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Broadcast on 2015/08/22 (AZ Time)

Source: Mrs. Green's World

Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch

I haven’t met Dane Wigington but I can promise you this. This man has a passion for what he is doing. Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR.) Trust me when I say I’ve got hours to go before I sleep doing the research on this one. Dane and his organization are creating controversy worldwide and I like that. We will find out what chemtrailing is, what is involved with carbon dioxide removal, and hear some answers to what GeoEngineering Watch is all about and why or if we should care. Please join me. This show made possible through the generous support of The Fairfax Companies.

One Response

  1. coal fly ash as a delivery system for much worse toxic waste? how about mixing in biological elements to it and dumping it over a wide area? how about waste byproducts from all the manufacturing plants for war weapons, by products of animal waste, human waste, the list is endless. these insane monsters that rule the planet see nothing wrong with dropping these things on top of the people, animals, plants and in the water. letting the living organisms recycle what the corporate interests create.  

    want to get rid of the waste product from making aluminum? dump it in the water and tell people they have to have it for their teeth. they call it fluoride. where does the aluminum go? into our air. where does the waste from fracking go? into the aquifer for people to drink. 

    how many times have people seen articles that a lab lost or dumped biological agents or viruses that ''escaped''…i doubt it escaped. i am certain they added it to the chemical soup they dump on us to let the human herd recycle for them. that it shortens our lives is an added bonus. 

    what a perfect way for them to get rid of their waste products. add it to air, water, soil, food. no more need to burn it, bury it, send it out to outer space or create expensive vaults. just put it on an airplane and drop it over the planet in small amounts. 

    these monsters do not understand that there is an accumulate affect . a saturation level where the recycling units no longer function. but then again perhaps they do understand perfectly. 

    the added bonus is the control and destruction of weather. destruction of people. creation of man made 'global warming' to get people to beg for more of the same. amazing how deep the rabbit hole goes. 

    if it isn't stopped soon there won't be much left i fear. 

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