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The event in Redding, California: Huge success, over 1,000 in attendance. Mainstream media working together to disinform the public about geoengineering. 4,000 people die a day in China from respiratory illness. Lake Michigan ice balls produce no studies, ignored by media. Is “renewable energy” really renewable? How to get involved.

8 Responses

  1. Looking up one last time early this evening, through the chem-trails, chem-clouds, white haze and dirty brown smoke from three states burning, out of the corner of my eye, a slight movement in the sky, a dark figure, barely made out, now coming closer– what IS that–?  Oh, why, it's the Wicked Witch of the West, sky-writing, as usual:
    EVEN MORE AMAZING:  The TROLLS and their paint-brushes have not yet retouched the sky behind the writing and there are NO chem trails in it at all, here's the proof:  https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=give+up+dorothy&ei=UTF-8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001  BETTER HOP TO IT GUYS, cuz we got a whole new generation coming up, and they had darned well better KNOW what the sky "really" looks like– ya KNOW?!!
    Yes, it's flattering– but you, and those minions like you, really should not be so overly "concerned" with our welfare. 
    We have our OWN Will and nothing will kill it– not evil wishes, or evil plans.  Working to right the wrongs of the oil companies, Big Bankstahs, and military-shilling War Pigs just makes people like me feel more energized and all that much stronger– guess "They" will have to hire all of their thugs to come out, hunt down and kill every last one of us– so they can, of course, live like Kings, in a dirty, polluted, irradiated, lifeless, overheated world where there is no water, no birds, no trees, no shade, and no friends– humanity, after all, we're being told, just ain't worth savin–"  HAH!
    WE will decide when it is time to take a rest. 
    And all you shills and trolls, here's a little freebie:  YOU surrender!!!!!!

  2. Dane,

    I always meant to call into your radio show to say the following:

    You are one in a billion. Your moral character is peerless.

    If the world were filled with Dane Wigingtons, we would be doing just fine, but alas, you are only one in a billion, and there are 6 billion more of us who aren't like you and as a result, here we are with a world so screwed up it hurts to think about it.

    Humanity is not worth saving. You know this. You see it first hand. People like Chris Martenson have come to grips with this with the realization that if all goes wrong and we decimate ourselves the world will go on and in a few billion years we'll have a new cast of characters. C'est la vie.

    You always say so long as there's breath in your lungs you will keep up the good fight, but the fight is already lost. We've made our beds, should we not lay in them? Should we not let nature take its course with the hope that that next cast of characters are a little more evolved and enlightened and as a result will not let what is happening to us happen to them?

    Embrace justice, save your breath, and for heaven sakes, get some rest. Stop bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders! You've fought an amazing fight but this was never a fight that could be won by only one in a billion. It's time to put down the sword and get a well earned break from the battle. We've destroyed our world and the future is out of our hands now. It's time for us to reap our punishment, and for our hero — Dane Wigington — to get some hard earned rest.

    1. Hello Jason, thank you so much for your message of support, but I must respond with this, I am only doing what any caring father and decent human being should do. I grant that the majority of our species is shirking their responsibility to the common good, but we must never allow what they do (or don’t do) to prevent us from fullfilling our obligation to the whole. I will grant also that the horizon looks dim indeed, but it is not yet black. Who can say what good we may yet accomplish even at this late hour? Who can say what allies we may have that are not yet known? Who can say what circomstances may fall in our favor that at the moment seem outside the realm of possibility? The only thing any of us truly owns is our will. The correct use of that will is our responsibility till the end, no matter what trials we face, no matter how long the odds. If we all remain at our respective posts, and continue to sound the alarm, we may yet alter what would have been into what may yet be.

  3. Hello, Everyone.  Thank you for being here.

    The Aug. 14th event was extremely professionally done!  Thank you so much, Dane.  You are a marvel.  Also, a huge thanks to the many volunteers that made it work.  I had no idea this community was so large.  That realization has given me the much-needed courage and motivation to take action.

    I just left a message on Silas Lyon's phone asking about Record Searchlight (lack of) coverage.  It was a truly significant event, and the lack of coverage on their part is astounding!  I put myself through college working at the student newspaper in a similarly sized town.  I would have JUMPED at the chance to cover a well-attended event on such a compelling and relevant subject.

    I'm headed to the local post office to put Dane's full-color flyer on the bulletin board, with my name on it as the poster.  This is important in a small town, as folks might be quick to ignore it or even remove it if no one claims personal responsibility for bringing this to their attention.  I have a great excuse if someone accuses me of being crazy:  I've just been diagnosed with meningioma (non-cancerous brain tumor).  At the age of 53, I also have "moderately advanced brain atrophy," according to the MRI.

    I've always been active and mentally sharp.  You may have seen me on some of my many solo, self-supported bicycle tours throughout CA, OR, and WA state between 1994 and 2014 (an estimated 30,000 miles all told).  I rode all those miles to witness and appreciate the absolutely astounding beauty of the west, rather than pass it by cooped up in a motor vehicle.  The current rate of environmental decline brings me immeasurably deep sorrow.

    My next target:  naturalists and the superintendent of Lassen Volcanic National Park, the park in my backyard that is being DESTROYED by geoengineering.  This must be stopped before there is, literally, nothing left!–Jan Becker, Mineral, CA

  4. Although I understand your frustration with Blog Talk Radio, I'm sorry to hear this will be the last radio show. I have learned a lot, since first learning of SRM in May 2015, by downloading the MP3 files and listening to them while doing chores.

    I hope your new audio endeavor will include an MP3 download!

    1. Hello Natalie, I will continue to do a solid hour of commercial free frontline update every week. It will be posted on Saturdays as this is the day the commercial free hour is aired throughout Northern California on KQMS. Thanks for your support in this battle Natalie.

  5. Michael C. Ruppert used to say that most people just want more of the status quo:  Cruises, furs, fancy new cars, fancier houses, vacation homes in vacationland (that's being burned to the ground in the state of California, nothing left, even as I write this); mean while,  the state has NO water, agricultural enterprises are coming to a screeching halt, and all people want to do is watch movies, sports and go on "vacation–" Like, when do WE get a vacation from the destructive insanity that is now the "norm" here? 

    The monkeys with their hand stuck in the jar are caught in the prison of their own greed-based twisted thinking.  They will be lucky if they actually see that the way out of the nightmare is to LET GO of the poisoned fruit that most of them willfully won't release, and will be caught when the various "fires" of massive environmental destruction sweeps through their gated communities.

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