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How is it that people don’t notice the dying trees? Using “experts” to continue public denial. Heat index in Iraq near highest ever recorded. Is “green” energy really green? Cultural hypocrisy at an all-time high. 90% decline in aquatic and insect life in Shasta county! Mercury in teeth, light bulbs, and soil. Science for control. How to get involved.

4 Responses

  1. Many of us know what the problems are. The solution is to LEARN how to turn the corrupt leadership around and then SHARE this information/education with as many people as possible. All of us have flaws, we must identify what they are and remove them from our character. How? We must educate ourselves in The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program.


    We have the solutions to all the worlds problems. By ADDING MORALS (PERFECT RULES that are proven to work 100% when applied) to our flawed CHARACTER. Our character is made up of a combination of principles (rules, positive/moral or immoral/negative) and beliefs (in these rules) that dictate/guide our BEHAVIOR. The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program will show/teach everyone which rules to USE when dealing with problems, in a way that will not bring harm to anyone nor to our ENVIRONMENT. You will realize that these morals (perfect rules) are without flaw. You will learn to negate the negative/flawed choices and accentuate the positive/moral choices. When we learn, develop, and maintain/use/protect these morals (offered in The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program) in our daily communications and interactions with others, THEN WE WILL have changed our corrupt CHOICES (decision making process) to one that is RESPECTFUL of all HUMAN LIFE and RESPECTFUL of our ENVIRONMENT. We will be ready to TEACH/SHARE this awesome knowledge with as many people as humanly possible!

    This is how we are going to take over the unhealthy leadership that's in place today, thru education and application of The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program:)





  2. Dane and gentleman, I've been on your site for nearly a month now and believe in this 100 percent as I've talked to a few people in the early goings I was looked at as a fool. That's OK, I don't mind though, is their anyone in the Detroit area that's been on board I could get some advice from to carry on this fight. Great radio show of knowledge just not maybe the outcome. PS, I believe it was Friday the 7th of August I witnessed spraying close up for 3 hours as the area was under great attack. Can anyone help with someone in the Detroit area as a mentor and or ideas. Thank you Michael196138@gmail.com

  3. It makes every bit of sense to me that remote-controlled DRONES would be the perfect way to execute the spray programs, because WHY on Earth would you hire actual pilots to spray this crap, when you have to pay them, they might sue you for damages later from the poison they were employed to disseminate, AND– they talk??  We already know that the technology exists, it seems it would be cheaper not to have to employ actual pilots, and safer, too, as unmanned drone jets are dumb, literally.. as in THEY CAN'T TALK– why would you take any other chance?

    I get reeeeally ticked off when you get people saying that nothing matters on Earth, we all die anyway, everything here's just temporary, might as well not get too worked up about what's going on– well that's just an example of the Death Wish that too many types have been allowed to come here with, so I say they get their wish-come-true and just GO.  And, please, don't come back here again, declaring that all of this is just temporary and the rest of us will be gone soon enough.  Sheesh.  That is really an ungrateful thing to utter, making it's way to God's ears.

  4. How can we bring this People (the ones responsible for geoengineering global and local programs without our knowledge or consentment) to justice ? how can justice be made if this people are the same that do the laws and change the same laws according to their needs/agendas,if  they are the same that rule the courts and pay judges and lawyers and all sort of  public/private institutions and that can manipulate the verdict/or the lawsuits  the same way is manipulating the world and the social Media and continue denying the facts/evidences about geoengineering programs already taking place in our skies/world .What can we expect from such a well orqchestrated  corrupt system under the label of legality ? We would need more than a few aware people full of good intentions ,we would need to "wake up" the right people (people with some Power but with some capacity to resist to the corrupt  system – but those usually ended bad like john kennedy (and he hold then the highest position of President of the higest Nation ),bobby kennedy (killed almost imediatly) and many others that had the same "finale "(like that senator you talked about that died with his family in the plane disaster ),that´s why i don´t ask you Dane  to run for elections of any sort cause or you would have to become corrupt like them or you would end dead sooner than later!

    Of course that while our biosphere is getting worst and collapsing the lies just will grow bigger proportionally to the growing chaos and environmental /social/economical  /financial disasters -No surprise if their  intention  is to hide the true serious  situation of our collapsing world .

    How many people are really willing to change ? have you notice that everything is not so green as people think (is almost like relying in the light products we eat ),everything pollutes a lot more than what this planet could stand at this point now,if that is true and no energy system  seems to be sustainable at a large scale what would be their intention/goal  (of those in Power)? maybe reducing the scale  to carry on with their BU (business as usual ) and maintain some sort of "Civilization"  ? In my opinion would be imperative as their first goal the population control and population reduction -let´s not be naíve ! and of course that they don´t care about unborn children if they don´t care about the destiny of these same children(many are just to become snipers/ fighers/killers  and become soldiers ) and how they care if they are "offering" those children all kind of poisons ?Their goal is not to save human lives ,their goal is to reduce us silently in wars ,in misery ,in deadly migrations ,in slavery conditions of life and their major first goal is to first to take everything from us ;our land ,our house ,our job ,in one word :our total dignity and ways of self-survival meanings(no garden to eat from will be aloud to us in our backyard ,restrictions of water will be our certain  reality in a near future) .First they started from Africa and middle east and now will be the time for south Europe and later the fate of these more poor countries (distant realities for richer countries that they just see the drama on tv ) will be their (richer countries)own fate ,nobody should have any other expectations cause they(those in Power) don´t care about their own  people and we just became (more than ever) numbers to them! That´s  why the pain of others should be our own pain today cause we will be no much longer comfortable on our sofas watching TV news as if it was a  drama documentary that is far from happening to us .The problem is not with who migrates but with who took everything from this Peoples leaving to them  only endless wars ,hungry ,sickness and death in their own countries and all in  the name of a supposed freedom and democracy that never existed and never will  cause the main goal of Power/oil/gas corporations etc. is never mentioned as the real cause for wars and revolutions.Dificult to change a world where people chose to be blind when it´s more convenient to them ! I understand people´s fears about the future and security of their families/nations etc. but we just can achieve real security by fighting what is wrong from  the root ;this difficult task will have to  be made sooner or later when there will be no place and no chance to escape anymore  cause it will be a problem that will knock every people´s door (populations from all countries  ,scientists ,county representatives   ,senators ,Private /public servers ,deniers ,militaries  etc )…I just hope i´m wrong cause from here i´m already seeing the picture/the agenda  gaining form …and i bet many people are seeing the same picture in their own countries if they happen to be more watchful…California seems to be a sacrifice zone as you say Dane !above all  must be a very coveted land  for those in Power!Gobless you all Dane ,Russ and Doug for your work ,i hear all your emissions here in this site…

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