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Dane Wigington

Societies around the globe have, in general, been trained and conditioned to believe their governments exist for the benefit of the people. This conclusion could not be further from the truth in most cases and under most circumstances. How many times have we been told "if the government is doing this (geoengineering, for example), it must be for our own good". Such a statement is rooted in delusion, denial, and fear. Governments around the globe are nothing more than state sponsored crime syndicates. These cabals of power are concerned with only one objective, power and central control over the populations on which their empires depend. 

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The true cradle of power in the world is located within the small circle of unelected central bankers, this is a verifiable fact that is not difficult to confirm for any that take the time to do any objective investigation. The money printers control every aspect of society, including the military. Those who wield power are masters of manipulation, psychopaths literally rule the world. Populations must be awakened what is unfolding, time is not on our side. The 15 minute video below is a brilliant exposé central authority paradigm that will be our end if it is allowed to continue in it's current form, it is worth ever minute of the time it takes to view it. 

It is imperative for populations to wake up and face reality, the gravity and immediacy of what we face cannot be overstated. DW

13 Responses

  1. Dear Reader,
    Every day I hear or read something that concerns humanity only for the worse. None of it is encouraging at all, in fact I stopped watching the media because all of it is programmed to influence our consciousness and make us fear the unknown.
    However, when a human being begins to think for oneself, he/she realises that that they are not powerless regardless of how much bad is out there. Therefore, I only want to give a small idea to all the readers here who trust their inner knowing – those who realise that they have a conscience. This conscience is too often ridiculed because it is IT that guides us everyday, it is also the voice of our spirit. As long as people deny the existence of their inner power and the power of their spirit, religion will control the mind because absolve themselves of their own power. We are individuals and we are one humanity, on this planet and we must come together to defeat the negativities that hold us back from progress in all facets of our life, including the development of our spirituality.
    I want to bring to your attention the ONE problem that causes all of our humanity woes – it is the problem of OVER POPULATION! We are 8.5 Billion, surpassed the 7 billion years ago, regardless of the fact that the cia still holds to this number. 
    I believe that people must take parental responsibility onto themselves and educate the families in this respect. The Pope didnt quite say it so clearly or else he would loose his head, but he was very close. 
    Jobs are vanishing and too many apply for the same position, so who gets the job? the smart one or the dumb one who can be easily controlled? 
    If you are interested to know the truth of our earthly matters why not go directly to the source, the powers that be get their information there themselves – http://www.figu.org,  www.futureofmankind.co.uk   and http://www.theyfly.com 
    is not complicated but it is not pleasant especially when we continue believing that we will be ok with the global leaderships we so called elected.
    Please share and open your minds.

    1. Are you one of the 1%? This humble little planet could support 20 billion IF it wasn't for the small elite that want to own it all. Government, corporations(medical, agricultural, military,etc.) and banksters are trying desperately to starve and thirst out the 6 billion of their fellow human beings. In stead of spending millions on storing their paper money on "oil on a rag" painting couldn't they spend just a little to help their fellow humans? But hope onward, God will soon clean up our sorry mess! Read Matthew chapter 24. God bless.

  2. In every group of 100 people there are several who will wake up to this information. It is for them that we must keep spreading information as much as possible.

    I work in the health industry and it is amazing how many of my coworkers have never heard of the likes of Monsanto, let alone subjects such as Geoengineering, or the centralised global banking cartel and so on. They are totally unaware of the issues that are very much at hand.

    History, as we have been taught in school, is basically a entire tract of lies and apparently some northern European nations are already considering scrapping History altogether from their curriculum. Why wouldn't they do this? The next best thing for them other than the wrong history is no knowledge of any history.

    But I introduce these topics to others, so that when things become very apparent they may look back and remember something of which I mentioned and possibly act then. The MSM is doing its best to showcase irrelevant News articles because this keeps everyone ignorant of more important issues and keeps the general population seeing the need for exercising their capacity for critical thinking.

    Humans are adept at problem solving, but the problem has to be apparent for us to recognise a need to solve something. Hence, Geoengineering is hidden from public consciousness and its acceptance by the general public is currently being created through subliminal/unconscious reinforcement via the placement of engineered skies in mass media images.

    It is a huge gamble on the part of those carrying this out. I am sure they recognise its possible failures, but they suffer from the compulsion to do this to its end. It is a supra-generational effort that requires megalomaniac egos that imagine they will live on in these deeds long after they are dead.

    Of course none of it will work out as any of them may hope. The chaos they are creating will be beyond their control, but the logic of this will not appeal to them because of their Personality Disorders. Like it or not, most likely we will have to use force of some type to stop this from happening. I don't imply violent force, but force of public outrage in all of its various forms will have to leverage itself against the machine that is set in motion.

  3. To all readers: Please take the time to view these important topics, for they go far in explaining the current situation.
    World Bank Whistle blower Karen Hudes joins Gary Franchi in studio to reveal the truth about the secret US Constitution introduced in 1871.
    Published on Apr 1, 2014
    Karen's interview segues right into this even more interesting interview. >
    Do You Know About The Act of 1871?
    Constitutions do not fail the people. People fail to uphold Constitutions…
    – Paul Vonharnish –

  4. I recommend this film that deals with the Iran Contra scandal and the incredible narcissistic, psychotic testimony and admission of a dark corporate cartel that has no governance whatsoever. This topic isn't new, the only difference is that the news channels and reporters are no longer able to report on it.
    Must watch film: The Secret Government Bill Moyers 1987

    1. Hello Steve, it had to happen given the conditions we now have. Extremely warm slow flowing streams that are filled with the fallout of heavy metals (and whatever else they may be spraying) from climate engineering. This is just the beginning.

  5. The US has had a serious problem with central banking since at least 1791. For instance Andrew Jackson killed the Second Bank of the United States.
    If you can end the Federal Reserve you will also end the ability of the US to wage war, including SAI.

  6. I have traveled to many places to see what is reality! Truly what Dane says is dire! All must wake up and face reality! There is no overstating the gravity of, and immediacy of what is before us all! I want to enjoy time with family! GOD speed to one and all! 

  7. Dane's statement, contained in this article, The true cradle of power in the world is located within the small circle of unelected central bankers is the "bottom line" and no further investigation or commentary is necessary, save this… The Rothschild family established their Control of the banking business in the 1760s.  That Global Control continues to this day with the Rothschild's and their fellow travelers of Central Bankers.  (Mafia par excellence)    

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