dennie, It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's about the size of the fight in the dog. That's you, me and everyone else who is fighting hard to bring this insanity to justice. Keep banging their heads with it. Something will sink in.

    3. Stuart:  All that banging on the same heads has done is make them immune to the noise.  I mean, these are the people who are going to do NOTHING, they won't wake anyone else up, they won't take pictures of the sky, they won't stick their heads up about getting the water companies to test for metals.  Mostly they just chase after the Almighty Dollar all day long, NO interest in civic duty, NO interest in voting, and they ignore anything that reminds them, including me.  They don't write to their elected representation with links to important docs, nothing.  Mostly they say they're out at a movie with their Significant Other– JEEEZUZ, what IS IT GOING TO TAKE??? Either people get it or they don't want to get it.  You just have to move on and find people who will.

    4. Hi Dennie, I totally get what you are saying. Only this morning I was trying to explain to my own family why I was not that bothered about celebrating christmas….even after 5 years solid of me explaining to them what is currently going wrong in the world. The ignorance we are facing seems like it is insurmountable. but then, In my mind that just makes me more determined. They may seem like they have not heard you, but the guilt is eating them up inside.

    5. And Dennie, Be sure to send a Geoengineering christmas card to all those people who you know, that you have informed and do not care. So even on christmas day when you are not there….THEY KNOW.

  46. Dane, the billboards are helping because people go right to your website for info, not wiki or some of the other farce sites. People also wonder 'why would they pay thousands of dollars fighting something that supposedly doesn't exist?'  and it makes them curious. If chemtrails were not real, would any group spend that kind of money trying to fight them?  

  47. Thank you Dane for what you do. I inform people in my life about GeoEngineering. They are not listening, unfortunately. I keep trying.

    1. Never give up Julie, you must remember, you are one of life's true warriors.

    2. Don't be intimidated, Julie. Don't let the uninformed take your power away. You know the truth and you want to impart that to others.

      There is one method I've found that works to inform other people: Learn the basics of meteorology yourself! 

      For some reason I was interested in this years ago and I learned how to distinguish the different cloud types from each other, look up in the sky at any moment and identify what I saw. Learn the names: Stratus, Cumulus, Nimbus and Cirrus, as well as combinations thereof. Learn what each one does, in terms of carrying water, ice, electricity… and at what altitude they're likely to be seen. This helped me tremendously when I first became aware of the weather warfare assault above our heads. Now, whenever I bring up geoengineering in conversations in an attempt to educate people of this, I bring attention to the pattern of the skies at any moment. I point to the clouds and identify the various anomalous cloud patterns, the HAARP ripples and the wafty chemtrail fragments left in the sky from earlier spraying, later to spread into a mist. I've got to a point where I can tell them when it will next rain, in 24 to 36 hours from these cloud formations in the sky.

      People start believing you when you become informed, and I think that's what we're all here to do, as long as we understand HOW to effectively spread this awareness. I also found this useful when I get attacked by disinformation trolls and shills on various internet discussion forums; they try to debunk your statements, calling them 'conspiracy theories', by bombarding you with 'scientific' drivel that they don' expect you to know. Ah, but when you're armed with that knowledge, you can more efficiently disarm them and argue back with the truth. Knowledge is Power!


    3. I have found when I use the argument about intermittent condensation trails that people listen. I have even had the discussion about intermittent condensation trails with airline pilots, whose only response to me saying 'what, you are switching your engines on and off', is that I have a very valid point and that they will look into it. I don't believe the pilots, but at least they know people are starting to get onto them.

    4. Julie,  You're doing just fine.  Continue to plant the seeds and move on.  Don't expect a harvest the same day you plant; that's not how nature works.  Those to whom you speak about this can never again "not know".  Larry

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